annadana organic vegetable varieties

Annadana Soil and Seed Savers

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Sadanah Forest's Organic Vegetable Varieties used in the Permaculture projects


Page 1: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

AnnadanaSoil and Seed Savers

Page 2: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaAnnadana – Soil and Seed Savers

Varieties presentation 

Page 3: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaIntroduction to our  soil 

nutrition management components

Green manure ‐ grown in situ‐integrated @ 16 tons per acre

Compost application @ 10 tons peracre ( 4 tractor load per acre)

Charcoal @ 250 kg per acre

Inoculation of charcoal withnatural microbial solution andplant extract.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaGreen manures are the foundation of our soil fertility strategy

They add 10 to 20tons of bio massper acre in 45‐50days.

Their rootsystems structurethe soil, dig deepdown andenriched the soilstrata.

Sorghum and cow pea Daincha‐ Sesbania Sun hemp‐ Crotalaria

Removing gradually the soil around roots and observing roots hairs formation

Page 5: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Composting farm residues and local available resources

Our compostrate vary fromcrops and soilcondition from 5to 10 tons peracre (2 to 4tractors loadsper acre)

Water plantsCoconut fiber Cow dung

Village level compost yard

Page 6: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Inoculation of charcoal with organic nutrients, growth promoter, effective microorganism and plant extracts.

Panchagavia EM+ Neem oil Inoculating the charcoal Mix well

1 gr of charcoal has an internal surfaceequal to one football field.

Charcoal has immense property to storeand retain nutrient which will berelease to plant as they grow.

Page 7: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Digging pits in the raised bedField to be planted Adding 100 gr inoculated charcoal by pit

Adding 1.5 kg compost and 0.5 kg vermi compost by pit PlantingBest result from the past 

years !!

Land preparation‐ Pit composting + Charcoal amendment

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaAnnadana Tomatoes varieties 

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

BurbankThis is a very sweet and juicy, heavyyielder variety. This variety combinesdisease resistance, high in amino acidswith high productivity. Excellent formarket garden and highlyrecommended.From transplant 60 daysYield: 36‐ 40 tones per hectare in good organic condition.100 gram fruits

Red Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Golden Delight

Orange Tomato

One of the very best early yellow‐ orange tomatoes. The flavor issweet. This variety has a thick skin resistant to splitting. It iscompact, vigorous with determinate growth. Excellent formarket garden and highly recommended.Yield: 36‐ 40 tones per hectare in good organic condition.From transplant : 55‐65 days / 90‐120, gram fruits. 

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Beautiful fruits Wonderful mildsweet flavor.Delicate gourmet variety Growth isindeterminate.From Transplant 75 days.300 ‐ 1200 gram fruitsYield: 17‐ 20 ton per hectare in goodorganic condition.

Orenburg GiantRed Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Mountain Gold

The fruits are uniform and very large.They are mild and resistant tosplitting. The variety is very vigorousand resistant. Determinate growth.Highly recommendedFrom Transplant: 80 daysYield: 28‐32 ton per hectare in goodorganic condition.

Orange Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

This variety is highly productive of5cm diameter round reddish orangefruits. Indeterminate growth.Excellent for market garden.From transplant : 60 daysYield: 30‐35 ton per hectare

TigerellaRed Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

This variety is a heavy producer ofbright orange fruits. The flavor issweet. Excellent for market gardenand highly recommended.Determinate growth.From transplant:60 days.120‐180 gram fruitsYield: 28‐32 ton per hectare in goodorganic condition.

Orange QueenOrange Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Black Tomato

One of the sweetest tomato variety. Thefruits ripen from deep mahogany toblack‐brown. The color develops bestwhen the weather is sunny. Very muchappreciated. This variety is productiveand slightly prone to cracking.Indeterminate growth.Delicate gourmet varietyFrom transplant: 70‐75 daysYield: 12‐15 tons per hectare in organic condition.

Black of Crimee

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Orange Ox heartVery large heart shaped fruits.The fruits are meaty with fewseeds. The vines are large.Medium productivity.Indeterminate growth. From transplant: 80 days.250 ‐ 400 gram fruitsYield: 13‐16 tons per hectare

Orange Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

The plants are loaded with 5cmround fruits. These nice slicers arevery juicy and have incredibly richfruity flavor. The fruits should beharvested when still showing atrace of green.Indeterminate growth. From transplant: 70 days.80‐120 gram fruitsYield: 12‐16 tons per hectare

Black Prince

Black Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Caro RichA deep orange fruits which offer aextremely high level of vitamin A,10 times as mush as most othertomatoes.This variety is delicious and veryproductive.Highly recommendedIndeterminate growthFrom transplant 70 days120‐150 gram fruitsYield: 22‐28 tons per acre

Orange Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Black from TulaPurple‐red fruits, thetexture is creamy andthe flavor is sweet andslightly salty. Thisvariety sets fruitsremarkably well evenin hot weather. Theplants are pretty smalland moderatelyproductive.

Delicate gourmetvariety

Indeterminate growth.From transplant : 75days

250‐ 500 gr fruitsYield: 7‐10 tons perhectare

Black Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

The vigorous vines giveabundant harvests of pink,oval shaped, medium sizedfruits. The flavor is very sweetand rich. The variety is welladapted to adverseconditions.Indeterminate growth.Moderate yielderFrom transplant : 65 days.50 gram oval fruits17.7 tons per hectare

Olirose of St Domingue

Pink Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Des Andes

Roma type – Red Tomato

The pepper –shaped fruits aremeaty with fewseeds and richflavor. One of thebest tastingtomato.



From transplant70 days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Green Sausage

Roma type – Green Tomato

A compact good producer variety ofunusual green peeper shaped tomato.

Thick flesh, slightly acidic tomato,excellent for salad.

From Transplant 70 days

Yield: 12‐15 tons per hectare

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Podland PinkCHERRY‐ Pink Tomato

The vigorous vines produce anabundance of small oblong fruits. Thefruits have a unique pink color. Thisvariety is drought resistant.Excellent for market garden andhighly recommendedVery attractive varietyHigh yielding CherryFrom transplant: 60 daysYield: 12‐15 tons per hectare in goodorganic conditions.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Tommy ToesThe plants produce bright red fruits ontrusses of 6‐10 fruits each, excellent richflavor. Much appreciated by children as“garden candy”.High yielding CherryResistant to early and late blightIndeterminate growthFrom transplant: 60 daysYield: 15‐ 18 tons per hectare

CHERRY‐ Red Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Broad Ripple

This variety produces hundreds of tinyorange‐ yellow cherry tomatoes.A heavy producer of unusual cherrytomatoes.Highly recommendedIndeterminate growth susceptible tosplitting.From transplant: 60 daysYield: 10‐12 tons per hectare

CHERRY‐ Yellow Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Washington Cherry

The vigorous vinesproduce an abundance ofbig cherry tomatoes.Their flesh is dense andgreat flavor. They keepwell. A well knowbranded variety.Excellent for marketgarden and highlyrecommended.From transplant 60 days.25‐30 gr fruitsYield: 10‐12 tons perhectare

CHERRY‐ Red Tomato

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Red Pear

Yellow Pear

The plants tend to sprawl all over theplace and are loaded with largeclusters of red pear shaped fruits.Excellent for market garden, highlyproductive.Much appreciated by children as“garden candy”Indeterminate growth.From transplant : 60 days.

The plants are loaded with hundredsof small 2‐4 cm long yellow pear ‐shaped fruits . They are delightfullysweet, very much appreciated bychildren as “garden candy”.Excellent for market garden, highlyproductive.Indeterminate growth.From transplant 70 days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Annadana Organic OP Tomatoes Varieties

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaAnnadana OP Tomatoes collection

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Annadana Capsicum Varieties

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

GoldieThe 8‐ 12 cm long bell peppermay weigh up to 120 g. Theymature from yellow toorange to bright red. Theplants are 50 cm tall. It is abeautiful variety, compactand productive. Excellent formarket garden.From transplant 50‐60 daysYield: 22‐30 tons per hectarein good organic condition.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Prima Bella

The large blocky 3 to 4lobed fruits are green,turning red when mature.The are thick‐ walled andsweet. Resistant to tobaccomosaic virus.

100 to 150 gr fruits

From transplant 70 days

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

King of NorthThe large blocky 3 to 4 lobedfruits are 15 cm long. They aregreen, turning bright redwhen fully mature. They arethick‐ walled, crisp, sweet andmild. Resistant to tobaccomosaic virus.

100 to 120 gr fruits.

60 days.

18 tons per hectare

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaPurple Beauty

The 4 lobed fruits are 9 cm long by 9cm wide. They have a mild sweetflavor and are thick walled and meaty.They ripen from green to dark purpleand to deep red when fully mature.

Short, bushy, 45 cm tall plants.Resistant to mosaic virus.

70 days. Yield: 22‐25 tons per hectare

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Red RuffledThe fruits are oval withridges, They turn greed todark red. The flesh is thickand juicy.

The compact plants produceearly and abundantly

From transplant 80 days.

22 tons per hectare

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Italian SweetThe 15cm long fruits turn red whenfully mature. The flesh is not verythick. The flavor is sweet anddelicious. The variety is resistant totobacco mosaic virus.Excellent for market garden.From transplant 50‐60 daysYield: 30‐35 tons per hectare in goodorganic condition.

Page 38: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaBanana Early

The tapering wax fruits are 12‐15cmlong. They start out pale green,ripening to yellow and then red. Theflesh is sweet and mild. Excellent formarket garden.Compact and a heavy producer, upto 30 fruits per plant.From transplant 50‐60 daysYield: 20 ‐25 tons per hectare in goodorganic condition.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana


The 16cm long fruits have athick flesh and are very tasty.They can be harvested whengreen or red, at full maturity.The plants are 60‐80 cm tall.

Very productive variety.

From transplant 60‐ 65 days10 tons per hectare

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Yellow Banana Giant

The wax type fruits are 15 cm long. They ripen from bright yellow to red. The flesh is thick, sweet and juicy.

Excellent for market garden.

Compact heavy producer plant.

From transplant 70 days.

13 tons per hectare

Page 41: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Miniature ChocolateIt is a miniature bell pepper.The 2‐3 lobed fruits are 5cmlong. They are greenturning brown when fullyripe. The flesh is thick andvery sweet.An excellent variety, hardy,delicious and unusual. Theplants are 40cm tall andmay bear up to 60 fruits.From transplant 60‐65 days.Yield: 24‐28 tons per hectarein good organic condition.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Miniature Red BellIt is a miniature bell pepper. The 2‐3 lobedfruits are 5cm long. They are green turning redwhen fully ripe. The flesh is thick and verysweet. The plants are 40 cm tall and may bearup to 60 fruits.An excellent variety, hardy and productive.From transplant 55‐60 days.Yield: 22‐ 24 tons per hectare in good organicconditions.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana


The smooth heartshaped fruits are7‐8 cm in length.They ripen fromgreen to brightred. The flesh isvery thick, juicyand mild.

Resistant tomosaic virus.

From transplant :70 days.

24 tons per hectare

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana


The 10‐15cm long, slim,tapering fruits turn redwhen ripe. The plant mayreach 1 meter. This varietyis used to make crushedred pepper flakes andground pepper.A well known brandedvariety.

From Transplant: 55‐60days.

Very hot Chili

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Annadana Capsicum  OP varieties

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

OP varieties of Pumpkin and Zucchini

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaGolden Delicious

One of our favorite.The fruits are heart shaped.Their rind is brilliant red‐orange. The flesh is verysmooth, fine textured andorange. The flavor is deliciousand the vitamin C content isvery high. It is a good keeper.This variety is frequently usedfor baby food. Excellent formarket garden.From direct sowing: 45 to 50days.3 to 8 kg per fruits2 to 4 fruits per plants

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

More Gold

The fruits are slightlyflattened in the shape of adrum. They are very uniformin size with a very small seedcavity. Their color is brightorange with indistinct salmonstripes. The flesh is smoothorange and highly flavored.The fruit in full maturity hashigh quality but theimmature fruits may be eaten.This variety keeps good for100 days.From direct sowing 45‐50days2 to 3 kg per fruits.2 to 4 fruits per plants.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Marina di Chiogia

A magnificent variety. Thevigorous vines produce largeturban shaped fruits that aredark‐green or green‐ bronze withnumerous ribs formed by deepgrooves. They weigh around 5 kg.The rich, sweet flesh is a deepyellow‐orange, of good quality,delicious when baked or in pies.3 to 5 kg per fruits2 to 3 fruits per plantsFrom direct sowing 55 to 60 days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Black Forest

It is an early maturing type.The medium‐dry, dark‐orangeflesh is rich and sweet. Thegreen, flattened, round fruitsare 12‐16cm in diameter. Thisvariety is an excellent keeper.

1 to 2 kg per fruits

4 to 5 fruits per vine.

From direct sowing: 50 days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Tromba d’AlbengaOne of our favorite. Thefruits, can grow up to 1 meterlong and may be harvestedanytime, from just 10cmthrough their full size. Theyturn from light yellow‐greento tan when fully ripe. Theflesh is bright orange, richand is very sweet. The fruitscan be steamed, grilled orsliced raw.Excellent for market gardenand highly recommended.Early maturing2 to 5 kg per fruits4 to 6 fruits per plantsFrom direct sowing 45‐50days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Long Nice

The very fine flavored fruitscan attain 1 meter inlength! Their weight rangesfrom 2 to 10 kg and theirdiameter from 10 to 18 cm.The skin is pale green andochre at maturity. Theorange flesh is firm, slightlymusky and slightly sweet.Excellent for marketgarden and highlyrecommendedCan be eaten and harvestedat any stage2 to 8 kg per fruits4 to 6 plants per vine

From direct sowing 40‐50days

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaWater melon‐ Pink Flesh

Oblong fruit. The rindis light green with darkgreen stripes. The fleshis pinkish‐red, verysweet and rich.20 to 40 cm long5‐10 up to 15 kg perfruit2 to 3 fruit per vineFrom direct sowing :90 days.

Page 54: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Striato Pugliese

The fruits arepretty uniform insize, are 15‐18 cmin length. Theyhave a dark greenskin stripped witha lighter green.Bush variety

Excellent formarket garden.

100 to 200 gr fruits

6 to 8 fruits perplans


Page 55: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Alberano di Sarzano

An excellent varietyfor market garden.

Good producer of 30cm long light greenzucchini, 5 cm indiameter.

Uniform fruits

100 to 200 gr fruits

6 to 8 fruits per plants

40 days from directsowing.


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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana



The fruits have alight green skinstriped with adarker green.

This variety is veryproductive and of abush type.

6 to 10 fruits perplant

150 to 200 gr perfruits

From direct sowing40 days.

Page 57: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Golden BushA very productive varietywith bright yellow fruits of10 to 20 cm long.

Large productive plant.The fruit skin is delicateand should be handle withcare.

Excellent for market

4 to 8 fruits per plants

80‐120 gram per fruit


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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

OP varieties of Brinjal

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Indonesian Pink Blush

The fruits are oblong and 15cm long. The skin is pink andviolet. The plant can reach 1meter high.

Attractive variety

100 to 150 gram fruits

Up to 8 fruits per plant

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana


This variety produce 20 cm long black‐ purplefruits. The flesh is white, tender and of nice flavor.

A classic market variety.

80 to 120 gram fruits

4 to 6 fruits per plants

Page 61: Annadana Organic Vegetable Varieties

Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaApple Green

This fine variety is very early.The ovals to round fruits arelight green. The flesh is white,tender and mild‐flavored. Theskin is very thin and does notneed to be peeled. Good forcooking as the fruit bear fewseeds.The plant grows 60‐90cms talland is pretty productive.100 to 120 gram fruit.3 to 6 fruits per plant.From transplant: 60‐65 days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

This variety is veryproductive of blackpurple fruits born incluster of 4, each prettyfruit of 10 to 15 cm longare only 3 cm indiameter.From transplant 60 days.

Purple Cluster

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Delicious WhiteThe stalks grow 2 meterstall and produce 2 cobs of20 cm long. The kernelsare white and the rowscompact. A very elegantvariety.From direct sowing 90days.


Delicious RedBeautiful deep red kernels.The stalks grow 1.8 meterstall and produce 2 cobs of20 cm long. A veryproductive and unusualvariety, attract customersattention, excellent formarket garden andspectacular.From direct sowing 90 days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Rainbow SweetOne of our four very favorite varieties of sweet corn. The fresh kernels are white andyellow. The cobs are 30cm long and are totally multicolored when fully mature. The stemof this plant can reach 3 meters and is sometimes colored red. A spectacular variety.From direct sowing 85‐100 days.

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadanaCan organic farming yield?

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana



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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

Organic Farming

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Soil & Seed SaversAnnadana

For further enquiry, contact us at :Annadana Seed Bank

Auroville Botanical Garden

Auroville, Villupuram dist, Tamilnadu – 605101.

E‐mail : [email protected]

Phone : 0413 262 2667

For more information log on to our

Thank you

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