
Erica G. Annabel Annabel had no time to scream. The strong men each grabbed one of her arms and pulled her back into the van- hard. She kicked and struggled, but it was no use- she was only thirteen. The last thing her eyes saw before everything went black was the clear, blue California sky. “Aaaaaaahhhhh!” screamed Annabel popping open her eyes. Her head was pounding, and she was sweaty and sore. Very slowly, she lifted her arm to rub her head, but couldn’t; it was strapped down to the hard metal table she was laying on. Both of her arms and legs were tightly strapped. Realizing this, she started panicking, but was quickly distracted by the smooth feel of what she was wearing. It was a white dress with ties on the back, and an all white flower pattern. Her hair was curled and pulled back to show the veins in her neck. She looked around again, taking in the room.

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Page 1: Annabel

Erica G.


Annabel had no time to scream. The strong men each grabbed one of

her arms and pulled her back into the van- hard. She kicked and struggled,

but it was no use- she was only thirteen. The last thing her eyes saw before

everything went black was the clear, blue California sky.

“Aaaaaaahhhhh!” screamed Annabel popping open her

eyes. Her head was pounding, and she was sweaty and sore. Very slowly,

she lifted her arm to rub her head, but couldn’t; it was strapped down to the

hard metal table she was laying on. Both of her arms and legs were tightly

strapped. Realizing this, she started panicking, but was quickly distracted by

the smooth feel of what she was wearing. It was a white dress with ties on

the back, and an all white flower pattern. Her hair was curled and pulled

back to show the veins in her neck. She looked around again, taking in the


“All white. No surprise there,” she whispered quietly to herself.

There was an I.V. attached to her arm, and there were syringes in a bucket

next to the table. Her head was pounding less, so she was able to think

clearly. Then, Annabel heard a voice that rang like little bells.

“Well is she doing better or not?” asked Christine.

“If you mean have the drugs worn off, then yes,” replied the


Page 2: Annabel

“Can I see Annabel now?” asked Christine rudely. The Annabel

heard the click-click of high heels on tile. Someone was coming into the


“Hello!” the bell like voice said loudly, “I’m Christine.” She walked

over and unstrapped Annabel from the table.

“I’m sorry we did this to you, but it was necessary at the time. You

were quite squirmy,” she said.

Annabel looked her up and down, from her perfectly straight blonde

hair to her four- inch tall high heels, and realized one thing- this lady was

not who she pretended to be.

“Did you hear me?” asked Christine, one eyebrow raised.

“Yes, thank you for unstrapping me,” replied Annabel with her most

convincing fake smile.

“Where am I?” asked Annabel.

Christine smiled a hideous black grin. Her perfect eyebrows arched in

unison, and her long, slender fingers twitched. Annabel could tell she was


“You are in one of our testing laboratories because your rare blood type

will help me destroy the humans of this world by creating creatures of my

own. Before I go on, you should know I’m not human; therefore, I don’t care

about annoying humans. But you have so much potential, that I took all of

your blood out and replaced it with my own,” explained Christine casually

as if they were talking about the weather.

Page 3: Annabel

Annabel was horrified and started crying large tears.

Christine stood up, still smiling, and walked out. As soon as the click-

click of high heels could no longer be heard, Annabel sucked it up and went

into action.

She leapt off the table and ran down the hallway looking for the room

that said Biohazard.

“Hey! You! Stop right there!” yelled the security guard. He stood

up from his comfy, cushioned chair, spilling his chocolate donut and coffee,

and started running after Annabel.

Annabel looked over her shoulder at the overweight security guard,

and saw the beads of sweat pouring down his face like water pours out of a

bucket. He didn’t scare her at all, but then she heard the all to familiar click-

click of high heels coming down the hallway, and she booked it.

She spotted the Biohazard door, ran inside, and locked the door.

The room had large, clear vases filled with green and purple liquids. She

spotted a bucket full of blood in the corner labeled “Annabel.”

She grabbed a syringe from the counter, loaded it with her blood from

the bucket, and injected it into her neck vain.

“Aaaaaahhhhhh!” she screamed. Her hand immediately cupped her

neck to keep it from stinging. When the pain was gone, she gathered all of

her strength, and kicked down one of the large vases filled with liquid. It

landed on the floor with a crash and the liquid spread all over the floor like

blood coming out of a body that’s been shot. She did the same to every vase

Page 4: Annabel

in the room with the exception of one. She then searched the room for

matches, and finally found a box in a drawer in the corner of the room. She

grabbed the matches and the last vase and dashed back into the hallway.

“ANNABEL!” yelled Christine.

“No….” whispered Annabel, more tears coming to her eyes.

She started splashing the contents of the last vase on the floors and walls.

Right before she lit the match, she looked over her shoulder… and saw

Christine take her true form.

Christine was a seven foot, grey, shapeless creature. Her head was the

size of a tire for a small car, and her eyes were large and round. Her arms

and legs were as thin as small branches of trees, but were two feet long. In

one stride, she covered five of Annabel’s longest steps.

The creature let out a loud shriek that made Annabel’s ears ring, and

that’s when she lit the match. As soon as the flame touched the floor, she

couldn’t see the creature anymore. But she could here her screech.

Annabel finally reached the door that led to the outside world, and

she jumped through without hesitation, watching the building behind her

burst into flames.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

After six months, Annabel was still mentally and physically

recovering. One day, she woke up feeling sore on her left arm. She lifted it

up to see what was wrong, and noticed that it was much longer and also

grey. That’s when she knew she was changing.