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For the year ended 31 December 2016. The Huntley School Board of Trustees is pleased to report strong operational and academic results for 2016. The third year of girls in the School and the Headmaster’s second year of tenure have ensured a good reputation in the community and a healthy school roll. Neither of these would be possible were not for the sound leadership from the Headmaster, Sam Edwards, supported by his Senior Management Team together with the entire staff. This year we launched the Huntley School Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2021 and worked through the first year’s Annual Goals. Included in this report are our achievements with the Annual Goals. The Board has focussed its attention this year on the new Health and Safety Regulations which came into effect in April 2016. The responsibilities placed upon us are high and to that effect the Health and Safety Committee has worked tirelessly to ensure that we are following best practice and guidance. Our sincere appreciation goes to the members of this Committee. The most striking physical change to the School, environment has been the removal of the pine trees along Johnson Road and the development of the cycle track. The School Board wishes to acknowledge the contributions of time and monies from the PFH towards the cycle track project. Without your support, this wonderful facility for the students would not have been possible. I would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank two Board members, Nicki Crowley and Darryl Coleman, who will both retire from the Board as part of the next round of Board successions. Nicki has served on the Marketing and Health & Safety Committees and Darryl on the Finance Committee. Both have given generously of their governance skills, enthusiasm, expertise, time and energy. They oversaw a period of significant change in the School and gave sound counsel. Earlier this year, we welcomed Ann Wilkshire (Wellington Diocesan nominee) and Charles Duncan (PFH nominee) to the Board, and in the New Year we look forward to two new Board members joining the team. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we congratulate the Headmaster and the Management Team. I would like to offer sincere thanks to staff, students, parent, Old Boys and Girls, and our wider community of stakeholders for their continued support during the year. To the Board members who have given freely of their talents and services, I offer thanks on behalf of the entire Huntley School community.

I have no doubt that Huntley School is well equipped to meet the challenges that the future holds and remain a significant player in the private school system.

Bozena Michalska Board Chair Huntley School Board of Trustees HUNTLEY SCHOOL HEADMASTER’S REPORT 2016 2016 was another outstanding year for Huntley with many memorable moments in academic, sporting, cultural, social and spiritual life. Significant achievements in 2016 included: Academically Oral Assessments 85 Distinctions, 58 Highly Commended Huntley School Trinity Guildhall Speech and Drama Another year of achievements. Book Week This was an extremely successful event that started with a “dress up as your favourite character” day. We had author Stu Duval come and tell stories and hold a Cartoon Workshop for the whole school. We also had a Squad Book Quiz. Book Quiz Results Year 3/4/5 - Rix-Trott Year 7 - Mather Year 8 - Wilson

Kids’ Lit Quiz Huntley entered one team this year in the Small Schools Competition as it was held in the school holidays. We were 3rd out of 35 teams and finished 9th overall. 8TS/8NS/8PB Trip to Capital E Year 8’s had a very enjoyable day in Wellington. Reading Programme Granny Readers have once again been invaluable with this programme. 13 Grannies have read with 30 different students throughout the year. Lexia 24 students have been on the Lexia Programme. An individualized spelling and reading programme. 6GW have also been part of the Lexia Programme as a trial. We have seen excellent results in spelling and reading. We look forward to implementing this through the school in 2017.

Public Speaking Competition The Junior, Intermediate and Senior winners were found from a very strong line-up of finalists. Spelling School wide spelling focus saw our whole school GAP analysis percentage rise from 61% to 76%. Over 90% of our students raised their spelling ages by 6-12+ months. PAT Testing We consistently out performed the National Average in every subject area.

Physically Triathlon Another outstanding Huntley event run very smoothly by Mr Wood. Competing in the NZ Schools’ Triathlon Championships and winning the Under 12 Boys’ Championship for the second year running. Under 13 Girls’ were bronze medallists and Under 12 Girls’ won silver. Mathew Jamieson won silver in the Under 12 Boys’ Individual and Daniel Johnston was second in the open water swim. Huntley Cycling Team Boys’ A Team finished 3rd and the Boys’ B Team finished 7th in the New Zealand Secondary School Championships and the Girls A Team finished 6th in the same event. Year 7 Boys’ won the North Island Intermediate Schools’ Cycling Championships and Time Trial. Huntley Cross-Country Another successful Huntley Cross-Country. Over 97% of the pupils bettered their personal best. Inter-School Cross-Country at Hunterville Ten students were placed in the top 8 of their Year Group. Year 8 Girls’ placed 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Wanganui Inter-School Cross Country The Year 8 Girls’ team was awarded the Three to Count Cup for their efforts. Aranui Cross-Country This race gave the Year 5 and 6 students an opportunity to represent Huntley. Hunterville Huntaway Festival - Children’s Shemozzle

Huntley participated in good fashion yet again. The St Kentigern’s Fixture A most enjoyable visit made by the 1st XV Rugby, 1st XI Football and 1st XI Hockey teams from St Kentigern’s. Many thanks to the Huntley School families who billeted our young visitors. Tennis Tennis had some good results this year and certainly developed as the season progressed. South Island Winter Sports Tour A fantastic tour of the South Island was thoroughly enjoyed by our 1st XV Rugby, 1st X1 Hockey, 1st XI Football and Senior A Netball teams. Well done to all involved in a very successful tour against St Margaret’s, Medbury, St Andrew’s, Waihi and Craighead. Softball Softball had a great year coming back strong in Term 4. Rugby Rugby had another great year. The 1st XV were runners up in the Wanganui Under 13 Rugby Competition. While the Under 11’s won their grade and only lost one game throughout their season. The Rugby Academy had a successful tour to Taranaki and benefited from the increased itinerary. Cricket The Gordon Hare and Pickhandle matches are always enjoyed by the boys and men alike. Our 1st XI did a wonderful job qualifying as the regional Active Post Cup finalists for the second year in a row. Hockey Another competitive season with lots of improvement. Football A young team building for the future. Swimming Sports A wonderful family day that showcased our swimming talent and Huntley Values. Athletic Sports Another fantastic major Huntley event that was once again proudly supported by our wonderful families and there was plenty of GDP on show. Netball Another very successful Netball season with the teams being coached by Mrs Blackburn and Mrs Nitschke. The Netball A team were unbeaten on the South Island Tour. They also won the B Grade Tournament in Wanganui and came 4th overall in the division. The girls combined with St George’s to form an Independent School team that won the Wanganui Year 7 Tournament. Table Tennis and Badminton Once again kept the children occupied during the third and fourth term. Rangitikei Shield This year saw the inaugural rugby challenge between students from either side of the river.

Culturally The Year 8 Play This year each Year 8 class presented a play directed by their class teacher. All three plays were very entertaining and many students showed exceptional talent. Year 7 Plays Another very enjoyable and entertaining occasion. The students presented their plays expertly and with obvious enjoyment. Year 3/4/5/6 Plays The Year 3/4/5/6 students were brilliant in these plays, with several children being awarded their Junior Play Colours for their efforts. Tall Poppies Mrs Costello has given those students with a talent for drama another avenue to explore this talent. Many of her students achieved Grade 3 or higher. Music Concerts The three Music Concerts this year were of an exceptionally high standard and greatly enjoyed by the parents. Music Exams and Results 15 students sat and passed music practical exams with the following examining bodies: New Zealand Music Examinations Board Trinity Guildhall (London) and the Australia and New Zealand Cultural Arts Association Bianca Verdonk gained Grade 4 Piano. Dance The first ever dance concert was held this year with both boys and girls performing. There were some excellent results from dance exams.

Socially Grandparents’ Day One of our biggest days of the year with over 260 grandparents visiting on the day. Golf Day This year was a huge success, many thanks to the PFH, especially Mrs Trudy Spence-Jones, for their effort on the day. It was wonderful to see so many parents enjoying the day with their children. Another successful profit was made. Godparents Did a wonderful job of helping new students settle into the school. Blokes’ Night Many blokes turned up to watch the All Blacks take on Argentina. Ladies’ Night Our first Ladies’ Night was held featuring wine and cheese and a movie. Boarders’ Outings The boarders had a number of trips out on weekends during the year. Carncot Social Once again the Carncot Social and Formal were thoroughly enjoyed by the Year 8’s. Clubs Our Clubs this year have offered a huge variety of experiences for all students. Open Days Many thanks to the PFH for their help. Both days were very well attended. Camps This year we have been to the following Camps: Y3/4/5/6 to Taupo, Y7 to OPC Masterton and Year 8s to Tongariro National Park. Year 8 end of year Camps went to the Whanganui River, Snorkeling at Pourerere, Fishing and Mountain Biking in Taupo and Golf at the Marton Golf Club.

Visits Linton Army Camp. Leadership Our third Year 7 Leadership Week. Year 8’s attended the Young Leaders’ Day in Palmerston North. Headmaster’s Afternoon Teas A chance for the Headmaster to inform parents of the latest initiatives at Huntley. Working Bee In The Orchard It was fabulous to have such an amazing number of parents support this event.

Spiritually Choir Under the leadership of Max Woodman and Bianca Verdonk both the Chapel Choirs have been outstanding and the singing at the Carol Service attests to that. End of Term Communion Services Great to have the whole school together for Communion. Boarders to Saint Stephen’s Each term the boarders attend a Morning Service in Marton. Communion and Baptism Services Six students from Huntley families were baptised and ten students were admitted to Communion. Confirmation by the Bishop at Huntley Fourteen candidates, including Mr Edwards and Mrs Spence-Jones were confirmed this year by the Bishop who then stayed and watched sport. Class Chapel Services There were many innovative dramas and thoughtful prayers in the class Chapel Services. Sunday Services Morning and Evening services were a lovely way to prepare for a new week.

Anzac Day Service The Gold Badges read the list of Old Boys killed in both World Wars and the minute of silence was very moving. The Service was attended by six veterans from Marton.

HEADMASTER’S PRIZE GIVING SPEECH Once again our end of year Prize Giving celebrated outstanding achievement and below is my prize giving speech: Madam Chair, special guests, members of the Board, Staff, Parents and Students it is my pleasure and privilege to present the 2016 Headmaster’s Report in Huntley’s 120th year. I would also like to welcome our guest speaker Mr Angus Tylee. Angus attended Huntley for Years 7 and 8. At Huntley Angus will admit he was not the most talented sportsman but I can say he was and is a very talented orator. Angus played a star role in the Year 8 production of ‘You Ain't Nothin but a Werewolf’ where he played Mrs Crunch and received his Headmaster’s Colours for performance. Angus won the Senior Public Speaking Competition, his team won the Year 8 debating competition where he was awarded the prize for best speaker. The last time Angus stepped onto this stage, he was awarded the Cameron Mackie Cup for debating, The Debating Shield and The Miles Ross Cup and John and David Blackley Prize for public speaking. He was also the recipient of the Huntley Theatre Prize for drama and the Marie Curie-Skoldowjka Award for curiosity in Science. Angus also received his Headmaster’s Colours for Public Speaking, Oral Assessment and Debating so when Angus emailed me his speech earlier on in the year asking for some feedback, I have to say I felt it should have been me emailing Angus my speech so he could give me some feedback! I was very proud when I heard Angus was made Head Boy at Rathkeale College in Masterton as he always had great potential and was a very charismatic young man.

He also had an impeccable dress sense and often gave me advice on my poor clothing combinations especially my bright orange Scotland jacket that I would wear to Rugby trainings. He also had a hidden talent of beat boxing but perhaps that is a story for another time. We look forward to hearing from Angus shortly. Today is a very special day for Huntley School. It’s special for our students, for their proud parents, grandparents, their siblings and peers, and for their very proud teachers. Today is one of those great occasions when we have an opportunity to celebrate with our students - their achievements, their perseverance and their successes as they grow up. It’s one of the times you can pause and reflect, feeling reassured as a parent or guardian, knowing that the young boys and girls you care about are doing just fine and they are on the right path. At Huntley, our students strive for excellence in everything they do. However, as in life, there are times when success will not necessarily follow effort. Prize Giving at Huntley is about taking a moment to celebrate our young boys and girls whose efforts have resulted in achievement. But know the greatest prize of all is when you can look yourself in the mirror and say, ‘I tried my absolute best and I know I’ve done the best I can’. I implore you to persevere if you are not the recipient of a prize this year. They say time flies when you’re having fun and this year has flown by. A big part of this is the quality of our Year 8 group. In my second year as Headmaster I could not have asked for a better group of young leaders. In the classroom, on the sports field, on the stage and in the Chapel you couldn’t have done better. My challenge to all of you is to take this chance to dedicate yourself to making next year even better. My message to you this year relates to Eagles. Every Monday I give a sermon in Chapel that relates to a Huntley Value and Huntley Habit that we will focus on for the week . For a few weeks throughout Term Four I seemed to fall into a bird theme - inspired by some lovely Birds of Paradise flowers that managed to stay in the chapel probably past their used by date. So each Monday I would look to the flowers and notice aha, the Birds of Paradise are still here, I must remind Mrs Edwards to change the flowers! So the sermons ranged from Humming Birds, Peacocks and Vultures then one day I chose a student who I thought epitomised a Hawk. Now at Huntley we talk about the difference between a Hawk and a Peacock, a Hawk being a bird who flies under the radar and gets on with a job without fuss or fanfare. Anyway up came Archie Hare from the back of the choir and for those of you who do not know Archie like I do, he has the most amazing memory for facts about all sorts of things and it is not uncommon to see him reading a rugby almanac in the dorms before lights out memorising all sorts of rugby facts. So I got Archie up and used him as an example of a Hawk then proceeded to put him on the spot by saying ‘Archie, why don’t you give us an amazing fact about birds…’ Archie stood there like a statue, eyes squinted, having a good think. I started to feel a little bad as he was stalling but I knew he would pull through. Then, matter of factly, he glanced at the golden eagle that was perched opposite him in the Chapel and said ‘Do you know that when an eagle loses a feather on one of its wings it immediately pulls the same feather from the opposite wing to keep itself balanced when flying’ well the congregation erupted in applause at this amazing fact. Therefore I thought it would be remiss of me not to talk about the Eagle once more and as you will see the eagle has graced us with its presence here at Prize Giving today. Our vision statement is preparing your child for the adventure of life and this means, among many things, building resilience in young people to make sure they go onto secondary school and life well prepared to manage the turbulence that they will no doubt encounter. Now the mother eagle makes its nest very high on mountain tops where the nest balances precariously. One would imagine this is not the best place to raise a young chick. All they need to do is take one look over the side and they are absolutely terrified! So there they are nestled in the warm nest until one day the mother eagle begins to pluck the fluff from the nest to make it less comfortable for the chicks. And as the nest begins to get more uncomfortable the chicks are forced out of the nest to begin walking. So they are tip toeing on a cliff edge struggling to walk whilst looking over the edge thinking there is no way I’m going there. So what does the Mother

eagle do whilst her chicks are struggling to walk around the outside of the nest? She pushes them over the edge! You can imagine this fluffy cute baby eagle being thrown overboard going ‘arrggggghhhhhh’ then next minute, their wings come out and the baby eagle realises it can fly, then it begins to soar. You, Year 8s, are the young eagles of this school. You have been nurtured and kept safe in the knowledge you are learning the skills you will need to survive and thrive when out of the Huntley nest. Gradually your teachers have plucked the fluff out of the nest - by pushing you out of your comfort zone and providing challenges and opportunities to be responsible for your own learning. It is Huntley that has prepared you for your next adventure. Do not forget the values and habits that will take you through life. Now…It is your time to soar. And soar you will. Remember the adventure of life isn’t always easy and there will be speed bumps along the way. “When a storm is coming all other birds seek shelter, the eagle alone, avoids the storm by flying above it. So in the storms of life, make sure you soar like an eagle.” Someone once told me it is hard to soar with the Eagles when you work with Turkeys but this is certainly not the case at Huntley School. I would like to thank my head prefects Shaun O’Leary and Harriet Spence-Jones who have lead with integrity and had a big input into the running of the school along with their team of Gold Badges, Curtis Heaphy, Scarlett Blackburn, George Speedy, Fynn Rowden-Poyzer and Boston James. Our meetings were fun, stimulating and challenging and I always looked forward to them. You have been an amazing group and excellent role models to the younger students in the school. Shaun let his actions do the talking; he is a man of few words but when he spoke up it was always something worth waiting for. Harriet was always kind and thoughtful and full of good ideas, Curtis didn’t talk much either until it was time to go to Reading Prep but was always on the mark and got stuck in, Scarlett did most of the talking for us and never missed a beat she kept us on task as she always had her finger on the pulse, Boston brightened up our early morning meetings with his smile, George was always bright and bubbly and a very good listener. Fynn was thoughtful and led by example. Thank you for a great year. This year, we have seen the implementation of our 5 year strategic plan - and annual action plan. This plan will guide the Board and School Leadership over the ensuing years. I look forward to next year where we will continue to add value to our wonderful school and provide a well rounded education for our students. It remains my view that the most successful school have defined the style of education they provide and don’t deviate tougher from their direction, no matter what distractions confront them. For us it is the Huntley Way where traditions have remained the same and standards have been built on. Academia, manners, showing the Huntley Values and Habits, and taking pride in everything we do, will remain a high priority. I wish to acknowledge the Senior Management Team and Directors, together we have what Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, would describe as “The right people, doing the right things, done right” Thank you, Gareth Wood, our hard working Deputy Headmaster who is now in his second year and relishing it. He is now part of the furniture and is adding value to all facets of life at Huntley. Thanks to Barb Pratt our experienced campaigner whose knowledge is invaluable and she is a great sounding board and advisor. I would also like to acknowledge our new Sports Director Andrew Reynolds-Rowe. Andrew has been quick to settle into Huntley and has managed, coached and lead our sports programmes with passion and proficiency. Olivia McCarthy is such a great support to me and what a find she has turned out to be. Olivia is very efficient and manages the office with ease, nothing is ever too much trouble for Olivia. It is a shame to see her go on maternity leave next year but we wish her all the best for her new adventure on being a mother. Olivia, it is probably best if you do not heed the advice I gave to

the Year Eights and don’t be like the Mother Eagle just let Huntley do that part in 8 years time. We welcome Dawn Lister, our new Office Manager and PA. She is very calm and gets on with the job. Her efficiency has seen her learn the role quickly, whilst working alongside Olivia. Thank you, Maureen Wigglesworth, for your fiscal management of the school financials. Someone needs to balance the books and keep everything in order. Maureen continues to add value to our Health and Safety systems and has put many hours into important projects this year. I would also like to thank our new gardener Alison Hanegraaf who has brought new life to our gardens and is passionate about her job. We farewell Tessa Nitschke, our top stream Year 7 teacher who is also taking maternity leave next year. She is a dedicated and hardworking member of staff and we wish her all the best for motherhood. We have an amazing team at Huntley who are professional, aim higher, make things happen and synergise. Thank you so much for all of the dedication and passion you put into Huntley, it does not go unnoticed. I would like to thank the Board of Trustees and the Parents and Friends of Huntley for their support. I would like to personally thank Bozena Michalska, who has continued to support me throughout the year. I look forward to continuing to work with her and members of the Board of Trustees in taking Huntley to new heights. We have a hard working Board of Trustees and I thank them all for their investment in Huntley School’s future. Trudy Spence-Jones has been an inspirational chairperson of the PFH and the school. She is focused on the needs of our children and I thank her and her team for their commitment to Huntley. They say behind every good man is a better woman and Becks, it has been a busy and challenging year and there is no way I could have done it without you. I appreciate all of the support you have given me, so thank you. I would also like to thank all the parents who have supported your child’s Huntley education and our school's ethos once again this year. We do rely on and appreciate your support.


The 2016 Annual Goals were: TEACHING AND LEARNING

● Purchase reading resources for the junior school ● Improve our learners spelling age and GAP analysis scores ● Improve Teacher Inquiry model


● Integrate School Values and Habits into the curriculum ● Dining Room Squad Shield display ● Maintain behaviour and standards ● Review Pastoral systems ● Investigate boarding nights for day students ● Produce an Annual Report to the Board on the Boarding House ● Carry out a self-review of international students and produce an Annual Report to the

Board ● Review uniform suppliers


● Professional Development - Spelling ● Professional Development - Communication ● Police vetting of all staff and volunteers ● Review staff appraisal process ● Review Job Responsibility descriptions


● Remove trees along Jackson Road ● Develop the Orchard/Cycle Track ● Develop the boarders’ social area ● Review kitchen equipment and draw up replacement/maintenance ● Review grounds equipment and draw up replacement/maintenance ● Refurbish the gym ● Produce Long Term Property Maintenance Plan


● Produce Annual Report to Parents including Strategic Plan ● Draw up a policy review schedule ● Review 6 policies together with accompanying guidelines and procedures ● The Board to contribute regularly to newsletters. ● Produce a Marketing Plan ● Update the Website ● Update the Newsletter ● Update the School Prospectuses ● Update the Huntley App ● Beginning the planning for the 125th Celebration year


● Develop a RAM proforma for contractors/volunteers on site

● Engage a nutritionist to evaluate menu ● Review and work towards regulations in the new H & S in the Workplace Act 2016. ● Develop and introduce a standard RAMS form for school activities ● Investigate and report incidents/accidents including near misses to the Board ● Establish regular H & S Meetings and Reports to the Board ● Draw up Lockdown Procedures ● Investigate the need to employ a student counsellor


● Develop a Register of Old Boys/Girls for 125th celebrations ● Carry out a Hire of School cost/benefit analysis ● Explore sponsorship possibilities

Very good progress was made towards achieving these goals. It should be explained, that not everything that happens in the course of the school year is included in the Annual Goals. The year on year activities continue regardless of the Annual Goals. The Annual Goals serve to highlight those activities, which we wish to place particular emphasis on. Over the 5 years of the Strategic Plan’s life, we aim to cover all the strategies identified in the plan. TEACHING AND LEARNING School wide annual targets were driven by academic testing data. Academic staff are using a new Teacher as Inquiry model to help improve their teaching. Regular walk throughs and teacher observations were conducted by Senior Management. A review of our school management system saw the Headmaster and the Deputy Headmaster attend a course on using PC Schools. We are only scraping the surface of its capabilities and will be using PC Schools to track academic and pastoral progress as of next year. The junior syndicate purchased new reading books. We continue to build upon biculturalism with purchasing books for the library and implementing a regular haka squad competition. A review of our e-learning programme and new furniture in the junior syndicate to facilitate learning. SPECIAL CHARACTER Work continued on integrating our Values and Habits into the curriculum. The introduction of Service Week where we focussed on acts of service to our school and community. We have new Squad Shields that are displayed in our school dining room. Maintaining and building on our expectations and standards school wide. Review of our pastoral systems and their effectiveness. Value added to Leadership Week. Supporting local charities. Review of our boarding with new activities and enhanced programmes. Reviewing our uniform. STAFFING Professional Learning Groups continued for staff with a focus on spelling. Joy Allcock conducted a professional development day for academic staff on how to teach spelling and we purchased her new resources to help implement her strategies into our spelling programme. Consequently we saw good progress with our students spelling ages and test scores. A communication course ran by Jane O’Shea was attended by twelve of our academic and office staff. All staff and volunteers have been police vetted and the process will continue as new staff and volunteers are engaged by the School.

Meetings with an educational consultant have taken place to discuss best practice in staff appraisal. The review will be continued next year. Linked to staff appraisal, the process of reviewing all job descriptions has begun starting with the Senior Management Team. This process will work its way through other positions in 2017. RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT

The trees have been removed along Jackson Road and the Cycle Track area has been created. The students have been excited to be able to use this facility again.

Further facilities, particularly for the benefit of the boarders has been the development of the social area with the purchase of a foosball and air hockey table, cushions, canvases and a television.

The kitchen equipment as well as the grounds equipment have been reviewed and maintenance and/or replacement plans have been put in place. The students have been enjoying the products from the new ovens! The staged purchase of grounds equipment over the next 2 – 3 years will further enhance the beauty of the school grounds.

A 10 year maintenance plan has been initiated, which will ensure the ongoing maintenance of buildings on an annual basis.

Plans for the refurbishment of the gym were produced, costed and put out for tender. Tenders have been received and the Board will shortly be in a position to announce a start date for refurbishment.


The Annual Report for 2015 was published to all stakeholders earlier this year. At the same time the Strategic Plan for 2016 – 2021 was published and a meeting for stakeholders was held. The Board communicated progress with the Annual Goals through the Newsletter.

The Board drew up a schedule for reviewing School policies over the next few years. Five policies together with accompanying guidelines and procedures were reviewed and a new policy on the management of Critical Incidents was created.

A Marketing Plan for 2016 was produced, worked through and evaluated. As part of that plan the website, newsletter, Huntley App, and School International Prospectus were all updated.

Plans for Huntley School’s 125th celebrations in 2021 were begun, with the creation of a committee which has met several times this year.


The Board has focused much of its attention on the new Health & Safety in the Workplace Act, reviewing and updating procedures as appropriate. School RAMS forms have been rationalized, new forms produced for contractors and volunteers. Regular H & S meetings have been established with monthly reporting to the Board. Lock-down and Critical Incident procedures have been added to School Policies.

The School investigated the possibility of employing a school counsellor and has decided to proceed on a case by case preferring to use GPs and/or private practitioners.

An independent nutritionist was used to evaluate the dining room menus, and recommendations were implemented.


A Register of Old Boys and Girls is being developed. Preliminary investigations are being held into sponsorship possibilities as well as exploration of various charities and trusts.

The Board has set the Annual Fee level together with the operational and capital works expenditure budgets for 2017.

There will be an opportunity in Term One 2017 prior to the second PFH Meeting to discuss the Annual Report with members of the Board.

Bozena Michalska Board Chair

Sam Edwards Headmaster