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  • 8/10/2019 and mechanisms of temporal resource partitioning among bee species visiting basil Ocimum basilicum flowers.pdf


    O RI G I N A L P A P E R

    Patterns and mechanisms of temporal resource partitioningamong bee species visiting basil (Ocimum basilicum) flowers

    Juliana M. Muniz Ana Lucia C. Pereira

    Janete O. S. Valim Wellington G. Campos

    Received: 18 December 2012 / Accepted: 25 June 2013 / Published online: 26 July 2013

    Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

    Abstract The way in which flower visitors share floral

    resources or compete for them throughout the day is adecisive factor for the effectiveness of pollination. We

    described daily rhythms of flower visitation by bee species

    and tested whether such patterns depend on: (1) the body

    size of the species, (2) the daily patterns of variation in

    weather and nectar standing crop, and (3) the effects of

    weather on the daily rhythm of variation in nectar standing

    crop. After 1 year of biweekly samplings, we encountered

    56 bee species visiting basil flowers. Larger bee species

    were more active in the cooler and more humid hours of the

    morning. Smaller species foraged later, during the warmer

    and drier hours. Throughout the day, nectar volume

    decreased. In the laboratory, we determined a positive

    effect of increase in temperature on nectar volume, unlike

    the negative correlation recorded in the field. Nectar vol-

    ume decreased in plants under experimental drought,

    showing similarity with the driest hours of the day. The

    daily cycle of temperature is the fundamental factor that,

    directly and indirectly, via air humidity, soil moisture, and

    nectar supply, influences bee activity according to body

    size and physiological attributes. In the field, the positive

    effect of increasing temperatures on nectar volume is

    masked by a stronger, negative effect of decreasing air

    humidity and soil moisture throughout the day.

    Keywords Temperature Humidity Body size

    Nectar standing crop Daily rhythms


    Bees are the most important pollinators in nature and are

    highly adapted to flower visitation (Kevan and Baker

    1983). In Brazil alone, there are an estimated 3,000 species,

    most of them stingless native species, which are funda-

    mental to the pollination process (Silveira et al. 2002).

    Flower visitation is rewarded by the offer of nectar, pollen,

    fragrances, and other floral resources that are used by both

    adult bees and their larvae (Waser et al. 1996; Kevan and

    Baker1998). Some species also use the flowers as breeding

    sites and resting places (Pedro and Camargo1991).

    Nectar is the principal floral attractive trait, and its main

    characteristics are volume, concentration, content of sug-

    ars, color, odor, and flavor (Nepi et al. 2003; Irwin et al.

    2004). Nectar basically consists of a solution of water and

    sugars, predominantly sucrose, fructose, and glucose

    (Nicolson and Thornburg 2007; Vassilyev 2010). Other

    constituents available in smaller quantities include inor-

    ganic ions, lipids, amino acids, low-molecular weight

    proteins, enzymes, antioxidants, and secondary compounds

    as phenolics, alkaloids, and terpenoids (Baker 1997, Ni-

    colson and Thornburg 2007). However, sugar is probably

    the most important factor influencing insect visitation

    patterns (Gottsberger et al. 1984). Besides the chemical

    composition of the nectar and the density of plants and

    flowers (Duffy and Stout 2008), variations in nectar

    standing crop (the quantity of nectar in a flower at a given

    time) and secretion rate (nectar increase over a known

    period of time) (Corbet 2003) also affect flower visitation

    (Castellanos et al. 2002, Keasar et al. 2008).

    Handling editor: Steven Johnson

    J. M. Muniz A. L. C. Pereira J. O. S. Valim

    W. G. Campos (&)

    Department of Biosystems Engineering, Federal University

    of Sao Joao del Rei, Sao Joao del Rei, MG 36.301-160, Brazil

    e-mail: [email protected]

    1 3

    Arthropod-Plant Interactions (2013) 7:491502

    DOI 10.1007/s11829-013-9271-2

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    Temporal and spatial dynamics in standing crop or

    secretion rate of floral nectar primarily relate to changes in

    volume and sugar concentration. Since the sugars consti-

    tute virtually all the dry weight of nectar, the solute con-

    centration is a reliable estimate of the concentration of total

    sugars (Roubik 1992). Volume, sugar concentration, and

    sugar content of nectar depend on the size, shape, position,

    and age of a flower, but external factors, such as abioticfactors and the frequency of foraging visits, are also of

    great importance (Corbet 2003; Petanidou2007; Macuka-

    novic-Jocic et al. 2008). Therefore, unlike pollen produc-

    tion, nectar secretion and reabsorption by the plant or

    depletion by foraging animals are rhythmic process (Gal-

    leto and Bernardello2004; Pacini and Nepi2007) and the

    nectar standing crop fluctuates throughout the day. The

    daily foraging of bees should vary according to the volume

    and sugar concentration of the nectar available through the

    day, as well as external abiotic factors. Abiotic factors

    strongly affect the interactions between flowers and poll-

    inators (Corbet 1990; Petanidou 2007). Physical factorsconstrain the activity of pollinators, influence their

    behavior at flowers, and modify the quality, quantity, and

    presentation of floral rewards (Herrera 1995). Through

    such indirect and direct effects, abiotic factors may thereby

    become critical determinants of plant pollination.

    Pollination is an ecosystem service essential to the

    maintenance of wild plant populations and to food pro-

    duction in agricultural environments (Constanza et al.

    1997, Ricketts et al. 2008). The way in which flower vis-

    itors share floral resources or compete for them throughout

    the day is decisive factor for the effectiveness of pollina-

    tion (Kevan and Baker 1983). Identifying patterns of visi-

    tation and understanding the mechanisms of the

    relationship between the plant and flower visitors contrib-

    ute to the adequate management of crops and, conse-

    quently, to increased plant and honey production. This

    knowledge is also useful in the management and rehabili-

    tation of degraded natural areas, by attracting and retaining

    visitors and pollinators within the ecosystem.

    Ocimum basilicum L. (basil) is an intensely cultivated

    aromatic herb that belongs to the family Lamiaceae (Ozcan

    and Chalchat 2002). Basil is a shrub that reaches about

    5060 cm height, has a highly branched crown and simple,

    small, green leaves. Its flowers are small, white, and fra-

    grant, structured in terminal inflorescences. The plant is

    perennial, and under conditions of successive pruning, it

    presents intense flowering and large leaf production up to

    the second year of the crop (Blank et al.2004). The flowers

    have a sweet fragrance, with nectar storage at an appro-

    priate depth for the length of the bee proboscis, and due to

    the position of stamens, the pollen is easily collected on the

    ventral part of the bees body (Macukanovic-Jocic et al.

    2008). Although bee visitation to basil occurs very

    frequently, information concerning the mechanisms of this

    relationship remains scarce. This plant is appropriate for

    studying the ecology of flower visitation, because it is

    small and presents easy propagation, hardiness, low nutri-

    tional requirements, and intense flower production all year

    round. In this study, we used the basil as a model to

    describe temporal patterns of flower visitation by bees and

    tested whether such temporal patterns depend on: (1) thebody size of the species, (2) the daily patterns of variation

    in weather and nectar standing crop, and (3) the effects of

    weather on the daily rhythm of variation in nectar standing


    Materials and methods

    Characterization of the sample area

    Field work was performed in green basil crops in Sao Joao

    del Rei, MG, Brazil. The area is located at latitude of2106012.7500 south, a longitude 4414053.3400 west, and at

    898 m altitude. The region is characterized by tropical,

    high-altitude climate, and with two main seasons: a warm

    rainy summer, with monthly averages of 22 C and

    175 mm precipitation from October to March; and a cool

    dry winter, with monthly averages of 17 C and 32 mm

    precipitation from April to September. During the period of

    the study, the average monthly minimum and maximum

    temperatures were 12 and 27 C, respectively.

    Basil seedlings were prepared for 2 months in 2-L pots

    and then transplanted to the field 3 months before the onset

    of bee samplings. In an area of 40 m2, 20 plants were

    cultivated, distributed in two rows of 10 plants each, with

    the plants spaced 1.0 m apart and 2.5 m between rows. The

    rows were pruned and used alternately during the sampling


    Bee sampling and weather in the field

    We conducted bee sampling biweekly for 1 year (25 col-

    lection days), from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., divided into 10 1-h

    intervals. Two collectors captured the bees by oral suction

    and entomological nets by moving along the row of 10

    plants. The mean dry weight of the six most abundant

    species was measured (20 individuals per species) and the

    data were analyzed by ANOVA followed by the Holm-

    Sidak post hoc test to compare the means. The patterns of

    daily visits by these six species were described and

    Gaussian equations were fitted to test whether species with

    different body sizes have peaks of activity at different

    times of the day. This and all other analyzes were per-

    formed using GraphPad Prism 5.0, Graph Prism Inc., San

    Diego, CA, and SigmaPlot 10, Systat Software Inc., San

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    Jose, CA, and procedures for fitting the regressions

    according to Motulsky and Christopoulos (2003). We

    measured atmospheric temperature and relative air

    humidity at the site, at 1-h intervals, using a portable digital

    thermohygrometer (Incoterm). The local patterns of vari-

    ation in temperature and relative humidity over the course

    of the day were described. Polynomial equations were fit-

    ted to test whether the temperature increases and the rel-ative humidity decreases from early morning until late


    Nectar standing crop under field conditions

    We conducted biweekly samplings of nectar in the field

    over 12 days, between August and January. The sampling

    period was from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., divided into 10 1-h

    intervals. Five plants were randomly sampled per interval

    and nectar was collected from five individual flowers on

    each plant. To quantify the mean of nectar standing cropper individual flower, we protected whole plants and their

    inflorescences against flower visitations with a structure

    made of organza, a soft and white fabric, for a 48-h period

    prior to removal of the nectar. We individually marked the

    flowers at the bud stage and collected nectar on day two of

    the life of the flower, since nectar production is limited to

    anthesis, initiating just prior to the opening of the flower

    (Macukanovic-Jocicet al. 2008).

    We measured the volume and concentration of sugars in

    the floral nectar using capillary tubes and refractometers.

    One end of the capillary tube was inserted into the nectar

    droplet, extracted from the flower by capillarity (Corbet2003), using glass microcapillary tubes of 0.1 and 0.3 mm

    in diameter. Following nectar collection, we measured the

    height of the liquid in a capillary column, with the aid of a

    digital calliper. We calculated the mean volume (lL) per

    flower extracted from each plant according to Macukano-

    vic-Jocic et al. (2008): V= R (r2pH)/N, where r= mi-

    crocapillary tube radius (mm),H= height of the nectar in

    the tube (mm), and N= number of flowers sampled from

    the plant (=5).

    We measured the concentration of sugars in the nectar

    (g solute per 100 g solution) using manual refractometers

    (Bellimgham and Stanley, mod. 45-81 Eclipse, resolution:

    0.5 % BRIX, ranges 050 % and 4580 %), with a mini-

    mum volume readability of 1 lL. After a drop of nectar

    was placed at the center of the prism of the refractometer,

    we performed the reading immediately to minimize evap-

    oration of the droplet (Corbet 2003). The mean sugars

    content, an estimate of energy available in each individual

    flower, was calculated by converting mass/total mass

    measurements in mass/volume according to Corbet (2003):

    sugar (mg) = [(sugar concentration 9 q) /100] 9 volume,

    where q = density (g/cm3) of a sucrose solution at each

    observed concentration, read from tables. We calculated

    overall nectar volume, sugar concentration, and sugar

    content measurements per individual flower (5 flowers) for

    plants sampled at the same time (5 plants) on each of the 12

    sampling days.

    We obtained temperature and humidity on site for each

    sampling time using a portable digital thermohygrometer(Incoterm). The patterns of variation in nectar volume,

    sugar concentration, and sugar content throughout the day

    were described. Polynomial equations were fitted to test

    whether the concentration increases and the volume

    decreases from early morning until late afternoon. A linear

    equation was fitted to test sugar content variation. The

    relationships between both nectar volume and sugar con-

    centration, and temperature and air relative humidity were

    tested by regression analysis.

    Nectar standing crop under controlled temperatures

    Plants of O. basilicum were grown in 2-L pots under

    controlled nutrition and irrigation. At the onset of the

    flowering, we placed the pots in climatized chambers with

    a 12-h photoperiod. To maintain the chamber atmosphere

    and the soil water saturated, the pots were placed in plastic

    trays partially filled with water. The temperature regimes

    (treatment levels) in the chambers were maintained con-

    stant at 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, and 40 C. Five flowering

    plants were exposed to each of the eight thermal regimes,

    24 h before nectar sampling. We sampled the nectar of five

    flowers from each plant. We measured and calculated meannectar volume, sugar concentration, and sugar content of

    each individual flower with microcapillaries and refrac-

    tometers, as described previously. Nectar was analyzed as a

    function of temperature by nonlinear regressions. The

    preferred model was the one with highest R2 and fewer


    Nectar standing crop under controlled soil moisture

    We submitted plants grown in 1-L pots to water treatment

    under controlled conditions in a green house. The irrigation

    regimes were 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 100, 120, and 150 mL per

    day for five consecutive days. Six plants were exposed to

    each of the water regimes, and after day five, five flowers

    per plant were sampled. We measured and calculated mean

    nectar volume, sugar concentration, and sugar content of

    each individual flower as described previously. Nectar was

    analyzed as a function of the volume of water received by

    the plants, and the preferred regression model was the one

    with highest R2 and fewer parameters.

    Patterns and mechanisms of temporal resource 493

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    Visitor bees and weather daily variations

    During the collection period, we encountered 9,160 bees

    belonging to 56 species, 90 males and 9,070 females.

    Among the species collected, 26 belonged to the family

    Apidae, 17 to Halictidae, 9 to Megachilidae, 2 to Colleti-dae, and 2 belonged to Andrenidae (Table1). Besides

    showing the greatest diversity, Apidae was the most

    abundant family with 8,820 individuals (96.3 % of the

    abundance), followed by Halictidae with 247 individuals

    (2.7 %). The dominant species were Paratrigona lineata

    (Lepeletier) (58.8 %) and Apis mellifera Linnaeus

    (30.2 %). Together, they accounted for 89.0 % of the total

    abundance of bees visiting basil flowers.

    We statistically described the daily patterns of basil

    flower visitation for the six most abundant species

    ([0.2 %). The foraging activity of Bombus (Fervidobom-

    bus) morio, A. mellifera, and Trigona spinipes was con-centrated in the early hours of the day, between 8 and 11

    am in the morning (estimated peaks in hourly intervals of

    2.38, 2.85, and 3.33, respectively). In contrast, Tetragoni-

    sca angustula, P. lineata, and Dialictus sp. showed visi-

    tation peaks in the late morning and early afternoon,

    between approximately 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. (estimated

    peaks in hourly intervals of 6.04, 6.19, and 5.23, respec-

    tively) (Fig.1). The difference in mean individual dry

    weight (as a measure of body size) between the extremes,

    B. morio(0.197 g) and Dialictus sp. (0.0018 g), was more

    than 100 times, but the six species can be categorized into

    larger (B. morio, A. mellifera, and T. spinipes) and smaller

    bees (T. angustula, P. lineata, and Dialictus sp) (Fig. 2).

    The coldest temperatures were recorded in the early

    hours of the day, and the hottest period was between 1 and

    4 pm (Fig. 3a). Relative air humidity peaked in the early

    morning and the lowest values were recorded between 1

    and 4 p.m. (Fig. 3b). Thus, lower temperatures in the

    morning coincided with higher relative humidity, while

    higher temperatures in the afternoon coincided with lower


    Nectar standing crop under field conditions

    Volume and sugar concentration of the nectar showed well-

    defined, but inverse temporal patterns. Nectar volume

    declined from the early hours of the morning onward and

    showed minimum values at about 2 p.m. (Fig. 4a), while

    the mean sugar concentration in nectar increased and

    peaked at the same time (Fig. 4b). However, the content of

    sugars in the nectar remained unchanged throughout the

    day (Fig.4c).

    Under uncontrolled field conditions, nectar volume and

    sugar concentration in nectar were significantly correlated

    (p\ 0.0001) with temperature and relative humidity.

    However, relative air humidity was a better predictor of

    nectar characteristics (R2= 0.77 and 0.79) (Fig.5a, b)

    than atmospheric temperature (R2 = 0.21 and 0.20)

    (Fig.5c, d).

    Nectar standing crop under controlled temperatures

    and moisture

    In the laboratory, nectar volume increased with the

    increasing temperature up to a maximum estimated peak at

    28.4 C and then decreased again (Fig.6a). The response

    of concentration to temperature was not symmetrically

    opposite to the response of volume. Sugar concentration

    gradually decreased up to 35 C, following which it

    dropping sharply (Fig.6b). These responses to tempera-

    ture, revealed by the experimental approach, were different

    from those obtained during uncontrolled field observations(Fig.5c, d). If the same minimum and maximum thermal

    limits in the field of 10 and 30 C were applied to the

    laboratory results, the responses would be satisfactorily

    described as linearly inverse for both conditions. The

    content of sugar varied similarly to nectar volume (esti-

    mated peak at 26.9 C) (Fig. 6c). Under controlled condi-

    tions, nectar volume increased and sugar concentration

    decreased linearly with the volume of water received by the

    plant (Fig. 6d, e). However, the content of sugars in the

    nectar reached a peak estimated at 59.6 mL of water and

    then decreased again (Fig. 6f).


    Characterization of the fauna of bee visitors of basil

    Ocimum basilicum attracted a great richness and abun-

    dance of bees (Table1), probably because basil flowering

    extends throughout the year, including seasons with lower

    abundance of flowers. Apidae was the most representative

    family mainly due to the eusocial behavior, the longevity

    of the colony, and the generalist foraging (Roubik1992).

    Eusocial bees usually possess populous colonies and

    communicate the location of food sources to other workers

    (Lindauer and Kerr 1960), permitting the meeting of a

    large number of individuals from the same colony. These

    characteristics are shared by the four most abundant spe-

    cies that visited basil:P. lineata,A. mellifera,T. angustula,

    and T. spinipes. The first two were clearly dominant

    (90 %) over the other 54 species. The six most abundant

    species can be categorized into morning foragers (B. morio,

    A. mellifera, and T. spinipes) and afternoon foragers

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    Table 1 Bees sampled on

    inflorescences of basil (O.

    basilicum) in Sao Joao del Rei

    (MG), Brazil

    Species Males Females Total



    Acamptopoeum prinii (Holmberg, 1884) 1 1


    Psaenythia sp. Gerstacker, 1868 1 1



    Apis melliferaLinnaeus, 1758 2,767 2,767

    Tetragonisca angustula(Latreille, 1811) 243 243

    Paratrigona lineata (Lepeletier, 1836) 5,388 5,388

    Trigona spinipes (Fabricius, 1793) 164 164

    Tetragona cfr clavipes (Fabricius, 1804) 29 29

    Geotrigona subterranea (Friese, 1901) 1 1

    Partamona cfr. cupira 1 1

    Bombus (Fervidobombus) morio (Swederus, 1787) 56 56

    Bombus (Fervidobombus) atratus Franklin, 1913 9 9

    Euglossa melanotricha Moure, 1967 1 1


    Centris (Hemisiella) tarsata Smith, 1874 7 1 8

    Centris (Centris) sp. Fabricius, 1804 2 2


    Mesocheira bicolor(Fabricius, 1804) 2 2


    Pachysvastra leucocephala (Bertoni & Schrottky, 1910) 8 8

    Melissoptila cnecomala (Moure, 1944) 4 7 11

    Melissodes (Ecplectica) sexcincta (Lepeletier, 1841) 1 1 2

    Gaesischiana (Gaesischiana) patellicornis (Ducke, 1910) 2 2


    Exomalopsis (Exomalopsis) auropilosa Spinola, 1853 2 3 5Exomalopsis (Exomalopsis) analis Spinola, 1853 19 34 53

    Exomalopsis (Exomalopsis) ypirangensis Schrottky, 1910 1 1


    Monoecasp. Lepeletier & Serville, 1828 1 1

    Paratetrapedia (Paratetrapedia)sp. Moure, 1941 3 3


    Tetrapedia sp. 20 20


    Ceratina (Crewella) cfr rupestris Holmberg, 1884 5 5

    Ceratina (Crewella) cfr punctulata Spin, 1841 2 2

    Ceratina (Ceratinula) sp. Moure, 1941 36 36



    Colletes rugicollis Friese, 1900 1 1


    Hylaeussp. Fabricius, 1793 1 1



    Augochlora (Augochlora) foxianaCockerell, 1900 3 3

    Augochlora sp. Smith, 1853 2 51 53

    Augochlorella ephyra (Schrottky, 1910) 2 4 6

    Patterns and mechanisms of temporal resource 495

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    (T. angustula, P. Lineata, and Dialictus sp.) (Fig. 1). This

    fact calls for mechanistic explanations for different tem-

    poral patterns of flower visitation among bee species.

    Direct mechanisms: the predictable variation

    in temperature

    The three species with greatest body mass were those that

    foraged earlier, under colder temperatures, particularly B.

    (Fervidobombus) morio, the largest of all. In contrast, the

    species with lower dry weight preferred visiting the flowers

    later, during the hottest period of the day (Figs. 1, 2, 3a).

    The preference for certain foraging times in insects can be

    partially explained by the relationship between body size

    and body temperature. Given their small size, insects are

    generally dependent on ambient temperature and any heat

    internally generated is quickly dissipated (Gullan and

    Cranston2005). Accordingly, larger bees lose less heat to

    the environment and are able to forage at lower tempera-

    tures. In contrast, smaller bees are forced to forage during

    the hotter hours of the day. For example, Bombus presents

    better thermoregulatory ability, through internal physio-

    logical mechanisms, than smaller bees, which are more

    dependent on external sources of heat (Bisshop and Arm-

    bruster 1999; Chown and Nicolson 2004). Bees generally

    begin their flight activity only after the temperature reaches

    a minimum value that varies from species to species

    according to their body size and thermoregulation ability

    (Burrill and Dietz 1981; Corbet et al. 1993; Danka et al.

    2006). Therefore, the temporal patterns of bee visitation of

    basil can be partially explained by the fact that the larger

    bees show better tolerance to lower temperatures early in

    the morning, unlike the smaller bees that concentrate their

    activities during the hotter hours of the day.

    Direct mechanisms: dynamic of nectar standing crop

    Large bees, more efficient in producing endogenous body

    heat, can fly at low temperatures in the early morning, but

    this behavior has a higher energy cost than foraging at

    Table 1 continuedSpecies Males Females Total

    Augochlorella urania (Smith, 1853) 46 46

    Augochloropsissp.01 2 2

    Augochloropsis aurifluens (Vachal, 1903) 4 4

    Augochloropsis brachycephalaMoure, 1943 7 7

    Augochloropsis callichroa (Cockerell, 1900) 1 5 6

    Augochloropsis patens (Vachal, 1903) 34 34

    Augochloropsis smithiana(Cockerell, 1900) 6 6

    Ceratalictussp. 1 1

    Pseudaugochlora sp. Michener, 1954 1 1

    Pseudaugochlora cfr indistincta 1 1


    Caenohalictus sp. Cameron, 1903 1 1

    Dialictussp. Robertson, 1902 69 69

    Habralictus sp. Moure, 1941 1 1

    Pseudagapostemon (Pseudagapostemon) sp. 3 3 6



    Anthodioctes megachiloides Holmberg, 1903 3 30 33

    Epanthidium tigrinum (Schrottky, 1905) 4 4


    Megachile (Austromegachile) susurransHaliday, 1836 4 15 19

    Megachile (Dactylomegachile)sp.01 Mitchell, 1934 4 1 5

    Megachile (Dactylomegachile)sp.02 13 13

    Megachile (Leptorachis) aureiventrisSchrottky, 1902 8 8

    Megachile (Leptorachis)sp.01 2 2

    Megachile (Leptorachis) paulistanaSchrottky, 1902 2 2

    Megachile (Ptilosaroides) neoxanthopteraCockerell, 1933 2 1 3

    Total 90 9,070 9,160

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    higher temperatures. Foraging in the early morning should

    provide a net energy gain. Even though less volume is

    available at afternoon, the sugar content (energy avail-

    ability) of nectar of the basil remains unchanged through-

    out the day (Fig. 4a, c). Therefore, foraging in the

    afternoon may be as energetically interesting as foraging

    early in the morning and the body energy consumption

    would be lower. The disadvantage is finding that the

    flowers are already depleted by early foragers.

    The energy costs and benefits are affected by how the

    nectar is presented, diluted or concentrated (Heinrich

    1975). The increase in the concentration of sugars increases



    A Bombus morioy = 0.102 + 0.358 exp {-0.5[(x-2.378)/1.572]


    R2= 0.98, F

    9-3= 99, p < 0.0001









    35B Apis melliferay = 3.22 + 26.18 exp {-0.5[(x-2.85)/1.23]


    R2= 0.98, F9-3= 124, p < 0.0001

    Visitation times (hourly intervals in the day)



    C Trigona spinipesy = 0.227 + 1.35 exp {-0.5[(x-3.331)/1.126]


    R2= 0.92, F9-3= 22, p = 0.0013

    D Tetragonisca angustulay = 2.0 exp{-0.5[(x-6.04)/2.09]


    R2= 0.93, F9-2= 44, p = 0.0001












    55E Paratrigona lineatay = 42.0 exp {-0.5 [(x-6.19)/2.15]


    R2= 0.97, F9-2=98, p < 0.0001

    F Dialictus sp.y = 0.76 exp {-0.5[(x-5.23)/1.45]


    R2= 0.92, F9-2= 42, p = 0.0001

    7-8 8-9 9-10 10-11 11-12 12-13 13-14 14-15 15-16 16-17 16-1715-1614-1513-1412-1311-1210-119-108-97-8













    0.0 0.0
















    Fig. 1 Patterns of variation in the abundance of the six principal beespecies visiting basil (O. basilicum) flowers throughout the day.

    Species with greater body mass, on the left (ac), and lower body

    mass, on theright(df) (see also Fig.2).Columnandbarindicate themean of 25 sampling days SE. In the equations,x ranges from 1 to

    10 intervals in the day

    Patterns and mechanisms of temporal resource 497

    1 3

  • 8/10/2019 and mechanisms of temporal resource partitioning among bee species visiting basil Ocimum basilicum flowers.pdf


    nectar viscosity that tends to reduce the flow rate of the

    liquid (Josens and Farina 2001). The volume of liquid

    ingested per lick by the bee remains constant when the

    proboscis is in contact with the nectar; however, when the

    viscosity increases, the volume ingested decreases,

    Bee species




    B B















    Fig. 2 Dry weight of the six most abundant bee species visiting basil

    (O. basilicum) flowers. Column and bar indicate a mean of 20

    individual bees SE. Different letters indicate significant differences

    according to ANOVA and Holm-Sidak post hoc test atp\ 0.05











    y = 15.6 + 1.55x + 0.21 x2- 0.026x3

    R2= 0.99, F9-3= 915, p < 0.0001

    Hourly intervals in the day








    y = 84.8 + 1.72x - 1.92x2+ 0.15x3

    R2= 0.98, F9-3= 126, p 0,05C









    Fig. 4 Variations in the volume (a), sugar concentration (b), and

    sugar content (c) of the nectar encountered in individual basil

    (O. basilicum) flowers throughout the day. Point and bar indicate

    mean SE of 12 sampling days over a 6-month period, such that

    each day, five different plants, five flowers per plant were sampled ateach time interval. In the equations, x ranges from 1 to 10 hourly

    intervals in the day

    498 J. M. Muniz et al.

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    resulting in a lower intake rate (Harder1986). Changes in

    sugar concentration (Fig. 4b) and the difficulty involved in

    the extraction of a more viscous solution could affect the

    preference of foraging throughout the day. Thus, the small

    bees that forage in the afternoon have to cope with the

    more viscous nectar that is more difficult to extract. Again,

    this may be a disadvantage due to their smaller capacity of

    flight at lower temperatures.

    Indirect mechanisms: temperature affects air humidity

    and soil moisture, which regulate nectar standing crop

    Air humidity and soil moisture can influence the quantity

    of flower nectar (Corbet1978). Coinciding with changes in

    temperature and relative humidity (Fig.3a, b), basil

    revealed significant changes in nectar volume and sugar

    concentration throughout the day (Fig 4a, b), but the con-

    tent of sugars remained constant (Fig. 4c). This indicates

    that the rates of secretion and reabsorption of solutes did

    not change. Nectar secretion in basil is limited to anthesis,

    initiating just prior to the opening of the flower (Macuka-

    novic-Jocic et al. 2008). However, the water content of

    nectar can be modified by condensation from humid air,

    precipitation, and evaporation (Corbet 2003; Petanidou

    2007). If evaporation, condensation, and soil moisture are

    primarily influenced by temperature, the daily dynamics of

    volume and sugar concentration depend on predictable

    changes in the weather (Fig. 5ad).

    At higher temperatures, Freeman and Head (1990) and

    Snezana et al. (2010) demonstrated an increase in sugar

    concentration. Despite reports in the literature and the

    results recorded in this study, the negative relationship

    between temperature and nectar volume and the positive

    relationship between temperature and sugar concentration

    of nectar (Fig. 5c, d) appear to be spurious. The diminished

    nectar volume or increased sugar concentration throughout

    the day are determined directly by a decrease in humidity

    air (Fig.5a, b) and soil moisture, and not necessarily as a

    direct result of the rising temperatures. Unlike the rela-

    tionships observed in the field (Fig.5c, d), the initial

    increase in temperature promoted an increase in nectar

    volume and decreased sugar concentration under controlled

    laboratory conditions. (Fig. 6a, b). However, there was an

    optimum temperature, and negative effect on nectar

    y = 2.59 - 0.071x

    R2= 0.22, F119-1= 33, p < 0.0001

    Atmospheric temperature (C)

    5 10 15 20 25 30 35

    y = - 0.99 + 1.86x

    R2= 0.21, F119-1= 32, p < 0.0001







    y = 0.372 + 0.0007exp (0.0839x)

    R2= 0.77, F119-2= 201, p

  • 8/10/2019 and mechanisms of temporal resource partitioning among bee species visiting basil Ocimum basilicum flowers.pdf


    volume was observed when that temperature was exceeded.

    Temperatures above this optimal range were not recorded

    in the field ([32.5 C), where linear relationships were

    observed (Fig. 5c, d). Notwithstanding, we determined a

    direct positive effect of temperature increases up to an

    estimated 28.4 C (Fig. 6a), possibly due to a stimulation

    of the secretory metabolism of solutes (Fig.6c). In the

    field, this direct positive effect appears to be obscured by



    y = 0.10 + 0.56 exp [ -0.5 (x - 28.38/7.53)2]

    R2= 0.95, F7-3 = 28, p = 0.004












    y = (1 - 0.0242x)/(0.0148 - 0.0003x)

    R2= 0.94, F7-2 = 38, p = 0.001











    Daily irrigation volume (mL)







    y = 0.36 + 0.004x

    R2= 0.93, F7-1= 76, p

  • 8/10/2019 and mechanisms of temporal resource partitioning among bee species visiting basil Ocimum basilicum flowers.pdf


    the stronger negative effect of the decrease in humidity.

    Thus, the indirect effect of rising temperatures, via the

    reduction in air humidity, seems to be more important thanits direct effect on plant metabolism.

    Under soil water deficit, the drought regime affects

    secretion and other attributes of nectar; therefore, nectar

    volume is lower and the concentration of sugars is

    increased (Petanidou et al. 1999; Petanidou 2007;

    Macukanovic-Jocicet al.2008; Snezana et al.2010). There

    is an optimal level of water in the soil for the content of

    sugars but, under conditions of water stress, we actually

    measured a lower volume of nectar, with a higher con-

    centration of solutes (Fig.6d, e, f), characteristic of our

    findings for the hottest, driest hours of the day (Figs. 3,4).

    Therefore, besides the drop in air humidity, water deficit in

    the soil, under the primary effect of temperature, could

    have contributed to regulating the dynamics of nectar

    standing crop throughout the day.


    It is well known that bee species have different foraging

    schedules. Mechanisms regulating nectar secretion and

    foraging activity of bees have been studied separately for a

    long time. However, for the first time, this study goes

    further to show how such mechanisms interact and affect

    each other to generate predictable temporal patterns of

    flower visitation (Fig.7). We provide evidence that a rich

    fauna of bees can share a floral resource in the same place

    by using different daily rhythms of activity. In direct

    responses to temperature and the dynamics of nectar supplyby the plant (regulated by air and soil humidity), bees

    divide the floral resource according to their body size and

    physiological attributes (Fig. 7).

    Acknowledgements The financial support provided by Fundacao de

    Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais (FAPEMIG) is

    acknowledged here. JM Muniz and ALC Pereira were supported by

    Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nvel Superior

    (CAPES) and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientfico e

    Tecnologico (CNPq) fellowships. Species identification was super-

    vised by Dr. Fernando Amaral da Silveira at the Laboratory of Sys-

    tematics and Ecology of Bees of the Federal University of Minas

    Gerais, Brazil, where the specimens are deposited. The comments

    and suggestions provided by Dr. Bjorn Gucker, Dr. Steven D. John-son, and two anonymous reviewers were greatly appreciated and

    acknowledged here.


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