animal farm and the russian revolution. george orwell (1903-1950) eric blair educated at private...

Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution

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Animal Farm and the Russian Revolution

George Orwell (1903-1950)

Eric Blair

Educated at private schools

Resulted in hating the class system

disapproved of Communism

a socialist

Communism was not pure socialism because:

gulf in society

control of the peasants


used his writings to communicate a political message

Orwell and Satire

Orwell was a socialist as well as a satirist

Orwell became a critic of capitalism and communism

Animal Farm is a Fable, a Satire, and an Allegory


- A short story that has a moral and has animals as characters


-The use of ridicule to attack ideas/failures/evil action

Modern Examples


emblem: a visible symbol representing an abstract idea

uses fictional characters and events to describe some subject by suggestive resemblances; an extended metaphor

Wall-E as an Allegory

“Allegorically, two metallic robots and a tiny green plant growing out of a discarded shoe appear prophetic, perhaps hyperbolically representing the concept of love for another, the necessity for community and the fragility of the balance of nature.”

Why an Allegory?

Provides for a greater audience

Easy way to spread a complex idea to the masses

Less “in your face” type of persuasion

To understand how Animal Farm is an allegory, you must have knowledge of the Russian


Russian Revolution – How is Started

Czar Nicolas Romanov II

absolute power

huge social gulf between the peasants and the land owner and the elite

peasants and workers begin rebelling against the Czar in 1905

The Russian Revolution 1917-1945

Czar Nicholas II (Monarch of Russia) -surrendered power after a complicated civil war

His family was in rule for three centuries

Very small portion of people owned everything

Alexander Kerensky became Premier and was soon ousted

Bolshevik Power

Vladimir Lenin was leader

gained control in 1917

had the Romanov family murdered in 1918

wanted Communism

Russian Revolution Leaders

Vladimir Lenin based his theories on Karl Marx German philosopher and the

writer of “The Communist Manifesto”

Lenin became sick

Four People bode for power Joseph Stalin Gregory Zinoviev Leon Trotsky Lev Kamenev


Comes from the root word of “community”

Equal distribution of wealth and possessions among Russia’s citizens

Karl Marx is “The father of communism”

About Lenin: Led Bolsheviks

Used the Red Guard to stop others from taking over Russia, then used it to take over Russia himself


New Economic Policy- allowed for limited private ownership of land and business

Renamed his party the Communist party in 1917

Named Russia to Soviet Union in 1922

More about Lenin…

Named Joseph Stalin Secretary General

1922- Lenin suffers paralyzing strokes

1924- Lenin dies

Stalin and Trotsky struggle for power

Russian Revolution Power

Joseph Stalin built his power behind the lines

Leon Trotsky: Was popular/charismatic, and famous for his speeches

Stalin leads an alliance against Trotsky and becomes Dictator of Russia

Stalin Wins!

Stalin out-maneuvers Trotsky and gains control

Stalin starts to isolate Trotsky within the party because he is a threat

Leon Trotsky

Gifted speaker and writer

Political genius

Tried to end Russian involvement in WWI

Great thoughts and plans but had trouble actually installing them

Not liked by Lenin

Life under Stalin

Terrorized country with widespread arrests and executions

Anyone thought to be opposed to Stalin and Communism was executed on the spot

“Reign of Terror” 1934 “great purges”

and “show trials” Sent millions to Soviet

labor camps 2-7 million innocent

citizens are murdered Employed KGB to

repress any opposition Used publications to

report statistics inaccurately in his favor

Secret Police

Created secret police force KGB and later known as the NKVD.

Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria

Stalin’s Plan First “Five Year Plan”

attempt to make Russia a modern industrial state

“comrades” need to work harder so Soviet Russia can be a beacon of hope to workers everywhere

Poster: encourages Soviet people to work together and promote industrialization.

Stalin in Power

1933 Second “Five Year Plan”- emphasized rapid growth of Soviet Industry

this worked fairly well, by the end Soviet Russia was a formidable world power

Cult Of Personality

A cult of personality or personality cult arises when a country's leader uses mass media to create a larger-than-life public image through unquestioning flattery and praise.

Secret Agreement

“German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact”: secret agreement between Stalin and Hitler

Neither country would attack each other


Hitler lied!

1941- Germany fully attacks Russia!

Stalin’s Rule Against Trotsky After Stalin came to power,

he wanted Trotsky out

Trotsky was banished three times from three places 1st : Expelled from Moscow 2nd: Expelled from the

Communist Party 3rd: Expelled from Russia in

1936 Trotsky fled to Mexico in


He was assassinated by Stalin’s orders in 1940

Blame Trotsky During Stalin’s rule:

Russia’s economic system failed

Violence, fear, and starvation occurred throughout the country

Trotsky was blamed for it all

Those who were associated with Trotsky were executed

In all, over 20 million citizens were purged (killed, imprisoned, or severely made to change)

Stalin Dies Stalin ruled as absolute

dictator throughout WWII and until his death on March 5th, 1953.

Theory on how he died:

1.Poisoned with warfarin (rat poison)

2. Stroke or brain hemorrhage