anything to pass this exam - home | annunciation 5th...

Sunday, October 5th, 2014 8210 Cypress Lake Drive Fort Myers, FL 33919 OFFICE: Phone: 239-481-2099 Email: [email protected] FR. DEAN: Cell: 239-322-7553 Email: [email protected] Rev. Deacon John Howard Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30am-3:pm Admin Assistant:: Kelsie Gregware Website: Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 2nd Sunday of Luke HOLY COMMUNION REMINDER– Please follow Ushers Instructions We welcome those visiting with us today and ask that only Baptized/Chrismated Orthodox Christians who are properly prepared through prayer, fasting and Holy Confession to come forward to receive Holy Communion. Women are kindly asked to remove their lipstick prior to receiving Holy Communion. Non-Orthodox visitors are welcome to receive the blessed bread from the Priest at the end of the Divine Liturgy and to join us for fellowship in our hall. We ask that everyone please dress appropriately for church. Visitors: we ask that you fill out a yellow welcome card & give it to an usher. ANYTHING TO PASS THIS EXAM A beautiful female college student comes to a young professor’s office. She glances down the hall, closes his door, kneels pleadingly, “I would do anything to pass this exam.” She leans closer to him, flips back her hair, gazes meaningfully into his eyes. “I mean...” she whispers, “... I would do... anything!!!” He returns her gaze. “Anything???” “Yes... Anything!!!” His voice turns to a whisper. “Would you... study???” ...if you are new to the community or are visiting for the first time. Please, remember to fill out a yellow card and pass it on to an usher before communion. Thank you! COMING UP… Sunday School: TODAY 10AM OPEN HOUSE for 7-12th Grade Class GOYA: Sun. TODAY following Divine Liturgy MEETING Bible Study: Mon. Oct. 6th 6PM-7PM Inquirer's Class: Tues. Oct. 7th 6:30PM-8PM Circle of Friends: Thurs. Oct. 9th 6PM MOVIE NIGHT CANCELLED A Lile Taste of Greece: Fri. Oct. 10th & Sat. Oct. 11th 11AM-7PM Sunday School: Sun. Oct. 12th 10AM OPEN HOUSE for Pre-K-K Grade Class Ladies Philoptochos Society: Mon. Oct. 13th 10:30AM BOARD MEETING Bible Study: Mon. Oct. 13th 6PM-7PM

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Sunday, October 5th, 2014 8210 Cypress Lake Drive Fort Myers, FL 33919 OFFICE: Phone: 239-481-2099 Email: [email protected]

FR. DEAN: Cell: 239-322-7553 Email: [email protected]

Rev. Deacon John Howard

Office Hours: Monday-Friday 9:30am-3:pm Admin Assistant:: Kelsie Gregware


Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church 2nd Sunday of Luke

HOLY COMMUNION REMINDER– Please follow Ushers Instructions

We welcome those visiting with us today and ask that only Baptized/Chrismated

Orthodox Christians who are properly prepared through prayer, fasting and Holy

Confession to come forward to receive Holy Communion. Women are kindly

asked to remove their lipstick prior to receiving Holy Communion. Non-Orthodox

visitors are welcome to receive the blessed bread from the Priest at the end of the

Divine Liturgy and to join us for fellowship in our hall. We ask that everyone

please dress appropriately for church.

Visitors: we ask that you fill out a yellow welcome card & give it to an usher.


A beautiful female college student comes to

a young professor’s office.

She glances down the hall, closes his door,

kneels pleadingly, “I would do anything to pass

this exam.”

She leans closer to him, flips back her hair,

gazes meaningfully into his eyes. “I mean...” she

whispers, “... I would do... anything!!!”

He returns her gaze. “Anything???”

“Yes... Anything!!!”

His voice turns to a whisper. “Would

you... study???”

...if you are new to the

community or are visiting for

the first time. Please, remember

to fill out a yellow card and

pass it on to an usher before

communion. Thank you!


Sunday School: TODAY 10AM OPEN HOUSE for 7-12th Grade Class

GOYA: Sun. TODAY following Divine Liturgy MEETING

Bible Study: Mon. Oct. 6th 6PM-7PM

Inquirer's Class: Tues. Oct. 7th 6:30PM-8PM

Circle of Friends: Thurs. Oct. 9th 6PM MOVIE NIGHT CANCELLED

A Little Taste of Greece: Fri. Oct. 10th & Sat. Oct. 11th 11AM-7PM

Sunday School: Sun. Oct. 12th 10AM OPEN HOUSE for Pre-K-K Grade Class

Ladies Philoptochos Society: Mon. Oct. 13th 10:30AM BOARD MEETING

Bible Study: Mon. Oct. 13th 6PM-7PM


St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians 6:16-18; 7:1 BRETHREN, you are the temple of the living God; as God said, "I will live in them and move among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore come out from them, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch nothing unclean; then I will welcome you, and I will be a father to you, and you shall be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty." Since we have these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from every defilement of body and spirit, and make holiness perfect in the fear of God.


The Gospel of Luke 6:31-36 The Lord said, "And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them. And if you do good to those who do good to you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners do the same. And if you lend to those from whom you hope to receive, what credit is that to you? Even sinners lend to sinners, to receive as much again. But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for he is kind to the ungrateful and the selfish. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful."



Charitina the Martyr

Methodia the Righteous of Kimolos

Eudokimos the Unknown of Mount


Resurrectional Apolytikion Thou didst descend from on High, O Merciful Saviour, Ἐξ ὕψους κατῆλθες ὁ εὔσπλαγχνος (Page 46)


O protection of the Christians unashamable, mediation to the Maker immovable, despise not, the pleading voices of those in sin, but hasten, O good one, to the help of all of us, who in faith cry out to you: Speed up your intercession, and press on your supplication, O

Theotokos who always protects, all those who honor you. Προστασία τῶν Χριστιανῶν ακαταίσχυντε, μεσιτεία πρός τόν Ποιητήν αμετάθετε, μή παρίδης, αμαρτωλῶν δεήσεων φωνάς, αλλά πρόφθασον ως αγαθή, εις τήν βοήθειαν ημῶν, τῶν πιστῶς κραυγαζόντων σοι: Τάχυνον εις πρεσβείαν, καί σπεύσον εις ικεσίαν, η προστατεύουσα αεί, Θεοτόκε τῶν τιμώντων σε.


Hymns of Divine Liturgy insert can be found in the pews to allow you to follow along. The hymns in the bulletin

will be the variable ones specific to that week or change from the common hymns that you will find in the insert

located in the pews.


Our Church passes 2 offering trays. The 1st goes towards our Operating Budget, the 2nd tray will continue for the

NEW Education Building Fund until paid in Full. In order to receive credit for your donation, for income tax pur-

poses, make sure to put your cash donation in an envelope with your name on it or pay by check.


Today we offer a 35 year Memorial for the servant of God, John Tsangaris, father of Nomiki Neskes. May his memory be eternal.

Today we offer a 23 year Memorial for the servant of God Olga Nisehan, daughter of Vica Nisehan, a 8 year Memorial for the servant of God Ekatina mother of Vica and a 17 year Memorial for the servant of God William the father-in-law of Vica. May their memory be eternal. She will be serving sweets during coffee hour in honor of her daughter, mother & father-in-law.


“Sing praises to God, sing prais-es: sing praises unto our King, sing

praises.” Psalm 47:6

Each year, on the first Sunday in

October (on or after the Feast of St. Romanos the Melodist, the patron saint of church musicians), parishes across the Archdiocese of America cel-ebrate National Church MusicSunday. This annual commemoration was be-gun by His Eminence, Archbishop Iakovos of blessed memory in 1982.

On this day, we particularly

recognize and honor the contributions of local choir members, psaltai, and music educators who serve their churches through the sacred art of music and the hymnology of our Orthodox Church.

Worship is at the very heart of

our Orthodox faith and its foremost ministry. It is the responsibility of each of us to be faithful participants in the worship of our Church. The Choirs and Chanters play a very important role in our Church, by assisting our Clergy and the Faithful to give glory to God, as they worship. The participation of the Choirs and Chanters in the Divine Litur-gy is an extension of the role of all the laity and sets the example of how one should worship in an Orthodox church: prayerfully, thoughtfully, and

attentively. Thus the choirs and

chanters are an important ministry of the parish. Indeed, it is a blessing and miracle to have so many committed and talented individuals who serve our communities with sincere and loving hearts.

I give thanks to Almighty God for

the dedication and commitment of all our Church Musicians, as well as the unselfish offering of their time and tal-ent to gather together to praise God in music and song. May your hearts be filled with renewed love and inspira-tion as you continue the work of your ministry through music.

+ALEXIOS Metropolitan of Atlanta

STEWARDSHIP UPDATE We are 9 months into 2014. Please pray and offer your time and talent sheet. Submit your pledge card or ask

an usher for a new one. We are currently at $130,000 and our goal is $200,000 for 2014!

Everyone please pledge!

Praying for You

We offer prayers for health and the needs for the servants of God for Eugenia Loughney,

Connie Talabac, Lanette Howard, Louis Eftim, Sophia Katsaris, Doug Kucera, Charlie Mattoff,

Mary Spiropoulos, Michael and Ann Conidaris, John Kontinos & Penelope Kontinos.

Please notify the office if there is someone that needs to be added to the prayer list. 239-481-2099

FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10th & SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11th 11AM– 7PM at Annunciation

Greek Orthodox Church.


and this event is open to the

public. Additionally it is

completely in doors.


Coffee Hours hostesses for the month of OCTOBER are _______________________________________________. Thanks to them, and please give them a helping hand. HELLENIC-AMERICAN SOCIAL CLUB:

Fall is in the air and the Hellenic-American Club is already planning festivities and events for the coming winter/spring season. First on the agenda is the “OXI” Picnic on October 28th at Jay-Cee Park and chaired by Irene & Kleopas Poly-viou. BBQ Chicken is on the menu, plus sides, cold drinks and goodies. Cost is $6 per member and $7 per guest. Please contact Irene & Kleopas at 242-0270 to make your reservation now. Remember to bring your plates, table-ware and a comfy chair if you wish. Payments will be col-lected at the October Club meeting – if you will be unable to attend the meeting, be sure to let Irene and Kleopas know.

Our first meeting of the season is scheduled for Tuesday, October 14th, 7:00 p.m. in the Fr. Arthur Kontinos Communi-ty Center. Plan to attend to learn of coming events. SPE-CIAL: For those of you who would like to become mem-bers and to be first to participate in all our activities, we are offering a special membership enrollment of only $10 for the balance of the year. Please contact President Barbara

Dionysopoulos (267-2014) for more information.

Details for our group trip to Orlando to see the “Singing Christmas Trees” will also be announced at our October meeting. Early reservations are a must for this trip. Please contact Phyllis Mino (631-838-1492) for information and reservations.


MARK YOUR CALENDARS… for Sunday School Fall Open House! We invite all parents to attend our Open Houses for their child(ren)'s particular class. This is an opportunity for parents to meet teachers as well as see what your child(ren) is learning every Sunday.

TODAY Fall Open House for 7-12th Grade Class October 12 Fall Open House for PreK & K Grade Class October 19 Fall Open House for 1-3rd Grade Class October 26 Fall Open House for 4-6th Grade Class


CANCELLED....MOVIE NIGHT! Thursday, October 9th at 6PM. Sorry for this but we look forward to seeing you all at our next MOVIE NIGHT in NOVEMBER!


With deepest appreciation for the many cards and phone calls that I received, may Gods loving blessing be with all of you. Sincerely with Love,

Terry Kalogridis


Fellowship is hosted by Fr. Dean and Pres. Carolyn celebrating 12 months, 1 whole year of joy in the Lord at Annunciation Church. Thank you everyone.


Nixon (Nicholas), the son of Tyler & Alexandra Nara; grandson of Georgia & Rich Kline and great grandson of Jimmy & Terry Kalogridis. We welcome Nixon (Nicholas), to our Annunciation Parish Family and pray our Lord will con-tinue to bless them as they prepare for Nixon’s (Nicholas) baptism.