andrew jackson and mormons

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  • 7/25/2019 Andrew Jackson and Mormons


    #7 Andrew Jackson (1829-1837)

    Andrew Jackson was the President of the United States at the time ofthe orani!ation of the "hrch$ %rst &rintin of the 'ook of ormon$and man other im&ortant e*ents in the histor of the +atter-da Saint

    mo*ement, A "hrch owned news&a&er in hio endorsed Jackson.s re-e/ection in 1832$ and most ormons were Jackson s&&orters, 0hen"hrch memers where dri*en ot of Jackson "ont$ issori (2)$ their enemies in 183$ the sent an a&&ea/ to the President asinstrcted di*ine re*e/ation (3), he &resident$ in accordance withthe 4States 5ihts4 /ea/ thinkin of the time$ was na/e to inter*enewithot a direct re6est to do so the state o*ernment$ thoha&&arent/ he fe/t sch ec/sions were an nde /imitation on his&ower, Some of President Jackson.s economic &o/ic.s ma ha*e eenindirect/ at fa/t for the /ater fai/re of the irt/and Sa*ins Societ in1837,

    #8 artin an 'ren (1837-181)

    President an 'ren ho/ds a &/ace of &artic/ar disre&te in theormon consciosness, :n the fa// of 1839 Jose&h Smith and a sma//&art tra*e/ed to 0ashinton ;,", to meet with as man inent/emen$ or case is ?st$ t : can do nothin for o,,, :f : take& for o : sha// /ose the *ote of issori,4

    :ronica// an 'ren /ost the issori *ote$ and the nationa/ *ote$ in hisattem&t at re-e/ection in 18@, Jose&h Smith &r&orted/ cast a crseon an 'ren that he ne*er aain e e/ected to &/ic oce$ which hene*er was$ des&ite an attem&ted rn aain for the &residenc in 18,ost of an 'ren.s tem&/e work was intentiona// de/aed for decadeson accont of his treatment to the +atter-da Saints, hoh in a//fairness$ had an 'ren attem&ted to interfere with the state ofissori in the matter of ormon redress$ it wo/d /ike/ ha*e er&tedinto a i &o/itica/ mess on accont of the 4States 5ihts4 &o/itica/&hi/oso&h then so tiht/ he/d to$ es&ecia// s/a*e states,