ancient african civilizations

Ancient Ancient African African Civilizations Civilizations Warm-Up: What made America such a powerful nation?

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Ancient African Civilizations. Warm-Up: What made America such a powerful nation?. What’s the most famous African Civilization you know?. The Nile Valley Civ.= The Egyptians When? (Began around 5000 BC) Where? The Nile Valley. What Should We Know About the Nile Valley Civilization?. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Ancient African Civilizations

Ancient Ancient AfricanAfrican

CivilizationsCivilizationsWarm-Up:What made America such a powerful nation?

Page 2: Ancient African Civilizations

What’s the most famous What’s the most famous African Civilization you know?African Civilization you know?

The Nile Valley Civ.= The Egyptians


(Began around 5000 BC)


The Nile Valley

Page 3: Ancient African Civilizations

What Should We Know About What Should We Know About the Nile Valley Civilization?the Nile Valley Civilization?

Their Gov was ruled Their Gov was ruled

by ...PHARAOHSPHARAOHS They were They were likelike… …


King TUT

Page 4: Ancient African Civilizations

Religion Religion RA, the Sun GodThe Egyptian’s religion

revolved around worshipping MANY gods.

What do we call this type of religion???


Poly means many!

They believed in LIFE AFTER DEATH

Pyramids were burial tombs.They held everything for the Pharaoh’s next life!

Page 5: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom of Kingdom of KushKush When?When? (750 BC-200 AD)(750 BC-200 AD) Where?Where? Along the Nile, Along the Nile,

south of the south of the EgyptiansEgyptians

Who do you think Who do you think influenced them influenced them the most?the most?

Page 6: Ancient African Civilizations

Influenced by the Influenced by the EgyptiansEgyptians and and AssyriansAssyrians

How do we know?How do we know?– Adapted Egyptian Adapted Egyptian

PyramidsPyramids– Adapted Egyptian Adapted Egyptian

hieroglyphics into hieroglyphics into their own alphabettheir own alphabet

Also, they learned from the Assyrians.

What do you think they learned??


Page 7: Ancient African Civilizations

Religion of the KushReligion of the Kush

PolytheismPolytheism Like the Egyptians, the Kush Like the Egyptians, the Kush

worshipped the sun-god, Raworshipped the sun-god, Ra

Page 8: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom ofKingdom of AxumAxum

When?When? Began around the Began around the

early 300’s AD.early 300’s AD. Where?Where? Describe the Describe the

relative location of relative location of this kingdom.this kingdom.

They They conqueredconquered the Kushthe Kush

Located in the modern day country of ETHIOPIA

Page 9: Ancient African Civilizations

How about their Religion?How about their Religion?

Try to guess…Try to guess… Hint: the kingdom Hint: the kingdom

began in early began in early 300’s AD300’s AD

Hint: locationHint: location

Oldest community of Christians in Africa.

Page 10: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom of GhanaKingdom of Ghana

When?When? 500 AD – 1076 AD500 AD – 1076 AD

Where?Where? Western Sahara and Western Sahara and

along the Niger Riveralong the Niger River What made them What made them

wealthy?wealthy? Controlled the Controlled the GOLDGOLD

mines in the regionmines in the region

Page 11: Ancient African Civilizations

Empire of MaliEmpire of Mali

When?When? 1300’s1300’s Where?Where? West AfricaWest Africa They conquered They conquered

the former the former kingdom of Ghana.kingdom of Ghana.


Page 12: Ancient African Civilizations

They took over and controlled the SALT trade.

Salt??? What’s so important about Salt?

Salt preserves meat!

How about their religion??



Page 13: Ancient African Civilizations

Were they successful?Were they successful? For awhileFor awhile They were They were wealthy from wealthy from

the salt tradethe salt trade Had a system of Had a system of laws laws

based on…based on…

– The Qu’ranThe Qu’ran

TIMBUKTU became an important center of learning!

Yes, Timbuktu is a real place!

Page 14: Ancient African Civilizations

Eastern city-statesEastern city-statesApprox. 600 ad – 1500 ad (900 years!!)

Why are they all located along the coast?

TRADING! Of course!

Wait, what’s a city-state?

A city, wealthy and powerful enough to control a large territory.

City-states had their own governments and even ARMIES!!

Page 15: Ancient African Civilizations

Know any famous city-Know any famous city-states?states?

Athens and SpartaAthens and Sparta Venice, Florence and MilanVenice, Florence and Milan

Page 16: Ancient African Civilizations

What were they trading?What were they trading?

Slaves, Spices, Ivory and Gold

Who did they trade with?


Page 17: Ancient African Civilizations

How did all this interaction with the Middle How did all this interaction with the Middle East effect their culture?East effect their culture?

•They adopted Islam as their religion.•A new language developed there.•Swahili = Arabic + African language (Bantu)•Swahili is a great example of cultural____________?


Page 18: Ancient African Civilizations


HIT: GO-4-1-GOHIT: GO-4-1-GO

Page 19: Ancient African Civilizations

The Nile Valley Civilization is The Nile Valley Civilization is most commonly known as most commonly known as

these peoplethese people

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. AssyriansAssyrians

B.B. EgyptiansEgyptians

C.C. PhoeniciansPhoenicians

D.D. KhalifiansKhalifians



Page 20: Ancient African Civilizations

The Egyptians government The Egyptians government was ruled by who?was ruled by who?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. KingsKings

B.B. PresidentsPresidents

C.C. PharoahsPharoahs

D.D. RaRa



Page 21: Ancient African Civilizations

What did the Nile Valley What did the Nile Valley civilization believe happens civilization believe happens

to you when you die?to you when you die?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. NothingNothing

B.B. ReincarnationReincarnation

C.C. Go to heavenGo to heaven

D.D. Go to the Go to the afterlifeafterlife



Page 22: Ancient African Civilizations

Pyramids were made for Pyramids were made for what?what?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. Buriel TombsBuriel Tombs

B.B. TemplesTemples

C.C. MonumentsMonuments

D.D. EntertainmentEntertainment



Page 23: Ancient African Civilizations

The Kingdom of Kush The Kingdom of Kush existed when?existed when?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. 5-10 B.C.5-10 B.C.

B.B. 200 – 300 B.C.200 – 300 B.C.

C.C. 1950-19651950-1965

D.D. 700 B.C. – 200 700 B.C. – 200 A.D.A.D.



Page 24: Ancient African Civilizations

Where was the Kingdom of Where was the Kingdom of Kush located?Kush located?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. Kalahari DesertKalahari Desert

B.B. Along the Nile, Along the Nile, south of south of EgyptiansEgyptians

C.C. South AfricaSouth Africa

D.D. Mediterranean Mediterranean SeaSea



Page 25: Ancient African Civilizations

The Kingdom of Kush was The Kingdom of Kush was influenced by who?influenced by who?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. Egyptians & Egyptians & AssyriansAssyrians

B.B. Sumerians & Sumerians & MaliansMalians

C.C. Crystal Lakians Crystal Lakians & Algonquians& Algonquians

D.D. Ghanaians & Ghanaians & NigeriansNigerians



Page 26: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom of Kush learned Kingdom of Kush learned this skill from the Assyriansthis skill from the Assyrians

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. Ceramic-makingCeramic-making

B.B. Iron-makingIron-making

C.C. Copper-makingCopper-making

D.D. Gold-makingGold-making



Page 27: Ancient African Civilizations

The religion of the Kingdom The religion of the Kingdom of Kush was?of Kush was?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. PolytheisticPolytheistic

B.B. TritheisticTritheistic

C.C. MonotheisticMonotheistic

D.D. HectatheisticHectatheistic



Page 28: Ancient African Civilizations

The Kingdom of Axum was The Kingdom of Axum was located in which modern located in which modern

day countryday country

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. NigeriaNigeria

B.B. FranceFrance

C.C. South AfricaSouth Africa

D.D. EthiopiaEthiopia



Page 29: Ancient African Civilizations

Who did the Kingdom of Who did the Kingdom of Axum conquerAxum conquer

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. MaliMali

B.B. EgyptiansEgyptians

C.C. KushKush

D.D. GhanaGhana



Page 30: Ancient African Civilizations

The Religion of the Kingdom The Religion of the Kingdom of Axum was?of Axum was?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. IslamIslam

B.B. ChristianChristian

C.C. JewishJewish

D.D. TribalTribal



Page 31: Ancient African Civilizations

When was the Kingdom of When was the Kingdom of Ghana created?Ghana created?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. 200 B.C.200 B.C.

B.B. 10000 A.D.10000 A.D.

C.C. 500 A.D.500 A.D.

D.D. 20000 B.C20000 B.C



Page 32: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom of Ghana had Kingdom of Ghana had wealth because of which wealth because of which


A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. OilOil

B.B. DiamondsDiamonds

C.C. IronIron

D.D. GoldGold



Page 33: Ancient African Civilizations

Empire of Mali started Empire of Mali started when?when?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. 1300’s1300’s

B.B. 2000’s2000’s

C.C. 200’s200’s

D.D. 5000’s5000’s



Page 34: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom of Mali was located Kingdom of Mali was located where?where?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. South AfricaSouth Africa

B.B. North AfricaNorth Africa

C.C. West AfricaWest Africa

D.D. East AfricaEast Africa



Page 35: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom of Mali became Kingdom of Mali became successful because of which successful because of which


A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. OilOil

B.B. GoldGold

C.C. SaltSalt

D.D. IronIron



Page 36: Ancient African Civilizations

Kingdom of Mali had laws Kingdom of Mali had laws based which religion?based which religion?

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. ChristianityChristianity

B.B. IslamIslam

C.C. Tribal ReligionsTribal Religions

D.D. JudaismJudaism



Page 37: Ancient African Civilizations

This city was the central city This city was the central city of the Kingdom of Maliof the Kingdom of Mali

A. B. C. D.

25% 25%25%25%A.A. TimbuktuTimbuktu

B.B. JohannesburgJohannesburg

C.C. CairoCairo

D.D. NairobiNairobi



Page 38: Ancient African Civilizations

Swahili is a language that Swahili is a language that mixes African Bantu with…mixes African Bantu with…

1 2 3 4

25% 25%25%25%1.1. EnglishEnglish

2.2. HindiHindi

3.3. EgyptianEgyptian

4.4. ArabicArabic



Page 39: Ancient African Civilizations

The East African city states The East African city states became wealthy because of became wealthy because of


1 2 3 4

25% 25%25%25%1.1. FarmingFarming

2.2. FishingFishing

3.3. TradingTrading

4.4. ConqueringConquering



Page 40: Ancient African Civilizations

One more thing…One more thing… On the map provided, draw a circle in the region where On the map provided, draw a circle in the region where

each of these 5 ancient civilizations were located.each of these 5 ancient civilizations were located. Label each region.Label each region. Then, on the back answer these questions.Then, on the back answer these questions.

– 1. What did the people of the Kingdom of Axum have 1. What did the people of the Kingdom of Axum have in common with the people of the Kingdom of in common with the people of the Kingdom of Ghana?Ghana?

– 2. What did the people of the Empire of Mali have in 2. What did the people of the Empire of Mali have in common with the people of the Kingdom of Kush?common with the people of the Kingdom of Kush?

– 3. Besides being in different time periods, what 3. Besides being in different time periods, what would contribute to these cultures being so different would contribute to these cultures being so different from one another? Be specific. List from one another? Be specific. List threethree things. things.