antologia ingles


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Page 2: Antologia Ingles


TAG QUESTION . . . . . . . . . 3

PRESENTE SIMPLE . . . . . . . 4

PRESENTE CONTINÚO . . . . . . . 5

PASADO SIMPLE . . . . . . . . 6


FUTURO WILL . . . . . . . . 8


VOZ PASIVA . . . . . . . . . . 9

PRESENTE SIMPLE. . . . . . . . 10

PRESENTE CONTINÚO . . . . . . . 11

PASADO SIMPLE . . . . . . . . 12

FUTURO WILL . . . . . . . . 13


PRIMER CONDICIONAL . . . . . . . . 14

SEGUNDO CONDICIONAL . . . . . . . 16

GLOSARIO . . . . . . . . . . 18


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Los tag questions son pequeñas frases o preguntas que se colocan al final de una oración afirmativa o negativa y que generalmente tienen como objetivo confirmar o negar el contenido de la frase misma. Es el equivalente al ¿verdad? español o al ¿no?



1. Los tag questions utilizan siempre los verbos auxiliares.

2. Con oraciones afirmativas utilizamos un tag question en NEGATIVO.

3. Con oraciones negativas utilizamos un tag question en AFIRMATIVO o POSITIVO.

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1. My brother dances with you. Doesn’t he?

2. Your friends wash my car. Don’t they?

3. My father travels with me. Doesn’t he?

4. Irma and I eat cake. Don’t we?

5. Juan work in a office. Doesn’t he?


1. Laura doesn’t run in my home. Does he?

2. The teachers don’t work in Brazil. Do they?

3. My girlfriend and I don’t eat in my home. Do we?

4. Elizabeth doesn’t sleep. Does she?

5. My mother doesn’t cook. Does she?


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1. Pedro is walking in the park Isn’t he?

2. John is studying English Isn’t he

3. Mary is cooking hamburgers Isn’t’ she?

4. Mario and my brother are playing in the school. Aren’t they?

5. They are dancing in the school. Aren’t they?


1. You aren’t learning computation. Are you?

2. They aren’t visiting Mexico City. Are they?

3. The dog isn’t happy Is it?

4. Liliana isn’t cocking soup. Is she?

5. Hilda isn’t in my house. Is she?

6. We aren’t reading a book. Are we?


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1. Pepe traveled in the omnibus Didn’t he?

2. Carmen and I washed the windows Didn’t we?

3. Miriam sang the sing Didn’t she?

4. Ofelia and Nayla visited the museum Didn’t they?

5. Victoria answered the telephone Didn’t she?


1. Guadalupe didn’t cook Did she?

2. Leonardo and Javier didn’t see the movie Did they?

3. Edgar didn’t build the castle Did he?

4. Cesar and I didn’t sell the computer Did we?

5. Mario didn’t buy the bicycle Did he?


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1. Carlos was sleeping in my house Wasn’t he?

2. Luis and I was dancing in the party Wasn’t we?

3. They students were visiting the circus Weren’t they?

4. Sandra was jumping the rope Wasn’t she?

5. Miguel and Lupe were playing the ball Weren’t they?


1. The cats weren’t eating Whiskas Were they?

2. Bertha wasn’t buying the card Was she?

3. Victor and I weren’t studying in the park Were we?

4. Ana wasn’t answering the book Was she?

5. Pedro wasn’t smoking in the school Was he?


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1. Jose will have a car ford Won’t he?

2. I will dance tomorrow Won’t I?

3. My friends eat chicken in my house Won’t he?

4. The dog will eat chicken. Won’t it?

5. Latin America will import foot products Won’t it?


1. Javier won’t go to the zoo Will he?

2. My girlfriend won’t eat in my house. Will she?

3. Lizeth medina won’t study in the school. Will she?

4. LIuvia and I won’t go to the park. Will we?

5. Marcos won’t travel for plane. Will he?


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Es de muy fácil construcción, y se basa en una combinación entre el verbo SER (nunca ESTAR) en el tiempo que corresponda, más el participio pasado del verbo que conjugamos; participio que tendrá concordancia en género y en numero con el nuevo sujeto; y el sujeto de la frase activa pasa a estar precedido por la preposición “por“ y a convertirse en lo que llamamos sujeto agente. Esta construcción no es muy importante en el español corriente, aun mucho menos que en francés y todavía menos que en lenguas como el inglés. Sin embargo, es conveniente tener ciertas nociones sobre su construcción y uso.La voz pasiva se utiliza esencialmente para poner en evidencia el sujeto. No se expresa el agente de la acción -en la frase pasiva- si se trata de alguien o algo indefinido y no importante o bien si no lo conocemos ni nos interesa.

Estructura de la Voz Pasiva

Primero va el sujeto; luego el verbo To-Be (en el tiempo que corresponda); depuse el Participio Pasado del Verbo Principal y por ultimo el Complemento que es un elemento exclusivo de la oración pasiva y nos indica quién realiza la acción del verbo y siempre va precedido por la preposición BY.

Es decir queda de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + verbo To-be + el Participio Pasado + Complemento.

Reglas gramaticales sobre la Voz Pasiva.

La voz pasiva se forma utilizando el verbo to be + el verbo principal en participio. Para transformar una oración activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos:

El objeto de la oración activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva

El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar "to be", en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo principal en participio.

El sujeto de la oración principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.Si hacemos mención en la oración al sujeto que realiza la acción (sujeto agente), éste irá normalmente introducido por la preposición by.



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1. Laura sell the new card. The new card is sold by Laura.

2. Susana close the door. The door is closed by Susana.

3. The teacher wash the clothes. The clothes is washed by the teacher.

4. My brother practice the futbol. The futbol is practiced by my brother.

5. Manuel buy the cellular The cellular is bought by Manuel.

6. Victor and I read the book. The book is read by Victor and I.

7. The cat play a ball. The ball is palyed by the cat.

8. Andrea win the trophy. The trophy is won by Andrea.

9. Maria speak in english. The english is spoke by Maria.

10.Raul dance the sing. The sing is danced by Raul.


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1. Rafa is dancing huapango The huapango is being danced by rafa.

2. My friends is buying a new car The new car is being bougth by my friends.

3. I am dancig the music The music is being danced by me.

4. Ana is sweeping in the office The office is being swept by ana.

5. The watch is marking the time. The time is being marked by the watch.

6. Lizeth and I singing a love song. The love song is being sung by we.

7. They are playing a ball. The ball is being played by they.

8. Elizabeth is eating an amburguer. The amburguer is being eaten by Elizabeth

9. The cat is drinking a water The water is being drunk by the cat

10.The children is jump a rope. The rope is being jumped by the children.


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1. They paid the house. The house was paid by they.

2. My mother cooked a cake. The cake was cooked by my mother.

3. Angel chased the dog. The dog was chased by Angel.

4. Diana taugh the new dress. The new dress was taugh by Diana.

5. Rodrigo wore the costume. The costume was wore by Rodrigo.

6. Jose and Ulises stole the money. The money was stole by Jose and Ulises.

7. Paola visited the city of Mexico. The city of Mexico was visited by Paola.

8. My friend planed the party. The party was planed by my friend.

9. Esteban won the cloven. The cloven was won by Esteban.

10.Cindy washed the card. The card was washed by Cindy.


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1. Pedro will visit Acapulco. Acapulco will be visited by Pedro.

2. Juan will sell the chocolate. The chocolate will be sold by Juan.

3. Bety will study an English book. The English book will be studied by Bety.

4. Martha will order the notebooks. The notebooks will be ordered by Martha.

5. Rosio will use the shoes. The shoes will be used by Rosio.

6. My friend will close the windows. The windows will be closed by my friend.

7. My sister will dance huapango. The guapango will be danced by my sister.

8. Cesar won’t buy a new car. The new car won’t be bought by César.

9. They will eat a sandwich. The sandwich will be eaten by they.

10.She won’t cock a eggs. The eggs won’t be cocked by she.


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Este primer condicional hablamos de una situación que puede ocurrir en el futuro a sabiendas de que cierta condición existe previamente. La clausula con el If, se expresa en presente y la principal en futuro.


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Ejemplos del primer condicional

1.-If it rains tomorrow, I will not go the party.

Si llueve mañana, Yo no iré a la fiesta.

2.-If they take me, I will go the park.

Si ellos me llevan, Yo iré al parquet.

3.-If you lend me your book, I lend my computer.

Si tú me prestas tu libro, Yo te presto mi computadora.

4.-If he leaves, I will be sad.

Si él se va, Yo estaré triste.

5.-If I go to the school, I will see the teachers.

Si yo voy a la escuela, Yo veré a los Maestros.

6.-If they don´t hurry up, they will be late the school.

Si ellos no se apuran, ellos llegaran tarde a la escuela.

7.-If Lily sings, she will be happy.

Si Lily canta, ella estará feliz.

8.-If she eats much, she will be fat.

Si ella come mucho, ella estará gorda.

9.-If he phone, I will answer.

Si el habla, Yo contestaré.

10.-If Luis travels in the bus, he will arrive tomorrow.

Si Luis viaja en el autobús, el llegara mañana.


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El segundo condicional se refiere a algo imaginario pero que pudiera llegar a ser realidad.

Ejemplos del segundo condicional16

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1.-If he had car, he could have girlfriend.

Si él tuviera carro, el podría tener amigos.

2.-If we were in Mexico, would visit Xochimilco.

Si nosotros estuviéramos en México, Visitaríamos Xochimilco.

3.-If I had a car, I would visit my parents.

Si yo tuviera un coche, Yo visitaría a mis parientes.

4.-If she won the Premium, she would do a party.

Si ella gana el premio, ella haría una fiesta.

5.-If I was worked, I would much Money.

Si yo trabajara, yo tendría mucho dinero.

6.-If it were raining, we not could go out.

Si lloviera, nosotros no saldríamos.

7.-If he had a guitar, he would sing.

Si él tuviera una guitarra, el podría cantar.

8.-If they were studied, they had good calcifications.

Si ellos estudiaran, ellos tendrían buenas calificaciones.

9.-If he had a car, she could drive.

Si él tuviera un carro, el podría manejar.

10.-If I had Money, I would give you some.

Si yo tuviera dinero, te daría algunas monedas.


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GIRLFRIEND------------NOVIA DANCE----------BAILARUGLY--------------------FEA FLOWER----------FLORHEAD-------------------CABEZA DRAW-----------DIBUJARSOUP-------------------SOPA CORN-----------MAIZSWEEP------------------BARRER WITH YOU------CONTIGOPARROT----------------LORO WITH ME-------CONMIGOCUT----------------------CORTAR HE’S------------EL ESBUILD-------------------CONSTRUIR EGGS-----------HUEVOSPLATES-----------------PLATES STATUE---------ESTATUAHOME------------------CASA CHAIR-----------SILLAAFFIRMATIVE---------AFIRMATIVO STRAWBERRIES--FRESASNEGATIVE--------------NEGATIVO HONESTY-------HONESTIDADBEAUTIFUL-------------HERMOSO BANK-----------BANCOCHEMISTRY-------------QUIMICA NOTEBOOK------LIBRETAWASH--------------------LAVAR JUMP-----------BRINCARCLEAN-------------------LIMPIAR SHOES --------ZAPATOSDANCE------------------BAILAR SKIRT-----------CAMISAWORK-------------------TRABAJAR SISTER---------HERMANAMOTHER----------------MADRE WILL BE--------ESTARACAR ----------------------CARRO BY-----------PORCITY ----------------------CIUDAD FRUITS-------FRUTASELLBOW----------------CODO POTATOES----PAPASHE ------------------------EL SLEEP---------DORMIRENGLISH BOOK-----LIBRO DE INGLESMY BROTHER-------MI HERMANOCELLPHONE---------CELULARWINDOW--------------VENTANATABLE-----------------MESACOMPUTER---------COMPUTADORADOG-------------------PERROLIZARD---------------LAGARTIGABUTTERFLY---------MARIPOSASMALL----------------PEQUEÑOBAG SCHOOL------MOCHILAFOLDER--------------CARPETAMONTERREY CITY---CIUDAD DE MONTERREYRUN---------------------CORRERFLY---------------------MOSCA