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702231 MODERN ARCHITECTURE AAntoni Gaudithe nineteenth century search for a stylesuited to the new agerationalincorporating new structural formsnationalisticemphasising colour & texturenaturalisticnon-historicalSpanish Catalonia and Catalan nationalismancient links with French Catalonia and Mediterranean tradedistinct Catalan dialectseparate laws and tribunals until c 1830industrially advancedlamp post bearing the Catalan emblemnear the zoological Museum, Barcelona, probably from the exhibition of 1888Miles LewisCasa Amatller, 41 Paseo del Gracia, by Puigi Cadafalch, 1900Miles LewisJ osep [J os] Puig i Cadafalch(1867-1967)Catalan nationalistPresident of the Mancomuinitatdiscoverer of the Premier Art Romanauthor of L'Art WisigothiqueCasa Amatller, 41 Paseo del Gracia, by J osep [J os] Puig i Cadafalch, 1900Casa Batll, 43 Paseo del Gracia, the remodelling of an existing building, by Gaudi, 1905-7Miles LewisCasa Batll , 43 Paseo del Gracia, the remodelling of an existing building, by Gaudi, 1905-7Casa Mil, 92 Paseo del Gracia, by Gaudi, 1905-10DIPPSA slidesLluis Domnech i Montaner(1850-1923)Catalan nationalistPresident of the Uni Catalana(or Catalan Union) in 1892author of 'En busca de unaarquitectura nacional' - 'In search of a national architecture'Portrait of DomenechOriel Bohigas, 'Luis Domnech', in Nikolaus Pevsner & JM Richards [eds], The Anti-Rationalists (London 1973), p 71Hospital of S Pau [Hopital de la Santa Creu i de Sant Pau], 167-173 Avinguda de Sant Antoni Maria Claret, Barcelona, by Domnech, 1902-12: entrance pavilionMiles LewisHospital of S Pau, detail of a lamp on the staircase; interior of the libraryBohigas, 'Luis Domnech', pp 76, 77Antonio Gaudi(1852-1926)Catalan nationalistson of a coppersmithworked for J os Fontser[J osep Fontser i Mestre]and J uan Martorellinfluenced by Viollet-le-DucGaudi: photo in 1878Rainer Zerbst, Gaud (Cologne 1988), p 12monumental cascade in the Parque de la Ciudedela [Parc de la Ciutadella], by Fontser and Gaudi, 1877-82DIPPSA slidedraft designs for the Societat Obrera Mataronese, by Gaudi, 1878Zerbst, Gaud, pp 18-19warehouse of the Societat ObreraMataronese, by Gaudi, 1878half section, showing the vertically laminated parabolic archJJSweeney & JL Sert, AntoniGaud (London 1970 [c 1960]), p 6Finca Gell gatehouse and gate by Gaudi, 1884-7MUAS 19,743Gell gatehouse, dragon gate [or Drac de Pedralbes]Miles Lewis 1974Gell gatehousedetail of finialdetail of dragon gateMiles LewisMUAS19,744Palacio Gell [Palau Gell, 345 Carrer Nou de la Rambla, Barcelona, 1885-9cutaway isometric view and cross-sectionG R Collins, 'Antonio Gaud y Cornet', in A K Placzek [ed], Macmillan Encylopedia of Architects (4 vols, New York 1982), II, 173Sweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, p 61Palacio Gellthe faadedetail of the entrance gates.Miles LewisMontaner, Barcelona, p 78Palacio Gelldetail of metalwork, executed by J oan OosMiles LewisPalacio Gellthe cellarsG R Collins, Antonio Gaud(New York 1960), pl 38Palacio Gell, ceiling of living area, on the piano nobileCollins, Antonio Gaudi, pl 38Palacio Gellinterior of the main salon, and view of the domeCollins, Antonio Gaudi, pl 34Montaner, Barcelona, p 85Palacio Gell: metalwork decoration in a bedroom; dressing tableanonymous; Collins, Antonio Gaudi, pl 101proposed Franciscan mission for Tangier, by Gaudi, 1892-3Collins, Antonio Gaudi, pl 44Proposal for a hotel in New York, by Gaudi, 1908, sketch designsZerbst, Gaud, pp 228-9Episcopal palace at Astorga, by Gaudi, 1887-93, view from aboveArtfi SA no 15Episcopal palace at Astorga: viewMiles LewisEpiscopal palace, Astorgadetail of porchMiles LewisCasa Figueras, or 'TorreBellesguard', 1900-1905DIPPSACollins, Antonio Gaudi, pl 4Casa Figuerasthe atticCollins, Antonio Gaudi, pl 65Casa Battl43 Paseo del Gracia, 1905-7view & detailMiles LewisCasa Battl, the light wellsection & viewVan Hensbergen, Gaud, p 154Montaner, Barcelona, p 98Casa Battl, details in the light wellPerucho, An Architecture of Anticipation, pls 52, 53Casa BattlStaircase, and entranceto the principal apartmentMontaner, Barcelona, p 96Collins, Antonio Gaud, pl 82Casa Battlplan of the principalapartment, and viewof the dining roomCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 78 83Casa Battl: view of the roofGeorge Tibbits, 1976Casa Battl:roof details: turret, ridge and fleuronGeorge Tibbits, 1976Perucho, An Architecture of Anticipation, pl 65Casa BattlchimneysGeorge Tibbits, 1976Casa Mil (La Pedrera), 92 Paseo del Gracia, 1905-10Gaudis original elevational drawingCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 87Casa Mil, viewMiles LewisCasa Miloriginal schematic plans or the third floorand the basementCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 22Casa Milthe balconiesview & detail showingthe glass tile floorMUAS19,746, 13,352Casa Mil, staircase in the larger light well &detail of column head (inset)Miles Lewis; Michel Tapi, Gaud - La Pedrera (Barcelona 1971), pl 62Casa Milinterior detailof an apartmentTapie, Gaud, pl 80Casa Milcross-sectionshowing the formof the roofCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 21Casa Mil: view in the attic, showing the tile ribsCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 94Casa Milviews of the roofCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 8; MUAS 57Gaudis funicular model for a churchinverted photoSweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, p 80Cripta de la ColoniaGell [Colonia GellChapel], 1898-1915inverted photo of a model showing sheet calculations for the external surfacesCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 6Colonia GellChapelproposed exterior design based on a photo of the modelZerbst, Gaud, p 109Colonia Gell Chapel, crypt plan & proposed church interiorCollins, Antonio Gaud, pls 24, 61Colonia GellChapelview of the cryptPerucho, An Architecture of Anticipation, pl 13Colonia Gell Chapeldetails of the crypt, with stairMUAS 19,739Collins, Antonio Gaud, pl 59Colonia GellChapelthe windowsSweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi,pl 115Colonia Gell Chapelview and detail of the entry porch below the stairSert, Cripta de la Colonia Gell, pl 38.Collins, Antonio Gaud, pl 5Colonia Gell Chapelwindowsview of stairCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 5;MUAS 13,341;JL Sert, Criptade la Colonia Gell de A. Gaud (Barcelona, no date [1960s]), pl 41; MUAS 19,727Parque Gell [Parc Gell], 1903-1930, planSweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, pl 144Parque Gellentrance lodge IIDIPPSA 144Parque Gellentrance lodge I& roof detailDIPPSA 142MUAS 10,520Parque Gellmain stairsSweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, p 134Parque Gell: the lizard fountainMiles LewisParque Gellthe market hall, isometric diagramZerbst, Gaud, p 142Parque Gell, market halldetail of columns and entablatureMiles LewisParque Gell, market hallinterior view& detail of ceilingZerbst, Gaud, p 149Montaner, Barcelona, p 155Parque Gellmarket hallceiling detailLe Corbusier, p 55Parque Gellside view of the market hall/orchestradetail of the benchDIPPSA 39Miles LewisParque Gellorchestra bench detailsPerucho, An Architecture of Anticipation,pls 66, 73, 77Le Corbusier, Gaudi, p 59Parque Gellwalkway on top of the viaductdetail of a column headretaining wall at the back of the theatreS13,921Perucho, An Architecture of Anticipation, pl 92Miles LewisParque Gellviaduct and detail of caryatid figureMiles LewisDIPPSASagrada Familia, Barcelonadesign by Francisca de Paula Del Villar y Carmona [Lozano], 1882Collins, Antonio Gaud, p 14Sagrada Familiaapse and finials by Gaudi, 1887-1893planMiles LewisSweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, p 100Sagrada Familiacentral south porch of the nativity, 1891-1903DIPPSA 58Brian LewisSagrada Familia, south porchthe coronation of the VirginDIPPSA 81Sagrada Familia, south porchthe deposition of the Virgindetail of snowDIPPSA 86MUAS 13,345Sagrada Familiasketch for the west portal(introducing parabolic forms)Sweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi,pl 89SagradaFamiliasketch proposal of 1906(introducing African turrets)Collins, Antonio Gaud, pl 22Sagrada Familiamodel c 1910Miles LewisSchoolhouse at the Sagrada Familia, 1909view from aboveMUAS 13,915Sagrada Familia Schoolhouse: the roof geometryCollins, Antonio Gaud, p 23Sagrada Familia SchoolhouseCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 95Sagrada Familia Schoolhouse: detail of the bvedas tabicadasMUAS 13,348Sagrada Familiaview from the southDIPPSA 88Sagrada Familia: details of the pinnaclesJ eff Turnbull, Miles LewisSagrada Familia: upper detailsMiles LewisSagrada Familia: detail of louvred turretMiles LewisSagrada Familiaturrets & pinnaclesMiles LewisDIPPSASagrada FamiliaGaudis drawings for the pinnaclesSweeney & Sert,Antonio Gaudi, pl 126GAUDIS DECLINING YEARSgradual withrawal from secular work1904-14 replanning the Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca1910 exhibition of the Societ des Beaux-Arts, Paris1914 death of Francesc Berenguer1918 death of Eusebio Guellpublic taste turns away from the modernismofunds run out for the Sagrada FamiliaGaudi lives as a recluse1926 Gaudi diesSagrada Familiaperspective view of the design as intended at the time of Gaudisdeath, 1926Collins, 'Antonio Gaud y Cornet', p 179Sagrada Familiathe inside wall of the south transeptMiles LewisDavid Mackay, 'Berenguer', in Pevsner & Richards, The Anti-Rationalists, p 68Sagrada Familiascale model for a windowSweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, pl 168Sagrada Familiathe final designmodel & sectionCollins, Antonio Gaud, pl 24Sweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, pl 101Antonio Gaudi in the Corpus Christi procession, Barcelona, 1924Sweeney & Sert, Antonio Gaudi, pl 124THREE POINTS ABOUT GAUDInineteenth century approachcreativityrational medievalism1GAUDIS NINETEENTH CENTURY APPROACHstylistic eclecticismbold use of colour and texturenationalismnaturalisminfluenced by the standard nineteenth century writers, probably Ruskin and Morris, and certainly Viollet-le-Duc2GAUDIS CREATIVITYhistorical sources are transfused with a new lifecolour and texture exceed that of Butterfield &cnationalism goes beyond the Catalan Gothic Revivalnaturalism - evokes fundamental biological structures and geological forms3RATIONAL MEDIEVALISMViollet wanted a Gothic architecture designed as he thought medieval designers WOULD have done if they had ironGaudi did NOT use structural iron, steel or reinforced concreteGaudi used traditional brick and stonemasonry, and board vaultsGaudi designed as medieval designers COULD have done if they had used angled struts, parabolic arches and warped surfaces