ancient rome powerpoint

ANCIENT ROME A Journey Into The Past

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ANCIENT ROMEA Journey Into The Past

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The Legend of Romulus and RemusThe Romans believed that Romulus, the first ruler of Rome, founded the city on April 21, 753 B.C.

In the ancient times, Roman children were all told the story of how Romulus and his twin brother Remus were cast adrift in a basket on the Tiber River by their wicked grandfather. Their grandfather was a wicked king who ordered them to be drowned so they would not inherit his throne.

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The Legend of Romulus and RemusLuckily, they were saved by a she-wolf who heard the babies crying and rescued them. The mother wolf took the babies to her lair and feed them along with her own wolf cubs. After they were older, they found by a shepherd of royal flocks and he and his wife raised them.

When Romulus and Remus grew up, they overthrew the wicked king who tried to kill them. Then the twins built a city where the mother wolf had found them. According to the myth, before the city was completed, the brothers had an argument and Romulus killed Remus. After the city was built, Romulus named it after himself calling it Rome.

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The Pantheon is the most perfectly preserved of all the ancient temples. This marvel of architectural engineering has a giant oculus forever open to the sky, a dome, columns, beautiful frescos, marble decorations and ancient statues. This was built in AD 118-125.

The Pantheon throughout time has served as a temple, and Christian Church. It is a burial site for the artist, Raphael. The Royal Tombs of the first King of Italy and his son are also here.

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Inside of the Pantheon is the widest masonry dome in Europe. The hole at the top is called an oculus. It provides light and structural support!

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When Rome conquered Egypt, the Romans were in awe of the Egyptian obelisks.

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What do you know about the


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The ColosseumThe Colosseum was built by the Romans in 72-80 AD. In AD 80, when it opened, the Emperor Titus declared 100 days of celebratory games, some involving the massacre of 5000 wild beasts against the gladiators. The Colosseum seated 50,000 spectators. Notice the arches. The Romans were the first to use arches.

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This area was below ground level. This was the place where the wild animals were kept before they were thrown upward and set free in the Coliseum to fight the gladiators.

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Throughout Rome, there are many ruins where one can observe columns and structures with arches.

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What do you know about the

Roman Forum?

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THE ROMAN FORUM Gazing on it today, a picturesque shambles of ruins, you would hardly guess that the Forum was a symbol of civic pride for 1,000 years. Its humble beginning over 3,000 years ago was a swampy cemetery. After the marsh was drained off in 5 BC, it took on the central role in the life of the Roman Republic. It was the political, cultural and economic center for what becomes the largest empire in history.

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What do you know about the

Roman bathouses?

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Roman BathhousesAs the center of Roman social life, bathhouses were grandiose affairs, as seen in the remains in the Baths of Caracalla. These baths were begun in 217 AD and were used until 546, when invading Goths destroyed the aqueducts. Up to 2,000 people at a time could use these luxurious bathhouses.

Roman baths included social centers, art galleries, libraries, baths (pools), sweat baths, steam baths, a cool down, then a cold plunge.

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Roman BathsRelaxing gardens surrounded the complex as well as underground piping to have a continuous flow of fresh water coming into the baths. The wealthy Romans spent many hours a day at the baths. All citizens frequented the baths.

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Ancient Roman Gods and GoddessesStatues are found throughout the Piazzas and streets of Rome that depict the many ancient gods and goddesses. Most were rebuilt during the Renaissance to replace those that were destroyed during the “Fall of Rome” in 476 AD.

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Roman Statues

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What do you know about the

Roman Roads?

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“ALL ROADS LEAD TO ROME”• This is a famous quote. Beyond the city walls that were constructed in the 3rd century, the old Roman roads still continue. The Appian Way is the “Queen of Roads. It was completed in 312 AD by Appius Claudius. He was also the architect of Rome’s famous aqueducts.

• The Appian Way was also the way out of the city for the many Christians who were persecuted during part of this time. Along this road are many miles of underground catacombs and worship sites.

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AqueductsThe Romans invented aqueducts as a way to transport water from the mountains into the city. Water was used for bathhouses, fountains, and indoor plumbing in for wealthy families.

Aqueducts were engineered using a series of arches, columns, and bridges. Many aqueducts are stilled used in Italy today.

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The Eternal City