antiaging nutrition health survey report


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Antiaging Nutrition present survey findings detailing attitudes and opinions towards modern medicine and healthcare.


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Page 2: Antiaging nutrition health survey report

Antiaging Nutrition

Contents Antiaging Nutrition Customer Health Survey Report ......................................................................... 2

About Us.......................................................................................................................................... 2

About you ............................................................................................................................................ 3

Fear Of Aging Begins Sooner Than You Think ................................................................................. 3

Buying Vitamins .................................................................................................................................. 4

Even The Smallest Of Investments Can Make A Big Difference To Our Health .............................. 4

Alternative Medicines ..................................................................................................................... 5

People Do Not Trust Modern Medicine .......................................................................................... 5

Does A Professional Name Inspire Trust? ....................................................................................... 6

Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle .......................................................................................................... 8

Fruit And Veg Are Vital For Good Health ........................................................................................ 8

The Importance Of Proper Skincare ................................................................................................ 8

Exercise Regimes .............................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.

Your Health ....................................................................................................................................... 10

Cause For Concern ........................................................................................................................ 10

Prevention Is Better Than Cure ..................................................................................................... 10

Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 11

Contact Details .................................................................................................................................. 11

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Antiaging Nutrition

Antiaging Nutrition Customer Health Survey Report

Here at Antiaging Nutrition, we promote and sell a wide selection of vitamins, supplements

and other longevity products to help you combat the effects of aging.

From October to November 2014, we created and distributed a short questionnaire asking

for your thoughts on the state of modern healthcare and medicine. We strive to give you

access to quality natural medicines and health goods, and the answers given in our

questionnaire will allow us to better understand your needs and tailor the goods we supply

to suit you.

We’ve now collated the answers and our findings are presented in this document.

About Us

Antiaging Nutrition is part of the IAS Group the world's largest supplier of specialist

antiaging products. The IAS Group is dedicated to helping you access the world's latest

commercially available supplements to give you and your family real choices in health and

wellness. We have a reputation for quality, integrity, innovation, and excellent service, which

is more important to us than profit.

Please make sure that you credit Antiaging Nutrition (

if you are publishing any material contained within this document. Links can be followed or

nofollowed depending on your individual site policy.

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Antiaging Nutrition

About you

What does a typical Antiaging Nutrition customer look like?

Let’s find out.

Fear Of Aging Begins Sooner Than You Think

The majority of our respondents (28.57%) were aged 26-35, with 23.81% aged 56-65.

Interestingly, these ages represent two pinnacle moments in our life. Our late twenties/early

thirties are when we begin to let go of many of the youthful trends and attitudes attached to

our teens; and it is usually after 40, into our late fifties, when our age starts to begin

affecting our health.

It’s worth noting, we also had three respondents aged 16-25 and one over 76, which goes

to show that it’s never too early, or late to begin thinking about antiaging medicine.

In term of the sexes, both genders were fairly evenly represented, with 47.62% of the

respondents being male, and 42.86% female. A small percentage of participants preferred

not to say, which we have respected in these results.

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Antiaging Nutrition

Buying Vitamins

How much do people spend on their health, and how often?

Even The Smallest Of Investments Can Make A Big Difference To Our Health

Surprisingly, the majority of participants spend very little on vitamins and supplements each

month. 42.11% spend an average of less than £20, including all participants aged 16-25.

Whilst this seems like a relatively small amount to be spending on your health, even the

smallest of investments can be incredibly beneficial.

In comparison, 21.05% of people surveyed said they spent an average of £101-£200 on

purchasing vitamins and supplements per month, and just 10.53% spent £201-£301.

When asked how often they shopped at Antiaging Nutrition, 26.32% of people answered

that they only purchased products at our store once every few months. The survey also

revealed that almost 50% of those questioned were yet to shop at Antiaging Nutrition.

With this in mind, many shoppers may be able to benefit from the brilliant savings and

offers found in our store.

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Antiaging Nutrition

Alternative Medicines

How do people feel about modern-day medicine? Is there a taboo around natural remedies?

People Do Not Trust Modern Medicine

As is made clear by the below graph, the majority of people questioned would openly

consider using natural and nutritional remedies instead of readily available drugs.

When questioned as to why this was, respondents gave a wide variety of answers, although

further analysis has allowed us to identify an inherent mistrust of modern medicine.

We’ve selected some of the answers below:

“80% of the world's population uses "natural" (plant based) medicines. A number of

'new', often 'chemical' or 'synthetic' 'mainstream' drugs have a number of harmful


“Because I don't want to apply chemicals on my face, instead of natural products.”

“Modern medicine uses drugs and surgery to supress symptoms. They don't cure

anything. Treatment is profitable, cure is not.”

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Antiaging Nutrition

“I really don't trust mainstream medicine-period. Too many side effects and usually

huge costs and the need for a prescription. [I’d] rather use natural - homeopathic

products first and foremost.”

“I don't totally trust modern medicine.”

As you can see, many people questioned listed their willingness to try nutritional remedies

due to the fact that they do not trust modern, mainstream medicine.

Does A Professional Name Inspire Trust?

Having uncovered the above theme of mistrust for mainstream drugs, we decided to ask

whether those questioned would trust the products more if they had a recognisable name

recommending them for use.

As you can see, this statement received fairly mixed reactions. Although the majority are

steered towards agreement that a product endorsed by a doctor is more trustworthy than

one that is not, there are still a considerable number that disagree.

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Antiaging Nutrition

When filtered down by gender, we found that women are more likely to trust doctor

endorsed products than men. 42.86% of the women questioned agreed with the statement,

whereas only 11.11% of men agreed, with 33.33% strongly disagreeing.

Despite the stark contrast, both sexes seem almost equally matched when it comes to

preferring alternative, natural medicine over common drugs. 57.14% of females and

55.56% of males would consider using natural remedies.

Age is also a powerful divider, with 40% of 26-35 year olds strongly disagreeing that

endorsement increases a product’s validity, whilst 50% of 56-65 year olds strongly agreeing

with the statement. However, a high percentage of both age groups agreed that yes, they

would consider alternative, natural medicines.

Responses Age 25-35: Responses Age 56-65:

From the above information, we can ascertain that there is a wide market for natural and

nutritional medicines, with people of all ages willing to try an alternative cure.

There’s also a severe lack of trust in mainstream, man-made drugs. This could be due to a

lack of transparency during their creation process (“I don't want to apply chemicals on my

face”), or it could be due to possible side effects (“Too many side effects and usually huge

costs”). There are a huge number of factors behind this, although in any instance it appears

that, most surprisingly, utilising endorsement will have only a minimal positive effect on the

conviction in your product.

Answer Choices Responses

Strongly Disagree 40%

Disagree 20%

Not Sure 20%

Agree 20%

Strongly Agree 0%

Answer Choices Responses

Strongly Disagree 0%

Disagree 0%

Not Sure 25%

Agree 25%

Strongly Agree 50%

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Antiaging Nutrition

Maintaining A Healthy Lifestyle

How much importance do people place on living healthily? What’s more important to you,

dieting or exercise?

We Focus On Fruit And Veg For Good Health

We asked our participants to rank on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being highly important and 1

being not important at all, how important they felt each of the following activities were

when it comes to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

We were happy to see that the majority of people consider exercise and a healthy diet to be

highly important.

We were also pleased with the importance people place on getting their five-a-day, a

practice that should be common in any healthy lifestyle.

Whilst the majority were not sure about the importance of a social life, 35.28% of

respondents realised the importance that close relationships can have on both our physical

and mental wellbeing.

Not Important At All

Not Very Important

Not Sure

Important Highly Important

Exercise 0.00% 5.88% 17.65% 29.41% 47.06%

Dieting 23.53% 0.00% 5.88% 35.29% 35.29%

Social Life 5.88% 5.88% 47.06% 5.88% 35.29%

Skincare 5.88% 11.76% 41.18% 23.53% 17.65%

Calorie Counting 35.29% 17.65% 17.65% 17.65% 11.76%

Getting Your ‘Five-a-day’ 0.00% 11.76% 5.88% 11.76% 70.59%

The Importance Of Proper Skincare

Whilst on the surface, skincare may not seem like an integral component of living a healthy

lifestyle, those dedicated to longevity know that caring for your exterior is almost as

important as looking after your interior. Harmful rays from the sun can cause a variety of

irritations and illnesses, including, but not limited to, sun spots, blemishes and in the worst

case scenario, skin cancer.

For more advice on how to caring for your skin all year round, please read our informative

post on how to protect your skin from the sun.

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Antiaging Nutrition

People Prefer To Exercise Outside

When it comes to keeping fit, our correspondents appear to exercise more regularly at the

gym than they do at home.

29.41% of respondents said they visited the gym weekly, whilst only 11.76% exercised at

home every week. The majority (41.18%) said they exercised in their own homes once or

twice a month.

However, when asked where they would prefer to exercise, there was a clear tie between

exercising at the gym and outdoors, with 35.29% voting either way.

With this information to hand, we can help tailor the information we release to better suit

your lifestyle.

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Antiaging Nutrition

Your Health

The below data was collected to reveal whether people are worried about certain illnesses

more than others.

Cause For Concern

When questioned as to how concerned people were about certain illnesses, our respondents

revealed that cancer, heart disease and arthritis are the three major worries. 41.18% said

they were very concerned about cancer and heart disease.

On the other hand, hair loss and pancreatic disease came incredibly low in our results, with

47.06% saying they were not at all concerned about pancreatic disease, and 35.29% not

being concerned at all about hair loss.

The results are actually not that surprising when filtered by age, with 60% of respondents

aged 56-65 stating they were very concerned about arthritis, a disease typically linked with

age. In contrast 50% of 25-35 year olds said they had no opinion on arthritis, although 50%

are concerned about cancer.

Prevention Is Better Than Cure

Posed with the above statement, the majority of people questioned agreed that, prevention

is indeed better than the cure when it comes to most illnesses.

This further validates the marketing of our natural healthcare products, which are generally

advertised as helping to prevent the effects of aging and related illnesses, rather than curing


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Antiaging Nutrition


In summary, this survey has helped us determine that fear of aging does indeed begin

sooner than most would assume, with some people looking into longevity techniques as

early as their late twenties. We can also summarise that whilst the majority of people may

not spend hundreds on vitamins and natural supplements each month, there is an

underlying mistrust for modern medicine.

Reasons for this include:

Unknown ingredients

High costs

Unknown side effects

The need for a prescription

This mistrust runs so deep that even products backed by a trusted name are not considered

to be more reliable. That being said, our findings suggest that women are more likely to

trust doctor endorsed products than men, as are the older generation.

Considering both sexes agreed that they’d be willing to try alternative medicines, it’s

reassuring to see a viable and growing market for nutritional and natural remedies.

It’s also positive to note that many of our users understand the importance of regular

exercise and the significance of a daily intake of fruit and veg.

Much of the information we release on our blog is situated around living healthily. By

understanding the illnesses our respondents are most concerned about, including arthritis

and cancer, we can better tailor our content to deliver highly relevant information to our


Contact Details

For more information on the findings of this study, or to hear more about natural healthcare

and antiaging medicines, please contact the Antiaging Nutrition team via:

IAS Group, PO Box 19, Sark, GY9 0SB, Great Britain

Call: +44 (0) 208 123 2106 Fax: +44 (0) 208 181 6106

Email: [email protected]