anexo 1.- modelo de presentación · these personal data contained here will be treated, solely and...


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Page 1: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation


“The first Conference”

Page 2: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


(Cover - Title)

François Lallier

Page 3: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


1.- Author’s Curriculum Vitae

Page 4: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


2.1.- Personal details:



Education / Working Experience:

Current activity/years of service in your Conference:

2.2.- Contact details:

Full Address:






E-mail address:

Telephone number (international prefix included):

2.3.- About your Conference:

Name of the Conference which you belong:

Name and Surname of the President of the Conference:

Telephone no. of the President of the conference (international prefix included):

E-mail address of the President / Conference:

These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation in the Literary Competition that the International General Council of the SSVP has launched for the award on the subject of " The First Conference". If you wish, you can exercise your right to access, correct, delete or challenge your data held by us, by contacting [email protected] or CONFÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL - 6, rue de Londres - 75009 PARIS (France)

2.- Application Form

Page 5: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


I, (name and surname of the author) and with passport number or national identity card n° (----------------------) hereby transfer copyright in (Name of the document being entered for the Competition) to the International General Council of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (CGI-SSVP). This transfer of rights includes the rights of reproduction, distribution and publication (by any means or platform of communication) of this document which I am submitting for the Literary Competition on "The first Conference" in the Themed Year of François Lallier.

This assignment of copyright is for an unlimited period, and applicable internationally to all countries in which the SSVP wishes to make use of this document. I am assigning copyright completely free of charge, not expecting any financial consideration for the reproduction, distribution and / or publication of the document (name of the document submitted to the Contest).

In the same way, I hereby certify that I am the sole author of the entire document (name of the work being presented to contest) in order to ratify my full capacity to cede to the CGI-SSVP all rights mentioned on this work. I accept personal responsibility for any claim made on this document that I submit to the competition in the matter of copyright, disclaiming any liability in this matter to the CGI-SSVP.

Signed for all legal effects and purposes in ……………………..(locality and Country)

to __ of _____ (date) Signature.

These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required, that ofparticipation in the Literary Competition that the International General Council of the SSVP has launched for the award on the subject of " The First Conference". If you wish, you can exercise your right to access, correct, delete or challengeyour data held by us, by contacting [email protected] or CONFÉDÉRATION INTERNATIONALE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ DE SAINT VINCENT DE PAUL - 6, rue de Londres - 75009 PARIS (France)

3.- Transfer of Copyright

Page 6: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Title: Times New Roman 16 Chapters: Times New Roman 14

Epigraph: Times New Roman 12

4.- Index

Page 7: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


1.- The personality of François Lallier Example of paragraph of the document to be presented. (This text is in Times New Roman 12) and all the sentences and paragraphs of the document will use this format.

This will be the spacing that we will use. Single line spacing for the whole document except for the sub-sections in each section.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo.

2.- Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt.

Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, …

5.- Example of Presentation of a Chapter (Times New Roman 14)

Page 8: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 9: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 10: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 11: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 12: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 13: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 14: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 15: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 16: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 17: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 18: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 19: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 20: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Page 21: Anexo 1.- Modelo de Presentación · These personal data contained here will be treated, solely and exclusively, for the purpose for which they are required that of participation

Appendix to the International Competition “The first Conference” Year of François Lallier


Title / author (times New Roman 14). If necessary, you can also include the source and / or link on the internet

6.- Bibliography consulted