anti-zionism remarks inoritv...

Rochester Criterion Minister Of The Week hm IU. Mra Mrs, Edith B. Robinson Reappointed To E. C. Board Of Ethics H ost O f N ew T V Series n. aad Mra 8 Ml Rt* DIHm is a preach Tha R»» IHK«* afUa are leader, of Pilgrim er who Had a vtaion and remark* We’ea mam *4J * fat (hurrh 7M North haa ahown dadlratloa with the ynaag people hara Regiwama Sat OrtI • Ion Ave.. Rochester, ability U» lead hia coogre grow aa aad get married thru Sea firt 14th Y It la one of gallon Hia rredeaUala fn the rhe heater's leading Bap during hia 14 years aa of the moat satisfying begin I Church lUvTpBBoa I* paalor of Ihe Pilgrim aspects to see the rowag MBtan la the Baptist Churrh remains develop and grow ap and Rf M HF.NtT.ll MINlkTTR impeccable have their standing I solo ia Use 7.:sr |HeePa«e«| Erse C ount* Eaoruuv* Edward J Rulhowak; ha» aamuuawed the ment of tibreaig Hortak resident Fdbth B Robin aa to the Enr County Board #f tlhn» >*w wtli aarve a term througf- tRM k ia *u Inert to ftatw ou tam hy the Erse < ountv Leg. via* ur. Mr, Johnson » Aset* ant !<eczut» t in im im en of lbs Tr*e l ounty llejrt of huria! tw rvM where aftr ba* been awtployad h»» the past W sear, Shi reserved her HN [hgm (rum W jharhrr* 1 mvet a n t duo and a Master* Degree » aonal smrk from NUNYAB Active in rtwimuniiv affair* Mr* RoMmnwi ha* received manv award* me lading Who • IA ho Among Block Amec wan* < ommuntlv Service Award m 1471 from th*- Buffalo Urben Ictgu* and First Dt*ginguished Women * 'service Award of the- Urban Center ot SI VA AB l After commumt* active Ur* include American Red I'hta A’o iu n te e i Con Kuitant lo* C.unmunitv Aoiuntee* Service* «*f th e Family Asthma Program Vmerstor Lung A*so» Council ba SI NA AH Women * I x««« utive Chau man* ( Tub ot the Republi i an Parts and t ouncil of Women tn Managem<*nl She i* a member ol the Acom* tattoo ot Retarded Children Butfalo Chaptei of Unk* and serve* a* W ay* and Mean* for 'It*nta Clui> of Buffalo Mr* Kohutann ha* proven to lie a valuable memtier of ibe Erie ( ountt Board of Ethic • ( ounty E sec utive Rutkow *ki *»id and I m pb-aaed to reafijioinl her to ihi* important hosiri She and her hu*hand James. reside al fth Hughe, Ave Buffalo Thev have one adult Hon Boiuamui I. tl.yik* i* hoHi anct interviewer on the new television series t lo Tell It Hon Hook* K- n< m fin I om C o, ..I ih. V A \» r .. Mi**t**e|»p* f f. - I* I,'* Mcc hig.ic ft ■ N. w I. C , . \\ ,c .end Nt <* io r t |. m ien * « p'opir cm the 'In ti and the (of* in c huic h and home .iplonnx the im-*! tive aspect* of lila k* living in the I S The TA wrec of %t* half hour iwograiti* i* ta ing diWrihuted natmnallv hv the Post hewswe-ok Station* and anil Im broadcast hs leal Malum* once every two month. Post Office Closing Would Mean Another Loss To Area The proposed <losing of the Utica Jef ferae»n Branch Poaf Office, ha, stirred unite a hit uf cotmneni and surprise located in Ihe heart of the Masten IMalrici. Huf falo'a largest |M>putated minority settlement, the Ins, of (hia convenience and aarvica. ia jual another step in further ileprnrioie the area and odd more woe, hi the inhabitant. The loss nf th* super markets and Imnka, are two more reverses that further me onventenr# the resident. W N Y ’s laiyeM Ht Oxlv Aixmhted Nf-wvptifk-r — Featuring Paul UgituiMtc < in illation N lgfara >gy|gN 1923 1979 CRfTtRM PRESS And St* the No. 1 WNY Control Cities 4>ur nfflo Hw« bfpn open rvfn wrrk «»f every yftr M ine (m t etUlewee. orrvlni nut commit nitte*' BUFFALO RITERION You vo* (uM ttitttN N»|f»» ijfi for * * op* "I 1 He M iffloii < fftcriffff e«er% week (tn itnlt 15c I l»Nii»t4 New ViffJiv itldi st »r»r( t«t(p«i miihoHrii* p»p*di iht frfilv \4 N Y niin<fftit * «♦»»» i«* r#Kt,t»ff d ion h (ffftifi fuit BEWkpof*rr undid * th* M/tff (» i 1*7*1 Y«t of I iifiifff ,* rryuUith newK|k«prfN' VOL W Nt> 40 Vi Young Rejects Jackson’s Anti-Zionism Remarks Andrew y<»iny ha* taken issue with remark* road*- i/v the Kcv J»«r» Jachaon equating tliunkun with apartl The I’hututu finely Defender rvjaah tkg l»iag U/Ul a n»w> U*ai rou/eg niaTgnuM IW . I diaa, African tour. “I disagree with him " Young continued It * unfair to hnk larael with Smth Africa If ther* is a link, you muat compare Britain, dmrmmny. Japar. and the I 'ruled State, All of them have link, with South Africa Israel ta ar loo easy arapegoat for other profilem, we have Andiaaaador Young also urged the Black African nations he visrted to resume diplomatic rotation, with Israel and play a moderating role in the Middle Eaat conflict Thi, week, Young coiled on Israel’s Foreign Minister Moahe Dayan in New York and ,aid afterward, "I think we revived a friendship that we made several years ago And I assured him that the events of the paM month weH- something I blamed nnteody fur. certainly not him or hi* country " Mr Young also said that he planned tn visit the Middle Eaat. including Israel, by the end of the year A rift I>etween Dayan and Young had emerged when the former U. 8 Ambassador to the UN charged that Day an had disclosed Young's unauth orized meeting with a Palestine Liberation Organization envoy Dayan and Israeli offic ial* denied the assertion Young met with Dayan specifically to heal (he personal rift, and to lay to rest NYEA Leaders Endorse Bd. Of Regents Proposal ALBANY New York Educator* Association leaders have heartily en dorsed the state Board of Regents proposal to recognize teaching as a profession hut said the- statewide teac her union ia adamantly opposed to the use of test* to measure the competency of inaervtce teachers , That process, among the Regents proposal* for changing the leaching MMMnhnt. would not translate into higher pupil scores or more competent teacher*. NYF.A President Edwin J Rohisrh contended In addition the Ante aide union went on record unequi rurally opposed to the re registration of teacher* already in the classroom Rohisrh testified on behalf of 27 .000 ooHaagur* at * public hearing in Albany •o consider proposals, which would fhange the proress by which teachers enter their profession and would given them official recognition under Slate education law There are presently ftl profession* recognized hy the Mate (including acupuncturists, chiropractors, veteranar «n* masseuse* masseurs, dentists and architects I ail of which are governed hy pmfrvsKtnai hoards which consist of a ■*)'" ily of the respective profession* Tolling the Mate's educational pot, y make rs that recognition of teach ’ •eg a* a {crofosscon is * an idea whose ,tfr“ i* woefully overdue " Rohisrh *-m|ihavi/c-d that NYEA w is a teachers '71 ' f ocu.ncc* cl ( Zn P ag e I Zigivcri 'A Israel « ,nu re-sign *r n n I ht v tr i<i te yfe- ir. etcall vc- m a*kir,g u* se- that Wfung would h»- *> County dans To Aid * inoritv (Contractors L o a n F u n d W ill H elp M in o rity F i rm s R e c e iv e W o rk in g C a p ita l U . L . A nd R yder O n G ood I erm s Vernon Jordan National I rban league president (eenterf. is shown here- discussing recrporate affirmance action program* with Jerry Mine I right I vice president industrial relation* for Miami based Rider Truck Rental Inc and Richard Schneider jlefi). Rvder * central area vice president at the I rban league's recent national conference in Chk-ago Mr Jordan said (Her the past few years I have been delighted with the parte i pa I con nf Rider t rtirk Rental lee tn p r o g r a m * e»f th* N«ln.n#l f rhsn league Rider ha* prcocded valuable support to our < areer Awarene-s* Program as well a* other undertaking* of the National I rban league It ha* «l«u shown foresight and sensitivity in utilizing the I rban League ne twork in recruitm ent effrcrt* ml! |ui fund I in ulivc I tin .mi J need I i i*f.«* th.ti the- i*i ism into m inolimg aid miiuuitv owned i* in *t* tiling |M-t nd woi king i pptUit lot pr I he *c fund* will help make it |M»**ilih for mmoi ui littMite**. enli i prises I MID *i to hid sun «***fullv on IHlirilc |cro|e« I- ( oimtv I vc-clllivc1 Hutki>w*ki told fi Radi Budding new «onferi-m e at whic h he wa* tmne'd lev (ounty I, i‘i*lnioi Mtnnt. (cillc-iie (D M ( Bflo I *| M tCIMC II of I hi COIItlll * vc-ar o ld mui'u il i busine-* titili/aiion law Ihe- monc i which will come out ol I he i ounty - urban count I cotlMniillRy di'\.io|itllel\l fit.«h giant limit will he . I— * ■% I lo ImiIMi - i ihi n.-dlll depleted - .mi (am tlullalo Da al Ik-ieh'tmyeni < oip tl. | i i | MID loan liin t e*ltihli*hed la*i July. which hi* «'Htuttitisl * 1 1*4 iMHi to Jl chenl' im hitting a *ult»onlim lot on the In* ( < >ii1111tc11it * i oil. g. I i l l < aitipii* ptops t I lie new piogtam Im* the Iin. king id ili« i Hi *( iimmunity Ih i.-lopmeni Ik id and ha* la in ap|iioie.l lt% the I S Ik pi ol Housing out Urban |k \c lopmeni I-- a olllci I iiidllionalli iiiuii-I 111 onm d firm* h.i'i and will hi Ip Ihi im inli me. I Ih. Mi pi Mi ni mtnordy lontrm m g goal ol ihe Iiimofilv bn-ilie** iilill itam law * onniv I *> i illIVc Hulkow *k (wimted out Nationwide Poll hinds W ide Support hor Women On Supreme Court N am ed HFNRYH COORDS Thr C anisiu* Cnliegc Sch.wcl of Business Administration ha* named Henry H Coords, president of Fisher Price Toy*. Fast Aurora. ‘ Businessman of the Year". He will be honored at the colleges'* 1 I th annual husinc-s* award* dinner Oct 1f» in the collrge Student Center Mr (fiord* is also a vice president of the Quaker (1st* Co Kemp Says HUD Proposal Would Stnp Seniors Of Priority WASHINGTON Congressman Jack Kemp has reauested Housing and Urban Development Secretary Designate Moon Landneu not to finalize a proposed HUD regulation which would strip senior citizens of priority preference a* tenant' in new- federally-subsidized Section * housing in their local commumtie- In a letter to Landneu. Kemp charged “ it would be absurd to send older people away from their friends and families, their churches, their familiar shops, services and doctor* Additionally. Kemp pointed out. many Section 8 housing progranr- receive favorable tax treatment* bv local governments The favored tax statu* would be jeopardtzy-d if current tenant priority were no longer a- corded senior cit’o-ns to housing unit* ii their own communities." Kemp s.-iul K»-mp further warn- ^ dru u that removal of tenant priority in ih« ir familiar neighborhood* could also ih courage the development of Soctiori * k c mp ( ontiituecf f hi Rage - Bnrhar» JcirclMii b< iccl* bsi ol eight hurling 'andidwte* *uhmiltc cl let IV c dent f arter. three cdhc c black* < ec c m mended W ASHINGTON The name* ol eight prominent women attorneys who led a nationwide (k>II of (silitical and legal leaders on women qualified for appoint ment to the Supreme ( ourt wi»rc- submitted recently to President Jimmy ( arter to name a woman to th«- Supreme U-ourt The names were presented lo the President by Sey Chasslet. editor -in-chief of Redbook magazine, which conducted the poll and will publish the results in it* Ortober issue Should a vac am v occur on the Court during the Carter Administration, there are at least eight women who are considered suitable nominees by a number of prominent Americans accord ing to the poll, which found that wide support exists for the representate • <1 women on the Court More than a third of those who participated in the survey cMad Barbara Jordon, former rnngreaswmmnn from Texas, os their top candidate The other women tn order of rank are Shirley M Hufstedler judge on the United States ( ourt of Appeal* for the Ninth Circuit Martha Griffith* former . .mgresswoman from Michigan Ruth Ginsburg professor at Columbia taw School Dc«lru l l ourt lor Ui- Soul New Xccrk and * url.i ' forme r *r*c rela fv ccf II* .e* Ik-ic-lccfytic id Ifllhe b u t Emu ..f lb* eight w-au. M* Vet'. **■< F.-i ,. If M# a lev d. hi.a k lllll* 1 riisn M»C"Ci r Hor kmphirme Sort. t ailing trie absence of wsar-cs. <•#. ..« Supreme Court a noUonaJ diagra* r la/f arpenler who co«d«»ctert the po. (o Red brook and report* the resuft* m U*« magazine * (Vtohef issue **k: it wa- done to deotroy the mvth that tu women were qualified Nca only did eighi women receive more than C* «<»> f-s. ' hut on addrUona- *om*r frorr al) over the country were rwoommervW! ( erpewter said A woman » oppovntmezw le th. Supreme Court is vzU. if w# ar« U true justice ’the former pre*. se. -etar* to Lady Bird Jobneor declared and cryticizeci the C ourt * de* **or or . Nile! support anrvei aecurrtv and espt# nfYfywf mulr* iM t> ^ prr/V-fet f*y T 1-/4 -ffY V' < K

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Page 1: Anti-Zionism Remarks inoritv (… · memtier of ibe Erie ( ountt Board of Ethic • ... ..I ih. V A \»

R o ch e ste r C rite rio n M in is te r O f T h e W e e k

hm IU . Mra

M rs , E d ith B . R o b in so n

R e a p p o in te d T o E. C.

B o a rd O f E th ic s

H o s t O f N e w T V S e r i e s

n . aad Mra 8 Ml Rt* DIHm is a preach Tha R»» IHK«* afUa are leader, of Pilgrim er who Had a vtaion and remark* We’ea mam *4 J*

fat (hurrh 7M North haa ahown dadlratloa with the ynaag people hara Regiwama Sat OrtI •Ion Ave.. Rochester, ability U» lead hia coogre grow aa aad get married thru Sea firt 14thY It la one of gallon Hia rredeaUala fn the rhe

heater's leading Bap during hia 14 years aa of the moat satisfying begin IChurch lUvTpBBoa I* paalor of Ihe Pilgrim aspects to see the rowag MBtan

la the Baptist Churrh remains develop and grow ap and Rf M HF.NtT.ll MINlkTTRimpeccable have their

standing Isolo ia Use 7 .: s r |H e e P a « e « |

Erse C ount* Eaoruuv* Edward J Rulhowak; ha» aamuuawed the m ent of tibreaig Hortak r e s id e n t Fdbth B Robin a a to the E n r County Board #f t lh n » >*w wtli aarve a term througf- tRM k ia *u Inert to f ta tw o u tam hy the Erse < ountvL e g . via* u r .

M r, Johnson » Aset* ant !<eczut» t i n i m i m e n of lbs Tr*e l ounty llejrt of huria! tw r v M where aftr ba* been awtployad h»» the past W s e a r , Shi reserved her HN [ h g m (rum W jh a rh r r* 1 mvet a n t duo and a M aster* Degree » aonal smrk from NUNYAB

Active in rtw im uniiv affair* Mr* RoMmnwi ha* received manv award* me lading W ho • IA ho Among Block Amec wan*< ommuntlv Service Award m 1471 from th*- Buffalo Urben Ic tg u * and First Dt*ginguished W om en * 'service Award of the-

Urban C enter ot SI VA AB l After commumt* active

Ur* include American Red I 'h t a A’oiunteei Con Kuitant lo* C.unmunitv A o iu n t e e * S e r v ic e * «*f theFamily Asthma Program Vmerstor Lung A*so» Council b a SI NA AH W omen * I x««« utive Chau man* ( Tub ot the Republi i an Parts and t ouncil of W omen tn Managem<*nl She i* a m em ber ol the A com* tattoo ot Retarded Children Butfalo Chaptei of Unk* and serve* a* W ay* and Mean* for 'It*nta Clui> of Buffalo

Mr* Kohutann ha* proven to lie a valuable m em tier of ibe Erie ( o u n tt Board of Ethic •( o u n ty E s e c u t iv e R u tkow *ki *»id and I m pb-aaed to reafijioinl her to ihi* im portant hosiri

She and her hu*hand Jam es. resid e al fth H u g h e , Ave Buffalo Thev have one adult Hon

Boiuamui I. tl.yik* i*hoHi anct interview er on the new television series

t lo Tell It Hon Hook*

K- n < mfin I o m C o I t . c v ,

..I i h . V A \» r . . • Mi**t**e|»p* f f. -I* I,'* Mcc hig.ic ft ■N. w I. C , . \ \ ,c.end Nt <* i o r t |. m ie n * « p 'o p ir cm the 'I n t i and the (of* in c huic h and home . ip lo n n x the im-*! tive aspect* of lila k* living in the I S

The TA w r e c of %t* half hour iwograiti* i* ta ing diW rihuted natmnallv hv the Post hewswe-ok Station* and anil Im broadcast hs l e a l Malum* once every two m on th .

P o st O ffic e C lo s in g

W o u ld M e a n A n o th e r L o s s T o A re a

The proposed < losing of the ’ Utica Jefferae»n Branch Poaf Office, h a , s tirred u n it e a hit uf cotm neni and surprise

lo c a te d in Ihe heart of the M asten IMalrici. Huf falo 'a largest |M>putated m inority se ttle m en t, the Ins, o f (hia convenience

and aarv ica . ia jual another s tep in further ileprnrioie the area and odd more w oe, hi the inhab itan t.

The loss nf th* super m arkets and Imnka, are two m ore reverses that further me onventenr# the re s id e n t.

W N Y ’s la iy e M Ht O x l v A i x m h t e d N f-w v p tifk - r — F e a t u r i n g P a u l U g i t u i M t c < i n i l l a t i o n

N l g f a r a > g y | g N

1 9 2 3 1 9 7 9


And St* the No. 1 WNY Control Cities

4 >ur nfflo Hw« bfpn open rv fn wrrk «»f every yftr M in e ( m t e t U l e w e e . o r r v l n i n u t c o m m it n i t t e * '


R I T E R I O NY ou vo* (uM ttitttN N»|f»» ijfi for * * op* "I 1 He M ifflo ii

< fftcriffff e«er% week (tn itnlt

1 5 cI l»Nii»t4 New ViffJiv itldi st »r»r( t«t(p«i miihoHrii*p»p*di iht frfilv \4 N Y niin<fftit * «♦»»» i«*r#Kt,t»ff d ion h (ffftifi fuit BEWkpof*rr undid * th* M/tff (» i 1*7*1 Y«t of I iifiifff ,* rryuUithnewK|k«prfN'

VOL W Nt> 40 Vi ►

Young Rejects Jackson’s Anti-Zionism Remarks

Andrew y<»iny ha* taken issue with remark* road*- i/v the Kcv J»«r» Jachaon equating tliunkun with apartl

The I ’hututu finely Defender r v ja a h tk g l» ia g U/Ul a n»w>U*ai rou/eg

n i a T g n u MI W . I diaa,African tour. “ I d isagree with him "

Young continuedIt * unfair to hnk larael with S m th

Africa If ther* is a link, you muat com pare Britain, dmrmmny. Japar. and the I 'ruled S ta te , All of them have link, with South Africa Israel ta ar loo easy arapegoat for other profilem , we have

Andiaaaador Young also urged the Black African nations he visrted to resum e diplomatic rotation, with Israel and play a m oderating role in the Middle Eaat conflict

T h i, week, Young coiled on Israel’s Foreign Minister Moahe Dayan in New York and ,aid afterw ard ,

" I think we revived a friendship that we m ade several years ago And I assured him that the events of the paM month weH- som ething I blam ed nnteody fur. certainly not him or hi* country " Mr Young also said that he planned tn visit the Middle Eaat. including Israel, by the end of the year

A rift I>etween Dayan and Young had em erged when the former U. 8 Ambassador to the UN charged that Day an had disclosed Y oung's unau th ­orized m eeting with a Palestine Liberation Organization envoy Dayan and Israeli offic ial* denied the assertion

Young m et with Dayan specifically to heal (he personal rift, and to lay to rest

N Y E A L e a d e rs

E n d o rse Bd . O f

R egen ts P ro p o sa lALBANY New York Educator*

Association leaders have heartily e n ­dorsed the sta te Board of Regentsproposal to recognize teaching as a profession hut said the- statew ide teac her union ia adam antly opposed to the use of test* to m easure the com petency of inaervtce teachers ,

That process, am ong the R egents proposal* for changing the leaching MMMnhnt. would not transla te into higher pupil scores or m ore com petent teacher*. NYF.A President Edwin J Rohisrh contended In addition the Ante a id e union went on record unequi rurally opposed to the re registration of teacher* already in the classroom

Rohisrh testified on behalf of 27 .000 ooHaagur* at * public hearing in Albany •o consider proposals, which would fhange the p ro ress by which teachers enter their profession and would given them official recognition under S late education law

There are presently ftl profession* recognized hy the Mate (including acupuncturists, chiropractors, veteranar «n* m asseuse* m asseurs, den tists and architects I ail of which are governed hy pmfrvsKtnai hoards which consist of a ■*)'" ily of the respective profession*

Tolling the M ate's educational po t, y make rs that recognition of teach ’ •eg a* a {crofosscon is * an idea whose ,tfr“ i* woefully overdue " Rohisrh *-m|ihavi/c-d that NYEA w is a teachers

'7 1 ' f ocu.ncc* cl ( Zn Page I

Zigivcri 'A Israel « ,n u re-sign *r n nI ht v tr i<i te y fe -ir. etc all vc- m a* kir,g u* se- that Wfung would h»- *>

County d a n s To Aid*

inoritv (ContractorsL o a n F u n d W i l l H e l p M i n o r i t y

F i r m s R e c e i v e W o r k i n g C a p i t a l

U . L . A n d R y d e r O n G o o d I e r m s

Vernon Jordan National I rban le a g u e p residen t (eenterf. is shown here- d iscussing recrporate affirm ance action program * with Jerry M ine I right I vice presiden t industrial relation* for M iami based R id er Truck Rental Inc and Richard Schneider jlefi). Rvder * central area vice president at the I rban le a g u e 's recent national conference in Chk-ago Mr Jordan said (H e r the

p a s t fe w y e a r s I h a v e b e e n d e l ig h t e d with th e p a r t e i p a I con nf R i d e r t rtirk Rental le e tn p r o g r a m * e»f th* N « ln .n # l f rhsn l e a g u e R i d e r h a * p r c o c d e d valuable support to our < areer Awarene-s* P r o g r a m a s well a * other undertaking* o f th e N a t io n a l I r b a n l e a g u e It h a * «l«u s h o w n f o r e s ig h t a n d sensitivity in u t i l i z in g the I r b a n L eague ne twork in r e c r u i t m e n t e ffrc rt*

ml! |ui fund

I i n ulivc I tin .mi J need I i i*f.«* th.ti the- i*i ism into m i n o l im g

aid m iiuuitv owned i* in *t* tiling |M-t nd w oi king i pptUit lot

prI he *c fund* will help m ake it

|M»**ilih for mmoi u i littMite**. enli i p rises I MID *i to hid su n «***fullv onIHlirilc |cro|e« I- ( oimtv I vc-clllivc1Hutki>w*ki told fi Radi Budding new «onferi-m e at whic h he wa* tmne'd lev (o u n ty I , i‘i*lnioi M tnnt. (cillc-iie (D M ( Bflo I *| M tCIMC II of I hi COIItlll * vc-ar o ld m ui'u il i busine-* titili/aiionlaw

Ihe- monc i which will come out ol I he i ounty - urban count I cotlMniillRy

d i'\.io |itlle l\l fit.« h g ian t limit will he . I—* ■% I lo ImiIMi-i ihi n.-dlll dep leted - .mi (am tlullalo D a al Ik-ieh'tmyeni < o ip tl. | i i | MID loan liin t e*ltihli*hed la*i July. which h i*«'Htuttitisl * 11*4 iMHi to J l c h e n l ' im hitting a * u lt»onlim lot on the In*( < >ii1111tc11it * i oil. g. I i l l < aitipii* p tops t

I lie new p iog tam Im* the I in. king id ili« i Hi *( iimmunity Ih i.-lopm eni Ik id and ha* la in a p |i io ie .l lt% the I S Ik pi ol Housing out Urban |k \c lopm eni I-- a olllci

I iiid llionalli iiiuii-I111 o n m d firm* h .i 'i and will hi Ip Ihi im in li me. I Ih. Mi pi M i ni m tnordy lon trm m g goal ol ihe Iiimofilv bn-ilie** iilill itam law * onniv I *> i illIVc Hulkow *k (wimted out

N a t i o n w i d e P o l l h i n d s W i d e

S u p p o r t h o r W o m e n

O n S u p r e m e C o u r t

N a m e d

H FN R Y H COORDST hr C anisiu* Cnliegc Sch.wcl of

B usiness A dm inistration ha* nam edH enry H Coords, p residen t of F isherPrice Toy*. F ast Aurora. ‘ B usinessm an of the Y ea r" . He will be honored at the colleges'* 1 I th annual husinc-s* award* dinner Oct 1f» in the collrge S tudent C enter Mr (fiord* is also a vicepresiden t of the Q uaker (1st* Co

Kem p Says H U D Proposal W ould Stnp Seniors O f Priority

WASHINGTON C ongressm anJack K em p has rea u es te d Housing and Urban Developm ent Secretary D esignate Moon Landneu not to finalize a proposed HUD regulation which would strip senior citizens of priority p reference a* te n a n t ' in new- federally-subsidized Section * housing in the ir local com m um tie-

In a le tte r to L andneu . Kem p charged “ it would be absurd to send older people aw ay from th e ir friends and fam ilies, the ir churches, the ir fam iliar shops, services and doctor*

Additionally. Kem p pointed out. m any Section 8 housing progranr-

receive favorable tax trea tm en t* bv local governm ents The favored tax statu*

would be jeopardtzy-d if curren t tenant priority w ere no longer a- corded senior c it’o-ns to housing unit* ii th e ir own com m unities ." K em p s.-iul

K»-mp further warn- ^ dru u that rem oval of tenan t priority in ih« ir fam iliar neighborhood* could also ih courage the developm ent of Soctiori *

k c m p ( ontiituecf f hi Rage -

Bnrhar» JcirclMii b< iccl* bsi ol eight hurling 'andidw te* *uhmiltc cl let IV c dent f arte r. th re e cdhc c black* < ec c m m ended

W ASHINGTON The nam e* ol eight prom inent women atto rneys who led a nationw ide (k>II of (silitical and legal leaders on women qualified for appoint m ent to the S u p r e m e ( o u rt wi»rc- subm itted recently to P resident Jim m y ( arter to nam e a woman to th«- Suprem e U-ourt

The nam es were p resen ted lo the P resident by Sey C hasslet. editor -in-chief of Redbook m agazine, which conducted the poll and will publish the resu lts in it* O rtober issue

Should a vac am v occur on the Court during the C arter A dm inistration, the re are at least eigh t women who are considered su itab le nom inees by a num ber of prom inent Americans accord ing to the poll, which found that wide s u p p o r t e x is ts fo r the rep resen ta te • <1w o m e n on t h e C o u r t

M o re th a n a th i r d of th o s e who p a r t ic ip a te d in th e su rv e y cM ad B a rb a ra Jordon, fo rm e r rnngreaswmmnn fro m Texas, os the ir top candidate The other women tn order of rank are Shirley M H ufstedler judge on the United States ( ourt of Appeal* for th e Ninth Circuit M artha Griffith* former . .m gressw om an from M ichigan Ruth G insburgp r o f e s s o r a t C o lu m b ia taw School

Dc«lru l l ourt lor Ui- Soul New Xccrk and * url.i 'forme r *r*c relafv ccf II* .e*Ik-ic-lccfytic id Ifllhe b u t

E m u ..f lb* e ig h t w -a u . M* V et'. **■< F.-i ,. IfM# a lev d. hi.a k

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t ailing trie absence of wsar-cs. <•#. ..« S u p r e m e Court a noUonaJ diagra* rl a / f arpen ler who co«d«»ctert the po. (o Red brook and report* the resuft* m U*« m agazine * (V tohef issue **k: it wa- done to deotroy the mvth that tu women were qualified Nca only did eighi women receive more than C* «<»> f-s. ' hut on addrUona- *om *r frorr al) over the country were rwoommervW! M»( erpewter said

A woman » oppovntmezw le th. Suprem e Court is vzU. if w# ar« Utrue justice ’the former pre*. se. -etar*to Lady Bird Jobneor d e c la r e d and cryticizeci the Court * de* **or or . Nile! support anrvei aecurrtv and espt#

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