annual report 2009

2009 ANNUAL REPORT Soaring To New Heights

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Touchstone Mental Health is a nonprofit center of excellence providing quality programs to assure people living with mental illness can enjoy the highest quality of life. We build on our history of innovation to deepen, grow and sustain our programs to meet existing and emerging needs. Organizational Excellence is enhanced through effective strategic alliances; quality staff and leadership; increased visibility and is supported by updated technology and diversified base of funding.


Page 1: Annual Report 2009

2009 annual report

Soaring To New Heights

Page 2: Annual Report 2009

Touchstone Mental Health Inspires Hope, Healing and Well-beingTouchstone Mental Health is a center of excellence providing quality programs to ensure that people living with mental illness can enjoy the highest quality of life. TMH builds on its history of innovation to deepen, grow and sustain its programs to meet existing and emerging needs. Organizational excellence is enhanced through effective strategic alliances, quality staff and leadership and increased visibility and is supported by updated technology and a diversified base of funding.


Page 3: Annual Report 2009

Dear Friends,At Touchstone Mental Health our role is to provide a

framework of support for our community members,

clients and residents so they can live a life of

opportunity. We assist them holistically as they define

their goals and dreams. We then dedicate ourselves to

helping them overcome their individual obstacles so

they can take flight and ultimately soar.

We are guided by our mission, vision and strategic plan

to continually provide innovative, high quality programs

and services for hundreds of men and women living

with mental illness in the Twin Cities.

In 2009, we remained grounded in our organization’s

purpose while reaching new levels of excellence. Our

long-standing programs grew and exceeded benchmarks

in service delivery. [These efforts resulted in state

and national award recognition for our Assisted

Living Apartments in New Hope and our Intentional

Communities in south Minneapolis.] The success

of these programs made it possible for us to begin

providing integrated care guide services for members of

Metropolitan Health Plan’s Cornerstone Solutions and

refine our Intensive Community Rehabilitative Services

programs in its first full year of operation.

To strategically prepare for our future we reviewed systems,

processes and staff leadership to continually improve the

quality of care we deliver and develop a solid foundation

as we enter a new and exciting phase of Touchstone’s

27 year history. Numerous workgroups compiled

neuroscientific and healing design research to create a

matrix of needs guiding our newest customized living

facility with adjoining Health and Wellness Center. We

also implemented a comprehensive electronic record system

across our agency’s six programs to improve process and

client service delivery today and carry us through well into

the next decade.

These agency highlights were accomplished along side the

daily success of hundreds of adults who made strides to live

with increased independence and housing stability.

We are grateful for Touchstone’s dedicated team of 85

professionals who inspire hope, healing and well-being every

day. It is through their dedication, and the support of our

community partners and donors, that Touchstone Mental

Health reached new heights in 2009.

thank you for helping us soar!

Martha lantz, lICSW, MBaExecutive Director

Touchstone Mental Health

Merrie Kaas, ph.DBoard of Directors Chair – 2009

Touchstone Mental Health

Page 4: Annual Report 2009

A New Way to CareIntenSIve CoMMunIty rehaBIlItatIve ServICeS

MilestonesCollaBoratIonBy utilizing a multi-disciplinary team approach, staff met the holistic needs of clients resulting in 93 percent of clients maintaining community tenure.

reDuCeD hoSpItalIZatIonS91 percent of clients remained in the community without the need for hospitalization in 2009.

SelF-SuFFICIenCy86 percent of ICRS clients progressed along their individualized path of recovery through increased vocational opportunities, life-skills training, household budget management, communication skills and illness management techniques.

With the correct intensity of support, not too much nor too

little, each person can thrive to achieve his or her personally

defined life goals. Whether those goals are to reenter the

workforce or overcome the fear of public interaction in order

to work out at a YMCA, Touchstone Intensive Community

Rehabilitative Services’ team of social workers, nurses and

psychiatrists were there collaborating with Touchstone

Targeted Case Management to help 124 men and women

maintain their housing while increasing their independence

and community integration.

“Touchstone is what makes all the pieces of my puzzle fit together.”

GreggICRS & TCM client

4 | ICRS & TCM

Page 5: Annual Report 2009

MilestonesperSonal GoalSTargeted Case Management staff worked with the Intensive Community Rehabilitation Services team to support 147 men and women increase and improve their vocational opportunities, life-skills training, communication skills and illness management techniques so each person could exercise personal agency over his or her life.

StaBle houSInGMaintaining stable housing is a primary goal to assist clients with their long-term health and well-being. In 2009, 87 percent of clients retained their independent living arrangements exceeding industry goals by 15 percent.

SelF-SuFFICIenCy90 percent of clients remained in the community without the need for hospitalization. These results exceeded program goals by almost 10 percent.

Support That’s Always TheretarGeteD CaSe ManaGeMent

To reach our highest dreams, our basic needs including housing must be

met. Once stable, we can build on those successes to experience a world

of greater opportunity. Touchstone Targeted Case Managers served

as consistent advocates, providing independent living skills and stable

housing support so 147 men and women could move toward heightened

personal achievement.

“I’m really grateful to Touchstone. They are there for you every step. With their help, I now have an

apartment and am working toward rejoining the workforce. I don’t know where I would be without Touchstone;

I just know I wouldn’t be where I am today – for that I’m grateful.”

GreggICRS & TCM client

Page 6: Annual Report 2009

“If I were a kite, I would be bright and colorful. The tools from my Touchstone

advocates would help me fly above the clouds and my fellow community members along side me would give the

sky its beauty.”levi

Intentional Community member since 2007

The Freedom to FlyaSSISteD lIvInG

In 2009, our 19 residents at Touchstone Assisted Living

celebrated the program’s fifth anniversary as Minnesota’s first

customized living facility providing permanent housing with

24-hour support services for men and women living with

serious mental illness. Fifty-six percent of current residents

have lived at Touchstone for five years or longer, and it is the

stable housing, holistic service approach and the long-term

relationships with staff and fellow residents that have fostered

community cohesiveness over the years. Residents find trust,

friendship and interconnectedness are highlights of being a part

of Touchstone. Staff emphasized residents’ 62 percent reduced

need for additional services over the past two years as an example

of each person’s improved health and well-being. These results

have allowed previously consumed service dollars to be utilized

by other programs in Hennepin County.

MilestonesStayInG aCtIveIn 2009, Touchstone Assisted Living received the Care Provider’s of Minnesota Dare to be Great Award for their innovative Step Up Club program. The Step Up Club was developed by residents and staff to increase physical activity, relieve stress and create a better sense of well-being. It resulted in 80 percent resident participation and a 50 percent increase in weekly activity.

healthy GroWthThree new residents joined Touchstone Assisted Living as part of the program’s expansion to a third town home, increasing total residents’ capacity to 19.

SelF-SuFFICIenCy97 percent of residents maintained their mental health helping them remain out of the hospital.

InCreaSeD partICIpatIonResidents increased their participation in work, work programs, education and volunteering from 15% participation when moving to Touchstone Assisted Living to 55% today.

6 | ICRS & TCM

Page 7: Annual Report 2009

Together with HopeIntentIonal CoMMunItIeS

Interdependence, reciprocity and mutual support for health are

the foundation on which Touchstone Intentional Community’s 40

members thrive. The men and women from across Hennepin County

gathered multiple times a week at one of Touchstone’s two Intentional

Community sites or at various community coffee shops, theaters or

yoga studios to share, celebrate and support one another through times

of success and challenge. In 2009, their third year of operation, the

self-directed communities were recognized for their innovative, peer-

driven structure which makes true community possible.

MilestonesInDepenDenCe93 percent of community members maintained independent, safe and secure housing with 91 percent having retained housing for more than one year.

GoalS eXCeeDeD89 percent of community members improved or maintained their baseline for symptom management, exceeding program goals by 29 percent.

IMproveMentS94 percent of community members maintained their living skills and improved or maintained their physical health, exceeding program goals by more than 30 percent.

reCoGnItIonTouchstone’s Intentional Community program was highlighted for its service approach and member success by the National Council of Community Behavioral Healthcare.

learn FroM otherSParticipating in a community demands members learn how to communicate respectfully and resolve differences effectively. Both communities studied Rosenberg’s Non-Violent Communication and use it as a reference for improving communication.

“I am very thankful that I came here and the room is so

pretty… I would be lost without Touchstone and all the help and

am proud to be here”.Mary

Assisted Living Resident

Page 8: Annual Report 2009

Preparing for the FuturetouChStone reSIDentIal treatMent

In 2009, the men and women who graduated from Touchstone

Residential Treatment left with regained mental health stability

and success toward overcoming personal obstacles like chemical

dependency. For an average of 78 days, each resident had a

safe, supportive and structured place to call home while they

prepared to transition into the Twin Cities. They worked

with their team of mental health practitioners, mental health

professionals, counselors and nurse to develop symptom

awareness and management skills, increase techniques for

coping, and garner tools for independent living so they could

more successfully integrate back into the community.

MilestonesaSSeSSMentSTouchstone Residential supported 80 adults with comprehensive assessments and individualized treatment addressing mental health, chemical dependency, physical health and independent living skills.

ContInual proGreSSIon79 percent of residents graduated, met program standards and moved toward more independent living including an increased sense of safety and security, self-care through medication education and compliance, increased coping skills, exercise of daily living skills and participation in available community supports.

prolonGeD SuCCeSS81 percent of program graduates retained independent living 6 months after program completion exceeding program goals by 20 percent.

“Touchstone Residential is in a great neighborhood and the backyard gardens

are very therapeutic. You can sit, meditate and watch the broccoli grow.”

JoshTRT graduate and Intentional

Community Member


Page 9: Annual Report 2009

New Programs Take FlightCare CoorDInatIon

Navigating the physical, mental and social needs of life is a

challenging course to chart. It requires an understanding of

one’s needs, determination, organization and a way to effectively

communicate with the physicians, mental health providers and

social supports available. In 2009, Touchstone Care Coordination

became the premier provider of care coordination services for

Metropolitan Health Plan’s Cornerstone Solutions members.

Touchstone Care Coordination’s team of care advocates provide

integrated support for Cornerstone Solutions’ members with

mental health needs. The care advocates helped assess each

member’s holistic needs; establish connections with their mental

health, physical health and social service providers; served as a

translator and advocate with various providers and helped each

person maintain their appointments and recommended care plans,

so each person could maintain their health and well-being. In the

first four months of operation Touchstone Care Coordination team

focused their efforts on building an effective program infrastructure

and established relationships with their first 76 clients.

“Touchstone Care Coordination offers a provider relationship

without limitations… creativity and critical thinking are

welcomed as we partner with the people we support to help them

find ways to get from where they are to where they want to be.”

touchstone Care Coordination Supervisor

Page 10: Annual Report 2009

Statement and Activitiesyear enDeD DeCeMBer 31, 2009

Statement of Financial PositionaS oF DeCeMBer 31, 2009



Current 1,653,100 Fixed 352,266 Other 72,987

total 2 ,078,353

total eXpenSeS

Program Services 3,565,706 Management & Administrative 231,608 Fundraising 87,765

total 3 ,885,079

Program Services | 91.7%

Management & Administrative | 6%

Fundraising | 2.3%

Medical Assistance | 80%Managed Care | 20%

Medical Assistance | 64.1%

Government Contracts | 25.9%

Client Program Fees and Rent | 5.1%

Group Residential Housing | 3.5%

Investment Income | 0.6%

Donations | 0.5%

Special Events, net | 0.3%

In-Kind Contributions | 0.1%

Support & revenue

Medical Assistance 2,567,744 Government Contracts 1,036,929 Client Program Fees and Rent 184,463 Group Residential Housing 139,150 Donations 36,242 Investment Income 22,037 Special Events, net 13,067 In-Kind Contributions 4,909

total 4 ,004,541

lIaBIlItIeS & net aSSetS

Current Liabilities 363,239 Net Assets Unrestricted Net Assets 1,656,924 Temporarily Restricted Net Assets 58,190 Total Net Assets 1,715,114

total 2 ,078,353

Page 11: Annual Report 2009

Program Expenses2009

proGraM eXpenSeS

Residential Treatment 1,113,430 Customized Living 961,209 Intensive Community Rehabilitation 729,854 Targeted Case Management 356,115 Intentional Communities 330,893 Care Coordination 57,798 Healing Services 16,407

total 3 ,565,706

Residential Treatment | 31.2%

Customized Living| 26.9%

Intensive Community Rehabilitation | 20.5%

Targeted Case Management | 10%

Intentional Communities | 9.3%

Care Coordination | 1.6%

Healing Services | 0.5%

Program Services | 91.7%

Management & Administrative | 6%

Fundraising | 2.3%

“I have a much clearer vision of my path for the upcoming years.”

touchstone Community Member

Page 12: Annual Report 2009

pInnaCle $5000 + Donors providing our Culminated SuccessLeslie and Michael Connelly

1335 Foundation

KeyStone $1000-$4,999 Donors providing our Cohesive StabilityTim and Holly Cashin

Merrie Kaas

Martha Lantz and Kim Makie

JoAnn and Carl Meyer

Liz and John Sjaastad

David Vicksta

pIllar $500-$999 Donors providing our principle Support Glen and Sandy Albert

Lynette Anderson

Eric and Jennifer Baumgartner

Kathleen Carter

Michaela Diercks

John and Lori Frekot

Donna Langer-Hansen

Katie and Marshall Lichty

Ron and Tamera Robinson

Rita and Dick Sanderson

Jim and Sarah Stowell

Wilmot Wheeler Foundation

Core $250-$499 Donors providing our Fundamental heartAnonymous (2)

David Baune

Michael & Kate Gardos Reid

Sharon T. Johnson

Tony and Amy McAllister

Al and Dianne Melnychuk

Gary and Barbara Milton

David and Judy Myers

Karen Palm and Lynne Sparks

Katherine Pollock

Jeff and Ardella Schoeneck

Ken and Mary Sutherland

CornerStone $100-$249 Donors providing our Firm Base Anonymous

Don and Betty Cashin

Celeste Culberth

Elaine Darst and Gunda Georg

Wasil G. Fiedorow

Barbara Delaney

Candace Gislason

Cheryl Grady

Cynthia Gross

Marlyn and Lorrie Johnson

Birgit and Shawn Kelly

Jeannie Kenney

Elaine Krenik

Kurt and Lea Langston

Brandon and Colleen Lichty

Mary Martin

Dustine and Steve Meyer

Norma Prokosh Helen Raleigh

William and Connie Riggs

Kelly and Raphael Robert

Mark and Mary Sanderson Geri Scherer

Barbara Sobocinski

Gus and Michelle Thompson

Nina Tuttle

Whitney Walden

Holly Weinkoff

Michelle Wincell and Bruce O’Leary Honora Winther

FootholDup to $99 Donors providing our Chief FoundationAnonymous

Sandra Accola

Sara Barron-Leer

Bruce and Judy Bernier

Mark Betzler

Birgit E. Birkeland

Sarah Brew

Maureen Cashin, John Storm and Sons

Bill & Susan Cochrane

Ann Foran

John Frekot

Ken and Elaine Gunderson

Rita A. Halloran

Vanessa Heit

Suzanne Herther

Scott and Linda Lichty

Peggy Matthies Nelsen

Lucy Minn

Michael and Jeanne Potram James Radant

Barbara Radke

Theresa Ronning

David Sagula

Anelise Sawkins

Joni Sussman

MaryAnn Syers

Maryann Watters

Don and Carol Williams

Kathleen Whiteford

Claire Wright

In-KInD SupportLogan and Sharon Anderson

Martha Lantz

Fio MacKinney

Lucy Brown Minn

Sanderson Creative

Catherine Stine

Tejas Restaurant

FounDatIon SupportKimberly Clark Foundation

Lifetime Fitness Foundation

Minnesota State Fair

Upper Midwest Shelby Club

US Bancorp Foundation

DonatIonS In honor Anonymous In Honor of the Touchstone

Residential Team

Lynette Anderson In Honor of Helen Raleigh

Bruce and Judy Bernier In Honor of Shawna Sanders

Don & Betty Cashin In Honor of Kathy Cashin

Maureen Cashin, John Storm and Sons In Honor of Kathy Cashin

Rita A Halloran In Honor of Kathy Cashin

Marlyn and Lorrie Johnson In Honor of Marnie Johnson

Elaine Krenik In Honor of Kathy Cashin

Lucy Minn In Honor of DeDe Van Slyke

Barbara Radke In Honor of Intentional


Ken and Mary Sutherland In Honor of Kathy Cashin

David Vicksta In Honor of Patricia Carola

DonatIonS In MeMoryHelen Raleigh In Memory of Arline Raleigh

William and Connie Riggs In Memory of Cynthia Riggs

David Sagula In Memory of Cynthia Riggs

Rita and Dick Sanderson In Memory of Scott Sanderson

Our Donors | January 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009 “Your support helps Touchstone serve as a guide and supporting presence for our clients as they travel their paths of hope, healing and well-being.”

12 | DONORS *We apologize for any errors or omissions. Accurate donor lists are important to us. Please contact us if you are listed incorrectly. | 412-767-2161

Page 13: Annual Report 2009

Thank You DonorsIn 2009, your support helped Touchstone Mental Health serve as a center of excellence, providing innovative programs and services in the Twin Cities. With your on-going support we will continue to provide holistic services while researching and developing new integrated health models of care to improve the quantity and quality of life among the men and women we serve.

“Thank you for inspiring hope, healing and well-being. Because of you, our community soars.”


Page 14: Annual Report 2009

BoarD oF DIreCtorS Sara Barron-LeerBill CochranLeslie ConnellyMichaela DiercksMerrie Kaas, Ph.D. – 2009 Board ChairDonna Langer-HansenKatie Lichty, Esq.JoAnn MeyerLiz SjaastadCatherine StineSharon Wilson

SenIor leaDerShIp teaM Martha Lantz, LICSW , MBA Executive Director

Glen Albert, LICSW Director of Assisted Living

Bharati Acharya, LPC Director of Case Management

Lynette Anderson Finance and Human Resources Director

Jennifer Baumgartner Development Director

DeDe VanSlyke, LPCC Treatment Director, Residential Treatment

Michelle Wincell, LICSW Director of Operations


14 | STAFF

Recognizing Touchstone’s Staff Benchmark Years of Service5+Brook DahlTenneh DiggsJohnnie MayfieldDorene ObiRosemary RauschPatrick RobinsonRenee Svoboda

10+Angela AdamsKari BauneIngrid BloomEsther FolayanDiana SchansbergKarla SchmittMonica SmithKatherine Wurpts

15+Lyn GerdisDeborah Hesli

20+Deborah GruelKara VangenClaire Wright

25Glen Albert

(years of service as of report printing April 2010)

Page 15: Annual Report 2009

Looking Toward the Horizon Imagine a home that not only houses, but heals. Imagine a place where the Twin Cites 62,000 adult men and women living with serious mental illness have access to a health and wellness center dedicated solely to their physical, mental and social health needs. Imagine a community built on a foundation of integration and intention. If you can imagine…you will see what Touchstone Mental Health’s future holds. We look forward to collaborating with you and appreciate your enthusiasm and financial support as we take flight on a new journey that will transport us all to new heights.

Page 16: Annual Report 2009

aSSISteD lIvInG apartMentS7376 Bass Lake RdNew Hope, MN 55428 Voice: 763-536-8134 Fax: [email protected]

Care CoorDInatIon2829 University Ave SE, Ste 400Minneapolis MN 55414Voice: 612-874-6409Fax: [email protected]

IntenSIve CoMMunIty rehaBIlItatIon ServICeS2829 University Ave SE, Ste 400Minneapolis, MN 55414Voice: 612-874-6409Fax: [email protected]

IntentIonal CoMMunItIeS310 East 38th St, Ste 223Minneapolis, MN 55409 Voice: 612-767-3881Fax: 612-870-3772 [email protected]

reSIDentIal treatMent2516 East 24th StMinneapolis, MN 55406Voice: 612-722-1892Fax: [email protected]

tarGeteD CaSe ManaGeMent ServICeS 2829 University Ave SE, Ste 400Minneapolis, MN 55414 Voice: 612-874-6409Fax: [email protected]

touChStone aDMInIStratIve oFFICeS2829 University Ave SE, Ste 400Minneapolis, MN 55414Voice: 612-874-6409Fax: [email protected]