and other manual tasks

1 and other manual tasks in the hotel * industry a guide to lifting developed for small business by the queensland hotels association funded by the department of justice and attorney- general workplace health and safety queensland UPDATED: 2012

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WATCH YOUR BACK. a guide to lifting. and other manual tasks. in the hotel * industry. Chapter 1: Manual (Handling) Tasks. What are manual tasks? Formerly known as manual handling, manual tasks are essentially any workplace activity that require the use of force by a person. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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other manual tasks

in the hotel* industry

a guide to lifting

developed for small business by the queensland hotels association

funded by

the department of justice and


workplace health and safety queensland


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Chapter 1: Manual (Handling) Tasks

What are manual tasks? Formerly known as manual handling, manual tasks are essentially any workplace

activity that require the use of force by a person. Primarily lifting but includes pushing, pulling, grasping, throwing, striking,

restraining, lowering, holding etc. Why do we need this manual tasks guide?

About 50% of workers compensation claims in Queensland relate to what’s called ‘musculoskeletal disorders’ – these are injuries caused by manual task activities at work.

You need to know about this guide if you work in a hotel in Queensland.

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Chapter 2: Manual Task Injuries Are there any Queensland manual task laws?

Yes – there is a legislated health and safety ‘duty of care’ for everyone in the workforce.

There’s a Hazardous Manual Tasks Code of Practice 2011 which we also have to adhere to.

How are injuries caused while doing a manual task? By either a sudden trauma such as a direct blow or over-exerting yourself when

you’re lifting an object, or Wear and tear over a long period of time when you’re doing the same thing all

the time.

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Chapter 2: Injuries continued….. What sort of injuries are normally caused?

Some of the more common injuries sustained are ligament sprain, muscle strain, herniated disc, hernia and soft tissue injury.

Injuries to the back, shoulders and wrists are the most frequent. The spine is strong but quite vulnerable to different forces. Refer to the guide (pages 6 – 11) for more detail.

What sort of activities can cause these injuries? Load handling: frequent or repetitive lifting, or lifting too quickly

specially loads that are too heavy for you. Awkward body positions including over-reaching or twisting the

body. Lifting loads too far away from the body. Bending over and using your back instead of your legs.

Wrong way! I’m using my

back instead of my legs

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Chapter 2: Injuries continued….. How do you prevent getting injured when doing a manual task?

Use mechanical aids like trolleys, pallet jacks and carts Use other workmates to help you (a team lift). Keep the correct posture by using the natural curves of the spine. Keep your back straight and lift with the legs. Don’t try and lift too much. Using a trolley is

the way to go!

Legs bent back straight

Keep the load close to the


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Chapter 3: Hazards in Hotels What are the main manual task hazards in a hotel?

Young persons – especially young casual staff as there is a tendency for less ‘ownership’ of a workplace and sometimes this, combined with a lack of maturity, reduces the capacity of their antennae to detect ‘danger’.

Stacking above shoulder height – a very frequent practice, especially with cartons in cool rooms or in storage. Results in an ‘unnatural’ twisting or bending of the back, or over-reaching which can cause injury. Use a ladder to access or just stop the practice or paint a line around the store room and don’t

allow stacking above that height.

I think I need a

ladder?Too highNo worries mate

ten feet tall and bulletproof!

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Moving kegs or cartons – a 50 litre keg weighs more than 65 kilos so they’re heavy and awkward: Never lift a full keg on your own, a keg trolley or a keg lifter is preferred. Use other people to help you lift kegs i.e. team lifting. Rolling kegs along on their bottom edge is acceptable. Avoid double stacking without assistance (mechanical). Use a trolley to move cartons – don’t overload. Use your legs when lifting cartons, not your back

Chapter 3: Hazards continued….

Single lift – no!

Don’t double stack

Rolling along is O.K.

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Chapter 3 – Hazards continued…. Behind the bar – when you’re carrying trays of glasses keep them

close into your body. Avoid twisting or turning your back when reaching below or behind the bar for

glasses or other products. Be careful when reaching up to dispense spirits from raised nip pourers.

In the kitchen – avoid standing for long periods working at benches or sinks that are too low. The recommended height for a bench is just below elbow level. A spring loaded plate dispenser mitigates having to carry large quantities. Use trolleys or carts to carry filled heavy pots or containers

Only a few at a time

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Chapter 3 – Hazards continued…. Housekeeping – these functions are repetitive, require over-

reaching and involve twisting/turning movements. It is a good idea to ‘warm up’ before starting physical work. Always use your knees when bed making to support yourself. Squat or kneel as you clean under tables and difficult places to clean

and don’t use your back all the time. Use a trolley to carry or distribute clean and dirty linen. Vacuum cleaner ‘backpacks’ are generally recommended.

The office – seating posture and ergonomics are important. Change your seating position often. Support your lower back.

Kneel beside the bed – don’t use

your back

Use your knee for support

Posture is important

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Chapter 4 – Risk Management Risk management – this is a process to follow to identify,

assess and manage workplace hazards. The process (SAM method) is: Spot the hazard – identify the problem manual task(s). Assess the risk – prioritise the hazard(s). Make the changes – use the ‘hierarchy of controls’ to fix it:

Eliminate. Remove the hazard entirely. Substitute. Replace the hazard or change for a lower risk option? Isolate. Stop access to the hazard. Engineer. Physical solution such as using mechanical means. Administrative solution. Implement training or introduce a procedure. Personal Protective Clothing i.e. steel capped boots – as a last resort.

Solutions to fix it include: Purchase better designed equipment, change the load size, use trolleys or

jacks, lower storage heights, team lifting, changing work postures, rotate the task, maintain workplace equipment or employment screening.

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Chapter 5 – Mechanical Aids Mechanical aids (trolleys, pallet jacks and carts) are used to help

minimise your exposure to manual task risks. Assess the load – is the mechanical aid suited to the tasks? Mechanical aids – need to be light and kept close to where work is done. Training – workers need to know the correct way of operating the device. Maintenance – mechanical aids must be well maintained.

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Chapter 6 – Lifting & Moving Techniques Training – lifting is the most common example of incorrect technique.

Training staff in proper lifting techniques should be considered in conjunction with other options.

SINGLE PERSON LIFT Assess the load

Where is the load going? Do you need help? Is there a clear path? What is the best way to lift the load? Do I need to rest during the lift? Don’t overdo it!

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Chapter 6 – Lifting Continued…. Keep the load close to your body (and waist).

Heaviest side to the body and move your feet for balance. Keep your back straight – bend at the knees.

A straight back keeps the spine in its neutral position. Keep a firm hold on the load – hug it close to the body.

Turn with your feet and not with your hips. Your shoulders in the same direction as your hips.

Look up and ahead when you are travelling. You need to see where you are going.

Keep a straight back when placing the load down. Bending the knees again.

No twisting!

Keep it close to the body

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Chapter 6 – Lifting Continued…. Team lifting – is essentially an extension of individual lifting, but you

have assistance from one or more persons. Team lifting is a solution if you don’t have suitable mechanical

means. Use a team lift if the load is awkward in shape, or The load is large but not necessarily heavy, or The load will obscure your vision when carrying it.

You need to make an assessment: Pick someone of similar height. Pick a male if you can (males are physically stronger). Avoid very young or very old people.

Injuries can occur if – the load is not distributed evenly, the lifters don’t coordinate the lift or only one person bears all the weight.

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Chapter 6 – Lifting Continued…. To complete a team lift:

Communicate when lifting and carrying the load You must have adequate numbers for the load. Ensure there is enough room for all the lifters. Someone should be in control and pace yourselves. Apply the single lift procedure (for team lifting).

Pushing v Pulling The three parts to this are starting the load in motion, sustaining it and stopping

– it’s the starting that’s the most difficult. It is better to push than pull as it involves less lower back work. Individual circumstances can also dictate what you do.

Pushing too high and upright

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Chapter 7 – Warm Up Exercises Simple stretches can aid reducing the risk of injury

The following set of exercises are a guide only (refer to the handbook pages 28 – 29 for more information).

Neck stretch. Place your left palm on the right ear and carefully apply slight pressure towards the left shoulder while you push your head upright. Release and repeat other side.

With arms straight, clasp your fingers in front of you while keeping your back upright. Gently push your hands away from you until you feel a stretch across the back of the shoulders. Hold for about 8-10 seconds.

Triceps stretch. Place your arm above the head and cradle your elbow with a hand. Gently pull elbow down behind the head. Hold for about 10 seconds and then change sides.

Standing side stretch. Place your right hand on your right hip; bend your upper body to the left and hold for several seconds. Bring the body back to the original stance. Repeat on the other side.

Shoulder stretch. Take your right arm straight across your chest and curl the left arm around your elbow, gently pulling on the right arm to deepen the stretch in the shoulders.

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Chapter 7 – Warm Up Continued….

Stand with your feet hip-width apart and firmly planted on the ground. Your hands should be supporting your lower back and keeping your chin to your chest. Gently arch your back. Hold for 15 seconds. Repetitions

Forward bend for lower back and hamstrings. Gentle bend towards your toes but don’t touch them. Bend your knees if you don’t want your hamstrings stretched. Usually need to be fit for this one. Repetitions

Stand with one foot in front of the other. Bend the front leg while keeping the back leg straight – push your back heel to the floor. Bend your forward knee until a comfortable stretch is felt in your back calf. Hold for 15 seconds. Repetitions