anglian cuttings no. 128 summer 2014

1 ANGLIAN ANGLIAN CUTTINGS CUTTINGS Ipswich Branch Newsletter Summer 2014 No. 128 The IWA may not agree with the opinions expressed in this publication. They are, however, published as a matter of interest to our members and readers. Nothing printed can be construed as policy or an official announcement unless stated. The IWA accepts no liability for any matter in this publication.

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Magazine of the Ipswich Branch of the Inland Waterways Association


Page 1: Anglian Cuttings No. 128 Summer 2014




Ipswich Branch Newsletter

Summer 2014 No. 128

The IWA may not agree with the opinions expressed in this publication. They are, however, published as

a matter of interest to our members and readers. Nothing printed can be construed as policy or an official announcement unless stated.

The IWA accepts no liability for any matter in this publication.

Page 2: Anglian Cuttings No. 128 Summer 2014



Chairman -

Chard Wadley

[email protected]

Secretary & Anglia Cuttings Editor -

Charles Stride

[email protected]

[email protected]


Spencer Greystrong

[email protected]


Clive Saville

[email protected]


Brian Holt

[email protected]

Social Secretary

Diana Holt

[email protected]

River Gipping Trust

Lewis Tyler

[email protected]

Pickerel Project/River Stour Trust Brian Cornell

[email protected]


Gerry Crease

[email protected]


IWA Ipswich -


Page 3: Anglian Cuttings No. 128 Summer 2014



Regretfully I missed the AGM this

year as we were away in New Zealand

at the time.. However I did discover

that New Zealand does have purpose

built canals, the Tekapo, the Pukaki

and the Ohau for example; not for the

movement of boats but for the

movement of water for their Hydro-

electric schemes.

I also have to admit to disappointment

that despite all the publicity, letters and

items in Anglian Cuttings that we have

not managed to persuade anyone to come

forward to the Committee to ensure the

longer term future of the Branch. There

is still time, so please think about it.



The Branch has left its mark on our local

waterways over the last 40 years and we

do have much to celebrate so hopefully

we will see as many of you as possible at

our Anniversary Lunch where the IWA

National Chairman will be joining us

together with our Guest Speaker , Steve

Hayward, whom I am sure will be as

controversial as ever on

Waterway matters.

Another recent success was, that

after some three years of trying,

some of us managed to at last

make it through the Standedge

Tunnel on our ‘Chairmans Cruise’. This

is the highest, longest and deepest tunnel

on the Inland system and is it is situated

on a very attractive and interesting canal.

—well worth the visit. Thank you Chard

for all your efforts and arrangements and

thank you also to all the other halves who

let us go and even provided home baking

to sustain us.

Finally, thank you once again to all the

contributors, without whom this

Newsletter would be much thinner.

Charles Stride


Tekapo-Pukaki canal

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The recent warm weather has enabled

members of Ipswich Branch and the

River Gipping Trust to get on with

clearing fallen trees at Pipps Ford which

came down during the wet and stormy

weather over the winter. With the trees

now cut up and removed we will be

concentrating on erecting the new bridge

over the by-wash. The bridge is now

complete and arrived on site on

Wednesday, 21st May. Once the bridge

is erected and we have opened up the by-

wash we will start repairing the wing

walls; so there is still plenty of work at

Pipps Ford to keep us and the Trust


Moving on to the 40th Anniversary the

celebrations are well underway starting

with the September Coach Trip and

following on with the October Lunch.

Should you wish to join us at the

Anniversary Lunch and have not put

your names forward then please let me

know as soon as possible and I will add

you to the list. The lunch is being held

at the Cedars Hotel, Stowmarket on

Saturday, 4th October 2014 at 12.30 for

1pm. It is to be a Carvery and will cost

£20 per head.

Normally at the AGM in February I

present the Chairman’s Tray to a person

in recognition their contribution to the

branch over the past year. The award

went to Trevor Chatting and as he was

not at the AGM the award was presented

on-site at Pipps Ford at a Wednesday

working party. Trevor has been a

constant member of the restoration group

for many years and is our ‘chief bonfire


On a more serious note, unfortunately,

we had no volunteers come forward at

the AGM in February to join the

committee. We have until February

2015 when I and other committee

members will be retiring but we are

willing to help anyone if they feel able to

take on any of the positions which are

becoming vacant. So please do not

hesitate to contact any one of the present

committee members.

I hope you all have a good summer

either on water or land and look forward

to seeing many of you at one of our 40th

Anniversary events.

Chard Wadley




Available from Chard Wadley

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It is forty years since Ipswich Branch was founded and this next year we will be

celebrating our 40th Anniversary with two events to mark the occasion, details

elsewhere in this edition of Anglian Cuttings.

During this time the Branch has been very successful in looking after and

representing the IWA’s interests in the area. In particular it has, through its

many volunteer members past and present, done much practical work in the

maintenance and restoration of the River Gipping, Stowmarket Navigation, as

well as supporting other waterways in North Essex, Suffolk and more recently

Norfolk. In order for the Gipping restoration work to continue and, in

particular to allow a wider access to funds and donations, it was necessary to

set up a separate Trust to further this work, The River Gipping Trust is now

well established and is actively taking the restoration work forward.

There is still a major role for the Branch in supporting the River Gipping

Trust, and other River Trusts in the area, many of which are regularly

reported on in Anglian Cuttings, representing the IWA, protecting Waterway

interests, and providing contact and social events with our large and

widespread membership. To this end our winter social meetings continue to

have a good turnout with a range of interesting speakers, and our almost annual

outings are nearly always fully subscribed.

To run the Branch and these activities it does need input from a number of

willing Committee Members. Most of your present Committee have been in

place for an extended number of years, our Chairman is one of the longest

serving in the IWA with over 20 years in that position. Recent appeals at our

AGM’s for new members have not brought forward any volunteers, and the

recent letter sent out to all Branch Members did not bring any positive


The present Committee meets about 6 times a year, usually over lunch, and

there is of course some background work and arrangements to make for any


The present Committee is dedicated to marking the 40th Anniversary , but after

that many of them wish to pass on the baton to fresh minds and input.

It is essential therefore that new volunteer Committee Members come forward

over the next few months, or else it is probable that the Branch will have to close

and all the local activities will have to cease.





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As we are just about to hold our An-

nual General Meeting this article gives

us an ideal opportunity to review of

our activities over the last 12 months.

This year we have adopted a dual ap-

proach to the restoration of the canalised

River Gipping.

Firstly we have taken forward the Trust’s

long history of successful and skilful

restoration of the locks and bridges of

the original navigation with the two main

projects underway in the year. Our sec-

ond approach has been to widen the

scope of restoration activities to start a

project which we hope will see a limited

level of navigation over a substantial

length of river.

As well as these major projects we have

carried out a number of ad-hoc mainte-

nance projects to ensure our earlier

schemes are still working efficiently.


When the navigation was in use, the wa-

ter level above Baylham Lock and below

Pipps Ford was controlled by a set of

sluice gates located behind Baylham

Mill. These allowed the miller to control

the flow of water through the mill and

the water level in the pound between

Baylham and Pipps Ford lock. These

gates had deteriorated to the point where

only the frame remained in situ.

Funded by the Onians Trust, we con-

structed a new set of frame and gates

utilising locally sourced green oak and re

-using much of the original steelwork

lifting gear, salvaged from the site. The

gates were fabricated off site at White

House Farm, where workspace and pow-

er were kindly supplied by the owner.

The gates were installed in August, tak-

ing advantage of low river flow to mini-

mise disruption in the area.


Previous repairs to the lock chamber

carried out in the late 20th Century had

blocked off the original river channel,

An open invitation to every Ipswich IWA branch


The formal business of the meeting will be over quite quickly and this will be followed by a presentation from our guest speaker—Nigel


Nigel Crowe is Head of Heritage for the Canal & River Trust. He has over 25

years of experience working in the conservation, archaeology and interpretation

of historic buildings and places.

He is the author of the English Heritage Book of Canals.

His talk will describe the work of the C&RT in managing and conserving the

many and varied historic waterways that the Trust is responsible for.

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which had been used as the by-wash for

the lock, thus diverting the full stream

through the lock chamber.

Whilst repairing the overbridge at Pipps

Ford, we identified that further repairs

are required to the upstream chamber

walls, but, as there was no available by-

wash, there was nowhere we could use to

divert the flow and drain the chamber.

After consulting the landowner we decid-

ed the best approach would be to re-

instate the by-wash to its original func-

tion. This involves re-opening the up-

stream entrance to the by-wash and cre-

ating a new exit point downstream of the

lock chamber, the removal of a rubble

causeway blocking the by-wash and the

re-instatement of a bridge. As at April

2014 we had cleared the route of the by-

wash, constructed new brickwork abut-

ments for the bridge, constructed a new

bridge off site and obtained approval to

the removal of the causeway. The

bridge has been built using green oak

supplied from White House Farm and

has been constructed on their premises.

It is planned to install the bridge in June

this year

We are involved in further negotiations

with the Environment Agency over the

opening up of the by-wash channel itself

and anticipate work will start on this

element of the project in autumn 2014.

Once the channel is available, we will be

able to seal off the lock, drain the cham-

ber and complete the repair works.

The materials for the work to the by-

wash and the bridge construction have

been funded by the landowner, with the

owner of White House Farm again

providing power and working facilities.


As the built structures along the course

of the river from Needham Market to

Baylham are now either restored , or

under restoration, the Trust has identi-

fied that there is now an opportunity to

look forward to a limited level of navi-

gation along this stretch of waterway .

Such a proposals would open up educa-

tional access to a wider public and allow

the Trust to demonstrate how the canal

system was used in the past, as well as

providing an additional tourist attraction

An open invitation to every Ipswich IWA branch


The formal business of the meeting will be over quite quickly and this will be followed by a presentation from our guest speaker—Nigel


Nigel Crowe is Head of Heritage for the Canal & River Trust. He has over 25

years of experience working in the conservation, archaeology and interpretation

of historic buildings and places.

He is the author of the English Heritage Book of Canals.

His talk will describe the work of the C&RT in managing and conserving the

many and varied historic waterways that the Trust is responsible for.

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for Mid Suffolk

Such a project will require substantial

funding and the co-operation of a num-

ber of third parties and we are still in the

early stages of developing this idea. As a

first step we have held exploratory meet-

ings with Mid Suffolk District council

and are seeking advice over the availa-

bility of Grant funding to undertake a

feasibility study for this proposal.



The new timber bridge for the bywash

at Pipps Ford was completed off-site at

White House Farm, Great Glemham in

time to take part in the Alde Valley Fes-

tival this April.

The bridge was displayed in Raymond

Hopkins’ workshop as an example of

using locally sourced materials in local

situations and drew a lot of interest both

for the bridge and for the Gipping Trust.

Raymond even had an offer to purchase

the bridge on the festival opening day, an

offer he had to refuse.

The question of how to transport the

bridge to site was solved by our chair-

man, Brian Annis, offering the use of his

two-axle trailer and yesterday, May 21st

the move was completed.

The main frames were loaded at the

farm by Mick the farm manager using a

forklift, under Ray’s careful eye. The

unloading was a less straightforward

business as we had to rely on muscle

power and some careful reversing by

the chairman.

However, by the end of the day we had

the main frame of the bridge in position

across the bywash and ready for con-

creting in position next week.

Once again Colin’s design (he said he

had made it easy for amateurs to build!)

and Raymond’s patient supervision

paid off and the bridge fitted just about

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WORKING PARTY DATES Working Parties are held by the River Gipping Trust from 0900 to 1700

every Wednesday and on the first Saturday of each month, unless that

Saturday is a Bank Holiday in which case it will then be held on the

second Saturday of that month.

For further information and to confirm dates contact Martin Bird

Tel: 01394 380765 Email: [email protected]

perfectly onto the brickwork abutments

on site.

Over the Summer we will be finishing

off the bridge installation, replacing cop-

ing stones and building up the bridge


Our work for the Autumn, subject to fi-

nal agreement by the Environment Agen-

cy, will be to re-model the bywash chan-

nel itself and remove the old causeway

so that the bywash can once again func-

tion as an overflow for the lock as it was

originally intended.

As always, any volunteers are welcome

to join us at Pipps Ford every Wednes-

day and first Saturday of the month.

Martin Bird

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pushed, and it moved a yard. Nothing

else would work and pedestrians were

starting to queue, remarking that it al-

ways seemed to be happening. Then a

man came along, jumped over the gate,

crossed the bridge, jumped to the far

bank and proceeded to unlock the power

box. The bridge keeper had arrived, and

soon all was sorted and we were on our

way again. The S&K is a wide canal,

and the area fenlike, so the winds were

proving difficult at times. Little did we

appreciate that they would worsen as the

week progressed. As we went up Bram-

with Lock a keel turned from the New

Junction Canal – this was the first mov-

ing craft we had seen.

On the NJC, three men in a cruiser sped

past us, leaving us to operate the swing

For many years, as we passed through

Gargrave on the A65, crossing the

Leeds & Liverpool Canal, my wife, Ter-

ry, and I had said that we really must

“do” the L&L one day. Twice, on my

former school camping boat trips, Dar-

ren, Kev and I had planned to take the

narrowboat pair Collingwood & Ash

over the Rochdale Canal, but on both

occasions had been thwarted, the first

time by the collapsed Irk Aqueduct, and,

in 2006, by vandals emptying the canal.

So, for NAVI’s main trip in 2013, it was

decided to go “Up North” and combine

the two. Terry & I took NAVI across the

L&L, with Darren, Kev and I returning

via the Rochdale.

The very cold winter had prevented

some of the maintenance work on NAVI

being completed. One task was to have

the roof re-sheaved with glass fibre, and

that needed a minimum of 6oC. We did

not reach that temperature until early the

week before we left, leaving the hand-

rails, vents and everything else to be

refitted at the last moment.

On Sunday 7th April, 2013, we set off

trailing from Fakenham, across the A17

and up the A1 to the Blue Water Marina

at Thorne, on the Stainforth & Keadby

Canal. We slipped in easily, with the

help of Colin and Brian, two friends of

Eric Firth, and parked the Landy and

trailer. Stocking up at Sainsbury’s, we

spent the first night at the marina’s fuel-

ling wharf.

Next day was chilly, with a brisk wind.

We set off west and soon came to the

first swing bridge. Key inserted, buttons

Up North (Part 1) By

Ivan Cane

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bridges by ourselves. The bridges are

easy, all push button, but what was not

so easy was mooring to let me off to

operate the bridge, and, then, Terry hav-

ing taken NAVI through, moor the other

side to collect me –the wind was really

strong by now. At Sykehouse Lock, we

caught the cruiser up. The lock is about

70 m long, with a swing bridge in the

middle. The three men could not work

out the logistics; so we had caught them

up. The secret is, although there is a

manual footbridge in the middle, it has

to be open to navigation, and not traffic,

even though you only take up a little bit

of the lock. Soon, turning onto the Aire

& Calder, with waves following us in the

stiff wind, and a temperature of 5o, with

the engine threatening to pack up at any

moment and watching out for the big

sand barges – we wondered why we

were not at home in front of the fire!

That night, we moored below Whitley


Next morning, 6.45, we awoke to NAVI

bouncing around – looking out of the

window we saw what appeared to be a

never ending sand barge passing. Later,

we came to Ferrybridge Flood Lock

which is enormous, you seem to walk a

quarter of a mile from one paddle to the

other, with hardly any rise. Whilst

stopped at Castleford for fuel and local

shop, the flood gates suddenly closed to

stop traffic, as the now empty Ferndale

was on her way back, and they didn’t

want anyone to meet her on the corner.

A strange thing happened at Bulholme

Lock. I was inserting my key to lift the

bottom paddles, when suddenly the ma-

chinery started to operate itself, and re-

sisted all my attempts by me to take con-

trol. It transpired that the lock-keeper had

arrived, and she had just taken over con-

trol from her cabin without warning. The

River Aire was quite bleak as there was

no sign of any greenery, with the river

low and the banks and trees full of de-


We moored in Clarence Dock overnight,

but Leeds Sanitary Station was closed

due to “drainage problems”, so no show-

ers then! The next day was bright, and

we visited the city and Armouries, moor-

ing that evening above Lock 2 on the

L&L. Here, on the non-towpath side, a

gate is closed by 7pm hence the very

secure city moorings. We arranged for an

early start with the neighbouring narrow

boat, so as to get through the bandit

country the next morning.

Although I’m usually happy sharing with

a metal narrow boat, this one had strange

ways of holding itself in locks, and on

one occasion had the centre line fixed as

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it rose, of course it started to heel over. I

was pleased when the lockie at Newlay 3

(all triple locks have a lock-keeper) said

he wouldn’t pass plastic and metal boats

together, as it gave us an excuse to travel

by ourselves. The lockies had horror sto-

ries of what occurs at their locks late in

the day, when the schools finish. I won-

dered why C&RT don’t do more to

“protect” their workers. However, when

you go through Newlay Bridge and the

character of the canal suddenly changes

back to normality. We moored at Rodley,

next to Sue Day with her horseboat El-

land. We also had John, at the boatyard,

and a renowned outboard specialist, to

look at the engine, which was continuing

to cut out. He performed the magic need-


L&L swing-bridges soon started to be a

regular occurrence the next day – at one I

counted thirty vehicles patiently queuing

for us. Each swing bridge is different, in

that some are fully manual, and some

only partially – you push a button, and

wait for it to open, only to find that the

button purely operates the lights and bar-

rier! Others are fully electronic with col-

oured LED screens. For just one, Dock

Swing Bridge, where I had walked

ahead, you need a windlass! You stand

on the bridge and wind it round. That

Friday night, we moored at Ashley Lane

visitor’s moorings, which are convenient

for Shipley’s shops, and to walk to Sal-

taire the next day, which also happened

to be their World Heritage Day. A day’s

exploration of Saltaire, including a trip

up the tramway (inclined plane) in the

company of “steampunks” and chatting

to alpacas. We stopped overnight at the

Bingley Three visitors mooring, having

visited Damart. Sadly, we were twice

disturbed by banging on the side of the

boat during the evening. Apparently a

better mooring would have been at the

pub a bit further downstream. I will add

that this was the only time we had prob-

lems overnight (or during the day) on the

whole month’s cruise.

The wind was so bad in the morning that

one kept away from the sides of the

locks. Soon, though we were up the

Three, and then to Bingley Five, where

Barry popped us up gently and smoothly

in 55 minutes. The café at the top pro-

vided welcome refreshments. So, a lock-

free length all the way to Skipton. We

looked forward to the gentle cruise to

that night’s venue. What I hadn’t taken

into account were the 16 swing bridges,

with each one competing to be the wind-

iest as you moored to alight, open

bridge, push off and boat through, Terry

then moored singled handed on the other

side, whilst I closed the bridge, and then

set off again! Bridge 192 was one I

couldn’t close at all, and was stuck until

another boat arrived. At Kildwick, we

decided that enough was enough and

called it a day. After six days, we were

at last back to a rural landscape – with


Now a half day behind schedule, we

missed a planned morning’s walk around

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Skipton before friends arrived in the

afternoon. Instead, we were still heading

for the town, and, en route we were

called over by two C&RT men, who

wanted to know why we hadn’t a li-

cence, for their machine had us regis-

tered at Heron’s Nest, which was on the

B&A in 2010! I showed him my up-to-

date 30 licence in the window, and all

the supporting paperwork. Their comput-

ers can’t be updated with 30 day infor-

mation! We arrived at Skipton mid-

morning stocked up with food and petrol

from Morrisons. Then, after our friends

had arrived, we popped to the end of the

Springs Branch, in the sun! On the way

back I collected fresh pork pies from the

famous butcher by the bridge. We then

cruised up to Bridge 175, where we de-

cided to stay overnight. Next day was

sunny again, and we cruised to Gargrave

– only to find an empty pound. Two hire

craft then came and moored behind us,

and a wide hotel boat was waiting to

come down. We rang C&RT, but the

hotel boat was already letting water

down. Two hours later, I decided to try

and get through – all went well, until just

below the bridge, the prop hit something

hard and stalled the engine. Meanwhile,

the wind was rising, and so gusty that it

was rocking the boat, with waves hitting

over the top gates of Lock 33. Whilst we

were walking through the village, a

workman’s ladder was blown down in

front of us across the road! By the even-

ing, it had quietened down, and we

moved on and found a lovely mooring

by the Aire aqueduct (Br 168A).

The next evening saw us at Salterforth,

where we met friends for a pub meal at

the Anchor Inn – and lovely it was, too!

What wasn’t so good was a man, single-

handedly bowhauling a full ex L&L craft

past us. On Thursday, as the wind ap-

peared to have lessened, we set off on a

quiet journey until we emerged from

Foulridge Tunnel. Luckily, a friend had

rung to offer help on the locks, and we

were glad of his assistance, because, as

soon as you shut one bottom gate, and

walked to get to the other one, the wind

was blowing the first one open again. The

eventual methodology was to open the

top gates of the lock below, come back

and hold the bottom gates open. Terry

would then leave the lock above at top

speed, so as to reach the next lock before

the wind pushed her onto the bank, whilst

we walked alongside to fend off if neces-

sary! Luckily, after the bottom of Foul-

ridge Locks, the hills now offered some

shelter. We headed for the facilities at

Barden Mills, only to find they were non-

existent, so moored below bridge 134

instead. On Friday, changeover day, we

first stopped on the Burnley Embank-

ment, which is as impressive as

“advertised”. We then partook in a large

shop at the more mundane massive

Tesco. After lunch we cruised to the

C&RT visitors moorings at Rose Grove.

Here, our daughter collected Terry and

our dog, to take them back to civilisation


The first part of the Cruise completed..

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River Stour Trust Restoring and conserving the River Stour Navigation


We gladly welcome all our new members

From Norfolk: Mr. & Mrs. J. Plummer; Mr. & Mrs. B.J. Kirton; Mr. T. Quantock;

Mr. R. Elton & Family

From Essex: Mr. R Baker & Ms. A. Hoy

Clive Saville

We have the following events coming up

Sat 3 Aug - Coracle Regatta at Bures Recreation Ground, 12pm-5pm

Watch the races or have a go!

Bank Holiday Mon 26 Aug - Pirates on the Stour at Granary Tea Room, 11am-4pm

Free boat trips for young pirates!

Sat 13 & Sun 14 Sep - S2C (Sudbury to the Sea) Weekend canoeing event, pre-booking is essential

MORE EVENTS INFORMATION – Call 01787 313199 or visit

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for your



Branch Meetings held at the Community Centre, School St., Needham


At 7.30, unless otherwise stated.


River Gipping Trust AGM—7.30 pm

Speaker– Nigel Crowe

Head of Heritage C&RT


Branch 40th Anniversary Outing

Fully Booked


Branch 40th Anniversary Luncheon—Cedars Hotel Stowmarket

Guest Speaker


Contact Chard Wadley for Bookings


Presentation by Geoff Doggett—Chairman River Waveney Trust


Members Evening—Fish & Chips






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IWA Head Office -

Waterway Recovery Group -

River Gipping Trust - River Stour Trust -

East Anglian Waterways Association –

Aylsham Navigation - River Waveney Association -

IWA Peterborough Branch -

The Broads Society -

The Australian Canal Society -

The Canal & River Trust -

DEFRA Dept. for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs -

The Inland Waterways Association is a non-profit distribution company limited by guarantee.

Registered Office; Island House, Moor Road, Chesham, Buckinghamshire. HP5 1WA Tel: 01494 783453 Web:

Registered in England No. 612245. Registered as a Charity No. 212342


Notice is hereby given that the

AGM of the Ipswich Branch of the Inland Waterways


will be held at the Needham Market Community Centre,

School Street, Needham Market at

8pm on Friday 13th February, 2015


1) Apologies for absence

2) Approval of the 2013 AGM Minutes

3) Matters arising from those minutes

4) Chairman’s report

5) Treasurer’s report and presentation of accounts

6) Adoption of the accounts

7) Election of Committee members