answers to preparing for a negotiation worksheet

Preparing for a negotiation Good preparation is key to a successful negotiation, according to Rupert Mack, Head of Management Studies at Demon College. ‘Being underprepared can mean you fail to reach agreement with the other party – that's why it's important to spend some time beforehand thinking about what you ideally want to get out of the negotiation and what you are prepared to accept. Prioritize your aims – what's your main aim? What secondary goals do you have? Are you flexible about what you want to achieve? If you cant achieve your ideal goal what would be an acceptable end to the negotiation for you – that is the best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BA TNA)? ‘The next step is to consider the approach you will take – will you negotiate face-to-face or on the  phone? W ill you be on your o wn or as part of a team? What-will your role be? ‘Also try and find out as much as you can about the person or team you will be negotiating with – who are they? What's their role in the company? What might they want out of the negotiation? And what might their objections be to your proposals? If the other party is from a different culture, think how their way of negotiating might be the same as, or different from, your own. Consider how you might try to build trust and understanding, offer compromises and find common ground – crucial not just for the success of this negotiation but for building a long-term business relationship. ‘It can be useful to run through your ideas with a colleague, ask their advice, and so on. If you are negotiating on behalf of others perhaps a group of colleagues, take time to understand their concerns, so that you can accurately represent their views.' *objection is completely different from objective, so be careful not to confuse them. objective:  A specific goal you wish to achieve. objection:  A reason that you have for opposing something or disapproving of something.

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Page 1: Answers to Preparing for a Negotiation Worksheet

7/27/2019 Answers to Preparing for a Negotiation Worksheet 1/2

Preparing for a negotiation

Good preparation is key to a successful negotiation, according to Rupert Mack, Head of 

Management Studies at Demon College.

‘Being underprepared can mean you fail to reach agreement with the other party – that's why it's

important to spend some time beforehand thinking about what you ideally want to get out of the

negotiation and what you are prepared to accept.

Prioritize your aims – what's your main aim? What secondary goals do you have? Are you flexible

about what you want to achieve? If you cant achieve your ideal goal what would be an acceptable

end to the negotiation for you – that is the best alternative to a negotiated agreement (BATNA)?

‘The next step is to consider the approach you will take – will you negotiate face-to-face or on the

 phone? Will you be on your own or as part of a team? What-will your role be?

‘Also try and find out as much as you can about the person or team you will be negotiating with – 

who are they? What's their role in the company? What might they want out of the negotiation? And

what might their objections be to your proposals?

If the other party is from a different culture, think how their way of negotiating might be the same

as, or different from, your own.

Consider how you might try to build trust and understanding, offer compromises and find common

ground – crucial not just for the success of this negotiation but for building a long-term business


‘It can be useful to run through your ideas with a colleague, ask their advice, and so on. If you are

negotiating on behalf of others perhaps a group of colleagues, take time to understand their 

concerns, so that you can accurately represent their views.'

*objection is completely different from objective, so be careful not to confuse them.

objective: A specific goal you wish to achieve.

objection: A reason that you have for opposing something or disapproving of something.

Page 2: Answers to Preparing for a Negotiation Worksheet

7/27/2019 Answers to Preparing for a Negotiation Worksheet 2/2

A. Match the words from the two boxes to make common business collocations.

achieve build common

reach spend take

agreement aims approach

goals ground relationship

time trust

1. reach agreement

2. spend time

3. prioritize aims

4. prioritize goals

5. common ground

6. common goals

7. achieve goals

8. take an approach

9. build trust

10. build a relationship11. take time

B. Complete the table below with the correct forms of the words in each row. Where there is aforward slash (/), there is more than one possible answer.

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb Person

 preparation prepare preparatory/


----------------- -----------------

negotiation negotiate negotiable/negotiated ----------------- negotiator  

 priority prioritize prioritized ----------------- -----------------



accept acceptable acceptably -----------------

representation represent represented ----------------- representative/ rep