anton pol & david matthews - bawa

O Volume 12 O Issue 04 O May O 2012 1 st Anton Pol & David Matthews 2 nd Annabel Booth & Noelene Law 3 rd David Schokman & Dave Munro Hello from Tromso Norway at 70 degrees north and -6 degrees. It is like fairyland here, so beautiful. Saw the Northern Lights last night!! Took the Hurtigruten Ferry from Bergen to Tromso for 4 nights over Easter. Would recommend the trip to everyone. Didn't meet any bridge players but played Euchre. Heading to the Island of Svalbard today which is at 80 degrees North, only 10 degrees from the top of the world. Will be dog sledding and hopefully see a polar bear (from a distance). Happy Bridging

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O Volume 12 O Issue 04 O May O 2012


Anton Pol & David Matthews


Annabel Booth & Noelene Law


David Schokman & Dave Munro

Hello from Tromso Norway at 70

degrees north and -6 degrees. It is

like fairyland here, so beautiful. Saw

the Northern Lights last night!!

Took the Hurtigruten Ferry from

Bergen to Tromso for 4 nights over

Easter. Would recommend the trip to

everyone. Didn't meet any bridge

players but played Euchre. Heading to

the Island of Svalbard today which is

at 80 degrees North, only 10 degrees

from the top of the world. Will be dog

sledding and hopefully see a polar bear

(from a distance).

Happy Bridging

2 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

2 0 1 2 P l a y o f f s f o r S e l e c t i o n o f A u s t r a l i a n R e p r e s e n t a t i v e T e a m s

Open Winners

Zolly Nagy, Robert Krochmalik, Paul Lavings, Terry Brown, David Lilley, Avi Kanetkar

Open Runners Up Stephen Burgess, Kieran Dyke, Ishmael Del'Monte,

Peter Gill, Ross Harper, Michael Courtney

Women's Winners

Barbara Travis, Nevena Djurovic, Elizabeth Havas, Candice Ginsberg

Women's Runners Up Jenny Thompson, Rena Kaplan, Julia Hoffman,

Eva Caplan, Sheila Bird, Karen Creet

A N C O p e n T e a m s F i n a l


Paul Brayshaw, Simon Brayshaw, Matthew Raisin and Chris Mulley

Runners Up Trevor Fuller, Don Allen, Gerry Daly and Karol Miller

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 3

Pres ident ’s Report B y N i g e l D u t t o n


President’s Report by Nigel Dutton ..................................................... 3 Around the Clubs by Linda Bedford-Brown ........................................ 4 Capel Life from Di Brooks ................................................................ 14 MR Bush Fire Appeal from Di Brooks .............................................. 15 The Roving Rhodes by Maura Rhodes ............................................... 29 Results ............................................................................................... 32 Diarize Now ....................................................................................... 34 S PECI AL FEATURES :

Billet Players from Di Brooks ........................................................... 14 Youth Awards for 2011 from David Stern .......................................... 16 ABF News .......................................................................................... 19 A Town for Bridge from Eugene Wichems ......................................... 20 Attack of the Underdog by Bill Jacobs............................................... 22 On Cue by Ron Klinger...................................................................... 27 Book Review by Mike McGlone ......................................................... 31 Seen at the ANC Senior Selection ...................................................... 35


Linda Bedford-Brown (08) 9386 1349 [email protected]

Beata Bieganski (08) 9300 5460 [email protected]

Articles always welcome


Contributors should note that the right to

modify submitted material is retained by the



Contributors should note that the right to

modify submitted material is retained by the


El Presidente is on holidays. Watch for next month’s report!

J O S E P H G R E E N F E L D Joseph Greenfeld passed away on April 2. Joe was a member of the ABF Council for 22 years and President for 4 years. He also captained the Australian Women's Team and is a member of the Australian Bridge Federation Committee of Honour.

Australian Bridge Federation

Committee Of Honour

Michael Sullivan

Julius Rosenblum

Brenda Jones

Wilfred Wallace

Denis Howard

Frank Cayley

Tim Seres

Keith McNeil

Hans Rosendorff

James De C O'Sullivan

Richard Goldberg

John Brockwell

Michael Kent

Jamie Ortiz-Patino

Eric Ramshaw

Joseph Greenfeld

Ivy Dahler

Neville Moses

John Scudder

Richard Grenside

Roger Penny

Richard Cummings

Roelof Smilde

4 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

South Perth Bridge Club

B y D a r r e l l W i l l i a m s

31st Birthday Party and Dora Wilson Trophy

Life member Pat Boys cut the birthday cake for 62 members to enjoy at the tea break of our 31st birthday party. When director Dave Parham declared the result for the Dora Wilson Trophy both 1st and 2nd place scored more than 70%. This very seldom happens. The winners were Nick Cantatore & Marnie Leybourne with Dave Munro & Bruce Fraser 2nd and Leon Randolph & Alexandra Russell were third.

Easter Congress - another great event

The Easter Congress was strongly supported both by players who said they enjoyed the keen completion in a friendly atmosphere and by members who assisted with catering and by serving in the kitchen and bar. Bill Kemp in is his usual calm manner directed the daily events extremely smoothly. This all added up to the event being the really great success that many have told me they enjoyed.

Vale Isle took some wonderful photos of the happy winners as they collected their prizes before enjoying a light pizza supper on Monday

WELCOME Pairs: Friday Night

1st Sue & Richard GRENSIDE

2nd Jackie & Darrell WILLIAMS

3rd Alfred & Sheelagh DUPONT

EASTER SWISS Pairs: Saturday

1st Joan PRINCE & Pauline COLLETT

2nd Inga & Clive HUNT

A r o u n d t h e C l u b s B y L i n d a B e d f o r d - B r o w n

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 5

3rd Jackie & Darrell WILLIAMS


5th Gerry DALY & Viv WOOD

Best Ladies:

Pauline HAMMOND & Sathi MOSES

Best Mixed:


Best Under State Master:

Maria IKIER & Metka AGREZ

Best Men’s:


Best SPBC:



Best Qualifier:



1st Jonathon FREE & (Les CALCRAFT)

2nd Rica KING & David BURN

3rd Marcey SPILSBURY & (Chris BAGLEY)


1st Peter GILL & Christine ROSS

2nd Heather WILLIAMS & Catherin HOOD

3rd Marcey Spilsbury

& (Chris Bagley)

3rd Liz McNeill & Dave

6 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

3rd Liz MCNEILL & Dave MUNRO


1st David SCHOKMAN, Phil TEARNE, Val BILTOFT and Jonathon FREE


3rd Liz MCNEILL, Dave MUNRO, Maura & Richard RHODES

4th Terri GARBUTT, Jonathan PYNT, (Viv ZOTTI & Chris MULLEY)

5th Stella & James STEER and Inga & Clive HUNT

Best South Perth BC;

Martin & Suzanne Goodall and Gill & Mark Dolling

Mandurah Bridge Club

F r o m I a n J o n e s

Competition Winners

Congratulations to the following winners:

T e a m s C h a m p i o n s h i p


Tom Stack, Phil Power, Kathy Power and

Alan Wardroper

Runners Up:

Denise Sampson, Jan Branch, Wendy Hanson and

Sandy Anderson

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 7

W e d n e s d a y B e s t 3 o u t o f 4

Winners: Doug & Vera Hardman

Runners Up: Jean McLarty & Jenny Maley

U p c o m i n g E v e n t s - 2 0 1 2

Special Teams event – Wed 16th May.

Annual General Meeting – Wed 23rd May at 12.00pm.

Australia Wide Novice Pairs – Thu 24th May.

Grand National Restricted Pairs – Wed 30th May, 6 Jun & 13 Jun.

Handicap Pairs Championship – Tue 5th, 12th, 19th June.

Winter Swiss Pairs Congress - Sat 14th & Sun 15th July.

Entries via BAWA

Special Teams event – Wed 18th July.

West Coast Bridge Club F r o m H i l a r y H e p t i n s t a l l

The winners of our Monday Pairs Competition were Lyall Page and Wilhelmina Piller.

Wilhelmina Piller and Lyall Page

In second place were Max Havercroft and Lynette Jackson, third place went to ‘The Shirleys’ (Shirley Bloch and Shirley Drage).

We will be holding our Bridge for Brains session on Monday May 7. Participants’ table money and members’ donations will go towards Alzheimer’s disease research.

Our next red point competition will be our Below State Masters event, which will be held on Mondays May 14, 21 and 28.

Melville Bridge Club F r o m L y n d i e T r e v e a n

W i n n e r s a n d G r i n n e r s

Restricted Pairs Red Point

1st Bhavna Patel and Nilesh Patel

2nd Diana Elias and John Elias

3rd Merwyn Menezes and Ewa Lipnicki.

GNTO Heats 2012 (20 &27 March)

1st Bhavna Patel and Nilesh Patel and Merwyn Menezes and Noel Daniel

2nd Bill Symons and Suzanne Goodall and Marty Goodall and Caroline Gardiner

3rd Erica Augustson and Edith Moens and Mary Johnston and Sandy Vertannes

N e w S u p e r v i s e d S e s s i o n s w i t h L e s s o n s

Mal Clark, one of our fine director/teachers, is now running supervised sessions on Saturday mornings and Tuesdays afternoons; consisting of a short lesson, followed by play with assistance and advice from the Director as individually requested, these are proving to be very popular with up to 50 members and visitors attending per time.

Tuesday’s lesson begins at 11.30 so there is plenty of time for lunch and a chat before the main session.

8 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Mal discusses an interesting point with Nayda Keogh after the lesson as Margaret Webster listens.

“ N o W o r r i e s ”

This photograph, titled “No Worries” taken by professional photographer Martin Parr (permission granted), was a part of the FotoFreo 2012 Exhibition held last month at the Western Australian Museum—Maritime.

What has this got to do with our club? Take a closer look at the spritely blonde in the front row. She is none other than our own Marilyn West.

Yes, every morning for the past 30 years, at the crack of dawn, she has been heading down to Port Beach for a dip with fellow members of the Polar Bears’ Early Morning Swimming Club.

As the winner of our club’s most improved player last year, she is surely proof of the adage “a sound mind in a healthy body”.

Anyone interested in joining the Polar Bears can contact Marilyn through Melville Bridge Club.

West Australian Bridge Club

F r o m K i t t y G e o r g e

WABC will be holding our first Charity Day on Friday May 11th with play commencing at 1pm.

Our chosen charity for this year is Parkinson’s WA and we invite you all to be part of the day. All table monies including Director’s fees will be donated to this worthy cause as will the proceeds of some beautiful raffles to be drawn on the day. I do hope that we will be able to welcome many of you to Swanbourne to enjoy what will be a wonderful day.

On March 25th the club held a Restricted Swiss Pairs Congress for players with under 100 MPs. It was very well supported and hopefully all who participated enjoyed the day and are now encouraged to enter more Swiss Pairs events.

The winners were:

1st Michael Turner and Lyndall Steed

2nd Alan Dundas and Jo Dundas

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 9

3rd Dave Sloan and David Collis

April saw our Handicap Pairs Championship won by Elizabeth Carter and Deborah Greenway.

Runners up were Gwen Wiles and Vardy Pringle .

F r o m J o h n P e n m a n

The Fremantle Bridge Club recently had the great

pleasure of honouring the 100th Birthday of Daphne Bellett. John and Moira Penman visited Daphne a few days before at the Sundowner, Cottesloe and presented her with a card signed by many - and again by many more members of the Club, and a gift, as well as conveying to her the love of the Club members. Daphne played at the Fremantle Bridge Club for many years only retiring a few years ago.

The Club has continued with its recent innovation of a supervision session on Thursday afternoons from 1 pm to 4 pm. All are welcome.

We look forward to our first Congress for a number of years - Sunday June 10th 2012 and as entries are filling fast ensure your entry - on the BAWA web page. We look forward to seeing old and new friends.


BAWA takes this opportunity to remind all players, new and established, of the attendance requirements when entering a BAWA event. (See the BAWA regulations for full details)

10 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Kalgoorlie Bridge Club F r o m S u e L i a

It has been a busy time for the Kalgoorlie Bridge Club since the last article.

At our AGM the New committee elected for 2012:

President - Chris Shotter

Treasurer - Lyn Roberts

Secretary - Sue Lia


Fae Hughes, Mary Williams, Kim Zafer, Val Norman and Michael Fisher.

Welcome to the new committee and a big thanks to the past committee and all club members who attended the AGM.

We also held our Presentation and Awards for 2011.

Tuesday Awards were presented to:

Secretary Sue Lia with Vice President Mary Williams– the Tuesdays Individual Champion

Tuesdays - First Grand Slam Di Alabach and Barry Aslett

Tuesdays - Most Slams Bid and Made – Anne Swinden with Vice President Mary Williams

Jessica Chew winning the Most Promising Learner

Thursday Awards were presented to:

Club Pairs Champion: Barry Aslett and Chris Shotter

Val Norman and Ronnie Rodgers Highest Score for Pairs – 75%

Chris Shotter - Most Slams bid and made (16)

Barry Aslett and Chris Shotter - First Grand Slam

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 11

(R) Lyn Robert - Most Improved Player

Bunbury Bridge Club F r o m D i B r o o k s

Bunbury Bridge Club Management Committee has introduced new policies, for which they are to be congratulated.

BridgeMates - The club has recently installed BridgeMates. Brian Wade, our IT expert, gives any technical support that is required for the units and for the Directors.

Directors Expenses-The directors of Bunbury Bridge Club have to travel 50 kms or more and their costs are now recompensed, when running Red Point events.

Red Point Events-Members are invited to stay for the presentation of wine to the winners and enjoy the drinks and nibbles provided.

Charity Day- at the A.G.M, the motion to hold a Charity Day was passed by the members and the first of these events is to be held in April.

Margaret River Bushfire Appeal Lecture- Table monies from the lecture on Multi 2's raised $150.00. Subsequent donations by members, brought in a further $60, so along with Australind’s' cheque for $100, a total of $310.00 was raised for this worthwhile cause.

Grateful thanks to all who supported this project.

The Multi Two Lecture - Bob Stevens, Nils Anderssen and Brian Wade

March Red Point Winners: Di Brooks and Colin Bell

We look forward to welcoming everyone at our Congress July 27th – 29th

Nedlands Bridge Club F r o m L i n d a B e d f o r d - B r o w n

The March AGM welcomed in the elected Committee:

President: Linda Bedford-Brown

Vice President: Ann Ashman

Honorary Treasurer: Trish Hunter

Honorary Secretary: Betty Huntley

Committee: Susie Auburn, Sally Anne George, Peter Holloway and Robin Burton.

The Club Pairs Championship was won by Vivienne Janney and Pauline Hammond, 2nd Dave Munro and David Schokman with Barbara Kaye and Julia Odes 3rd.

12 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Afternoon High Tea of cream and jam with scones is provided on the 1st Thursday of every month for players – come along for a game and have a treat!

C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s t o M e m b e r s :

(R) Noelene Law (with Annabel Booth) who were 2nd in the ANC Senior Selection Finals and


Dave Munro and David Schokman coming 3rd

Undercroft Bridge Club

F r o m C o n n i e C o l t r a n a

Congratulations to John Beyfus for once again being the National Winner of the Green Points for 2011.

Vice President Connie Coltrona and John Beyfus

The Understate Masters held recently was won by Trevor and Ann Burr, second John Reid and Ian Rowlands, third Bruce Mason and Metka Agrez. Thank you to Tony Martin for capably directing the event.

Ann Burr and Trevor Burr


Focus will print details of your congress or red point events. All you have to do is email the

full details before the 20th of each month to be included in the following month’s issue.

Send to Linda Bedford-Brown

[email protected]

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 13

John Reid and Ian Rowlands

The GNOT has attracted 16 Teams and is currently being played on Wednesday evening. Many thanks to Director Bill Kemp for his professional guidance and calmness.

We say goodbye to our Undercroft


Tad Jasinski, who passed away

on 7th of April.

Tad was a club director and Master Point Secretary for many years.

We‘ll miss his Warmth, wit,

Genuine interest in people and

sunny personality.



Weekend of July 27th to July 29th

at two separate venues:

Friday at the Bunbury Bridge Club

Cnr Balgore Way and Gurinda St in Carey Park

Saturday and Sunday at the Koombana Bay Sailing Club Koombana Drive, (opposite Quest

Apartments and Discovery Holiday Park)

Friday - Welcome Pairs. Meet at 6.15 pm, play commences 7 pm.

$10 per player.

Light snacks and drinks provided.

Saturday - Open Pairs. 10 am, $30 per player.

Lunch provided.

Sunday - Teams. 10 am, $30 per player.

Lunch provided.

**Red Points**

60% - Generous Cash Prizes - 60%

Plus Special prizes for:

Best country pair and best country team,

Best pair, and best team, under 100 Master

Points per player (as at 31/3/2012),

Best pair, and best team, under 300 Master

Points per player (as at 31/3/2012).

No pair or team to win more than 1 prize per


Entries via BAWA web site -

Director: Bill Kemp.

Convenor: Margaret Henderson 9791 2549

[email protected]

14 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

B y D i B r o o k s

It may surprise you to know, we have ants in our garden! Actually, their nests are out the front on the shire land. Yet, these busy little creatures find their way into our back garden and tidy up the patio, marching back to their home, with coveted scraps, which the dogs have left. There are two varieties of ants, a bit like the Comedy Duo, Little and Large. They don’t fight, they don’t bite and we sit and marvel at their might! It’s amazing to watch slivers of carrot being carried in the jaws of these insects. Their prizes definitely outweigh their size.

On certain days, we are visited by the dreaded bush fly. Taffy, the Staffy pup, makes it his mission in life to “See them off”. You can tell when he has caught one, by the look on his face, a picture of disgust. It’s not a pretty sight, but rather him than me!

Early evening, we sit and watch the spiders come out of hiding, to weave their webs. Their antics are like the high-wire walkers in a circus, working at a great height, purposefully dropping to place their next anchor thread, then to scurry back up their safety line, to repeat the process. By morning, the web is adorned with drops of dew and the remnants of something eaten in the night! No signs of the tightrope walker. The Butcher birds are out, looking for their first meal of the day!

You’ve heard the song, “The Hills are Alive, with the Sound of Music”, well; this estate was alive with the teeming of grasshoppers. This is a nightmare for gardeners, for any greenery is considered fair game for the relative of the locust. That’s where Magpies come to their own. The troop of birds that call Capel home, have their own family structure. Each group has title to their own area. Our estate has two sets of magpies,

who work the gardens. We have a family of 6 magpies, I call them “The Bovver Boys“. They start their day at 4.30am, warbling in the dawn. Then it’s time for their breakfast. High on their menu, Grasshoppers and as far as I’m concerned, Go, Guys, Go!

Another visitor to our garden is the native bee. These insects don’t have a sting, but they do have jaws. These are used to cut chunks out my rose leaves. Some of my roses don’t have one leaf

without a piece missing. The bee takes it’s leaf, places it in an aperture, lays an egg, then seals the hole and leaves. The roses flower amongst the lacework left by my native friends.

A gardeners “BUG” bear is the sighting of a caterpillar. In my garden, these are left to do their own thing, for without a caterpillar, we don’t get the beauty of the butterfly.

Beetles in the lawn are a worry and need to be destroyed, but the sight of a worm in the soil, gladdens a girl’s heart.

We marvel at the wonder of Nature. It is a Joy to behold. A whole different world, where everything works to survive. Maybe mankind could take a “leaf” out of Nature’s book.

Catch you another time.

Billet Players D i B r o o k s

The bridge calendar is shown in the B.A.W.A annual Handbook. Dates are set well before time, to ensure an even spread of events throughout the year, giving everyone a chance to diarise the

Capel Life I n a W o r l d o f T h e i r O w n

Capel Life I n a W o r l d o f T h e i r O w n

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 15

competitions in which they would like to compete.

People who have quite a distance to travel to Country Congresses and Gold Point events, have to consider the costs of not only entering such competitions, but of fuel and accommodation too. Perhaps clubs could offer billeting to visitors. This is a great way to encourage higher entries to your competitions as well as the opportunity to form new friendships.

Car pooling helps lower the travel costs.

For new players, don't let your lack of bridge expertise negate you from entering in congresses and gold point events. Be brave. Accept the challenge. You will never know unless you give it a go!

Margaret River Bush Fire Appeal f r o m D i B r o o k s

Eleven people attended the Margaret River Fundraising Lecture, held by Di Brooks, at the Bunbury Bridge Club rooms. Members from Busselton took the opportunity to learn about the benefits of using Multi Two's. Apart from the table monies, several private donations were made by members who were unable to attend, bringing in $150, to this worthwhile appeal.

Kerry Frasier, director at Australind, called in and presented Di with a cheque for $100.00 from the bridge fraternity of Australind, which brought the total monies to be given to the Margaret River Bushfire Appeal, to a healthy $250.00.

Each participant brought a plate of goodies to share. So after a session on Defensive Tools, touching on Defence to Multi Twos, we broke for a delicious lunch, which would bring tears to a Gourmet Chef. As I always say.... all calorie free!!!!!!

The afternoon session gave everyone a chance to practice the use of R.C.O Two's. Yes, we had a few hiccups, but there was much laughter and the consensus was all in the positive.

Grateful thanks to the Management Committee of Bunbury Bridge Club and to the generosity of its members.

Bunbury: Kerry Frasier, with Busselton members, Denise, Margaret and Sheila

Monica Offer, Peter Morgan, President: Jim Offer

and Kate Boston

Vanderbilt Winners 2012

Congratulations to Joe Grue, Leslie Amoils, Darren Wolpert, Curtis Cheek, Ishmael Del'Monte

and Thomas Bessis, winners of the 2012 Vanderbilt

16 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Youth Awards for 2011 D a v i d S t e r n

O n B e h a l f o f A u s t r a l i a n B r i d g e F e d e r a t i o n Y o u t h C o m m i t t e e The Australian Bridge Federation Youth Committee is pleased to announce the following recipients of the major youth awards for 2011:

Andrew Reiner Trophy:

Daniel Braun & Shane Harrison

This newly established award is granted to the best performed pair in the primary target international event taking account of performance in the event itself, commitment to preparation and contribution to team success.

Daniel Braun and Shane Harrison anchored the Australian Under-21 team to its victory in the Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Championships in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in June 2011.

Playing 22 of 25 matches their contribution was clear based on the commendable + 0.36 imps per board against datum’s.

Away from the table they strongly supported their team mates with unwavering positive energy in the face of adversity in the first round-robin and were well prepared having practiced extensively on BBO under the mentorship of Nabil Edgtton in the months leading up to the event.

A special mention is made for Michael Whibley and Liam Milne who similarly anchored the Under-26 team to finish just one VP outside of the medals and went on to win the Open Pairs at the same event.

Andrew Reiner was a pioneer in establishing Australia's international youth representative programme in 1989. In addition to captaining the bronze medal winning Under-26 team in 1991 (which to this day remains Australia's best ever performance in a World Youth Team Championship) Andrew has made significant financial contributions to the youth programme over many years.

Helman-Klinger Achievement Award:

Laura Ginnan

This annual award is presented to the Australian youth player whose ability, achievements,

sportsmanship, attitude, contribution and commitment during the calendar year are most deserving.

The 2011 award was won by Laura Ginnan, who has been active in teaching in schools, establishing and operating a primary school GATEWAY programme, establishing and maintaining the Vic Youth Face book page, setting-up a weekly under 16s youth session in Melbourne, assisting with the regular Melbourne youth session, running a university bridge crash course and convening the ABF Youth Triathlon.

At the table Laura's 2011 results included: 2nd in the National Youth Teams, 2nd in the ANC Interstate Youth Teams, 6th in Victor Champion Cup, 3rd in the Victorian Open Pennant and 1st in the GNOT Swiss Pairs.

Special mentions are made for Andy Hung (refer below) and Stephen Williams who has been running a successful weekly programme at Sydney Girls High School for much of 2011.

Helman-Klinger Master point Award:

Andy Hung

This award, which players may only win won once, is granted to the Australian youth player who earns the most master points in the calendar year in question. This year Andy Hung won with 248.61 master points which included 2nd in the National Open Teams and a string of victories and strong finishes in congresses and state events in Queensland (most notably winning the four major pairs championships).

Other notable McCutcheon performances in 2011 included Liam Milne (159.50) and Max Henbest (154.66) who was 1st and 2nd respectively in the National Master Category and Jamie Thompson (149.02) who was 1st in the Local Master category and 2nd in the overall "Improvers" competition.

Both Helman-Klinger Awards exist due to the generosity of Rabbi Leonard Helman, an American lawyer, prominent bridge enthusiast and philanthropist, who made a substantial donation to establish the prizes to honour Ron

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 17

and Suzie Klinger's outstanding contribution to bridge in Australia.

Hills-Hurley Trophy:

Sebastian Yuen & James Higgins

This trophy, donated by Richard Hills and Steve Hurley, is intended to encourage talented young bridge players in forming long-standing partnerships and reward successful pairs which have developed a well-organised partnership to harness their full potential. In 2011 Sebastian Yuen and James Higgins have continued their partnership of several years contesting various national youth and open events together with a number of strong performances on their local Canberra scene.

Highlights in 2011 included: 1st in the World University Online Championships, 2nd in the National Youth Teams, top youth team in the South-West Pacific Teams, 6th in the Victor Champion Cup, 2nd in the ANC Interstate Youth Teams and qualifying to represent Canberra in the GNOT. Whilst not the most successful youth partnership in 2011, they clearly fulfil the intent of the award based on the enduring nature of this partnership and the significant amount of ongoing work on system development and practice.

Special mention is also made in this category for Michael Whibley and Liam Milne who had a successful year including 1st in the National Youth Teams, 2nd in the National Open Teams, 1st in the ANC Interstate Youth Teams and 1st in the APBF Open Pairs.

Friends of Youth Bridge Fund Special Recognition Award for Services by a Youth Player to Youth Bridge:

Andy Hung

For the second year running, Andy Hung has been a close second in the voting for the Helman-Klinger Achievement Award and in light of Andy's outstanding contribution to Youth Bridge over many years a decision was taken to grant a Special Recognition Award.

Andy is extremely generous with his time in mentoring and supporting up and coming youth players through BBO practice and speaking with young pairs at tournaments. In 2009 Andy spent many hours with Sam Schultz and Shane Harrison

taking them from a relatively unknown pair to our top Under 21 pair in 2010.

More recently, Andy was the assigned mentor for Stephen Williams and Lauren Travis with whom he spent countless hours on BBO preparing that pair for their successful APBF campaign.

Andy has been a regular fixture on Australian representative teams since 2006 when Australia had its best performance in a World Championship at any level in 15 years making the semi-finals in the Under-21s at the World Youth Team Championships in Bangkok. Andy's Under-26 international successes include quarter-finals in the 2008 and 2010 World Youth Team Championships and victories in the 2007 and 2010 Asia Pacific Bridge Federation Championships.

Andy has forged close ties with youth players in Europe which has been invaluable in bringing new ideas and techniques to Australia's youth programme. Andy's connection to the European youth scene has attracted Alex Smirnov to the last two Australian Youth Weeks and Summer Festivals and helped secure Alex's services as Australian youth coach for 2012. Andy also set up a youth bridge website on which he posted regularly and which contributed to a more friendly, fun and unified youth scene in Australia.

ANC Darwin Update

There is still accommodation availability at our discount travel agent Territory Discoveries - but it is filling up fast. Phone 13 43 83 or email [email protected] Tourism Top End also has hotel rooms and apartments available. They can be contacted at For other accommodation suggestions, see the ANC website Entries can be viewed at

18 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Western Seniors Pairs This is a Gold Point and Senior PQP Event

For WA Players there is a subsidy of $1,000 if they finish 1stand $500 if they finish 2nd*

19th & 20th May 2012 This prestige event in the West Australian Bridge Calendar will be held at

WA Bridge Club, 7 Odern Crescent, Swanbourne Plenty of Car Parking is Available. Play Starts at 10am each day.

For ABF Seniors Events players must be born before 1 January 1954 Entries: Via the BAWA Website Entry Fee: $80 Per Player (Payable on Line Account Name: BAWA; BSB: 016464; Ac.No: 255674541

Description: Your Name and the word WSP or Collected at the Table)

Tournament Director: Bill Kemp Convenor: John Aquino [email protected] 0434 608 834

*subsidy available for travel to an interstate PQP event in the following 12 months

Cocktail Party and Presentations on Sunday at 5pm after play

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 19

A BF N ews

1 4 t h W O R L D Y O U T H B R I D G E T E A M C H A M P I O N S H I P S

Jaime Ortiz-Patiño Trophy, José Damiani Cup, Gianarrigo Rona Cup

Organised by the World Bridge Federation

In cooperation with

the Chinese Contract Bridge Association

Tai Cang City Stadium

Tai Cang, China

2 5 T H J U L Y – 4 T H A U G U S T 2 0 1 2

Australia will be sending U26 (junior) and U21 (youngster) teams to the World Youth Team

Championships in China.


2 N D W O R L D M I N D S P O R T G A M E S , I N C O R P O R A T I N G T H E 1 4 T H W O R L D

B R I D G E G A M E S 5 T H W O R L D T R A N S N A T I O N A L M I X E D T E A M S G R A N D P A L A I S , L I L L E ( F R A N C E )

9 T H T O 2 3 R D A U G U S T 2 0 1 2

In addition to the 14th World Bridge Games and the 5th World Transnational Mixed

Teams, the other Mind Sports will also be present at the Championships, so there will be

Bridge, Chess, Draughts, Go and Xianqi



C O S T A C A L I D A 2 0 1 2 , S P A I N

M A Y 2 1 - 2 7 , 2 0 1 2

ABN 7005 365 1666

ABN 8205 719 9126

BAWA in association with the ABF presents



PQP’S (32, 24, 16 & 8) and GOLD POINTS

Saturday 11th August @10am and

Sunday 12th August @9.30am

at the

West Australian Bridge Club

Odern Crescent, Swanbourne

Directing Team:

Matthew McManus and Bill Kemp

Tournament Organizer:

Hilary Yovich

Phone: 08 9341 8116

Fax: 08 9341 4547

[email protected]

Entry Fee $80 per player payable at the table or on the BAWA web site

(Account BAWA BSB 016464

Acc No 255674541)

Lunches from Kirkwood Deli may be ordered before play each day

20 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

A Town for Br idge F r o m E u g e n e W i c h e m s

A beautiful weekend in April saw country players gather in Bridgetown for the Annual

Regional Championships. It was once again an excellent turn out with competitive bridge from players from the South West. Once again we managed to encourage new players to the event – a big welcome to the Graeme and Jane Perry from Mandurah and Anthony and Ruth Warburton from Bridgetown

Saturday morning saw the qualifying round of the Pairs and the winners going forward to the Final were Kathy Power and Rita Leeming, and Neville Koenig and Jo White. In the afternoon the Finals were won by Ken Else and Kay Thompson from Albany, with Rita Leeming (Albany) and Kathy Power (Mandurah) a close second and Doug and Vera Hardman (Mandurah) third. The Plate was won by Bridgetown Pair of Jan Burgess and Jana Mayhew, Brian and Ursula Elson (Mandurah) second and Eugene Wichems (South Coast) and Robina McConnell (Mandurah) third.

On Saturday night a large group gathered at the local pub for an excellent meal and much talk of if only …… The locals were puzzled by the many pieces of coloured papers, the talk of finessing and slamming. And for those who were over Bridge for the day – the Dockers were on the Big Screen.

The teams on Sunday was a hard fought contest and on the penultimate round there were three teams in the running to win the event It was the Stewart team that prevailed, congratulations to Diane Bishop, John Whiting, Brian Appleyard and Michael Stewart finishing on 122 points. Coming in second was the team of Phil and Kathy Power, Jean McLarty and Rita Leeming, with a very close third Ken Else. Kay Thompson, Pam Minchin and Robert Stick.

Given the success of this event we are now able to significantly increase the prize monies returned to the players – we returned $2600 of the entry fees and also presented wine to players new to the event. Financially the Country Group is in a sound position going forward.

Much planning and hard work goes into these events – once again Peter Holloway did an excellent job of directing. The Bridgemates worked – the event went very smoothly – Peter many thanks for you continued support and work with Country Bridge.

Food – glorious food – to Jan and Jana and the hard working group from Bridgetown, a big THANK YOU. The catering was once again excellent – and the support we receive from the Bridgetown Club with helping to organise and run the event is invaluable.

To Phil Power – thanks for the wonderful art work on the score books and wine labels – individual contribution that helps make this event successful.

Very successful weekend – looking forward to Kojonup – more great Bridge more great stories.

Country Championships

Team Winners:

John Whiting, Brian Appleyard, Di Bishop

(Convener Robina McConnell)

and Michael Stewart

2nd Kathy Power, Phil Power, Jean McLarty and Rita Leeming

3rd Ken Else, Kay Thompson, Bob Stick and Pam Minchin

More photos on page 36


“Fostering Bridge in WA” 21

The West Australian Bridge Club



To be held at the WABC CLUB ROOMS


SUNDAY 6th May 2012




or phone 9284 4144




as at 1 Jan 2012


ENTRY FEE $30 per player


(arrive early and we will supply the cards and help you fill them in)





PRIZE GIVING AFTER PLAY at approx 5.00pm

ANC 2012 in


Sat 7 July to Thu 19 July, 2012

Darwin Convention Centre, Waterfront Precinct

Interstate Teams Championships 8 – 13 July

Butler Pairs Championships 14 – 19 July

Territory Gold Bridge Festival 7 – 12 July

ANC Congress events 8 – 19 July

For information visit:,

phone (08) 89 81 7287 or

email: [email protected]

As the ANC is during the main tourist and racing season, players should book accommodation and travel early.


If you have an interesting comment or observation to make Forum is the place to

have your say.

You will find Forum on the Focus Online under Regular Features.

(All Forum discussions are deleted each month as and when the new Focus is


Letters to the Editor are always welcomed.

22 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Attack of the Underdog B y B i l l J a c o b s

[email protected]

It is the third round of the South-West Pacific teams in

Canberra. Having been assisted by a favourable draw, you have won your first two matches, and now find yourselves up against the number 1 seeds. Last time you played such a high-ranked team, you lost by 40 imps.

And that was an 8 board match.

This article is designed to help you do better this time, with the application of five simple principles. I have too often seen these principles applied in reverse by underdog teams, with predictably poor results. Following the rules below won’t guarantee victory, but you never know; it might help.

1: Pre-empt, pre-empt, pre-empt.

Like a dustbowl pitch in cricket, pre-emption is the great bridge leveller. There is an element of guesswork in coping with an enemy pre-empt that even World Champions cannot avoid.

Speaking of world champions, the Italian Lancia team visited Australia in 1976: three multi-world-champions: Giorgio Belladonna, Pietro Forquet and Benito Garozzo, plus one other (Omar Sharif, of whom you may possibly have heard). They visited the Victorian Bridge Association and played a Pairs session and a Teams session. Here was the ultimate ‘underdog’ scenario: club players versus the core of the Italian Blue Team.

The Teams consisted of 12 2-board rounds, and the Lancia team lost only one of their 12 ‘matches’. On the critical board, Garozzo, with no one vulnerable, was dealt (something like)

KJ10765 J53 102 87

As dealer, he made a disciplined pass, and David Smith and Ailsa Tandy had an uninterrupted auction to a cold 6. Now Garozzo ‘overcalled’ 6 as his first entry into the auction (maybe thinking that the opponents would be intimidated into passing this out?). Well Ailsa Tandy didn’t double, which would have netted a telephone number, but she did bid the cold 6NT.

At the other table, Rob van Riel held this hand, and he opened 2 against Belladonna and Forquet. LHO overcalled 4, passed out. Both Italians were top-of-the-range for their bid, and the result was 11 imps for the underdog Victorians.

The pre-empt had done its work.

As for being intimidated by your superior opponents … don’t. Anyone, even the world’s best player, can suffer a disaster in the bidding, and you must be prepared to take advantage of it. Don’t be like the apocryphal opponent of the great British player Harrison-Gray. Harrison-Gray strayed into 7NT one day, and the player on lead with an ace did not double (he did however lead the ace). When asked later about the failure to double, he replied: “you don’t know Mr Harrison-Gray – he always redoubles!”

Having read all this, what is your choice with:

Q532 KQJ642 105 6

In first seat, nil vulnerable? It’s not textbook, but I suggest a 3 opening. This is a bit naughty with a side four-card major, but the hearts are OK, and here is an opportunity to stick it to your strong opponents.

2: Don’t bid light.

When it comes to opening bids, responses and overcalls, I strongly recommend that you wait until you have ultra-solid values before entering the auction.

This advice might seem somewhat contrary to Principle 1, but there is quite a distinction between a pre-empt and a bid at a low level. A pre-empt is designed to inhibit the opponents’ bidding, whereas low level entry into the auction is designed to assist your own bidding. That is a big difference.

There are three good reasons why you should not bid light as an underdog. Take as an example:

6 K8652 AQ98 J43

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 23

After a 1 opening by RHO. If you are the underdog, I recommend that you pass, and not bid 1.

First, a 1 overcall inserts information into the auction that your opponents can take advantage of. Opposition bidding like this is fuel to a good pair’s auction. They know how to bid against the overcall, and they will use the information in both bidding and play. Better just to keep quiet and let them find their own contract.

Second, by passing, you don’t warn your opponents of a few bad breaks that might be heading their way, perhaps in diamonds or spades in this example. There is nothing more irritating to them than scientifically bidding to a lovely contract, and then having it wrecked by an unlucky break. But if you come in here, you squeal on those bad breaks.

Third, when you do make a bid, your good old partner will be able to trust you to have full values and bid with confidence. This is just so vital against a strong pair, where your natural (and losing) inclination is to pull in a notch because ‘they defend so well’.

So even though it might seem a sensible strategy to bid ultra-light when you are outgunned in the hope of creating swings, you are far better off keeping mum and hoping that your opponents will get unlucky.

Conversely, take a look at the problem for a moment from the perspective of the ‘over dog’ – the better team. This hand will overcall 1 when playing against inferior opponents. This inserts complexity into the auction which is to the stronger team’s benefit, as they are better prepared to cope. After a 1 overcall, they can hope for a misunderstanding. (Does 1 by responder now show 5? Do negative free bids apply? Is system on after a 1NT rebid? What does a 2 cue bid mean – a raise, or asking for a stopper, or what?).

3: KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid).

Don’t get fancy. Try to steer the bidding along well understood and familiar paths. This is probably good general advice, but it is of particular importance when you are outgunned. A simple auction to a contract will give your expert opponents less to work with in defence. And the simple auction will assist with your own concentration levels.

Because if you really want to do well in this match, you are going to have to concentrate like there is no tomorrow.

If your partner opens 3 and you hold:

- A1085 Q9752 AKQJ

I suggest a simple 6 bid. Don’t try to invent some method that will find out whether you have two diamond losers. In fact, you don’t want to know, because if you know, then the opponents will know.

If a diamond isn’t led, then you are almost certain to make 6. Indeed, if I am the underdog, and you ask me which I prefer: that partner has two little diamonds, or he has a diamond control, I will answer that I bid 6 and hope that he has two little diamonds! I wouldn’t back the opponents to necessarily find the killing diamond lead, and here is a chance for my underdog team to strike a huge blow – a blow that is not available if 6 is a routinely making contract.

The fact is, I expect ‘superior’ opponents to bid to 6 when it is cold, and stay out when it is off two fast diamond tricks. As an aside, if you are interested in a little technology, here is a mechanism by which it can be done. When a three level pre-empt is opened by your side, a response in the lower minor asks partner to cue-bid a first or second round side control. So after a 3 opening here, a 4 response asks partner for a cue. If he doesn’t respond 4, then you stay out of slam. This is a very neat convention.

4: Shut up

Now we head from the technical to the behavioural realm. To help maintain concentration through the match, it is vital to avoid post-mortems, involving either partner or the opponents.

It can be tempting to chat with your strong opponents about the hand just played, and they will oblige, either through politeness or via the subconscious belief that their concentration will last better than yours. You may get some good tips from them if you post-mortem a hand, but it won’t help you in this match.

Many improving players are afflicted with a serious case of post-mort mitis when facing expert opposition. They could be dealt a Yarborough, hear the opponents bid to 3NT,

24 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

follow suit throughout the play, and when 9 tricks are made, will ask the opponents: “what should I have done?” It shows an admirable desire to learn, but is not good tactics.

5: Don’t keep score

The best way to score a match as underdogs is for none of your four players to keep score; then after the match, wait for your opponents to score up, and ask them what the result was.

OK, it’s not going to happen, but the fact is that keeping the score is one of the most damaging and wasteful aspects of a teams match. Your scorecard is a magnet to the mental post-mortem. You glance at it, and think about that missed vulnerable game three boards ago – should you have got there? Or, I wonder how much we will lose when partner misplayed 3.

Or, you get to the last board, look at your running score, decide that you are down a bunch of imps, so swing from the trees and generate another away swing. And it’s just too bad that when you meet your teammates after the game they say: “we’ve had a good set.”

Many articles and sections from books have been written advising players to keep a running tally of how they are going in a teams match. It’s all codswallop. If you estimate you are down 20 imps at some point, who can say that exactly the same things haven’t happened at the other table, and in fact you are all square. In a short match, sometimes all the nasty problems apply to just one direction say East-West. So East-West come to the score up all depressed, only to discover that their counterparts at the other table did just as badly or even worse.

Now go out there and surprise them!

ABN 902 483 786 77

PO Box 77 Mandurah WA 6210 Telephone 08 9583 5448 Email: [email protected]

To be held at our premises on the corner of Murdoch and Bortolo Drives

Greenfields, Mandurah

Beat the winter blues

Join us for our first

Swiss Pairs Weekend Congress

Saturday & Sunday

9.30 am Swiss Pairs

Entry Fee $60 per player for the weekend

Players must play on both days

Light lunch provided each day

Prizes will be a minimum

of 45% of Entry Fees


Convener & Tournament Director

Neville Walker - 9581 6422

[email protected]


Open Pairs

3 weeks event

starts Wednesday, 4th of July @ 12.30pm

VENUE: Nedlands Bridge Club

ENTRY FEE: $35 per player

ENTRIES: via BAWA Website

DIRECTOR: Peter Holloway – 0411 870 931

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 25

Geraldton Bridge Club Inc. Weekend Congress

15th to 17th June 2012

Catholic Centre, Cathedral Ave.

& Cnr. Maitland St.

Director Peter Holloway

Prizes at least 55% of entries

Friday 15th Registration/Supper 6.30pm Welcome Pairs 7pm. $15.00 pp Saturday 16th Open Pairs 9.30am. $15.00 pp 1st session Swiss Teams 1.30pm. $30.00 pp Sunday 17th 2nd session Swiss Teams 9.30am Presentation of prizes (approx) 1pm

Salad roll and a piece of fruit with complimentary drinks.

Complimentary tea and coffee available all weekend

Entries to:

Convenor Maureen Knight ph.99642572

Email: [email protected]

Cheques payable to:

Geraldton Bridge Club Inc.


A return bus trip is available:

Perth – Geraldton – Perth and to all bridge sessions. Cost $55.00

Bookings essential as seating is limited.

Contact M Knight.

Some suggested accommodation sites:

Ocean West Units ph.992l 1047

Ocean Villas ph.992l 5666

Ocean Centre Hotel ph.992l 7777

Best Western ph.9921 1422

Fremantle One Day Congress

Sunday 10th of July

Freemasons Hall

Cnr Chalmers St and High St, Fremantle

Two sessions:

10.00am – Qualifying

1.00pm – Final, Plate and Consolation

Director: Peter Holloway

Entry Fee: $25.00 per player

Entries via BAWA website:

Convenor: Dave Parham

Phone: 9335 5774

Email: [email protected]

Complimentary Tea, Coffee and Biscuit all day

BYO lunch

Light supper provided prior to prize giving

26 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

WA Country GNOT 1st ,2nd and 3rd of June

Kojonup Lesser Hall, Albany Hw Director: Peter Holloway

The GNOT’s will be held in Kojonup again this year and it is one of the few GOLD point events.

The format is Swiss Pairs over 3 days using Butler scoring, this means that everybody is likely to win some GOLD points during the event. The top two qualifying Pairs will earn a subsidised trip to Queens-land in November for the National playoffs.

Entry Fees is $100 per player (covers morning and afternoon tea )

The dinner will be on Sunday night , could you please advise the convenors if you plan to attend

Entries can be made on the BAWA Web site in BAWA event entries

We love to see you all at 10. 00 am on Saturday.

Please contact the conveners for any help or query on how to enter

Country Group Bridge Convenors Phone: 95862768

Eugene Wichems Mob: 0417791447 Robina McConnell E-mail: [email protected]

For accommodation and local information please contact the Kojonup Visitors Center: 143 Albany Highway Kojonup WA 6395

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 27

Improve Your Bridge Online

A bid of the opposition suit can be used to show a stronger hand than partner might expect.

Brd ♠ -

Dlr W ♥ AQ5

Vul Both ♦ AK9874

♣ KQ84

♠ AQJ7632




♠ 1094

♥ 9643 ♥ 1087

♦ 3 ♦ J1065

♣ 10 ♣ A65

♠ K85

18 ♥ KJ2

7 5 ♦ Q2

10 ♣ J9732


3S X Pass 3NT

Pass 4S Pass 6C!

All Pass

Most of the North-South pairs played in 5D (eleven tricks) or 5C (twelve tricks). The 5D contract would come about by North bidding 4D over 3S or after South’s 3NT in the auction above.

If North passes 3NT, the diamond split means that South will make only seven tricks if West leads a spade and six tricks if West finds some other lead.

North’s removal of 3NT to 4S shows a very powerful takeout and suggests slam possibilities. South has enough to warrant 6C.

What should North do next if the auction began:


3S X Pass 4C Pass ?

Answer to problem on page 31


West dealer; Both vulnerable

West North East South 3S X Pass 4C

Pass ?

What should North do with:

♠ - ♥ AQ5 ♦ AK9874 ♣ KQ84

O n C u e B y R o n K l i n g e r

2012 Bridge Hol idays

with Ron Kl inger

Tangalooma Wild Dolphin

Resort,off Brisbane

July 1-8

Norfolk Island

Nov 25-Dec 2

For details, please contact

[email protected]

or 02 9958 5589.

28 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Zonta Club of Dunsborough Member of Zonta International

Fund Raising Bridge Day Dunsborough

Naturaliste Community Centre, Dunsborough Lakes

Saturday June 23rd, 10am to 5pm

To raise money for local and international projects which help victims of domestic violence

Duplicate Bridge - Cost $35 pp

Prizes & Raffles - Lunch Included

Complimentary glass of wine

Registration Forms

Contact Jane Moulden 9756 7752

[email protected]


Italo Australia Welfare Italian Week

Tuesday 29th May & 5th June


WA Italian Club

217 Fitzgerald St, West Perth.

COST: $25 Inc Table money

DIRECTOR: Peter Holloway

Light supper provided. Bar facilities available


Marie 93674391 mob 0409626763

Anne 93862707

City of South Perth CONGRESS

Sat 4th

& Sun 5th


Open Pairs

Sat 4th August starting @10.00 (two sessions)

Entry fee $25/player

Open Teams

Sun 5th August starting @10.00 (two sessions)

Entry fee $25 /player

Entries please:

Cash Prizes

A light supper Sunday after play

Director: Bill Kemp

Convenor: Darrell Williams

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 29

B y M a u r a R h o d e s

[email protected]

The South Perth Easter Congress historically attracts a lot of interest and both the Saturday Swiss Pairs event and the Monday Teams filled quickly. The Congress starts with the Welcome Pairs on Friday evening and finishes with the Swiss Teams on Easter Monday. I enjoy the Swiss format, so I played in the Pairs on Saturday and the Teams on Monday.

The hand I want to write about occurred in the Teams and it certainly provoked a lot of debate.

Brd 2 ♠ KQ8532

Dlr E ♥ -

Vul NS ♦ KT76543

♣ -

♠ AT7




♠ 6

♥ 5 ♥ AQ76432

♦ J9 ♦ 8

♣ Q976432 ♣ AKJ5

♠ J94

8 ♥ KJT98

7 14 ♦ AQ2

11 ♣ T8

East is always going to open the bidding 1H and I would like you now, to look only at the North hand and to make a plan on how you are going to handle this hand. At our table, North decided to make a unilateral bid of 4S.


1H Pass

1NT 4S 5H All Pass

However, at our team-mates’ table, Dave Munro was North and he made a different and to my mind, better, decision. His plan was to bid his hand slowly as a strong two-suiter to give his partner a choice, in finding the final contract. The auction proceeded as follows:


Dave Liz

1H Pass 1NT 2D 4H X

Pass 4S Pass 5D

X All Pass

Dave was keen to show his 7/6 hand as early as possible, so bid the longer suit as cheaply as possible. Others decided to show a two-suiter by whatever method they use, some bidding 2 Hearts over the 1NT response to show 5 Spades and 5 of a minor. The advantage of Dave’s way is that he was able to bid 4S over 4H to describe the strength of his incredible hand. His partner, Liz Mc Neill, then knew that he had longer Diamonds than Spades so was able to convert 4S to 5D. West decided to double this, understandably, having a singleton in his partner’s suit and 7 HCP opposite an opening hand. However, as I have learnt to my cost, doubling freak hands is not without risk and North’s bidding was showing a strong hand, the strength of which must be in shape, not HCP. Dave made 12 tricks for a score of +950, whereas Rick escaped with -150, feeling lucky not to have been doubled.

I think the moral of this story is “Points Schmoints,” in the words of Marty Bergen!

I would like to thank South Perth for a wonderful Congress, expertly convened by Cassie Morin and directed by Bill Kemp. The pizza which was delivered at the end of the Teams match was delicious and what a sensible way to feed the hungry hordes!


7 / 6 = L o t s o f T r i c k s

“Maura Rhodes is terribly sorry for a Seniors’ moment in her last article, when she stated the entrance to Kalamunda Congress Teams was $80 a person. That should have read $40 per person, or $80 a Pair”

30 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Enter now for the unique

South Perth Winter Swiss Teams

Two Sundays: June 24 and July 1 Light supper follows final session Two Sessions: 10am and 2pm Prize money 40% of entry fees Entries via BAWA website Convenor: Cassie Morin

([email protected])

Entry fee only $50 per person Director: Bill Kemp


To be held at the


FRIDAY JUNE 1st to MONDAY JUNE 4th ORGANISER: Kitty George 9447 5303 CHIEF DIRECTOR: Bill Kemp 9447 0534 ENTRY FEE: $14 per person Pairs session $28 per person Teams/Swiss Pairs ½ price entry for Youth players ENTRIES: Via BAWA Website Via WABC Web Site EMAIL: [email protected] PHONE: 9284 4144


FRIDAY 1st 1.00pm CONGRESS PAIRS SATURDAY 2nd 1.30pm CONGRESS PAIRS SUNDAY 3rd 10.00am & 2.00pm CONGRESS TEAMS MONDAY 4th 10.00am & 2.00pm SWISS PAIRS

Lunches may be ordered before start of play Sunday and Monday

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 31

Book Review A First Book of Bridge Problems by Pat O’Connor B y M i k e M c G l o n e

Patrick O’Connor is a retired IT consultant who teaches bridge classes for beginners in Sydney...

Fifty declarer and defence problems are presented in single dummy format with the bidding. There is a brief discussion of the bidding

and its significance and the lead is given. No clue is given what type of play is required so in that sense it’s like playing the hand at the table. Except that here you have all the time in the world before you make the first move – often the crucial one. Before the student attempts to solve, the author gives one or

two paragraphs analyzing the cards displayed before inviting the reader to think about how South should proceed. This emphasizes the need to plan before to the first trick. Then overleaf the solution is given with a full detailed explanation why a particular play should be successful. All this is then neatly wrapped up with a one liner KEY POINT. All Key points are summarized at end of text for easy reference.

A broad overview in the early part of the book has an outline on how to go about tackling ‘No Trump and Suit’ Contracts. The problems appear to be pretty much the run of mill that any

competent Declarer should be expected to solve. Unfortunately just solving a problem is no guarantee that the key point will be remembered next time in real play. The unseen cards may have been favourable for the line of play. My solution was to run all these problems in Jack – the bridge program. Jack has a nice little feature that allows the user to randomize the opponents cards. Randomising the opponents’ cards greatly assists in the learning and remembering Key points. One improvement would be the inclusion of a CD with the problems in PBN format.

The bidding used in the book is based on a Standard Bidding System. Students with an Acol background shouldn’t be unduly inconvenienced as the author assures the bidding is mostly unimportant to the play. A summary is given together with a bridge glossary of Common Bridge Terms. For players who might want to focus on particular problem themes there is a cross reference summary to the problem number – a useful feature.

Overall I suspect the text will be challenging for beginners unless used as a course text in card play. I’m not that far removed from the beginners level and the solutions sometimes weren’t easy to nut out. Intermediate players with a year or so experience behind them would probably gain the most from this book.

A useful reference text on card play technique.

A First Book of Bridge Problems

Patrick O’Connor

Master Point Press 2011

ISBN 978-1-897106-83-9

On Cue b y R o n K l i n g e r

Answer to problem:

Here, too, a bid of 4S is sensible. If North raises 4C to 5C, South will almost certainly pass. The 4S rebid says, ‘I have a huge raise to 5C. If you are better than expected, bid on to 6C.’ That should be enough to impel South to the slam.

32 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

S t a t e W o m e n ’ s T e a m s

1st Deb Frankel, Rachel Krasenstein, Joan Prince and Pauline Collett

2nd Kate Smith, Jill Del Piccolo, Viv Wood and Cynthis Belonogoff

3rd Val Biltoft, Leone Fuller, Alida Clark and Marnie Leybourne

S t a t e M e n ’ s T e a m s

1st Gerry Daly, Karol Miller, Ron Cooper, Rhys Cooper and Jonathan Free

2nd Bob Prince, Morrie Herman, Geoff Pocock and Derek Pocock

3rd David Burn, Chris Bagley, David Woodliff and Andrew Edwards

S t a t e M i x e d T e a m s

1st Gerry Daly, Viv Wood, Cynthis Belonogoff and Anton Pol

2nd Wendy Driscoll, Shizue Futaesaku, Andrew Swider and Eddy Mandavy

3rd Sue Grenside, Richard Grenside. Dennis Yovich and Jan Blight

W A P P l a y o f f s

Matthew Raisin, Simon Brayshaw, Chris Mulley and Paul Brayshaw

A N C O p e n T e a m S e l e c t i o n F i n a l

Matthew Raisin, Simon Brayshaw, Chris Mulley and Paul Brayshaw



Club Played Won VPs RED TABLE POSITIONS Undercroft Red 2 2 38 Melville 1 0 14 SPBC Taipans 1 0 8 Kalamunda Maccabi GREEN TABLE POSITIONS

Nedlands 2 1 39

West Coast 1 1 16 SPBC Cobras 1 0 3 WABC Undercroft Green


Club Played Won VPs RED TABLE POSITIONS WABC Red 2 1 32 Undercroft Yellow 2 1 30 Maccabi 1 1 17 SPBC Copperheads 1 0 11 West Coast Nedlands Undercroft Red GREEN TABLE POSITIONS WABC Green 2 2 48 SPBC Bushmasters 3 2 44 Melville 2 0 24 Undercroft Green 1 0 2 Undercroft Blue


Club Played Won VPs RED TABLE POSITIONS WABC Red 1 1 25 South Perth ‘Mulgas’ 1 1 23 Nedlands 1 0 7 Kalamunda 1 0 3 GREEN TABLE POSITIONS WABC Green 4 1 54 South Perth Gwardars 2 2 46 Undercroft Green 3 1 38 Melville 2 1 25 Swan Dists 1 0 15



Full Page $150 / Half Page $75

Contact Linda Bedford-Brown

[email protected]

“Fostering Bridge in WA” 33

W A C o u n t r y C h a m p i o n s h i p s

M a t c h P o i n t P a i r s F i n a l

1st Ken Else and Kay Thompson

2nd Rita Leeming and Kathy Power

3rd Doug Hardman and Vera Hardman

T e a m s

1st Michael Stewart, Brian Appleyard, Di Bishop and John Whiting

2nd Kathy Power, Phil Power, Jean McLarty and Rita Leeming

3rd Ken Else, Kay Thompson, Bob Stick and Pam Minchin

P e n n a n t s R e s u l t s

ALBANY 52.1 65.1 54.6 49.4

221.2 55.3

2PTS BRIDGETOWN 51.7 45.4 62.9 48.9

208.9 52.23

BUNBURY 53.7 57 43.4 57.3 58.5

269.9 53.98

BUSSELTON 49.3 56.4 45.5 44.1

195.3 48.83

ESPERENCE 47.1 58 67.5 47.8

220.4 55.1

GERALDTON 59.8 38.6 52.5 47.6 55.7 49.1 303.3 50.55

KALAMUNDA 46.1 64.7 49.8 44.1

204.7 51.18


50 50

MACCABI 48.7 45 51.6 52.5 63.7

261.5 52.3

MELVILLE 64.5 53.3 61.2 65.7 50 53.2 347.9 57.98


NEDLANDS 51 55.4 51.8 45.3

203.5 50.88

ROCKINGHAM 56.8 57.8 50.5 43.9 57.3

266.3 53.26

UNDERCROFT 55.6 59.5 64.2 58.2 54.8 58.9 351.2 58.53



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Events>Event List

Tournament Directors Seminar

On Sunday 13 May 2012 Bill Kemp will be running a full day seminar for Tournament Directors at The West Australian Bridge Club.

The Seminar will focus on team events and multi Session - multi section events. It will cover movements, other planning and Bridgemate setup with emphasis on the use of the ASE8Scorer setup.

Attendees will need to provide their own lunch.

Cost of the seminar $20 per person

Timings are 9:30am - 1:00pm and 1:30pm - 5:00pm

Please email bookings to Bill Kemp at [email protected]

Club Directors Course

Bill Kemp will be running a weekend course for prospective Club Directors at the West Australian Bridge Club on 26 and 27 May 2012.

The Course will cover the laws of bridge, movements and scoring with a brief introduction to ASE8Scorer and Bridgemates.

Timings are 9:30am - 1:00pm and 1:30pm - 5:00pm on both days

Attendees will need to provide their own lunch.

Cost of the course is $30 per person

Please email bookings to Bill Kemp at [email protected]

34 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

D i a r i z e N o w

Upcoming BAWA & Club Events 2012

May Wed 2nd Nedlands Bridge Club Autumn Swiss Pairs 1 of 3 - see flyer

Sun 6th West Australian Bridge Club- Novice Congress Sat 19th –Sun 20th Western Seniors Pairs (PQP & Gold Points)

Venue: WABC 10.00am June Fri 1st –Mon 4th West Australian Bridge Club Congress Sat 2nd – Mon 4th Country Grand National Open Teams Thu 7th BAWA State Swiss Pairs 1st of 5

Venue: South Perth Bridge Club 7.30pm Sun 10th Fremantle Bridge Club Congress Mon 11th BAWA State Winter Teams 1st of 4

Venue: Nedlands Bridge Club 7.30pm Fri 15th – Sun 17th Geraldton Bridge Club Congress Sun 24th South Perth Bridge Club – Open Swiss Teams 1st of

2. Starts 10.00am July Wed 4th BAWA DAYTIME OPEN PAIRS 1st of 3

Venue: Nedlands Bridge Club 12.30pm ANC Darwin 7th - 19th

Sat 7th Ranjit Gauba Memorial Swiss Pairs Venue: Nedlands Bridge Club 10.00am

Mon 9th BAWA State Handicap Pairs 1st of 3 Venue: Nedlands Bridge Club 7.30pm

Sat 14th – Sun 15th Mandurah Swiss Pairs Sun 22nd Nedlands Bridge Club Congress Thu 26th Open Spring Pairs Championship 1st of 6

Women’s Spring Pairs Championship 1st of 6 Venue: South Perth Bridge Club 7.30pm

Fri 27th – Sun 29th Bunbury Bridge Club Congress August Sat 4th –Sun 5th South Perth Bridge Club Congress-see flyer Mon 6th BAWA State Men’s/Women’s Pairs 1 of 4

Venue: Nedlands Bridge Club 7.30pm Sat 11th –Sun 12th Swan River Swiss Open Pairs (PQP & Gold Points) Sat 18th –Sun 19th GNOT City Final and Restricted Heat **NOTE** Times and venues are subject to change: substitutes must be confirmed by the director:

read conditions of entry for the event on the BAWA website. **NOTE** BAWA/Congress Events Entries unless other specified.

Focus can be seen in full colour on the BAWA website:


“Fostering Bridge in WA” 35

ANC Senior

Select ion

36 “Fostering Bridge in WA”

Focus reaches new heights

with Chris Ross!

Country Championships (Left) Jana Mayhew and Jan Burgess

(Below) Kay Thompson and Ken Else

(Left) Eugene Wichems and Robina McConnell

Plate Winners

Final Winners

Event Conveners