animation production m.5/2

Animation production Ying #4 Praw #7 Ploy #8 Prem #9

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Post on 07-Dec-2014




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  • 1. Animation productionYing #4Praw #7Ploy #8Prem #9

2. History of Animation Animation started appearing before 1910 consisted of simple drawingsphotographed one at a time McCay's Sinking of the Lusitania from 1918 made the first animated feature film. 3. Step 1 : .Planing The first step of the anime production is the planning. This is where the team gets presents and discusses about the ideas of the animation project. 4. Step 2 : Storyboarding A sketch of how to organize a story and a list of its contents. Its often created by the director alone on an A4-sized paper.The storyboards need to be done before the art production can begin. 5. Step 3 : Layout All of characterarrangement, position and movement will be paste into the background art. Ineachcut,backgrounddetails, stuff that might happen off-cameraandthecharacters'actions need to be decided, so the scene can be set. 6. Step 4 :Key Animation Most important step. It is a perfectsketch on paper of how the final animation will look like, complete with details on coloring, shadows, highlights and movement. 7. Step 5 : In-between Animation The images in-between the key images aredrawn so the images begin to move. The inbetween animator will draws additional frames to make the character appearsmoothly. 8. Step 6 :Composition Once the animation is complete, the images are painted onto a clear celluloid sheet (Cels). The color paint is applied to the back of the cel. Then, adding sound effects, music and voices for the characters. 9. Vocabulary Animation : a way of making a movie by using a series of drawings or computer graphics. Cel animation : draw the picture on the transparent sheet called cel sheet. Computer Graphic(CG): the picture that make up in computer. Frame : Picture that show with speed; 1 second have 30 frame. 10. AND NOW ITDONE !!