“because i have seen the lord” · 9 misa results : magdalene v broughton anglican sports news...

1 Vol 19 Term: 1 Week 9 31 March 2017 Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of the Magdalene Community, This fortnight as we move closer to the most important period of the Church’s year, Easter, I would like to reflect on two main themes: mercy and presence. Firstly, and this relates back to the inspirational words of Pope Francis, the notion of the Church as ‘Field Hospital’ is worth exploring. Back in 2013 Pope Francis was very aware of aspects of the Church’s brokenness and the need to emphasise notions of mercy. Accordingly, he wrote: “To follow the way of the Lord, the Church is called on to dispense its mercy over all those who recognise themselves as sinners … The Church does not exist to condemn people, but to bring about an encounter with the visceral love of God’s mercy. “I often say that in order for this to happen, it is necessary to go out: to go out from the churches and the parishes, to go outside and look for people where they live, where they suffer, and where they hope. I like to use the image of a field hospital to describe this ‘Church that goes forth’. It exists where there is combat. It is not a solid structure with all the equipment where people go to receive treatment for both small and large infirmities. It is a mobile structure that offers first aid and immediate care, so that its soldiers do not die. “It is a place for urgent care, not a place to see a specialist … a Church that goes forth toward those who are ‘wounded’, who are in need of an attentive ear, understanding, forgiveness and love.” (Pope Francis, 2013, The Name of God is Mercy) In many ways, there is much brokenness in the world in which we live and much incivility or even apathy towards others. Therefore, I believe it is critical that we provide opportunities to listen to one another, to show a willingness to consider one another’s points of views and, critically, to show kindness to one another. With Easter only just over a fortnight away it is also timely to consider the individual who our School was named after. Much has been written over the years about Mary Magdalene. Many years ago she was incorrectly associated with being a woman of sin. That she was healed of certain afflictions (current theological stances point towards deep anxiety and/or depression) is known, yet we also know that she was a great supporter of Jesus – both financially and emotionally. She was also a woman of strength who Jesus chose to be the first witness of His resurrection. From such a task she then became the first evangeliser who helped to give strength to the Disciples and encourage their evangelical work. Jesus would not have chosen an individual to perform such duties unless she had impressive qualities. Not surprisingly, Mary Magdalene is a wonderful example of being present to others - for it is from presence that understanding and love of one another can stem. As we move towards the Paschal Triduum, not only do I encourage families to attend mass together on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Sunday, but I encourage our students and families to exercise mercy and presence towards one another and to those in need. The School provides numerous opportunities for students to be involved in Social Justice initiatives – and these are vital – but everyday provides an opportunity to reach out to others. “Because I have seen the Lord”

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Page 1: “Because I have seen the Lord” · 9 MISA RESULTS : Magdalene v Broughton Anglican SPORTS NEWS 14 March 2017 MISA RESULTS : Magdalene v Oran Park Anglican NOTE: All games were


Vol 19 Term: 1 Week 9

31 March 2017

Dear Parents, Students, Staff and Friends of the Magdalene Community,

This fortnight as we move closer to the most important period of the Church’s year, Easter, I would like to reflect on two

main themes: mercy and presence.

Firstly, and this relates back to the inspirational words of Pope Francis, the notion of the Church as ‘Field Hospital’ is

worth exploring. Back in 2013 Pope Francis was very aware of aspects of the Church’s brokenness and the need to

emphasise notions of mercy. Accordingly, he wrote:

“To follow the way of the Lord, the Church is called on to dispense its mercy over all those who recognise themselves

as sinners … The Church does not exist to condemn people, but to bring about an encounter with the visceral love of

God’s mercy.

“I often say that in order for this to happen, it is necessary to go out: to go out from the churches and the parishes, to

go outside and look for people where they live, where they suffer, and where they hope. I like to use the image of a field

hospital to describe this ‘Church that goes forth’. It exists where there is combat. It is not a solid structure with all the

equipment where people go to receive treatment for both small and large infirmities. It is a mobile structure that offers

first aid and immediate care, so that its soldiers do not die.

“It is a place for urgent care, not a place to see a specialist … a Church that goes forth toward those who are

‘wounded’, who are in need of an attentive ear, understanding, forgiveness and love.” (Pope Francis, 2013, The Name

of God is Mercy)

In many ways, there is much brokenness in the world in which we live and much incivility or even apathy towards others.

Therefore, I believe it is critical that we provide opportunities to listen to one another, to show a willingness to consider

one another’s points of views and, critically, to show kindness to one another.

With Easter only just over a fortnight away it is also timely to consider the individual who our School was named after.

Much has been written over the years about Mary Magdalene. Many years ago she was incorrectly associated with being a

woman of sin. That she was healed of certain afflictions (current theological stances point towards deep anxiety and/or

depression) is known, yet we also know that she was a great supporter of Jesus – both financially and emotionally. She

was also a woman of strength who Jesus chose to be the first witness of His resurrection. From such a task she then

became the first evangeliser who helped to give strength to the Disciples and encourage their evangelical work.

Jesus would not have chosen an individual to perform such duties unless she had impressive qualities. Not surprisingly,

Mary Magdalene is a wonderful example of being present to others - for it is from presence that understanding and love of

one another can stem.

As we move towards the Paschal Triduum, not only do I encourage families to attend mass together on Maundy Thursday,

Good Friday and Easter Sunday, but I encourage our students and families to exercise mercy and presence towards one

another and to those in need. The School provides numerous opportunities for students to be involved in Social Justice

initiatives – and these are vital – but everyday provides an opportunity to reach out to others.

“Because I have seen the Lord”

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CAMPS (YEAR 7 & 9) In the next newsletter these reports will be written about in detail (photos in this newsletter), but until then can I just

commend students on their approach and staff for being so generous with their time. Events such as these simply cannot

happen unless we have a spirited and kind-hearted staff; thank you!

God Bless

Mr Matthew McMahon



Magdalene Catholic High School enrolment

applications close on Wednesday 5 April 2017.


Jesus allow me to identify with Mary in every aspect of Your powerful story.

May I ask for strength at the times when I am thrown and rendered sightless by the unexpected, injustice,

and/or my own misguided actions.

Give me strength at times I feel alone, lose heart, or am fearful. Be with me in my pain and brokenness.

May Mary Magdalene be a source of hope. Mary of Magdala: desolate and grief-stricken, rushing through

the dark, carrying her ointments, shocked to find You missing, and running off to seek inspiration,

consolation and moral support in Your face, Jesus.

I pray that You will enable me to leave my tombs behind, give me a new passion for the Good News, for

intimacy with You through Your people, life and service. May I see not an empty tomb but a fertile

garden, bursting with possibilities of mercy and presence towards others.


Congratulations to Mrs Alyce-Maree Mamone and her husband Rick on the birth of

their daughter Natalia Mamone who was born yesterday.

I am sure everyone will join with me in wishing Natalia a blessed and long life.

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Are we on the same wave length?

Recently Doctor Genevieve Steiner from the University of Western Sydney spent time with Magdalene’s Year

12 Society and Culture class. Doctor Steiner is currently undertaking studies into the area of Dementia. She

brought in a special cap that maps brainwave movement in different parts of the brain. As you can see from the

photo, we tried to find out Isaac’s love interest by mapping his brainwaves but this was not to be.

We found out that there are always hurdles when undertaking research and the data does not always reflect our

hypothesis or original belief statement. It therefore raises more questions about our assumptions, choice of data

collection instrument, and analysis of what the raw data means, which, can cause one to skew the analysis.

Doctor Steiner was very approachable. She helped with the ethics of our PIPs and has become part of our

network in Society and Culture. We are so grateful for Doctor Steiner giving freely of her time and expertise.

Ms Nancy Russo

Year 12 Society and Culture Class

Students of the Year 12 Society

and Culture Class and Kimberly

(Year 11)

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Coding Mentor Program

(Senior Software Design Students teaching Yr7 to program

This term a new initiative has begun at Magdalene to help Year 7 students learn to computer program and write effective

algorithms and functional code. Using PicAxe robots Year 11 Software Design students worked with Year 7 to help them

develop algorithms, write code and program their robots to meet the challenges and courses set out in the Digital

Technology Unit in the Technology Mandatory Course.

Below are some insights and comments from students involved in the Program:

Today was really fun with the Year 11s when we got to learn how to program our robots properly and make it do really

cool tricks. With the Year 11s we got to talk to them and learn about what they did in Year 7 with the PICAXE robots

while programming ours. The Year 11s were really helpful telling us how to do things even if when they last did it was 3-4

years ago. We had a really good day mostly because when the robots didn’t work in previous Tech lessons we were really


Katherine & Brianna (Yr 7)

Year 7 today have been an absolute pleasure to teach. As for Year 11 students it was an enlightening experience that

helped our problem solving abilities and that helped our growth in Robotics and

computing subjects. This also gave us an insight into the challenges people face

in regard to software. As computers and robots are so important to life

nowadays the robotics course been taught and learnt by students is extremely


Emma, Steph and Nic (Yr 11)


On 16 March the Magdalene Catholic High School music department conducted a "Guitar Master Class" under the

tutelage of Mr O'Donnell. The purpose of this class was to give the guitarists in our elective music programs an

opportunity to have specialised instruction on techniques and skills specific to the guitar. 12 students attended the

Masterclass and spent two hours learning new skills and musical ideas developing and improving their mastery of

their instrument. Owing to the success and interest in the program more Masterclasses will be conducted throughout

the year and will possibly extend into other instrument groups as well. A big thank you to all who attended for your

commitment and dedication.

Mr O’Donnell

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Year 7 Coordinator’s Awards

Congratulations to all Year 7 students that received a Year Coordinator Award. The following students have

demonstrated a positive approach to their learning across a range of key learning areas. Well done on a fantastic

start to high school.


Joshua Papalia

Jayden McCallum

Martin Le

Andrew Mo

Benjamin Ballantyne

Charlie Beauchamp

William Rafferty

Tee-Jay Melville

Ellise Saffhill

Emily Wlson

Ayla Cook

Abbey Isaacs

Lilly Sookee

Charlotte-Emily Watson

Lara Bradica

Brianna Whiting

Elina Richardson

Courtney Marek

Skye Petersen

Charlotte Bartolo

Makenzie Dowers

Sean Arruzza

Charlize Liebrand

Isaiah Elias

Paige Holdsworth

Sara Papandrea

Brianna Said

Gabriella Versace

Mikayla Lowe

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MISA RESULTS : Magdalene v Broughton Anglican

SPORTS NEWS 14 March 2017

MISA RESULTS : Magdalene v Oran Park Anglican NOTE: All games were washed out except for Basketball and Volleyball.


7 March 2017



10-12 Boys Cricket Broughton 6/107-10/60 MVP: Thomas Carrol Coach: Mr Koch

Open Girls Cricket Magdalene 1/72-5/62 MVP: Bethany Jenkins - Bowling: 2 wickets -

no runs, Batting 16 runs not out.

Coach: Mr Bubb

7-9 Boys Softball Broughton 7-6 A good effort by the boys.

Coach: Mrs Rooney

7-9 Girls Softball Magdalene 2-0 MVP: Kristina Coach: Ms Gavin

8/9 Boys Basketball Magdalene WIN A good win with a top effort by all the boys.

Coach: Mr Fordyce

8/9 Girls Basketball Magdalene 18-4 A fantastic game. The girls played a great

defensive game. MVP: Tamsyn English.

Coach: Mr Dowdell

10-12 Boys Oztag Draw 3-3 A good comeback to get the draw.

MVP: Steven Dengate Coach: Mr Manns

10-12 Girls Oztag Draw 3-3 Great game girls. You dug deep to hang in there

throughout the game and to score some great

tries. Coach: Mrs McAllister

7-9 Boys Volleyball Magdalene 2-1 Well played boys. Good game.

Coach: Mr Hewitt

7-9 Girls Volleyball Broughton 3-0 Some good improvement in skills

MVP: Isabelle Lawrence. MIP: Monica Ware.

Coach: Miss J Miller



8/9 Boys Basketball Magdalene 33-4 A good win with good play all round.

Coach: Mr Fordyce

8/9 Girls Basketball Magdalene 43-2 A great game by the girls for a dominant win.

Coach: Mr Dowdell

7-9 Boys Volleyball Magdalene 2-1 Well played boys. Good game. Coach: Mr Hewitt

7-9 Girls Volleyball Magdalene 2-0 Best game of the season, shown in the result. Well

done girls. MVP: Isabelle Lawrence.

MIP: Tayla, and Ameilya

Coach: Miss J Miller

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SPORTS NEWS 21 March 2017




10-12 Boys Cricket Magdalene 5/47-


MVP: Mark Golding and Jarrod Brooks. Coach: Mr Koch

Open Girls Cricket Magdalene 57-47 MA great game, well played. Coach: Mr Bubb/Mrs Rixon

7-9 Boys Softball Mount Carmel LOSS A good effort by the team.

Coach: Mrs Cummings.

7-9 Girls Softball Mount Carmel 8-0 A tough game with players doing their best.

Coach: Ms Gavin

8/9 Boys Basketball Mount Carmel 44-8 Well done boys. A tough game against a skilled

opposition. Thanks to all the students who filled in for the

team today. Student Coach: Luke Gatt. Coach: Mrs Hort

8/9 Girls Basketball Mount Carmel LOSS An unlucky loss today. Thanks to all the Year 8’s who

filled in. Coach: Mr Dowdell

10-12 Boys Oztag Mount Carmel 10-4 The boys played well on a muddy cow paddock. Well

done. Coach: Mr Manns

10-12 Girls Oztag Mount Carmel 9-1 Thank you to all the girls who filled in for us today.

Everyone gave of their best in difficult conditions. MVP:

Olympia Plummer: Coach: Mrs McAllister

7-9 Boys Volleyball Mount Carmel 3-1 MVPs: Troy Seniuk, Nicholas Vancovski, Claudio

Zimmatore and Joey Marchand. Thanks to Emilio

Gonzalez, Jack Vohnson, Joey Marchand and Caludio

Zimmatore for making up the team. They made a

great contribution. Coach: Mr Hewitt

7-9 Girls Volleyball Mount Carmel 3-0 A good effort from the girls. MVP: Mali Dillon. Student

Coach: Olivia Doughty. Coach: Miss J Miller




8/9 Boys Basketball Magdalene 14-4 The boys played well as a team, moving the ball really

well. Coach: Mr Fordyce

8/9 Girls Basketball Magdalene 20-13 A great game by the girls with everyone playing well.

Coach: Mr Dowdell

7-9 Boys Volleyball Magdalene 2-0 MVPs: Brayden Taylor, James Baragry, Joseph

Bampton. Coach: Mr Hewitt

7-9 Girls Volleyball Magdalene 2-0 Wonderful game with great encouragement amongst

the players in the team. MVP: Mali Dillon.

MIP: Tayla Lawrence. Coach: Miss J Miller

MISA RESULTS : Magdalene v St Benedict’s NOTE: All games were washed out except for Basketball and Volleyball.

SPORTS NEWS 28 March 2017 MISA RESULTS : Magdalene v Mount Carmel Thanks to all those students who filled in our Year 7-9 teams.

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Cross Country - NEW DATE (Tuesday 4th April)

When: Tuesday 4th April (Week 10 Term 1)

Where: Brother Joseph Crowley Oval

Time: First race at 10.05am (see schedule). All students are to bring their books for Period 1. If it looks to be

wet, students are to bring their books for all periods. Sport will go ahead as normal in the afternoon.

What to wear: Full school sports uniform

What to bring: Hat, Refillable Drink Bottle, Adequate Food; Spare socks (likely to be heavy dew)


Approximate race times:

10.05 - 10.35pm Junior Girls Cross Country (12, 13 and 14) 2 laps

10.40am - 11.10am Junior Boys Cross Country (12, 13 and 14) 2 laps

11.15am - 11.45am Senior Girls Cross Country (15, 16, 17 and 18) 3 laps

11.50am - 12.20pm Senior Boys Cross Country (15, 16, 17 and 18) 3 laps

Note: The first 6 runners in each age group (except 17 and 18 year olds where there is a maximum of 4 runners

per school) can qualify for the Diocesan Cross Country Championships on 1st May in Nowra.


4 April 2017

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MAGDALENE CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL “Because I have seen the Lord”

Smeaton Grange Road, Narellan NSW 2567 P.O. Box 222, Narellan NSW 2567 Phone: 02 4631 3300 Fax: 02 4631 3398 email: [email protected] www.mchsdow.catholic.edu.au

CANTEEN Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Term 1

Week 10B

3 April - 7 April

3 April

Patricia Jefferies

Leanne Hutton

4 April

Sharon Draper

Fran Lapa

5 April

6 April



7 April LAST DAY


Term 2

Week 1A

24 April - 28


24 April





25 April


26 April



Sandy Bird

27 April

Annie Reynolds 28 April

Lee Street

Manja Sincek

Term 2

Week 2B

1 May - 5 May

1 May

Kim Phillips

Linsey Hall

2 May

Kylie Greffenius

Angela Young

3 May

Veronique Smith

4 May

Jenny Davies 5 May

Linda McGuire


If you require second hand uniforms please call

Kelly to organise a suitable time.

Kelly O’Keeffe

0410 553 812


7 Friday Last Day Term 1

24 Monday Staff Development Day


25 Tuesday ANZAC DAY


26 Wednesday Anzac Ceremony 8.30am - 9.30am

Students return Term 2

28 Friday Junior Verve Twighlight Retreat 3pm


1 Monday Diocesan Cross Country

Year 7, 2018 Interviews 3pm—6pm

2 Tuesday Year 7, 2018 Interviews 3pm—6pm

8 Monday Year 7, 2018 Interviews 3pm—6pm

9 TUESDAY Year 7, 2018 Interviews 3pm—6pm

P & F Meeting 7pm-8pm

9-11 Tuesday,



NAPLAN Years 7 & 9


The Catholic Education Office Wollongong has

released a new Diocesan School Fee

Management Policy.

Some of the changes are, all Diocesan Schools

will move to annual invoicing, all accounts will

be on a 30-day basis or alternatively if parents

wish to pay their accounts with a periodic

payment plan, regardless of the method of

payment, a Diocesan School Fee Agreement

form must be completed and returned to the

School no later than Wednesday 5 April 2017.