angelic harmony - kathy milano · brilliant blue faith & protection magnify god’s power...

Archangels & Archeias of the Seven Rays The archangelic realm bring forth messages and gifts of peace, love, and joy so that harmony may return to each individual and to the entire planet. As harmony is remembered within, heaven is remembered within and without. Until a time where humanity remembers heaven fully, the angels hold this vision of Heaven on Earth and Heaven within each individual for us. Some archangels, such as Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel are better known as they are mentioned in sacred texts. There are numerous archangels who are available to work with you in various areas of your life to support the highest vision of your light and your service upon the planet. In this lesson, you will learn more about the seven archangels/ archeias pairs and how they focus the rays of Divine Love. If you haven’t experienced my Angelic Journeys inspired meditation CD, described on my website, consider exploring this CD to receive the teachings and healing energy offered by the seven archangelic pairs. There are many authors and teachers who offer information about the archangels and you may find yourself drawn to various sources to learn more about the archangelic kingdom. The archeias are less publicly known and often not mentioned by authors or those who channel messages from an archangel. However, as the gentle presence of the Divine Feminine again graces this planet in balance with the Divine Masculine, more and more will acknowledge the presence and gifts of the archeias. There are also some differences in how the ray colors are associated with the archangels. I share about the Angels of the Rays, the seven archangel/archeia pairs, as I have been guided to expand others’ awareness of these loving emissaries. Let the archangels guide you in response to your desire to learn more and let your discernment guide you toward what resonates as Truth for you. The archangels are loving emissaries of the Divine who offer healing with their amplification of the magnificent qualities of the Mother/Father God. They were created to support, guide, and enhance your experience of such God qualities as love, hope, Angelic Harmony Heavenly Partnerships ©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP® 1

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Page 1: Angelic Harmony - Kathy Milano · Brilliant Blue Faith & Protection Magnify God’s Power Throat Light Blue Jophiel Christine 2nd Yellow Illumination ... Angelic Harmony Heavenly

Archangels & Archeias of the Seven Rays

The archangelic realm bring forth messages and gifts of peace, love, and joy so that harmony may return to each individual and to the entire planet. As harmony is remembered within, heaven is remembered within and without. Until a time where humanity remembers heaven fully, the angels hold this vision of Heaven on Earth and Heaven within each individual for us.

Some archangels, such as Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel are better known as they are mentioned in sacred texts. There are numerous archangels who are available to work with you in various areas of your life to support the highest vision of your light and your service upon the planet. In this lesson, you will learn more about the seven archangels/archeias pairs and how they focus the rays of Divine Love. If you haven’t experienced my Angelic Journeys inspired meditation CD, described on my website, consider exploring this CD to receive the teachings and healing energy offered by the seven archangelic pairs.

There are many authors and teachers who offer information about the archangels and you may find yourself drawn to various sources to learn more about the archangelic kingdom. The archeias are less publicly known and often not mentioned by authors or those who channel messages from an archangel. However, as the gentle presence of the Divine Feminine again graces this planet in balance with the Divine Masculine, more and more will acknowledge the presence and gifts of the archeias. There are also some differences in how the ray colors are associated with the archangels. I share about the Angels of the Rays, the seven archangel/archeia pairs, as I have been guided to expand others’ awareness of these loving emissaries. Let the archangels guide you in response to your desire to learn more and let your discernment guide you toward what resonates as Truth for you.

The archangels are loving emissaries of the Divine who offer healing with their amplification of the magnificent qualities of the Mother/Father God. They were created to support, guide, and enhance your experience of such God qualities as love, hope,

Angelic HarmonyHeavenly Partnerships©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP®


Page 2: Angelic Harmony - Kathy Milano · Brilliant Blue Faith & Protection Magnify God’s Power Throat Light Blue Jophiel Christine 2nd Yellow Illumination ... Angelic Harmony Heavenly

compassion, faith, purity, freedom, and peace. As extensions from the Heart of One, the entire angelic kingdom joyfully supports your remembrance of yourself as infused with these qualities of the Divine. This remembrance is the act of revealing what is already at the center of your being: pure Light and Love.

There are many paths of natural spiritual evolution leading to the remembrance of the Light that is within you. The seven rays present seven paths to the full remembrance and acceptance of the Divine Light within or what is known as the embodiment of the Christ consciousness. If this term is new to you, recognize that it is not a reference to the man, Jesus Christ, but a description of the action of remembrance of yourself as one with God, infused with Light, made wholly (holy) of Love. This is the evolutionary path that all are journeying along - full remembrance of the Self as Love - that the angels speak about so frequently.

The seven rays are beams of Light, or radiant energy, emanating from the Source of All. As the white Light of the Divine is filtered through the prism of Christ consciousness, the qualities of the Divine and the action of the Law are embodied within the colors. With the intent of flowing the awareness of the Light of the Divine, these rays flow the qualities of God as a concentration of energy, such as love, peace, and healing. Each ray has an ascended master and archangels who focus the Christ consciousness of the ray. This means that they flow the quality of the Divine embodied by the ray to you in order for you to enhance and embody this Divine quality within your own life.

The following chart will offer you a brief summary of the archangel/archeia pairs assigned to each ray, the color of the ray, the focus (quality) of the ray, and the corresponding chakra. This information has been gathered from a number of sources, including my work with the archangels/archeias during Angel Healing Sessions and personal teaching. If you are interested, you may explore a resource book called The Masters and Their Retreats by Mark and Claire Prophet or go to The Summit Lighthouse website at I would recommend viewing the website first as this information is not for everyone. To view paintings of the archangel/archeia pairs, visit where there are also descriptions of these pairs. Asking the archangel/archeia pairs to guide you will lead you to the perfect exploration of how they

Angelic HarmonyHeavenly Partnerships©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP®


Page 3: Angelic Harmony - Kathy Milano · Brilliant Blue Faith & Protection Magnify God’s Power Throat Light Blue Jophiel Christine 2nd Yellow Illumination ... Angelic Harmony Heavenly

may support your own spiritual evolution and embodiment of the Divine qualities embedded within the rays.


Ray/ Color

Focus of Ray





Brilliant Blue

Faith & Protection Magnify God’s Power


Light Blue












Light Pink

Divine Love &















Emerald Green


Immaculate concept

Third Eye





Gold & Purple



Solar Plexus










Angelic HarmonyHeavenly Partnerships©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP®


Page 4: Angelic Harmony - Kathy Milano · Brilliant Blue Faith & Protection Magnify God’s Power Throat Light Blue Jophiel Christine 2nd Yellow Illumination ... Angelic Harmony Heavenly

The following chart gives also gives you a brief overview of how these pairs work with the action or focus of each of the seven rays and when you may call upon them. As you read about the various pairs and the seven rays, look within for your internal guidance about what resonates with you now. Check in to see if any of this information describes your purpose in the world, indicating perhaps your alignment with service to that ray, or if there is a call to embody the Divine qualities within your life.



Michael is power, desire, & action tempered by Faith (right-use-ness of God’s will), love, & compassion. Call upon them to lift the illusion of separation, negativity, & distractions; for protection, courage, & strength; to see clearly & trust as you successfully resolve problems.



They work to illuminate humanity’s understanding of God’s wisdom and teachings, as well to connect clearly with Higher Self and Higher Wisdom. Call upon them for discernment in understanding wisdom & when need information, clarity and understanding of situations in life.



They enhance adoration - the worship of the Divine within and without - and flow the healing power of Divine Love and Grace upon and through us. Call upon for self-soothing, help with compassionately loving self & others, installing sacred love within us and our worship.



Gabriel illuminates the “immaculate concept” of one’s divine image (unique and perfect blueprint) to assist in reuniting the soul with God. Hope & purity are intensified to rise above adversity & see true nature. Call for purification, hope, clarity & “Angelic Perspective.”



They focus healing energy & teach us to develop inner vision to create the “immaculate concept” of any situation. Mary embodies the aspect of grace with gifts of mercy, compassion, protection. Call on for physical healing, rejuvenation, & focus upon highest vision.

Angelic HarmonyHeavenly Partnerships©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP®


Page 5: Angelic Harmony - Kathy Milano · Brilliant Blue Faith & Protection Magnify God’s Power Throat Light Blue Jophiel Christine 2nd Yellow Illumination ... Angelic Harmony Heavenly



Bathed in tranquility allows body & mind to achieve stillness necessary for the receptivity of God’s gifts, healing, and wisdom. Call on to amplify power of transformation, forgiveness, & desire for spiritual service, for individual/world peace & renewed dedication to achieve goals.



Direct God’s alchemy (Divine energy that transforms all to it’s true form of Love) via Freedom’s Flame of Transmutation. Intensifies compassion & desire for freedom from negativity. Call on to activate transformative power of Violet Flame, forgiveness & the Holy Spirit.

As you explore the information offered about the seven rays and the archangel/archeia pairs, spend time in contemplation with each pair as you feel guided. The information shared is merely a glimpse at the offerings of these healing angels and the informative energy of the rays. Each pair also offers much more than can be mentioned here. Paying attention to your responses to these angels and how they show up for you will inform you about the personal nature of your relationship and how it will support you as it expands. You are encouraged to get a sense of the names of the angels, the color of the ray they focus, and the action of the ray. As with any partnership or relationship, your understanding of these angels will deepen over time. In the next lesson, you will be offered ways to partner further with the angels of the rays as you learn about healing with light.

Lesson 7: Let’s Practice!

There is a lot of information within this lesson, even though the description of each pair is brief. Allow yourself time to integrate the presence of these angels and the rays of Divine Love and Light. You are encouraged to print this lesson so that you can keep the

Angelic HarmonyHeavenly Partnerships©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP®


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charts handy. Take some time each day if possible to review them so that you become familiar with the names, roles, and gifts offered by these perfectly balanced representatives of the Mother/Father God.

After your initial reading of the charts, allow yourself time to become still and centered with heart breathing while you call in the angelic realm to surround you in Love and Light. Quietly ask your Higher Self and the archangelic kingdom which of the rays and angelic pairs to spend time with this week. Allow yourself to await the guidance and pay attention to internal nudging or clear direction as to which pair and ray you are to work with during the week. Remember that you cannot do this wrong. The angels will help you choose a starting point to deepen into these relationships. Even if you feel you are not receiving clear guidance, remember that if you just pick one pair to work with, you will have been guided perfectly. Trust this process.

Once identified, simply call the names of the archangelic pair to you. Gather your impressions and ask for messages. Invoke the ray simply by requesting that they flow this attribute of the Divine to you in order to bless, heal, and enlighten your life. Call upon these angles for help in the areas they offer. Pay attention throughout the week as you deepen your understanding of how these angels and this ray will support your evolutionary journey toward remembrance of your Divine Spark and the Light of which you are made.

If you have an interest in exploring other pairs, feel free to follow your internal guidance. You will be perfectly guided at all times to meet these angels while awake or asleep, so relax and enjoy the new offerings that are flowing to you now.

*******************************************************************************REMEMBER: Take time to integrate the lesson, complete the practice exercise, and read or listen to the prayer or meditation during the week. Your commitment to the Angelic Harmony eCourse is an investment in your Spirit and your Life, so allow yourself time to reflect, practice, and play with the information. Through reflection, stillness, and deepening into the messages, you enhance your intuitive ability and allow for beautiful expansion in your life as you partner with the angelic realm.

Angelic HarmonyHeavenly Partnerships©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP®


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Enjoy the Journey!

In love, light, and laughter,

KathyKathy Milano, PhD, ATP®©2007 All rights reserved

Angelic HarmonyHeavenly Partnerships©2007 Kathy Milano, PhD, ATP®