analytics tool comparison

Web Analytics Tools & Technologies Available A take on the flux in Analytics Industry – 2011 Shivam Dhawan Offering solutions to Designing, Marketing, Analytics and Branding | Website | FaceBook | Stumble | Orkut | Linked In | Digg | Twitter | Blog | Contact | ShivamDhawan [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Post on 19-Oct-2014




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The anlaytics industry is in the biggest state of flux at this time with Adobe SiteCatalyst 15, Google Beta and WebTrends 10 hitting the market. Analytics, as a field, is changing faster than ever and the need of integrating analytics with more and more channels is increasing. The PPT covers some aspects of the tools and technologies available for advance analytics reporting and insights.


Page 1: Analytics tool comparison

Web AnalyticsTools & Technologies Available

A take on the flux in Analytics Industry – 2011

Shivam DhawanOffering solutions to Designing, Marketing, Analytics and Branding

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Identification of Gap




Solutions offered

Brand Value – The concept

Tracking Brand Value – Metrics involved

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Identification of Gap




Solutions offered

Brand Value – The concept

Tracking Brand Value – Metrics involved

1.1 Google Analytics Vs Omniture Vs WebTrends1.2 Google Analytics1.3 Adobe SiteCatalyst1.4 WebTrends

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Google Analytics Vs Omniture Vs WebTrends

How Google Analytics can help:Google Analytics is a free Web analytics tool available as a service model, which collects and presents information about user metrics in the most intuitive way. Though not highly configurable, it allows best solutions for simple to moderately complex reporting needs. Roll-out of new version with custom query parameters, social listening and other features brings GA very close to a powerful analytics suite.

Market Share:Owing to free availability GA is the most widely used analytics tool for small to large sized enterprises. Market share is bound to increase with the powerful features introduced.

How Omniture can help:Omniture provides detailed solutions for analytics data capture, reporting, analysis and optimization with multi channel integration capability. Omniture is On-Demand (SaaS) and limits to page tagging method of data collection. With a recent acquisition from Adobe resulting in huge investments towards development of Site Catalyst 15, Omniture has offered, advanced and more integrated analytic solutions by targeting real time segmentation and powerful interface.

Market Share:Omniture is leading enterprise analytical suite for various industrial domains

How WebTrends can help:WebTrends Analytics is a Web analytics suite available in both software and software as a service models, which collects and presents information about user behavior on web sites as well as mobile devices running various operating systems. The report presentation interface is highly configurable, allowing the administrator to select specific information to present. With promising new features ready to be rolled out in April 2011 with version 10, WT aims to bring unified analytics for social, mobile and site.

Market Share:WebTrends is leading enterprise analytical suite for various industrial domains. WebTrends provides option of self hosted software version, thus is preferred with clients with data security concern

Enterprise Analytic Reporting ToolsGA vs Adobe vs WT

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The Adobe online analytics and online optimization products provide extensible applications that connect easily with partner applications for a consolidated view of customer interactions beyond traditional web-based interactions to include mobile, video, and social networking.

Solution Offerings

Advanced real time segmentationSegment data in real-time from a report suite and access predefined segments, such as mobile visitors, right in the user interface.

Customizable dash-boardingPersonalized dashboards, alerts, and bookmarks that deliver quick snapshots of key performance indicators (KPIs) for online marketing initiatives.

Click-Map graphic overlaysMeasure traffic, commerce, and success metrics visually to display the most relevant elements on each page of a site.

Pre-built reportingAdobe SiteCatalyst includes a comprehensive set of ready-to-use reports that can be shared in PDF, Excel, Word, and HTML formats — in stunning 300dpi print quality.

Custom reportingEnables users to measure any event on their site; including drill-down reporting to answer complex web analytics questions.

Enterprise Analytic Reporting ToolsAdobe SiteCatalyst

Enterprise Analytic Reporting Tools

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Google Analytics is the enterprise-class web analytics solution that gives you rich insights into your website traffic and marketing effectiveness. Powerful, flexible and easy-to-use features now let you see and analyze your traffic data in an entirely new way. With Google Analytics, you're more prepared to write better-targeted ads, strengthen your marketing initiatives and create higher converting websites.

Solution Offerings

Cross Channel and Multimedia TrackingFlash, video and social network application tracking Track usage of your Ajax, Flash, social networking and Web 2.0 applications.

Custom Variables Custom variables allow you to define multiple, and even simultaneous, tracking segments based on hits, session or visit level data. Custom variables now provide the power and flexibility to customize Google Analytics and collect the unique site data most important to business.

Analytics Intelligence Google Analytics monitors your reports and automatically alerts you of significant changes in data patterns.

API and developer platform Export data, create integrations, and develop client applications with the Google Analytics

Integrated with AdWords and AdSense Integrated AdWords and Adsense performance with post-click data on your keywords, search queries, match type, etc

Dashboarding and reportingInnovative and intuitive visualization of data

Google Analytics

Enterprise Analytic Reporting ToolsEnterprise Analytic Reporting Tools

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Enterprise Analytic Reporting Tools

Webtrends’ next generation of analytics breaks free of the site-centric paradigm. It provides native, out-of-the-box mobile, social and website insights for marketers. A good option if you engage seriously in multi channel marketing, optimization and analytics. All your digital insights in a single easy-to-use, interconnected tool for everyone on and across your teams.

Solution Offerings

Tracking and comparing performance across digital channelsYour Analytics 10 dashboard puts all your "spaces" on the first screen. A space is just a property you want to measure, like a website or a mobile app. A space can be almost any digital property you want to measure

Data beyond the WT tagWith a handful of clicks, you can use public and API information to get information on your Facebook pages, iOS mobile applications, and websites. Even 3rd party data such as, iTunes, Facebook, PostRank, etc. and more digital data sources

Custom reportingEnables users to measure any event on their site; including drill-down reporting to answer complex web analytics questions.

Pre-built reporting / DashboardingSee the full picture quickly on one screen, so everyone on your team can use and understand Analytics 10 with a minimum amount of training.

Use Groups as your personal playlist of reports and Spaces Page dashboards brings it all together on one screen Highly visual interface Storyview interpretation of data Live updating in Excel and PowerPoint

Enterprise Analytic Reporting Tools

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Comparison Omniture Vs WebTrends

Tools - Omniture WebTrends

Omniture is an Online Marketing Suite—a combination of Internet marketing services and solutions which empowers marketers to use customer insight to optimize interactions, creating more personalized, relevant customer experiences while also maximizing their marketing spend.

Data Captured Tools / Products

Client Side Analytics / Server Side Analytics

SiteCatalyst, Omniture's software as a service application, Insight, a multichannel segmentation tool(Formerly called Discover on Premise), Vista, DigitalPulse.

Data Warehouse Data warehousing of SiteCatalyst data.

Usability Testing Data Test&Target A/B and MVT (multi-variate testing) Data derived in part from Offermatica and Touch Clarity, Publish, for web content management.

User behavioural Data Test&Target 1:1, Omniture's main behavioural targeting solution, drills down to the individual level of testing, Discover, an advanced segmentation tool, Survey, to gather visitor sentiment.

Marketing Channel DataGenesis, a third-party data integration tool (the majority of integrations work with SiteCatalyst), Insight for Retail, an Insight offering geared toward multiple online and offline retail channels, SearchCenter+ assists with content network optimization for systems such as Google's AdWords, YSM, MS Ad central and Facebook Ads

Enterprise Analytic Reporting ToolsEnterprise Analytic Reporting Tools

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Data Captured Tools / Products

Client Side Analytics / Server Side Analytics

WebTrends Analytics, On Demand (software as a service), WebTrends Analytics, On Premises (software version, self hosted) application for enterprise analytics.

Data Warehouse Visitors Data Mart, data warehousing of WebTrends data, .

Usability Testing Data WebTrends Optimize (multivariate testing) testing, segmentation, targeting, personalization and recommendation.

User behavioural Data WebTrends Apps create and publish their Facebook, iPhone/iPad, and Android apps, WebTrends Social Measurement self-service platform for identifying and participating in conversations on social web.

Marketing Channel Data WebTrends Ad Director is a testing engine automatically identifies and presents the best combinations of keywords and bid rates

Comparison Omniture Vs WebTrends

Tools - Omniture WebTrends

WebTrends is a Web analytics suite available in both software and software as a service models, which collects and presents information about user behavior on web sites as well as mobile devices running various operating systems.

Enterprise Analytic Reporting ToolsEnterprise Analytic Reporting Tools

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

2.1 List of Tools2.2 Use and Importance2.3 Adaptive Scenario Engine2.4 CNET Intelligence2.4 Aggregate Knowledge

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• ATG Adaptive Scenario (Engine) Among the longest-standing tools in the eCommerce personalization space; versioning tool requires extensive resources to leverage 100%

• CNET Intelligent (Cross-sell) Built on the data gathered from the company’s comparison-shopping engine; enables merchant-driven rule to be layered atop algorithm; only works for CNET product categories (e.g., consumer electronics, computer hardware)

• Coremetrics Intelligent (Offer) Recommendations powered by the core site analytics solutions can be integrated into an eCommerce platform or content management system; primarily designed for retailers

• Endeca Core on-site search platform can be extended across client Web sites

• FAST Recommendations Core enterprise search platform powers cross-sells

• Kefta Landing page optimization

• Mercado Core on-site search platform can be extended across client Web sites

Personalization ToolsList of Tools

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• Touch Clarity(Test & Target 1:1) Known for versioning of offers, primarily on financial services sites in the UK; recently acquired by Omniture

• WebTrends Segments is designed to enable marketers to better target consumers based on their shopping behavior across multiple online and offline channels.

• Aggregate Knowledge is a pure-play data management and ad optimization platform (DMP) company that delivers an end-to-end integrated DMP solution enabling real-time customer transparency

• Certona Strong SaaS technology company focused on the retail sector; known for strong client service and reporting

• Choicestream a “pure-play” personalization engines; started with media properties but has since expanded to softlines retail and a relationship with N2N

• MyBuys Primarily sends emails and RSS feeds to consumers based on preferences stated on product detail and category pages of retail Web sites

Personalization ToolsList of Tools

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Number of visits (for example, less than 10, between 10 and 20) Visitor coming to your site for the 20th time would welcome a different experience from a newer user. You might replace instructional messaging with more advanced content, since they already know their way around your Web site.

New or Returning Visitor Replace introductory content with something more appropriate for an informed user.

Total amount purchased On a travel site, a visitor's lifetime travel history can predict future travel behavior. We can target content based on packages availed and amount spent.

Highest amount spent in a single order On a travel site, the amount spent by a user in a single trip can predict future behavior. Online marketers might want to test a hypothesis that “big” travelers will buy higher packaged deals if they're highlighted on the landing page.

Time of day/Day of week Travelers have seasonal swings, Does a visitor behave differently based on the day or time or month? For example, is behavior different during weekday versus weekend?

Recently viewed products or categories Labeling a user based on search history and category selection

Personalization ToolsUse and Importance

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Personalization ToolsAdaptive Scenario Engine

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Solution Offerings

To make your customer interactions more relevant and compelling, ASE can gather, organize, and leverage existing customer information in your enterprise

Content targeting and Scenario Personalizationlets you easily drive pre-designed dialogues that automatically adapt as customers’ circumstances change. For example, a customer may update his or her online profile to reflect being newly married or having had a baby. That new information can trigger tailored promotions for honeymoon packages, travel guides for two, baby benefits, etc

Profile management and segmentationASE creates customer profiles based on an extensive, customizable, and extendable set of attributes. It can update profiles continuously, based on every interaction or event that the user executes online, with a call center, or at a point of service. Every time you gain a new piece of customer information - whether it's a new order, shipping address, or preference - your scenarios will automatically respond to the updated profile.

Data Anywhere ArchitectureATG's Data Anywhere Architecture (DAA) is what enables ASE to aggregate and apply any enterprise data that your Web applications use. DAA helps you tap into existing customer datasources to create an aggregated customer view that your online applications can use.DAA supports integration via SQL, XML, and Web Services.

Personalization ToolsAdaptive Scenario Engine

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Solution Offerings

Recommending the right cross-sells and upsells is critical to increasing order sizes and enhancing the customer experience, Intelligent Cross-sell is a fully automated recommender for cross-sells and upsells

Automated cross-sell and upsell managementEliminate spreadsheets and low-level grunt work as new products automatically find their best recommendations.

Multiple intelligencesLeverage the collective intelligence of users' behavior, the business knowledge of merchant rules, and the ability to explain recommendations to customers.

Compatibility checkingLeverage the compatibility data and other attributes of DataSource™ database of more than 5 million technology and consumer electronics products.

Measurability and reportingMeasure recommendations' revenue impact. With Dashboard, right-click from a reporting result directly to the targeting that drove that result, to can understand what is working and change what is not

Personalization ToolsCNET Intelligent

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Personalization ToolsAggregate Knowledge

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Solution Offerings

Aggregate Knowledge is a pure-play data management and ad optimization platform(DMP) company that delivers an end-to-end integrated DMP solution enabling real-time customer transparency

Actionable customer segmentation Makes easy to create, measure, and normalize audiences.

Cost control and intelligence Media buying and planning with actionable analytics and visibility, including reach and frequency at the user level

Scalable real-time decision enginePackage and distribute the best audiences, to buy the right media, and show the best possible creative, dynamically with every call

Dynamic creative offers Deliver thousands of creative variations, individualized to each user's needs and interests.

Personalization ToolsAggregate Knowledge

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

3.1 List of Tools

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• Test&Target 1:1 Omniture's main behavioural targeting solution earlier known as Touch Clarity

• WebTrends Segments is designed to enable marketers to better target consumers based on their shopping behavior across multiple online and offline channels

• Kefta Landing page optimization

• [X+1] The audience segmentation modeling and targeting tools of [x+1]’s patented Predictive Optimization Engine™ (POE) are accessible for the first time through an intuitive platform interface, greatly decreasing time to launch and adjust campaigns

• beencounter is built around a single line JavaScript tag, beencounter basically gives you access to your site visitor’s browser history files. And while they cannot tell you all the places your visitors have been, by providing the service with a list of URLs, beencounter can tell you whether your site visitors have been to those URLs sometime in the past.

Targeting ToolsList of Tools

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

4.1 List of Tools

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• ClickTale is a paid hosted service that tracks user keystrokes, mouse clicks and moves and the time it takes for users to move around a web page

• Loop11 is a unique usability testing tool in that it allows unmoderated remote usability testing using actual users. The data is captured for task completion rate, time on task, common fail pages, paths and a nice detailed path analysis for a user

• Morae captures voice, video, keystrokes, mouse movements and screen action

• Mechanical Turk is Amazon’s human intelligence tasks service (HITs) expert review group. Reviewers join Mechanical Turk and volunteer to complete tasks. The reviewers are paid for each completed task

• Simple Mouse Tracking is free click tracking software that can be used to capture and analyze the clicks users make while visiting a web page. Has an ability to replay a real-time session, and tracks all mouse movements on an html page. Data is captured in a MySQL database for access

• Usabilla is a free (beta) unmoderated remote usability tool that enables researchers to collect feedback about a web page or image from users. It tracks where users click, which enables both click-tracking information to be captured, as well as qualitative data (ex; “please click on part of the web page you like best”)

Usability Tracking & AnalyticsList of Tools

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

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Enterprise Analytics Tools

Personalization Tools

Targeting Tools



Usability Tracking and Analytics

Hosted / Server Side Solutions

5.1 List of Tools

5.1 Hosted Vs SaaS

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• Tealeaf's solutions are used by customer-centric organizations to build a true online customer experience competency across the enterprise. Using groundbreaking, patented technology, Tealeaf captures and records what each customer is doing and seeing in real-time on every page and across all site visits right down to the page-by-page, browser-level experience

• Sawmill is a software package for the statistical analysis and reporting of log files, with dynamic contextual filtering, 'live' data zooming, user interface customization, and custom calculated reports. Sawmill also incorporates real-time reporting and real-time alerting

Hosted/Server Side Solutions

List of Tools

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In-house vs HostedSaaS is always an option, and in-house only makes sense in rare situations; extreme privacy/security policies, long-term data archiving, etc.

Feature & Description In House Hosted

Runs on Your Servers

Behind Your Firewall

You Control Analysis

Quick Access to Archived Data

Redundant Data Collection Optional


Data Scheduler

Cross-domain Tracking with First-party Cookie

Drill-down Reporting

Web 2.0 Reports

Customizable Dashboard

API for Data Extraction

API for Data Collection

ODBCSOAP-based Web Services

Hosted Vs SaaS