anglophile october

October Vocabulary bale of hay harvest moon raincoat rake sleetpine cone a natural dichotomy. It is both beautiful and sad. Depending on how a person feels about winter, it may be the best time of the year, containing as it does the beginning of the holidays with the joy of Halloween. Writers have always been fascinated with both sides of this dualistic symbolism, and used it in all kinds of literature. Poetry, of course, is the most obvious source of literary symbolism. Poets such as Whitman, Browning, Frost and Yeats use autumn extensively in a variety of ways. To Autumn Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun; Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run; To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core; To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel; to set budding more, And still more, later flowers for the bees, Until they think warm days will never cease, For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells. (J.Keats) Contemporary poets have a more pragmatic approach to autumn. Their autumn images are more concrete. Autumn is like an old book: Marred spines turn mean yellow, staples rust red-orange. Every stained page is stressed by a splat of color. Rough- red, like an old tavern, we become hungry birds and prepare for fall. Shape and shadow are candied citron a hot chilli pepper with smoky eyes. (M.Hamrick)

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Page 1: Anglophile October

October Vocabulary

bale of hay

harvest moon



sleetpine cone

autumnal equinox

a natural dichotomy. It is both

beautiful and sad. Depending on how a person feels about winter, it

may be the best time of the year, containing as it does the beginning

of the holidays with the joy of Halloween.

Writers have always been fascinated with both sides of this dualistic

symbolism, and used it in all kinds of literature. Poetry, of course, is

the most obvious source of literary symbolism. Poets such as

Whitman, Browning, Frost and Yeats use autumn extensively in a

variety of ways.

To Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,

And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells

With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,

And still more, later flowers for the bees,

Until they think warm days will never cease,

For Summer has o’er-brimm’d their clammy cells.


Contemporary poets have a

more pragmatic approach to

autumn. Their autumn images

are more concrete.

Autumn is like an old book:

Marred spines turn mean


staples rust red-orange.

Every stained page is


by a splat of color. Rough-


like an old tavern,

we become hungry birds

and prepare for fall.

Shape and shadow are

candied citron

a hot chilli pepper with

smoky eyes.


Page 2: Anglophile October

Friendship- a situation in which

two people are friends;

Friends of the Earth-

an international organization that

aims to protect the environment;

Friendly fire- during

a war, shooting that is hitting you

from your own side, not from

the enemy;

Friendly society- in Britain,

an organization to

which members pay small amount

of money over a long period so

that when they are ill or old they

will receive money back.


Friendship is a relationship between some people. There are

different types of friendship: school, university, gang etc. We

consider that the most important features that make the friendship

strong are:










Generally speaking, friendship occupies the most important part of

our life, because without friends we are helpless and our world is

dark and monotonous. Our friends are our support. If we have any

troubles, we can every time to ask for help. But friendship is not

only help, but it is also sacrifice. Our goal is to be always with our

dear people, because we can see in their souls our reflection. The

friendship doesn’t forgive treachery. The treachery kills friendship.

That is why, we are sure that without friendship there is no life. Our

life is very short and we need to value every moment that we spend

with our friends.

(written by D. Bulat and T. Postrevich) Friendship is one of the life's greatest treasures. Friends are those

who make us laugh when we are down, who are not afraid to make

us avoid mistakes and who always support in different situations.

We are aware of the fact that today the kind of friendship

mentioned above is very difficult to be found. But we all are

looking for a kind of friendship that may last forever.

Still we try to follow the following lines:

Friendship is a place

Where we feel at home

From the very start

Where kindness comes in smiles

and comfort soothes the heart.

We believe that in some years we will use this poem in reference to


(Written by M. Crasnojon)

Page 3: Anglophile October

during a war, shooting that is hitting you from your own side,

A Fairy tale about friendship Once upon the time there lived a pretty girl about 14 years old in a small

town. Her name was Jane Stewart. She went to high school. Jane was a

very friendly and well-bred girl. She had hazel eyes and blond hair. Jane

liked playing football and she did it very well. All her friends from her

school just pretended to be her true friends, but they envied her because

she was good in everything she did. In her football team there was a boy,

Kevin, which wanted to eliminate her from the team because he thought

that the football team is not the right place for girls.

One day, during the match Jane fainted. She woke at the hospital. Her

parents were crying. In few minutes she found out that she had a very bad

illness, leukemia. She was shocked and she kept silence for several hours.

With the help of psychologist and her parents she accepted the situation

and decided to fight for her life. Days and weeks she was living in the

hospital and no one visited her.

One morning when she was coming back to her ward she saw Kevin. They

spend all day together talking about football, school and many other things.

Jane laughed for the first time. They didn’t observe how fast the time

passed. Kevin visited her more often, almost every day. Little by little they

became friends. The boy tried to cheer up her with jokes, movies, music

but it didn’t work all the time because she got of medicines. She missed

school and her favorite occupation. She wanted to play football. When the

important day came she was nervous and worried. Then she heard a noise

outside. When she approached to the window she saw the teams there and

the match was played in front of her window. She was very impressed. She

watched the match very attentively and at the end of the play she fainted

and she never recovered.

True friends

A friend in need is a friend in deed. The true friend is like as a mother, a father, a brother, a sister. He is

one of the most important persons in our life. The true friend is the person who helps all the time. He

can keep secrets and has the best qualities. The true friend is always lovely and friendly. He is careful

and kind. He is honest and understanding in the entire situation. He supports us and gives us pieces of

advice. The true friend listens to our thoughts. And all the time he tells us if we are wrong or right. He

makes us happy and every day he is near us. We spend a lot of time together. We are discussing all the

problems. Unfortunately, nowadays there are very few true friends. It is very difficult find them. In

our days there are many people who wear friendly masks and we can easily be delusive. We must be

very attentive when we make friends. (written by V. and Crina)

Friendship is an essential condition for a happy life.

Friendship is something that cannot be explained in words but in deeds of help and

cooperation. (E.Nelipovschi)

Friendship is the relationship between two people who really care about each

other. It is important to be next to your friend not only when he is happy, but when

he has troubles. (G. Georgeta)

The friendship is something that

we cannot exist without, because

we are human beings and we

were born to live in the midst of

the society. For me, a friend is

the person who I can tell

everything to.

I think that everyone should have

friends, because friendship colors

our life. (L. Eni)

Friendship is the understanding between two people, sometimes without words,

and reciprocal help. This relationship implies continuous communication and

mutual help. (N. Birsanu)

Page 4: Anglophile October

The day of the 28th

of April, 2014 is special for the Moldavian

people, because from this date we can travel to Europe without a

visa. This event is a forward step to the European integration. This

fact has started many discussions among the Moldavians. Many of

them like the idea that Moldova might become a European country,

but there are also Moldavians who disagree with this idea, because

they are afraid of the high requirements towards the population like

taxes and prices. They also don't like the idea that many laws would

be changed, and many new laws might be introduced (like the legal

prostitution and lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender rights). The

idea of being a part of the UE is pleasant for some reason; with

Europe we will have the chance to improve our economy, raise the

rate of production, the rate of the import and export. This situation is

very tempting, as there are also risks that could impose certain

things not very pleasant for our population. A thing is obvious, there

are risks, but we hope that the fact that Europe comes in our country

is something that will make us more prosperous and maybe happier.

(Written by N. Albu)

April 28, 2014 is already recognized as "historical" for the Republic of Moldova. Beginning with

this day citizens of our country may travel to the European Union only by means of a special

passport. 20 Moldovans were the first to leave Moldova, whose relatives had long ago settled in

Greece. Thus, the official delegation of the Republic of Moldova, headed by the Prime Minister

Yuriy Leanca, flew to Athens, the capital of the Greece. Within the framework of the event

"without visas in the EU”, 25 students-winners of the contest organized by the Government flew

to Greece too. The Moldovans are very happy. We believe in the prosperous life of our country.

(Written by A. Lupoi)

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