and in* of action bust cover botfi urban and rural area*. although tho dynamics of...


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Page 1: and In* of action Bust cover botfi urban and rural area*. AltHoUgh tho dynamics of these areas differ and tho campaign will have to taka theoe condition* into account,
Page 2: and In* of action Bust cover botfi urban and rural area*. AltHoUgh tho dynamics of these areas differ and tho campaign will have to taka theoe condition* into account,

■"X H "T i:T i-C0l.T »C tiji'? i0i! c«: r . , i r .» .

iw rnouucT ioMThe goverr.rr.ent hns thi' to fxtcnl conscription to coloured ond Indian youth, and It is nyatcrmtlcal)y increasing the rolo the array ploys In 3outh Af lcnn society. In the UPF Antl-Conocrlptlon Cruspolgn «e aim to Cczibat both of thm* otate strategies and to put forowrd our own cox.nlttncr.t to build a peaceful future far South Afrlcn. The Anti-Conscrl ptior. Committee • s (ACC) nhort tern programme Integrates or. ont i-conncrl nt Ion Ca.".palcn Into the IJDF nnt 1-elect Ion strategy. But UDP nloo needs a long term programme. the SADP will continue to try to r»ln the hearts and nlndc of the people ond will continue to be used against our people In their struggles inside ths country.

Lone t " rj. rnccaA.’ -' EUUP is building a notlonM consciousness In opposition to Apartheid end tr. pi oltot Ion. Our aixo are to build a brood opposition to the extension of conscription into tjjis consciousness of the people of South Africa.

To do so, ».* siuot build n rldeoprcad understanding of how ths SADP > oppresses ua. It la Important that the focus of our eorapalrn Is not United to conscription. The anr.y nlready reaches our eo«i«'>nltics through TV, propaganda newspapers, youth nnd school co&aa. Aa a reeult, It la making progress in winning the hearts and minds of people both in the African tov.nnhipu and In the so-called coloured areas.And, the RAD? Is used to crujh opposition to Apartheid and In the forced removals of people.

\Te must build a popular underntanidng of nhnt the 3ADF is defending: nnd of isho It is fichtin," s’ nnd v|;at tl.i :■ domfinds arsj nnd of wliot the conditions for peace are in South Af. lea.

In the Antl-Conscrlptlon Cnnpnlgn, must ensure tho* >•» *ju.i>d rroffreoolve or^nnisn11 on. Student and youth orgnnlsntinno nr* particularly Important becouje these ore the groups w>o "111 be conscripted first. All orgcnination must be appropriate to local conditions. The Anti-Conserlpt Ion Co.-’ipaign oiet popolorla* nr.d strengthen UDP, and bull i alliances with other groups Ilk* the churchts teachers ;.nd affiliates of the End Conscription ‘>rri 11 ee ECC).

Ths UDP Is establishing nren eoituMtteea In the area* It calls 'the ru

~ (WAb, o" ■.rural areas'. The government haa uocd thccc areas as its rcaiij eouro* of recrultmjnt for ths police and ths SADP, especially from those cla sifted coloured and Inldlan. Ovor 9o£ of ths re rnlt* for ths Caps Corps come froa ths rursl areas, especially fron some of ths smaller towne like Par.rl, Stellenbosch and Snldanha. It Is H V s l y that the sxtenclon of conscription will have Its ir.ost irviedtat* affect In the rural areas. So 'it io necoseray for us to work out appropriate ways in which to extend our cnmpolcn to thesi areas, and to assist In. build­ing organisation. In these areas.

All the organisations afflllntod to the UDP - coar.unlty, youth, atudtat and women'a organ!aations, and trade unions - must develop appropriate ways to counter the long torn effects of the SADP’s propaganda and Its att4opta to conscript our ycutb.

Ilie ouat start creches, day care centre ond jur.lor yo th groups In aa many areas aa possible, r.hcre alternative education progrocnea can be organised. We cannot simply oppose the SADF’s attempts to win over our chlldron. We must help our children to underetand that an alternative. Society where we can live together In peace and friendship la pottfibla.

The SADP has ldentlftsd the ochoolo ond other educational institutions os their target. We too should pay special attontion to school coamltts porent-1eachors ap• - >c iat Ion and parent comd ttee a . i/here ncceadary such organieations should be started by civic, women and youth bodies to work aloncoide the existing orgnnirat Ions in our ureas. This la -rerj Important bocause the parents themselves must fight ths attempts by the SADP to Indoctrinate and lnflucncs their children.

As ths Antl-Conscrlption Campaign develops, It may be useful to \?rln£ out a ragular newsletter dealing sepcifically with the problems ralatet to conscription and the SADP. Por the itoiient, it is more sonvsnlsnt to uao space in the UPP New* and other community paoers to perfw* this function.

The of action Bust cover botfi urban and rural area*. AltHoUgh tho dynamics of these areas differ and tho campaign will have to taka

theoe condition* into account, there mist be a unifying focu*. T M t . suit be born* In wind when choo*lng si >*nns and rineiind*, snd In producing oedia.

Page 3: and In* of action Bust cover botfi urban and rural area*. AltHoUgh tho dynamics of these areas differ and tho campaign will have to taka theoe condition* into account,

I “I**- *••»«.*

W. n..d to know .xactly «hot th* SADF in doing »nd plnnin g to nark out »n .ffectlv. prograroe of action, We need to *tart r*s*orch In all aspects of SAD? work and programs*. so that w* ean r.*pond meaningfully to it* win th* hcarta end mlnda cnflpalgn.

SHORT TERJl PfiOCPA/.:'.EAt *ach .tag. in the campaign, ws must not our*elv*a identifiable ahort tsrra objectives ivhlch *>111 now* us closer to our long t.rra obj.otlve*.In order to do this wc raust b ) carry out work amongst our .affiliate*b) integrote an understanding of conocrl jitlon into all UDF wotkc) carry out work in our areas otned at bba general public.

Ws must build an understanding of the role of ths 5A1)F and of the iisportancs of th* conscription o.inrnlgn saiongnt PDF affiliates. Th*ACC will contlnu* to have open evenings In vorioua nrsas. Th* un.ucc**.- ful *xperlsno* of the Athlono open evening lost year should be built on and improved. The ACC must aaelst the Slgnnturo campaign Training sub-comnltte. to integrate ttilo understanding Into the education of actlviata around the Signature Canpaign and the Anti-Election Campaign. The ACC must uoke Its resources accessible to ths organisa­tion* and to act 1vist* and ohould inform them as to what raaourco* are available. Tho ACC will collect na aviob xnfonsatlon aa possible about ths activities of the SAPP in our oomr.iunl t is * by appraochlng th* PDF affiliates, and tio area nnd regional coramtteoo. In this way th* ACC can try to drow the link b<*tv/e*n t‘>» oxt^nslon of oonsoription and ths new Constitution mid to integrate opposition to conscription as part of tlie UDP'c Anti-Election CAnpaign.

Tho ACC must educate the publio about the Defence Force’a rol* in maintaining Apnrtohld o d on the innorlrvnce of democratic change in South Africa ao a pre-condition for nerce. Posters can b* mad* to popularise th* Anti-Co script!on Canpaign, Ths ACC can orgnnl.i poster-naking workshops to aselt with thie.Prcm time to time, ths ACC will organise n rally or cultural to focus on conscription.Th* ACC should ensure wldeapj^nd publicity ''n isnus relating to conscription and should wr’.te nrMcXej fr>r nrv^roaolv* nowapapers.Th* UDF logo and the slogan. 'H o to Acr.rtrhid Conacription* will **rv* to ld.ntlfy th* Antl-Conocrlptlon Ottoiraign. Th* DADP camps must bs opposed a* widely as possible in ord.r to build up an und*r*tandlng Of how th* SADF i* ualng th.*A campa.

OTHER ,.0,0.. .0 « TAKE. I K ™ .OCO«T 1. F U I U K CM.T.,0,

♦ wnon. that ther* la already a growing realatanc* to th*Tho government kn o n . that th t e o n a o r l p U on for C o l o u r . * . '

•xtenolon of oonscrlptlon. It waya nd I n * inns In « c h . way that it a t t r a c t , l . a . t a t t .n t l o n .

The Labour Party h a . d .o l d e d to go Into t h . P a r l i w . t n , yi\

they claim to r . J . o t con.orlptlon for youth o l a . s l f l . d Colour .d « « .

I n d i a n . UDF .h o u ld e x p o .* t h i . o o n t r a d c it io n . f

The SADP 1. c a p i ^ i ^ , on the h igh u n e .p l o y .e n t « o « r . 1| • •

*» ♦ r a n k f l S i n n ‘ n * rau«t no c o r o x u i i j wwm.a t t r a c t younii p c o p l f to J o i n l . .

a . l e o t . d to d . v . l o p ov.rtlo., a r.j.ctlon of th. SADP as « . h o l t . ■» t h i . cannot bs assumed aa the storting rolnt.

.. . r « or rural .r... th. M W, * PQ .1, f o r i t # v a H o u a s e c t i o n ® •nA- f « p

on t h . s . a r e a , n* * oupply of pe o .le for

eap*cli)lly for the aray .

s j s s r L - r r i t r r r r r r s ' - - -Ui- l i r h t the enr.v ond tho '’ ap" Corpo. . same unfavourable l ig h t as tne i-.m-y

1 ..... . ths aray e*< an external fore*.Our cooi-nunltl* * no longer on»y , . wear t h e i r

Th. SaDT .nc.ur.«. <. .r =»• H . « *• .uniforms when they corn* hcc.o Trcn unrder duty.

b , B178rc th:.*t th . r e c l » t « - .l o n p rc c .ss pr .fl .d .r School* and «o on neod to b . snareconscription. And it i. not illegal to not r*«ist.r.

P . . p l . « n . t « . . . • . > . « • r . l . « — •< « • » • '» ' • " * " * “ * " * "power. Th. coisoalcn r.uct tak* this into account.

, Tho r o l . of th* 3 ADP ie a very

anticipate th* reaction of the ..r.te,v l . « v ia tho O f f i o i n l Socrota Act *»* uo.enco A c .

The role o f th . SADF 1. constantly c:iy'>jlng. The ,,c” > f ‘n” •

.1 tustlon rttt r.fiord «. «-•»!• » • '*» '* "M "' ' ;.<■inte racts w ith the pcopt* of South A f f l c « .

Page 4: and In* of action Bust cover botfi urban and rural area*. AltHoUgh tho dynamics of these areas differ and tho campaign will have to taka theoe condition* into account,

Collection Number: AK2117 DELMAS TREASON TRIAL 1985 - 1989 PUBLISHER: Publisher:-Historical Papers, University of the Witwatersrand Location:-Johannesburg ©2012


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