anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 comment janturner editor ... for the furniture industry...

March/April/May 2011 Official journal of the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers March/April/May 2011 by Crowson Winners All... We name the names! Cutting Corners The internet ‘threat’: we don’t name names! What’s in a name? A new idea for upholsterers comes to life

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Page 1: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

March/April/May 2011

Official journal of the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers

March/April/May 2011

by Crowson

Winners All...We name the names!

Cutting CornersThe internet ‘threat’:

we don’t name names!

What’s in a name?A new idea for

upholsterers comes to life

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Page 2: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

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Jan TurnerEditor

It’s always lovely to get feedback from readers and members. Iknow you’re all busy frantically trying to make ends meet, sosometimes it’s the sheer rarity value of your feedback thatmakes it so special!

The great Mary Portas (bit of a personal heroine of mine) iscurrently turning her very powerful attentions to customerservice across the retail sector and it was the programmelooking at service issues in the world of High Street sofa super-stores that prompted a call to us at U&SF from Southampton-based Derek Caplen of Dee Cee Upholstery.

Derek was quite rightly hopping mad about the waybusiness is done in many of these stores and the knock-oneffect it has on the traditional upholsterer. As Derek points out,the Big Boys have effectively positioned sofas and armchairs asdisposable fashion items which barely last longer than theinterest-free four years the buyer has to pay for them.

Worse still, their steamroller of a marketing machine hasnuked any notion of quality and completely devalued the entireupholstery sector. “When people come to me, generally the firstthing they ask is what’s my best price,” said Derek. “Even longtime customers are coming back and beginning to question theprice – even though they know that they get top qualityworkmanship and a job that will last for many years.”

Derek reckons that somewhere between 25–50% ofupholstery sold these days is not worth reupholstering and afurther 25% is so ‘high tech’ that it is impossible to replicate.The result is a shrinking market which many upholsterers areonly surviving by diversifying. In Derek’s case it has been intohealthcare chairs for which, interestingly, people don’t ask HowMuch? but How Soon? In the mobility sector, at least, price isnot the issue.

How sad then, that so much of the ordinary domesticmarket is so completely dominated by price and that qualityand craftsmanship barely enter in to the equation. It was in asmall bid to get quality back on the agenda that U&SF recentlyannounced the launch of the first ever AMUSF Awards so thatreally top class work could be recognised and applauded.

And it is here that I return to the sentiments of paragraphone! Unfortunately the feedback was not as great as we mighthave hoped, so in the end our judges felt it would be unfair tosingle out any specific suppliers, upholsterers or soft furnishersfor special mention.We are, however, delighted to put thespotlight on the companies and individuals who werenominated and you will find details of these on our centrepages. Each will receive a special certificate to display in theirplace of work, recognising their nomination.

If there is anyone else YOU think is also deserving of specialmention then pick up the phone or send me an email and we’llconsider doing an article on them in future issues. There are ahuge amount of talented and dedicated upholsterers and softfurnishers out there: and some terrific customer-comes-firstsuppliers who deserve a taste of the limelight.

All I need is for you to tell me about them!Until the next time...

Jan Turner

Upholsterer&Soft Furnisher

Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher

Editor:Jan Turner, AKA PRT: 01756 795374 F: 01756 798789E: [email protected]

Sales:Joanne MillerT: 01732 783561 E: [email protected]

Tim BodenT: 01732 783561 E: [email protected]

Ben WatkinsT: 01732 783561 E: [email protected]

Jarrod BirdT: 01565 659414 E: [email protected]

Published by Interiors Media LimitedUnit 11, Riverside Business Centre, Riversidew house,Riverlawn Road, Tonbrigde, Kent TN9 1EPT: 01732 783561 F: 01732 783562E: [email protected]

Registered in England no. 6397722

Printed by Headley Brothers

March/April/May 2011

Official journal of the Association of Master Upholsterers and Soft Furnishers

March/April/May 2011

by Crowson

Winners All...We name the names!

Cutting CornersThe internet ‘threat’:we don’t name names!

What’s in a name?A new idea forupholsterers comes to life

Equinox by CrowsonContemporary designs in fresh modern colour palettes make up this vibrant newcollection from Crowsons’.Rosario and Tiago are beautifully drawn designs interpreted in rich linen Jacquard

weaves.Four bold and exciting prints with hints of metallic and flock effects, Floresta, a

wonderfully loose brushstroke floral, Palmelo with dramatic stencilled leaves,Salvador a flowing organic stripe and Cassina with it’s bold Catherine wheels ofcolour make up the heart of this collection. A forward thinking Check (Pico) createdwith recycled natural fibres and extremely hard wearing completes this range.The colours, warm comforting reds, sophisticated blacks, fun pinks and limes, rich

mauves, vibrant purples and stylish shades of blue offer an abundance of choice.Have fun and enjoy transforming your living space with this inspired collection.

The Crowson GroupCrowson House, Bellbrook Park, Uckfield, East Sussex TN22 1QZTel: 01825 761044 Fax: 01825 [email protected]

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Page 4: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

NEW Kobe Collections for interiors 2011Come and see us Hall 1 Fabric Pavilion

Kobe UK LtdSuite D, Loddon Vale House, Hurricane Way, Woodley, Berkshire RG5 4UX, UK

Tel: 0844 7420 800 Fax: 0844 7420 801Email: [email protected] Website:

Kobe UK LtdTel: 0844 7420 800 Fax: 0844 7420 801

Email: [email protected] Website:

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6 & 7 AMUSF News Update andBranch Briefings

8 Industry News

10 Taking Issue: Cutting Corners

12 Show Business

14 & 15 Winners All

16 New Products

18 Feature: A Supporting Role

20 Project: Holy Orders

22 Training: The Upholsterer’sApprentice

24 Memory Lane: The Perfect Tan

26 In the Hotseat: Wendy Shorter


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AMUSF ContactsHead Office

Association Manager: Susan SpencerEmail: [email protected]

Francis Vaughan House, Q1 Capital Point, CapitalBusiness Park, Parkway, Cardiff, Glamorgan, CF3 2PU

Tel: 029 2077 8919 Fax: 029 2079 3508Website:

Branch ContactsBeds, Bucks, Herts and North London – Wendy Shorter

Tel: 01727 824358Email: [email protected]

Hants & Dorset – Kevin Lee – Tel: 01489 572108Wales & West – Val and Des Fanning – Tel: 01823 400621

Email: [email protected]

Kent –Davin White – Tel: 0208 854 4402

London – Wynne Gilham – Tel: 01708 752333

Surrey – Ron Mercure – Tel: 0208 941 4521

Scotland – Sandy Stewart – Tel: 01555 772052

Regional ContactsEast Anglia – Mark Polley – Tel: 01254 361665

Yorkshire – Mavis Baddeley – Tel: 0113 2633031

Beds, Bucks & Herts – Bert Chapman – Tel: 01707 652932Email: [email protected]

West Midlands –Bob Bishton – Tel: 01543 257001 (daytime)Email: [email protected]

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6 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

AMUSF news roundup

CRASHING BORERemember this picture? It wasfeatured in the April/May 2010issue of U&SF after Sue and JohnOliphant of Strathvale Furnishingin Forfar, Scotland received anunexpected visitor to theirshowroom – in a car!Clearly the fault of the

88-year-old driver who smashedthrough the glass frontage andproceeded to demolish furnitureand the boiler en-route throughthe shop with his car, it wasnevertheless the start of a long and involved insurance claim for the Oliphants. Despitebeing covered for replacement value through Giles Insurance Brokers, the couple weretold by the first loss adjustor to visit the showroom, that they would only receive 70% ofany claim.Sue and John told us: “Thankfully, with help from the AMU legal helpline, contacts at

Trading Standards and the very helpful manager at Giles we had the claim by the first lossadjustor overturned and got full cover.“Giles have been very good throughout – it’s the loss adjustors who are the problem.

We are still battling for the £250 excess charge from the insurance company and a claimwe put in for loss of profit for around three weeks is still ongoing. As with all claims thatare not your fault, you are always out of pocket as insurance companies are quick to takethe money but slow to settle.”So check your insurance policies carefully and use an insurance broker who – like Giles

– is on your side!

BOARD NEWSChairman Des Fanning reports on theFebruary 3 meeting: As well as receivingits normal reports on finance and on theactivities of the association, the boardwas informed that since November,there had been no fewer than 20applications for membership. These werebeing processed and although not allwould succeed in becoming newmembers, some undoubtedly would.This level of interest by upholsterers andsoft furnishers was a clear indication ofthe effectiveness of our new website.Progress on the move from Cardiff was

also discussed. The estate agentsattempting to re-let the Cardiff office forus had had no success yet but theassociation had received a very attractiveoffer of alternative accommodation. Theterms were so favourable financially thatit would be possible to move withouthaving to wait for a replacement tenantfor Cardiff. We have therefore acceptedthe offer in principle.We will of coursegive members more details as soon asthe agreement is finalised.The board ratified the decision taken

at the last OGM to give retired membersvoting rights. Retired members willtherefore be entitled to vote at allgeneral meetings of the association andto make nominations for directorshipsand for the posts of president and vice-president. The rule book will beamended accordingly.

This is how one Worthing companychanged its product range in line with thewinter weather! Furniture manufacturerFurnitureworks, better known for itshandmade sofas and chairs, created the‘Snow Sofa’ after employee Vince Ashbyhad a flash of inspiration while walking towork in the snow from Lancing. Said mdKevin Baker: “We feel sure this new line isgoing to be a big hit among the elite setthat buys Furnitureworks products.” Let’sjust hope sales don’t go into meltdown!


A new event from the Worshipful Company of Upholders had crowds flocking toSkinners Hall, London, in November. The ‘Flocke & Feather Event’ – an exhibition of thecraft of the upholder followed by a supper and auction – was held in aid of the PeterJackson Charity. Students from London Metropolitan University and Wendy ShorterInteriors, together with craftsmen Philip Wellesley-Davies, Greg Cuppitt Jones and SteveFranklin and companies such as Louis Moreau (The Quilters), Heritage Trimmings andLeverton & Sons Ltd (independent funeral directors) had an opportunity to showcasetheir work. The event raised a total of £3,487.68


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Page 7: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher 7

AMUSF news roundup

Branch briefings� The Hants & Dorset branch Christmas dinner almost became

a victim of the cold and icy weather. As it was, we lostCaroline because of mechanical trouble with her car - shebroke down in the snow and ice just outside Reading on herway to us and had to wait for the AA to rescue her!Meanwhile Joan and Dave, as well as having a broken boiler,were snowed in at home. Bev couldn't make it throughillness. However, like the stalwarts we are, we carried on withour reduced numbers, and still had the usual riotous time. Wewere delighted to have the president, Wendy Shorter, and herhusband Steve as our honoured guests. This is the first timethey have joined us and we hope it won't be the last! Nextmeeting arranged for Wednesday March 9 at Dee CeeUpholstery 502 Portswood Road Southampton starting at7pm. Contact Kevin Lee/Mary Crack on 01489 572108.

� The Beds, Bucks, Herts & North London regionalnetworking meeting was held on January 19. Hosted byWendy Shorter, the meeting was very well attended bymembers and students, who were presented with aninformative and inspirational talk by Jo Sealy of ToMarket

about how to market both well established and fledglingbusinesses. There were lots of tips and advice on websites,niche markets, advertising and promotions as well as linkingto social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter: a lotto think about and work with! The next meeting is scheduledfor Wednesday April 6 – venue and information to beconfirmed. Contact Wendy Shorter on 01727 824358

� A personal report onthe Kent branchChristmas dinnerdance by Jim and JoanJohnson: My old mansaid, if you want tohave some fun KentChristmas Dinner andDance is the one, anddon't Dilly and Dallyon the way. Old timemusical was theentertainment. Ourcountry is having arough time at the moment, no money, redundancies, hardfinding work, it's all doom and gloom. I am looking out of mywindow and it's starting to snow. Great. A smile comes acrossmy face and I see other smiling faces. Laughter, peopleclapping. I'm back at our dinner and dance once again. Whata way to cheer people up, a good old sing song. I knew all thewords to the songs, I'm what you call an old timer. Theyoung were all doing their bit to make a great evening. Afterall that singing I went to the bar, where I was in conversationwith an 18-year-old. It was his first time at the dinner and hesaid he would definitely be coming again. What more do youwant? Well done the committee, you cracked it once again.Many thanks fromme and the 120 guests and strictlyYourselves. For more information contact Davin White on0208 854 4402.

Hants and Dorset Christmas Dinner

Brenda Oviatt and Peter Finch

NEW MEMBERSWelcome aboard to our latest newmembers– Bob Barnett and partner Sara Carter ofBarnett Upholsteries of London; and LizCox, based in the heart of rural Hampshire.Bob’s first taste of the upholstery trade

came through a National Association for theCare and Resettlement of Offenders(NACRO) course. An apprenticeship andtraining at the then London College ofFurnishers followed and Bob eventuallywent on to start his own business in 1999.Three years later he started teaching and stilldoes so privately as well as helpingdisadvantaged children to learn the tradethat transformed his own life. Sara was astudent of his in 2005 and quicklydiscovered a natural talent for fabrics.

Combining their talents, Bob took Sara onas a business partner and they are nowlooking to become a limited company.Prospective newmember Liz Cox was

visited by assessors Kevin Lee andMaryCrack. They said: “Liz has been a workingupholsterer and soft furnisher for a goodmany years but has recentlybeen persuaded by BertChapman to become amember of the AMUSF.“Her workshop is light and

airy and well laid out and sheis now in the process ofextending it.We have quiteoften found that small ruralbusinesses seem to be busierthan those in towns and cities,

mainly due, we think, to amoreclosed circle and word of mouthrecommendation.Wewere veryimpressed with the standard of herwork and feel that she will be anasset to our association.”

Liz cox

Sarah Carter (left) with Wendy Shorted Bob Barnett

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Industry roundup

8 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

Tony Attard, OBE and national president of the FurnishingIndustry Trust (FIT), has raised over £10,000 for the charity aftercompleting his biggest ever sailing challenge across the Atlantic.Tony was part of a five man team, and on their vessel

‘Seaduced’ took part in the 2010 Atlantic Rally for Crusiers (ARC).Tony said: “Crossing the Atlantic was a life changing

experience. Most importantly, thanks to many generoussupporters and sponsors, we raised over £10,000 for our verydeserving FIT charity and needy people will benefit”.

Tony Attard, OBE crossing the Atlantic

MORE DEMAND FORFURNITURE OMBUDSMANTRAINING COURSESThe Furniture Ombudsman (TFO), which covers more than2000 retail outlets in the UK, has recorded a 67% uplift inthe popularity of its training courses over the same periodlast year.Training courses from TFO help employees deal with

customers and understand consumer law, showing thatretailers are putting more thought into their legalobligations and raising customer service standards.Courses are either held at TFO offices in Stevenage,

Hertfordshire or on-site at retailers. Kevin Grix, head of theFurniture Ombudsman said: “We plan to service futuredemand by providing more courses in 2011”.To find out more, contact Dominique Le Grand on 0845

653 2064, or email [email protected].

STUDENTS FUNDED BY FITCristina Ionescu and Harry Owen have both been awardedscholarships from the Furnishings Industry Trust (FIT) to studyfor a furnishing qualification at Bucks New University.The £5,000 bursary was presented to them at the Interiors

Show at the NEC, Birmingham in January.FIT announced the launch of the scholarship and bursary

scheme, supported by the Worshipful Company of FurnitureMakers, in June 2010 to support students on BA and MAfurnishing industry qualifications.

BFC LAUNCHES CAMPAIGNTO GET FURNITUREINDUSTRY VOICE HEARDThe British Furniture Confederation (BFC), the organisation thatrepresents the furniture trade in parliament, has published its2010 strategic plan for the life of the present government.The strategic plan focuses on seven key areas: supporting a

vibrant UK furniture base, committing to sustainability,encouraging good design, maintaining safety and quality,increasing skills, maximising markets and encouraging exports.BFC chairman Martin Jourdan said: “Our mission is to sustain a

strong and influential dialogue with the government and to workto ensure its policies help support a thriving UK furnitureindustry”.

LAUNCH OF NATIONALSCHOOL OF FURNITUREA National School of Furniture has been launched.A partnership between Bucks New University and Oxford

and Cherwell Valley College, the new school aims to raise theprofile of the furniture industry by offering a diverse range offurniture qualifications – from bespoke industry courses todiplomas.The school will be linked with the furniture industry

through the Worshipful Company of Furniture Makers. Atthe launch Dr Lynn Jones, head of the school at Bucks NewUniversitysaid: “Thiswill be ahugelyexciting andinnovativeventure andwe believewe can helppeople get towhere theywant to be”.


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H. Webber & Sons

58 Dene Street, Dorking,Surrey, RH4 2DP

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Page 10: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

Whenan upholsterer quotes theRRP for fabric only to be told by acustomer that he or she can get it

for up to 20% less, they might be in dangerof having their integrity - unfairly -questioned.Adrian McCann of Putney-based

Kingston Traditional Upholstery, 30-yearmembers of the AMUSF, has beenembarrassed by this very issue: “Acustomer ordered two new sofas from usand chose a fabric with an RRP of £101 permetre. When we told her the price, thecustomer said she could get it for £80 permetre online.”And so they could, Adrian

found, fromwebsites such sellingthe same fabric as Adrianand other upholsterers, butdirect to the customer at amuch reduced price.Wendy Shorter, AMUSF

president, owner of WendyShorter Interiors and directorof training for the AMUSF, isnot sure that enoughupholsterers are aware ofthis issue.Wendy said: “These

websites just buy a couple ofbooks after opening a smallaccount and then get thefabric companies to sendproducts straight through to the customer,meaning they’re making a profit by doingnext to nothing.”When U&SF spoke to the sales director of

the company Adrian buys his fabric from,they said: “We are aware that this is aproblem and are dealing with it as best wecan, but we find our hands are tied by theEU’s competition laws.” To explain, EUcompetition law prohibit agreements,arrangements and concerted businesspractices which appreciably prevent, restrictor distort competition – whatever that

competition may be. Failure to complywith UK or EU competition law can havevery serious consequences.The fabric company sales director

continued: “Our priority is to protect ouraccounts and help the businesses thathave them, so, for now, our policy is tooffer people like Mr McCann discounts sothat they can compete with the websites.If and when the EU competition laws arerelaxed a little more (there were signs ofthis last year when Armani and otherfashion brands won a landmark caseagainst equivalent websites selling their

designer gear at much reduced prices) wewill be in a better position to deal withthese websites.”But Wendy Shorter is sceptical: “I believe

the reason this problem isn’t beingaddressed by the fabric companies isbecause of the sheer volume of theirproducts passing through the websites.”WhenWendy raised the issue with a

fabric company she has put businessthrough for many years, their response wasa little less reasonable – they took her tradediscount away!

The company’s director later called,ostensibly to smooth things over byoffering to reinstate the trade discount(albeit, a lower one than the original) butthings soon became heated: “He said thatthese websites were promoting theirfabrics, and that I wasn’t because I didn’thave a showroom. The fact is that I do havea showroom, and also promote theirproducts to the 50 or so students I haveeach week.”And Derek Caplen, owner of

Southampton-based Dee Cee Upholstery(and a Fellow of the AMUSF – FAMU) says

that though he is verymuch aware that there arewebsites selling fabric atmuch less than the RRP, theproblem is not a new one.“This sort of thing has beengoing on for about 20 years- long before websitescame along - with peopletrying to make a quickbuck,” said Derek. “Peopleused to advertise cut-pricefabrics in the back ofmagazines; and fabricclearing houses andmarketstalls have been selling endof line and seconds forages. But we’ve had no luckgetting fabric companies todeal with the problem.”

Ultimately - though we have declined todo so here - Wendy Shorter would likemore upholsterers to be aware of thisthreat to their business: and for the fabriccompanies allowing this to happen to beidentified by the AMUSF and confronted byits members on the issue, so that we canget to the bottom of it and nip it in thebud. Perhaps you agree?

Have you experienced this issue? If so,we’d like to hear from you – send us anemail at [email protected]

CUTTINGCORNERSUpholsterers are complaining of being undercut by websites selling fabrics direct tocustomers at up to 20% off the recommended retail price (RRP).US&F investigates.

Taking issue

10 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

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Page 11: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

Suppliers to the Upholstery& Soft Furnishing Trades

� We stock over 2,000 items, from AntimacassarPins to Zip Jigs.

� Fabrics supplied include Ross, Wemyss, JimDickens & Rioma.

� Tracks and poles by Integra, Silent Gliss, Speedy,Riel Chyc and Blacksmith

We are proud to remain an independent family firm,continuing the traditions of helpful service throughoutthe UK.PLEASE ASK FOR OUR FREE PRICE LIST

Biznaga collectionfrom Rioma

[email protected]

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Page 12: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

HEICO COMPETITIONHIGHLIGHTS NEW TALENTAt this year’s Interiors Birmingham show,the Heico Fasteners UK stand was onceagain a focal point for upholsterers as thewinners of the company’s second DesignCompetition were announced.

Held to promote Heico’s powder coatedrange of decorative nails, this year’scompetition was again held inconjunction with the AMUSF butbroadened to include students of WendyShorter Interiors as well as LondonMetropolitan University.Taking first place was Jenny Anderson

of London Met. Runners’ up were LizAlsop and Pauline Craze fromWendyShorter Interiors. Caroline Hoggarth andYvonne Hunt (also Wendy Shorterstudents) were highly commended.Said Joan Milton, AMUSF financial

director who was on the judging paneland presented the awards: “We wereimpressed and delighted with the qualityof design and workmanship of all theentries. It made the decision this year verydifficult – all were worthy winners.“Our criteria as judges was not just the

imaginative use of Heico’s decorative nailsbut the overall quality of the finished

product and how true it was to theoriginal concept submitted as moodboards.”

OTHER NEWS FROM INTERIORSBIRMINGHAMFabric wholesalerJim Dickensunveiled thebrand new KilimCollection – anon-trend range ofupholstery anddrapery fabrics.Available in sixdesigns (including a coordinating stripe,herringbone, patchwork and classicdesign) in four colourways, a majorbenefit of the range is that it is FRinherent – so no backcoating or interlineris required.Answering an

age-oldproblem, JamesHare, the silkspecialist,launched SavoySilk, aheavyweight silksatin with aunique curl-free finish which, they say,drastically reduces making-up time fordrapery and decorative upholstery.Concept Textiles, suppliers of curtain

and upholstery fabrics for the domesticand contract sectors, launched three newprints ranges and two new weavesincluding Richmond, a luxurious velvetstripe in eight colours with a 45K rub test.Heico Fasteners UK launched their new

upholstery tools and double cone springranges. The range of tools includeswebbing stretchers, tack claws, stapleremovers and magnetic hammers.As well as launching a new-look logo,

Kobe introduced new curtaining andupholstery fabrics at the show includingInoxy, a collection of innovative yarnscombined with refined productiontechniques to create a stylish tensionbetween matt and radiant yarneffects. The range includes Incology whichhas a particularly unusual decorativetextured finish.

HEIMTEX HIKES UP VISITORNUMBERSHeimtextil, the home-textile highlight(January 12 – 15, Frankfurt am Main)attracted three percent more trade visitorsfrom 136 countries (2010: 120) and fivepercent more exhibitors, according toorganisers. Over 73,000 trade visitorsfrom purchasing, the retail trade, interiordecoration, architecture, design andcontract furnishing attended the four-daytrade fair, an increase of around 2,300compared to last year.Still to come....the Hong Kong

International Home Textiles Fair (April 20– 23, Hong Kong Convention andExhibition Centre, ) withover 240 exhibitors from 12 countries andregions.....the world preview of furnishingfabrics and curtains at Proposte (May 4 –6, Villa Erba, Cernobbio, Italy, .....and, closer tohome, The Manchester Furniture Show(July 17 – 20, Manchester Central). Theindustry’s longest running tradeexhibition, an additional hall has beenadded for 2011 and exhibitors this yearinclude the Willis & Gambier group andMorris Furniture Group. They will bejoined by well known exhibitors such asBuoyant, BM Furniture, TCH Furniture,Furnico, Corndell, Kettle Interiors,Seconique, TCS and Harrison Brothers. Forfurther information

SHOWBUSINESSIt’s been another busy couple of months on the interiors show circuit with Heimtex(January 12 – 15, Frankfurt amMain) and Interiors Birmingham (January 23 – 26, NEC)kicking the year off to a brisk start.U&SF reports on some of the highlights.


12 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

Winners All! Seen l-r are: Runner-up Liz Alsop; MalcolmHopkins of London Met; AMUSF judge Joan Milton;

winner Jenny Anderson; Stuart Elmy of Heico; runner upPauline Craze; and AMUSF president Wendy Shorter.

James Hare Savoy Silk

Jim Dicken Kilim collection

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Page 13: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

FlavoursomeFurniture from Furnital

Established 25 years ago,Furnital Ltd have been supplying thetrade with predominantly raw-unfinished chair frames ranging fromthe small independent localupholsterer, interior designers,architects and contractfurnishers.

We offer an extensive range

of raw un-finished dining chairs,

carvers, armchairs, bar stools and

tables and all the products are

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Page 14: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

Glover Bros LtdOne of the oldest upholstery and softfurnishing suppliers in the UK, Taunton-based Glovers(founded1899) is nowowned byCharles andHelen Petriand stockseverythingfrom curvedmattress needles to curtain rails, lawyers’bodkins and zip jigs. A van service coversthe whole of the West Country whileorders can be couriered nationwide.

Greenway UpholsteryStephen Greenway established his one-man upholstery business in a workshop inDorchester, Dorset some 15 years ago andundertakes all aspects of domesticreupholstery – both modern and antique -working on mainly local commissions.

Fine Quality FeatherEstablished in 1995, the Fine QualityFeather Company is based in Frome,Somerset and manufactures feather orfibre cushions - all different qualities offeather (feather/down, down/feather puredown etc). It also offers a coverworkservice making scatter covers, seat andback covers.

LinwoodLinwood is a family run business, based inthe heart of the New Forest. It wasfounded in 1994 by Richard Gloyn and hissons – identical twins Barny and Warrick -who now share responsibility for design,sales and marketing. The companydesigns and supplies a wide range of

fabrics and wallpapers, created andcoloured in house.

Henry NewberyFounded in 1782 by Berkshire weaverJohn Newbery, six generations ofNewberys havegone on to build aninternationalreputation for thecompany and itsproducts. Based innorth London, thecompany offers avariety of interiorcollections including stock and bespoketrimmings and fabrics from around theworld.

Barry TownsendBased in Earlsfield, London, Barryoriginally ran Townsend Associates andset up Townsend Systems in 2003 to carryon with his ideas on chair springs andcoils, including the Wonder Swivel Ringwhich is his best-selling product. Alsoavailable are upholstery coils, WebriderCompact Units and Webriders.

Hampton Court InteriorsFounded in 1983, Surrey-based HamptonCourt Interiors offers both new andrestoration upholstery services. A widevariety of work has passed through thedoors of the business which is run byRonnie Mercure who has been in the tradesince he was just 16.

Richardson & Paige InteriorsRichardson & Paige has some 30 yearsexperience in upholstery and is able tomanufacture bespoke furniture, workingwith the best of traditional methods and

modern materials. The business recentlymoved to Wiltshire and upholsterseverything from simple footstools tohighly intricate antique sofas requiringrenovation.

Wendy ShorterThe current president of the AMUSF,Wendy lives in Hertfordshire and afterworking as a professional upholsterer,now runs her own training school inColney Heath. Her first book, ‘ProfessionalSoft Furnishings’, was published inMarch 2010. Last year also saw Wendywin the Inspirational Woman of TheYear title in the first ever Women inFurnishing Awards.

Martins Upholstery SuppliesMartins Upholstery Supplies is a familyowned company based in Kent and run byhusband and wife team Nigel and Dianealong with son Darren. Nigel has been inthe trade for well over 30 years. Thebusiness supplies upholstery sundriesthroughout the south east and beyondand stocks everything from adhesivesto zips.

Ross FabricsEstablished in 1933, Ross Fabrics suppliesa comprehensive range of upholsteryfabrics, distributed nationally andinternationally. The company operatesfrom a purpose built office and warehouseand offers a full roll or cut length servicefrom stock on over 2500 different fabricson next day delivery.

Joan Milton and J A MiltonUpholstery SuppliesWhen Joan Milton became involved inteaching upholstery , she discovered how

14 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011


WINNERSALL!When U&SF announced the first ever AMUSF Awards towards the end of last year, it was torecognise the outstanding work of upholsterers, soft furnishers and suppliers. In the endour judges felt that everyone nominated was worthy of a place in the spotlight, so thisspecial spread is dedicated to them.

Glover Bros - Charles and HelenPetri

Trimmings from HenryNewbery & Co Ltd

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Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher 15

difficult it was for the DIYer or smallbusiness person to obtain tools ormaterials and went on to launch her mailorder Upholstery Supplies Catalogue. Apracticing upholsterer for 21 yearsspecialising in traditional upholstery, Joannow reserves her skills for the classroom.

H.Webber LtdH.Webber was originally established in theCity of London in 1902 by Harry Webberof Taunton, Somerset. The company hasdeveloped a unique range of products toserve the textile, upholstery and leathercraft trades with products - fromupholstery hand tools and needles tostaples, tackers and leathercraft tools –available by mail order.

H. VaughanFounded in 1902, H. Vaughan has beensupplying frames to the upholstery tradefor over 100 years. The founder’s brother,Henry Francis Vaughan, joined the firm in1936, stayed until his retirement and isremembered for having founded theAMUSF. Today the firm is run by Hales andJames Vaughan, the founder’s grandsons.

Roy TheobaldThe son of a traditional upholsterer whoworked for Coopers of Gravesend, Kent.Roy continues the proud tradition ofupholstery from his showroom/workshopat Staplehurst in Kent. A long timemember of the AMUSF Roy has alwaysbeen an active member and held manypositions within organisations acrossthe industry.

D. C. UpholsteryEstablished for over 30 years, D. C.Upholstery provides a completeupholstery service, recovering andreupholstering all types of modern andantique furniture, including suites, sofas,firesides, boat cushions and cushionreplacement. Based in Gillingham, Kent,the business is run by David John.

Alex LawAlex has been upholstering since the late80s, and has been lead tutor in the

advanced upholstery section of LondonMetropolitan University since 2003.Several of his former students are nowpushing the craft forward and creatingdesigner/maker roles for upholsterers.

Kobe FabricsKobefab International b.v. has beenoperating under the brand name Kobesince 1976. Itsinternational headoffice is based inHolland and thecompany has itsown in-housedesign andresearch anddevelopmentteams. Alongwith new product, the company launcheda new logo at Interiors Birmingham 2011.

Bute FabricsBute was founded more than 50 years agoon the Isle of Bute and has become anaward-winning industry leader. Today thecompany collaborates with such leadingcontemporary designers as Tom Dixon,Jasper Morrison and Matthew Hilton,weaving for the likes of KnollInternational, Habitat and Designtex.

HeicoHeico Fasteners UK Ltd. is part of theHeico Group of companies and offers arange of products and services to a widevariety of markets. As well as theupholstery sector it serves those in theautomotive, industrial, interior design andfilm industries.

FurnitalCelebrating 27 years of importing Italiancontract furniture for the hotel and leisureindustry, Furnital supplies to the trade:from small independent local upholsterersto interior designers, architects andcontract furnishers.

Stuft InteriorsStuft Interiors was established in June2007. Initially upholstery and softfurnishing led, it has developed into a fullinterior design service. Recent projectsinclude a number of large houses in theHertfordshire area.

Southern FoamSouthern Foam was started in 1983 byCharlie Flack who had previously workedfor Pirelli and Dunlop foam. Today, it

remains a family affair and from its base inSussex, specialises in supplying smallupholstery companies based in the southeast with converted foam.

VoyageVoyage Decorations was established inScotland in 1998 with the simple aim ofproviding woven, embroidered or printedfabrics using high quality cloths.Collections are sold in over 35 countriesthrough some of the world’s leadingfabric brands.

Edmund BellEdmund Bell is a key supplier of curtainlinings and says it holds one of the widestselections of linings in the world. Foundedin 1855, the business was purchased byBrian Atherton in 2008 and his son, JohnAtherton, is now md. In 2005 thecompany won the Queen’s Award forEnterprise: International Trade.

Cover-TexSituated in the heart of East London,Cover-Tex was founded in 1977 by David,Hazel and George Brown. Using theirknowledge and experience of theupholstery market, Cover-Tex quicklybecame one of the leading wholesalers tothe upholstery industry, supplying a broadrange of over 1700 fabrics nationwide.

British TrimmingsBTC Trim, through the heritage of itsbrands, has over 200 years experience ofdesigning, manufacturing and wholesalingtrimmings and related products. Thecompany says its worldwide coverageprovides a unique perspective onemerging trends in colour, design andmaterials used.

FurnitureworksBased in Sussex, Furnitureworksmanufactures a wide range of furniturewith the emphasis on chairs and sofas,cabinet and table making. The company’sfactory also features a classic frame shopas well as polishing facilities and anupholstery shop. The business is a tradeonly furniture manufacturer.

Ronald AllenWest Midlands-based Charles Allen & SonUpholstery specialises in the restoration ofantiques and the use of traditionalmethods of upholstery. Ronald Allen hasbeen in the industry for 50 years and runthe family business for the last 25.

Joan Milton at work

Kobe Inoxy - Incoloy cushion

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New products

16 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011


Equinox is an exciting new range of fabrics just launched byCrowsons and consists of a versatile collection of weaves andprints, available in a wide choice of colours.For more information visit

Have A GreatWeekend!

Garden PartyFresh for Spring 2011 is the new GardenParty collection by Prestigious Textiles, atraditional floral story on cotton panamain a series of contemporary colour stories.

Garden Party opens with Full Bloom,where rambling roses trail over a shadowybackdrop of patio pots. This iscomplemented by a random scattering ofrosebuds on a floral silhouette (Melrose),an elegant trellis of abstract ogees(Avebury) and the noble Stocks, whichfeatures fine leaves gently unfurling

around tall, flower-topped stalks.The collection is completed byLizzie, a soft mosaic reminiscentof the crazy paving to be foundwinding its way around countrycottage gardens.

Colourways are headed by thegrey/fuchsia Elephant and thecharcoal/lime Greenstone, withstories based on palettes of pomegranate,willow, mulberry, lavender, chintz, peony,duck egg, eau de nil and onyx.

For more details call 01274 688448,e-mail [email protected] or

The AMUSF has a hydraulic work bench at Cardiff which needs a good home andis worth several hundred pounds. Anyone interested in acquiring this useful piece of

equipment should send a bid to the Cardiff office (Francis Vaughan House, Q1 Capital Point,Capital Business Park, Parkway, Cardiff, Glamorgan, CF3 2PU) in an envelope marked

“Hydraulic work bench – sealed bid”.

The successful bidder would need to collect the bench.

In its new Weekend collectionof printed cottons, PrestigiousTextiles has created an array ofmotifs and colours guaranteedto enliven kitchens and diningspaces, utility rooms andfamily living areas.

Five designs embrace amedley of ladybirds andbutterflies (Papillion),evocative vintage rosebuds(Rose) and stylised retro-flowers (Collette),complemented by two simple

geometrics (Fizz and Cubic). Allare on a heavyweight cottonpanama, suitable for curtains,blinds and cushions in additionto kitchen and diningaccessories. All Weekendfabrics are also available with asoft-sheen PVC glaze forapplications demanding wipe-clean practicality.For more details call 01274688448, [email protected] orvisit

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Thousands of upholsterybraids in stock

Thousands of upholsterybraids in stock

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Page 18: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

WhenKarenWickham decides tohave a go at something, she likesto give it her all.

So when she decided to finally have ago at reupholstering a pair of old LloydLoom chairs that had been stored in hergarage, the former accountant and ITprofessional decided she needed toimmerse herself in the project completely.Without further ado, she took herself

off to Wales for a complete week at theAMUSF approved Elizabeth Markstraditional upholstery workshop atMeidrim near Carmarthen. But as well assetting her on the course of a newpassion, the introduction to upholsteryalso sewed the seeds for a new businessidea that is now helping otherupholsterers too.Said Karen, who lives at Hook Norton in

Oxfordshire: “The course really fired meup. When I got home I wanted to startanother project but knew I would stillneed the guidance of a tutor.“I began working on a Victorian button

back chair with the help of Oxford-basedteacher and professional upholsterer, JanDonley. The training centre in Wales hadgot purpose built, sofa sizedworkbenches and the workshop in Oxfordalso had some fixed height tressles towork on.“The more I had to go backwards and

forwards with my chair and use thetressles, the more I realised I needed atressle that was adjustable. And howuseful something collapsible and portablewould be to work on at home in mylittle cottage.“I got talking to a good friend who is a

carpenter and explained what I reallyneeded. Between us we came up with thedesign for a height adjustable andportable tressle that can be used as aworkbench for anything from a smallfootstool to a large Chesterfield sofa.

Essentially it’s acollapsible pair ofextremely sturdy ‘edgedtrays’ that support thelegs or feet of the piece of furniture beingworked on, enabling the upholsterer towork at a level appropriate to the size ordesign of the piece.“We developed a prototype and then I

spoke to various people in the business toget their thoughts and ideas. Richard, mycarpenter friend, then started to developthe componentry – unbelievably there areabout 100 separate parts and 30 differentprocesses involved in making it up!”Originally conceived as a solution for

her own needs, other upholsterers – bothprofessionals and serious hobbyists – weresoon showing interest in Karen’s tressles.“It was just a box of parts until we gave

it a name and then it began to take on alife of its own,” said Karen. The HarryPotter-esque sounding ‘Trezul’ waschosen, partly a play on the word ‘tressle’but also – with Karen’s IT experience tothe fore – because it is very ‘searchengine effective’.“Students, teachers and professional

upholsterers who are more mobile thanworkshop-based, all seem to have foundit an absolute boon”, says Karen. “It’s also

the perfectanswer for anyone who is squeezed forspace and simply doesn’t have room toinstall large workbenches.”Assembled in minutes, Trezul’s compact

footprint and handy carry-case make itcompletely portable. And being handmade from FSC semi hardwood with bothforged and pressed metal parts ensures itis both strong and durable with the workplatform being height adjustable from43cm to 63cm, in four fixed steps.Said Karen: “We were getting such good

feedback that by late last summer Irealised that this could be a businessopportunity that should be activelymarketed.“I didn’t set out to ‘invent’ a new

product for upholsterers, just to find asolution for my own situation. But havingsolved my own need, it’s great to knowthat Trezul is helping a lot of other peopletoo and enabling them to continue withwork that they might not otherwise havebeen able to do.”The Trezul costs £299. For more

information visit

A SUPPORTINGROLEAn introduction to upholstery led Karen Wickham to develop a clever new product that isnow making life easier for new and experienced upholsterers all over the country.


18 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

Karen Wickham

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Page 20: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

WestMidlands-based RonaldAllen landed a

plum project when he wastasked with restoring ahighly prized, antique chairfor the chapel at WestMidlands-based NewOscott College for the 2010visit of Pope Benedict XVI.Having been in the

industry for 50 years - andas a specialist in restoringantiques - organisers feltRonald was a perfect fit forthe job at hand. His fatherowned Charles Allen & Sonsbefore him and four of hisuncles were also upholsterers.“It runs in the family,” saidRonald. “I used to come homefrom school and watch myfather in the workshop. In timeI began to work on some ofthe smaller jobs and developeda love for the industry.”Ronald worked with his

father for four years when heleft school, learning thetraditional methods ofupholstery such as handstitching and the use of tackswhich Charles Allen & SonUpholstery still believes in today.He then went on to work for G. Clarke forfive years before returning to his father’sbusiness which Ronald has run since hisfather’s retirement 25 years ago.After being approached in January 2010

by the organisers of the Papal visit, Ronaldwas asked to view the chair which datesback to around 1830. He said: “It was acomplete mess. It was covered in dust anddirt, the material was ripped and thestuffing was hanging out - one arm was

even taped up.“However, once

you scratchedbeneath the surfaceyou could see thebeauty of the chair

and imagine how spectacular it must havelooked when it was originally made. Thehistory behind it is fascinating – it wasused in chapel ceremonies by highdignitaries of the church for years before itdeteriorated and I wanted to bring it backto life.”

Ronald started the project last May.Under pressure to complete it bySeptember, he began instantly by strippingthe chair down to its frame and polished

the wood. He tookpictures at every stage ofthe process to ensure theorganisers were happywith his adjustments.We asked what his

secret was when it cameto the final design? SaidRonald: “It all comesfrom experience. I hadthe basic idea in my headof what I wanted it tolook like but I woulddevelop it as I was goingalong to see what Ithought worked best.“My initial plan was to

cover it in cardinal red,however the organisers suggestedgold as this was a better fit withthe church interior so I carefullychose a luxurious velvet.“It was quite a straightforward

project – keeping it simple was theidea but because of the importanceof the occasion I felt the pressure toget it just right. Diligence is alwaysneeded when it comes to restoring

antiques to truly bring out the naturalbeauty, so I always use traditionalmethods of upholstery. For this project Icombined the use of tacks and topstitching in the arms and the main bodywas hand stitched.”The chair was used by the Pope during

his visit to New Oscott College onSeptember 10 where a ceremony tookplace with the Archbishop of Birmingham,Reverend Bernard Longley. And it provedsuch a success that Ronald received aninvitation to meet with the Archbishop fora personal thank you for “truly fulfilling hisholy orders!”Ronald’s chair can now been seen at The

BirminghamMuseum and Art Gallery.

HOLYORDERSWhen Ronald Allen of Charles Allen & Son Upholstery took the call from organisers oflast year’s Papal visit asking him to restore a crumbling 19th century ecclesiastical chair,he knew he had landed a once-in-a-lifetime project.


20 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

The Pope sat in 'The Chair'

The Papal chair before its renovation The Papal chair stripped

Ronald Allen and 'The Chair'

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LordDigby Jones, former trademinister,recently said: “It is essential we have aneducation systemwhich introduces

teenagers to the fascinating and worthwhilecareer opportunities in the vibrant andsuccessful manufacturing sector.”We raised this very subject in September’s

Taking Issue, bemoaning the lack of fundingavailable to upholsterers and soft furnishersto subsidise the cost of training youngpeople.Great news then, you would think, that

Proskills UK has been successful in securingnearly £3.5m in government funding aspart of the Joint Investment Programme(JIP). JIP was created in September last yearto pool private and public investment on amatched basis in a bid to grow traininglevels in key areas of the economy. Almost140 employers involving over 3500 learnerswill be able to access up to 50% fundedsupport for level 3 and 4 NVQ/QCFindustry-specific qualifications, withProskills advising people to sign up in thenext couple of months as places are on a‘first come, first served basis’ and this roundof funding finishes this summer.But the fact that NVQ/QCF qualifications

are open only to people of 19 years-old andover means there is still no funding in placeto allow upholstery and other craftbusinesses to give training to teenagers ortake them on as apprentices.Director of training and current president

of the AMUSFWendy Shorter is currentlyworking with Proskills and talking togovernment through the All PartyParliamentary Furniture Group about thecurrent suite of upholstery and softfurnishings qualifications available andtrying to secure funding for them.Wendy welcomes news of the JIP

funding, but did say: “There are plenty ofolder people looking for a change of career

and often travelling a long way to do so. Butthose people are all self-funded, and youngpeople with nomoney can’t self-fund, socan’t afford to attend.”And experience has shown JoanMilton -

a practicing upholsterer for 21 years whonow reserves her skills for the classroom -that taking on an apprentice is a risk:“Taking on apprentices used to nearly sendmy business to the wall when I ranmyworkshops. It takes two years to getapprentices to a point where theymake youanymoney, and before that they cost you agreat deal.”Lord Digby Jones’s speech indicates that

politicians are aware that schools are notflagging up a career in a trade or craft likeupholstery as an attractive and validalternative to university.Wendy Shorter hasnoted the reluctance of a local school toallow her to speak to pupils about thepossibility of them considering upholsteryas a career – withWendy and JoanMiltonboth suspecting that schools are underpressure to encourage asmany children aspossible to go to university, even whenmanymay not be suited to furtheracademic studies.Another issue is that it has become

increasingly difficult for small businesses ofany kind, upholsterers included, to consideroffering work experience to young peopledue to health and safety regulations. Joansaid: “Businesses only need to have awritten health and safety policy statementwhen they employ five people or over, sosmall upholstery businesses don’t tend tohave them. But problems arise when theytake on work experience students and needto write health and safety policies but don’tknowwhere to start.”Upholstery will continue to struggle to

attract young people to the trade withoutsubsidy and government help in spreading

themessage that a career in a craft or tradecan be a very attractive one.But, with government financial support

having all but dried up over recent times,the news that Proskills UK has been able toacquire this pot of support - albeit untilsummer of this year - is in itself verypositive news for the industry, and we canonly hope that funding will soon be put inplace that will help upholsterers to trainyoung people and take them on asapprentices.

The Proskills programme is nowup andrunning and accepting applications.ContactPaul Preston at [email protected] 993 229 to take advantage of thisfunded support.If you havemade enquiries about training

and/or apprenticeship schemes and decidednot to take it forward, could you dropWendyShorter a quick email sayingwho youapproached andwhy you decided not to take itfurther.EmailWendy [email protected].

THE UPHOLSTERER’SAPPRENTICEProskills UK has been successful in securing government funding for employers inthe furniture and furnishings sector for competence training and qualifications suchas NVQ/QCF. But, asks U&SF, what about funding to encourage young people toconsider a career in upholstery?


22 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

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Page 24: Anewideafor upholstererscomestolife · 3 Comment JanTurner Editor ... for the Furniture Industry •Over 125 years experience in the Insurance Industry •Products tailored to your

Ayear before the battle ofQuebec City in 1759, an18th century Glaswegian

called John Muirhead startedexporting chamois leather - a typeof goat/antelope found in themountains of Europe - to America.More than two-and-a-half

centuries later, the Muirhead namelives on and is known across morethan 40 countries for its highperformance quality upholsteryleather. It is used by over 120 airlinesaround the world, in some of the world’smost famouscars – includingthe iconic AstonMartin – and byhigh endmanufacturers ofdomesticupholstery.Today, Andrew

Muirhead & Sonis part of theScottish LeatherGroup, a holdingcompanymade up of five manufacturing facilitieslocated in the west of Scotland – theresult of a merger in 1965 between theMuirhead and Lang families’ leathermaking interests. The group employs over450 people and is increasingly owned byits employees.All a far cry from John Muirhead’s early

days when, following a long period ofdepression, he turned to making gluefrom the raw skins. Following his death in1826 his son James ran the skin and glueworks until 1840, when his own son,Andrew - the youngest of 13 children -took over the business, renaming itAndrew Muirhead & Son. Twenty yearslater, the firm moved to the Dalmamock

Leather Works on Dunn Street, Glasgow -a site the company still occupies to this

very day.James Lang,

formerly salesdirector, and nowgroup marketingdirector, startedworking for W J &W Lang Limitedin 1979 as amanagementtrainee on the

shop floor. He movedto Muirheads in 1982after attending TheLeathersellers’ Centre -now part ofNorthamptonUniversity.James says there

have been a numberof memorablemoments over theyears, including thetime he closed his first big sale with ReidFurniture, which was to become one ofAndrew Muirhead’s biggest accountsthroughout the 1980s and 1990s.Colin Wade, managing director of

Andrew Muirhead recalls oneparticularly unusual projectwas for The Royal CourtTheatre in London. Said Colin:“The designer wanted a‘sound free’, unfinishedleather look for theauditorium seating so weused Huntly waxed leather inred and brown.”On another occasion a

designer sent them his shoeto match the burnished colour effect sohe could replicate it in a client’s vintagecar, recalls James.Another interesting project they were

approached about, according to worksdirector Alex Livingstone, was drying andrefinishing the leather on Simon Le Bon’syacht after it had sunk during a race in themid ‘80s. “Unfortunately, we neveractually started on the project because theyacht was sold soon after,” recalls Alex.Today the business is very different to

the one started more than 300 years ago– and it’schanging allthe time. SaidColin: “When Ifirst started inthe business,90% of mydealings werewith furnituremanufacturers.In those days,it was a craft-based industryfull ofcharacters

with business based more on personalrelationships. Now, the industry is moretechnology driven and less face-to-face.The relationship is with the manufacturerrather than the customer.”

THE PERFECTTANA lot can happen in 300 years and the upholstery industry is no exception - depression,mergers, yachts, vintage cars and even the odd shoe. Glasgow-based AndrewMuirhead &Son, producer of upholstery leather, has experienced the lot - and then some!

Memory Lane

24 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

Andrew Muirhead company photograph 1915

Andrew Muirhead workers on the shop floor

Andrew Muirhead factory floor with workers cleaning hides

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Q & A

26 Upholsterer & Soft Furnisher March/April/May 2011

How would you most like to be remembered?As someone who cared enough to give something back.

How did you get into this business?After having my daughter Louise I wanted to do something thatcould grow as she became more independent. I had always loveddoing upholstery and sewing, so retraining when Louise wasyoung seemed to be the ideal solution.

What would you class as your greatest achievement?Personally: my daughter Louise. Professionally: my business, mystudents and the fabulous work they produce. They all make mevery proud.

Your greatest regret?That I didn’t start this sooner.

Is your glass half empty or half full?Half full, but I also worry about it becoming less than half full!

Who has been your greatest inspiration and why?Bert Chapman for his drive and energy and for theencouragement and support that he offers me and my students.He always has time to talk to or to show us some of the fabulousprojects he and his family business have worked on over the years.

When it comes to sport do you fall into the active or armchaircamp? Football or rugby?I hate rugby and football, but I don’t mind the Grand Prix - solong as it’s viewed from the comfort of an armchair.

Your perfect day?Spending time with friends and family (especially when someoneelse is doing the cooking!)

Your desert island disc?Not worried about a disc, but I’d like The Archers recorded andsent to me each week.

If you weren’t doing what you do now, what would you bedoing?I’m incredibly fulfilled in what I do and can’t imagine wanting todo anything else.

What’s the best thing about our industry?Seeing and creating beautiful work and encouraging others to dothe same.

And the worst?Poor quality furniture imported or produced in the UK. It does a

great disservice to us as upholsterers and to the public. Andpeople that can’t be bothered to do a good job.

What would you change?I’d make it compulsory for anyone working in the upholsteryindustry to join the AMUSF. That way we would be able to offerbetter support, advice and benefits to our membership, weed outthose who don’t come up to scratch, and have a greater voice inthe scheme of things.

What’s in your living room?The pieces I produced and practised on while retraining andbefore letting myself loose on the general public! I’ll do a betterjob on some of them next time.

What winds you up?Poor quality materials: webbing, tacks and trimmings to name afew. The loss of UK manufacturing that has led to us having toaccept substandard materials (I’ll make it onto ‘Grumpy OldWomen’ yet!)

What gives you the greatest satisfaction?Seeing and showing off the fabulous work that my studentsproduce at the end of each year.

Doer or talker?A doer. But I must stop talking myself into doing so much.

During her presidency, Wendy would like to meet as manymembers as possible. If there is an event you would like toinvite her to, contact Wendy [email protected] or call 01727 824358


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