ancient olympic games

The First Ancient Olympic Games Created by Robert Loring and Cody Sweetman

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Post on 29-Jul-2015




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The First Ancient Olympic Games

Created by Robert Loring and

Cody Sweetman

How it all began…

• The Ancient Olympic games were said to be part of a religious festival in honor of the almighty Greek god, Zeus; originally held in the Sanctuary of Zeus in Olympia.

• The sanctuary had gotten its name from Mt. Olympos, said to be the home of all the greatest Greek gods and goddesses.

• The very first Olympic games was held somewhere around 776 B.C.

The Olympic Flame

Statue from the running of the Flame during Ancient times.

•The Olympic Flame is a symbol of the Olympic Games; signaling the theft of fire from Zeus by Prometheus.

•The Flame kept burning all throughout the Ancient Olympics.