analyzing the implementation of esp for islamic...

ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC EDUCATION STUDENTS (A Case Study of the Islamic Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the Academic Year 2017/2018) A Skripsi Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education By: BELLANIA SHINTA MAYNANDA 11140140000030 DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH EDUCATION FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH STATE ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY JAKARTA 2018

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Page 1: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention



(A Case Study of the Islamic Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta in the Academic Year 2017/2018)

A Skripsi

Presented to the Faculty of Educational Sciences in Partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the Degree of S.Pd. (Strata One) in English Education









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Bellania Shinta Maynanda. NIM. 11140140000030. “An Analysis of the

Implementation of ESP for Islamic Education Students” (A Case Study of the

Islamic Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the Academic

Year 2017/2018). “Skripsi” of the English Education Department, the Faculty of

Educational Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University Jakarta. 2018.

Advisors : 1. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

2. Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

Keywords : English for Specific Purposes, ESP, Islamic Education,

Case Study

The purposes of this study are: a) to find out whether the current English courses

in Islamic Education Department of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University

of Jakarta supported Islamic Education students’ academic studies, b) to find out

whether the current English courses in Islamic Education Department of Syarif

Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta supported Islamic Education

students’ target careers, and c) to find out whether the the current ESP courses at

the Islamic Education Department are appropriate and effective. The method used

in this research is case study method. The subjects of this study were the head of

Islamic Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, two English

lecturers who had taught in the Department of Islamic Education, and also 90

students of Islamic Education UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The instruments

used in this study were questionnaires and interviews. Based on the data obtained,

the results show that: a) the implementation of English courses in the Islamic

Education Department focused on their academic studies, b) the implementation

of English courses in the Islamic Education Department has not been able to meet

the needs of English for their target careers, and c) the implementation of ESP in

the Islamic Education Department has not been implemented optimally.

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Bellania Shinta Maynanda. NIM. 11140140000030. “An Analysis of the

Implementation of ESP for Islamic Education Students” (A Case Study of the

Islamic Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta in the Academic

Year 2017/2018). Skripsi. Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris. Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan

Keguruan. UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. 2018

Pembimbing : 1. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd.

2. Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

Kata Kunci : English for Specific Purposes, ESP, Pendidikan Agama

Islam, Studi Kasus

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: a) untuk mengetahui apakah mata kuliah

bahasa Inggris di jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam sudah mendukung pendidikan

mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam, b) untuk mengetahui apakah mata kuliah

bahasa Inggris di jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam sudah mendukung karir

mahasiswa Pendidikan Agama Islam, dan c) untuk mengetahui apakah

pelaksanaan ESP di jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam sudah sesuai dan efektif.

Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian studi

kasus. Subjek dari penelitian ini adalah ketua jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, dua dosen Bahasa Inggris yang pernah

mengajar di jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam, dan juga mahasiswa Pendidikan

Agama Islam UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta yang berjumlah 90 orang.

Instrumen yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa kuesioner dan interview.

Berdasarkan data yang telah diperoleh, hasil menunjukkan bahwa: a)

pelaksanaan mata kuliah bahasa Inggris di jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam

lebih mengutamakan untuk pendidikan mereka, b) pelaksanaan mata kuliah

bahasa Inggris di jurusan Pendidikan Agama Islam belum mampu memenuhi

kebutuhan bahasa Inggris untuk karir mereka, dan c) pelaksanaan ESP di jurusan

Pendidikan Agama Islam belum terlaksana dengan maksimal.

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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent and the Merciful.

All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds, who has been giving the

writer strength, knowledge, ability, and guidance, and blessing the writer to finish

this research entitled ― An Analysis of the Implementation of ESP for Islamic

Education Students of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta

(A Case Study of the Islamic Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta in the Academic Year 2017/2018). Peace and salutation be upon to our

Prophet Muhammad who has brought us from the darkness into the lightness.

The writer would like to express her deepest honor and gratitude to her

beloved parents, Mukino and Sudarti, who always support the writer to finish this

research and give their love, pray and patiently guide to give the best result. And,

I also thank to her big family, who always motivates her to finish this research.

The writer realizes that she would never finish this research without the

help of some people around her. Therefore, she would like to express her gratitude

to the advisors, Mrs. Dr. Ratna Sari Dewi, M.Pd. and Mrs. Desi Nahartini, M.Ed.

for the valuable advices, suggestions, guidance, comments and support in

completing this research paper.

Furthermore, the writer would like to express her gratitude appreciation to:

1. Prof. Dr. Ahmad Thib Raya, M.A., as the Dean of the Faculty of

Educational Sciences;

2. Dr. Alek, M.Pd., as the Head of the Department of English Education;

3. Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M. Hum., as the Secretary of the Department of

English Education;

4. Mrs. Dr. Nida Husna, M.A. TESOL as the academic advisor of Class B in

academic year 2014/2015;

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5. All lecturers and staffs in the Department of English Education for the

knowledge, motivation, and support for the writer during his study;

6. Dr. H. Abdul Majid Khon, M.Ag. as the Head of Islamic Education

Department for the permission and help to conduct this research;

7. The students of class 2A, 4A, and 6A (bilingual classes) of Islamic

Education Department for the willingness to be the participants in this


8. Her big families who give her support and pray in finishing this research.

9. Her best friends, Mawar Jingga, Ajeng Rahmawati Dewi, and Febri

Fitriyani for all support, friendship, laugh, pray and happiness.

10. All beloved friends of the Department of English Education 2014,

especially for B class, for the motivation and support during this study.

11. Everyone who has helped and given contribution in finishing the research

report and whose names cannot be mentioned one by one. The writer also

apologizes in advance if she missed anybody.

Finally, the writer realizes that this research still has some weakness and

mistakes. Therefore, the writer would mind accepting any constructive

suggestions and critics to make this research better.

Jakarta, October 10th

, 2018

Bellania Shinta Maynanda

Page 9: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention



APPROVAL ................................................................................................... i

ENDORSEMENT SHEET ........................................................................... ii

SURAT PERNYATAAN KARYA SENDIRI ............................................ iii

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................. iv

ABSTRAK ..................................................................................................... v

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................... vi

TABLE OF CONTENT ............................................................................. viii

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................. x

LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................... xi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION .................................................................. 1

A. Background of the Research ......................................................... 1

B. Identification of the Problems ....................................................... 3

C. Limitation of the Problem ............................................................. 3

D. Question of the Research .............................................................. 4

E. Objectives of the Research ............................................................. 4

F. Significance of the Research .......................................................... 4

CHAPTER II THEORITICAL REVIEW .................................................. 6

A. English for Specific Purposes ....................................................... 6

1. Understanding of ESP ............................................................. 6

2. Characteristics of ESP ............................................................. 9

3. Types of ESP ......................................................................... 10

B. English Material Development ................................................... 12

1. English Material for Islamic Educational Purposes .............. 13

C. University Students ..................................................................... 14

D. English at Islamic Education Department UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta ......................................................................................... 15

E. Previous Studies .......................................................................... 17

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CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................... 19

A. Place and Time of Research ........................................................ 19

B. Data and Data Sources ................................................................ 19

C. Method and Design of the Research ........................................... 20

D. Technique of Data Collection ..................................................... 21

E. Technique of Data Analysis ........................................................ 25

CHAPTER IV DISCUSSION .................................................................... 27

CHAPTER V CONLUSION AND SUGGESTION ................................. 44

A. Conclusion .................................................................................. 44

B. Suggestion ................................................................................... 44

REFERENCES ............................................................................................ 46

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Appendix 1 Head of Department’s Semi-Structured Interview .......................... 47

Appendix 2 Lecturers’ Semi-Structured Interview ............................................. 48

Appendix 3 Students’ Structured Interview ........................................................ 49

Appendix 4 Lecturers’ Questionnaire ................................................................. 50

Appendix 5 Students’ Questionnaire .................................................................. 55

Appendix 6 The Result of Students’ Questionnaires .......................................... 60

Appendix 7 Interview Transcript of the Head of Islamic Education Department

.............................................................................................................................. 65

Appendix 8 Interview Transcript of English Lecturers ....................................... 73

Appendix 9 Interview Transcript of Islamic Education Students ....................... 81

Appendix 10 Documentation .............................................................................. 93

Appendix 11 Surat Pengesahan Proposal ............................................................ 94

Appendix 12 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi ............................................................... 95

Appendix 13 Surat Izin Penelitian ...................................................................... 97

Appendix 14 Surat Keterangan Penelitian .......................................................... 98

Appendix 15 References Examination Paper ...................................................... 99

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Table 2.1 The Characteristics of ESP based on Strevens ..................................... 9

Table 2.2 The Characteristics of ESP based on Duddley Evans and St. John ...... 9

Table 2.3 Islamic Studies Materials .................................................................... 13

Table 3.1 Number of Questionnaires Distributed and Completed ...................... 23

Table 4.1 The Students’ Questionnaires Result of Their Reason in Learning

English ................................................................................................................ 29

Table 4.2 The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of Learning English for

Students’ Academic Studies ................................................................................ 30

Table 4.3 The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of English Skills for

Students’ Academic Studies ................................................................................ 31

Table 4.4 The Students’ Questionnaires Result of the Language Used by Students

to Communicate .................................................................................................. 32

Table 4.5 The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of Learning English for

Students’ Target Careers ..................................................................................... 34

Table 4.6 The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of Learning Skills to

Students’ Target Careers ..................................................................................... 36

Table 4.7 The Questionnaires Result of Students’ Ability and The Use of ESP

Course ................................................................................................................. 37

Table 4.8 The Questionnaires Result of the Improvement of English Skills after

Learning ESP ...................................................................................................... 40

Table 4.9 The Questionnaires Result of the Respondents’ View of Textbook Used

.............................................................................................................................. 40

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A. Background of the Research

English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention in the

teaching English as the second or foreign language. Based on the name, ESP is

designed for particular people to teach a particular context which is related to

learners‟ majority of study.1 ESP is also essential to prepare learners to enter

target discourse communities, includes academic, professional and workplace

with some communicative activities.2

In the Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta, especially

in Faculty of Educational Sciences, English is one of the prerequisite subjects that

should be learnt by all majors in the faculty, such as Education of Islamic

Religion, Education of Arabic Language, Education of English Language,

Education of Indonesian and Literature, Education of Social Sciences, Education

of Mathematics, Education of Biology, Education of Physics, Education of

Chemistry, Education of Early Childhood Teachers, Education of Elementary

School Teachers, and Education of Management. It is because English acts as the

medium of the communication for sciences and technology that can support them

in learning the material which mostly in English. Those majors, besides the

English Education Department, learn general English at most for two semesters,

as stated in the students‟ academic book.3

English as the foreign language (EFL) is needed to deliver the material

formally stated in Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 Tahun 2003 Pasal

1 Sasan Baleghizadeh and Amir Hossein Rahimi, Evaluation of an ESP Textbook for the Students

of Sociology, Journal of Language Teaching and Research, 2011, p. 1009, (retrieved from on July 14th, 2018 at 06.51 p.m.). 2 Helen Basturkmen, Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes, (New Jersey: Lawrence

Erlbaum Associates Inc., 2006), p. 11. 3 Keputusan Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Nomor 811 Tahun 2016, Pedoman Akademik

Program Strata 1, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta).

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33 Ayat 3 “Bahasa asing dapat digunakan sebagai bahasa pengantar pada satuan

pendidikan tertentu untuk mendukung kemampuan berbahasa asing peserta didik”

about the medium of the communication, foreign language can be used as the

medium of language in certain units of education to support learners‟ ability in

learning the foreign language.4

On the university-level context, English is also studied to support and

strengthen the students‟ core subject. According to Peraturan Pemerintah No. 19

Tahun 2005 Pasal 9 Ayat 2 “Kurikulum tingkat satuan pendidikan tinggi wajib

memuat mata kuliah pendidikan agama, pendidikan kewarganegaraan, Bahasa

Indonesia, dan Bahasa Inggris” about national education standard, the curriculum

of higher education unit requires Education of Religion, civics, Education of

Indonesia, and Education of English.5 For example, in Syarif Hidayatullah

Islamic State University of Jakarta at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, majors

learn English as the supporting subject. One of the reasons they should learn

English is because they have to pass the standard score of TOEFL test preparation

that is prepared by Language Development Center (PPB) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah


But, the general English could not fulfill the whole specific needs of

learners, especially the Educational Sciences students. They need to learn specific

English materials that correspond with their learning field, moreover, they need to

learn English to support their role as a teacher to-be. The ESP is needed to fulfill

the specific needs of the learners, so they can be a capable and successful English

learners either in their academic studies or for their future careers.

Yet in the reality, the implementation of ESP at the university level has not

in line with the demands of English learning. English teaching at the university

level is more aimed to teach English in general. In addition, the time allocation for

4 Departemen Pendidikan Nasional, Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003

tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional, (Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2003), p. 9. 5 Peraturan Pemerintah Republik Indonesia Nomor 19 Tahun 2005, Standar Nasional Pendidikan,

(Jakarta: Depdiknas, 2005), p. 5.

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learning English is insignificant which makes the goals of learning specific

English is not achieved maximally.6

Based on the explanation above, the writer will do the research to analyze

the implementation of ESP of Islamic Education Department of Syarif

Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta. Furthermore, the writer also

wants to discover whether the current program has covered the English needs of

Islamic Education students of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of

Jakarta. Thus, the title of the research is "An Analysis of the Implementation of

ESP for Islamic Education Students of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State

University of Jakarta."

B. Identification of the Problems

From the background of the research, the writer concludes some

identifications of the problem, such as:

1. English subject is one of the essential subjects that should be taken by

the students of Faculty of the Educational Sciences of Syarif

Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta.

2. English acts as the medium of the communication for sciences and

technology that can support them in learning the material.

3. The implementation of ESP at the university level has not ready to face

the demands of English learning.

C. Limitation of the Problems

The writer focuses the problem of the research on the analysis of the

implementation of ESP in Islamic Education Department of Syarif Hidayatullah

Islamic State University of Jakarta in the academic year 2017/2018.

6 Ratna Sari Dewi, Pengajaran English for Specific Purposes (ESP) di Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Education 2014

(ICEdu14), 2014.

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D. Questions of the Research

This research is going to find out the answer to the following question:

1. Have the current English courses in Islamic Education Department of

Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta supported

Islamic Education students‟ academic studies?

2. Have the current English courses in Islamic Education Department of

Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta supported

Islamic Education students‟ target careers?

3. To what extent are the current ESP courses at the Islamic Education

Department appropriate and effective?

E. Objectives of the Research

This research is conducted to a) discover whether the current English

courses in Islamic Education Department of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State

University of Jakarta supported Islamic Education students‟ academic studies, b)

discover whether the current English courses in Islamic Education Department of

Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of Jakarta supported Islamic

Education students‟ target careers, and c) discover whether the the current ESP

courses at the Islamic Education Department are appropriate and effective.

F. Significances of the Research

After finishing the research, the researcher hopes for that the result of the

analysis will be useful. The research provides the data of students‟ perception of

ESP of Islamic Education Department of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State

University of Jakarta. Therefore, the significance of the study is divided into:

1. Theoretical Significance

This study may give a deeper explanation of the implementation of

ESP to the demand of the target situation in Islamic Education

Department. The result of this research is also expected to be one of

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the references for the following analysis of the implementation of

English in Islamic Education fields.

2. Practical Significance

This study shows the implementation of ESP for Islamic Education

Department in terms of learning English and the learners themselves.

The findings are also expected to help ESP teachers to develop the

material and practical activities.

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A. English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

1. Understanding of ESP

English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has appeared in the 1960‟s. The

emergence of ESP give a quick expansion of the growth of science and

technology, the use of English as the international science language,

technology and business, the economic power of certain countries with the

biggest oil reserves, and the growth of international students going to UK,

USA, and Australia to study.7

ESP has been defined by many authors. Each author has their own

view to define ESP itself which is either simple or hard to produce and

understand. For example, Robinson cites a definition of ESP from fifteen

authors.8 It concludes that there are many theories of the ESP and lead to

terminological confusion.

Swales‟ statement in Smoak that in the 1960‟s, ESP practitioners agree

that their main task is to teach the learners to understand the vocabularies of a

given field. When you were teaching students of nursing, you taught them

medical terms of nursing. You used general English and give additional

„touch‟ of nursing vocabularies. But later, Smoak understood that ESP is not

only teaching technical terms of a certain field. It is because students had

7 Momtazur Rahman, English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review, Universal Journal

of Educational Research, 2015, p. 25, (retrieved from on September 23rd, 2018 at 07.57 a.m.). 8 Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid, “Developing an ESP Curriculum for Students of Health Sciences

through Needs Analysis and Course Evaluation in Saudi Arabia”, Dissertation of University of Leicester,

(England: School of Education of University of Leicester, 2011), p. 23,


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already known the specific terms of their profession. They had learned them

along before.9 In his paper, he identifies ESP as:

“ESP is English instruction based on actual and immediate needs

of learners who have to successfully perform real-life tasks unrelated to

merely passing an English class or exam. ESP is needs based and task

oriented. Teaching ESP is demanding, time consuming, and different for

every group of students. ESP is a challenge for all who teach it, and it

offers virtually unlimited opportunities for professional growth.”10

In addition, Orr gives his explanation of ESP. He states that ESP is

learning and teaching instruction of English language which is planned to

fulfill the learning needs of a certain learner or a group of learners within a

certain period of time. Frequently, the instruction covers orientation to specific

spoken and written English which is unfamiliar to the common speaker. It is

required to implement academic or workplace tasks.11

The most important difference in learning English is in the learners

themselves and their purposes to learn English. ESP students who are usually

adults learn English to express a set of professional skills and to carry out

particular functions of job-related. Therefore, an ESP program is built based

on an assessment of the goals, needs, and functions needed in English.

ESP focused more on language in context than on teaching grammar

and language structures. Fiorito stated that the main point of ESP is

integrating English into the learners‟ primary field of study than separating the

language from their field. A combination of English and their primary field of

study can motivate them because they are able to apply English to their main

field of study effectively. Being able to use the vocabulary and structures that

9 Rebecca Smoak, What is English for Specific Purposes?, English Teaching Forum, 41 (2), 2003,

p. 23, (retrieved from on September

23rd, 2018 at 08.03 a.m.). 10 Ibid, p. 27. 11 Thomas Orr, “English Language Education for Specific Professional Needs”, in David F. Beer

(Ed.), Writing and Speaking in the Technology Professions: A Practical Guide Second Edition, (New Jersey:

John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003), p. 380.

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they learn in a meaningful context reinforces what is taught and increases their


The term of specific in ESP refers to specific goals for learning

English. The students learn English through a field which has been familiar

and relevant to them. It means that they are able to implement their knowledge

right away in their work and studies. The ESP approach increase the relevance

of what they are learning in the classroom and enables them to implement and

increase their English since their major will push them to interact with

speakers and texts.13

Dobson mentioned that the functions of ESP described as:

a. ESP is designed to fulfill learners‟ needs of English

b. Focused on the language structure, skill, discourse which suitable

for certain activities.14

Whatever their view of ESP is, many authors agree that ESP and

learners‟ needs are relatable. For instance, Hutchinson and Waters states as


“ESP must be seen as an approach not as a product. ESP is not a

particular kind of language or methodology, nor does it consists of a

particular type of teaching material. Understood properly, it is an approach

to language learning, which is based on learner need. The foundation of all

ESP is the simple question: Why does this learner need to learn a foreign


Based on the explanation above, ESP can be defined as a rule to teach

specific English language to the specific learners or a group of learners.

Mostly, the learners are in the level intermediate or advanced level who are

12 Lorenzo Fiorito, Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP), 2005,

( 13 Ibid. 14 Gordon Dobson, The Needs of Students and Teachers, Empirical Studies in English Applied

Linguitics, 2007, p. 35, (retrieved from on September 23rd, 2018

at 08.09 a.m.). 15 Hutchinson and Waters, op. cit., p. 19.

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studying English for their academic studies as a student and their future

careers as a professional, so it can be used effectively in those situations.

2. Characteristics of ESP

Alfehaid states that Strevens16

divides the characteristics of ESP into

absolute and variable characteristics. The division of ESP into absolute and

variable characteristics help to resolve arguments or opinions about what is

and what is not of ESP, as presented in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

The Characteristics of ESP based on Strevens

ESP Characteristics

Absolute Characteristics Variable Characteristics

Created to meet learners‟ particular


Narrowed to the language skills to be

acquired (e.g., reading only);

Content relates to specific disciplines,

occupations and activities (i.e., themes

and topics);

Not taught under any previous


Focused on the language needs to those

activities in syntax, lexis, discourse,

semantics, etc., and analysis

of this discourse;

In contrast with English in general

A few years later, there were some modifications on Strevens‟ ESP

characteristics by Duddley Evans and St. John17

. They stated them in Table


Table 2.2

The Characteristics of ESP based on Duddley Evans and St. John

16 Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid, op.cit, p. 26. 17 Ibid.

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ESP Characteristics

Absolute Characteristics Variable Characteristics

Defined to meet learners‟ specific needs; Related to or made for specific courses;

Apply the main methodology and

activities of the courses it serves;

Uses in specific teaching situations and

different methodology from the English


Focused on the appropriate language

(i.e., grammar, lexis, register), skills,

discourse and genres to these activities.

Designed for adult learners, either college

students or professional workers, and could

also be for secondary school students;

In general, it is for intermediate or

advanced students;

Assumes some basic knowledge of the

language system, but it can be used with


It can be seen that the absolute characteristics are focused on ESP

because learners‟ needs are the focus when designing language courses.

Meanwhile, in the variable features, ESP courses can be designed for a

specific group of learners using particular teaching methodology. Thus from

the tables above, ESP can be seen as an approach to teaching which the ESP

designs are based on the learners‟ needs.

3. Types of ESP

In 1987, some linguists approved to one of the most reputable theories

related to brances of English language teaching, called „Tree of ELT‟18

. Tree

of ELT is distribution of ESP into three types, which are:

a. English for Science and Technology (EST);

b. English for Business and Economics (EBE);

c. English for Social Studies (ESS).

Meanwhile, Strevens defines that appropriate ESP learners are taken

part in either studying English, participating in a particular occupation which

18 Chams Eddine Lamri, “An Introduction of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)”, Online Lectures

for Third Year Licence Level on Abou Bekr Belkaid University, 2006, pp. 4-5, unpublished.

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needs English, or both.19

In addition, Hutchinson and Waters explained that

people can work and study at the same time. There are many cases that the

language learned for immediate use in learners‟ academic study so it can be

used later for their future careers.20

Thus, ESP has two main purposes, study,

and work, while some learners will need it for both situations. But for this

study, the aim of ESP is assumed to prepare the learners for both their

academic studies and their future careers. So, Belcher divided those types into

a further subsidiary, which are English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and

English for Occupational Purposes (EOP) as stated by Belcher.21


EAP is defined as an English teaching which aims to help learners to

study, conduct research, or teach in the language.22

Watson Todd noticed that

„the main goal of EAP is for students to communicate effectively in academic


EAP focuses on prepare the students with the specific

communicative skills to participate in academic environments.24

EOP “refers to English for professional purposes in administration,

medicine, law and business, and vocational purposes for non-professionals in

work (language of training for specific trades or occupations) or pre-work

situations (concerned with finding a job and interview skills)”.25


EOP is often closely related to a work or profession of the students because

„they are most likely required to have a certain level of English proficiency at

19 Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid, op.cit, p. 31. 20 Hutchinson and Waters, op. cit., p. 16. 21 Diane D. Belcher, English for Specific Purposes: Teaching to Perceived Needs and Imagined

Futures in Worlds of Work, Study, and Everyday Life, TESOL Quarterly, 40(1), 2006, p. 134, (retrieved from on September 19th, 2018 at 21.43 p.m.). 22 John Flowerdew and Matthew Peacock, “Issues in EAP: A Preliminary Perspective”, in John

Flowerdew and Matthew Peacock (Eds.), Research Perspectives on English for Academic Purposes,

(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), p. 8. 23 Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid, op.cit, p. 31. 24 Ken Hyland, Liz Hamp-Lyons, EAP: Issues and Directions‟ English for Academic Purposes,

1(1), 2002, p. 2, (retrieved from on September 19th, 2018

at 22.31 p.m.). 25 Milevica Bojović, Teaching Foreign Language for Specific Purposes: Teacher Development,

Proceedings of the 31st Annual ATEE Conference, 2006, pp. 488-489, (retrieved from http://www.pef.uni- on September 19th, 2018 at 22.42 p.m.).

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work which is an indicator of good work performance‟.26

Thus, the EOP

courses mostly attempt to increase the language skills related to the work.

B. English Material Development

The purpose of language courses is to make use of language to create an

effective communication. But due to the differences in needs, interests, and

motivations of the learners, it may affect the process in their language learning.

Therefore, explorative materials are needed in the course of language learning to

inform the learners about the language they learned, conduct experience of the

language in use, and let them discover the language.27

Tomlinson stated in Tomlinson stated that materials 'include anything

which can be used to facilitate the learning of a language. They can be linguistic,

visual, auditory or kinesthetic, and they can be presented in print, through live

performance or display, or on cassette, CD-ROM, DVD or the Internet'.28


stated that instructional materials are the principle in the course of language

learning. They include a) printed materials, like books, workbooks, worksheets,

etc; b) nonprint materials, such as cassettes, audio, video, or computer-based

materials; and c) materials that cover bot printed and nonprint sources, such as

materials from the Internet. Besides those kinds of materials, magazines,

newspaper, and TV can also provide materials for learners to learn.29

Material development is a field of theoretical and practical application.

Theoretically, it emphasizes the principles and procedures of the design,

implementation, and evaluation of language teaching materials. Meanwhile

26 Dan Kim, English for Occupational Purposes: One Language?, (London:

Continuum, 2008), p. 1. 27 Jahanbakhsh Nikoopour and Mohammad Amini Farsani, English Language Teaching Material

Development, Journal of Language and Translation, pp. 1-2, (retrieved from on September 20th, 2018 at

20.18 p.m.). 28 Brian Tomlinson, Developing Materials for Language Teaching, (Wiltshire: Cromwell Press,

2014), p. 2. 29 Jack C. Richard, Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, (Cambridge: Cambridge

University Press, 2001), p. 251.

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practically, teachers produce, evaluate, and adapt the materials of language

teaching for their classroom, and so do materials writers for sale or distribution.

Ideally, both of those aspects of materials development interactively work which

theoretical studies inform and are informed by the development and

implementation of the materials in the classroom.30

1. English Material for Islamic Educational Purposes

Islamic Education students need material that can help them to develop

their English skills, at least in general. But in fact, they also need to expand

their knowledge, particularly in Islamic Studies. For example, they need

materials which can improve their reading skills, and expand vocabularies in

terms of Islamic Studies. So, materials that cover a wide range subject matter

of Islam and can enrich learners‟ knowledge of English is necessary.

In the book of Reading for Islamic Studies, Giyoto31

offers exercises

with different level of difficulties in each part. The exercises include grammar

used, vocabulary enrichment and other exercises related to the texts in the

context of Islamic studies. In addition, he gives some themes or topics that can

be used to teach ESP for Islamic Educational purposes. It is listed in Table 2.3


Table 2.3

Islamic Studies Material

1. Prophet Muhammad 15. Economic Principles of Islam

2. Allah the God 16. The Problem of Equality

3. Allah Knows Everything 17. Social Justice

4. Faith 18. Obligations and Restrictions

5. The Quran 19. The Spiritual System of Islam

6. Books of Allah 20. Criterion of Moral Development

30 Jahanbakhsh Nikoopour and Mohammad Amini Farsani, loc.cit. 31 Giyoto, Reading for Islamic Studies, (Sukaharja: Pabelan Cerdas Nusantara, 2006), p. ii.

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7. The Angels 21. Road to Spirituality (1)

8. Life after Death 22. Road to Spirituality (2)

9. An Approach to Study Religion 23. The Prophet‟s Period

10. The Beginning of Revelation 24. The Madinah Charter

11. Dawn of Islam 25. The Hudaybiyyah Agreement

12. The Day of Peace 26. The Prophet and Consultation

(Musyawarah 1)

13. Prayer during Travel 27. The Prophet and Consultation

(Musyawarah 2)

14. Fasting in Islam 28. The Relationship between Ruler

and People

C. University Students

If we talk about education, especially in Indonesia, there are several levels

of education that must be passed by someone according to the age level from

childhood to adult. After someone finishes their education in high school, they can

continue to the higher level, which is to university. In the university, the status of

"high school student" will be released because they will have a new name, a

college student or mahasiswa.

As stated by Yusuf, they who are in the age of 18-25 years old and in the

stage of development are considered as a college student. This stage can be

classified from adolescence to an early adulthood. Viewed in terms of

development, the focus of this stage is to establish their lives.32

College students are individuals who are studying at a university.33


desire of the students to have a higher education is motivated by their dreams,

such as to master sciences and technology, skills and a high status in the

32 Syamsu Yusuf, Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja, (Bandung: Remaja Rosdakarya,

2012), p.27. 33 Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Online, Mahasiswa, 2018,


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community. But Mayangsari expressed that university life is different from high

school life.34

It means that college students are expected to be active and

independent in the process of learning. Producing and developing the knowledge

they received from the lecturers creatively is required to be a college student.

They will face challenging learning process situations that require them to have

more complex intellectual characteristics and so they can deal with the demands.35

Siswoyo stated that college student can be defined as an individual who is

studying at a university, either in public or private or other institutions that

equivalent to universities. College students are considered to have a high

intellectuality, intelligence in thinking, and a good planning of any actions.

Critical thinking and also fast and proper actions are a characteristic of college


Based on the explanation above, the conclusion is that college students are

a student who is 18 to 25 years old. They are also registered and done their studies

whether in a polytechnic, academy, institute, or university. College students are

expected to have a broader intellectual so they can fulfill the demands of their


D. English at Islamic Education Department of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah


In UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Faculty of Educational Sciences is the

oldest faculty than the other faculties. The faculty started with Islamic Education

since June 1st, 1960. But after many years, Faculty of Educational Sciences has

many department, such as Education of Islamic Religion, Education of Arabic

Language, Education of English Language, Education of Indonesian and

34 Marina Dwi Mayangsari, Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Ditinjau dari Penerimaan Orangtua,

Jurnal Ecopsy, 2013, p.18, (retrieved from on September 11th, 2018 at 04.44

p.m) 35 Ibid 36 Kurnia Nuraini, “Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Penyandang Tunadaksa”, Skripsi, (Surabaya:

Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya, 2014), p. 18, unpublished.

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Literature, Education of Social Sciences, Education of Mathematics, Education of

Biology, Education of Physics, Education of Chemistry, Education of Early

Childhood Teachers, Education of Elementary School Teachers, and Education of


Islamic Education Department is one of the departments in the Faculty of

Educational Sciences. It is the oldest department in the Faculty of Educational

Sciences, moreover in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. It is because the

department is the first department in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Until 2017, there are more than 500 active students in the department

which are divided into three classes of each level. Meanwhile, as stated in the

Book of Pedoman Akademik Strata I 2016/2017, there are 37 lecturers in the

department which are divided into 7 professors, 11 doctors (S-3), and 18 masters

(S-2). But based on the book of Pedoman Akademik Strata 1, there is no lecturer

who focused on teaching English. All the lecturer in the list majors to teach

Islamic and teaching values.

Islamic Education Department has the vision to be center of excellence in

Islamic Education for ASEAN by integrating Islamic, educational, and Indonesian

values in 2017.38

In order to achieve it, this department needs to have a

professional, innovative, and effective education in Islamic Education. Moreover,

the department needs to master at least one international language because the

scope to be achieved is ASEAN. The international language that should be

learned by the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta students is English because it is

one of the international languages and one of the subjects in UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Islamic Education students are prepared to finish their study in four years

or in eight semesters. In each semester, they should take at least 20 credits of

study, except for the eighth semester which focus to construct a research and

37 Pedoman Akademik Program Strata I 2016/2017, (Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta,

2016), p. 48. 38 Ibid, p. 49.

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skripsi. Focus on English subject, the students learn English in their first and third


They learn English in general for 3 credit units in the first semester,

meanwhile, in the third semester, they are emphasized in text reading for 2 credit

units. A credit unit consists of 50 minutes of learning, so in the first semester they

have 150 minutes to learn English in general, and 100 minutes to learn text

reading in the third semester. They only have one face-to-face meeting with the

lecturer in a week.

After learning English, the students are expected to show good learning

outcomes. First, they are expected to have a clear and coherent English

communication skill related to Islamic Education and able to actively participate

in a discussion. It is supported by appropriate teaching and learning methods, such

as group work, presentation, and seminar. Second, they are also expected to have

a knowledge of the educational theory both in general and specific for Islamic

Education matters in English. Third, they are expected to apply their knowledge

by doing research, micro teaching, or laboratory practicum. Last, they are also

expected to have an ability in gaining, processing, controlling, and analyzing data

in English for any assignments.39

E. Previous Study

Dewi had done a research of “Pengajaran English for Specific Purposes

(ESP) di Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta”. She observed

all faculties at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and focused to investigate the

teaching process of ESP there. More specifically, she looked for the learning

purposes, methodology, material, media and evaluation in the process of ESP


39 Ibid, pp. 50-53. 40 Ratna Sari Dewi, Pengajaran English for Specific Purposes (ESP) di Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Education 2014

(ICEdu14), 2014

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After she finished the study, she conclude the results. The purpose of the

English learning is to understand and to use specific English both written and

spoken for each department. Some of the lecturers has implemented student-

centered method in their class. The lecturers use visual, audio-visual and

multimedia to support the learning process. And how they evaluate their students

is using multiple choices to measure students‟ understanding of grammar and


Both this research and previous studies focus to analyze the

implementation of ESP in learning English. However, each study has their own

concern. Dewi focused to investigate how the lecturers implement the ESP in their

class, but the samples are the whole faculty in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

As for this research, the researcher focused on one department of Faculty of

Educational Sciences in learning English as their supporting subject.

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A. Place and Time of the Research

To obtain the data, the writer did the research in Islamic Education

Department of Faculty of Educational Sciences UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

The research is conducted to find out the needs of ESP for the students of Islamic

Education Department. The research started from April of the academic year

2017/2018 to July of the academic year 2018/2019.

B. Data and Data Sources

A set of actual data sources gained from a larger population of potential

data sources is defined as a sample.41

In this research, the target of the population

of the research was divided into three groups: students of Islamic Education

Department, Head of Islamic Education Department, and lecturers that had taught

English in Islamic Education Department. The idea to choose these three groups

of the target population was taken from many scholars as cited in the Alfehaid‟s

dissertation. It said that the scholars emphasize the importance to find the data

from multiple sources to identify the needs for ESP courses.42

It is because that

multiple sources can give broader and deeper analysis, and also „triangulation of

sources offers an important means of validating findings.‟43

Technique of sampling used was stratified random sampling technique.

Random sampling is a sampling technique which allow every data source in the

41 Lisa M. Given, The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods, Vol. 1, (United States

of America: Sage Publication Inc., 2008), p. 797. 42 Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid, “Developing an ESP Curriculum for Students of Health Sciences

through Needs Analysis and Course Evaluation in Saudi Arabia”, Dissertation of University of Leicester,

(England: School of Education of University of Leicester, 2011), p. 91,

( 43 Ibid.

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population to participate as the sample which can creates the possibility to


Meanwhile, stratified sampling is a sampling technique which divide

larger the population into smaller groups that are related to the objectives of the

research, so the researcher can compare the data between those groups. 45

For the students, the researcher took the class A in each semester. The

researcher took three levels of the semester of Islamic Education Department

students which are class 2A, 4A, and 6A. For the lecturer, the researcher asked for

help from the lecturers of English Education Department. The number of students

is 116 students which divided into 34 students of class 2A, 39 students of 4A, and

43 students of 6A. As for the lecturers, the researcher asked them who had taught

English subject in Islamic Education Department and ever had joined ESP

teacher-training course before. The researcher also asked the head of Islamic

Education Department to give his view of the English courses in the department.

C. Method and Design of the Research

This research used a qualitative research focused on a case study approach.

Dornyei defines that qualitative research „involves data collection procedures that

result primarily in open-ended, non-numerical data which is then analyzed

primarily by non-statistical methods‟.46

Douglas also states that qualitative

research focuses on an individual matter than groups. It means that qualitative

research does not seek of general findings of the context, but it focuses on the

particular and distinctive findings.47

Croker adds that the purpose of qualitative

research is to get a deeper comprehension of the participants‟ personal opinions,

experiences, and feeling in natural settings, i.e. classrooms and workplace.48

44 Lisa M. Given, loc.cit., p. 725. 45 Ibid, p. 834. 46 Zoltan Dornyei, Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed

Methodologies, (New York: Oxford University Press, 2007), p. 24. 47 Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid, op.cit, p. 93. 48 Robert A. Croker, “An Introduction to Qualitative Research”, in Juanita Heigham & Robert A.

Croker (Eds.), Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics: A Practical Introduction, (Basingstoke: Palgrave

Macmillan, 2009), p. 5.

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Moreover, qualitative research results provide many insights into why people do,

what they do and what influences their thoughts, values, and behaviors.49

Therefore, the purpose of the qualitative aspect is to discover the head of

Islamic Education Department, Lecturers, and the students‟ point of view through

semi-structured interview and to explore and evaluate the needs and course of

learners to get a general picture through a questionnaire survey of 90 Islamic

Education students and two English subject lecturers. The result of questionnaires

and interviews from the participants will be presented descriptively.

Meanwhile, Lisa stated that case study is one of the research methods in

qualitative research. Case study research emphasizes to study in depth of a

phenomenon. Case study suits to draw the ideas of the research because they can

enrich the interveiws or analysis of a discourse. Case study support

comprehensive strategies, such as “thick description” and “process tracing,” and it

settle on a “case-centered” than the “variable-centered”. Case study does not limit

to one observation because it focuses on one or a few cases, phenomena, or

analysis units.50

D. Technique of Data Collection

To collect data of the research, numerous methods of research can be used

to gather the qualitative data, such as observation, interview, document analysis,

and visual analysis. In this study, the researcher used a triangulation technique

that included two instruments, which were a questionnaire and interview to collect

the research data. The use of both instruments were expected to help the

researcher gain a valid and trustworthy data of the research.

Triangulation is the use of multiple sources to gain a data using different

methods to increase the trustworthiness of the research finding. The information

49 Stephen D. Lapan, et al. Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and Design, (United

State of America: Jossey-Bass, 2012), p. 101. 50 Lisa M. Given, p. 68.

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will be more trustworthy or credible if the findings of two or more different

methods obtain similar result.51

Trustworthiness is equally important when using

methods more than one are ways to increase trustworthiness.52

1. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is one of the instruments which is used to get research

data. Questionnaires provide second language researcher many types of

information related to the learners‟ assumptions about learning, learning

motivation, learning attitudes and reaction, and also classroom activity and


For this study, the questionnaires are distributed to two groups which

are students and lecturers. Students‟ questionnaires contain of 16 items,

meanwhile, questionnaires of lecturers contain 15 items. Each item points on

different aspects which are related on teaching-learning English, especially on


First three items of students‟ questionnaires focus on the their opinion

of learning English in general, besides for the lecturer focus on their

experinces in teaching English. Furthermore, there are questions of the

importance and difficulty in learning English for students‟ academic studies

and future careers. They are also asked about students‟ levels in some aspects

of learning English. In addition, some questions focus on the effectiveness of

the course they had.

The language for questionnaires were differed for the lecturers and

students. For the lecturers, the questionnaires used English because they have

been familiar with English and the misunderstanding of the questions could be

avoided. Meanwhile, the students‟ questionnaires used Indonesian. It was

because Islamic Education students were not as familiar as the lecturers in

terms of English. In addition, it also helped the students‟ to understand the

questions and prevent any misunderstanding of the questions.

51 Ibid, pp. 892-893. 52 Ibid, p. 848. 53 Alison Mackey & Susan M. Gass, Second Language Research: Methodology and Design, (New

Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc., 2005), pp. 92-93.

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Questionnaires were distributed to the participants which are students

of Islamic Education Department and the lecturers who taught ESP to Islamic

Education students. A total of the questionnaires distributed was 118 copies,

but only 92 copies were completed. All incomplete and late responses to the

questionnaire were excluded from the study.

Table 3.1

Number of Questionnaires Distributed and Completed


Number of



Number of



Response Rate

Students 116 90 77,59%

Lecturers 2 2 100%

Total 118 92 77,97%

The procedures of distributing the questionnaires were divided into

three times. First, the questionnaires were delivered to 34 students of Class

2A, 39 students of Class 4A and 43 students of Class 6A of Islamic Education

Department. The students were qualified as the source of data because they

had English subject in the first and second semester. The researcher also gave

a brief explanation of what the research about and the elements of the

questionnaires. They are given an estimated time of 15 minutes to complete

the questionnaires. From 116 questionnaires were distributed, 26 copies were

not used as incomplete responses.

Second, the questionnaires were delivered to two lecturers. The

qualification to choose the lecturers was that they should have taught English

in Islamic Education Department. From two lecturers who were asked, they

were able to complete the questionnaires.

2. Interview

One of the methods to collect research data qualitatively is to interview

the research subject. The interview provides how to explore someone

experience and opinion differently and support the researcher to investigate

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deeper of the issues to see perceive them based on the participant‟s point of

view. In addition, the interview also can be used as the main instrument to

reach the purposes of the research; and a supporting instrument to validate, to

verify, and to confirm research data which collected by another method.

The interviewees of this research were the head of Islamic Education

Department, the English lecturers, and the students in the department. They

were expected could give the researcher deeper and clearer information on the

ESP course in Education of Islamic Religion Department of UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta. The researcher also expected to gather information

about how the learning and teaching process of ESP in the department.

The first interviewee was the head of Islamic Education Department.

At first, the researcher planned to use structured interview through individual

face-to-face interview, but at the process of the interview, the researcher

changed the technique into semi-structured interview through individual face-

to-face interview. It was because the researcher found some interesting topics

to be discussed. The researcher prepared a tape recorder to help the researcher

to make an interview‟s transcript and to listen for future analysis. The use of

tape recorder also was with the interviewee‟s approval. The interview was

done for more than 25 minutes.

The second interviewee was five students of Islamic Education

Department. The technique to interview the students was not through face-to-

face, but through Whatsapp. Even the face-to-face interview was considered

more effective, but the researcher used Whatsapp as the interview media

because there were some problems that happened and made it impossible to

have a face-to-face interview. But, the researcher still followed “a guide which

involves identifying in advance a key list of questions, topics and sub-topics to

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help maintain a systematic coverage of the topic and guide the interview


The students were given six questions and they had to answer the

questions textually. The researcher gave the questions through personal chat

on Whatsapp. The use of Whatsapp was to help the researcher obtaining the

data from the informant who could not have face-to-face interview. They were

asked to reply the answers based on what they think.

The third interviewee was the English teahers. The technique used for

the third interviewee was structured interview through individual face-to-face

interview. The lecturers were from English Education Department, but they

taught English in Islamic Education Department. They had 1,5 years and 14

years experience in teaching English in English Education Department UIN

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. They were asked about their opinion of the

teaching English for the Islamic Education Department. Before the interview

started, the researcher prepared a tape recorder to record the process of the

interview. The interview was finished for around 10 minutes.

E. Technique of Data Analysis

As stated by Lisa, there are a number of common features in analyzing

qualitative data. It includes simultaneous collection and analysis of data, the

practice of writing memos during and after data collection, the use of writing as a

tool for analysis. In addition, the use of some sort of coding, and the development

of concepts and connection of one‟s analysis to the literature in one‟s field are

also important to guide a researcher in analyzing the research data.55


collecting the research data from questionnaire and interview, both data of the

54 Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid, op.cit, p. 97. 55 Lisa M. Given, op.cit, p. 186.

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questionnaire and interview needs to be analyzed. There are three steps to analyze

a research data. They are pre-coding, coding, and summarizing.56

The first steps is pre-coding. Precoding is reading the the data and trying

to find out key ideas or issues related to the question of the research. In this stage,

the researcher do pre-coding differently to the questionnaires and interview. For

the questionnaires, the reseacher looked for the frequencies, means and

percentages of the participants‟ responses. On the other hand, the interviews were

analyzed differently. It is because an interview produced a recorded data, so the

data must be transformed into a textual form. Therefore, the interviews were

transcribed into textual form before it was categorized.

Next steps is coding. Coding can be defined as marking the information,

the key ideas or issues so it can be identified easily.57

In this stage, the researcher

reviewed the information and categorized the key ideas or issues of each

instruments. Moreover, each data was compared separately so the researcher

could find the relation among those issues.

The last stage is summarizing. Summarizing is a process to make a

synthesis from the previous data. On the other hand, it is also done to draw a final

statement to answer the research question. For this research, the summary are

described based on the data distribution.

56 Ibid, 187. 57 Zoltan Dornyei, loc.cit, p. 250.

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As described in the previous chapter, the researcher chose Islamic

Education Department of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as the source of the

research. The total participants consist of the head of Islamic Education

Department, English lecturers, and students of Islamic Education. They were

asked about their view of the implementation of English for Specific Purposes

(ESP) IN Islamic Education Department. The participants were asked through

questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire were done by two English

lecturers and 90 students, meanwhile, the interview was done by the head of

department, two English lecturers and five Islamic Education students.

The researcher will answer the research questions as stated in Chapter 1.

The first question focuses on the implementation of English for their academic

studies. The second question focuses on the implementation of English for their

target careers. The third question focuses on the appropriateness and effectiveness

of ESP for the students. The questions will be answered one by one.

A. Have the current courses covered the English needs of Islamic

Education students of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of

Jakarta for their academic studies?

This question is intended to find out whether the English courses they have

obtained can help their academic studies. The head of the department said on the

interview that he was still not fully satisfied with the current English skills of

Islamic Education students. He said that he was trying to improve the ability of

the students, and one of his efforts is conducting text reading subject for a

semester which can help them to understand the learning resources.

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The lecturers also agreed with the head of the department‟s opinion.

Lecturer 1 stated that there are many students who get C in his class. It is because

there are only one to two students who are active during the learning process.

Whereas, lecturer 2 explained that the bilingual class she taught was not ready

enough to learn in English. She said “Tapi dengan disebut bilingual itu tidak

serta-merta mereka itu semuanya sudah siap untuk menerima pengajaran dengan

bahasa Inggris, tetap komunikasi di dalam kelas saya batasi tidak pakai bahasa

Inggris terus, termasuk kemampuan mereka dalam bahasa Inggris tidak

semuanya di atas walaupun mereka kelas bilingual.” (But, called as a bilingual

classs does not mean that they have already prepared to learn in English, the

communication in class is not always in English, it means that some of students‟

ability in English is not prepared.) In a class, only a tenth of students is ready to

use English and better prepared than others from the beginning. “Memang ada

anak-anak tertentu paling 10% yang memang sudah siap berbahasa Inggris dari

satu kelas itu ...” (There are 10% of students in a class who are ready to learn in

English…) Additional programs or an extension of the study period is needed, so

the students are able to increase their English skills.

Students also have the same opinion regarding this matter. They said that

they needed a lot of learning related to English, and one of the reasons was to

support them in understanding English-language references. It is supported by the

result of the students‟ questionnaires of their reason in learning English in Table

4.1. Apart from that, a student responded that he had not received supporting

facilities in a bilingual class. This issue led to his English skills which do not


The reasons for students learn English is shown in Table 4.1. The overall

percentage of students‟ reason in learning English in Table 4.1 shows that the

needs of English for their academic studies is quite low. It can be seen that around

27, 40% of students aware of their needs and recognize that English is important

for their academic studies. The highest percentage of the reason is that they need

it to obtain their degree.

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Table 4.1

The Students’ Questionnaires Result of Their Reason in Learning English

Reason F %

Because it is compulsory subject 41 9,60%

Because I am interested in various English cultures 15 3,51%

Because I need it in order to obtain my degree 66 15,46%

Because I will need it in my target career 50 11,71%

Because it is interesting and I enjoy learning it 24 5,62%

Because it will help me to be a successful Islamic teacher 42 9,84%

Because I need it when I travel abroad 55 12,88%

Because it is easy, therefore I can get good grades and upgrade my GPA 10 2,34%

Because I need it for my daily life 18 4,22%

Because it will make me a prestigious and better educated person 37 8,67%

Because it will broaden my knowledge and view 59 13,82%

Other 10 2,34%

TOTAL 427 100,00%

Both students and lecturers agreed that learning English is important to

support students‟ academic studies. From Table 4.2, the responses show English is

important to obtain students‟ academic studies at college. It can be seen that all

the participants voted “important” choice in the questionnaires.

Besides, lecturer 1 said that learning English is important because at UIN,

especially in the Faculty of Educational Sciences, English is a general subject

(MKDU) for non-language majors. In other occasions, lecturer 2 emphasized that

the demand to pass the TOEFL at level 450 is a short-term requirement for

students in the field of English. She also said that the English course she did for

Islamic Education students was to increase their TOEFL scores.

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It seems that lecturer 2 focused on the impact of students‟ learning in

English on their TOEFL test result. One of the students‟ task related to the

English in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is to pass the TOEFL test as a

requirement to have a skripsi trial and graduate from the university. Islamic

Education Department, as one of the non-language departments, must be able to

ensure the students can pass the TOEFL test at level 450. She stated “... Jadi saya

arahnya adalah supaya mereka bisa meningkatkan nilai TOEFL, jadi langsung

praktis arah pengajaran saya kesana...” (...Therefore, my direction was to

increase their TOEFL score, so the practical direct direction of my teaching

covered there ...) and she also said that the results were quite satisfying “...di akhir

pengajaran satu semester, mereka saya suruh ambil tes TOEFL lagi dan

alhamdulillah hasilnya boleh dikatakan 50% mereka tercapai...” (..... at the end of

a semester of teaching, they are told to take the TOEFL test once more and Thank

God, the result is that 50% of them are improved...). Students also agreed that

learning English was in accordance with their academic studies.

Meanwhile, students felt the impact on their understanding of learning

English. They are able to understand the learning sources that use English as the

language of instruction. However, there was one student who said that the English

course taught on university did not significantly affect her English skills. She

added that her English skills had improved after she took an English course

outside. “…karena bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari saat kuliah sangat mendasar.

Maka dari itu saya les bahasa Inggris di LIA ...” (…because the English learning

in the university is basic. So, I take an English course in LIA…”

Table 4.2

The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of Learning English for

Students’ Academic Studies

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Not Very


Not Important

at All

F % F % F % F %

Students 57 63,3% 33 36,7% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Lecturers 1 50,0% 1 50,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Learning English skills has an important role aside from learning English

in general. It is because learning a language means learning language skills. Table

4.3 presents the importance to learn English skill for students‟ academic studies

based on the students‟ and lecturers‟ responses.

Table 4.3

The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of English Skills for Students’

Academic Studies

Respondent Skill





Not Very


Not Important

at All

F % F % F % F %


Speaking 50 55,5% 34 37,8% 6 6,7% 0 0,0%

Listening 46 54,8% 33 39,3% 5 5,9% 0 0,0%

Writing 32 36,4% 44 50% 12 13,6% 0 0,0%

Reading 37 43,5% 42 49,4% 6 7,1% 0 0,0%


Speaking 2 100% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Listening 1 50,0% 1 50,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Writing 1 50,0% 1 50,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Reading 2 100% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Regarding English skills, Table 4.3 shows that speaking is considered the

most important skill for students' academic studies, followed by reading, listening

and writing. This is different from Julian's opinion that college students mainly

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depend on reading, writing, critical thinking, oral presentation, and media literacy

to learn.58

To master speaking skill, students should be able to use English in their

daily lives, for example when they communicate with their colleagues. But, the

researcher found that the use of English in Islamic Education Department to

communicate between students is low. It can be seen on Table 4.4 that 53 students

communicate in Indonesian with their colleagues meanwhile, there is only a

student who use English completely.

Table 4.4

The Students’ Questionnaires Result of the Language Used by Students to


Indonesia English Indonesia &


F 53 1 36

% 58,90% 1,10% 40,00%

From the analysis of the research data related to the implementation of

English courses for students‟ academic studies, the results show that English

language learning at the Islamic Education Department supports students'

academic success. It can be observed by several English learning activities

conducted in the classroom. It is in line with Mauranen's opinion that the use of

English in academic field has been influenced all over the world and mostly used

by non-native speakers.59

58 Julian Hermida, The Importance of Teaching Academic Reading Skills in First-Year University

Courses, The International Journal of Research and Review, 3, 2009, p. 20, (retrieved from on October 5th, 2018 at 09.19 p.m.). 59 Anna Mauranen, English as an Academic Lingua Franca – the ELFA project, Nordic Journal of

English Studies, 7 (3), 2008, p. 199, (retrieved from on October 5th, 2018 at 08.43 p.m.).

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B. Have the current courses covered the English needs of Islamic

Education students of Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University of

Jakarta for their target careers?

This question is aimed to investigate whether the English courses they

have obtained can help their career needs. The percentage of students‟ reason in

learning English in Table 4.1 shows that the needs of English for students‟ target

career is quite high. It can be seen that 43,10% of students thought that they need

English to support their target careers. The biggest reason is that they need

English when they travel abroad.

But based on the opinion of the head of the department, the English

subjects that students get in the first semester are not enough to help them meet

the work requirements. He added that the English subject was also very lack

because there were only 3 credit units. He said “Saya kira belum apa-apa karena

itu hanya semester satu ya bahasa Inggris. Jadi baru masuk kemudian ada mata

kuliah itu dan sama dengan jurusan yang lain 3 sks, kan sangat kecil.” (I do not

think it is okay because English is only in the first semester. So they just got in,

and there was an English course which is similar to the other majors with three

credit units. It was very short.) Therefore, students need further learning to

improve students' English skills. One of the efforts done yet has not received

permission to do is English teaching in a dormitory for a year.

The explanation of the head of the department above is strengthened by

the lecturers' statements. They stated that the influence of teaching English in the

first semester which lasted 12 meetings was not highly significant, even less if it

reached the workforce. The results which can be achieved are at least to be able to

pass the TOEFL ITP test at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Five Islamic education students also agreed that what they get in English

subjects is not optimal. They explained that they only learned basic English and

the material to be tested on the TOEFL test. It is different with the demand of

work field which requires a good communication skill. In fact, one of five

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students said that she took extra lessons outside to increase her knowledge of

English. “…karena bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari saat kuliah sangat mendasar.

Maka dari itu saya les bahasa Inggris di LIA ...” (…because the English learning

in the university is basic. So, I take an English course in LIA…”

Meanwhile, Table 4.5 shows the result of the importance to learn English

for students‟ target careers based on the questionnaires. The result indicates that

both lecturers and students acknowledged that English is necessary for students‟

target careers. An interesting point worth to be noted is that there are three

students who did not consider English as important as another subject to be


Table 4.5

The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of Learning English for

Students’ Target Careers






Not Very


Not Important

at All

F % F % F % F %

Students 54 60,0% 32 35,6% 2 2,2% 1 1,1%

Lecturers 1 50,0% 1 50,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

On the interview, the head of Islamic Education Department agrees that

English is important for students to learn. He stated that there was an urge to

prepare Islamic Education Students to face the demands of ASEAN-accredited

Islamic Education Department. Students are expected to be able to understand

English, at least as their language of instruction, so they not only can apply to

work in Indonesia but also in the ASEAN market. Another reason is that he

Another reason is that many international schools, especially International

standard Islamic schools, want Islamic teachers who teach there to have good

English skills. However, the reality is different. Most Islamic teachers who teach

in international schools are modern pesantren alumni who are usually using

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English as their daily language, but they do not have an Islamic Education

certificate. The head of the department stated “Saya kira belum apa-apa karena

itu hanya semester satu ya bahasa Inggris. Jadi baru masuk kemudian ada mata

kuliah itu dan sama dengan jurusan yang lain tiga sks, kan sangat kecil.” (I do

not think it is okay because English is only in the first semester. So they just got

in, and there was an English course which is similar to the other majors with three

credit units. It was very short.) It is followed by the lecturers who also think the

same way.

Meanwhile, students view the importance of learning English in general.

All students who were interviewed expressed that they need English because it is

an international language. Four of five students argued many people have used

English as a language to communicate with other people. In addition, the majority

of job requirements are demanding to have good English skills. Students mostly

think that the English courses have met the needs of their target careers, but they

also need further programs so they can improve their abilities in English. Student

2 suggested “Sejujurnya yang saya rasakan bahwasanya pelajaran bahasa

Inggris di PAI kurang begitu baik. Meski saya mahasiswa kelas bilingual, saya

rasa kondisi kelas dan dosen yang kurang mendukung membuat kemampuan

bahasa Inggris tidak dapat berkembang. Sebaiknya diadakan program khusus

Bahasa Inggris di PAI, semacam mata kuliah “Islamic English” yang ada di

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia.” (I honestly feel that the English courses on

Islamic Education Department are not so good. Even though I am a bilingual class

student, I think the class conditions and the lecturers who are less supportive lead

to the undeveloped English skills. It is better to have a proper English program at

the Islamic Education Department as an Islamic English course at the University

of Indonesia.)

While students consider that English is important for their target careers,

Table 4.6 shows on the skills that are important to learn to support their target

careers. There are enhancements of students‟ view of English for their careers

than for their studies. It can be seen on the increasing percentage that English skill

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is important for them. The result also indicates that speaking still has the highest

number of interest both form the students and lecturers.

Table 4.6

The Questionnaires Result of the Importance of Learning Skills to Students’

Target Carrers

Respondent Skill





Not Very


Not Important

at All

F % F % F % F %


Speaking 54 60,7% 33 37,1% 2 2,3% 0 0,0%

Listening 40 47,1% 43 50,6% 2 2,4% 0 0,0%

Writing 42 46,7% 40 44,4% 8 8,9% 0 0,0%

Reading 39 45,4% 42 48,8% 5 5,8% 0 0,0%


Speaking 2 100% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Listening 1 50,0% 1 50,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Writing 1 50,0% 1 50,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

Reading 2 100% 0 0,0% 0 0,0% 0 0,0%

From the results of the research data related to the implementation of the

ESP for students‟ target careers, it shows that they are aware of the importance of

English for their target careers. However, this is not in line with reality. The

English courses they get in the first and third semester are said to be insufficient

to prepare Islamic Education students for their careers later.

C. To what extent are the current ESP courses at the Islamic Education

Department appropriate and effective?

The topic above is assigned to find out whether the ESP course they have

learned is appropriate and relevant for their needs of English. It is in a debate on

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whether learning English in the Islamic Education Department needs to be

directed to Educational English (ESP) or General English. As Lecturer 1 said,

“Kalau menurut saya sih bahasa Inggris itu perdebatan. Ada yang “yang kita

maksud dengan 3 sks itu hanya general English saja tidak spesifik”, tapi kapan

mereka belajar bahasa Inggris kalau tidak spesifik?” (In my opinion, English is in

a debate. Some people said that what we mean by 3 credits is only General

English and not specific. So, when will they learn specific English?)

Table 4.7 lists the result of the students and lecturers‟ questionnaires

related to students‟ current ability in some skills and how helpful the ESP course

can improve those skills of students.

Table 4.7

The Questionnaires Result of Students’ Ability and The Use of ESP Course

Students’ Current Ability


The Improvement of Students’ Ability by

the Help of ESP Course

Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Poor Very Poor Very

Helpful Somewhat

Not Very



Helpful at


Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec. Stu. Lec.

2 0 21 0 24 0 33 0 6 2 3 0 Speaking 25 1 45 1 15 0 0 0

5 0 15 0 22 0 30 0 13 2 1 0 Listening 19 0 55 2 14 0 0 0

5 0 9 0 25 0 40 0 6 2 1 0 Writing 16 0 60 1 15 0 0 0

9 0 12 0 28 0 35 1 2 1 0 0 Reading 24 0 48 0 12 0 0 0

3 0 9 0 17 0 28 1 17 1 2 0 Grammar 22 0 39 0 20 0 2 0

7 0 11 0 28 0 35 1 7 1 0 0 General

Vocabulary 22 0 46 1 15 0 0 0

4 0 5 0 18 0 45 1 14 1 0 0 Educational

Vocabulary 13 0 50 2 22 0 0 0

2 0 12 0 16 0 48 1 5 1 2 0 English

Overall 15 0 56 2 9 0 0 0

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From Table 4.7, it can be seen that around 68,60% of students considered their

understanding of educational vocabularies is low, it is supported by the lecturers‟

opinion who thought the same. An interesting point is all the lecturers stated that

students‟ speaking is poor and need to be improved more, but around 52,80% of

students claimed that their speaking skill is good enough. It also occurs in the

result of listening and writing skill. On the other hand, the researcher identified

that, in general, ESP course they had helps them to improve their English skills,

although there were 22 students who still considered ESP course is not very

helpful to increase their educational vocabularies.

When the participants were asked on the interview whether having a fluent

command of oral and written English is necessary to be a successful Islamic

teacher, the head of the department stated that English is not an indicator of

quality. English is a language to communicate. But currently, there are many

modern schools which apply English as a communication language. Therefore,

efforts to prepare students to learn the language are needed, so Islamic Education

students are able to face these demands. “Sebetulnya bahasa Inggris tidak

merupakan indikator kualitas, itu kan hanya bahasa pengantar bahasa

komunikasi. Tapi komunikasi kita ini karena masyarakat yang kita hadapi atau

sekolah yang kita hadapi itu sekolah modern, kita harus menyesuaikan bahasa.

Bahasa mereka kita kuasai, jangan sampai kita tidak menguasai.” (Actually,

English is not the main indicator of quality, it is a medium of communication.

But, we have to prepare our language system because our current environment or

schools are modern. We need to master their language.)

The statement of the head of the department is also strengthened by the

opinions of the lecturers. They said that teachers who have language skills other

than Indonesian, especially English, will have wider employment. They can teach

in schools where the majority use English as the language of instruction, aside

from local schools.

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Students have slightly different opinions regarding this issue. They said

that it is important to have good English skills to be a successful Islamic teacher.

Some of them explained that currently, many schools have implemented bilingual

courses where students' study materials and how the teachers teach in class use

English. In addition, Student 3 argued that having the ability to English has

become a necessity because the demands of knowledge are increasingly


The head of Islamic Education Department mentioned that Islamic

Education students are able to actively participate when attended in class or

invited to attend activities that use English a lot after they learn English. He stated

that Mr. Dede Rosyada, a rector and a lecturer in Islamic Education Department,

always use English to teach in the class. He stated “Pak Rektor itu kalau ngajar

mulai masuk sampai keluar bahasa Inggris. Mulai semester satu karena kebetulan

dia mengajar Studi Islam itu semester satu. Nanti kalau semester dua Islam dan

Ilmu Pengetahuan beliau dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris dari awal sampai

keluar.” (Rector always use English when he is teaching in a class. From the first

semester when he teaches Study of Islam. In second semester, he teaches Islam

and Sciences and he uses English from the start to finish.)

The head of department also shared that the students have been familiar to

English after Mr. Dede used English continuously and also assign some exercises

in English. Besides, he stated that the students were able to understand, ask and

use English in activities such as such as national seminars, visiting professors, and

studium generale. He explained “…Sering ketika ada seminar nasional atau ada

visiting profesor dari luar yang mereka mengadakan ceramah/kuliah umum seperti

studium generale, itu mahasiswa kita sering diundang yang kelas A (bilingual).

Mereka aktif bisa bertanya, bertanya menggunakan bahasa Inggris, bisa

nyambung…” (We often have a national seminar or visiting by professor like

stadium generale, our students in bilingual class were often invited. They could be

active to ask in English, and understand.)

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Meanwhile in Table 4.8 shows the improvement of students‟ English skills

after they had ESP course. As shown, students mostly stated that their speaking

skill has the most improvement after they had an ESP course. It is followed by 21

students who thought that they improve their reading skill after joining an ESP

course. It is strengthened by the lecturers‟ idea that claimed that the skill which

improved the most is reading.

Table 4.8

The Questionnaires Result of the Improvement of English Skills after

Learning ESP

Respondent Speaking Writing Listening Reading

F % F % F % F %

Students 48 53,30% 9 10,00% 12 13,30% 21 23,30%

Lecturers 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00% 2 100,00%

In the classroom, the use of textbooks is necessary to support learning

materials for students. Table 4.9 shows the data distribution of students and

lecturers‟ questionnaires of how appropriate the use of textbooks in their English

learning course. Lecturers agreed that the textbook they used has been appropriate

and met the needs of their students. An appropriate and relevant textbook is

needed so they can learn English better to support the English course. Meanwhile,

there is one-third of students who still argued that the textbook has not been

appropriate yet to use.

Table 4.9

The Questionnaires Result of the Respondents’ View of Textbooks Used

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Not Very




at All

F % F % F % F %

Students 0 0,00% 60 66,67% 30 33,33% 0 0,00%

Lecturers 1 50,00% 1 50,00% 0 0,00% 0 0,00%

From the data collected, the implementation of ESP in the Islamic

Education Department was not well performed. There was a clear difference

within the specific demands of English for students and the implementation which

indicates the common understanding of English. It can be seen from the objectives

of learning English which focuses on improving English for students‟ academic

studies, which is TOEFL test.

It is similar to Dewi's statement that the development of ESP at the tertiary

level in Indonesia does not seem significant. One of the reasons is the name of

ESP in the college curriculum which is in the name of English Language subjects.

For in its implementation, there are differences in beliefs on this subject.

She also concluded that the aim of conducting the English language class in

Islamic universities, especially in the Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic State University

Jakarta, has two purposes. First is to teach General English, and the other one is to

focus on ESP. Thus, the application of the ESP course is not well focused.60

However, the data shows that students enjoyed learning English. It is in

line with Park‟s view that students learn English effectively when they can enjoy

the process of the learning itself. Park stated that students tend to have more

comprehension, retention, enjoyment, and appreciation of what they have learned

when they can engage with what they are studying actively. It is different from

students who are passive to receive what the teachers teach them.61

60 Ratna Sari Dewi, Pengajaran English for Specific Purposes (ESP) di Universitas Islam Negeri

Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Conference Proceedings of International Conference on Education 2014

(ICEdu14), 2014. 61 Chris Park, Engaging Students in the Learning Process: The Learning Journal, Journal of

Geography in Higher Education, 27 (2), 2003, p. 183, (retrieved from on September 23rd, 2018 at 09.27 a.m.).

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The data also show that the English courses that students encounter in the

first semester are sufficient in several aspects. First, their English courses have

fulfilled the learning objectives. Further, teaching methods are appropriate for

students‟ needs, for example, the opportunity to work in groups. Also, students'

motivation is well developed. Nevertheless, the time given is still very lacking, so

there needs to be additional time in the process of learning English. As said by

lecturer 2, “...Minimal jangan program tambahan deh, tapi semesternya lebih

diperpanjang kan mereka hanya belajar satu semester tapi sksnya tiga.” (At least,

do not create any additional programs, yet extend the semester. They study for

only one semester with three credit units).

Meanwhile, the head of the department is more focused on creating an

environment that can accustom the students to use English. It is due to the lack of

awareness in English without any supporting environment and facilities, such as

the English Village in Kediri, East Java. But if for the short term, he expects the

lecturers to be able to persuade their students to always communicate in English.

“…Lingkungan kalau dengan mereka sendiri itu memang dengan kesadaran

sangat sulit, kecuali kalau yang di Pare lingkungan seperti itu. Makanya harus

ada penekanan dari dosen yang mengajar atau seperti tadi dari jurusan juga ada,

tapi secara langsung dari dosennya itu yang mengajak mereka untuk selalu

berkomunikasi.” (It is difficult to build an awareness from theirselves., except

there is a supporting environment like in Pare. So, lecturers need to emphasize to

communicate in English in the classroom).

The lecturers had a different point of view. They emphasized that students

learning objectives are the most important thing in learning English so that

lecturers will adjust the learning portion and material. Lecturer 1 explained the

difficulty of teaching ESP to non-language majors who have their own English

needs. It is because the number of credit units provided for each department

cannot meet that need. In addition, there is no general English which can

accommodate the students of English.

And when five students interviewed, three of them said that English

learners must practice what they learned consistently. Practice will greatly help

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them to understand quickly what they are learning. It is application and


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After finishing the whole steps of this research, the writer drew a

conclusion referring to the findings of the research. After the writer drew a

conclusion, the writer gave suggestion.

A. Conclusion

After doing language needs analysis, the researcher discovered:

1. Students aware of English for their academic studies. More precisely,

the data show that all four English skills are essential for their

academic studies, especially speaking and reading. Meanwhile, the

results of the implementation of the English course in the Islamic

Education Department demonstrates that focusing the aims of learning

English to complete the TOEFL test for students of Islamic Education

is considered as a successful action.

2. Students aware of the English toward their target careers. But in

reality, the English courses they got at the Islamic Education

Department has not supported further English for students which

mainly regarding Islamic Education.

3. The implementation of ESP in the Islamic Education Department is not

well-applied. It is because the duration to learn ESP specifically is

pretty minimum. Meanwhile, the demand for students' needs for

English is also quite big.

B. Suggestion

Based on the conclusion above, the writer gave the following suggestions:

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1. Lecturers are expected to provide more exercises in a class so Islamic

Education students are able to improve their English skills.

2. Additional time to learn English is necessary because the time

currently given is very short.

3. Lecturers are expected to be able to use more multiple teaching

methods and media so the learning process becomes more interesting.

4. Additional programs or classes are anticipated to improve students'

English skills.

5. All parties include the head of the department, English lecturers, and

students are expected to be able to implement ESP maximally so it can

meet the students' needs of specific English in Islamic Education.

Page 58: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention



Alfehaid, Abdulaziz Fahad T. “Developing an ESP Curriculum for Students of

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Baleghizadeh, Sasan and Amir Hossein Rahimi. Evaluation of an ESP Textbook

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Basturkmen, Helen. Ideas and Options in English for Specific Purposes. New

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Belcher, Diane D. English for Specific Purposes: Teaching to Perceived Needs

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TESOL Quarterly. 40(1). 2006.


Bojović, Milevica. Teaching Foreign Language for Specific Purposes: Teacher

Development. Proceedings of the 31st Annual ATEE Conference. 2006.


Boroujeni, Samira Atefi and Fateme Moradian Fard. A Needs Analysis of English

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Language Teaching: A Case of Iranian First-Year Students of Educational

Administration. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science

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Croker, Robert A. “An Introduction to Qualitative Research”, in Juanita Heigham

& Robert A. Croker (Eds.). Qualitative Research in Applied Linguistics: A

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Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Conference Proceedings of

International Conference on Education 2014 (ICEdu14). 2014

Dobson, Gordon. The Needs of Students and Teachers. Empirical Studies in

English Applied Linguitics. 2007.


Dornyei, Zoltan. Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative,

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Fahrurrozi, Ahmad. “Learners‟ Language Needs Analysis of English Subject in

Azkia Integrated Islamic Primary School”. Skripsi. Jakarta: UIN Syarif

Hidayatullah Jakarta. 2014.

Fiorito, Lorenzo. Teaching English for Specific Purposes (ESP). 2005.



Flowerdew, John and Matthew Peacock. “Issues in EAP: A Preliminary

Perspective”, in John Flowerdew and Matthew Peacock (Eds.). Research

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University Press. 2001.

Given, Lisa M. The Sage Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods Volume

1. United States of America: Sage Publication Inc.. 2008.

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Giyoto. Reading for Islamic Studies. Sukaharja: Pabelan Cerdas Nusantara. 2006.

Hermida, Julian. The Importance of Teaching Academic Reading Skills in First-

Year University Courses. The International Journal of Research and

Review. 3. 2009. (


Hutchinson, Tom and Alan Waters. English for Specific Purpose: A Learning-

centered Approach. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1987.

Hyland, Ken and Liz Hamp-Lyons. EAP: Issues and Directions‟. English for

Academic Purposes. 1(1). 2002.



Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia Online. Mahasiswa. 2018.


Keputusan Rektor UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Nomor 811 Tahun 2016.

Pedoman Akademik Program Strata 1. Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah

Jakarta. 2016.

Kim, Dan. English for Occupational Purposes: One Language?. London:

Continuum. 2008.

Lamri, Chams Eddine. “An Introduction of English for Specific Purposes (ESP)”.

Online Lectures for Third Year Licence Level on Abou Bekr Belkaid

University. 2006. unpublished.

Lapan, Stephen D., et al. Qualitative Research: An Introduction to Methods and

Design. United State of America: Jossey-Bass. 2012.

Lekatompessy, Felicia M. Report on the Third Chapter of Jack Richard’s book

(Curriculum Development in Language Teaching, 2002, USA,

Cambridge). 2010. (


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Mackey, Alison & Susan M. Gass. Second Language Research: Methodology and

Design. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates Inc.. 2005.

Mauranen, Anna. English as an Academic Lingua Franca – the ELFA Project.

Nordic Journal of English Studies. 7 (3). 2008.


Mayangsari, Marina Dwi. Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Ditinjau dari

Penerimaan Orangtua. Jurnal Ecopsy. 2013.


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Teaching Material Development. Journal of Language and Translation,



Nuraini, Kurnia. “Motivasi Berprestasi Mahasiswa Penyandang Tunadaksa”.

Skripsi. Surabaya: Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya. 2014.


Orr, Thomas. “English Language Education for Specific Professional Needs”, in

David F. Beer (Ed.). Writing and Speaking in the Technology Professions:

A Practical Guide Second Edition. New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc..


Otilia, Simion Minodora. Needs Analysis in English for Specific Purposes. Annals

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Park, Chris. Engaging Students in the Learning Process: The Learning Journal.

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Nasional Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas. 2005.

Rahman, Momtazur. English for Specific Purposes (ESP): A Holistic Review.

Universal Journal of Educational Research. 2015.


Richard, Jack C. Curriculum Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge:

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Sari, Dian Puspita. “An Analysis of Students‟ Needs for ESP Class in a

Statepolytechnic in Lampung”. Thesis. Bandung: Universitas Pendidikan

Indonesia. 2012. unpublished.

Smoak, Rebecca. What is English for Specific Purposes?. English Teaching

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Songhori, Mehdi Haseli. Introduction to Needs Analysis. English for Specific

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Tomlinson, Brian. Developing Materials for Language Teaching. Wiltshire:

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Yusuf, Syamsu. Psikologi Perkembangan Anak dan Remaja. Bandung: Remaja

Rosdakarya. 2012.

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Appendix 1 Head of Department’s Semi-Structured Interview



Modified from Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid‟s Thesis entitled “Developing an ESP

Curriculum for Students of Health Sciences through Needs Analysis and Course

Evaluation in Saudi Arabia.”


1. Do you think English is important?

2. Do you think it has an effect on the quality of students‟ achievement in

this department? If so, please give examples.

3. Do you think that it is necessary to have a fluent command of oral and

written English to be a successful Islamic teacher?

4. How satisfied are you with the level of English of the Education of Islamic

Religion students?

5. How do you see their language skills (reading, listening, writing,

speaking), their grammar and vocabulary (general, educational)?

6. What, exactly, are the Education of Islamic Religion students able and not

able to do in terms of English?

7. To what extent, do you think, the language skills are important to the

Education of Islamic Religion students‟ target careers?

8. Do you think that the ESP course they took prepared them well for their

work requirements?

9. What can the Education of Islamic Religion Department do to prepare the

students better for the kind of English required for their work?

10. Would you suggest some themes or topics that you think should be learnt

by the Education of Islamic Religion students in order to be able to

become a good Education of Islamic Religion teacher candidate?

Would you like to comment or add anything? You are very welcome.

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Appendix 2 Lecturers’ Semi-Structured Interview


Modified from Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid‟s Thesis entitled “Developing an ESP

Curriculum for Students of Health Sciences through Needs Analysis and Course

Evaluation in Saudi Arabia.”


1. Do you think English is important?

2. Do you think it has an impact on the quality of students‟ achievement in

this department? If so, please give examples.

3. Do you think that it is necessary to have a fluent command of oral and

written English to be a successful Islamic teacher?

4. How satisfied are you with the level of English of the Education of Islamic

Religion students?

5. Do you think that the ESP course they took prepared them well for their

work requirements?

6. What is the most important thing to teach English?

Would you like to comment or add anything? You are very welcome.

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Appendix 3 Students’ Structured Interview


Modified from Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid‟s Thesis entitled “Developing an ESP

Curriculum for Students of Health Sciences through Needs Analysis and Course

Evaluation in Saudi Arabia.”


1. Do you think English is important?

2. Do you think it has an impact on the quality of students‟ achievement in

this department? If so, please give examples.

3. Do you think that it is necessary to have a fluent command of oral and

written English to be a successful Islamic teacher?

4. How satisfied are you with the level of English of the Education of Islamic

Religion students?

5. Do you think that the ESP course they took prepared them well for their

work requirements?

6. What is the most important thing to learn English?

Would you like to comment or add anything? You are very welcome.

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Appendix 4 Lecturers’ Questionnaire

ENGLISH LECTURERS’ QUESTIONNAIRE Modified from Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid‟s Thesis entitled “Developing an ESP

Curriculum for Students of Health Sciences through Needs Analysis and Course

Evaluation in Saudi Arabia.”


1. How many years have you been teaching English at the Department of

English Education?


2. Have you ever joined an ESP teacher-training course? Yes ( ) No ( ), if

'yes' please give details.





3. How much do you enjoy teaching English at the college? Please put a tick

(✓) in the box that best expresses your opinion.


Enjoyable Quite Enjoyable

Not Very

Enjoyable Not Enjoyable at All

4. How important do you believe the ESP course is for your students‟

academic studies at the college?


Important Quite Important Not Very Important Not Important at All

5. How important do you believe the ESP course is for your students‟ target



Important Quite Important Not Very Important Not Important at All

6. Please rate each SKILL below TWO TIMES. First, indicate how

important do you think these skills are in your students‟ academic studies

in the college, and THEN indicate how important do you think these skills

are in your students‟ target careers. Please put a tick (✓) in the box that

best expresses your opinion.

For my students‟ studies in

the college this skill is:

(tick one)


For my students‟ target

careers this skill is:

(tick one)



















at a




















at a



Page 67: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention





7. Please rate each SKILL/AREA below TWO TIMES. First, rate your

students‟ current ability in each skill/area, and THEN indicate to what

extent the ESP course had helped them in improving the skill/area. Please

put a tick (✓) in the box that best expresses your opinion.

Students‟ current ability in this

skill/area is:


The help of the ESP course in

improving this

skill/area was:





y G











y P











t V






t A

t A










General Vocabulary

Educational Vocabulary

English overall

8. What the language skill do you think the ESP course at the college

improved most? Please choose one.

Speaking Writing Listening Reading

9. To what extent, do you think, in general, that the currently used textbooks

in the ESP course are appropriate and relevant to your students‟ needs?

Very Appropriate Quite Appropriate Not Very Appropriate Not Appropriate at


10. How would you evaluate the ESP course in general terms? Please put a

tick (✓) under the box that best expresses your opinion

Very Successful

and Effective

Successful and

Effective In Most

Of Its Aspects

Successful and

Effective Only In

Few Of Its Aspects

Not Successful and

Effective At All

11. Please indicate to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following


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a. The ESP course has met my students' language needs to

function satisfactorily in their academic studies

b. The ESP course has met my students' language needs to function

satisfactorily in their target careers.

c. English classes are relevant to their needs

d. Instruction should focus on Educational English

e. Instruction should focus on General English

f. The present time assigned for ESP is insufficient, and more time should

be given to English language instruction in the


g. The content of the course's textbooks is above my students'

English language level

h. The teaching methodologies used by the language teachers

are appropriate and useful

i. Supplementary materials (e.g. audio-video tapes, overhead

transparencies and computers) are used in English classes

j. Students are given the opportunity to work in groups or pairs

in English classes

k. Teachers of English language motivate students in English


l. Teachers of English language in the course are helpful in

their teaching

m. The appropriate assessment procedures used in the course were


n. Having a fluent command of written and oral English is an integral part

to be a successful educational professional.

o. English ought not to be necessary in Indonesian schools and educational


12. Please rate each COURSE OBJECTIVE below THREE TIMES. First,

indicate to what extent the objective had been achieved. Second, indicate

how important the objective is for your students‟ academic studies in the

college. Third, indicate how important the objective is for your students‟

target careers. Please put a tick (✓) in the box that best expresses your


This objective was:

(tick one)

Course Objectives

For my studies in the

college this objective is:

(tick one)

For my target career

this objective is:

(tick one)




















t A















t V






t Im
















t V






t Im






To use the new educational terms in all

four skills of language

Page 69: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention


To use the educational terms in

professional communication

To recognize all body systems with their

names and educational courses

To comprehend and write short educational

situations using the educational


To understand, read and write short

educational reports.

To write a text using the acquired writing


To produce good writing by taking care of

spelling, punctuation, cursive handwriting

and grammatical points

To express ideas correctly and to follow

writing techniques

To apply all grammatical points in both

spoken and written English

To understand any spoken or written

instruction in English

To form everyday statements and questions

To explain student‟s related problems to

the teachers in spoken English with fluency

of speech and accuracy of pronunciation

To comprehend lectures in English

language and take notes and dictation in

English language

To read English with pleasure and interest

and comprehend what you read

To read faster and read in ways that meet

the students‟ expectations

To understand and practice the English

reading strategies

To talk and think about a text in new ways

To formulate and articulate ideas more


To experience the connections between

reading and writing

To find out new ideas, facts and


To think in English and build a linguistic

competence as well as performance

13. Please write below any problems or difficulties you think your students

encounter while learning English in their ESP course:





.................................................................................................................................... 14. Please write below any problems or difficulties you encounter in teaching

English at this course:





Page 70: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention


15. Thank you very much for your kind participation and help and time.

Please feel free to add your comments or suggestions to improve the ESP

course and make it effective and appropriate (you can use the back of this

sheet if you need).






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Appendix 5 Students’ Questionnaire

ISLAMIC EDUCATION STUDENTS’ QUESTIONNAIRE Modified from Abdulaziz Fahad T. Alfehaid‟s Thesis entitled “Developing an ESP

Curriculum for Students of Health Sciences through Needs Analysis and Course

Evaluation in Saudi Arabia.”


1. Kenapa Anda mempelajari bahasa Inggris? Beri tanda checklist (✓) pada

pilihan di bawah. (Diperbolehkan memilih lebih dari satu pilihan)

a. ( ) karena bahasa Inggris merupakan mata kuliah wajib

b. ( ) karena saya tertarik dengan beragam budaya Inggris

c. ( ) karena saya membutuhkan bahasa Inggris untuk pendidikan saya

d. ( ) karena saya membutuhkan bahasa Inggris untuk karir yang saya


e. ( ) karena bahasa Inggris merupakan pelajaran yang menyenangkan

dan saya suka mempelajarinya

f. ( ) karena bahasa Inggris akan membantu saya menjadi guru Agama

Islam yang sukses

g. ( ) karena saya membutuhkan bahasa Inggris ketika saya pergi ke luar


h. ( ) karena bahasa Inggris itu mudah, sehingga saya bisa mendapatkan

nilai yang bagus dan meningkatkan IPK saya

i. ( ) karena saya membutuhkannya untuk kehidupan saya sehari-hari

j. ( ) karena bahasa Inggris akan membuat saya menjadi orang yang

berwibawa dan lebih terpelajar

k. ( ) karena bahasa Inggris akan memperluas ilmu dan wawasan saya

l. ( ) lainnya, alasannya




2. Bahasa apa yang lebih Anda sukai untuk berkomunikasi dengan rekan

Anda? Beri tanda checklist (✓) pada pilihan di bawah.

Indonesia Inggris Indonesia dan Inggris

3. Seberapa menyenangkan Anda mempelajari Bahasa Inggris di kampus?





Tidak Terlalu


Sangat Tidak


4. Seberapa pentingkah mempelajari Bahasa Inggris untuk menunjang

pendidikan Anda di kampus?

Sangat Penting Cukup Penting Tidak Terlalu Penting Sangat Tidak Penting

5. Seberapa pentingkah mempelajari Bahasa Inggris untuk menunjang karir

yang Anda inginkan?

Page 72: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention


Sangat Penting Cukup Penting Tidak Terlalu Penting Sangat Tidak Penting

6. Tandai tiap KEMAMPUAN di bawah sebanyak DUA KALI.

PERTAMA, untuk menjelaskan pendapat Anda tentang seberapa penting

kemampuan tersebut untuk pendidikan Anda di kampus, dan

SELANJUTNYA untuk menjelaskan pendapat Anda tentang seberapa

penting kemampuan-kemampuan tersebut untuk karir yang Anda

inginkan. Beri tanda checklist (✓) pada pilihan di bawah.

Untuk pendidikan saya di

kampus (tandai satu) KEMAMPUAN

Untuk karir yang saya

inginkan (tandai satu)





















































7. Tandai tiap KEMAMPUAN/BIDANG di bawah sebanyak DUA KALI.

PERTAMA, tandai kemampuan Anda saat ini di tiap kemampuan/bidang,

dan SELANJUTNYA tunjukkan seberapa jauh mata kuliah Bahasa

Inggris membantu Anda dalam meningkatkan kemampuan/bidang di

bawah. Beri tanda checklist (✓) sesuai pilihan Anda.

Kemampuan saya saat ini di bidang:


Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris

membantu saya dalam

meningkatkan kemampuan saya

di bidang:





Cukup B





sa S


















ak T


















Kosa Kata Umum

Kosa Kata Kependidikan

Bahasa Inggris secara


8. Menurut Anda, kemampuan apa yang paling meningkat setelah Anda

mengikuti mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris? Pilih salah satu.

Page 73: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention


Speaking Writing Listening Reading

9. Menurut Anda secara umum, sudah seberapa tepat dan relevan bahan ajar

yang sedang digunakan terhadap kebutuhan Anda?

Sangat Tepat Cukup Tepat Tidak Terlalu Tepat Sangat Tidak Tepat

10. Bagaimana Anda memberikan evaluasi terhadap mata kuliah Bahasa

Inggris secara umum? Beri tanda checklist (✓) pada pilihan di bawah.

Sangat Berhasil dan


Berhasil dan Efektif

di Hampir Seluruh


Berhasil dan Efektif

di Beberapa Aspek

Tidak Berhasil dan


11. Sejauh mana Anda setuju atau tidak setuju dengan pernyataan-pernyataan

di bawah ini:




















a. Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan kebutuhan berbahasa di

pendidikan saya.

b. Mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan kebutuhan berbahasa di karir

yang saya inginkan.

c. Kelas Bahasa Inggris berkaitan dengan kebutuhan saya

d. Pengajaran seharusnya fokus pada Bahasa Inggris untuk pendidikan.

e. Pengajaran seharusnya fokus pada Bahsa Inggris secara umum.

f. Waktu yang diberikan untuk mata kuliah ini tidak cukup, dan sehausnya

diberikan waktu lebih untuk mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris di kampus.

g. Isi dari buku pelajaran melebihi level Bahasa Inggris saya.

h. Metodologi pengajaran yang digunakan oleh dosen terkait sangat tepat

dan bermanfaat.

i. Bahan belajar tambahan digunakan di dalam kelas. Contohnya, audio-

video tapes, overhead transparencies and computers.

j. Saya diberi kesempatan untuk belajar secara kelompok atau berpasangan

di dalam kelas.

k. Dosen Bahasa Inggris memotivasi saya dalam kelas.

l. Dosen di maa kuliah Bahasa Inggrissangat membantu dalam


m. Prosedur penilaian yang digunakan sudah tepat.

n. Memiliki pemahaman yang fasih baik secara tertulis ataupun lisan

dalam Bahasa Inggris merupakan kebutuhan untuk menjadi pengajar yang


o. Bahasa Ingris seharusnya tidak diwajibkan di Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah

dan Keguruan.

12. Tandai tiap TUJUAN PEMBELAJARAN sebanyak TIGA KALI.

Page 74: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention


PERTAMA, untuk menunjukkan sejauh mana tujuan tersebut sudah

dicapai. KEDUA, untuk menunjukkan seberapa penting tujuan tersebut

untu pendidikan Anda di kampus. KETIGA, untuk menunjukkan seberapa

penting tujuan tersebut untuk karir yang Anda inginkan. Beri tanda

checklist (✓) pada pilihan di bawah.

Tujuan di bawah:

(pilih satu)

Tujuan Pembelajaran

Untuk pendidikan saya

di kampus, tujuan ini:

(pilih satu)

Untuk karir yang saya

inginkan, tujuan ini:

(pilih satu)


























a S





t P





p P












t T








t P





p P












t T






Untuk menggunakan kosa kata

pendidikan di keempat kemampuan


Untuk menggunakan kosa kata

pendidikan secara profesional

Untuk memahami dan menuliskan

situasi pendidikan menggunakan kosa

kata pendidikan

Untuk memahami, membaca dan

menulis laporan pendidikan

Untuk menulis sebuah teks

menggunakan teknik menulis yang


Untuk menghasilkan tulisan yang baik

dengan memperhatikan ejaan, tanda

baca, dan tata bahasa

Untuk mengungkapkan ide-ide secara

benar dan mengikuti teknik-teknik


Untuk menerapkan semua bentuk tata

bahasa baik secara tertulis maupun


Untuk memahami segala bentuk

perintah dalam Bahasa Inggris baik

lisan maupun tertulis

Untuk membuat pernyataan dan

pertanyaan sehari-hari

Untuk menjelaskan masalah-masalah

ke dosen secara lisan dengan Bahasa

Inggris yang fasih dan akurat

Untuk memahami perkuliahan dan

mencatat dalam Bahasa Inggris

Untuk membaca teks berbahasa

Inggris dengan senang hati dan tertarik

serta memahami apa yang dibaca

Untuk membaca cepat dan membaca

sesuai dengan ekspektasi siswa

Untuk memahami dan melatih strategi

membaca teks berbahasa Inggris

Untuk mengungkapkan dan berpikir

tentang sebuah teks dengan cara yang


Untuk merumuskan dan

mengungkapkan ide-ide secara tepat

Untuk mencoba hubungan antara

membaca dan menulis

Page 75: ANALYZING THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ESP FOR ISLAMIC … · English for Specific Purpose (ESP) has gained great attention


Untuk menemukan ide-ide baru, fakta-

fakta dan pengalaman

Untuk berpikir dalam Bahasa Inggris

dan membangun kompetensi

berbahasa dan juga prestasi

13. Berikan beberapa usulan tema atau topik pembelajaran yang menurut

Anda patut dipelajari oleh mahasiswa/i Pendidikan Agama Islam agar

dapat menjadi calon guru yang baik:



14. Tulis beberapa kesulitan yang Anda hadapi saat mempelajari Bahasa

Inggris di mata kuliah tersebut:



15. Tulis beberapa kesulitan yang Anda hadapi saat Anda menggunakan

Bahasa Inggris di dalam atau di luar kampus:



16. Terima kasih atas partisipasi dan bantuan serta waktunya. Silahkan

berikan komentar atau saran Anda untuk meningkatkan pembelajaran

Bahasa Inggris menjadi lebih tepat dan efektif. (Gunakan halaman

belakang kertas ini jika dibutuhkan).



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Appendix 6 The Result of Students’ Questionnaires

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Appendix 7 Interview Transcript of the Head of Islamic Education


Interview Transcript of Head of Education of Islamic Religion



Bagaimana pembagian kelas di jurusan PAI ini?


Untuk yang kelas A itu kita berdasarkan nilai hasil TOEFL tes masuk

karena kita melihat mahasiswa yang baru ini kan kita belum ada perkenalan dan

belum mengetes sejauh mana bahasa Inggrisnya, maka yang dapat kita ambil

sekarang ini dari hasil TOEFL itu kemudian kita ambil nilai yang agak tinggi

walaupun tidak tinggi. Mungkin saya kira yang skornya 400-an itu jarang, yang

banyak rata-rata ya antara 300 sampai 400 padahal kan seharusnya yang

sebenarnya kita inginkan itu untuk yang kelas A (bilingual) itu kita mengharapkan

bisa 450, tapi nampaknya memang hasilnya seperti itu pas-pasan. Pokoknya di

antara tiga kelas itu yang nilai TOEFL-nya tinggi kita masukkan kelompok kelas

A walaupun mungkin kita sangat fleksibel andai kata mereka keberatan misalnya

masuk kelas A, bisa mengajukan pindah ke kelas B tidak masalah.

Sebenarnya kan begini, kita mengajukan ke rektorat supaya tes masuk itu

ada juga lisan paling tidak yang mandiri, kalau yang online ada SPAN ada

SBMPTN dan sebagainya itu kata mereka tidak mungkin, bagaimana mereka

lulus disana masa gara-gara tes lisan nanti tidak lolos, nanti tidak lucu. Terus

kalau begitu bagaimana kalau yang mandiri? Sudah kita ajukan tapi kelihatannya

tidak ada respon. Kalau itu misalnya bisa direspon, bisa lebih bagus akhirnya kita

bisa milih bibit-bibit yang unggul. Jadi artinya tes itu untuk menentukan lulus.

Tes TOEFL disini kan bukannya untuk menentukan lulus, setelahnya lulus baru

tes TOEFL hanya persyaratan saja. Itu kekurangan kita disitu sehingga apa

adanya yang ada kita olah di antara mereka yang nilainya tinggi saja.


Bagaimana dengan kriteria untuk di kelas B dan kelas C?

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Yang B dan C itu memang begini, kepengennya semula TOEFL-nya tinggi

dan juga Arabic-nya tinggi, kepengennya begitu, tapi ternyata itu susah. Mungkin

mereka ada yang lebihnya di bahasa Inggris ada yang lebihnya di bahasa Arab.

Akhirnya yang kita utamakan yang TOEFL saja. Dan kebetulan dari PBB agak

lambat laporannya, kita sudah ngatur kelas disana kelihatannya nilainya belum

keluar. Akhirnya kita minta kepada pimpinannya, kita kontak minta sekedar

dilaporkan untuk nilainya sehingga untuk penentuan kelas itu. Jadi akhirnya yang

kelas B saja itu campur-campur tidak ada klasifikasi, yang ada hanya kelas A saja.


Sejak kapan pembagian kelas A berdasarkan nilai TOEFL ini berlangsung?


Sejak tiga tahun terakhir karena yang TOEFL sekarang sudah semester

genap (empat). Kalau semester empat berarti tiga tahun ya, semester empat jalan.

Semester empat itu yang dari TOEFL karena semula didorong ada rasa kewajiban

kita membekali mereka karena PAI ini kan terakreditasi secara tingkat ASEAN

oleh AUN-QA itu. Mereka bagaimana pun harus mempelajari bahasa Inggris

sebagai bahasa pengantarnya karena tentunya nanti diharapkan ijazah dari PAI

yang terakreditasi AUN itu bisa melamar di Asia sehingga ijazah mereka itu laku

tidak hanya di Indonesia saja. Makanya sejak itu kita ingin ada kelas bilingual.

Terus ada dorongan lagi dari alumni. Alumni merasakan setelahnya mereka

tamat disini itu, di masyarakat atau di sekolah mereka terasa pincang merasa

tertinggal bahasa Inggrisnya. Makanya dengan adanya bilingual itu, mereka

merasa senang sekarang artinya adik-adiknya nanti nasibnya tidak seperti yang

sudah kelar.


Apakah ada alasan lain dalam mengajarkan Bahasa Inggris untuk

mahasiswa/i jurusan PAI selain untuk mempersiapkan mereka untuk siap

menghadapi tantangan dunia kerja nantinya?


Tantangan PAI itu bukan hanya ASEAN saja, sekarang ini berjamur banyak

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sekolah-sekolah internasional mulai dari SD, SMP, SMA. Itu mereka

mengharapkan ada alumni PAI yang mampu mengajar disana. Selama ini kita

mendengar, karena yang diharapkan guru PAI itu bisa mengajarkan bahasa

Inggris, malah yang diambil yang lulusan pesantren tapi mereka tidak punya

ijazah PAI. Itu kendala. Karena masalahnya sekarang laporan sekolah itu harus

menyertakan ijazah yang sesuai sebagai SIM-nya lah, sebagai guru masa tidak

punya ijazah guru. Jadi ada beberapa sekolah internasional yang mengajar alumni-

alumni Gontor, alumni yang bahasa Inggrisnya kuat, tapi repotnya mereka tidak

punya ijazah PAI hanya lulusan pesantren. Sementara kita yang formal yang

ijazah PAI (kita bisa mengajar PAI) kemampuannya kurang, maka tantangan itu

sebetulnya luar-dalam.

Di sekitar kita banyak sekolah-sekolah internasional, di satu sisi juga

tuntutan AUN-QA yang tingkat ASEAN kalau mereka melamar pekerjaan

misalnya di luar Indonesia (ASEAN) itu bisa diakui oleh mereka. Jadi dorongan

itu yang sangat mendesak sebetulnya. Jadi bukan hanya ke ASEAN saja tapi

sekitar kita itu sudah menunggu-nunggu guru PAI yang mampu bahasa Inggris.

Bahkan sekarang itu kan bahasa Inggris diajarkan mulai dari SD, TK juga bahasa

Inggris, bagaimana guru PAI tidak bisa bahasa Inggris kan ketinggalan. Itu

arahnya kesana kita.


Apakah ada dampak yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa/i jurusan PAI dari

belajar Bahasa Inggris? Kalau ada, seperti apa contohnya?


Saya kira bagus ya. Sering ketika ada seminar nasional atau ada visiting

profesor dari luar yang mereka mengadakan ceramah/kuliah umum seperti

studium generale, itu mahasiswa kita sering diundang yang kelas A (bilingual).

Mereka aktif bisa bertanya, bertanya menggunakan bahasa Inggris, bisa

nyambung. Itu menjadi catatan bagi kita sendiri ternyata anak kita bagus kalau

kita bina, ada potensi karena mereka keluar ternyata bagus dan juga sering

menjadi kebanggaan juga oleh Pak Rektor, karena yang ngajar Pak Rektor juga.

Pak Rektor itu kalau ngajar mulai masuk sampai keluar bahasa Inggris.

Mulai semester satu karena kebetulan dia mengajar Studi Islam itu semester satu.

Nanti kalau semester dua Islam dan Ilmu Pengetahuan beliau dengan

menggunakan bahasa Inggris dari awal sampai keluar. Kata beliau, pertama kali

mereka muntah tapi karena kontinyu dan dikasih tugas-tugas walaupun sedikit itu

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dengan bahasa Inggris, akhirnya juga baik-baik saja lancar. Itu yang dapat kita

peroleh dari hasil kelas bilingual ini walaupun secara intense kita ini kekurangan

SDM masalahnya.

Jadi yang mengajar di kelas A itu di antara dosen tetap yang ada yang kira-

kira ada basic bahasa walaupun tidak maksimal walaupun kadang-kadang

bahasanya pasif hanya mungkin baca bisa tapi untuk komunikasi tapi bisa. Tapi

karena tidak ada yang lain gimana, susah. Kecuali kalau misalnya di-support dari

universitas misalnya memberikan tenaga-tenaga yang kemampuan bahasa

Inggrisnya dapat diandalkan itu bisa saja, tapi sampai sekarang belum ada. Kita

hanya berusaha dari bawah secara alami saja, yang ada kita kelola. Dosen pun

juga begitu, yang ada kita kelola yang kira-kira ada kemampuan.

Jadi mestinya begini, mata kuliah agama kita harapkan bereferensi

menggunakan bahasa Arab karena bilingual tentunya dua-duanya harusnya tapi

yang sifatnya yang pendidikan yang umum menggunakan referensi wajib dengan

bahasa Inggris, maka saya harapkan silabi atau RPS sekarang itu, itu buku

referensinya harus mewajibkan buku bahasa asing (Arab atau bahasa Inggris).

Jadi dalam silabi kita bisa melihat itu silabinya mesti ada buku referensi wajib

menggunakan bahasa asing, dari situ. Tapi tadi itu tenaganya seadanya.

Dan juga di antara seminar lagi kita lihat waktu kemarin itu, ada Semiloka

(Seminar dan Lokakarya) seluruh Indonesia. Itu yang mengatur menjadi panitia

termasuk MC-nya atau mungkin juga sari tilawah, atau juga penampilan-

penampilan seperti membaca puisi itu semua menggunakan bahasa Inggris,

termasuk MC-nya dari kelas bilingual juga menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Itu

antaranya kita lihat seperti itu walaupun belum sampai maksimal.


Menurut Anda, apakah penting memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris

yang baik untuk dapat dikatakan sebagai guru yang berkualitas?


Sebetulnya bahasa Inggris tidak merupakan indikator kualitas, itu kan hanya

bahasa pengantar bahasa komunikasi. Tapi komunikasi kita ini karena masyarakat

yang kita hadapi atau sekolah yang kita hadapi itu sekolah modern, kita harus

menyesuaikan bahasa. Bahasa mereka kita kuasai, jangan sampai kita tidak

menguasai. Bahkan gara-gara sekolah internasional, sekolah-sekolah yang

bergengsi, itu tentunya menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Oleh karena itu, mau tidak

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mau kita harus berusaha untuk anak-anak kita itu mempersiapkan diri untuk

menguasai bahasa Inggris itu.

Bahkan juga gini kita anjurkan. Kan bahasa Inggris itu mulai dari awal

masuk sampai akhir. Ketika akan ujian skripsi, itu juga harus dia lulus TOEFL-

nya itu skornya 450, kita cegat dari awal sampai akhir. Kalau mereka memang

tidak lulus-lulus atau kesulitan, kita anjurkan ke Pare untuk pesantren di Pare

untuk belajar bahasa Inggris sehingga mereka akan bisa menguasai.

Jadi karena memang tadi pentingnya adalah tuntutan; tuntutan sekolah,

tuntutan masyarakat, dan sekitar kita, dan apalagi setelahnya kita ini assessment-

nya tingkat ASEAN, kita nantinya akan go international. Bisa juga bukan hanya

ASEAN kan assessment-nya atau akreditasinya tingkat internasional maka harus

ada pembenahan terus karena bahasa Arab maupun bahasa Inggris ini untuk PAI

harusnya merupakan bahasa biasa karena PAI itu kan agamanya itu mesti

menguasai bahasa Arab dan juga pendidikannya harus menguasai bahasa Inggris.


Menurut Anda, level Bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i jurusan PAI itu seperti

apa? Apakah sudah cukup baik atau perlu adanya program tambahan? Dan

kemampuan apa yang lebih menonjol di antara yang lainnya?


Saya kira dua-duanya perlu ya baik reading atau speaking. Karena reading

itu untuk menggali pengetahuan buku-buku itu, speaking juga untuk

berkomunikasi baik dengan guru atau temannya, atau memberikan,

menyampaikan pelajaran itu juga sangat penting. Tapi sebetulnya sudah kita


Kalau yang speaking, saya kira dosen yang mengajar di kelas A itu,

walaupun bukan materi bahasa Inggris, kita harapkan menggunakan dua bahasa

itu (Arab atau Inggris) tapi maklum memang kalau Arab kelihatannya memang

penekannya agak kurang karena memang dasar pemilihan ketika masuk kelas itu

hanya TOEFL, TOAFL-nya tidak kita lihat ketika masuk pertama kali maka

penekanannya berbeda.

Kemudian juga kita upayakan, kita sebenarnya tidak puas dengan yang ada

ya. Termasuk juga ada mata kuliah reading text jadi untuk membantu mereka itu

supaya kemampuan membaca itu. Ada reading text itu 2 sks untuk membantu

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mereka untuk membaca buku-buku itu. Kalau yang speaking berkomunikasi

sehari-hari itu baik dengan temannya atau pun juga dengan guru ketika diskusi,

mereka menggunakan bahasa Arab atau bahasa Inggris sesuai dengan bidangnya.

Jadi dua-duanya kita perlukan antara reading maupun juga speaking supaya

mereka itu bisa menguasai kedua-duanya.


Menurut Anda, apakah mata kuliah Bahasa Inggris yang telah mereka

dapatkan di semester awal sudah mampu mempersiapkan mereka untuk

memenuhi persyaratan di dunia kerja?


Saya kira belum apa-apa karena itu hanya semester satu ya bahasa Inggris.

Jadi baru masuk kemudian ada mata kuliah itu dan sama dengan jurusan yang lain

3 sks, kan sangat kecil. Tapi sebetulnya saya sudah upaya juga minta kepada

rektor supaya pas PAI itu bisa wajib diasramakan walaupun satu tahun untuk

membantu bahasa Inggris itu. Kalau diasramakan satu tahun, mereka dengan

temannya bisa berlatih, membiasakan baik bahasa Inggris atau mungkin juga

ibadah-ibadah praktis sifatnya karena mereka guru agama, itu sebetulnya akan

bisa membantu, tapi kelihatannya sampai sekarang pun juga belum ada jawaban

yang memuaskan. Ada katanya iya tapi maksudnya tidak hanya „iya‟, kita

mengajukan pakai surat seharusnya jawabannya pakai surat. Jadi itu kalau

misalkan kalau diasramakan akan bisa membantu.


Menurut Bapak, apa hal terpenting dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris?


Pembiasaan. Tapi pembiasaan itu sulit kalau tidak diciptakan lingkungan.

Lingkungan kalau dengan mereka sendiri itu memang dengan kesadaran sangat

sulit, kecuali kalau yang di Pare lingkungan seperti itu. Makanya harus ada

penekanan dari dosen yang mengajar atau seperti tadi dari jurusan juga ada, tapi

secara langsung dari dosennya itu yang mengajak mereka untuk selalu

berkomunikasi. Itu saya kira.

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Apa yang bisa dipersiapkan oleh jurusan PAI ini untuk mempersiapkan

mahasiswa/i jurusan PAI untuk bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan lebih baik sebagai

persyaratan di dunia kerja?


Program banyak ya tapi tadi itu kadang-kadang tersandung di tengah jalan.

Tadi yang saya katakan, kepengen diasramakan supaya mereka maksimal.

Belakangan juga saya mengajukan bagaimana kalau kelas bilingual itu kita pilih

melalui tes lisan tidak hanya tes tulis saja untuk yang melalui jalur SPMB, itu juga

belum terealisasikan. Artinya tidak ada jawaban dari pimpinan kita. Ini kan

jurusan terikat dengan aturan dari atas, tidak mungkin kita berjalan sendiri. Itu

kepengen tambahan kita. Jadi mulai dari masuk sudah terseleksi, kemudian

dibina, dibiasakan, dilatih untuk mereka itu.

Kemudian nanti kalau ada PLP kalau perlu di sekolah-sekolah internasional,

ini kan belum berani kesitu, artinya diterima menggunakan bahasa Inggris karena

kita kan kemampuannya kurang, kita upayakan seperti itu. Tapi yang KKN pun

kalau perlu KKN-nya itu jangan di tingkat nasional, misalnya internasional. Apa

KKN-nya di Malaysia atau mungkin di Singapore atau dimana. Kan selama ini

belum pakai KKN, baru tahun ini. Itu kepengennya meningkatkannya begitu

supaya terlatih mereka.


Bisakah Anda berikan saran terkait tema atau topik yang harus dipelajari

oleh mahasiswa/i jurusan PAI supaya dapat menjadi calon guru PAI yang



Saya kira yang paling penting berkaitan dengan PAI. PAI itu kan unsurnya

ada empat Qur’an Hadits, kemudian Fiqih, Akidah Akhlak dan SKI. Jadi ada

empat mata pelajaran kalau di madrasah tapi kalau di sekolah umum itu menyatu.

SD, SMP, SMA itu PAI isinya itu empat itu tapi kalau di madrasah itu sendiri-

sendiri. Tema-tema yang berkaitan dengan PAI saya kira bagus. Ini juga banyak

ya tapi ini kan secara tema-tema kecil tapi saya kira itu diambil juga dari situ,

tidak masalah. Ada kaitannya dengan sejarah, ada kaitannya dengan Qur’an, ada

kaitannya dengan agama, cuman yang kaitannya dengan hukum Fiqih, Akidah

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misalnya bisa ditambah. Jadi sebetulnya PAI itu kaitannya.


Silahkan berikan tambahan saran lainnya.


Saya kira sebagai guru agama (saya kira ini PAI) ini jangan sampai

dipandang oleh masyarakat sebelah mata, harus bisa mengikuti perkembangan

jaman baik dalam membuat RPP, atau mungkin juga pendekatan dalam

pembelajaran, metode, demikian juga penguasaan materi, tentunya terutama

dengan menggunakan bahasa yang sesuai dengan jamannya karena sementara ini

saya dengar guru-guru agama PAI yang di sekolah itu rasanya termarginalkan.

Kalau guru-guru yang lain ada workshop, kegiatan latihan, itu yang PAI diam saja

kurang banyak kegiatan untuk mengikuti perkembangan.

Saya kira termasuk bahasa Inggris pun ini juga sangat perlu juga walaupun

bukan guru bahasa Inggris tetapi menggunakan pengantar bahasa Inggris karena

bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa internasional sehingga akan bisa mencuat bukan

hanya di negerinya saja bisa juga keluar. Jadi saran yang pertama adalah supaya

posisi guru agama itu bisa berbalik banding setir, berpikiran yang lebih maju,

dinamis, sesuai dengan jamannya, mengikuti perkembangan jaman. Kalau tidak

begitu kita akan ditinggalkan.

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Appendix 8 Interview Transcript of English Lecturers

Interview Transcript of English Lecturers in Islamic Religion


(Lecturer 1)


Menurut Anda, apa alasan Anda mengajarkan bahasa Inggris kepada

mahasiswa/i PAI?


Tuntutan mata kuliah umum (MKDU) untuk di UIN seluruh jurusan non

bahasa Inggris harus mendapatkan mata kuliah bahasa Inggris, itu pertama.

Kemudian memang kebutuhan anak-anak PAI sendiri terutama untuk kelas

bilingual, saya pernah mengajar di kelas bilingual karena mereka ada kelas

bilingual, pengajarannya in English. Tuntutannya sekarang mereka juga banyak

dibutuhkan untuk guru agama yang bisa bahasa Inggris. Guru-guru sekarang ngaji

itu malah banyak dari jurusan kita karena mereka butuh bahasa Inggrisnya itu.


Adakah dampak yang didapatkan oleh mahasiswa/i PAI setelah belajar

bahasa Inggris? Kalau ada seperti apa contohnya? Dan kalau tidak berikan



Yang kelihatan adalah motivasi karena saya memberikan motivasi bahwa

bahasa Inggris itu dibutuhkan, terutama dunia kerja saat ini tidak hanya

membutuhkan skill guru agama yang bisa agama, tetapi guru agama plus misalnya

tadi bisa berkomunikasi dengan bahasa Arab dan Inggris yang bagus. Karena di

sekolah-sekolah internasional mereka butuh agama tapi ingin guru agama yang

bisa bahasa Inggris, itu akhirnya kemarin sampai sekarang mereka banyak

menghubungi saya minta dan ada beberapa yang saya rekrut untuk saya masukan

ke grup adik saya itu, beberapa alumni PAI memang yang bagus-bagus. Anak

yang aktif di awal sampai akhir pun ya itu-itu saja sebenarnya. Sudah termotivasi

cuman mereka komunikasi bahasa Inggrisnya masih belum berani meskipun ada

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1-2 yang mulai berani berkomunikasi. Ketika itu kita buat kayak semacam group



Menurut Anda, penting atau tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris

yang baik supaya bisa dapat dikatakan guru yang berkualitas? Berikan alasannya.


Guru berkualitas tidak hanya berbahasa Inggris sih tetapi tetap penting

mengajarkan dengan bahasa Inggris karena sekarang dunia global masalahnya,

kita ke internet source-nya juga bahasa Inggris, guru-guru juga memang harus

mempunyai kemampuan dua bahasa itu harus sebenarnya. Jadi dia bisa berbangga

kalau bisa dua bahasa itu karena bisa dipakai dimana saja dan sebagai kunci

membuka ilmu sebenarnya, karena bahasa itu alat untuk membuka berbagai ilmu

apa saja.


Menurut Anda, bagaimana level bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI sekarang

secara umum? Perlukah adanya program tambahan untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI? Jelaskan alasannya.


Pasti masih perlu tambahan karena yang menonjol hanya 1-2. Saya ketika

mengajar itu banyak yang mendapat C sebenarnya. Padahal seakan-akan mereka

aktif tapi ternyata pas diuji itu lemah karena yang menonjol hanya 1-2 dan anak-

anak itu terus, terutama yang dari pesantren modern itu mereka lebih banyak aktif



Menurut Anda, apakah mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan saat

semester 1 dan semester 3 sudah dapat membantu mahasiswa/i PAI dalam dunia

kerja? Jelaskan alasannya.


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Ngga sama sekali sebenarnya, efek pengajaran yang cuman 12 kali itu

sebenarnya ngga terlalu signifikan. Kalau dulu kan UIN itu sampai 12 sks, terus

dikurangi lagi jadi 8, dikurangi lagi jadi 4, dikurangi lagi jadi 2, seakan-akan

mereka ngga butuh bahasa Inggris. Dari 12 sks menjadi dua kemudian kita protes

jadi tiga. Sementara tuntutan di UIN, semua mahasiswa harus 450 TOEFL-nya

yang non-bahasa, kemudian yang bahasa harus 500, ngga mungkin anak-anak

dapat 450 hanya dengan 3 sks. Jadi UIN itu omong kosong itu, 450 terus tidak

didukung dengan mata kuliah. Mata kuliah hanya 3 sks dan harus 450, emangnya

jin bisa nyulap anak-anak langsung bisa hanya dengan 3 sks. Sampai saya pernah

diundang di rektorat, “ya sudah tunjukkan kepada kami kali saja ada satu orang

yang bisa menyulap anak UIN dengan 3 sks bisa bahasa Inggris 450.”


Menurut Anda, apa hal terpenting dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris?

Jelaskan alasannya.


Sesuai dengan kebutuhan. Misalnya kalau dibagi-bagi skill sesuai dengan

kebutuhan mahasiswa. Jadi yang paling penting speaking misalnya, mahasiswa

butuhnya apa. Kalau anak-anak di HI misalnya yang mereka butuh berkomunikasi

dan berdiplomasi ya speakingnya disitu harus ditekankan. Kalau anak yang hanya

untuk mengkaji saja readingnya harus ditekankan misalnya dia ingin menggali

banyak ilmu readingnya ditekankan. Makanya di UIN itu susahnya adalah itu.

Kita ada banyak jurusan yang masing-masing jurusan memiliki kebutuhan

masing-masing, kemudian kita ngga punya general English yang menaungi


Misalnya kedokteran, beda need analysis-nya dengan anak sini, anak HI

beda, anak ekonomi beda yang mereka butuhkan kan vocab yang berhubungan

dengan ekonomi bukan pendidikan, anak pendidikan butuh hal-hal yang berbau

pendidikan. Itu kan perlu juga kita sebagai dosen itu mengadakan students‟ need

analysis. Di awal itu Anda butuh apa, bahasa Inggris yang seperti apa, apakah kita

mengkaji reading sehingga kemudian Anda fokus di reading-nya, atau apakah

Anda butuh speaking, kalau speaking itu speaking yang seperti apa. Jadi itu yang

sampai sekarang pun pusat bahasa yang dari dulu katanya ingin menerbitkan buku

yang general English untuk menaungi itu ngga jadi-jadi karena tadi apakah kita

akan memakai general English atau specific purposes. Itu sampai sekarang ngga


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Kalau menurut saya sih bahasa Inggris itu perdebatan. Ada yang “yang kita

maksud dengan 3 sks itu hanya general English saja tidak spesifik”, tapi kapan

mereka belajar bahasa Inggris kalau tidak spesifik. Karena yang akuntansi

butuhkan vocabulary yang butuh akuntansi karena cuman 3 sks. Karena ngga

semua mahasiswa menambah jam bahasa Inggrisnya di luar masalahnya, kalaupun

pusat bahasa misalnya harus digalakkan betul.

Beberapa kali pusat bahasa juga mengadakan kursus bahasa (kurbas) cuman

anak-anak UIN ngga ada yang datang, daftar doang habis itu ngga ada yang

masuk. TOEFL preparation juga dikit yang ikut. Jadi yang daftar misalnya ada

500an, yang ikut di kelas 1-2 padahal di jadwalnya itu ada 40. Mereka cuman

daftar saja tapi ngga masuk. UIN sebenarnya sudah memfasilitasi dengan 3 sks

tapi di pusat bahasa digratiskan ada kursus bahasa dan kursus TOEFL tapi itu

ngga ada yang daftar, mungkin ini karena gratis kali ya coba kalau dikasih bayar

mungkin mereka mau daftar. Karena anak-anak UIN kalau mendengar gratis

kayak remeh, tapi kalau di luar mereka bayar kursus TOEFL dengan satu paket

misalnya berapa juta mereka akan bayar, tapi kalau di UIN sudah gratis ngga ada

yang ikut.

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Interview Transcript of English Lecturers in Islamic Religion


(Lecturer 2)


Menurut Anda, apa alasan Anda mengajarkan bahasa Inggris kepada

mahasiswa/i PAI?


Sebenarnya kalau posisi saya sebagai dosen ya sebenarnya hanya untuk

memenuhi tugas pengajaran karena kebetulan saya dapat jadwal untuk mengajar

di PAI. Tapi sebenarnya setelah masuk ke kelasnya, melihat apakah dampak yang

didapatkan, otomatis ke dampak ya, dari belajar bahasa Inggris itu lebih kepada

kalau saya sesuaikan dengan kebutuhan mahasiswa. Kalau mahasiswa UIN

sebenarnya kebutuhan real-nya adalah jangka pendeknya supaya mereka lulus

TOEFL gitu karena itu adalah syarat wajib untuk mereka bisa skripsi, bisa

kelulusan itu kan dia syaratnya adalaha harus lulus TOEFL di level 450,

sedangkan kemarin ketika saya lihat TOEFL mereka itu masih banyak yang di

bawah itu, bahkan hampir 100%.

Dari anak PAI yang saya ajar itu, kemarin bahkan dengan PBA juga ya jadi

3 kelas yang non bahasa Inggris yang saya ajar, yang sudah lulus di atas 450 itu

baru satu orang untuk tahun kemarin waktu dia tes masuk. Jadi dari 3 jurusan itu

hanya satu yang sudah di atas 450. Artinya apa, jadi saya sudah punya arah

sebenarnya harus mengajar bahasa Inggris untuk apa. Jadi saya arahnya adalah

supaya mereka bisa meningkatkan nilai TOEFL, jadi langsung praktis arah

pengajaran saya kesana. Alhamdulillah, di akhir pengajaran satu semester, mereka

saya suruh ambil tes TOEFL lagi dan alhamdulillah hasilnya boleh dikatakan 50%

mereka tercapai. Jadi dampaknya ya itu. Dengan dia belajar bahasa Inggris yang

saya ajar itu ya di 3 kelas itu, anak PAI bahkan 80% naik, kalau PBA masih 50%

setelah pengajaran bahasa Inggris.


Menurut Anda, penting atau tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris

yang baik supaya bisa dapat dikatakan guru yang berkualitas? Berikan alasannya.

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More or less is yes. Karena apa. Karena sekarang materi-materi di

pengajaran yang lain pun banyak yang memakai bahasa Inggris. Bahkan tuntutan

di lapangan sebenarnya kalau mereka belajarnya tematik sebenarnya ngga ada

pemisahan satu bidang studi dengan bidang studi yang lain. Sedangkan kalau dia

ngajar di sekolah-sekolah internasional dan lain sebagainya, minimal kalau dia

punya kemampuan bahasa Inggris lapangan kerja buat dia itu lebih luas.

Kesempatan dia mengajar tidak hanya di sekolah-sekolah yang nasional levelnya

atau lokal, bahkan bisa sekolah-sekolah internasional. Jadi sebenarnya kalau

masalah perlu atau tidak itu sudah masuk kepada need mungkin, tinggal kesadaran

mahasiswanya sendiri untuk bisa mengembangkan diri.


Menurut Anda, bagaimana level bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI sekarang

secara umum? Perlukah adanya program tambahan untuk meningkatkan

kemampuan berbahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI? Jelaskan alasannya.


Kebetulan yang pernah saya pegang adalah PAI yang bilingual. Tapi dengan

disebut bilingual itu tidak serta-merta mereka itu semuanya sudah siap untuk

menerima pengajaran dengan bahasa Inggris, tetap komunikasi di dalam kelas

saya batasi tidak pakai bahasa Inggris terus, termasuk kemampuan mereka dalam

bahasa Inggris tidak semuanya di atas walaupun mereka kelas bilingual. Memang

ada anak-anak tertentu paling 10% yang memang sudah siap berbahasa Inggris

dari satu kelas itu yang memang mereka sudah bagus, kalau kita ajak diskusi

sudah berkembang, tapi yang lainnya masih di bawah itu juga sama, mungkin

kalau dibandingkan dengan anak-anak bahasa Inggris ya tetap rata-ratanya masih

di bawah karena mereka kan major-nya bukan bahasa Inggris. Tapi secara mereka

jurusan PAI kemudian dia diajak diskusi itu bisa speak up itu kira-kira 10%-an

bisa tapi belum keseluruhan.

Otomatis kalau ditanya perlu adanya program tambahan, sangat perlu.

Minimal jangan program tambahan deh, tapi semesternya lebih diperpanjang kan

mereka hanya belajar satu semester tapi sksnya tiga. Sekarang itu bahasa Inggris

di-tiga sks kan tapi hanya di satu semester. Dulu kan sudah pernah 3 semester

bahasa Inggris itu, mungkin kita bisa pilah-pilah. Mungkin di semester satu, kalau

tujuan akhirnya lulus TOEFL nih, di semester satu mungkin structure and written

expression, mungkin berikutnya nanti reading-nya, kemudian listening-nya atau

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gimana, atau dibolak-balik yang penting bisa mencapai itu. Jadi satu semester itu

khusus belajar listening atau satu semester itu langsung di-integrated tapi kan bisa

diulang di semester berikutnya. Soalnya kan kalau kita mau program tambahan di

luar perkuliahan kan agak susah, atau kalau mereka dikasih kesempatan ke pusat

bahasa misalnya tidak semuanya ngambil karena mereka bentrok dengan kuliah,

dll, kadang mereka ngambil kesana juga daftar saja tapi ngga dijalanin karena

alasannya bentrok kuliah, dll. Kalau sudah dipakemkan menjadi sks otomatis kan

mau ngga mau mereka harus nerima di dalam kelas.


Menurut Anda, apakah mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang diajarkan saat

semester 1 dan semester 3 sudah dapat membantu mahasiswa/i PAI dalam dunia

kerja? Jelaskan alasannya.


Kalau sampai ke dunia kerja, belum, karena cuman satu semester. Untuk

menolong tes TOEFL itu saja sudah bagus, sampai disitu saja dulu. Target

tertingginya kalau saya ngajar itu paling ngga membantu dia lulus TOEFL-nya

dulu. Karena itu juga tes TOEFL-nya juga masih yang institutional kan masih di

level UIN belum ngambil yang benerannya.


Menurut Anda, apa hal terpenting dalam mengajarkan bahasa Inggris?

Jelaskan alasannya.


Kalau bagi saya, kita lihat mahasiswa kita itu tujuannya belajar bahasa

Inggris itu apa. Bagi saya tujuannya itu akan mempengaruhi porsi kita mengajar,

apa yang harus kita ajarkan, tergantung tujuan pembelajar. Makanya kalau mau

bahasa Inggrisnya banyak, banyakin saja sksnya atau semesternya. Karena belajar

bahasa Inggris cuman satu semester, satu semester itu saja dia yang mungkin ngga

full juga dia belajar ya sudah kesana lagi kalau dia ngambil tes TOEFL-nya masih

nanti-nanti bakal ngga jamin lagi. Makanya kemarin saya tekankan kalian habis

ini harus ngambil tes TOEFL karena itu saya ambil sebagai nilai UAS, sebenarnya

itu supaya dia ngambil semuanya karena dia masih fresh kan. Alhamdulillah

signifikan hasilnya. Kalau yang PAI karena mereka sudah level kelasnya bilingual

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itu banyak yang bagus 80% mereka lulus di atas 450, tapi kalau yang PBA masih


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Appendix 9 Interview Transcript of Islamic Education Students

Interview Transcript of Students of Islamic Religion Department

(Student 1)


Jelaskan kenapa Anda harus belajar Bahasa Inggris.


Karena bahasa Inggris sudah termasuk dalam bahasa internasional yang

dimana setiap orang pasti menggunakannya walau sedikit, dengan

mempelajarinya kita tidak akan bingung untuk berkomunikasi.


Adakah dampak yang Anda rasakan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris? Kalau

ada seperti apa contohnya? Dan kalau tidak berikan alasannya.


Tentu ada dampak positif yang kita ambil yaitu tidak akan buta akan bahasa.


Menurut Anda, penting atau tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris

yang baik supaya bisa dapat dikatakan guru yang berkualitas? Berikan alasannya.


Tentu penting karena mungkin salah satu murid yang kita ajarkan memiliki

kemampuan bahasa yang perlu diasah dan dikembangkan.


Menurut Anda, bagaimana level bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI sekarang?

Perlukah adanya program tambahan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa

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Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI? Jelaskan alasannya.


Perlu adanya tambahan program karena setiap menuntut ilmu tidak ada kata

berhenti, lalu terus lah digali dan diasah untuk meningkatkan kemampuan diri.


Menurut Anda, mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang Anda dapatkan sebelumnya

itu sudah bisa membantu Anda atau belum di dunia kerja nanti? Jelaskan



Belum membantu karena untuk wawasan dalam dunia kerja, kita harus

memiliki bekal yang cukup ataupun lebih untuk bisa memahaminya.


Menurut Anda, apa hal terpenting dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan



Listening, karena dengan kita mendengarkan, maka kita akan tahu

bagaimana cara mengucapkannya dan terbiasa untuk membaca lalu mencari arti

dari sebuah kalimat kemudian ditulis agar teringat selalu.

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Interview Transcript of Students of Islamic Religion Department

(Student 2)


Jelaskan kenapa Anda harus belajar Bahasa Inggris.


Bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa universal. Untuk itu saya ingin hidup sebagai

masyarakat dunia yang mampu berkomunikasi baik scara verbal maupun non-

verbal (melalui kemampuan liguistik, terutama bahasa Inggris).


Adakah dampak yang Anda rasakan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris? Kalau

ada seperti apa contohnya? Dan kalau tidak berikan alasannya.


Ya, dampaknya besar. Saya menjadi dapat berkomunikasi, menjalin relasi

dengan luas, memperoleh informasi luar negeri, memperkaya ilmu pengetahuan,

dll yang semuanya didapat dari bahasa Inggris.


Menurut Anda, penting atau tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris

yang baik supaya bisa dapat dikatakan guru yang berkualitas? Berikan alasannya.


Penting sekali, karena bahasa Inggris bukan cuma nilai tambah melainkan

keharusan, apalagi di zaman globalisasi ini seakan dunia tidak berbatas.


Menurut Anda, bagaimana level bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI sekarang?

Perlukah adanya program tambahan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa

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Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI? Jelaskan alasannya.


Sejujurnya yang saya rasakan bahwasanya pelajaran bahasa Inggris di PAI

kurang begitu baik. Meski saya mahasiswa kelas bilingual, saya rasa kondisi kelas

dan dosen yang kurang mendukung membuat kemampuan bahasa Inggris tidak

dapat berkembang. Sebaiknya diadakan program khusus Bahasa Inggris di PAI,

semacam mata kuliah "Islamic English" yang ada di Universitas Pendidikan



Menurut Anda, mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang Anda dapatkan sebelumnya

itu sudah bisa membantu Anda atau belum di dunia kerja nanti? Jelaskan



Cukup membantu, hanya saja masih kurang maksimal karena dosen kadang

masih menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan dalih "agar lebih mudah dipahami



Menurut Anda, apa hal terpenting dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan



Konsistensi dan Penerapan. Kita harus konsisten belajar bahasa Inggris

dibarengi usaha kita untuk menerapkan apa yang sudah dipelajari dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari.

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Interview Transcript of Students of Islamic Religion Department

(Student 3)


Jelaskan kenapa Anda harus belajar Bahasa Inggris.


Bahasa Inggris itu perlu karena sebagaimana kita tahu bahwa bahasa Inggris

merupakan bahasa internasional yang digunakan juga sebagai bahasa pengantar

dalam berkomunikasi antar negara.


Adakah dampak yang Anda rasakan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris? Kalau

ada seperti apa contohnya? Dan kalau tidak berikan alasannya.


Ada banyak dampak positif dengan saya mempelajari bahasa Inggris,

dengan bahasa Inggris saya lebih mudah memahami banyak hal yang berkaitan

dengan pembelajaran baik itu formal maupun informal, dengan mempelajari

bahasa Inggris saya lebih mudah untuk memperluas pengetahuan saya dengan

membaca beberapa buku dan sumber ilmu lain yang menggunakan pengantar

bahasa Inggris, selain itu dalam menggunakan teknologi dan sosial media pun

saya mendapatkan kemudahan dengan memahami beberapa kosakata bahasa



Menurut Anda, penting atau tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris

yang baik supaya bisa dapat dikatakan guru yang berkualitas? Berikan alasannya.


Menurut saya pribadi mempelajari bahasa Inggris dan memiliki kemampuan

dalam menguasainya dengan baik merupakan hal yang penting seiring dengan

perkembangan zaman yang kian modern, dengan menguasai bahasa Inggris setiap

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orang akan mudah memperluas koneksi dan pengetahuannnya, begitu pula dengan

seorang guru yang memiliki andil untuk memfasilitasi kegiatan pendidikan,

walaupun seorang guru dapat dikatakan berkualitas dengan menguasai beberapa

hal lain dalam bidangnya, namun menurut saya seorang guru akan lebih baik lagi

jika menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik agar tidak terhempas perkembangan

zaman karena ketidakmampuannya menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang akan

mempermudahmya dalam perbaikan dan inovasi dalam kegiatan mengajarnya.


Menurut Anda, bagaimana level bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI sekarang?

Perlukah adanya program tambahan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa

Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI? Jelaskan alasannya.


Menurut saya, mahasiswa/i PAI di UIN Jakarta belum banyak yang

memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris dengan baik, (termasuk saya pribadi) masih

banyak yang memiliki kendala dalam kemampuannya berbahasa Inggris baik itu

lisan maupun tulisan, namun tidak sedikit pula yang berani untuk terus mencoba

mempelajari dan mempraktekkan bahasa Inggris itu sendiri, baik dalam

perkuliahan maupun forum lainnya, namun jika dibandingkan antara mereka yang

mampu dan mereka yang belum mampu, saya rasa lebih banyak yang belum

menguasai bahasa Inggris.


Menurut Anda, mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang Anda dapatkan sebelumnya

itu sudah bisa membantu Anda atau belum di dunia kerja nanti? Jelaskan



Belum, karena mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang saya dapatkan di semester

satu hanya berfokus pada perbaikan score tes TOEFL pada saat itu, dan saya rasa

di dunia kerja nanti bahasa Inggris digunakan tidak hanya sebatas teori dan

praktek tertulis saja, tidak hanya berfokus kepada nilai toefl saja, melainkan

dengan kemampuan seseorang untuk menggunakan bahasa Inggris dengan baik

saat berbicara dan berkomunikasi pula.

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Menurut Anda, apa hal terpenting dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan



Gramatical dan kosakata, menurut saya dengan menguasai grammatical dan

kosa kata yang baik dan benar apa yang kita sampaikan insya Allah tidak akan

keliru ditangkap oleh lawan bicara kita, atau objek kita, dengan kosakata yang

beragam pun seseorang tidak akan kesulitan dalam menyampaikan maksudnya.

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Interview Transcript of Students of Islamic Religion Department

(Student 4)


Jelaskan kenapa Anda harus belajar Bahasa Inggris.


Saya harus belajar bahasa Inggris karena bahasa Inggris adalah bahasa yang

digunakan oleh siapapun saat ini. Dunia kerja dan pendidikan menggunakan

bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa kedua selain bahasa indonesia.


Adakah dampak yang Anda rasakan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris? Kalau

ada seperti apa contohnya? Dan kalau tidak berikan alasannya.


Bahasa Inggris dimana dulu ni.. Hehe.. Kalau di kampus, gak terlalu

berdampak.. Tapi kalau di tempat kursus.. Sangat berdampak.. Tadinya saya tidak

bisa presentasi dengan bahasa Inggris, setelah kursus, saya bisa.


Menurut Anda, penting atau tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris

yang baik supaya bisa dapat dikatakan guru yang berkualitas? Berikan alasannya.


Penting. Mayoritas, sekolah yang berkualitas saat ini merupakan sekolah

yang sudah menerapkan bilingual. Jadi guru yang berkualitas pun adalah guru

yang mampu berbahasa "bilingual".


Menurut Anda, bagaimana level bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI sekarang?

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Perlukah adanya program tambahan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa

Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI? Jelaskan alasannya.


Levelnya masih sangat rendah. Terutama dalam memahami referensi-

referensi berbahasa Inggris. Dalam keseharian saja masih banyak kekurangan,

apalagi jika dibanding dengan hal tersebut. Tentu saja diperlukan program

tambahan, bagaimana pun bentuknya, pasti akan bermanfaat.


Menurut Anda, mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang Anda dapatkan sebelumnya

itu sudah bisa membantu Anda atau belum di dunia kerja nanti? Jelaskan



Belum. Karena saat itu dosennya memberikan basic english, yang menurut

saya, itu masih sangat kurang untuk membantu di dunia kerja.


Menurut Anda, apa hal terpenting dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan



Praktekkan. Karena, sesering apapun kita belajar kalau tidak dipraktekkan,

cepat sekali materi bahasa Inggris akan terlupa.

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Interview Transcript of Students of Islamic Religion Department

(Student 5)


Jelaskan kenapa Anda harus belajar Bahasa Inggris.


Karena bahasa Inggris merupakan bahasa internasional yang dipakai oleh

siapapun. Dan saat ini mayoritas pekerjaan banyak yang harus memiliki skill

bahasa Inggris, khususnya di dunia pendidikan.


Adakah dampak yang Anda rasakan setelah belajar bahasa Inggris? Kalau

ada seperti apa contohnya? Dan kalau tidak berikan alasannya.


Ada. Saya lebih percaya diri dalam berbicara dalam bahasa Inggris.


Menurut Anda, penting atau tidak memiliki kemampuan bahasa Inggris

yang baik supaya bisa dapat dikatakan guru yang berkualitas? Berikan alasannya.


Sangat penting. Karena saat ini banyak sekolah yang menerapkan bilingual

class/sekolah internasional. Karena ketika saya sekolah dulu buku, siswa, gurunya

harus menerapkan bahasa Inggris di kelas.


Menurut Anda, bagaimana level bahasa Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI sekarang?

Perlukah adanya program tambahan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa

Inggris mahasiswa/i PAI? Jelaskan alasannya.

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Sangat perlu, karena level yang masih rendah dalam penggunaan bahasa

atau memahami bahasa Inggris.


Menurut Anda, mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang Anda dapatkan sebelumnya

itu sudah bisa membantu Anda atau belum di dunia kerja nanti? Jelaskan



Belum, karena bahasa Inggris yang dipelajari saat kuliah sangat mendasar.

Maka dari itu saya les bahasa Inggris di LIA dan itu masih belum cukup.


Menurut Anda, apa hal terpenting dalam belajar bahasa Inggris? Jelaskan



Mempraktekkannya, agar apa yang dipelajari tidak cepat lupa dan juga agar

cepat mahir berbahasa.

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Appendix 10 Documentation

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Appendix 11 Surat Pengesahan Proposal

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Appendix 12 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi (Mrs. Ratna and Mrs. Desi)

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Appendix 13 Surat Izin Penelitian

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Appendix 14 Surat Keterangan Penelitian

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Appendix 15 References Examination Paper

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