anatomy and physiology ppt atrifact 4


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Page 2: Anatomy and physiology ppt atrifact 4


The skeletal muscle are the muscles that when you touch your skin you can feel and move. they are muscles that are attached to your bones, to help you move and protect your bones.(4)

The smooth muscle can

be found in the wall of

hollow organs, like the

stomach. Its there to

protect the organs but

isn’t as colorful as the

skeletal muscles, they

blend in with the walls

of the organs. (4)

The cardiac muscle is the muscle in the

walls of the heart, its a lot like the

skeletal muscle and the smooth muscle

because it can be involuntary like the

skeletal, which means that it is

controlled by the nervous system, but if

it didn’t have a nervous system it would

also be voluntary like the smooth

muscle, which controls itself. (4)

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Nervous tissue is made of neurons and neurological cells, that transmit electrical signals. (4)


The part

of the cell







extending from

the soma,


information and

moves it toward

the soma. (4)

Axon (nerve fiber):


information away

from the soma. (4)

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Simple Squamous-Physically flat, scalelike cells. Substances can easily diffuse through this tissue. The microscopic air sacs in the lungs are made of this tissue. (4)

Stratified Squamous-

Keratinized is made up

of multiple layers of cells

with flattened squamous

cells at the outer

surface. Possesses

keratin which

contributes to its

protective qualities (ex.

Skin) (4)

Transitional- stratified;

found in body areas

that are subjected to

stress and tension

changes (ex. Urinary

bladder) As tension

increases, the cell will

change from a cuboidal

shape to squamous.

This transition protects

the distensible

structures from tearing.




multiple layers of

columnar cells,

although only the

closest cells to the

surface look

columnar in

shape. Rare in the

human body,

found only in the

male urethra and

in the mucous

layer near the

anus. (4)


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Pseudostratified- found in the lining of air passageways in the respiratory system and in areas of the male reproductive system. Only a single layer of irregularly shaped columnar cells touches the basement membrane, and because of the differing heights, many are not tall enough to reach the upper surface of the epithelial sheet. (4)

Simple Cuboidal-

made of one layer of

cuboidal cells resting

on a basement

membrane and

makes up glands and

their ducts (ex.

Kidney) (4)

Stratified Cuboidal-

Protective function; at

least two rows of low

cuboidal cells are

randomly arranged at

the basement

membrane. Located in

sweat glands ducts,

pharynx and parts of the

epiglottis. (4)Glandular- specialized for

secretory activity in the

glands. Able to function

unicellular or in clusters or

specialized follicles like

multicellular glands. (4)


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Fiber types include:

•Collagenous fibers:

strong and flexible

fibers that appear as

wavy bundles in

tissue sections.

•Reticular fibers: thin

collagen fibers

coated with a

glycoprotein. They

tend to branch

extensively forming

delicate networks.

•Elastic fibers:

consist of the protein

elastin, which allows

for stretching and

recoiling. (5)

Areolar connective

tissue consists of a loose

arrangement of fibers. It

contains all of the cell

types mentioned, as

well as all three fiber

types. Areolar also has

an abundance of ground

substance, which

appears white in tissue


Adipose tissue

consists of adipocytes,

which store fat

droplets. The nucleus

of the adipocyte is

located adjacent to

the plasma



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• 1. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sep 2012. <>.

• 2. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sep 2012.

• 3. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Sep 2012.

• 4. Thibodeau, Gary. Anthon'ys Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology. Seventeenth. St. Louis, Missouri 63146: Mosby, 2003. Print.

• 5. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. <.>.

• 6. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. < >.

• 7. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. < >.

• 8. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. <N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. . >.

• 9. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. < >.

• 10. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. < >.

• 11. N.d. Photograph. n.p. Web. 2 Oct 2012. <>.