analysis of my music video

Analysis of my music video

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Post on 12-Jul-2015



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Page 1: Analysis Of My Music Video

Analysis of my music video

Page 2: Analysis Of My Music Video

Using conventions• In order to make sure my music video

could be identified as an R&B one, I implemented certain genre characteristics. I decided to stick with a typical format of a female R&B video which consists of dance routine and narrative.

• Like most R&B videos there is a direct relationship between the lyrics/music and visuals amplifying it

• We used many close ups in the video in order to sell the artist and voyeuristic treatment of the female for sex appeal

‘fly you out to superland’ ‘I swear I’ll never leave you’

Page 3: Analysis Of My Music Video

• I also decided to include many fades in the transitions during the editing process as this is used by many R&B music video editors to make the video appear to flow creating a subtle effect

Developing conventions

• Instead of using a number of different locations where the artist preformed by themselves, we instead developed this idea by having the artist in the same building but moving around to different parts.

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Challenging convention

• The style of dancing we chose to use in this video is quite contemporary with loads of spins, to highlight the softness of the song and lyrics. This is a challenge to R&B videos as it normally consists of street dancing

• We also decided to have the video end as it started, in quite a sad way, contradicting the lyrics to show an unresolved situation (and telling the story of a relationship that doesn’t really get to develop as they end in separate places). This is challenge of R&B videos so they normally end up with some sort of happy ending or resolution