anzac day memorial- seb


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Post on 18-Aug-2015




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Page 2: Anzac day memorial- Seb

The Memorial

There is a memorial on the corner of our school. They were not suppose to built the memorial because the government did not want to remember the soldiers that fought. NPS really cared so they built the Memorial even though it was against the law. The memorial was built in 1916. The memorial was probably built because Joseph Kennedy’s (principle) son got injured in the war so he decided to built it to remember.

Page 4: Anzac day memorial- Seb

Joseph Kennedy

Joseph Kennedy was the principle of Norwood primary School at the time of WW1. he was responsible for building the obelisk even though he was not allowed to, he just cared that much. The memorial/ Obelisk is now on the corner on Norwood Primary School. Everyone had to pay 1 penny to take part in building the Obelisk. Before Joseph made the Obelisk he made a cardboard model with the students. Some volunteers helped build the obelisk.

Page 5: Anzac day memorial- Seb


ANZAC day is a day to remember who fought in Gallopi in the war. It is on the 25th of April and is a very important day for all Australians and people the live in New Zealand. Anzac stands for Australia New Zealand army court. After the war poppies were grew on the battle grounds, that is why poppies are a symbol of ANZAC day. Also rosemary grew on the war hills.

Page 6: Anzac day memorial- Seb

The War In Brief When Turkey entered the First World War on the side of Germany, the Allies hoped to penetrate the Dardanelles by sea, capture the capital of Istanbul, and thus keep open the supply routes to Russia through the Black Sea. When this proved impossible, the Australian 1st Division and the New Zealand and Australian Division were deployed as part of an Allied invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula. Lots of people died in Galpolli, Mainly from diseases. There more deaths from diseases then being shot.