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ANGELOLOGY• Who the angels are ? • Different kinds of angels• Holy Angels of God• Different ministries of angels• Angelophany

SATANOLOGY and DEMONOLOGY• Fallen angels• Satan or Devil• Devils or Demons• Their judgment• Probable questions and answers

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• Who the angels are?

Angels are created beings

• He commanded, and they were created. (Ps. 148: 5)• Real beings, spirits have no flesh, invisible (Col.1: 16)• Created before the earth was created (Job.38: 7)

Real beings having personality

• Intellect- the wisdom of an angel of God (2.Sam.14: 20)• But not omniscient (Mt.24: 36; 1.Pet. 1: 12)• Emotions- all the sons of God shouted for joy (Job.38: 7)• Will- let all the angels of God worship him. (Heb. 1: 6)

Purpose of their creation

• To glorify God (Rev. 5: 11- 13)• To serve God and man (Heb. 1: 14)• To execute the will of God (Acts. 12: 21)

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• Holy angels (Mk.8: 38)

• Elect angels (1. Tim.5: 21)

(Only three are named, Gabriel, Michael and Lucifer)

• Named accordingly• Sons of the mighty (Ps.89: 6)• Sons of God (Job.1: 6)• Heavenly hosts (Lk.2: 13)• Stars (Job. 38: 7; Jud.5: 20)

• Fallen angels

• Those fallen with Lucifer (Eze. 28: 1- Mat. 25: 41; Rev.12: 7-9)• Those Angels did sin (2.Pet. 2: 4; Jude 1: 6)

(This we will cover in our later study “Satanology” and “demonology”)

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• Nature of angels

• Have no flesh, but spirit only (Heb. 1: 14; Dan.2: 11)• Can move fast (Dan. 9: 21) but not omnipresent• Greater in power and might (2. Pet. 2: 11) but not omnipotent• Cannot die – Immortal (Lk. 20: 36) but not eternal• Can take the human form when needed (Mk.16: 5)

• Usually in masculine form (a) Referred (Mk.16: 5)• But seen at least once in Feminine form (Zac.5: 9)

• But never marries (Lk. 20: 26) therefore no children

• Strength of an angel (Inconceivable)

• One angel killed 185000 in a night in Assyrian camp (2. King19: 35)• One angel killed all first born of Egypt in a night (Ex.12: 29)• An angel…and cast him into the bottomless pit (Rev. 20: 1-3)

(May be as needed for the task to be achieved for God)

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• The sphere of their work

• 1. Material world• Controls the elements of nature- winds (Rev.7: 1- 3)• Which had power over fire (Rev.14: 18)• Evil- Prince of Persia (Dan.10: 13) of Grecia (v.20)

• 2. Human world

• Excel in strength that do his commandments (Ps. 103: 20)• Execute the judgments for God (2. Sam.24: 16)• Exclude human wickedness (Gen.19: 10-12)• Employed to punish God’s enemies (2.Kings 19: 35)• Encamp God’s children (Ps. 91:11-12; Ps. 34: 7)• Exercise human deliverances (Acts. 12: 7-11)

• 3. Angelic world• Fights against evil angels in executing God’s will (Rev.12: 7; 20: 1-3)• Against Prince of the kingdom of Persia (Dan.10: 13) Grecia (v.20)• Binding Satan and casting down to the bottomless pit (Rev. 20: 1)

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• Classified to three categories• 1. General classification (Based on ministry)

• Messenger- Carry God’s messages (Rev.14: 6-7)• Ministers- In serving God and man (Heb.1: 7; Mat.18: 11)• Host- Hosts of the Lord (Ps.103: 21; Ps.148: 2)• Chariots- As part of the hosts of the Lord (Ps.68: 17)• Spirits of heaven (Zech.6: 5)

• 2. Special classification (Based on their kind)• Cherubim (Differ from angels) Ps.80: 1; Ez.e.1: 5-14; 28: 12- 13)• Seraphim (with two wings face and two feet cover flies- Is.6: 1-6)• Living creatures (Different from Cherub- Eze.1: 6; Rev.4: 6-9)

• 3. Specific classification (Named and their nature)• Lucifer= Shining one (Is.14: 12- 27) Was anointed Cherub. (who became Satan = the Hater or accuser)

• Michael = Who is like God (Dan.10: 13; 21; Jude 9; Rev. 12: 7) (Chief archangel; fought war, always a victor; yet yields to God)

• Gabriel = God is mighty (Dan.8: 16; 9:21; Lk.1: 19; 26) (Prince of angels; mainly brought good news)

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• Who Cherubim, Seraphim and living creatures (Their duties are different from that of other angels)

• Cherub ( Eze. 1: 5- 14; 28: 12-13; Ps.18: 10)

• God dwells in between Cherubim (Ps. 80: 1; 99: 1; 1.Sam.4: 4)• Placed at the garden to forbid access to the tree of life (Gen.3: 24)• Appearance – (4 faces, and 4 wings each; Ex. 1; 5-14; Eze.10)• Symbol of cherub on the ark shown Lord’s presence (Ex.25:22)

• Seraph (Is. 6: 1-6)

• Seraphim are positioned in front of the throne (*Is. 6: 1-6)• Have six wings (covering shows the fear) v. 2 x (* Eze. 8: 16 ? )• Flying and proclaiming the holiness of God (v. 3)

• Living creatures (Rev. 4: 6-9; 5: 14)

• Closer resemblance to Cherub – Faces (Rev. 4: 7)• Different in having six wings, and eyes, One head (V. 8)• Gives worship to the Lord without rest (v. 9)

(*Seraphim referred only once; * covering shows the reverence)

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• Ministry of angels- In relation to God

• Worship of God (Is. 6: 3; Rev. 4: 6-11; 5: 11)

• one cried unto another, and said, Holy, holy, holy, is the LORD of hosts:• they rest not day and night, saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God (Rev.4: 8)• I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne (Rev.5: 11)

• Service to God (Dan.7: 10; Lk.4: 11)• Thousand thousands ministered unto him, and ten thousand times ten...• Ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, (Ps.103: 20)• All ye his hosts; ye ministers of his, that do his pleasure.(Ps.103: 21)• And behold, angels came and ministered unto him. (Lk.4: 11)• Angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.(1.Pet: 3: 22)

• Angels sent to execute God’s judgment

• Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah ( Gen.19: 12-13)• Plagues upon Egypt (Ps. 78: 49) Destroyer of the first born (Exe.12: 12)• An angel killed the Assyrian army (2. Kings. 19: 35)• Killed Seventy thousand people of David (2.Sam.24: 16)• Smote king Herod (Acts. 12: 22-23)

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• Ministry of angels- In relation to Christ

• In His birth• Annunciation to Mary (Luke 1: 26- 28)• Appeared in dream and told Joseph (Mt.1: 20-23)• Announcement to the shepherd (Lk. 2: 8- 12)

• In His infant life• Asked Joseph to take the child and flee to Egypt (Mt. 2: 13)• Asked Joseph to return with child to Israel (Mt. 2: 20)

• In His public life• After temptation, angels came and ministered to him ( Mt. 4: 11)• At Gethsemane an angel appeared to strengthen him (Lk. 22: 43)

• In His resurrection• An angel came to roll back the stone (Mt. 28: 2)• And proclaimed the good news to the woman (Mt. 28: 5)

• In His ascension and return• Welcomed his ascension, escorted him (Ps. 68: 17; Ps. 24)• Witnessed and assured of his return (Acts.1: 10-11)• With the voice of the archangel –the return (1. Thes.4: 16; Mat.25:31)

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• Service to man (Heb.1: 7; Rev.22: 9)

• I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren the prophets, and...(Rev.22:9)• Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for (Heb.1: 14)

• At the garden of Eden• He placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubim, (Gen 3: 24)• Maketh his angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire.(Heb.1:7)

• At Horeb in giving the law• Received the law by the disposition of angels (Acts.7: 53) (It was ordained by angels in the hand of a mediator. Gal.3: 19)

• Old testament examples• Guidance to Hagar (Gen.21: 17)• Guidance to Israel (Ex.14: 19; 23: 20;21)• Guidance to Balaam (Num.22: 31-35)• Protection to Jacob (Gen. 32: 1-2: 48: 15-16)• Protection to Daniel (Dan. 6: 20)• Protection to the Hebrew boys (Dan.3: 24-28)• Protection to Elisha from Syrians (2: Kings. 6: 16)

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• Theophany (Lord appeared as man)

“An angel of the Lord”

• The angel of the LORD found Hagar (Gen.16: 7) Lord (Gen.16: 13)

• Lo, three men stood by him:(Gen.18: 2;16) Lord ( Gen.18:17)

• wrestled a man with him until the break (Gen.32: 24) God (Gen.32:30).

• And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him (Jud.6: 12) Lord (Jud.13: 23)

• The angel of the LORD appeared unto the woman (Jud.13: 3) God (Jud.13: 22)

• Angelophany (Angel appeared as man)

• there came again … one like the appearance of a man (Dan.10: 18)

• they saw a young man sitting on the right side (Mk.16: 5)

• behold, two men stood by them in white apparel (Acts. 1: 10)

• a man stood before me in bright clothing (Acts. 10: 30)

(After the incarnation of Christ; theophany seen no more)

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• Ministry of angels (relation to believers)

• Guidance• Philip to the wilderness (Acts.8: 26) to speak to Eunuch• Cornelius (Acts. 10: 3) Paul on ship journey (Acts. 27: 23)• Guardian angel (Mat. 18: 11; 1. Cor.11: 10; Gen. 48: 16) (Seems observe our doings always. Ec.5: 6; 1.Cor.4: 9; Eph.3: 10)

• Deliverance• Hebrew boys (Dan.3: 28) Daniel (6: 22) • Saints from the prison (Acts.5: 19) Peter (Acts.12: 7- 11)• Signified by the angels (Zechariah.1:9; 2: 3; 4: 1; etc) John (Rev. 1: 1)• The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him (Ps.34:7) (Can only understand when spiritual eyes opened – 2.Kings 6: 17; Eph.1: 18)

• In death• and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: (Lk.16: 22) Not alone

• Ministry of angels (during the tribulation)• Worship- God as creator; Christ as the redeemer (Rev. 4: 1-11; 5: 8- 13)• Control of the elements of nature (Rev.7: 1; 14: 18)• Carryout the command of God (Rev.7: 3; Rev. 14: 6-7)• Carry out the judgments of God (Rev.8: 1; 15: 1)• Gathering of elects (Mat.24:31) and Wicked .. (Mat.24: 39- 42; Mat. 13: 49)

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• Angels in relation to believers

• Beware of falling to angel worship• Let no man beguile ….worshipping of angels (Col.2: 18)• Satan demands worship (Lk. 4: 7; 2.Thes.2: 4- 8; Rev.13: 12)• But Holy angels never accepted (Dan.8: 7; Rev.22: 9; Rev.14: 7)

(Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. 2.Cor.11: 14)

• Evil angels (*spirits) are also in subjection (Lk.9: 1; Ps.103: 19;1.Tim.6: 15)

• King Saul - and an evil spirit from the LORD troubled him (1.Sam.16: 14)• came forth a spirit, stood before the LORD,.. I will persuade (1 King.22: 20-22)• devils besought him, suffer us to go into the herd of swine (Mat.8: 31; v.29)

(“Evil spirit” is used instead of “devils or demon” =“deified spirit” in the O.T.)

• Do you know we will judge angels? (Evil angels)

• Know ye not that we shall judge angels? (1,Cor. 6: 3)

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• Satanology and Demonology(The study or Doctrine of Evil angels)

• Who Satan was? (Is. 14: 4- 24 ; Eze. 28: 2-19) = Adversary

(Personified as King of Babylon; or as prince of Tyre)

• He was the anointed cherub that covereth (Ex.28: 14) guarded throne• Earlier name Lucifer; was fallen from heaven (Is. 14: 12)• Was full of wisdom and perfect in beauty (Eze. 28: 12; v. 3; 5)• Shining cherub (Eze. 28: 7; 16-17) • Was perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created…v. 15)

• Lucifer- was upon the holy mountain of God (Eze.28: 14)

• Had walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire (Eze.28: 14; 16)

• His Structure- the day he was created• Every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz…(Eze. 28: 13)• The workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared (Eze.28: 13)

(Had Thy pomp is brought down to the grave, and the noise of thy viols –Is.14:11)

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• Person as well as a spirit As a person

• With intellect- beguiled thru subtility (2.Cor.11: 3)• Having emotion- Tempted the Lord (Lk.4: 1-11)• Will- shall go out to deceive the nations (Rev.20: 8)• Character – The pride (Is.14: 13-14) Lust (Jn.8: 44)• Nature- He was a murderer from the beginning, (Jn.8: 44)

» he is a liar, and the father of it. (*un-regenerated persons)

As spirit (Invisible) Col.1: 16

• Banished from his position in heaven (Eze.28: 16)• Corrupted of his character (Jn.8: 44; Jn. 17: 15)• Degraded in power, but perverted (Is.14: 16-17)• Pretends of dignity but destined for pit (Lk.4: 6; Mt.25: 41; Rev.20:10)

• Final judgment (Mt.25:41; 13: 41)

• Will be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone (Rev.20:10)• and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.• Rev.12:7; 20:3; 7; Is.24:22; Rev.20: 10; Is.14: 12; 15; 11

(Lucifer = emerges light or shining – Ye are the light –Mat.6: 23)

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• Reason for the fall (Eze. 28: 7; 17)

• Wisdom and beauty that led to pride (Eze.28: 17)• Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, (v.17)• thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness (v.17)• multitude of thy merchandise have filled thee with violence (v. 16)

(Beauty- and beauty is vain (Pro.31:30) Wisdom- God will destroy (1.Cor. 1: 19)

• Pride that led to sin (Eze.28: 16)• thou hast sinned:…cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: (v. 16)

(Pride- Pro.16: 18; 15: 25; 11: 2; James 4: 6; Pro. 22: 4)

• Said in the heart (Is.14: 13-14)• I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: • I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:• I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; (Rule over angels and man)• I will be like the most High. (Desire the authority and glory of God)

• A terror to everybody (Is. 14: 16-17)• that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;• thou shalt be a terror (Eze.28: 19)

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• He appeared in the past and present (He works in different ways and methods)

• Old serpent –Rev. 12: 9 (Subtlety) deceitful, Craftiness (Gen.3: 4)

• as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty (2.Cor.11: 3)

• Great Dragon (Rev.12: 3- 6) Cruelty; Fight

• behold a great red dragon (Rev. 12: 3)

• Roaring Lion (1.Pet. 5: 8) Devouring

• your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion (1. Pet.5: 8)

• Evil one ( Jn.17: 15; 1. Jn.5: 19) Corruption

• and that wicked one toucheth him not. (1.Jn.5: 18)• but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil. (Jn.17: 15)

• Accuser (Rev.12: 10; Zec. 3: 1) bring accusation

• the accuser of our brethren is cast down (Rev.12:10)• Satan standing at his right hand to resist him. (Zec.3: 1)

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• Tempter (Mt.4: 3)

• Tempted Eve ( Gen.2:9; 16-17; 3: 1) • Jesus was tempted Mt. 4: 1-11; Heb.4: 15) (Body, soul and spirit)• that Satan tempt you not for your incontinency (1.Cor.7: 5)

• Belial (2.Cor.6: 15) Personification of ungodliness

• And what concord hath Christ with Belial? (2.Cor.6: 15)

• Prince of this world (Jn.12: 31) Principalities (Eph.6: 12)

• now shall the prince of this world be cast out.(Jn.12: 31)

• Prince of the power of the air (Eph.2: 2; 6: 12)

• according to the prince of the power of the air (Eph.2: 2)

• Prince of the demons (Mat.12: 24)

• Beelzebub the prince of the devils. (Mt.12: 24)

• God of this world (2.Cor.4: 4)

• In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds

• Apollyon ? (Rev.9: 11; 1.sam.21: 7;Ps. 52) Azazel ? (Lev.16: 5)

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• Satan as god of this world

• Have his ministers (2. Cor.11: 15) (principalities … Eph.6: 12)• His own doctrine (1.Tim.4: 1) (spiritual …Eph.6: 12)• His apostles and preachers (Rev.2: 2; 6; 14)• His synagogue (Rev.2: 9)• He places his throne (Rev.2: 13)• Systems and cults (1.Tim. 4: 1)

• As god of this world will imitate “Trinity”

• The dragon (Rev.13: 2) Anti God• beast rise up out of the sea (Anti-christ) Rev.13: 1• beast coming up out of the earth (False prophet) Rev.13: 11)

• He tamper the word of God

• Add to it (Gen.2: 17 against 3: 3) Touch not• Alter it (Gen.2: 17; against 3: 3) Lest we die• Omits (Gen.2: 16 against 3: 2) omitted freely

• Oppose the plans of God• the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty,(2.Cor.11: 3)• who taught Balac to cast a stumbling block (Rev.2: 14)• I Paul, once and again; but Satan hindered us.(1.The.2: 18)

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• Devil (Slanderer) Diabolas (Gk) (Devil or Satan is the same – Compare and study -Mat. 4: 1 with v. 10; 11)

• Against God to man (Gen.3: 1-9)• Against Man to God (Job.1: 9; 2: 4)• Against Christ (Mat. 26: 61)• Against Bible and its doctrine (1.Tim.4: 1)• Against believer’s character (1.Tim 3: 7)• Against Holy Spirit (Mk.3: 29-30)

• Believer must be vigilant (1.Pet.5: 8)

• Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil (1.Pet.5: 8)• Able to stand against the wiles of the devil. (Eph. 6: 11; 2.Tim.2: 26)• Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, (James 4: 7)• Neither give place to the devil.(Eph.4: 27) He that commit sin (1Jn.3:8)• for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.(2.Cor.11: 14)• the depths of Satan (Rev.2: 24) reproach and snare (1.Tim.3: 7)

• He is the ruler of a kingdom (Mat.12: 26; Lk.11: 18)• Principalities (Eph.6: 12) (“Prince”- Dan.10: 12)• Powers (Eph.6: 12; Col.1: 13)• The rulers of the darkness of this world (Eph.6: 12; Eph.2: 2)• Demons –spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph.6: 12; Rev.12: 9)

(The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly –Rom.16: 20)

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• Demonology (a part of Satanology) (Demonology is the doctrine of demons; who are Satan’s angels)

• They are Satan’s angels; who are fallen with Satan (Mat.25: 41)• Victims possessed by demons are called demoniac (Mk. 1: 24)

• Sick possessed by demons(Caused physical ailments as diseases)• Deaf and dump (Mk.9: 25)• Epilepsy (Mk.9: 20)• Lunatic (Mat.17: 15)

• Others in resisting the gospel• Simon the sorcerer (Acts.8: 9- 24) Counterfeiting• Elymas the sorcerer (Acts. 13: 8- 11) Resisting• Damsel possessed with a spirit of divination (Acts.16:15-19)

• Demon possession real and not a hypothesis

(Not just an opinion, but demoniacs recognized the divinity of Christ (Mk.1: 24) at times

shown super knowledge, and strength than men (Mat.8: 28) swine frenzied (Mat.8: 32)

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• General character (Mat. 8:28-34; Mk.5: 15; Lk.8:26- 35)

• Makes to dwell in unclean or isolated places (Mk.5: 3)• Expression of unusual strength, brake chains (v. 3-4)• Makes the person to self inflicting (v.5)• Recognized the divinity of Christ but resists (v. 6- 7)• Resists but excessively sensitive (v. 7; 12)• Acts like another person in vocal facsimiles (v.12)• Moves from place to place (v.13) knows destiny (v.7)• Desire to be in possession of person or a living body (v.13)

(One or more of the evil spirits can be in possession of a person)Mary Magdalene – 7 spirits (Mk.16: 9) *Legion (Lk.8: 30) Mat. 26: 53(* Roman legion- originally 3000, from 100 BC vary 5000-6200, NT- 6000)

• Demons are behind idolatry (2. Ch.11: 15; Ps.106: 35-37)• they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils (Ps.105: 37)• Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God (1.cor.10:20)

• God used demons to discipline believers • For correcting defection (1.Sam.16: 14, 23)• For displaying God’s authority (Lk.10:17; 19)• a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me (2.Cor.12:7)

• (I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God is come unto you- Mat.12: 28)

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Beware- demons are the agents

• Fortune telling (Astrology, Astronomy, Palm reading) (use divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer -Deut.18: 10-11)

• Let now the astrologers, the star-gazers, the monthly prognosticators -Is.47: 13) • A certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination (Acts.16: 16)(They shall not deliver themselves from the power of the flame: Is.47: 14)

• Witchcraft

• divine unto me by the familiar spirit, and bring me him up (1.Sam.28: 8)• should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead? (Is.8:19-20)

• Sorcery

• Elymas the sorcerer withstood them (Acts.13: 8)• nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers (Jer.27: 9)(Neither repented ..nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication (Rev.9: 7)

• Spiritualism (Communicating to dead-necromancy)• Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards (Lev.19: 31) (I will even set my face against that soul, and will cut him off- Lev.20: 6; 27)

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• Sacrificed their sons unto devils

• Demon worship and Idolatry

• They sacrificed unto devils, not to God; to gods whom they knew not (Deu.32:17)• And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast-Rev.13: 4)

• And they called the people unto the sacrifices of their gods: and the people did eat, and bowed down to their gods. (Num.25:2)

(They joined themselves also unto Baalpeor, and ate the sacrifices of the dead. (Ps.106:28)

• The Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God-1.Cor.10: 20-22)• they sacrificed their sons and their daughters unto devils (Ps.106: 37)

• Themselves are separated with whores; they sacrifice with harlots: (Hos.4: 14) (Therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall)

• The Lord says;

• I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils. (1.Cor.10: 21)• ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils

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• The network of Satan

• He travels to and fro; up and down (Still free and moves) Then Satan answered the LORD, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it. (Job.1: 7)

Method devils use to possess a man, if Christ’s Lordship is not accepted (Mat.12: 43- 45)

• He consider the upright to be tempted• Hast thou considered my servant Job (Job. 1: 8)

• He uses the devils (Eph.6: 12)• He uses them over nations as “Prince” (Dan.10: 12; 20)• Catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. (Mat.13: 19)• The enemy that sowed them (*Tare) is the devil; (Mat. 13: 39)(Gospel of “social services” or “prosperity” etc,.instead of the “Gospel of Grace”)

(the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not)

• At times transforms himself

• Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. (2.Cor.11: 14)• the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. (Rev.12: 12)

(The God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly-Rom16: 20)

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• Your questions and doubts

• Is Satan and devil the same or different? (Rev. 12: 9) Same. that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him (Rev.20: 2)

• Who the demons are ? Demons are the angels fallen together with Satan. (Rev. 12: 9)

• Is it true demons are the spirits of the dead of pre-Adamic time? No. Bible does not gives any proof for it.

• Have any time Satan himself entered and worked in anyone? Yes. Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, (Lk.22: 2)

• Have the head of Satan crushed already? No. soon God will crush the head of Satan under your feet (Rom.16: 20)

• Satan now a defeated foe Spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. (Col.2: 15)

• Whom you need to fear now? Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world. (1.Jn.4: 4) Angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him (1.Pet.3: 22)

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• Your questions and doubts

• Will Satan can have a throne in hell ?

No. the devil ….shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever (Rev.20: 10)

Read also (Is. 14: 11; 15)

• What will be done with the devils ?

It shall come to pass in that day…. I will cause the unclean spirit to pass out of

the land. (Zec.13: 2; )

• Can it be angels (Gen. 6: 2) “the sons of God” ?

No; Marriage unknown among the angels (Mat.22: 30) But man was created as

male and female (Gen.1:27) One of the plan was procreation (v.28)

It is among the line of Seth (Gen.4: 26) and Line of Cain (1.Jn.3: 12) Jud.14: 3

Resulted in birth of “Giants” (Gen.6: 4) in nature than size “Apostasy”

• What can be the reason for the destruction of original earth ?

Not revealed but can be the sins of the angels (Jude 6; 2. Pet. 2: 4; 3: 6)

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• Can a believer be demoniac?

• Impossible for unclean spirit to make room in a true Christian (1.Cor. 3: 16)• Those who are in Christ cannot be possessed of demons (1.Jn. 5: 18)

• If a person is genuinely born again• He is born of God (1.Jn.5: 18, Rom.8: 9; 1.Cor. 6: 19-20)• As far controlled of the Holy Spirit ( Rom.8: 4; Eph. 5: 18)• He is identified with Christ. (Rom. 5:1-10; Eph.1: 4; 4: 30)

• As far as a Christian be carnal (1.Cor. 3: 1; 3)• He can be influenced from without (not possessed) 1.Tim.3: 6

• Casting out demons not a gift, but a command• But all diseases are not demon possession (Mat.4: 24)• Any believer can do it, if he is Spirit filled (Acts.19: 13- 16)

• What it means to be delivered to Satan (1.Cor.5: 5; 1.Tim.1: 20)• Last of the disciplinary action, but with heart to restore (2.Cor.2 6-7)(Like prodigal son repented (Lk.15:16) to be far from the fellowship- If genuinely born again, sure will repent and return or else never- 1.Jn 2: 19; 2.Pet.2: 13)

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