annual school plan complete 091002 - wah yan college, … esr...

1 Annual School Plan 2009 – 2010 The School’s Major Concerns 2009/2010 To help students learn the following: MC1. Students strike a reasonable balance between freedom and self-discipline – while having the freedom to make certain choices, they un- derstand the consequences of these choices and take responsibility of such consequences. 1 MC2. Students clearly understand our School’s expectations of them as learners, and have the motivation and desire to learn well. 2 1 Links with Characteristics of Jesuit Education: #40: In order to respond to the love of God, each person is called to be free to give of oneself, while accepting responsibility for and the consequences of one’s actions: free to be faithful. #43: Growth in the responsible use of freedom is facilitated by the personal relationship between student and teacher. #44: Freedom includes responsibilities within the community. #51: Personal development through … developing the freedom that respects others and accepts responsibility, is all aided by the necessary and fair regulations of the school; these include a fair system of discipline. Of equal importance is the self-discipline expected of each student … #54: The "Christian humanism" of Jesuit education emphasises the happiness in life that is the result of a responsible use of freedom. #142: All members of the [school] community work together to create and maintain the conditions most favourable for each one to grow in the responsible use of freedom. Link with the Profile of the Jesuit Student at Graduation for the Chinese Province: III. Open to Lifelong Growth: Is able to take self-responsibility seriously. 2 Links with Characteristics of Jesuit Education: #24 & #33: In a Jesuit school: courses are taught in such a way that students … find joy in learning and thirst for greater and deeper knowledge. good manners are expected. #45: The task of the teacher is to help each student to become an independent learner, to assume the responsibility for his or her own education. #46: Jesuit education tries to instil a joy in learning and a desire to learn that will remain beyond the days in school. #51: … Of equal importance is the self-discipline expected of each student. Link with the Profile of the Jesuit Student at Graduation for the Chinese Province: I. Intellectually competent: Continues to be a life-long learner, curious and with the flexibility to apply his/her learning in new formats as well as situations; continues to take delight in intellectual and aesthetic learning. Link with the Profile of the Ignatian Educator for the Chinese Province: III. A caring educator: Holds students accountable to their learning and behavioural expectations.

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  • 1

    Annual School Plan 2009 – 2010 The School’s Major Concerns 2009/2010 To help students learn the following: MC1. Students strike a reasonable balance between freedom and self-discipline – while having the freedom to make certain choices, they un-

    derstand the consequences of these choices and take responsibility of such consequences.1 MC2. Students clearly understand our School’s expectations of them as learners, and have the motivation and desire to learn well.2

    1 Links with Characteristics of Jesuit Education: #40: In order to respond to the love of God, each person is called to be free to give of oneself, while accepting responsibility for and the consequences of one’s actions: free to be faithful. #43: Growth in the responsible use of freedom is facilitated by the personal relationship between student and teacher. #44: Freedom includes responsibilities within the community. #51: Personal development through … developing the freedom that respects others and accepts responsibility, is all aided by the necessary and fair regulations of the school; these include a fair system of discipline. Of equal importance is the self-discipline expected of each student … #54: The "Christian humanism" of Jesuit education emphasises the happiness in life that is the result of a responsible use of freedom. #142: All members of the [school] community work together to create and maintain the conditions most favourable for each one to grow in the responsible use of freedom. Link with the Profile of the Jesuit Student at Graduation for the Chinese Province: III. Open to Lifelong Growth: Is able to take self-responsibility seriously. 2 Links with Characteristics of Jesuit Education: #24 & #33: In a Jesuit school:

    courses are taught in such a way that students … find joy in learning and thirst for greater and deeper knowledge. good manners are expected.

    #45: The task of the teacher is to help each student to become an independent learner, to assume the responsibility for his or her own education. #46: Jesuit education tries to instil a joy in learning and a desire to learn that will remain beyond the days in school. #51: … Of equal importance is the self-discipline expected of each student. Link with the Profile of the Jesuit Student at Graduation for the Chinese Province: I. Intellectually competent: Continues to be a life-long learner, curious and with the flexibility to apply his/her learning in new formats as well as situations; continues to take delight in intellectual and aesthetic learning. Link with the Profile of the Ignatian Educator for the Chinese Province: III. A caring educator: Holds students accountable to their learning and behavioural expectations.

  • 2

    Whole-school Strategies to Address Major Concerns

    Students’ learning targets (LT) Strategies Frequency of knowing attainment of learning


    Response to students

    not at-taining

    learning target

    Success criteria

    means of evaluation

    People in charge Re-sources re-


    1. MC2: Students understand the School’s expectations on stu-dents: (A) that students should attend school punctually on schooldays, and (B) that students should submit homework punc-tually as assigned by teachers.

    Communicating these expecta-tions to students through assem-blies and notices to parents.

    N.A. Repeat conveying LT#1.

    Improve-ment in at-tendance and home-work sub-mission during the school year.

    Principal & Assistant principals: as-sembly announcements and notices to parents, SMS parent notification Class Teachers: Help conveying such expectations All parents: convey these expectations to their sons

  • 3

    Students’ learning targets (LT) Strategies Frequency of knowing attainment of learning


    Response to students

    not at-taining

    learning target

    Success criteria

    means of evaluation

    People in charge Re-sources re-


    2. MC1: When exercising their freedom in deciding whether to attend school punctually on schooldays, students understand and take responsibility of the consequences of their choice:

    a. Their attendance will be re-ported in the half-yearly school reports

    b. Students achieving 100% at-tendance throughout the school year will be acknowl-edged on the transcript they receive after F.5/6/7 gradua-tion.

    c. Students being punctual in at-tending school throughout the school year will have this achievement acknowledged on their transcripts.

    LT#2a-e: Carry out measures to cause conse-quences 2a-2e to happen.

    Daily record and monthly reviews

    Carry out strategies 2d & 2e. For con-secutive uninformed absence, Class teachers, Discipli-nary Committee, Assistant Principal or Principal may be involved in dialoguing with par-ents and students.

    Improve-ment in attendance during the school year.

    All students: attend school punctually. All parents: notify School before 1st pe-riod for sick leave, before the day if son has to take leave for other reasons Academic Committee: Prepare templates of school report and transcript to reflect 2a-2c. Disciplinary Committee: (1) issue late slips; (2) on the day of the 4th offence of lateness, inform parent that the student would have detention at lunch time; (3) on the day of the 8th offence, call parent to discuss the issue and send student to de-tention again; (3) review class attendance record files daily, alert Class Teacher to contact parent for explanation after a stu-dent is absent for 3 days consecutively, involve Guidance Committee if necessary; (4) alert Principal and contact parent for explanation after a student is absent for 5 days consecutively; (5) conduct monthly

    Sup-port-ing per-sonnel

  • 4

    Students’ learning targets (LT) Strategies Frequency of knowing attainment of learning


    Response to students

    not at-taining

    learning target

    Success criteria

    means of evaluation

    People in charge Re-sources re-


    d. Being late for 4 times will lead to detention during lunch time on the day of the 4th of-fence; 8 times will prompt the School to discuss with par-ents.

    e. Uninformed absence will prompt the School to inform the parent within school hours of the same day of such ab-sence, and request for a letter of explanation to be submitted to Class Teacher on the next school day.

    review of whole-school trends, intervene whenever appropriate and report at SAC. Guidance Committee: handle referrals involving absence for 3 consecutive days or more. Security guards: (1) ensure late students approach Discipline Teachers to get late slips; (2) prevent truancy by guarding be-sides school gates during lesson hours. All teachers: (1) take attendance of every lesson accurately; (2) make sure that stu-dents present late slips or official excuse slips for lateness / official lesson ab-sences; (3) inform office staff in advance about students’ leave for official reasons

  • 5

    Students’ learning targets (LT) Strategies Frequency of knowing attainment of learning


    Response to students

    not at-taining

    learning target

    Success criteria

    means of evaluation

    People in charge Re-sources re-


    and sick leave applied in advance; (4) forward applications for other kinds of leave to Assistant Principal (Mr. Wong); (5) keep letters applying for sick leave. Janitors: collect class attendance record file from classroom during the 6th and 9th periods. Office staff: (1) prepare and renew class attendance record files; (2) check for ab-sences after 1st and 7th periods, contact parent, record any explanation given by parent, inform Class Teacher later the ex-planation given, and request parent to submit letter to Class Teacher on the next school day. Class Teacher: (1) If student is absent for 3 consecutive days, contact parent for ex-planation (2) Counsels students after ab-sences for other than normal reasons, refer to Guidance Team if necessary. Principal/Assistant Principal: be in-volved if a student is absent for 5 days consecutively. Teaching Assistants: Supervise detention class held during lunch-time on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

  • 6

    Students’ learning targets (LT) Strategies Frequency of knowing attainment of learning


    Response to students

    not at-taining

    learning target

    Success criteria

    means of evaluation

    People in charge Re-sources re-


    3. MC1: When exercising their freedom in deciding whether to submit homework punctually, F.1-3 students understand and take responsibility of the conse-quences of their choice:

    a. Reward for students not re-quiring to attend Homework Guidance Class throughout the whole term: printing “homework submission 100% on time” in the School Re-port.

    b. If the assigned homework is not received by the teacher during the scheduled lesson, the student has to try his best to submit the completed homework before the end of the school day.

    c. If the student cannot achieve LT#3a, he will have to attend the ‘Homework Guidance Class’ (until 5pm) imme-diately after school to com-plete his homework, irrespec-tive of his other commitments already scheduled after school that day.

    Teachers report non-submission of homework. LT#3b-3c: Homework Guidance Class organized to cause conse-quences 3b & 3c to happen

    Statistics of enrolment in and atten-dance of Homework Guidance Class to be made availa-ble to Aca-demic Com-mittee monthly.

    If the stu-dent fails to attend the Homework Guidance Class and submit the day’s homework, he needs to submit it to the Staff Room be-fore the 1st period on the next school day together with a let-ter of ex-planation signed by a parent.

    A declining figure in non-submission of homework among F.1-3 students during the school year

    All Students: submit homework punc-tually All Teachers: (1) give clear instructions about scope and submission date of homework, (2) give students reasonable time to complete homework, (3) notify Teaching Assistants who should attend the Homework Guidance Class (HWG) and what should attending students complete and submit on the same day; (4) If a stu-dent fails to submit the homework at the end of the HWG, and again fails to submit on the next school day, the subject teacher would inform the Class Teacher who would call up the parent to discuss the issue. Academic Committee: (1) train F6 Stu-dent Honorary Tutors to supervise HGC; (2) review monthly statistics of HGC enrolment and attendance, intervene whenever necessary and report at SAC; (3) If calls to the parent by the subject Teacher do not result in homework sub-mission, the Chair/Asst Chair of the Aca-demic Committee will take up the case for further action. Teaching Assistants: Handle HGC

    enrolment slips and homework materials if necessary.

    F6 Honorary Tutors: (1) Take attendance of F.1-3 students sent to the HGC; (2) Provide academic guidance to such stu-dents during the Class as necessary; (3) Collect completed homework from such students before the end of the Class.

    Sup-port-ing per-sonnel, class-rooms for HWG, F.6 stu-dents

  • 7

    Students’ learning targets (LT) Strategies Frequency of knowing attainment of learning


    Response to students

    not at-taining

    learning target

    Success criteria

    means of evaluation

    People in charge Re-sources re-


    4. MC2: In each term, students un-derstand the School’s assessment requirements in terms of weightings in examination / con-tinuous assessment.

    Issue to students of each Form an assessment plan covering all subjects

    Once every term

    N.A. Students’ understand-ing of as-sessment require-ments.

    Subject panel heads: Subject-specific assessment plan Academic Committee: Coordination and consolidation of subject-specific as-sessment plans into Level-specific as-sessment plans for each term

  • 8

    Addressing the School’s Major Concerns through Annual Plans of Subject Panels and Committees

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Chinese His-tory

    MC2: 學生明白學校對他們的期望: (A) 學生須依時上課 (B) 學生須依時繳交課業

    F6-7:AL 問答題 F4-5:HKCEE 評論題 F1-3:作業

    一年五至六次 一年兩至三次 約每兩周一次

    F1-7: 科任老師向欠交學



    F6-7:收回課業 F4-5:根據考評局要求 F1-3:收回課業

    F6-7:陳天柱 周炳華 F1-5 科任老師

    Biology 1. MC2: Students understand the School’s ex-pectations on students in studying Biol-ogy:

    Detailed description of course outline and re-quirement with using eClass platform supple-mented with verbal ex-planation at the begin-ning of term

    Continual monitoring within school term

    Provide descriptive feedback and sug-gest feasible ways of improvement, alternatives and measures

    Qualities of class work and take home assignment; Scores obtained from the regular test and examination

    Panel chairper-son prepares course outline and processes raw data All panel mem-bers prepare their teaching schedule and collect stu-dents’ data and marks.

    (A) students should at-tend Biol-ogy lessons punctually on school days as scheduled in the School ca-lendar and

    Attendance check and friendly reminder the most conscientious make-up effort cannot duplicate the direct classroom experience Implementation of re-warding scheme – At-tendance and punctuality as a part of continuous

    Daily monitoring of attendance record Regular checkup and report once per term

    Verbal warning followed with guidance referral if absence is persis-tence Ditto

    Percentage of atten-dance; and number of referral case Coursework marks on attendance and punc-tuality

    Panel chairper-son formulates the punctuality policy; All panel mem-bers monitor the situation and pre-pare attendance report once per term

  • 9

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    time-table; assessment Biology (B) students

    should submit homework punctually as assigned by teach-ers; and

    Well informed teaching schedule and assignment list should be posted in eClass or in web-based format Class-work and take-home assignment as part of formative as-sessment

    Class exercises and take-home assign-ment are checked after each lesson / topic

    Students who fail to submit homework punctually will be sent to the home-work guidance classes Invite low achievers to attend learning enrichment classes after school ar-ranged by academic committee

    Positive change on learning motivation and behaviour Qualities of class work and take home assignment

    Panel chairper-son explains the implementation of assignment poli-cy; All panel mem-bers provide ru-brics on each as-signment and re-turn marked as-signment within a reasonable period of time; report any ques-tioned cases to academic com-mittee for further action and invite low achievers to at-tend learning enrichment classes

    Biology (C) students should grasp the ownership of their own learn-ing

    Teach students to self-assess and set goals Students practice revis-ing Students reflect on and

    Pretest, posttest and in-class Q & A on each topic

    Provide descriptive feedback;

    Dialogue Ample opportunities for students to com-municate both within and without groups; Discussion in classes, online discussion

    All panel mem-bers encourage the students to express their opi-nion; provide open learning atmos-

    Classroom provided for study group after formal school hours

  • 10

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    share what they know Promotion of study group in F.4 to F.7 – the outstanding ones helping the low achiever Tutorial classes for low achiever of Form 4, 5

    Invite low achievers to form study group and attend learning enrichment classes

    forum; Frequency of active participation and re-sponse of questioning within the lesson Number of students participating in tu-torial classes Number of studying group

    phere for building up essential learning elements; assist students to form study group; and refer students to attend learning enrichment classes if neces-sary Academic com-mittee members responsible for arranging the learning enrich-ment classes

    Biology 2. MC1: Students strike a reason-able balance between free-dom and self-discipline to achieve a successful year of learning and personal growth.

    Establishment of Biology Honor Code under the term of mutual agree-ment

    Continuous monitor-ing in every lesson

    Reconcile our code with students

    eClass survey on self-reflection

    Panel chairper-son formulate the framework of honor code All panel mem-bers fine tune the framework de-pending on vari-ous class situa-tion; execute the honor code; and report any query cases ASAP for

    Staff de-velopment pro-gramme on education-al psy-chology

  • 11

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    further referral. MC2: Students un-

    derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students:

    (A) that stu-dents should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School ca-lendar, and (B) that stu-dents should submit home-work punc-tually as as-signed by teachers.

    Teachers are required to take the attendance every lesson Teachers are required to convey the message of assessment for learning. Students will be in-formed of the assessment criteria such as attitude, class assignment, homework, quiz and examination.

    Attendance check for every lesson. Students should sub-mit homework on time. Various assessment will be made throughout the year

    Report to the class teacher and/or dis-ciplinary master, if necessary. Send the students to the detention class Coursework marks will be deducted..

    All present during lessons. All students submit homework eventual-ly. Improvement shown during lessons and various kind of as-sessment

    All BAFS & PA teachers All BAFS & PA teachers, MAGIS student helper

    Chemistry MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students:

    (A) students should attend classes punctually

    -Panel members take attendance in both lec-tures and practical les-sons, taking care of the students’ punctualities in lessons. -Structured questions,

    -Attendance and punctuality taken and observed in every lesson. -Prelection in the beginning of each topic; teacher/student

    -Reinforcement and Push from the Panel member -Assistance from the peers and the remedial/tutorial classes held after

    -Qualities of the As-signments submitted. -Students’ attitude in learning. -Number of award recipients

    Panel Chairper-son -formulate the assignment policy of the subject Panel Members -enforce the la-boratory safety in

  • 12

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    on school days as scheduled in the time-table and School calendar;

    (B) students should submit homework punc-tually as assigned by teachers;

    (C) students should prepare lessons in ad-vance;

    (D) student should observe the expectation on attainment in chemistry learn-ing

    and laboratory reports, being part of the forma-tive assessment of the subject are assigned to students as regular as-signments and students are told to submit them punctually. -Formulating a reward-ing system for the high achievers and those with the best improve-ment in the subject of each class.

    interaction plus ref-lection in each lesson. -Exercises are col-lected around once every month, while the laboratory reports are collected at the end of each experi-ment. -certificates and book coupons presented to the award recipients once a year.

    school. -Extra time allowed for completing the assignments where necessary -Words of encou-ragement and rein-forcement

    practical lessons -Execution of the Assignment Poli-cy. Laboratory Technicians -assist teachers in running practical lessons -assist teachers in ensuring the self-discipline and safety in every practical lessons.

    MC1: Students at F.3-F.7 level vi-sualize Chemistry as 1 of the subject in the Science Education KLA of their studies. The Chemistry Panel should devise measures in helping students with diffi-culties to attain the

    -Formulating an assess-ment policy with differ-ent assessment modes including attendance, attitudes, assignments, projects and tests. -Preparing a well-addressed assess-ment scheme with clear objectives at the start of each term

    -Assessment policy formulated for every academic year. -Assessment schemes posted in class or uploaded in the school intranet -All Tests and ex-amination papers marked and returned

    -Fine-tuning the assessment policy -Change the level of difficulties of the questions -Tutorial Classes run after school

    -Scores obtained in the written assign-ments, tests and ex-amination papers; passing percentage -Grades/Levels ob-tained in the public examinations, val-ue-added scores -Change in classroom

    Panel Chair-persons and Panel Members -set and mark the examination and test papers -evaluation of examination re-sults

    EDB Training, Staff De-velopment Pro-gramme, Subject Grants

  • 13

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    learning outcomes and become more interested and self-confident in studying the sub-ject, so that they will keep studying chemistry until they take the public as-sessment.

    -Test and Examination papers consist of ques-tions set at different le-vels of difficulties, cov-ering the assessment objectives from the HKEAA

    to the students for checking and revi-sion.

    learning atmosphere

    Chinese Lan-guage 針 對 關 注 事

    項 — — 學 生

    明 白 學 校 對

    他 們 的 期

    望 : (A) 依 時上 課 。 (B) 依時 繳 交 課 業

    課 後 練 習 、 閱 報 評

    論、隨 筆、閱 讀 報

    告、抄 書、默 書 、

    專 題 報 告 和 測 驗

    課 後 練 習 、 閱 報

    評 論 、 隨 筆 、

    抄 書 和 默 書 等

    課 業 一 年 約 繳

    交 十 次 。

    閱 讀 報 告 、 專 題

    報 告 每

    年 約 繳 交 兩 次 。

    測 驗 每 年 進 行

    兩 次 。

    任 教 老 師 可 要

    求 未 能 依 時

    交 功 課 的 學

    生 放 學 後 到

    功 課 輔 導

    班,或 作 出 口

    頭 警 告 和 通

    知 班 主 任 及

    家 長 。

    默 書 和 測 驗 成

    績 欠 佳 者 可

    給 予 補 默、補

    測 的 機 會,以

    及 補 底 跟 進 。

    ※ 學 生 能 交 齊

    功 課,可 在 成

    績 表 上 註

    明 , 以 作 鼓




    所 有 中 文 組

    老 師 、 班 主

    任 , 訓 導 組

    和 導 勵 組 老

    師 , 以 至 家

    長 。

  • 14

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    勵 。

    Computer & IT

    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students:

    (A) students should attend classes punctually on school days as scheduled in the time-table and School calendar;

    (B) students should submit homework punc-tually as assigned by teachers;

    (C) students should prepare lessons in ad-vance;

    (D) student should observe the expectation on attainment in subject learning

    -Panel members take attendance in both lec-tures and practical les-sons, taking care of the students’ punctualities in lessons. -Structured questions, and IT classwork, being part of the formative assessment of the subject are assigned to students as regular assignments and students are told to submit them punctually. -Formulating a reward-ing system for the high achievers and those with the best improve-ment in the subject of each class.

    -Attendance and punctuality taken and observed in every lesson. -Prelection in the beginning of each topic; teacher/student interaction plus ref-lection in each lesson. -Exercises are col-lected around once every month, while the IT classwork to be submitted in the online IT homework system -certificates and book coupons presented to the award recipients once a year.

    -Reinforcement and Push from the Panel member -Assistance from the peers and the remedial/tutorial classes held after school. -Extra time allowed for completing the assignments where necessary -Words of encou-ragement and rein-forcement

    -Qualities of the As-signments submitted. -Students’ attitude in learning. -Number of award recipients

    Panel Chairper-son

    -formulate the assignment policy

    of the subject Panel Members-enforce the stu-dents on task in practical session

    -Execution of the Assignment Poli-cy. .

    Acad on-line IT homework system

    MC1: Students at F.4-F.7 level vi-sualize CS, CIT or

    -Formulating an assess-ment policy with differ-ent assessment modes

    -Assessment policy formulated for every academic year.

    -Fine-tuning the assessment policy

    -Scores obtained in the written assign-ments, tests and ex-

    Panel Chair-persons and Panel Members

  • 15

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    ICT as 1 of the subject in the Technology Educa-tion KLA of their studies. The CS, CIT & ICT Panel should devise measures in helping students with diffi-culties to attain the learning outcomes and become more interested and self-confident in studying the sub-ject, so that they will keep studying the subject until they take the public assessment.

    including attendance, attitudes, assignments, projects and tests. -Preparing a well-addressed assess-ment scheme with clear objectives at the start of each term -Test and Examination papers consist of ques-tions set at different le-vels of difficulties, cov-ering the assessment objectives from the HKEAA

    -Assessment schemes posted in class or uploaded in the school intranet -All Tests and ex-amination papers marked and returned to the students for checking and revi-sion.

    -Change the level of difficulties of the questions -Tutorial Classes run after school

    amination papers; passing percentage -Grades/Levels ob-tained in the public examinations, val-ue-added scores -Change in classroom learning atmosphere

    -set and mark the examination and test papers -evaluation of examination re-sults

    English Lan-guage

    Character Devel-opment: Balance between Freedom & Self-Discipline

    1. Whole school ap-proach: Autonomy & Guidance in whole school Read-ing Program; Junior secondary: drama; Senior secondary: critical thinking

    2. Level-wide approach:

    Junior secondary Small Class Teach-ing – Cooperative

    Reading – intensive: weekly; modular: monthly; extensive: monthly Drama – preparation for monologues, du-ologues, one acts, script writing and improvisation – inte-grated curriculum Critical thinking –

    Form teachers & language teachers monitor and report to English form coordinator (regu-larly – at least once a month) on the possible issues where students cannot balance self-discipline and freedom from choices made

    Quality of projects, reports, diary entries, portfolios, video presentations and oral discussions Producing relevant plays, improvisations, scripts, poems, & mini – video – docu-mentaries WYK Campus TV &

    All English panel members English Society Performing Arts Society Signum Shield Parent’s Associa-

    Resource books and videos to help stu-dents learn to help themselves English Builder Plus Update

  • 16

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Learning Strategies – Students are free to choose their roles & responsible for one another as a group; Self-Access Learning (SAL)

    3. ECA: Senior second-

    ary – engage in being proactive in Electives (S4), engage in writ-ing to be published & assist in Enrichment Program for Junior secondary (S6); Ju-nior secondary – con-fidence building through lunchtime and after school ac-tivities

    critiques and in-ter-class debates Enrichment Pro-grams: Enhancement: 2x/wk; Remedial: 2x/wk; after school

    Students would be recommended to attend Enrichment / Remedial Programs

    Wall displays Attitude and Ac-countability evi-denced through own-ership of actions and self-reflective jour-nals

    tion Past Students’ Association

    books in Language Room

    English Lan-guage

    School’s Expecta-tions: Punctuality – attendance & sub-mission of work Motivation & Ex-cellence in Learn-ing English – Con-fidence in Commu-nication (CC)

    1. Homework policy is outlined with scheme of work. Teachers in-form students of guidelines and con-sequences in delin-quency.

    2. Students participate in

    ECA where they de-velop team-building skills, research skills,

    Throughout the school year

    Students improve in their critical think-ing skills exhibited in their written and oral presentations

    Delinquency in at-tendance and submis-sion is minimal More students par-ticipate in Merit and awards in competitions; peer evaluation & con-structive criticism

    Parents School Adminis-tration Class Teachers All English panel members English Panel Coordinators

  • 17

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    and critical thinking skills in events such as Model UN, moot court, friendly de-bates, Speech Festiv-al, Battle of the Books – to build CC

    3. Senior secondary:

    Students orally voice their opinions on var-ious leading global issues weekly; Junior secondary: students learn greater appreci-ation of the language through Language Arts & Non-Language Arts activities in the cur-riculum (Drama, Short Stories, Poems; Debating, Social Is-sues)

    4. Students develop au-

    tonomy in learning through drama, mini-Oscars, debating and through recom-mended websites.

    Inter-class & In-ter-school competi-tions Improvement in per-formance in public examinations

    English Society Signum Shield

    Economics MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-

  • 18

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    tions on students: (A) that stu-dents should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School ca-lendar, and (B) that stu-dents should submit home-work punc-tually as as-signed by teachers.

    Teachers are required to take the attendance every lesson and convey the message of mindful learning during lessons. Teachers are required to convey the message of assessment for learning.

    Attendance check for every lesson. Students should sub-mit homework on time.

    Keep an eye on the frequency and re-port to the class teacher and/or dis-cipline master, if necessary. Send the students to the home guidance class.

    All present during lessons. All students submit homework eventual-ly.

    All Economics teachers All Economics teachers, MAGIS student helper

    MC1: Strike a rea-sonable balance between freedom and self-discipline - while having the freedom to make certain choices, they understand the consequences of these choices and take responsibility of such conse-quences

    Students will be in-formed of the assessment criteria such as attitude, classwork, homework, quiz and examination.

    Various assessment will be made throughout the year

    Daily marks will be deducted.

    Improvement shown during lessons and various kind of as-sessment

    All Economics teachers

    Ethics & Reli-gious Studies

    MC2: Students un-derstand the

    Guidelines or directives will be clearly stated at

    Daily attendance reg-ister

    Report to the panel chairperson

    A satisfactory atten-dance and homework

    All panel mem-bers

    Attendance register

  • 19

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    School’s expecta-tions on students: (A) that students should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School calendar, and

    (B) that students should submit homework punc-tually as assigned by teachers.

    the beginning of school term Contact student and par-ent if a student is fre-quently absent or late from class without any reasonable explanation. Apply the disciplinary measures according to the school policies An award system is de-veloped for high achiev-ers and the best im-proved.

    Monthly review of the attendance record and homework sub-mission Review annually at the end of school term

    Report to related committees and school authority Encouragement from the teacher

    submission Got the award or cer-tificates

    Homework submission record Awards and certif-icates

    MC1: Strike a rea-sonable balance between freedom and self-discipline - while having the freedom to make certain choices, they understand the consequences of these choices and take responsibility of such conse-quences

    Clearly state the conse-quences and responsibili-ties of their choices to the students To teach and encourage students to consider the consequences before making their choices or decision Highlight the relation among the freedom, consequences and re-sponsibilities

    Throughout whole school term and re-view half yearly

    Reinforcement and restatement will be applied Disciplinary meas-ures will be applied

    Students show deep thoughts on making choices Students can state the consequences of their choices Students can bear the responsibilities of their choices

    All panel mem-bers

    Directives in printed form Discipli-nary record

  • 20

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Strictly put into practice to force the students to bear the consequences and responsibilities of their choices

    Geography Students should attend all of their Geography lessons punctually.

    1. Attendance check at the start of every Geography lesson

    2. Reasonable excuses

    required from late comers

    By the end of every Geography lesson

    1. Explanations required from ab-sentees; truancy cases referred to Student Affairs Committee

    2. Habitual late comers referred to Student Af-fairs Committee

    - Students’ motiva-tion and attitude to learn Geography

    - Records of atten-dance and lateness

    - Panel meetings - Coordination with

    Student Affairs Committee

    - Geography panel members

    - Student Affairs


    Students should submit all of their Geography assign-ments and projects punctually

    1. All Geography as-signments and projects are counted in the continuous as-sessment system

    2. Clear instructions on

    the dates of submis-sion for assignments and projects

    3. Reasonable periods of

    time for students to complete their as-signments and projects

    On the date of sub-mission of every as-signment and project

    - Students who fail to submit their as-signments punc-tually should be sent to the tutorial class on the same day after school to complete their as-signments

    - Students who fail to submit their projects punc-tually should be allowed to com-plete their projects within a reasona-ble period of time

    - Students’ motiva-tion and attitude to learn Geography

    - Records of conti-

    nuous assessment - Panel meetings - Coordination with

    Student Affairs Committee

    - Geography panel members

    - Student Affairs



  • 21

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    - Reasonable mark deductions for late submissions of assignments and projects

    - Students refusing to submit their as-signments and projects referred to Student Affairs Committee

    History MC2: Students under-standing School’s expectations: (A) attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School calendar, and (B) submit home-work punctually

    Formulation and disse-mination of Panel Policy: Homework and class-work policy will be out-lined in the scheme of work. Students will be informed of the conse-quences if they fail to comply with the regula-tions.

    Throughout the school year

    Teachers’ guidance Encouraging peer support

    Delinquency in at-tendance and submis-sion kept at the min-imum

    All Panel Mem-bers

  • 22

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    MC2: Motivation & Ex-cellence in Learn-ing History

    Establishing relevance through: (1) Establishing links

    between historical incidents and modern develop-ment;

    (2) Explaining to the students how the mastery of history skills will benefit their academic studies

    Throughout the school year

    Teachers’ guidance Encouraging peer support

    Students showing greater interests in classroom learning Assessment tasks completed by stu-dents

    All Panel Mem-bers History Society

    MC1: Students strike a reasonable balance between freedom and self-discipline

    Emphasizing the impor-tance of striking a rea-sonable balance be-tween freedom and self-discipline in differ-ent topics like the French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, World Wars, etc.

    Throughout the School Year

    Complying with school policies

    Delinquency in at-tendance and submis-sion kept at the min-imum

    All Panel Mem-bers

    Integrated Science

    MC1: Students un-derstand the con-sequences of the choices they made (be or not to be punctual to attend lessons; submit or not to submit as-signments on time) and take the re-sponsibilities of

    - At the beginning of the academic year teachers remind students about the school regulations.

    - At the beginning of

    each term students are informed of the scheme of assessment including the weight-ing in examina-

    - Throughout the academic year

    - Marks will be deducted from students’ conti-nuous assess-ment score.

    - Improvement of students’ record on punctuality and at-tendance

    - Improvement of

    students’ learning attitude

    - Students’ perfor-

    mance in tests and

    Subject Teachers

    Subject grant

  • 23

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    such consequences tion/continuous as-sessment; the type and frequency of the as-signments in the con-tinuous assessment.

    - Teachers state clearly

    the objectives and re-quirements of the as-signments.

    - Encourage students to

    get higher scores in continuous assessment.

    - Increase the weighting

    of continuous assess-ment in the subject scores.

    examinations - Means of evalua-

    tion: observations, tests and examina-tions

    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students: (A) that students should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School calendar, and (B) that stu-dents should submit homework punc-tually as assigned

    - Subject teachers take attendance in the classroom and in the laboratory.

    - Set limits of time for

    students to leave their classroom and to go to the laboratory.

    - Unit exercises are split

    into a number of as-signments in small scale and students are

    - Attendance and punctuality are taken and observed in every lesson.

    - Assignments are

    checked every two weeks and exercis-es are corrected every one and half month on the aver-age.

    - Without reasona-ble excuses stu-dents cannot leave the class-room or cannot reach the labora-tory within the limits of time will be warned in the first two weeks. Afterwards they will be punished by standing at the back of the labor-

    - Students can leave their classroom and reach the laboratory within the limits of time.

    - Students submit

    their assignments on time.

    - Improvement on the

    quality of the as-signments submit-ted.

    Subject Teachers

    Homework Guidance Class tutors - Help students

    to complete their assign-ments.

    Subject grant

  • 24

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    by teachers. told to submit them punctually. Five marked exercises are given to students in F.1 and F.2 throughout the academic year.

    atory for 5 mi-nutes.

    - Students cannot

    submit their as-signments will be sent to the tutori-al / remedial classes held after school.

    Liberal Stu-dies

    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students: (A) that students should attend all Liberal Studies les-sons, related activi-ties inside and out-side school as scheduled, and (B) that students should do the pre-lection, class work, homework and projects and submit, if necessary, punc-tually as assigned by teachers.

    Directives in printed form will be distributed at the beginning of the term, followed by teach-ers' verbal explanation. An award system is de-veloped for high achiev-ers and the best im-proved. Strengthening educa-tion in related topics, e.g. in ‘understanding one-self’, more enquiries will be made on ‘striking a balance between freedom and self-discipline’, and 'youngsters' rights and responsibilities'. Contact student and par-ent via the class teacher

    Daily record Monthly review Half yearly

    Repeated convey-ing LT#1 Assistance from peers Adjustment of pace More inputs from teachers

    A satisfactory atten-dance and participa-tion in activities Students’ motivation to learn Students’ enrichment in foundation know-ledge, improvement in their critical think-ing skills, and forma-tion of positive val-ue/attitude shown in their class discussion Students’ quality of written work Student and parents are clearly informed of how the students

    All LS panel members All LS students Teaching Assis-tant (TA) Liberal Studies (LS) Society

    Reference books, informa-tion on the internet, au-dio-visual materials

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    (C) At the begin-ning of each term, students understand the i assessment objectives / learn-ing outcomes in terms of know-ledge, skills and value formation; ii assessment requirement in terms of weightings in examination / continuous assess-ment, and types and frequencies of the latter. (D) At the end of each school term, students understand how well they have done in continuous assessment and examination.

    if necessary for explana-tion if a student is absent from class without rea-sonable explanation. To adopt an Assess-ment-Learning-Teaching (ALT) Plan Directives in printed form will be distributed at the beginning of the term, followed by teach-ers' verbal explanation. To deliver an assessment plan listing all necessary items. To devise a sub-ject-based reporting system with level de-scriptors. To distribute the report and verbally explain to each student their strengths and areas of improvement.

    Rephrase of enquiry questions

    are performing through written and verbal feedback from teachers and in some circumstances from their peers

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Mathematics MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tion on them in the aspect of

    Punctuality Attendance Submission of assign-ments

    - Punctuality to class is strictly observed

    - Attendance is

    checked every les-son

    - At least seven

    marked assignments are given to students in F.1, 2, 3 & 4 and four to students in F.5, 6 & 7 per aca-demic term

    Throughout the aca-demic year

    - Late comers must be ac-companied with late slips before admis-sion to lesson

    - Low atten-

    dance rate and non-submission of assignments will be fol-lowed through with appropri-ate measures according to School’s policye.g. attending homework guidance classes and de-tention classes

    - Verbal remind-ers and warn-ings given to senior- form offenders

    - Off- lesson

    tutorials and counseling by subject teach-ers

    - Support and

    assistance from peer students

    An improved stu-dent’s record on punctuality, atten-dance and quality of assignments

    - Mathematics subject teachers

    - Office staff - Disciplinary

    Committee Members

    - Class teachers - Homework

    Guidance Class tutors

  • 27

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    MC1: Students strike a reasonable balance between freedom and self-discipline. - They are in-

    formed of the assessment scheme re-garding the weightings in examina-tion/continuous assessment, and types and frequencies in-cluded in the continuous as-sessment

    - They under-stand the con-sequences of not meeting the criteria and will shoulder the responsibility of such conse-quences

    - Students should strive hard to meet assess-ment criteria speci-fied in the assessment scheme in Mathemat-ics, which is distri-buted to students in each term

    Throughout the aca-demic year

    - Marks de-ducted from the student’s con-tinuous as-sessment score

    Improvement shown in - students’ learning

    attitude in Mathe-matics

    - quality of the as-

    sessments pro-duced

    - students’ examina-

    tion. performance

    Mathematics teachers

  • 28

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Music MC 1: Self-discipline

    Music Subject Students should attend lessons punctually. Students should submit assignment before dead-line. ECA Students should attend music practice punctual-ly and bring their sheet music to rehearsals in order to make the prac-tices more efficient and achieve better perfor-mances at group compe-titions and concerts. e.g. HK Schools Music Festival, Homecoming Concert, Annual Concert

    Lesson observation 2 end-of-term as-signments each year Each practice / re-hearsal session through roll-call

    Detention class and request for a written explanation from students. Examination marks deducted. Warning and sus-pension of partici-pation

    Full attendance in music lessons Quality of assign-ments before submis-sion deadline Number of attendant

    Music Teacher Music Teacher Music Teacher, Chairperson of each music groups, conduc-tors

    Financial: Participa-tion fee, original score pur-chase, ve-nue rental fees.

  • 29

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    MC 2: Learning motivation and de-sire to learn well

    Music Subject Strengthen students’ creativity in music and therefore stimulating their interests in the sub-ject ECA Participating in overseas music tours competition for students to set high goals on them. Students should have good desire to learn well and im-prove when facing such positive competitiveness with teams from other countries.

    Short melody com-position in each term Post event result of the competition

    Invite students of higher capability to assist the failing students Suspension from attending the com-petition

    Quality of composi-tions Students achieve good attendance

    Music Teacher Music Teacher

    Composi-tion soft-ware / Au-dio and visual fa-cilities Registra-tion fee and spon-sorship to student partici-pants

    Physics MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students: (A) that students should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School calendar, and (B) that stu-dents should submit homework punc-tually as assigned by teachers.

    F.6-7: AL TAS experi-ment F.3-5 : experiment re-port, homework

    AL TAS experiment conduct once a week, a total of about 10 laboratory sessions would be arranged throughout the year monthly

    Verbal remind, Warning letter would be send to students who fail to meet the TAS re-quirement. Adjust teaching peace, more class-work

    Teacher assessment (TAS scheme) Homework received

    W L Wong K K Lee (Note: For more than 10 years un-der TAS scheme, not a single stu-dent failed to hand in min number og reports before deadline and received a warning.) Subject teachers

    Laboratory equipment, computer resources

  • 30

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Putonghua MC2: 學生明白學

    校對他們的期望: (A) 學生須依時上課 (B) 學生須準備好課堂口語練習 (C) 准時完成及繳交課業

    F1-3: (A)作業 (B)口語報告 (C)跨學科專題報告

    課堂後完成作業 學生轉流報告 每年一次

    F1-3: 科任老師向欠交學



    F1-3:收回作業 科任老師

    Visual Arts Character Devel-opment: Balance between Freedom & Self-Discipline

    Issue base learning: Ju-nior Secondary Small group project work (Co-operative learning strate-gies ): Students can choose their role and make decision in project work

    Senior Secondary: Criti-cal writing and artwork production Whole school approach: Autonomy & Guidance in whole school external competition

    Consultation for project work Peer assessment 1 competition for each semester

    After school homework guid-ance class Re-do the exercise

    Quality of project work, artwork, writ-ten report & competi-tion artwork

    Art teacher School guidance team members

    Guidelines from school guidance team

  • 31

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Motivation & Ex-cellence in Visual Arts problem solv-ing

    Course outline will be distributed to students in September Guidelines, consultation and references will be introduced to students before art production and project work Students develop au-tonomy in learning through competition, art trip, visit to museum, project work, open day, union day, school anni-versary production

    Throughout the school year

    After school homework Guid-ance class

    Attendance in class More students par-ticipate in Awards in competi-tions Improvement in per-formance in public exam (for students taking 2010 HKCEE)

    Art teacher Visual Arts Club

    Academic and Cultural Ex-change Com-mittee

    MC1: Helping stu-dents strike a rea-sonable balance between freedom and self-discipline through developing students’ ability of self management.

    Setting clear regulations for students joining the activities and instructing them to observe the rules of different places Informing the students of the consequences of breaking the rules and regulations Teaching the students the necessary skills to enable them to manage them-selves

    Throughout the activ-ities

    Teachers responsi-ble reiterating the regulations Warning the stu-dents who break the regulations repeat-edly Informing parents Blacklisting those students who refuse to discipline them-selves

    Students are willing to follow the regula-tions set forth by the teachers responsible

    All Committee members

  • 32

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Careers Committee

    MC2: Students clearly understand our School’s ex-pectations on them as learners, and have the motivation and desire to learn well. (A) Students

    should par-ticipate ac-tively in ca-reers related activities such as talks, visits and work expe-rience pro-grammes.

    Students should be briefed before attending the events. Students should be pro-vided with relevant ma-terials and be encouraged to do preparation.



    Students’ perfor-mance Questionnaires

    Careers Master and careers teachers in charge of the activities

  • 33

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    MC1: Students strike a reasonable balance between freedom and self-discipline – while having the freedom to make certain choices, they understand the consequences of these choices and take responsibility of such conse-quences.

    (A) Students

    should behave properly when attending ca-reers related activities and show respect to the guests and the hosts of the events.

    (B) Students should commit to attend the activities punctually.

    Students should be re-peatedly reminded in the briefing sessions.



    Students’ perfor-mance

    Careers Master and careers teachers in charge of the activities

  • 34

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Educational Technology Committee

    Audio Visual As-sistant (AVA) - understand the

    school’s ex-pectations that the AVA serves as technical helper in classroom (MC2)

    - demonstrate

    the self-discipline, freedom and responsibility to the AV du-ties in class-rooms (MC1)

    Chairperson - seek for parental

    consent - prepare of user ma-

    nual and guidelines - conduct onsite

    training of AV equipment

    - brief the AV circula-tion system

    - present merit certif-icate

    - AV service is provided within school hours in classroom all year round

    Office AV Clerk - provide in-

    stant response to AVA

    Janitor - report to AV

    clerk for any lost AV items

    Chairperson - interview

    with the AVA

    conduct extra training in person


    - AVA provide assistance to teachers in using AV equipment in classroom


    - estimate service hour and report to iPortfolio

    collect feedback from stakeholders, includ-ing teaches, office and janitors

    Chair- person Office AV Clerk

    User ma-nual AV guide-line Parent letter AVA Badge AVA name list IPortfolio Merit Cert Book coupon AV device

  • 35

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Student Photo-grapher (SP) - understand the

    school’s ex-pectations that the SP provides image docu-mentation in school func-tions (MC2)

    - demonstrate

    the self-discipline, freedom and responsibility in using photo-graphic equip-ment (MC1)

    Chairman - conduct onsite

    training linking up with OLE (Photo-graphy) curriculum

    - seek for parental

    consent - provide camera for

    training - present merit certif-


    - Student photo-graphy service is provided on-request.

    - The time is

    mainly within school hour, sometimes af-ter-school and in school holidays

    - The location is

    mainly in school, and sometimes outside our campus


    - interview with the AVA

    - conduct extra

    training in person

    withdrawal the right in borrowing cam-era


    - SP carries out the photo-graphy duty punctually and handov-er the image to stake holder ASAP


    - estimate service hour and report to iPortfolio

    - collect feedback

    from stakehold-ers

    - check photo

    quality and quantity in image bank

    attempt to attain award in public photo contest

    Chairperson Advisor of Pho-toClub

    User ma-nual Camera Tripods SP badge Merit Cert Coupon

  • 36

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Guidance Team

    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students: (A) that students should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School calendar, and (B) that stu-dents should submit homework punc-tually as assigned by teachers.

    A. Follow up of students who do not attend school for 3 days(without proper excuse) and who regu-larly do not hand in homework and do not go to guidance class for at least 3 times

    Weekly record Guidance team will deal with the cases individually

    Number of students who fail to meet the expectations is re-duced

    Guidance Team (Chairperson) and teachers, Ed Psy, Clin Psy, Social worker, Discipli-nary Master and Disciplinary team teachers


    MC2: Students have the motivation and desire to learn well

    A. Talk by Past Stu-dents


    N/A Students’ under-standing about the importance of pursuing educational goals and better time manage-ment(evaluation by students’ feedback)

    Guidance Team, Past Students


    B. Magis Learning So-ciety

    Yearly N/A Academic results of students who take part in this pro-gramme Evaluation by teach-ers’ feedback

    Guidance Team and some Magis helpers

    Record book Magis Journal Book Vouchers

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    C. Alumnus-student men-torship programme

    Half-yearly Follow up work by PSA and guidance team head and Bo-ris Chan

    Students’ exposure is widened. Students’ motivation in learning new things and studying is enhanced. (Evaluation by PSA monitoring group)

    Educational Psy-chologist, Clinical Psychol-ogist, School so-cial worker, Guidance team(chairperson), Boris Chan

    Drinks and snacks, stationery

    D. Self-enrichment pro-gramme

    Half-yearly N/A Students’ self-awareness is enhanced. (Evaluation by ob-servation and motiva-tion in learning)

    Clinical Psychol-ogist and Cecilia Chow

    Subsidy fee for students who go for camps

    Laboratory and Special Room Safety Committee

    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students: That students should aware that proper safety pre-cautions are prere-quisite for enjoya-ble learning when using special rooms.

    Safe practice in special rooms is counted as a part of continuous as-sessment in the subject.

    Marks on continuous assessment will be deducted for students with poor safe practice.

    Teachers are re-sponsible to mark the attendance and enforce safety measures in using special rooms Laboratory Tech-nicians / Teaching assistances to help teachers in execu-tion of safety rules and provide

  • 38

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    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    MC1: Students un-derstand that acci-dents in special rooms will cause injuries on one or others in addition to mark deduction in the subject. They have to take re-sponsibility of such consequence.

    Teachers introduce safe-ty rules, emergency escape route and first aid facilities in special room at the beginning of each academic year. Set limits of time for students to complete an experiment (including the washing up proce-dure).

    Every practical les-son.

    Practical work will be stopped imme-diately for students who cannot obey safety rules.

    Few cases of acci-dents and breakages. Students complete thepractical safety and places are kept tidy.

    first aid service in case of injury.

    School fund on maintenan ce of fire extinguish ers

    Other Learn-ing Expe-riences Com-mittee

    MC1: Students strike a reasonable balance between freedom and self-discipline – while having the freedom to make certain choices, they understand the consequences of these choices and take responsibility of such conse-quences

    Recording students’ at-tendance in the SLP and such records will be ac-cessible by the teachers and students

    Throughout the School Year

    Students’ perfor-mance in the OLE will be recorded in their SLPs Teachers’ guidance Students joining relevant activities to meet the OLE re-quirements

    Students complying with the regulations set forth by the OLE Committee

    The whole com-mittee OLE teachers Class teachers

  • 39

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students: (A) that students should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School calendar, and (B) that stu-dents should submit homework punc-tually as assigned by teachers.

    Students and their par-ents will be informed of the regulations with re-gard to the requirements of different OLE mod-ules

    Throughout the School Year

    Students’ perfor-mance in the OLE will be recorded in their SLPs Teachers’ guidance Students joining relevant activities to meet the OLE re-quirements

    Students complying with the regulations set forth by the OLE Committee

    The whole com-mittee OLE teachers Class teachers

    Pastoral Care Committee

    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on them as learners of WYK offering Catholic education. Both Catholic or non-Catholic are to participate in vari-ous liturgical and spiritual activities with understanding and respect.

    Explanation on the school's expectation to students in class and in various gatherings as appropriate


    Follow-up actions by contacting stu-dents or parents if necessary Assistance from peers Advices and guid-ance from Reverend Fathers, teachers and pastoral assis-tant

    Students' active participation and devotion Review by pastoral team members, Cath-olic Association (CA) executive committee members and student leaders of sodalities

    All pastoral team members All teachers teaching Catholic classes Student leaders of the Catholic As-sociation and Sodalities

  • 40

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    MC1: When exer-cising their freedom in deciding whether to attend lessons and activities punctually, students understand the consequences of their choice and take responsibilities of such conse-quences.

    Giving clear directives Leadership training Strengthening brother-hood among members Keeping a full record of attendance by various sodalities and follow-up measure on students with unsatisfactory attendance or disciplinary problems

    Monthly An improving atten-dance during the school year Review by pastoral team members, CA executive committee members and student leaders of sodalities

  • 41

    Subject Panel /


    Learning targets (LT)

    Strategies Frequency of knowing attain-ment of learning


    Response to stu-dents not attain-ing learning tar-


    Success criteria and means of


    People in charge



    Scouts Com-mittee

    MC2: Students un-derstand the School’s expecta-tions on students: (A) that students should attend school punctually on schooldays as scheduled in the School calendar, and

    (B) that students

    should submit homework punctually as assigned by teachers.

    Scouts should be punc-tual for the troop meet-ings. One third of the troop should achieve any one stage of the progressive badges.

    Intensify the training of scout membership badge especially the understanding of the Scout Law The student scout leaders should follow the official progres-sive training pro-gramme.

    Scouts should re-take the scout membership badge examination. Scouts should take extra scout craft training.

    Scouts should keep their Scout Promise and obey the Scout Law. District camping competition

    Troop Scout Leaders , Senior Patrol Leaders and Instructor

    “Scouting for boys”, informa-tion on the internet and au-dio-visual materials prepared by the Scout As-sociation

    MC1: Students strike a reasonable balance between freedom and self-discipline

    The scout troops are en-couraged to have friendly cooperation in running the recruitment pro-gramme and various training courses.

    The student scout leaders should have regular meetings.

    The students scout leaders should set up the “Court of Honour” to settle any dispute among themselves

    The students scout leaders should culti-vate a sense of be-longing among the members so that the drop-out rate can be lowered

    Senior Patrol Leaders and In-structors