anatomy iii (1)

20 ريسم الدوي قالماضية نفس المرة اعة / اربد رب ا ل مكتبة الفصور الطبية وة التصوي جمعير في | متوف

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lecture notes


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    This lecture includes the slides that the doctor read and I added the doctors words right in the boxes.

    The doctor started by making a correction, which is the additional slides on the website.

    UreDers Muscular Tube Measuring About 25 Cm. Begin

    at Renal Pevis, then descend retroperitoneally and anterior to psoas muscle to posterior surface of Urinary bladder.

    Then cross pelvic inlet into minor (true) pelvis where they are still retroperitoneal and cross anterior to Common Iliac Bifurcation And Anterior To Sacro-iliac Joint. Then it follows the course of internal iliac artery (which goes to the pelvis).

    Could Be Compromised By Aneurysm Of Common Iliac

    End at ureterovesical and open into bladder and define upper border of urinary bladder trigone.

    3 Normal Constrictions (Kidney Stones Get Stuck): (1) At Ureteropelvic( the beginning of the ureter

    as it leaves the kidney) (2) Where Ureters Cross Pelvic Inlet (Brim) (bending) (3) And At Ureterovesical (Intramural) (the end of it)

    Right Ureter Relations:

    Anteriorly: Duodenum, ileum right testicular/ovarian vessels, Right colic vessels, and mesentery of small

    intestine. Posteriorly: Right Psoas muscle and bifurcation of common iliac artery.

    Left Ureter Relations: Anteriorly: Sigmoid colon and mesocolon and left Colic vessels, Testicular/Ovarian artery. Posteriorly: Left Psoas muscle and bifurcation of common iliac artery.

    It is a muscular tube lined by surface epithelium, then we have connective tissue, then we have the muscular layer, then the serosa or adventitia.

    The doctor said many times that the ureDer end at the SUPERIOR POSTERIOR aspects of the urinary bladder.

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    Blood Supply of the ureter:

    Upper Part: Renal Artery.

    Mid-part: Ovarian/Testicular Artery. (branches

    of aorta)

    Lower/Pelvic Part: Superior Vesical artery.

    Venous Blood Supply: Correspond to arteries.

    Lymphatic drainage: Correspond to LN along

    the course of arteries.

    Nerve Supply:

    Upper part: Renal nerve.

    Mid-part: Ovarian/Testicular Nerve.

    Lower/Pelvic Part: Hypogastric Plexus.

    Afferent fibers enter spinal cord at L1-2 (thats why the referred pain to that region during renal colic of

    the ureter.)

    Clinical Points

    Long = 25 cm, Narrower and 3 constrictions:

    Hence susceptible to renal stones lodgment at constriction sites.

    Renal Colic:

    Severe pain experienced when renal stones are lodged.

    Afferent fibers enter spinal cord at T 11-12 and L 1-2 (Skin of Flank loin and

    Groin Areas).

    Renal stone arrest at Lower Part referred pain felt at Tip of Penis/Testicles

    or labia in case of females.

    * Males: pass posterior to ductus deferens Females: pass posterior & inferior to uterine artery. ***During hysterectomy (surgical removal of the uterus) ureter can be ligated with uterine artery. (it is posterior to artery near cervix).

    Ovarian and Testicular Artery are

    branches from the aorta, because

    during embryogenesis testicles

    develop intra-abdominally (around

    8th week), so testicles have to take

    their blood supply form aorta and

    after they develop they begin to

    descend and exit through internal

    ring of the inguinal canal then to the

    external ring to the scrotal sac.

    In a male infant you have to check

    that both testicles are within the

    scrotal sac and if there is

    undescended testis , this mean it is

    within higher a temperature than

    the body because spermatogenesis

    occur at lower temperature and this

    will lead in the future to infertility

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    Organ Of Urine Storage (500 Ml). Lies behind Pubic symphysis and is Pelvic Organ When Empty but rises into Hypogastric region of abdominal cavity as it fills up.

    It is Triangular and has an Apex, Base, A Superior Surface And 2-inferiolateral Surfaces.

    Apex: Points Anteriorly and connected to Umblicus by Median Umblical Ligament (remnant of Urachus).

    The Posterior Surface; has Two -lateral angles where Ureters join the bladder and 2-Vasa deferens run separating the Seminal Vesicles fro each other.

    Superior Surface: Is covered by peritoneum and related to Ileum and Sigmoid Colon.

    The Neck of Urinary bladder is Surrounded by Prostate Lobes where Prostatic Urethra lies.

    The Interior of Urinary bladder Presents Folds/Rugae when Empty. But A triangular area joining the three openings; 2-ureters and one internal sphincter is clear of Folds and called Trigone

    During pregnancy there will be more

    pressure on Urinary Bladder, so as

    long as pregnancy on the first 3

    months within pelvic there will

    pressure symptoms on the urinary

    bladder this will result in frequency

    of Micturition in the first 3 months

    The problem here, as male age (>45)

    Prostate undergo Hypertrophic

    changes and because prostate have

    very dense capsule present at very

    constricted anatomical position ,this

    hypertrophy it does not extend

    outward but also it push inward

    where the urethrae pass and this will

    lead to different degree of urinary

    retention (complete or partial ).

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    The interior of urinary bladder

    The 2 ureters enter the urinary bladder at the 2 lateral angels in the superior posterior region. The

    area above the entrance of the 2 ureters is called the fundus.

    And notice in the picture the internal urethral orifice (which is under the autonomic nervous

    system) and the external (which is voluntary).

    Now regarding the interior aspect of the urinary bladder, like any organ in the body that is subjected

    to distension (the stomach for e.g.). You can see that it's folded to allow it to extend. These folds are

    called "Rugae".

    - still in the interior aspect we have a triangular area that extend between the 2 upper lateral points

    (which represent the opening of the 2 ureters) and the internal urethral orifice. This area is called

    the "trigon".

    Trigone of the bladder is not folded, it smooth; the significant of this is Because if its folded this will

    affect the potency of the tube (ureter), that means the urine will not pass easily from the ureter to

    the bladder.

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    - At the neck of urinary bladder we have the prostatic urethra and prostate (regarding males) while in females related to urogenital diaphragm.

    In females the UB and the urethra are

    anterior to the uterus. There are 2 pouchs

    (empty potential space) which are "Recto-

    uterine" pouch behind the uterus

    (between the uterus and the rectum) &

    "viscero-uterine" pouch in front of the


    Regarding males as we said we have the prostate gland at the neck of the bladder. And in the

    urethra there is an opening for the vas deference which passes within the substance of the prostate

    gland carrying semen to the ejaculatory duct; this part of urethra is called prostatic urethra. Then

    the urethra pass through the urogenital diaphragm.

    The blood supply and innervation of the Urinary


    - It's supplied by Superior and Inferior Vesical arteries which are branches of Internal Iliac Artery.

    - Regarding the venous drainage it's correspond to the arteries and drain into the internal iliac vein.

    - Nerve Supply via the Inferior Hypogastric Plexus from Sympathetic fibers of L 1-2

    The doctor scolded us for not

    knowing what is the muscle tone -.-!

    Anyone want to know the content,

    refer to the record!

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    The urinary bladder relation:

    Posterior surface (fundus/base):

    - In males related to rectovesical pouch, rectum, seminal vesicles, and ampulla of ductus


    - In females related to anterior wall of vagina

    Anterior surface:

    Related to pubic symphysis and retropubic space of Retzius

    Superior surface:

    In males - peritoneal cavity

    In females vesicouterine pouch (peritoneal cavity)


    related to median umbilical lig. or urachus


    in males related to prostatic urethra and prostate while in females related to urogenital


    Trigone of the bladder:

    on posterior surface of bladder and defined superiorly by ureters and inferiorly by urethra

    (internal urethral meatus)

    Bladder clinical:

    1- In infants the empty bladder lies within the false abdominal cavity. As it mature (in adults) it

    shifts and move into the minor pelvis (true pelvis), but when full can rise above pelvic inlet.

    2- Prostatic Hypertrophy: Affects Males above 45 yrs. Hence

    Pressure over Prostatic Urethra and cause Residual volume

    and Urgency to Micturation and Possible Retention.

    3- Incontinence (total, stress, urge, overflow types):

    Uncontrolled passage of urine, it affects female more than males, it happens due to the emotional

    nature of the female (stress, anxiety, pregnancy . ) and due to some anatomical (structural)

    variation in female.

    # Prostatic Hypertrophy: Sildenafil

    (Viagra) is used as a TT by increasing

    cGMP that cause Smooth muscle

    relaxation said the doctor.

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    Muscular Tube Carries urine from the Bladder to the outside of the body

    Internal Sphincter prevents urine from emptying; composed of smooth muscle; involuntary

    External Sphincter at the upper portion of the urethra allows you to resist the urge to urinate; composed

    of skeletal muscle; voluntary

    Female Short and Wide opens to the outside at the urethral meatus, subjected more to UTI

    Male longer and narrow, passes through the prostate gland; carries urine and sperm.

    Hence Males more prone for Renal Stone arrest But Females more susceptible to Urinary Tract Infection

    Males (3 parts) 1. Prostatic post. wall has urethral crest that contains 2 openings of ejaculatory ducts. Prostatic

    ducts are lateral to urethral crest.

    2. Membranous the narrowest crosses urogenital diaphragm and surrounded by deep

    transverse perineal m. and sphincter urethrae m. (external sphincter)

    -Both musc. by pudendal n.

    - the place where lodgment of renal stone occur

    3. Penile (spongy/cavernous) surrounded by corpus spongiosum, enlarges into fossa navicularis,

    and ends as external urethral meatus. Openings of bulbourethral glands just below urogenital

    diaphragm. (vulnerable to catheter penetration)

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    - Courses through urogenital diaphragm and is surrounded by deep transverse perineal m. and

    sphincter urethrae m. (later muscles doesnt completely surround urethra and is the reason for

    high incidence of stress incontinence in women)

    - Posterior surface fuses with anterior wall of vagina.

    - External urethral orifice stratified Squamous epitheliumopens into vestibule of vagina between

    labia minora.

    ! ! !

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