analytical term project

Helen Tsipliareles-Pryor EAD 684 Selection, Development and Supervision of Educational Personnel Dr. Alan Vaughan, Ph.D. [email protected] Cambridge College, Chesapeake VA (in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Education in the field of School Administration) Analytical Term Project In developing curriculum and pacing guides, administrators are curriculum managers and should be aware of crossing SOL strands; and in order to provide full impact of a lesson plan, alignment guides are essential. Within my school, Ruffner Middle Academy in Norfolk, there is a document we use called “The Alignment of English and Reading Planning Guides for the 7 th Grade Level 2009- 2010 Quarters 1-4 School Year,” created specifically by the Assistant Principal, Department Heads, and appointed teachers. The purpose of this document is to align 7 th grade writing teachers with the 7 th grade reading teachers, therefore assuring that their lesson plans reflect the same units and SOL strands at the same time.

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EAD 684 Selection, Development and Supervision of Educational Personnel Dr. Alan Vaughan, Ph.D. [email protected] College, Chesapeake VA(in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Education in the field of School Administration)


Page 1: Analytical Term Project

Helen Tsipliareles-Pryor

EAD 684 Selection, Development and Supervision of Educational Personnel Dr. Alan Vaughan, Ph.D. [email protected] Cambridge College, Chesapeake VA

(in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Education in the field of School Administration)

Analytical Term Project

In developing curriculum and pacing guides, administrators are curriculum managers and should

be aware of crossing SOL strands; and in order to provide full impact of a lesson plan, alignment

guides are essential. Within my school, Ruffner Middle Academy in Norfolk, there is a document

we use called “The Alignment of English and Reading Planning Guides for the 7th Grade Level

2009-2010 Quarters 1-4 School Year,” created specifically by the Assistant Principal,

Department Heads, and appointed teachers. The purpose of this document is to align 7th grade

writing teachers with the 7th grade reading teachers, therefore assuring that their lesson plans

reflect the same units and SOL strands at the same time.

When this guide was first created, the intent and measurable success factor was to support

teacher plans, including co-teaching and remediation; as well as provide dual support in areas of

higher level learning and SOL readiness. This alignment guide follows the Virginia Standards of

Learning, as well as the Standards of Accreditation and Standards of Quality; and on the honors

and Young Scholars level, Paul’s Dimensions of Higher Critical Thinking are also incorporated.

The guide requires that teachers demonstrate competence in their core academic subjects,

reading and writing; as that they work collaboratively in order to best educate their students. The

principal assists with these collaborative efforts, and is essential in reducing stress and providing

essential feedback.

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The alignment guide is clear and concise, and revised as needed for changing priorities created

by data analysis. For example, in Week One all students receive diagnostic reading assessments

in order to check their understanding from the previous school year; while at the same time the

writing teachers performing diagnostic writing assessments, as well as reviewing the rules and

procedures for effective classroom management. By the third week of instruction, both classes

are working on the Short Stories unit, with the reading teachers focusing on shared inquiry and

the oral strand, while the writing teachers focus on narrative writing. While narrative writing is a

longer unit due to its emphasis on the SOL, the reading teachers enhance this writing by

providing a focus on expository text, also emphasized on the SOL. To complete the quarter, the

writing teachers review Myths & Legends for proficiency in literary elements; and the reading

teachers enhance this unit with a review in Poetry focusing on figurative language and vivid


The content and the alignment of these units is essential because at the 7th grade writing level,

students will complete this first quarter by being able to plan, draft, revise, and edit narrative

pieces with attention to composition, grammatical mechanics, and written expression; as well as

become independent in sentence formation and understand that the conventions of language help

convey the message from the writer to the reader. In alignment to this at the 7th grade reading

level, students read and understand information from various sources including a variety of

fiction, non-fiction, and poetry; and they read for appreciation and comprehension in both classic

and recent works. The alignment of these pacing guides provides students will the ability to

apply critical reading and reasoning skills, and well as expressive writing skills across the

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content areas, including history and social studies, science, foreign language, mathematics, and

the arts; thus aiding administrators in producing higher scores on state-mandated assessments.

The next practice I reviewed was the increased use of technology in the classroom. It is not a

stunning revelation to hear that today, many students are using MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, and

other social networking sites, sometimes even up to 50-100 times a day. (Conrath 3) Studies have

shown that their growth in vocabulary has been stunted because of this social networking

explosion and many teachers end up with student papers, and even in conversation with these

students, where the student is using the same 100 words over and over again. It is also not a

shock to hear that teacher encounter papers written using medium language such as “il c u l8r”

and “thx 4 the 411.” (Dennen 817)

Constant use of these social networking sites has the same effects as watching too much

television – it is a major distraction with no viable benefits. Preoccupation with these sites has

taken over all free time of the student and they avoid homework, studying, as well as chores,

family time and active face-to-face social interactions. Due to the ease of using this technology

as well as immediate accessibility due to laptops and notebooks, “free time is now nearly non-

existent.” (Dennen 815) These students also show less involvement in extra-curricular activities,

after-school programs, sports and local community programs such as scouting, 4-H and

participation at local recreation centers. Therefore, their skills have declined in working in small-

groups, preparing oral presentations and participating in shared inquiry and discussion in the

classroom. Many students have lost their ability to pick up on non-verbal cues due to their

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reliance on the written text, and have been unable to form friendships outside of their online

communities. (Conrath 3)

Continued exposure to the social networking “black hole” translates into a young adult without

the ability to fill out a college or job application, let alone create a resume; and with the decline

in verbal skills, will they have the ability to successfully perform in an interview or participate in

adult relationships both personally and professionally? Many studies have been done on the

impact of social networking on students’ grades and many debates have been sparked about

whether students have be reintegrated into a more realistic social environment which requires

proper use of the English language, both written and oral; and develop the ability to receive,

interpret and use non-verbal cues incorporated into our society. (Gordinier 19)

As principals and curriculum managers, we must focus that the reality of the situation is whether

we like it or not, these sites are now firmly rooted in our culture and will remain there. Students

not only use them regularly but many times, almost religiously. We cannot eliminate them and to

many of us, it seems almost ridiculous to even try. However, we can choose to re-evaluate the

situation and perhaps even realize that this social networking system provides us with a

tremendous opportunity as teachers. Successfully done, we can use them to invest in the identity

of our students by leveraging their online usage and providing more direct interaction for them

within the classroom. How can this be done? Within curriculum development and lesson

planning guidelines, provide students with timed-opportunities to write blogs by using sites to

discover and share interests, including historical and scientific references; and more importantly,

have them express themselves in “full written language” by making them aware that many of

their readers are not as savvy as them in understanding computer slang. Additionally, have them

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place their blogs into graphic organizers initially, and later in essay form, and present them orally

in exchange for additional on-line time the following week, or unit. Used smartly, as teachers we

can take advantage of this tremendous opportunity by using these social networking sites as a

way to show students we respect their individuality, while utilizing their online time and

experiences to further their education and improve their interpersonal skills.

Top priority in all public schools systems has been the focus to ensure that K-12 students are

prepared to succeed in college and in the workforce, and many states are now working to

preserve jobs and reform schools by using resources from the American Recovery and

Reinvestment Act. Hence, the U.S. Department of Education has been focusing on four

assurances that will aid in preparing students to achieve this goal and working with states to use

all their federal, state and local resources in order to create policies to implement programs

focusing on these assurances. (Duncan 36)

The first step has been for each state to adopt rigorous K-12 standards within their curriculum

that prepare students for success in college and the workforce, including more real-world

experiences, community leader and business mentorships, and cross-curriculum education.

Secondly, data systems have been created to track from year to year whether students are making

the progress needed to achieve success in their future. These data systems also provide

information on whether the new policies, as well as teacher effectiveness in implementing these

policies is improving student performance. With this data, the third step taken by states has been

to find effective teachers and making sure that these teachers are working in classrooms where

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they will have the greatest impact on the students who need the most help. Finally, states are

implementing plans to turn around their lowest-performing schools.

Fortunately, in three of these four areas, state leaders have already taken many significant steps

and made measurable progress towards these goals. Common standards have been set in place to

ensure that U.S. students are internationally competitive; and states have gradually expanded

their data base over the past five years and acknowledged the benefits of tracking teacher

effectiveness and student achievement. In addition, school districts throughout the country are

working with administrators in developing and implementing programs to recruit and reward

highly-effective educators, particularly to work in the most challenging environments. However,

in the area of turning around troubled schools, most states are still lacking the policy as well as

the drive and support to get the job done. Statistically, we are aware that at least 5,000 of our

schools (approximately 5%) are ‘seriously’ underperforming which means among the high

schools alone, nearly 2,000 have been labeled as ‘dropout factories.” To delve deeper into this,

nearly two out of five high school freshman will no longer be enrolled to attend by their senior

year, and aggressive action needs to be taken to fix the problems in these schools. (Duncan 36)

In reviewing this practice, I implemented the statistics on a smaller, regional scale and found that

the statistics were accurate and equally disturbing. The Title I School Improvement Program has

specifically designated $3 billion to pay for interventions in low-performing schools. In using

this financial resource, including the fiscal 2009 appropriation of $545 million and the $1.5

billion proposed for fiscal 2010; this money must be used to make dramatic changes within these

schools and get these students off the track to failure. (Duncan 36)

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One of the most successful intervention plans has been to replace the school leadership and staff

by closing and reopening the school under new governance. Change is never easy; however, it

can be done successfully without causing disharmony within the educationally-employed

community and yield successful outcomes for all. Existing administrators can be recruited from

within the local school system to serve under the governance; and employees removed from the

low-performing schools can be shifted into the vacancies created by this recruitment. These

turnaround schools need the best people with the capacity to take on the challenges of fixing the

issues, as well as operate under the same regulations as the other schools within their district. In

addition, new schools leaders can run intensive efforts to prepare their new teams to ensure their

success, such as summer workshops in class management and extra lesson planning time.

Schools having already implemented such programs have seen immediate and substantial results

including higher attendance rates, lower dropout rates, and improved scores on the Standard of

Learning Tests (SOL). As stated earlier, change is not always easy; however, efforts can begin

locally and be scaled up with time and gradual success. These resources should be dedicated to

less low-performing schools and with intervention plans well in place, we can hope to see all of

our U.S. students on the path to success in college and the workforce.

In May of 2005, the periodical “NEA Today” published an article by Michael D. Simpson from

the NEA Office of General Counsel, entitled “The Right to An ‘Adequate’ Education.” The

article addressed the issue of underfunded schools and how NEA affiliates, along with the

assistance of parents and school boards, were increasingly taking their cases to court in order to

get more funds through their legislatures. Various statistics were provided by both the NEA and

the Advocacy Center for Children’s Educational Success with Standards (ACCESS) showing

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their success in the majority of these cases, their continuing involvement in dealing with legal

challenges facing school finance systems, and their expenditure of nearly $4.1 million on

litigation. (Simpson 21)

Some victories addressed included an additional $5.63 billion to New York City’s public schools

because the state had violated students’ fundamental right to a ‘sound basic education’ under the

state constitution; and in California, an additional $1 billion was provided to ensure cleaner

schools, sufficient instructional materials, and qualified teachers. Cases in Kansas, Texas and

Montana provided the state legislatures with a deadline to devise new systems that “must reflect

a level of funding which meets the constitutional requirement…an adequate, suitable and

efficient school system.” (Simpson 21)The case presented in Massachusetts, however, was found

that the state’s school funding system did not violate the education clause of its constitution.

This issue is significant to administrators because two major points are extremely important in

regards to presenting a finance case for litigation. First and foremost, make sure that you are well

prepared with your research that constitution requirements are not being met; and be sure to have

the support of your peers, staff and parents. Overall, the victory is in receiving the funds required

to ensure the academic success of your students. As I aspire to one day serve as a Principal,

practices such as these are significant because I may be required to present such a case for

litigation, and I would like to succeed in this challenge. Through my research, the ideal instilled

in me is that being prevalent in such a case is a realistic goal as long as you have the knowledge

and skills required to assess the situation and provide the proof needed to protect the state

constitutional rights of the children of the community you serve.

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On the homefront, on Wednesday evening, March 4, 2009, The Norfolk Federation of Teachers

marched to Lake Taylor Middle School right before a public hearing on the schools budget was

about to begin. More than 60 teachers and other school division employees were dressed in black

as mourning, and they carried a flower-decked casket with the words “Norfolk Public Schools”

painted across the sides. The reason for the ‘mourning’ was that fact that the school division was

facing the potential loss of 230 positions as well as the prospect of a pay freeze next year does to

funding cuts. As the march was ending, the mourners were met by Superintendent of Norfolk

Public Schools Stephen C. Jones, the person responsible for the proposed cuts which would

include the cut of 94 teaching jobs and well as 14% of administrative positions. Superintendent

Jones explained that it was never his intent to cut even one position but the issue in the forefront

was the limited funding from the city and state, presently the proposed budget of $314.6 million

is less than $16 million from the current year’s plan. He did assure them that situation could turn

for the better once the city knew exactly how much funding they would receive from the federal

stimulus plan. (Ross 4)

More than 100 people showed up for the budget meeting and although they understood the state

of the present economy, the overall consensus was that Norfolk Public Schools could have

planned better. The Education Association of Norfolk President Monte L. Mercer stated that

although times are hard everywhere, it is even more difficult for employees who continue to have

rising costs without the rising salaries to compensate. According to Board Chairman Barry

Bishop, if the city receive the proposed $12 million in federal stimulus, that would then be in the

position to restore many of the proposed cuts, and even some possible pay increases. (Ross 4)

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As someone who aspires to serve in an administrative position in the future, resolutions in

situations such as these are extremely important to me. Presently, as a teacher employed by

Norfolk Public Schools, the proposed teacher cuts impacted me severely because I did not have

the seniority of many other teachers in my division. With a spouse also within the division, this

would have impacted my financial status dually and perhaps forced a change in residence due to

financial restraints. During this time I was not completely aware of the proposed stimulus being

offered and if this information had presented itself earlier, the need for a public protest by the

union would not have been necessary. In an administrative position, I would have presented this

additional information to the public earlier in order to calm their anxieties and to also buy some

time while waiting to find out exactly how much stimulus money would be received.

Conrath, Kate & Zeccola, Joseph "Does Social Networking Hurt Student Grades." American

Teacher, The National Publication of the American Federation of Teachers Vol. 94 No. 2

October/November 2009: 3

Dennen, V.P. "Cognitive Apprenticeship in Educational Practice: Researching on Scaffolding,

Modeling, Mentoring and Coaching as Instructional Strategies." Handbook of Research on

Educational Communications and Technology 2 (2004): 815-24.

Duncan, Arne "Start Over: Turnarounds Should Be The First Option for Low-Performing

Schools." Education Week, American Education’s Newspaper of Record Vol. 28 No. 35 June 17,

2009: 36

Gordinier, Cynthia L., Moberly, Deborah A. & Conway, Kathleen D. "Scaffolding Enables

Reflective Thinking To Become A Disposition." Association of Childhood Education (2004): 3-


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Ross, Cheryl “Norfolk Teachers Hold ‘Wake’ on Proposed Budget Cuts” The Virginian Pilot

March 5, 2009

Simpson, M. “The Right to An ‘Adequate’ Education.” NEA Today 23 (8) May 2005: 21