annual report colorado waste tire market development plan ... · content, audience, geographic...

Prepared for: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Division Prepared by: Tetra Tech, Inc. 216 16th Street, Suite 1500 | Denver, CO 80202 Annual Report Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation June 2017

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Page 1: Annual Report Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan ... · content, audience, geographic limits and constraints, and cost effectiveness are considered. Technical training opportunities

Prepared for: Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Division Prepared by: Tetra Tech, Inc. 216 16th Street, Suite 1500 | Denver, CO 80202

Annual Report

Colorado Waste Tire

Market Development Plan Implementation

June 2017

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June 2017

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1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................. 1

2.0 SCHEDULE ......................................................................................................................................................... 1

3.0 TECHNICAL TRAININGS ................................................................................................................................... 2

4.0 TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND IDENTIFICATION ......................................................................................... 3

4.1 Tire-Derived Aggregate ................................................................................................................................. 3

4.2 Tire-Derived Fuel .......................................................................................................................................... 4

4.3 Crumb Rubber ............................................................................................................................................... 4

4.4 Outlook for 2016–2017.................................................................................................................................. 6

5.0 STATEWIDE CONFERENCE ON THE USE OF TIRE-DERIVED MATERIALS ............................................... 6

6.0 ASSISTANCE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF WASTE TIRE FUND PROGRAMS ............................................. 8

6.1 Assist in the Development of the Waste Tire Cleanup Fund ........................................................................ 8

6.2 Assist in the Development of the Waste Tire Market Development Fund .................................................... 9

6.3 Assist in the Development of the Law Enforcement Grant Fund and Waste Tire Fire Prevention Fund ..... 9

6.4 Assist in the Development of the End Users’ Fund ...................................................................................... 9

6.5 Statutory and Regulatory Review of the Waste Tire Program .................................................................... 10

7.0 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................................... 10


Appendix A: Regulators Meeting (Pre-Conference), and Conference Agendas

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Acronyms/Abbreviations Definition

CCI Colorado Counties, Inc.

CDPHE Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment

CML Colorado Municipal League

HVAC Heating ventilation and air conditioning

SWANA Solid Waste Association of North America

TDA Tire-Derived Aggregate

TDF Tire-Derived Fuel

Tetra Tech Tetra Tech, Inc.

ii June 2017

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report


On behalf of Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE), Tetra Tech, Inc.

(Tetra Tech) completed a Waste Tire Market Development Plan in May 2013. The Waste Tire Market

Development Plan presented an approach for achieving 100 percent reuse or recycling of the state’s

stockpiled, monofilled, and annually generated waste tires by 2024.

Tetra Tech, located in Denver, was awarded a contract by CDPHE in January 2014 to implement the

approach described in the Waste Tire Market Development Plan, with the goal of advancing CDPHE’s

waste tire market development. As a follow on to the original contract, work was continued on this

project through Amendment 1 (from July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015), Amendment 2 (from July 1,

2015 through June 30, 2016) and Amendment 3 (from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017). This

Annual Report summarizes work completed on the project from July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017

under Amendment 3 to the original contract.

The Tetra Tech team in place for this work includes Terry Gray (TAG Resource Recovery), Mary Sikora

(Recycling Research Institute), Dr. Dana Humphrey (University of Maine), Karmen Griffith (Tetra Tech)

and Bob Farnes (Tetra Tech).

Priority was placed on tasks that would best advance the waste tire market development goal. The

implementation steps taken thus far on the project are pursuant to the CDPHE and Tetra Tech contract,

and are organized around four main tasks:

• Task 1: Technical Trainings • Task 2: Technical Assistance and Identification • Task 3: Annual Statewide Conference on the Use of Tire-Derived Materials • Task 4: Assistance in the Development of the Waste Tire Fund Programs

The scope, timeframe, details, and results associated with the project tasks are presented in this

Annual Report.


The May 2013 Waste Tire Market Development Plan lays out steps leading to the beneficial use of all

waste tires produced and stored in the State of Colorado. As the program advances through the steps,

results are regularly monitored to ensure that existing and new influences are taken into consideration.

Many of the steps taken need to be advanced iteratively while monitoring the resulting change in waste

tire beneficial use capacity. Some projects may lead to more beneficial use than predicted, while others

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

may consume less waste tires than intended. Waste tire market development is a marathon, not a

sprint, and requires a thoughtful plan, experience, and perseverance.

The steps presented on the Gantt chart (Figure 1) in the Waste Tire Market Development Plan, were

used as a guideline to connect the organizations, people, information, and funding needed to capitalize

on the opportunities presented in the Waste Tire Market Development Plan. All tasks were coordinated

with CDPHE and based on the project timeline; priority was placed on those tasks which would have

the most impact on advancing waste tire market development.

Each task is discussed in detail in the following sections.


No formal technical trainings were conducted during this period. However, the Tetra Tech team

continued to discuss and prepare for additional trainings. The forum for the technical trainings may

include in-person training, much like a classroom setting, or on-line training via a webinar. Timeframe,

content, audience, geographic limits and constraints, and cost effectiveness are considered.

Technical training opportunities include the following possibilities:

• Training session involving waste tires at the Solid Waste Association of North America

(SWANA) conference to be held in September. An abstract was submitted on May 26, 2017.

The abstract was accepted and the Tetra Tech team and CDPHE will present at the conference.

• Training session(s) with various organizations that have members involved with Colorado cities

and counties including Colorado Municipal League (CML) and Colorado Counties, Inc. (CCI).

The Tetra Tech team initiated discussions regarding a training session for members of these entities

with Connect2DOT and CDPHE staff to identify local and regional contacts including public works

officials, road maintenance directors, building contractors, facilities design engineers, heating

ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) companies, and others. The focus of the meetings is to

introduce stakeholders at the regional and local level to TDA, its benefits and potential for their

communities, identify barriers, and determine interest and engage stakeholders in identifying potential

training needs.

The Tetra Tech team continued to work with CDPHE to identify the most effective and beneficial path

forward for the technical training sessions.

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report


In the Waste Tire Market Development Plan, Tetra Tech identified basic characteristics of major waste

tire product markets, proposed a plan to define existing and potential waste tire product markets in

Colorado, and provided technical assistance and tools to accelerate development of multiple segments

within each market. The technical training sessions previously discussed represent one component of

the coordinated approach. Another part of the plan involved identifying entities for technical assistance

in each market segment.

CDPHE is regularly contacted by companies and individuals interested in promoting products,

establishing facilities, and participating in Colorado’s waste tire industry. At CDPHE’s request, Tetra

Tech has held discussions with approximately 20 entities, with the goal of offering assistance,

comments, and suggestions.

Tetra Tech will continue to assist CDPHE with follow-up and analysis of potential diversification of the

Colorado waste tire marketplace.

The following sections discuss the major areas of focus with regard to technical assistance and


4.1 TIRE-DERIVED AGGREGATE TDA usage was promoted through the 2017 Waste Tire Conference (supported by Tetra Tech in June

2017) in a session that provided an overview of TDA properties and applications, focusing on those

offering potential in Colorado. Specific examples of demonstration projects in Colorado were also

discussed, including use as a thermal insulating media to improve efficiency of in-ground heat pump

systems, and as a drainage aggregate for capturing and transporting underground water from building

foundations and low-lying areas.

The Tetra Tech team continued to promote the overall understanding of TDA usage in civil engineering

applications including:

• Highway, bridge, landslide stabilization

• Light rail construction

• Landfill drainage layers

• Landfill gas collection layers and trenches

• Lightweight embankment fill

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

• Septic tank leach fields

• Backfill for residential foundations

• Stormwater infiltration basins

• Heat pump thermal insulation

• Backfill for walls

• Lightweight fill over culverts

• Free draining backfill for French drains

Additional discussions of TDA applications will continue to be explored in the next fiscal year.

4.2 TIRE-DERIVED FUEL Energy utilization is currently the largest waste tire market in Colorado. Expansion of the TDF market

can play an important role in abatement of monofills and stockpiles. The Tetra Tech team visited

current and potential waste tire energy users in Colorado. Tetra Tech will continue to assist this market

segment with the goal of advancing market development for the beneficial end use of tires.

Tetra Tech has visited all three of Colorado’s cement plants and has discussed design and operational

considerations associated with efficient and environmentally sound use of TDF. The Tetra Tech team

has had numerous discussions with pyrolysis proponents exploring potential operation in Colorado.

Future discussions and site visits are anticipated for the next fiscal year.

Steel mills are considered to be a material recovery application because they use tires primarily for their

carbon content required in steel composition, as well as their energy content. Colorado has one steel

mill that may represent an opportunity for use of processed tires as a carbon source. Additional

discussions and information gathering are expected during the next fiscal year.

4.3 CRUMB RUBBER Tetra Tech’s ongoing technical assistance for crumb rubber markets includes discussions with two

potential crumb rubber processors gearing up to begin operations in Colorado. Both companies have

secured equipment and systems to process scrap tires to produce crumb rubber. The Tetra Tech team

is consulting with the companies to overcome equipment set up barriers and roadblocks, advise on

process flow designs that yield the most efficiency, and recommend markets for various crumb rubber

grades and sizes. Both companies plan to start up operations in mid-2017. The availability of in-state

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

crumb rubber feedstock is an important component for CDPHE and Tetra Tech’s efforts to attract and

develop end user in Colorado.

Tetra Tech continues its outreach to entities related to crumb rubber markets, including but not limited

to processors, manufacturers, end users, compounders, product designers, and testing facilities.

Through Tetra Tech’s outreach and technical assistance, a Colorado recycled rubber products

manufacturer has successfully sourced two research grant opportunities for testing and product

demonstration projects; worked with a molding consultant to fabricate new molds and refine the mix

design; identified potential distribution channels for its products in highway transportation, maintenance,

and safety markets; collaborated with a Colorado-based startup company developing a recycled rubber

block/barrier, and was commissioned to mold the barrier.

In May 2017, the company began a series of “in-field” demonstration projects for several of its erosion

control products. The product demonstrations are being conducted at the construction sites of two large

Colorado builders. A major Colorado energy firm and a Denver water company are also conducting

field trials of the products. The Tetra Tech team is tracking the progress of these demonstration

projects and continues to provide technical assistance.

This company presented at the 2017 Colorado Waste Tire Conference to raise awareness of ground

rubber markets in Colorado. Other presenters included a recycled rubber footwear manufacturer and

developer of a devulcanized rubber compound, and a manufacturer of recycled rubber porous

pavement surfacing. As a result of the conference and Tetra Tech’s coordination, Tetra Tech is

providing technical assistance to a firm exploring the potential for a manufacturing facility in Colorado.

During the year, Tetra Tech identified tools and resources to assist in development of ground rubber

markets in the future, including:

• Assisting in the evaluation and documentation of product testing, and appropriate modification of equipment and/or operating procedures.

• Defining additional molding or processing equipment needed to initiate commercial production and use.

• Exploring tools to enhance acceptance of ground rubber products by public and private purchasers. For instance, some states have evaluated products and applications using ground rubber, developed written summaries, and recognized the products for procurement under applicable state-wide procurement or subsidy programs.

• Identifying and participating in local recycling exhibits or meetings to expose a broad range of commercial products made from waste tires in Colorado. Notifying Colorado waste tire processors, end users, and product manufacturers of these opportunities.

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

• Assisting product manufacturers in improving product quality to broaden product acceptability. Helping product manufacturers identify which standards or accreditations are needed and how to get their product evaluated.

• Raising public awareness of the benefits of tire recycling to the state’s economy through infographics and brochures, billboard and other signage, and through media and social media statements.

4.4 OUTLOOK FOR 2017–2018 On March 23,, 2017, Senate Bill (SB) 17-047 concerning additional incentives for the beneficial use of

Colorado waste tires that would have extended the rebate and market development programs was

voted down by the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Natural Resources, & Energy. At the end of this

calendar year there will be no more rebates or market development funds. Tetra Tech will continue to

expand the technical assistance program and will consider using alternate approaches to outreach

including webinars, development of best practices, and marketing training sessions. Tetra Tech will

work with CDPHE to ensure CDPHE is in the best position to move the tire program forward.


This task involved organizing and conducting a fourth annual statewide conference for the promotion

and market development of tire-derived materials. The conference, titled 2017 Waste Tire Market

Development Conference: Moving Markets Forward was held on June 21 and 22, 2017, at the Double

Tree Hotel located at 7801 East Orchard Road in Greenwood Village, Colorado. The overarching goal

of the conference was to provide a forum for all sectors of the waste tire industry to network, while

congruently promoting the increased beneficial use of waste tires in Colorado.

Tetra Tech and CDPHE worked to thoroughly develop the vision, scope, location, time, invitees,

conference themes, speaker possibilities, content, and schedule for the conference. Entities invited to

attend the conference included, but were not limited to, waste tire processors, end users, tire derived

product manufacturers, government agencies, and other interested parties approved by CDPHE.

Approximately 93 attendees were present and allowed for ample networking opportunities with the goal

of enhancing the rate of beneficial end use for waste tires in Colorado. As part of the conference, 10

sessions involving waste tire market development areas were presented. A program agenda is

provided in Appendix A. Conference sessions included the following:

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

• Colorado’s Waste Tire Program

• A Look Into The Crystal Ball - How Changes to Federal Environmental Policy and Funding Will

Affect The Waste Tire Industry

• How Mosquitoes Recycle and Reuse Waste Tires

• What DOT’s Really Think About Ground Tire Rubber in Asphalt: Looking through a National


• Recycled Rubber Products Moving Into More Markets and Applications

• Overview of the Federal Action Plan on Tire Crumb and Progress to Date

• Tire-Derived Aggregate

• Pyrolysis –From Innovation to Market

• OTR Recycling—From Buried Treasure to Sustainable Solutions

• State Regulators Panel: Focus on Market Development

Similar to the 2014, 2015, and 2016 conferences, the 2017 conference allowed waste tire industry

vendors an opportunity to exhibit their abilities, products, services, etc. through exhibitor booths located

outside the main conference area. Exhibitors included: Columbus McKinnon Corporation,

Connect2DOT, ECO Green Equipment, Granutech-Saturn Systems, Rubberosion, Inc., and Scrap Tire


Networking opportunities were strategically provided throughout the conference and attendees were

able to learn more about key industry players in shredding equipment, waste tire processing, rubber

molded products, and professional services for the waste tire industry.

In addition to the main conference, a pre-conference regulatory meeting was held on June 20, 2017, at

the Double Tree Hotel. Agencies present for the pre-conference regulatory meeting included most

Rocky Mountain regional states and other states with recognized waste tire management program


• Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control

• Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

• Kansas Department of Health and Environment

• Kentucky Division of Waste Management

• Michigan Department of Environmental Quality

• Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality

• New Mexico Environment Department

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

• Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality

• Utah Department of Environmental Quality

• Tennessee Office of sustainable Practices

• Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

• Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality

• United States Environmental Protection Agency

Additionally, a representative from the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association (formerly the Rubber

Manufacturers Association) attended. Each state was invited to present information on their waste tire

program for discussion. Additional technical topics included:

• A discussion of enforcement issues, methods, and challenges associated with haulers, processors and stockpiles.

• A discussion of the projected impact of the new federal administration’s policies and fiscal priorities on waste tire management.

• A discussion of market development for diverse TDA applications.

The agenda for the pre-conference regulatory meeting is provided in Appendix A. The forum provided

the states an opportunity to discuss successes and challenges within the regulatory framework and to

continue to understand the regional demands in the waste tire industry. The meeting continued to

provide a framework for future meetings, and the opportunity to learn and work together was welcomed

by all regulators.


Tetra Tech was tasked to assist CDPHE with preparing for (SB) 17-047. Based on (SB) 17-047 being

voted down, Tetra Tech initiated efforts on a transition plan to examine several aspects of the coming

changes in waste tire management in Colorado. The transition plan will evaluate the actions that the

Waste Tire Program at CDPHE should take to ensure the proper management of waste tires and the

development of markets to consume tires being generated today and in the future.

6.1 ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE WASTE TIRE CLEANUP FUND CDPHE is charged with developing and implementing a coordinated statewide program. Legislation is

in place regarding the cleanup of illegally disposed waste tires. The cleanup program is designed to

provide a mechanism for removal of existing stockpiles as well as amnesty events to encourage proper

disposal of miscellaneous tires accumulated by local residents. CDPHE encourages recycling and

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

constructive reuse of these waste tires. Waste tire funds can be used to pay for the retrieval, transport,

and recycling of waste tires at approved storage, disposal, or recycling facilities.

Under this task, Tetra Tech conducted research, and collected and analyzed data to assist CDPHE in

developing regulations and procedures for implementation of these new statutes.

Initial progress has been made on all of these tasks, and progress will accelerate in the next fiscal year,

including cleanup of existing waste tire stockpiles.


The Waste Tire Market Development Fund was impacted by the June 2014 statutes. Tetra Tech

conducted activities in support of recommendations, legislative discussions, and possible future fund

development. Strengths and weaknesses of other states’ programs and their applicability to Colorado’s

unique conditions and needs, were identified and evaluated.

Tetra Tech worked with CDPHE in formulating criteria for the Market Development Grant Application

and Directions for the market development fund. The Market Development grants are funded up to

$50,000 per grant and are designed to provide limited funding to end users to assist in the research

and development of new and existing waste tire recycling technologies and applications; and to provide

limited funding to end users to assist in the incorporation of tire-derived materials into one or more tire-

derived products including ground rubber, TDA and TDF.

Tetra Tech assisted CDPHE in identifying the first applicant for the 2015 Market Development Grant

and reviewing the application for testing of a recycled rubber transportation-related product.


Specific tasks, including the evaluation of the benefits of developing and implementing a training

curriculum on law enforcement and fire prevention as it relates to waste tires, were initially envisioned

for these two funds; however, the new statutes merged and significantly changed these funds. Tetra

Tech will assist CDPHE in reviewing the optimum restructuring of objectives, priorities, and plans.

These funds were combined with the Waste Tire Cleanup Fund.

6.4 ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE END USERS’ FUND Under this task, Tetra Tech historically assisted CDPHE in developing regulations and a rebate

structure for this fund to increase consistency and predictability. States with rebate programs were

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

identified and their historical performance was assessed. Discussions were conducted to develop a

regulatory framework and rebate mechanism for Colorado that alleviated some historical shortcomings.

A rebate model was to reflect historical experience, allow for significant future market changes, and

provide a predictable rebate without exceeding fund resources.

Tetra Tech will continue to assist CDPHE with this task.


Quarterly regulator teleconference calls fall within this task. Calls occurred on September 28, 2016,

December 14, 2016, and March 28, 2017. Regulators met in person during the June conference.

Tetra Tech assisted CDPHE in developing reference material related to tire bales for a presentation to

the Colorado Solid and Hazardous Waste Commission (Commission) meeting on November 15, 2016.

The purpose of the presentation was to summarize tire bale usage and regulations in Colorado and


The Tetra Tech Team indicated:

• They were not aware of any state that allows unrestricted production or use of waste tire bales. Tire baling is the lowest capital and operating cost method for volume reduction of waste tires, so economics have driven historical efforts to develop tire baling businesses and applications. As a result, tire baling has an extensive history of business and applications failures with a few successes involving highly engineered and carefully constructed applications.

• On a national basis, baling has virtually no impact as a method for sustainably recycling tires. Of the limited states offering reimbursement, no state offers reimbursement or end user payments to baled tire applications unless they meet stringent engineering criteria – (no projects completed to date outside Colorado).

• Colorado is the only state (with a waste tire program) that supports baled tire applications with end user reimbursements.

Tetra Tech presented information to the Commission and answered questions about tire bale usage.

The information presented was to be used by the Commission when updating waste tire program



The Waste Tire Program operates within the Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Division of

CDPHE, to allow the program to streamline and increase efficiency. Through technical assistance and

identification, annual educational and networking forums, and further development of the Waste Tire

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Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan Implementation Annual Report

Program funds, substantial progress will continue in the promotion and advancement of the waste tire

industry for the beneficial end use of waste tires.

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(Five Sheets)

June 2017

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WASTE TIRE REGULATORS MEETING Doubletree by Hilton Denver Tech Center

Magenta Room Denver, Colorado

June 20, 2017

7:30 a.m. – 9:00 a.m. Registration/Continental Breakfast (Magenta Room)

9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. State Waste Tire Program Overviews

- New State Waste Tire Program Overviews

- Returning State Waste Tire Program Updates, Accomplishments, Changes, and Challenges

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m. Break

10:45 a.m. – Noon Completion of Program Overviews and Discussion of Common Issues

Noon – 1:15 p.m. Networking Lunch 1:15 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Open discussion of enforcement issues, methods, and

challenges associated with haulers, processors and stockpiles

2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Phillip Bender (Partner in Ring, Bender, McKown and Castillo LLLP)

will introduce and lead a discussion of the projected impact of the new federal administration’s policies and fiscal priorities on waste tire management.

2:30. – 2:45 p.m. Break

2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m. Dr. Dana Humphrey will introduce and lead a discussion of market development for diverse TDA applications, followed by open discussion of other market development issues.

About 4:15 ADJOURN

About 6:30 All who are interested will meet in the lobby and go to dinner at a nearby restaurant.

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Colorado’s 2017 Waste Tire Market Development Conference

Moving Markets Forward June 21-22, 2017 Conference Agenda

Page 1

Day One: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 7:00 am – 8:00 am Registration / Continental Breakfast 8:00 am – 8:15 am Welcome and Introduction

• Brian Gaboriau- Waste Tire Grants Administrator, Hazardous Materials & Waste Management Division, Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE)

8:15 am – 9:30 am Opening Remarks and Colorado’s Waste Tire Program The Solid Waste and Materials Management Program continues to improve the overall management of Colorado-generated waste tires. In this session, we’ll do a quick overview of CDPHE’s market development activities and accomplishments over the past year and discuss a path forward for 2017 and beyond.

• Moderator: Brian Gaboriau, CDPHE • Speaker: Joe Schieffelin, Solid Waste and Materials Management Program

Manager, CDPHE

9:30 am – 10:15 am A Look into The Crystal Ball—How Changes to Federal Environmental Policy and Funding Will Affect the Waste Tire Industry

Federal environmental policy and federal money have historically played significant roles in waste tire markets, facility permitting, tire pile abatement programs and the like. With a new administration in Washington, D.C., what does the future of federal involvement in the waste industry look like? This presentation will provide an up-to-date analysis of how the new administration's approaches to these issues are likely to affect our industry.

• Moderator : Shana Baker, CDPHE • Speaker: Phillip Bender, Ring, Bender LLC

10:15 am – 10:45 am Networking Break 10:45 am – 11:15 am How Mosquitoes Recycle and Reuse Waste Tires

This presentation will discuss the mosquito life cycle and their habitat needs, basic mosquito biology, arboviruses harbored by mosquitoes, and the relationship between mosquitoes and waste tires in the US.

• Moderator: Lisa Jeffrey, CDPHE • Speaker: Leah Colton, Medical Entomologist & Epidemiologist, CDPHE

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Colorado’s 2017 Waste Tire Market Development Conference

Moving Markets Forward June 21-22, 2017 Conference Agenda

Page 2

11:15 am – 12:00 pm What DOT’s Really Think About Ground Tire Rubber in Asphalt: Looking through a National Lens

Ferrella March will present results from a nationwide Department of Transportation (DOT) survey conducted as a collaborative project with the University of Oklahoma (OU) and Oklahoma DOT. The survey includes results of current practices including methods, special provisions, and specifications used by different DOTs, which allow the use of ground tire rubber (GTR) in asphalt. The survey was part of a literature review prepared by the OU, School of Civil Engineering and Environmental Science on the use of GTR in asphalt pavements.

• Moderator: Anna Maylett, CDPHE • Speaker: Ferrella March, Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality

12:00 pm – 1:30 pm Lunch A complimentary lunch will be served in the dining room adjacent to the conference room. 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm Recycled Rubber Products Moving Into More Markets and Applications Recycled tire rubber is finding its place in the market. Technology-led efforts, dedicated market education campaigns and top quality, high performing products are leading the way. This session will focus on companies who have penetrated the consumer market with recycled rubber products. Flexi-Pave will present how the high performing benefits of recycled rubber are meeting demand and providing solutions to drainage and erosion problems encountered in sidewalk remediation, trails, driveways and rebuilding infrastructure. Austin Rubber will describe the development of APX®, a virgin rubber compound substitute manufactured from tire rubber using Austin’s proprietary devulcanization technology. Austin Rubber will also talk about the opening of its first commercial devulcanization plant in Pennsylvania and the growing use of APX® in consumer, commercial and industrial products. Rubberosion will discuss its path to developing and manufacturing a line of molded and fabricated recycled rubber products and its success in launching four new pilot projects to demonstrate the products in the field.

• Moderator: Mary Sikora, Recycling Research Institute • Speakers: Jamie Cabral, K.B. Industries

Tony Ferguson, Austin Rubber Rick Welle, Rubberosion

3:00 pm – 3:15 pm Break

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Colorado’s 2017 Waste Tire Market Development Conference

Moving Markets Forward June 21-22, 2017 Conference Agenda

Page 3

3:15 pm – 4:00 pm Overview of the Federal Action Plan on Tire Crumb & Progress to Date Concerns have been raised by the public about the safety of recycled rubber tire crumb used in synthetic turf fields and playgrounds in the United States. Studies to date have not shown an elevated health risk from playing on fields with tire crumb. These existing studies do not comprehensively evaluate the concerns about health risks from exposure to tire crumb. To respond to the concerns and to fill important data gaps, on February 12, 2016, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission launched a multi-agency Federal Action Plan to study key environmental and human health questions. An overview of the key components of the Action Plan and the Federal government progress to date will be presented at this session. • Moderator: Mary Sikora, Recycling Research Institute

• Speaker: Fred Hauchman U.S. EPA Office of Research and Development

4:00 pm – 4:45 pm Tire Derived Aggregate

The broad range of civil engineering applications represent a potential cornerstone of market diversification. Dr. Humphrey developed basic design data for tire-derived aggregate (TDA) and was instrumental in developing many TDA uses. He will provide an overview of TDA properties and applications, focusing on those offering potential in Colorado. Specific examples of demonstration projects in Colorado will also be discussed, including use as a thermal insulating media to improve efficiency of in-ground heat pump systems and as a drainage aggregate for capturing and transporting underground water from building foundations and low-lying areas.

• Moderator: Dana Humphrey, Ph.D., P.E., University of Maine • Speakers: Al Wallace, Energy Environmental Corporation

4:45 pm Day One Wrap-Up 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Networking Reception – Hotel Atrium * Name badges are required for the evening’s reception

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Colorado’s 2017 Waste Tire Market Development Conference

Moving Markets Forward June 21-22, 2017 Conference Agenda

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Day Two: Thursday, June 22, 2017 7:30 am – 8:30 am Continental Breakfast 8:30 am – 10:00 am Pyrolysis –From Innovation to Market This stellar panel brings together three U.S. companies using pyrolysis technology to convert scrap tires into marketable, useable carbon, energy and steel byproducts. Understand the challenges and rewards these companies have experienced in developing and building operating facilities and what new opportunities lie ahead for recovered carbon black and other pyrolysis-derived materials.

• Moderator: Terry Gray, TAG Resource Recovery • Speakers: Tony Wibbeler, Bolder Industries

Steve Reneger, Pyrolyx USA Fred Taylor, Green Carbon 10:00 am – 10:20 am Break 10:20 am – 11:00 am OTR Recycling—From Buried Treasure to Sustainable Solutions The tire recycling industry continues to develop markets and technologies to manage the flow of our nations scrap tires. This session will provide market analysis for the scrap tires generated, as well as an in depth overview of the OTR segment. John Sheerin will share studies that identify how end of life OTRs are being managed today and will provide solutions throughout the international community that capture and recover the value from the scrap OTR material. As OTR users become more sophisticated in managing tire performance, they will demand better options for managing tires that reach the end of their service life.

• Moderator: Ruth Johnson, Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality • Speaker: John Sheerin, Rubber Manufacturers Association

11:00 am – 12:30 pm Regulators Panel: Focus on Market Development A panel of experienced regulators from nearby states will address issues of common interest, alternatives that have been used to address market development in their state and new challenges facing the industry and its regulators.

• Moderator: Cindy Smith, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment • Speakers: Lori Munkeboe, Tennessee Office of Sustainable Practices

Gary Logsdon, Kentucky, Department of Environmental Protection Tanveer Anjum, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality

Robert Doctor, Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality 12:30pm Conference Wrap-Up

Page 22: Annual Report Colorado Waste Tire Market Development Plan ... · content, audience, geographic limits and constraints, and cost effectiveness are considered. Technical training opportunities


June 2017