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Anne Frank Biography The Story Of Her Life

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Anne Frank Biography

The Story Of Her Life

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Anne Frank was famous all thanks to her dad and her diary “Kitty”. Anne Frank was a girl with a lot of things to worry about. Especially the Germans. She had to hide away with her family for a long time in a Annex. The Annex was cramp most especially because 8 people came to stay with them because they were Jews too.

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She was born in 1929 in Frankfurt in Germany. She Lived with her family in Germany then in 1933 she moved to Amsterdam because the Nazis gained control over Germany. Her diary “Kitty” was given to her on her 13th birthday and it was the best present given to her and she loved the diary. She wrote in it for 2 year straight from 12 June 1942 until 1 August 1944.

This is what Kitty looked like. ------

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While Anne Frank was in the annex she or another person could not make a sound. It was very hard. Luckily Otto’s friend “Meap Gies” brought Anne and the other 8 food and water. She was a very good help to Anne and every one else. The annex was behind Otto’s office witch was a very good place to stay. But they could not make any noise because there was people working underneath.

The Annex was in Amsterdam in Holland. -------------------------------

<------------------ Miep Gies

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Sadly on August 4th 1944 Anne Frank got captured by the Germans and was sent to concentration camp. Concentration camp was where Anne Frank died because of all the hard work and she barley got food, water and rest. After the war Otto was the only family member to survive.

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In memory of Anne Frank, Otto published his daughters diary because Otto loved her so much and wants every one to know about Anne Frank and how she suffered and her life story.

Otto Frank