analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead ‘NME’ being in bold red capitals stands out and amplifies it on the white/grey background. It also ties in with the red/yellow theme with the main heading being ‘THE LIBERTINES’ following the Reading and Leeds Festival colours showing straight away to the audience what the issue is about. The mode of address from this front cover we can tell is obviously ‘The Libertines’ fans or more so people who are attending Reading or Leeds Festival. The skyline and subheadings help entice and target the magazine at a bigger audience. The main image is a mid shot of the band ‘The Libertines’ looking straight at the reader giving a direct mode of address or an eye line match making the reader feel special. Also indicates to the reader that this issue is about ‘The Libertines’. This magazine also uses Buzz words such as ‘first’ and Teasers such as ‘First report from Albert Hall show’. This techniques are primarily used to entice and make the reader that they are getting the best they can out of this magazine.

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Post on 13-Jan-2015



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Page 1: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead ‘NME’ being in bold red capitals stands out and amplifies it on the white/grey background. It also ties in with the red/yellow theme with the main heading being ‘THE LIBERTINES’ following the Reading and Leeds Festival colours showing straight away to the audience what the issue is about.

The mode of address from this front cover we can tell is obviously ‘The Libertines’ fans or more so people who are attending Reading or Leeds Festival. The skyline and subheadings help entice and target the magazine at a bigger audience.

The main image is a mid shot of the band ‘The Libertines’ looking straight at the reader giving a direct mode of address or an eye line match making the reader feel special. Also indicates to the reader that this issue is about ‘The Libertines’.

This magazine also uses Buzz words such as ‘first’ and Teasers such as ‘First report from Albert Hall show’. This techniques are primarily used to entice and make the reader that they are getting the best they can out of this magazine.

Page 2: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead ‘KERRANG’ has been covered by the main image which takes up the majority of the page showing the importance and significance of the image to the reader. By covering up the masthead it indicates to us that it’s regular customers who buy ‘KERRANG’ so they don’t have the importance to show the whole masthead. The main image is an eye line match or a direct mode of address to the reader, enticing the reader and making them feel special.

This magazine uses lots of techniques in attempt to draw in and grab the readers attention, they use techniques such as; Buzz words ‘PLUS!’, Teasers ‘THE INSIDE STORY’, slanting story to give the cover a quirky look, skyline to give extra exciting information, Graphic features such as smaller images to give an insight to the reader and finally puff and pull techniques.

The mode of address is quite obvious for this magazine issue. Firstly ‘My Chemical Romance’ fans have been particularly targeted along with any other music that fits along with that genre.

Page 3: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead on this magazine cover is ‘METAL HAMMER’ yet ‘ARCHITECTS’ could be mistaken for the masthead as it’s in the same font and a very similar size. Moreover the masthead, main heading and main image all keep in touch with this issues red/orange fire theme immediately grabbing the readers attention.

This magazine cover uses techniques to amplify itself to the audience such as; Buzz words ‘WIN’, Pull quotes ‘The MORE PEOPLE HATE, THE STRONGER WE’LL BECOME!’, and Teasers such as ‘HOT LIST 2011’.

The mode of address for this magazine is obvious. It’s a regular niche target audience of heavy metal music lovers. The subheadings and skyline show to the niche market that they can exactly cater for there needs with what’s inside.

The main image is a close up taking up the majority of the front cover. The man is looking straight out to the audience giving them a direct mode of address and an eye line match grabbing the readers attention. By putting the image and text onto a black background it immediately stands out to the reader jumping of the page at them.

Page 4: Analysis of music magazine covers

The bright red masthead stands out straight away to the audience indicating what magazine it is. With this being the only red on the front cover it immediately stands out and is one of the first things you look out.

This front cover uses techniques such as; Graphical features ‘ZANE LOWE’, Buzz words ‘NEW’, and Pull Quotes ‘I FEEL SO ALONE’ all to grab and pull in the readers attention.

The mode of address is not completely specific with this magazine. Although we know it’s targeted at music lovers, it targets a large range of music lovers from indie rock such as ‘Florence and The Machine’ to X Factor mainstream Simon Cowell. Showing this magazine has to cater for a very large musical audience.

The main image on this front cover is a very poignant image it’s an extreme close up, also giving the reader an eye line match and direct mode of address. By Florence wearing blue eye shadow it ties in with other subheadings etc. Going on around the page drawing them to the readers attention.

Page 5: Analysis of music magazine covers

The classic red ‘RollingStone’ masthead immediately grabs the reader. With this being pretty much the only red on the page it really jumps out to the reader straight away. Also by giving the masthead shadowing at the back it makes it look 3D it really does jump out at the reader.

The main image on this page is a close up of Adele, who is a very popular artist and also very well known attracting the readers attention. By Adele looking straight out through the page giving an eye line match and direct mode of address it immediately connects with reader making them feel significant.

By using sub-headings, it gives an insight to the reader of what is inside the magazine, hopefully making them want to read on. This front cover also uses ‘Buzz words’ such as ‘PLUS’ and Teasers such as ‘THE MOST HATED GIRL ON THE INTERNET’ to entice the reader.

The mode of address is not extremely clear with just Adele on the front as a range of music lovers like her. Yet as we look closer at the magazine the Skyline say’s “BEST OF ROCK 2011” indicating to the audience that this weeks issue is directed at rock lovers.

Page 6: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead for this contents page is ‘INSIDE THIS WEEK’ which is a less formal way of saying ‘contents’, keeping it cool and quirky perfect for there target audience. The masthead is in black leaving the color's of the pictures doing the talking and jumping out to the reader. Furthermore all font on the page is in black, but to emphasize points they have either made the text bigger/ different style font/bold or in italics, making the page more interesting for the reader.

This contents page is very visual for the reader. Large images are used to entice the reader then with there big bold page number to the right of them the reader can jump straight to that page. Yet if the images don’t do enough talking, each image has a pull quote beneath it to entice the reader and then a short Teaser to quickly sum up what the article’s going to be about. The main image on this page is image 23, it’s in the centre and is the biggest immediately telling the reader that this is the main article for this weeks issue.

This layout isn’t very complex yet is quite quirky and cool trying to tap into there target audience. With different style fonts and different style images scattered around the page it’s not the neatest or most sophisticated layout yet it still has all the information needed. As well as the main images and information on the page, the contents also has a ‘PLUS’ column showing to the audience what else they have to offer.

Page 7: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead for this page is ‘CONTENTS’, yet the masthead from the front cover has been carried through trying to keep a recurring theme of Q advertised on each page. Moreover contents has been put onto a black background with white font to really stand out to the reader.

Many text types, fonts, and colours have been used to make this contents page interesting for the reader. Firstly we have ‘CONTENTS’ as the largest font on a black background to immediately jump out to the reader. We then notice the ‘REVIEW’ is in the same font, same black background etc. yet just smaller. The review is like a smaller contents page on the contents page, it has it’s own rectangle of information with page numbers, headlines and descriptions using graphical features such as the image to entice and give the reader an extra pocket of information. Furthermore ‘FEATURES’ and ‘EVERY MONTH’ have been put onto a red background with white font to grab the readers attention subtly, they then have bold headlines and descriptions beneath them with bold red page numbers to show the reader exactly where to go. Finally this month they have an ‘OASIS SPECIAL’ to emphasise this point to the reader it’s been put in a thin bordered box with gold writing and gold page numbers to indicate to the reader how special and rare it is.

The main image on this page is a wide shot of the band ‘THE COURTEENERS’. The image takes up the majority of the page and will most probably be one of the first things the reader see’s, by the band all looking straight at the camera it gives a direct mode of address to the reader making them feel significant. Beneath the image it has a pull quote and page number so you know exactly where to got to.

Page 8: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead for this page is ‘CONTENTS’, with ‘METAL HAMMER’ above reminding the reader that this is Metal Hammer magazine. ‘CONTENTS’ has been put in black font on a white background to immediately jump out to the reader, with a Mental themed font to really tap into there niche target audience. The same font has been used throughout the contents page to keep the same theme flowing. The only times it hasn’t been used is for larger pieces of information such as descriptions and the ‘Editors Speech’ so it’s easy for the reader to read. Different colour font has been used throughout the page to highlight key points to the reader and make the page more interesting and exciting for the audience.

Many images have been used on this contents page to entice the reader and make the page really jump off the page at you. Images have been used with no description just a page number to let the picture to completely do the talking to the reader. Furthermore text boxes have been used holding little pockets of information with pictures to try and advertise/make the magazine look more exciting. The also use graphical features to try and connect with all there target audience.

The layout for this contents page isn’t very sophisticated, which has been done on purpose to try and tap into there younger audience. Yet although on the surface it looks quite messy, it’s been carefully crafted to make sure they have all the key points in there. They also have the editors speech about the magazine , to make the reader feel special as if the magazine has been made for them. The colour scheme is kept within red, black, white and bits of yellow (to highlight points) – the colour scheme reflects a very heavy rock theme, which is exactly the target audience they are going for.

Page 9: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead for this page is ‘CONTENTS’ in a bold yellow font on a black background so it really stands out to the reader. Which is then followed by ‘THIS WEEK’ on a yellow background with black font so the opposite to contents. Which is then followed by smaller sub-headings breaking up the magazine into sections for the reader, making it easy for the reader to navigate there way around.

The main image used on this page takes up a larger majority of the page making it one of the first things the reader will see. The main image is then surrounded by graphical features which are smaller images. Each image has a page number, a headline for the image in bold and then a description if the reader would like to find out any more about the image.

The layout for this image isn’t very complex it’s got all the key areas that a contents page needs and is laid out in an orderly fashion so it appeals to the target audience yet is still easy to navigate around. It also has extra parts to entice the reader such as a speech from the editor to make the reader feel significant and as if the editor is talking to the reader.

Page 10: Analysis of music magazine covers

The first word that comes to mind when you see this magazine cover is classic. Firstly the masthead ‘CONTENTS’ is put into a bold red box at the top of the page clearly stated to the reader. A royal red is used for the background so that the contents stands out to the reader but is not so in there face and manages to maintain the classic theme of it all. Furthermore down the right hand side of the contents page is sub-headings breaking down the magazine for the reader. Each subheading is in the royal red with a greyish background to keep the theme running. This week they have a special edition to the magazine which is ‘YEAR IN REVIEW’, in a yellow tinted box just below the masthead so it stands out to the reader, and signifies to them that this is special.

There are three images on this contents page and there isn’t a specific main image. Each image has been separated by about a cm so that it keeps the theme and doesn’t make it look cluttered. Also each image has a small description in white writing, towards the right hand side of the image – by using white subtle writing it keeps the theme of the magazine and doesn’t overwrite and ruin the image.

Although this is a very simple layout it keeps the theme flowing nicely and doesn’t look cluttered at all. They have all the information they need on there to entice the reader. You can tell this is more a classy or one off magazine most probably aimed at an older audience by it’s rich, classy, classic feel to it.

Page 11: Analysis of music magazine covers

There is one main image on the double page spread. The image is of the band ‘THE VACCINES’. The image takes up the whole of one page and about a 3rd of the second page, this has been done primarily for the audience to connect with the band and get a real feel for who they are seeing as this is there first interview for NME and they are just starting out and are getting recognised. By the lead singer standing at the front closest to the camera it allows the audience to recognise him as the lead singer and the he plays the main role in the band. Each band member is looking directly at the camera giving a direct mode of address to the reader, and for the reader to feel they’re looking at them.

The masthead for this double page is obviously ‘THE VACCINES’. By having it in big bold font you immediately understand that it’s the name of the band and this double page is primarily done on them. Directly underneath the masthead is a little bit about the band hopefully enticing the reader to read on. Also within the text is a pull quote, “We are a pop band and we want to be a pop band” ‘JUSTIN YOUNG’. By putting this pull quote in bigger font and in blue it immediately will draw the readers eyes to it, in the home that the reader will like it and want to read the article.

The layout of this double page is very simple and isn’t very busy at all. They’ve do this to focus all the attention on ‘THE VACCINES’ and nothing else. By having a very large image immediately the audience can identify with them along with the very large masthead. The colour scheme for this double page isn’t very vibrant so that your focus doesn’t fly all over the place. Bits of blue have been placed all over the place to connect everything together, making sure the audience understands it’s a double page spread. Furthermore they’ve used blue to make it a bit more vibrant, as the photo is quite bland keeping the focus on the boys faces looking at the audience instead of what they’re wearing.

Page 12: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead for this page is a pull quote, from Gerard Way lead singer of My Chemical Romance – “I REMEMBER SAYING, ‘IF WE NEVER DO THIS AGAIN, THANK YOU’…”. By having this as the masthead we can immediately tell that the audience is meant to know who Gerard Way is and they don’t need to say anywhere near it in bold or different colour that he’s the lead singer of My Chemical Romance. By having a pull quote it should immediately want the reader to read the article and entice them in even more.

There is one main image on this double page spread. We can immediately identify that it’s Gerard Way by the ‘pull quote’. Yet the editor presumes that the target audience will immediately know who he is. Furthermore the image is in the middle of the page breaking up the text showing that he is very powerful and that this article is all about him and his band. Furthermore Gerard is looking at the ground, normally the main image is giving a direct mode of address to the audience. Yet the audience already identify with him enough that they don’t need too.

The layout for this double page is very simple and minimalistic yet it stands out to the audience. The three main colours used in this article are red, white and blue.. Three very significant colours. By putting all of this onto a black background it really stands out to the audience, especially the article being in white makes the text clear and cut. By Gerard wearing red, white and blue and even having red hair! He immediately fits in and doesn’t look out of place in the middle of the text. By starting each paragraph with red bold font it brightens up the article and doesn’t make it boring for the audience.

Page 13: Analysis of music magazine covers

The layout for this page isn’t particularly tidy, yet this has been done on purpose to try and identify with the audience. Yet there are subheadings to categorise the guitarists making it easier for the reader to navigate there way around. By putting the main text on a white background with black text it really stands out the reader, also by putting the names of the guitarists at the start of the text in red really draws the reader in. this double page spread also uses other techniques to grab the readers attention, such as pull quotes, plugs and graphic features.

The masthead for this article is ‘THE ART OF SHREDDING’ immediately telling the reader that this double page spread is going to be on guitars. By putting it onto a black background it really stands out to the reader. Also by having blood splatters on ‘THE ART OF SHREDDING’, it plays on the word ‘SPLATTER’ and shows this article isn’t for the faint hearted as such and shredding’s a hard task. Underneath the masthead there’s a little pocket of information to entice the reader to read the article, with a picture of the guitarist next to it, this also indicates what the article is going to be like for the reader.

There isn’t a particularly a main image on this double page spread for each guitarist there has been an article on there is a picture with a description beneath, this creates imagery for the reader and they can also get to know some famous guitarists. By using guitar picks and amp plugs cleverly placed around the page it immediately shows the reader that this is purely a ‘guitar based’ article and also makes the article more interesting for the reader.

Page 14: Analysis of music magazine covers

The masthead for this double page spread is ‘OUTCOME the FREAKS’. Automatically telling the reader that this isn’t your everyday article. By putting emphasis on ‘OUTCOME’ and especially by putting this in the biggest font ‘FREAKS’ really standing out to the reader. Furthermore underneath the masthead is a teaser, telling the reader what this article is going to be about. Within the teaser they have highlighted ‘RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS’ to indicate to the reader that this is the band that the article is on if they didn’t already know or to jump out to the reader and make them want to read on.

The layout for this article is quite simple and easy for the reader to navigate there way around. By using a very large ‘T’ it indicates to the reader the start of the article, also by using a smaller ‘R’ it shows the start of a new paragraph. Also in the middle of the article there is a Teaser giving the reader information about the Red Hot Chili Peppers new song. By using gold as one of the main colours it adds class to this article and it may be aimed at an older audience. Also by using black text on a white background it really stands out to the reader.

There is on main image on this double page which takes up just over one page. The image is of the band ‘Red Hot Chili Peppers’, three out of four of the band members are giving the reader a direct mode of address or eye line match. By the fourth member not giving a direct mode of address it makes the image a bit more edgy. By two of the band members not wearing tops and flashing there tattoos, and with different hairstyles it reflects the mast head of ‘FREAKS’. Also by putting the photo shoot onto to a pink background instead of a plain colour like white or black, it really amplifies the ‘FREAKS’ part to the reader.

Page 15: Analysis of music magazine covers

There isn’t a particularly set ‘masthead’ for this article. Although there is a statement, with a pull quote underneath to entice the reader to read the article. By putting it in the middle of the article it will immediately draw the readers attention and hopefully make them want to read on with a pull quote. Furthermore by putting it in bold large black font on a white background it’s immediately going to stand out to the reader.

There is one main image for this article, which is of Katy Perry and takes up half of the double page spread. She’s giving a direct mode of address and an eye line match to the reader to entice them and make them feel as if she is looking at them. They’ve tried to target a very large audience with this photo, firstly her fans as they want to read about ‘Katy Perry’, secondly women interested in the gossip about her and finally men by Katy wearing such revealing clothes it may entice them to read on.

The layout for this page is very simple, it has the main image on one side and then the article on the other it uses pull quotes to draw the reader in, it also uses a skyline on the left hand side just to make sure that the reader knows it’s Katy Perry. The article does use a large A to show the start of a new paragraph and make it a bit more interesting for the reader.