aniko's weekly digest for november 25 december 1


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Page 1: Aniko's weekly digest for november 25 december 1

PRESENTS: THE A-LISTAniko’s weekly selection of the best of HR and ATS tech

November 25-December 1, 2014

Page 2: Aniko's weekly digest for november 25 december 1

3 Resources to Help You Scrape the Web for Candidate Data

Sourcing candidates is a heavy task - SourceCon now gives some tools to start off with scraping social media. For those of you new to the concept, web scraping is a method to automatically collect information from the web, that later can be turned into structured data and analyzed the usual way.

Page 3: Aniko's weekly digest for november 25 december 1

4 Pillars to the Future of HR Technology

These are the four areas where HR tech can have a real impact on business. When you are deciding on new software, you may want to consider how it’s automating the basics, working as a communication channel with candidates, adding value to employee engagement and interpreting data.

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How to Avoid a Discrimination Lawsuit When Hiring

Although not in the hazard pay category, but hiring can be a risky business. This article gives some tips on what topics to avoid when interviewing and how to go round the common discrimination pitfalls. If not all advice is vowed, you’d better have a labor attorney at hand.

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8 Social Recruitment Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs

Social media can’t be ignored even in recruiting, but there are typical mistakes that make its use inefficient. Read on for tips on how you can define relevant strategy and give out just enough information about your company and your job openings.

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Top 7 Resume Trends For 2015

This is what your candidates are prepared for next year. Lots of innovative solutions going mainstream due to increasing demand from companies. Even those businesses not yet demanding such level of sophistication will have to deal with the up-to-date resumes.