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Post on 12-Apr-2017




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Page 1: AnatomyOfThoughts1

Have you ever thought how the brain

generates the thoughts/ideas? Let’s try to

get the insight of human thinking pattern.

Anatomy of Thoughts.

Rathoud, Sameer

Page 2: AnatomyOfThoughts1

Have you ever thought how a human

brain generates a thought or an idea?

How brain thinks:

When we come across something new, like

learning a new subject, learning a new skill

etc. our conscious mind works, where we

have to pay attention to understand the


Our sub conscious mind is responsible for

thinking on actions related to our day to day

activities, like reading, driving car or bike etc.

All the general thinking happens in the sub-

conscious, and our sub-conscious mind is

very well equipped for handling these day to

day activities.

But when we continually practice the new

skill, we will become proficient in that skill

and the thinking for this new action or

learning will subsequently shift from

conscious mind to sub conscious mind.

Remember the days when you have started

to learn driving, it probably would have

taken every ounce of your concentration to

keep the car on the road, to drive within

speed limit and to remember to use the turn

signals. But as you have practiced for few

months than all of these actions becomes

automatic. Now you can talk or listen to the

radio while driving and still you drive far well

than what you use to when you were

learning. This is because now you don’t use

you conscious mind to drive and the entire

your action of driving is now taken over by

your sub conscious mind. And the sub

conscious mind is far more efficient than

your conscious mind.

Every human mind have a specific type of

thinking and the thinking type which

generates new thoughts or ideas is called

creative thinking or innovative thinking.

All the creative thinking happens in the sub

conscious mind.

So is it like, as we are not having control on

our sub conscious mind we can’t generate

new ideas.

Yes it’s true that creative or innovative

thoughts comes from our sub conscious

mind and we are not having control on our

sub conscious mind. But we can definitely

ask our sub conscious mind to think creative

or even we can ask our sub conscious mind

to think creative on particular subject.

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Train brain to think creative

If you want to think creative on a particular

subject, you have to read lots of books,

articles, papers, discuss the topic with your

friends and relatives, follow the topic on the

twitter, read the thoughts of other people on

various discussion forums, which will give

you the different perspective. When you

gather some new information a dot will get

created in one’s mind and when you come

across the same information from different

sources with different way presentation that

dot start becoming a circle and when that

circle is big enough it will get pushed in our

sub conscious mind. So when you read or

discuss a lot about particular subject you are

moving toward the pushing of those

information in our sub conscious mind and

later your sub conscious mind start

connecting those circles, sometimes those

circle are become enough to get joined. And

this connection between information circles

which no body would have done earlier we

can call them as innovative ideas.

So the ease or comfort feeling on any

particular topic or subject pertains to how

much information of that particular subject

is there in you sub conscious mind.