``ancillary services and regulation markets'' · eurelectric, \ancillary services {...

\Ancillary services and regulation markets" Pierre Pinson Technical University of Denmark . DTU Electrical Engineering - Centre for Electric Power and Energy mail: [email protected] - webpage: www.pierrepinson.com 26 February 2018 31761 - Renewables in Electricity Markets 1

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Page 1: ``Ancillary services and regulation markets'' · EURELECTRIC, \Ancillary services { Unbundling electricity products { An emerging market", February, 2004 (link). EURELECTRIC, \Connection

“Ancillary services and regulation markets”

Pierre Pinson

Technical University of Denmark.

DTU Electrical Engineering - Centre for Electric Power and Energymail: [email protected] - webpage: www.pierrepinson.com

26 February 2018

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Page 2: ``Ancillary services and regulation markets'' · EURELECTRIC, \Ancillary services { Unbundling electricity products { An emerging market", February, 2004 (link). EURELECTRIC, \Connection

As part of the overall context...

Here we are on the side of the System Operator, e.g., Energinet.dk in Denmark

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Learning objectives

Through this lecture and additional study material, it is aimed for the students to be ableto:

1 Explain the need for ancillary services

2 Describe the various types of ancillary services

3 Understand differences between capacity, energy and other payments

4 Calculate revenues of ancillary providers

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1 Definitions and needs for ancillary services

what are “ancillary services”?why would one need ancillary servicesdifferent types of ancillary services

2 Payment and revenues

capacity, energy and other paymentscalculation of revenues

3 Sequence and role of frequency-related ancillary services

from primary to tertiary reservesspecifics in Denmark

4 Future of ancillary services?

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1 Definitions and needs for ancillary services

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What are ancillary services?

“Ancillary services are all services required by the transmission ordistribution system operator to enable them to maintain the integrity andstability of the transmission or distribution system as well as the power


EURELECTRIC, “Ancillary services – Unbundling electricity products – An emerging market”, February, 2004 (link).

EURELECTRIC, “Connection Rules for Generation and Management of Ancillary Services”, May, 2000 (link).

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What are ancillary services?

“Ancillary services are all services required by the transmission ordistribution system operator to enable them to maintain the integrity andstability of the transmission or distribution system as well as the power


EURELECTRIC, “Ancillary services – Unbundling electricity products – An emerging market”, February, 2004 (link).

EURELECTRIC, “Connection Rules for Generation and Management of Ancillary Services”, May, 2000 (link).

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Various types of ancillary services

We will focus on frequency-related services in the following, as they directly relateto system balance

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Beware of naming conventions

Same issue goes for Denmark, as the country is split between 2 different powersystems with varied operational practice

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Why would the power system be off-balance?

A sample of potential causes:

Electric load is greater or less than foreseen at the time of market-clearing

Renewable energy generation is greater or less than foreseen at the time ofmarket-clearing

Outages (/operational difficulties) of production units

Outages (/operational difficulties) of transmission equipments

Internal congestion (within market/balancing zone)


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Why would the power system be off-balance?

A sample of potential causes:

Electric load is greater or less than foreseen at the time of market-clearing

Renewable energy generation is greater or less than foreseen at the time ofmarket-clearing

Outages (/operational difficulties) of production units

Outages (/operational difficulties) of transmission equipments

Internal congestion (within market/balancing zone)


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A practical example: Load impact (1)

1 April 2014 - Nord Pool & Energinet data:

time of day [h]


er [M


1 6 12 18 24








DK−1: forecastsDK−1: observedDK−2: forecastsDK−2: observed

Comparison of forecasts (at the time of market clearing) and actual electric load,both for DK-1 and DK-2

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A practical example: Load impact (2)

1 April 2014 - Resulting volumes to balance because of load forecasting errors:

time of day [h]


er s




it [M


1 6 12 18 24







DK−1: surplus(+)/deficit(−)DK−2: surplus(+)/deficit(−)

The resulting balancing needs are fairly low, though there is a clear deficit of powerin DK-1

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A practical example: Wind impact (1)

1 April 2014 - Nord Pool & Energinet data:

time of day [h]


er [M


1 6 12 18 24







DK−1: forecastsDK−1: observedDK−2: forecastsDK−2: observed

Comparison of forecasts (at the time of market clearing) and actual wind powergeneration, both for DK-1 and DK-2

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A practical example: Wind impact (2)

1 April 2014 - Resulting volumes to balance because of wind power forecastingerrors:

time of day [h]


er s




it [M


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DK−1: surplus(+)/deficit(−)DK−2: surplus(+)/deficit(−)

The resulting balancing needs look high for DK-1 and reasonable for DK-2

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Where to find information about the system balance (and regulation)?

For Scandinavia (and more precisely Denmark):

historical data at Energinet’s page: ’Download of market data’

real-time data at Nord Pool’s page: ’Regulating volumes’ (also lots of other data)

Some other examples:

real-time (and historical) data for France (RTE) at RTE’s page: ’Daily balancingenergy volume’

historical data for the Netherlands (TenneT) at TenneT’s page: ’Export data’

A very nice App for Spain (REE) at REE’s page: ’Electricity demand tracking inreal-time’


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2 Payments and revenues

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What is the system operator paying for?

Capacity Energy

And possibly:




Nota: Capacity is exclusive - one cannot offer capacity for service provision andsimultaneously use it for selling energy through the day-ahead market(!)

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3 Sequence and role of frequency-related ancillary services

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Ancillary services in Denmark

Denmark is originally connected to two different power systems with differentoperational practice

Ancillary services are then different in DK1 and DK2...

Energinet, “Ancillary services to be delivered in Denmark – Tender conditions”, October 2012 (link).

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Ancillary services in DK1 and DK2

(with focus on frequency-related services)


Primary reserves

Secondary reserves(Load FrequencyControl)

Manual reserves


Frequency-controlled normaloperation reserves(FNR)

Frequency-controlleddisturbance reserves(FDR)

Manual reserves

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Primary reserves (DK1)

There is an overall need for +/−3.000MW of primary-type reserves over continentalEurope (following ENTSO-E assessment and recommendation)

This amount (capacity) is shared among all system operators

For DK1, this share is of +/−27MW

Response to frequencydeviation

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Primary reserve activation and market (DK1)

Required characteristics ofreserve response (prior certification)

daily day-ahead auctions

inflexible demand (27MW)

need for upward and downward capacity

merit order on capacity offers

energy is not considered (Energy-neutralservice)

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Primary reserve payment (DK1)

For market participant i :

RevenueGi = PGi λc


Pi : accepted capacity

λc : clearing price

In this example:

G1: 10MW × 10DKK/MW = 100DKK

G1: 5MW × 10DKK/MW = 50DKK

G1: 5MW × 10DKK/MW = 50DKK (out of the 6MW originally offered )

others: 0DKK

Here, only generators are considered... Though demand could also provide such services(e.g., batteries, electric boilers)31761 - Renewables in Electricity Markets 24

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Secondary reserves (DK1)

Two distinct goals:

Relieve the primary reserve which has been activated

Restore any imbalance on the interconnections

The capacity requirement for DK1 is of +/−90MW (following ENTSO-E assessment andrecommendation)

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Secondary reserve market (DK1) (1)

Payment for capacity AND for energy (This is not an energy-neutral service!)


purchased on a monthly basis

combined and symmetrical upward and downward products

based on bilateral contracts (negotiated, non-public)

→ Result for Generator Gi : PGi (MW) and λG

i (DKK/MW)

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Secondary reserve market (DK1) (2)


All energy ∆Ei generated/consumed is to be paid for (for given generator Gi )

Two reference prices are to be considered: day-ahead price λS for that time, as wellas balancing price λB (from balancing market - to be discussed next week)

Minimum revenues are ensured by always having a spread of at least 100 betweenday-ahead and balancing prices

In practice, in the upward regulation case:

Energy revenue(Gi ) =

{(λS + 100)∆Ei if λB < λS + 100,

λB∆Ei otherwise

And, in the downward regulation case:

Energy revenue(Gi ) = −{

(λS − 100)∆Ei if λB > λS − 100,λB∆Ei otherwise

The (negative) revenue in the downward regulation case consists in buying backenergy that was already sold through the day-ahead market!31761 - Renewables in Electricity Markets 27

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Secondary reserve payments (DK1)

Example (for a given time unit, upward regulation cases):

RT R© is to generate 50MWh through the day-ahead market (λS = 200DKK/MWh)

RT R© has a contract for secondary reserve provision, with PGRT = 10MW,


2 illustrative cases:

Need for upward regulation, energy fully delivered, balancing price λB =250DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 10× 20 + 10× (200 + 100) = 3200DKK

Need for upward regulation, energy half delivered, balancing price λB =320DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 10× 20 + 5× 320 = 1800DKK

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Secondary reserve payments (DK1)

Example (for a given time unit, downward regulation cases):

RT R© is to generate 50MWh through the day-ahead market (λS = 200DKK/MWh)

RT R© has a contract for secondary reserve provision, with PGRT = 10MW,


2 illustrative cases:

Need for downward regulation, energy fully “consumed” (/reduced), balancing priceλB = 150DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 10× 20− 10× (200− 100) = −800DKK

Need for downward regulation, energy half “consumed”, balancing price λB =50DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 10× 20− 5× 50 = −50DKK

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Manual (/tertiary) reserves (DK1)

The full timeline forreserve products

daily day-ahead auctions

varying demand

need for upward and downward capacity

merit order on capacity offers

energy is paid for at the balancing price λB

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Tertiary reserve payments (DK1)

Example (for a given time unit, upward regulation cases):

RT R© is to generate 50MWh through the day-ahead market (λS = 200DKK/MWh)

RT R© gets cleared to provide tertiary reserves, with PGRT = 20MW, λG


2 illustrative cases:

Need for upward regulation, energy fully delivered, balancing price λB =250DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 20× 2 + 20× 250 = 5040DKK

Need for upward regulation, energy half delivered, balancing price λB =320DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 20× 2 + 10× 320 = 3240DKK

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Tertiary reserve payments (DK1)

Example (for a given time unit, downward regulation cases):

RT R© is to generate 50MWh through the day-ahead market (λS = 200DKK/MWh)

RT R© gets cleared to provide tertiary reserves, with PGRT = 20MW, λG


2 illustrative cases:

Need for downward regulation, energy fully “consumed” (/reduced), balancing priceλB = 150DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 20× 2− 20× 150 = −2960DKK

Need for downward regulation, energy half “consumed”, balancing price λB =50DKK/MWh,

Revenue(RT R©) = 20× 2− 10× 50 = −460DKK

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Activation sequence

Two main approaches:

Reactive (/corrective)approach

Proactive approach

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Questions / discussion

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For you to do...

Before the next session on Monday 5 March 2018

For those who want to know more energy and services:

J.M. Morales et al. (2014). Integrating Renewables in Electricity Markets, Chapter 3: “Clearing theday-ahead market with a high penetration of stochastic production” (pdf)

For those who want to understand how reserve needs may be quantified:

R. Doherty and M. O’Malley (2005). A new approach to quantify reserve demand in systems withsignificant installed wind capacity. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 20(2): 587–595 (pdf)

M. Matos and R. Bessa (2011). Setting the operating reserve using probabilistic wind power forecasts.IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 26(2): 594–603 (pdf)

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Thanks for your attention! - Contact: [email protected] - web: pierrepinson.com

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