anson shen's portfolio

Final Portfolio Anson Shen 1

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Flash Fiction 2011-2012


Final Portfolio

Anson Shen


Table of Contents1. Doctor Nelson………………………………………………......3

2. Place after White (66-words story)………………………….6

3. Question and Answer…………………………………………6

4. Prompts writing………………………………………………..7

5. Stacy’s mom……………………………………………………8

6. Alphabet soup story………………………………………...10

7. Wild card story……………………………………………….10

8. Halloween story……………………………………………...11


Doctor Nelson

—dedicated after Sherwood Anderson’s Winesburg Ohio

Doctor Nelson was a huge man with a drooping face and layers upon layers

of fat on the belly. I once saw him at the beach. Because his belly fat hung down

and covered his hips, I couldn’t even see his bathing suit. Perhaps he didn’t even

need to wear it. I doubt it would make any difference. Some kids laughed at him

because his layers and layers of fat looked like life rings in the water.

Doctor Nelson was a dentist but a dentist with yellow and irregular teeth. I

had never seen anyone goes to his clinic. Nevertheless, as I recall, his clinic had

run for a long time. I doubt he had made any money as a dentist. Perhaps he just

did it for fun. There was rumor that he used to be a well-known dentist who had

filled cavities in president Woodrow Wilson’s mouth.

Most of the times when I saw him, he was eating food—chips, nuts,

chocolate bars… It could be anything. He was not picky about food at all.

Nonetheless, he loved candies in particular. I supposed they had something to

do with his bad teeth, too.

However, he was not simply only very enamored with candies and sweet

things. The peculiarity was that he was fond of inviting little kids to his house and

having candies with them. He told all the kids to have as many candies as they

want in his house. To some children, the obese Doctor Nelson was a grotesque

figure and they refused to visit Doctor Nelson’s house but some children, though

probably a little intimidated by Nelson’s appearance, could not resist his tempting

cajolement and went to his house.


To their surprise, Nelson’s house was indeed very clean, warm and cozy.

From what I heard, it’s actually almost like my grandma’s house. As soon as the

kids stepped into the room, an incredibly fragrant smell directed all the kids to a

giant table in the living room that held chocolates, caramels, jellybeans,

gumdrops, candy bars and many kinds of exotic but attractive-looking candies.

The hot chocolate served had the exact perfect proportion of cocoa and milk.

Seeing the kids gobbled down bowls and bowl of delicacies until each of them

had a swollen belly like a piggy, Nelson grinned.

Nelson told all the kids that they are welcome to come to his house on

Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Kids’ fond dream, however, did not last long

for them. Jack who visited Nelson often, started to suffer from tooth pain. After

Mr. and Ms. Smith took him to the city and check with a legitimate dentist, they

found out Jack had two bad teeth. Jack wouldn’t say how he got two bad teeth,

so Mr. Smith beat Jack until Jack, in the end, admitted that children had been

visiting Doctor Nelson’s house pretty often. The words soon spread and

everyone in the town started to hate Nelson and prohibited his/her kids from

going near Nelson not to mention visiting Nelson’s house.

However, there was one kid whose name was Jason who could still go to

see Nelson. His parents deceased when he was at a young age and his grandma

had been taking care of him. His grandma was old and therefore had very loose

control over him. One day, however, after Jason went to Nelson’s house, he

didn’t come back home and didn’t go to class the next day. People in the town


went to Nelson’s house to look for Jason but found neither a trace of Jason nor

Nelson, but later in the kitchen they found a chocolate jar full of bloody teeth.


Place after White (66-words story)

The steepness doesn’t stop the growing of a forest on the slope. From above, myriad of leaves look like a carpet moving under the wind. Pecking, bickering and flipping their wings, a couple of birds fly by me, giving me the illusion that I am flying. The liveliness is so moving. Now I really regret jumping off the cliff… I mean, falling in love with you.

Question and Answer

I hear the evil being whispering something vicious to the man. That naïve man, however, seems to be convinced. Gazing in my eyes, he slowly walks towards me. I want to run away. He ferociously grabs my child and takes a bite.“Adam, are you eating my apple?”

Holding a bottle of vodka, I pace down the Boulevard. I want the liquor to benumb my mind, but her smile still keeps replaying in front of my eyes. I thereby lie down in the driveway, wanting to say good-bye. And then Buddha, on a motorcycle, drives by.


Prompts writing1). You find no eggs at the store but see a lot of bacon. EPIC MEAL TIME!

2). He was kept as a prisoner in a basement that is too low to stand up in for his whole life.

3). Your girlfriend sits down at the table and starts to devour you. Now you will really be with her forever.

4). ‘Hey what’s up Ariel?’ ‘…’ ‘Oh…crap. I’m so sorry. Sarah…’ (Sarah and Ariel are twins at Masters)

6). Outside the apartment stands no one. A message appears on the phone: April Fools’. Bitxx…

7). She checks her pillbox. ‘Oh crap… I forgot to take my pills again…’

8). Why is he there? He is a world religion teacher.

9). Robby, ‘Mhhh…now I can have a real health class.’

10). Oh shoot… I forgot to eat my pancake. I’ll come back and fix the computer later.

11). “mmmh……….So now I don’t have to go to school anymore!’

12). Oh crap, no fxxxing way… He is a spy too?

14). ‘Yo dude, I have a same paper due. Can you let me copy it?’


Stacy’s mom

--Inspired by the song Stacy’s mom

I thought Stacy is the most gorgeous thing I had ever seen in my life but that

was before I met Her.

Stacy is my girlfriend and we have been together for four months. I know it

doesn’t sound like a long time, but that’s a long time for me. I’m not sure why I

am dating her but she is the prettiest and the most popular girl in the grade and

whenever I’m with her, other boys will cast me jealous looks.

Stacy’s family is very rich and her parents own the biggest house in Dobbs

Ferry. She invites everyone to her house for parties and I guess that’s one of the

reasons why Stacy is so popular.

One sunny summer day when I was in the swimming pool with Stacy, I saw

Stacy’s mom. She just came back from a business trip. Wearing a low cut, bare

back red dress, she walked out of the car. I didn’t really know what luscious

means but I was pretty sure that is what I had in my sight. Gaping at Stacy’s

mom, I forgot how to breathe. I knew something inside of me just blossomed.

Every click of Stacy’s mom’s high heels on the pavement was a starting note for

a 6/8 beat measure in my heart. As she walked by and went into the house, my

gaze followed her into the house and went into her bedroom…

It has been a few hours since I’m room but I still haven’t seen Stacy’s mom.

She invited me to come over to have fun with Stacy but isn’t that an excuse for

her to see me too?


In just a moment, She will show up a something I will never forget will

happen. Stacy’s mom will strip off her dress in front of me. Under the dress will

appear skins that exhibit a milky iridescence like that of an opal. The swelling of

her firm breasts will dumbfound me. My face will burn. I will feel a guitar in my

body, and a hand is going to strum it, and the hand is going to strum it faster and

faster. The strings will be on the edge of breaking. My body will react in a weird

way and she will snicker at me…


Alphabet soup storyXanithippe favors Jabbawockeez’s quadrilateral gay mask.

Wild Card Story

Hanging from that twig,A tiny drop of dew,Clean as your eyes,Captivates mine.

I hesitate to touch,That droplet of delight,But before I make up my mind,It’s gone within no time.

Hanging from that twig, a tiny drop of dew, clean as your eyes, captivates mine. I hesitate to touch that droplet of delight, but before I make my mind, it’s gone within no time.


Watch out, sweetheart

Babe, that is not my grave.