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Angular Workshop --Sowju Mudunuri

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Angular Workshop

--Sowju Mudunuri


• These slides are a composition of various resources I found on the internet and is not an original content of me

• The primary intent of the slides is to teach myself angular and better organization of keypoints of all things Angular if I have to review

• The other intent is to help my friends who are learning angular to give a direction




• ng-book

• codeschool

• pluralsight

• blogs

• Developing Backbone Applications by AddyOsmani

Browser Object Model

• Provides objects that expose browser functionality

• Window object, represents an instance of the browser

• Location object provides information about the document that is currently loaded in the window

Document Object Model

• provides an API to interact with HTML and XML documents

• it allows developers to add, remove and modify parts of the page by representing the HTML document as a hierarchical tree of nodesdocument.getElementById(‘some’)



Callbacks: functions that are passed to other functions as arguments

function interviewSuccess(callback) {

//do something ..




function practiceProblems() {

// hard



Traditional Web Pages

• Required a complete page reload when moving between pages


• A great deal of duplicated content being served back to the user

• It affects latency and responsiveness of the user experience

Single Page Apps

• Apps for which after an Initial page load the subsequent navigations doesnot require a page load

• When a user navigates to a new view, the application requests additional content for the view using a XHR(XMLHTTPRequest), typically communicating with a server-side REST API

• Frameworks: Angular, Backbone, Ember, React ..


• It’s a Javascript Framework that runs in the browser

• ng stands for ANGULAR• ng-app initializes the app with that particular

dom element and the child elements• angular is one identifier that angular puts in the

global namespace so you can call different methods

• angular.element is an alias for Jquery function• If Jquery is not available it uses the built-in subset

of jquery called jqLite

Angular Basics

• HTML as a templating language

• Two way data-binding

• Directives

• Dependency Injection


Data Binding

• Automatic synchronization of data between model and view

• The way angular implements data binding lets you treat the model as the single source of truth in your application

• View is a projection of model at all times

• Any changes to the view are immediately reflected in the model and any changes in the model are immediately reflected on the view


• are markers on DOM elements that tell the HTML compiler($compile) to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element

• We register a directive using module.directivemethod

• types of directives: Element, Attribute, Class• Use Cases: resusable html code, DOM


Commonly used directives

• ng-app

• ng-controller

• ng-click

• ng-model

• ng-show

• ng-hide

• ng-class

• ng-repeat

Commonly used directives

• ng-submit

• ng-src

• ng-init

• ng-options

• ng-change

Deep Dive into Directives


• is used to bootstrap an AngularJS application

• only one angular-js application can be bootstrapped per HTML document

• accepts an optional application module name to load

Deep Dive into Directives

ng-init: allows you to evaluate an expression in the current scope

ng-model: binds an input, select, textarea to a property on the scope

ng-show/ng-hide: shows or hides the given HTML element based on the expression provided to the ng-show attribute

ng-controller: attaches a controller class to the view.

MVC in Angular

Models: properties on the scope

View: The template(HTML with data bindings) that is rendered into the View

Controller: contains the business logic behind the application to decorate the scope with functions and values


• Controllers are javascript functions that are used to augment the angular scope

• When the controller is attached to the DOM via ng-controller directive, angular will instantiate a new controller object using the specified constructor function

• A new child scope is available as an injectable parameter to the controllers constructor function as $scope

• You can attach something on the $scope like $scope.message

• setup the model data and bind it to the view• binding expressions in view look for the models on the



Use them to 1) setup initial state of the $scope object2) add behavior to the $scope object

Don’t use them to 1) manipulate the DOM2) format input3) filter input4) share code

More on Controllers

• The properties you attach to $scope object constitutes the model that is going to be used in the view

• All properties on the $scope are available to the template at that point in the DOM where the controller is registered

• we don’t normally have controllers in the global namespace.

• Angular module as a home for a controller


• Container for the different parts of your app-controllers, services, filters, directives

• you can package code as reusable components

• Instead of having the code sit in one single file you can split up the code based on features

• Convention: Is to have a module for each feature and an application level module which depends on the above modules and contains any initialization code

Module API

• is an interface for configuring angular modules

• commonly used methods are

- factory

- filter

- controller

- directive

- config

- run


• It’s a global place for creating, registering and retrieving angular modules

• all modules that should be available to an application must be registered using this mechanism

• angular.module(“sleepEarly”, []); creates a new module

• angular.module(“sleepEarly”); retrieves an existing module

Exercise Time !


• Services are singleton objects that are instantiated only once per app(by the $injector) and lazy-loaded(created only when necessary). They provide an interface to keep together those methods that relate to a specific function.

• To use an angular service, you add it as a dependency for the component(controller, service, filter or directive) that depends on the service

More on services

• Angular services are substitutable objects that are wired together using dependency injection

• You can use services to organize and share code across your app

• Services can have their own dependencies. Just like declaring dependencies in a controller, you declare dependencies by specifying them in the services factory function signature

Why Services?

• For memory and performance purposes, controllers are instantiated only when they are needed and discarded when they are not. That means that every time we switch a route or reload a view, the current controller gets cleaned up by Angular.

• Services provide a method for us to keep data around for the lifetime of the app and communicate across controllers in a consistent manner.

Configuring existing services

• You can use the ‘config’ method on the MODULE API to configure existing services

• with this method you can register work that needs to be performed on module loading

Creating services

• you can register a service using module#factory method

• it returns an object or a function that represents the service which can injected into any component that specifies the service as a dependency


• It parses the URL in the browser address bar based on window.location and makes the url available in your application

• Syncs the url with the browser when the user changes the address bar clicks the back or forward button

commonly used methods are• $location.path• $location.url• $• $• $location.hash


• It’s a core angular service that facilitates communication with remote HTTP servers using browsers XMLHTTPRequest object

Exercise Time!


• $route is used for deep-linking URLs to controllers and views. It watches $location.url() and tries to map the path to an existing route definition.

• Requires the ngRoute module to be installed

• You can define routes through $routeProvider’sAPI

• $route service is used in conjunction with the ngView directive and the $routeParams service

Switching Views based on routes

• ng-view: is a directive that complements the $route service by including the rendered template of the current route into the main layout file.

• Everytime the current route changes, the included view changes with it accordingly to the confuguration of the $route service

Custom Directives

• Register a Directive: Directives are registered on Modules using the module.directive API.

• module.directive API takes the normalized directive name followed by a factory function

• The factory function should return an object that describes how the directive should behave

More on Custom directives

• Directives can be

1) Attribute with ‘restrict: A’

2) Element with ‘restrict: E’

3) Class with ‘restrict: C’

Isolate Scope

• Without an isolate scope we need to create a new controller in order to reuse a directive

• With isolate scope we separate the scope inside the directive to the scope outside the directive and then map the outer scope to the inner scope

• To do this we use the directives scope option

Isolate scope.directive('myCustomer', function() {

return {restrict: 'E',scope: {

customerInfo: '=info'},templateUrl: 'my-customer-iso.html'



angular.module('docsIsolateScopeDirective', []).controller('Controller', ['$scope', function($scope) {

$scope.naomi = { name: 'Naomi', address: '1600 Amphitheatre' };$scope.igor = { name: 'Igor', address: '123 Somewhere' };


<my-customer info="naomi"></my-customer><hr><my-customer info="igor"></my-customer>


• Most production applications most javascriptgoes through a minifier hence we need a different syntax for controller dependency injection using $injector

• angular.element($0).scope