anat levi israeli artist

ANAT LEVI Young Israeli Painter

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Young Israeli Jewish artist


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Young Israeli Painter

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Anat Levi I am a young Israeli,born in Haifa-Kiryat Hayim- Israel.I went to high school and later served in the Israeli Defense Force as an

officer,and later I took several Management, Administration and Accounting

courses.6 years ago I decided to be closer to Jewish religion and traditions, and since

then I have a better and qualified life.From childhood I always had a tendency to art ,music and painting. I painted several pictures and graphics as a hobby.My recent religious life style, lead me to paint Holly Jewish items and

recently I began to create several pictures with Jewish motives. My pictures contains the ideas of peace, love and Jewish traditions.

The white pigeons with olive branch, fish and bird, grenades, hamsa, menorah and others, symbolizes my new life style, way of thinking and creativity.

The colors I used in my pictures are mild and I tried to give a kind of relaxation to the watcher. The contrast and combination of colors in the objects and the back ground, reflects the calm and peaceful Jewish life with joy.

In my pictures,I try to symbolize several Jewish traditions and high values.

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Anat Levi’s PicturesIf I Forget Jerusalem …..

“If I forget thee Jerusalem, may my right hand forget its skill, may my tongue cleave to the roof of my mouth…”. Every day we pray for the construction of the Third Temple, and until it is built, we keep the custom of saying this verse at every wedding festivity, which is the edification of a Jewish home, in order to remind ourselves that no joy is complete until the Temple is built.

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ירושלים אשכחך אם

ימיני" תשכח ירושלים אשכחך אם "... מתפללים אנו לחכי לשוני תדבקועד השלישי המקדש בית לבנין יום בכל , החתונה בשמחת לומר נהג אנו שיבנהפסוק יהודי בית של קטן שבנין שהיאהשמחה, שאין לעצמנו להזכיר בכדי זה

בית יבנה אשר עד המקדששלמה

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

Hamsa Hand and PeaceIn Jewish folklore, the Hamsa symbolizes protection and preservation from the evil eye.At the center of the Hamsa, the letter ש (Shin) is formed, signifying Shalom (peace) and Shalva (tranquility), represented by a pair of white doves.

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

Jerusalem – Tiberias – Safed – Hebron

Each of these four holy cities of Israel represents and is associated with one element of creation: Jerusalem – the Fire element, Tiberias – the Water element, Safed – the Air element, and Hebron – the Earth element.

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Anat Levi’s Pictures


A white dove, symbolizing peace and perfectionAn egg symbolizing the circle of life and renewalThe fish symbolizing the power of prosperity and fertilityAll hover intertwined over the houses of Israel.

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

Rabbi Shim’on Bar Yochai(Rashbi) was a Tanah (a sage living at the time of the Mishna), who lived during the middle of the 2nd century CE. He was one of the pupils of Rabbi Akiva, and one of the great scholars of the Talmud, one of the pioneers of the Kabbala, and the author of the Zohar book. Numerous stories are told of him, and he is mentioned thousands of times in the Talmud and Midrashimv

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Anat Levi’s Pictures


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Anat Levi’s Pictures

Gather Us Together

The blessing for the Gathering Together of the Exiles in the Shmone Essreh Prayer, is one of the thirteen requests in this prayer, and it is the first that has a general (as opposed to a personal) nature, bearing on the entire nation (along with the request for justice, for Jerusalem, and for salvation)……

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Anat Levi’s Picturesיחד וקבצנו

היא גלויות קיבוץ ברכתב העשירית הברכה

עשרה שמונה אחת, תפילתברכות עשרה משלוש

, זו בתפילה הבקשההמבקשות מבין והראשונההקשורים לנושים הנוגעות

עם ) יחד העם לכללהמשפט ברכת , ברכת

מצמיח וברכת ירושליםישועה (.קרן

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Anat Levi’s PicturesThe Circle of LifeSarah, Rivkah, Rachel, and Leah – the four matriarchs who stand at the center of the circle of life and the Jewish home. They nurture the growth of the nation, as bring to life the 12 Tribes of Israel, whose foundation and root stem from the holiness of the 3 patriarchs – Avraham, Itzchak, and Ya’akov.

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Anat Levi’s Picturesולא ינום לא הנה

ישראל שומר יישן ' לה פונה המלך דודמתוך עזרתו את ומבקש ' תמיד שה ובטחון אמונה . ההולכים לו ודואג עוזרהיו רגל עליה בשעת בדרך , כיוון אלו פסוקים מזמריםבהם זמנים אלו שהיולשמירה נזק האדםאינו. הפסוק ולהגנהאלא משאלה מבטאובבטחון בוודאות מודיע

יקרה אמנם שכך

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Anat Levi’s PicturesEast (MiZRaCH)In Hebrew the initials of the word for East spell out Mitzad Zeh Ru’ach Cha’im (From this side the spirit of life).

The direction of prayer, of synagogues, and of the heart is always raised towards Jerusalem, which stands at the center of the world, and from whom life springs eternal to all things living.

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

…..And he shall be like a tree

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…And he shall be like a treeThe Book of Psalms opens with theses verse. The success of one who clings to G-d and his Torah are expressed in all areas of life, success in children, in livelihood, in every endeavor. The Tzaddik (holy man) is likened to a fruit tree; just as the tree lives forever, so is the Tzaddik promised eternal life; just as the tree bears good edible fruit, so do the deeds of the Tzaddik radiate on those around him, and all who take shelter in his shade also enjoy his “fruit”. And if the tree is uprooted and transplanted elsewhere (in the world to come), the tree will continue thriving, and will be firmly planted by the streams of heavenly water.

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Anat Levi’s Pictures


Indeed, He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleepsKing David petitions G-d and asks for his help, in faith and trust that G-d always aids and takes care of him.

The pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem would sing these verses, since those were times when they would need protection and preservation. The verse does not connote a request, but states with certainty and faith that it shall be so.

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

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Anat Levi’s Pictures

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Anat’s works at exhibition

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Welcome to Anat Levi’s site for unique gift for special events with handmade Jewish motives and pictures.

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Anat Levi Gifts

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Gift Ideas Pictures as gifts are suitable for: Birthday present to parents Irusim Wedding Wedding Anniversary Seasonal Greetings Personal Gift to dearer one

GIVE A NICE PRESENT To person you want to make them happy with Jewish Motives

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Anat Levi Gifts

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Anat Levi Gifts

Gift Gallery1.If I forget Jerusalem 2.Hamsa “ Hand and Peace”3. Jerusalem-Tiberias - Safed-Hebron4.Israel5.Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai6.Shana Tova7.Gather us togather8.9.Circle of life10.East ( Mizrach)11…..And he shall be like a Tree12.Star of David 13.Others

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Welcome to Anat Levi’s site for unique gift for special events with handmade Jewish motives and pictures.

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