“pilgrim’s progress” · 2016-02-08 · pilgrim lutheran church 1730 wilshire blvd. santa...

Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (310) 829-4113 [email protected] www.Pilgrimlutheranchurch.org “Pilgrim’s Progress” November 2014 Newsletter

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Page 1: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran

Pilgrim Lutheran Church

1730 Wilshire Blvd.

Santa Monica, California 90403

Rev. Nathan R. Kilian

Pilgrim Lutheran Church

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

(310) 829-4113

[email protected]


“Pilgrim’s Progress”

November 2014 Newsletter

Page 2: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran


The Mission of Pilgrim Lutheran Church is to be an incarnation of Jesus Christ to

people of all ages in the Santa Monica area and throughout the world.

November Worship Schedule at Pilgrim November Worship Schedule at Pilgrim November Worship Schedule at Pilgrim

Pilgrim’s Worship Schedule ~Pilgrim’s Worship Schedule ~Pilgrim’s Worship Schedule ~ Bible Classes for all ages at 9:00 a.m. and Worship begins at 10 a.m.Bible Classes for all ages at 9:00 a.m. and Worship begins at 10 a.m.Bible Classes for all ages at 9:00 a.m. and Worship begins at 10 a.m. including a including a including a

Children’s Message and Holy Communion each Sunday. We are blessed to have fellowship each Sunday at Children’s Message and Holy Communion each Sunday. We are blessed to have fellowship each Sunday at Children’s Message and Holy Communion each Sunday. We are blessed to have fellowship each Sunday at

11 a.m. following the Worship Service. Make a point to come early at 9:45 a.m. to enjoy a Worship set of Praise 11 a.m. following the Worship Service. Make a point to come early at 9:45 a.m. to enjoy a Worship set of Praise 11 a.m. following the Worship Service. Make a point to come early at 9:45 a.m. to enjoy a Worship set of Praise Music to set the tone. Pilgrim’s Traditional Thanksgiving Day Worship Service will be at 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving Music to set the tone. Pilgrim’s Traditional Thanksgiving Day Worship Service will be at 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving Music to set the tone. Pilgrim’s Traditional Thanksgiving Day Worship Service will be at 10 a.m. on Thanksgiving

Day, November 27th.Day, November 27th.Day, November 27th.

The “Holiday Bazaar” will return

to Pilgrim on November

22nd!! Join us Saturday, Novem-

ber 22, 2014, for Pilgrim Lutheran

Church & School’s "Holiday Ba-

zaar." We did this years ago and it

was always a huge success. Come

and share the experience of many

handcrafters and creative people

as they present their creations and

skills; showcasing their many tal-

ents and as we open our doors to

tours of the church & preschool.

Buy gifts for friends and associates

to share the joy of hand-crafted

wares and artistic items made es-

pecially for the holiday season.

Volunteer to help with the tours,

in the kitchen with the snack sell-

ing or bring your best cake, cook-

ies, or pie for someone to pur-

chase— it must be homemade. If

you know someone who may be

interested in being one of the ven-

dors have them contact: Sharon

Dean at 310-717-6608 . Signup

sheets are available to volunteer

or participate.

Page 3: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran



Sunday Worship Service Schedule in November

9:00 a.m. ………………………… Bible Classes for all ages.

9:45 a.m. …………………………...Pre Service Praise Music

10:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Worship Service with Holy Communion

11:00 a. m. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fellowship

Fellowship with coffee and snacks follow the Worship Service

Worship Services in November

November 2, 2014 Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost/Daylight Saving Time

November 9, 2014 Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost

November 16, 2014 Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

November 23, 2014 Last Sunday of the Church Year

November 27, 2014 Thanksgiving Day Worship Service (10 a.m.)

November 30, 2014 First Sunday in Advent

Stewardship Drive Through November

Pilgrim will once again observe Stewardship Month during November. We only do this once a year, asking for

members to give us an estimate of their “Time and Talent.” In addition to volunteering your time, Tithing can

easily become automatic once you try it. God gave us His first and only Son Who gave us His best, His very life

to win our Salvation. We give our firstfruits, setting aside our offerings to the Lord first, before filling our obliga-

tions. Faith empowers us to give our firstfruits. When we give off the top as a priority, we confirm our trust in

Him. Additional information will be given in the bulletins during November. Thank you for giving your Time and

Talent to Pilgrim!

“Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me on this,” says the Lord Almighty,

“And see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room

enough for it.” Malachi 3:10

Advent Decorating PartyAdvent Decorating PartyAdvent Decorating Party

November 29th from 9:00 a.m.November 29th from 9:00 a.m.November 29th from 9:00 a.m.———12:00 Noon. 12:00 Noon. 12:00 Noon. Join our Altar Guild as we decorate for this season of the Join our Altar Guild as we decorate for this season of the Join our Altar Guild as we decorate for this season of the church. Come out anytime on this morning as we place the special symbols that mark this time of year and lis-church. Come out anytime on this morning as we place the special symbols that mark this time of year and lis-church. Come out anytime on this morning as we place the special symbols that mark this time of year and lis-ten to favorite Christmas songs. Coffee, donuts, bagels and juice are provided. This is a fun and meaningful way ten to favorite Christmas songs. Coffee, donuts, bagels and juice are provided. This is a fun and meaningful way ten to favorite Christmas songs. Coffee, donuts, bagels and juice are provided. This is a fun and meaningful way

to build the season and bless others.to build the season and bless others.to build the season and bless others.

Advent Midweek Services Coming in DecemberAdvent Midweek Services Coming in DecemberAdvent Midweek Services Coming in December

Join us Wednesdays on Join us Wednesdays on Join us Wednesdays on December 3rd, 10th, and 17th at 6 p.mDecember 3rd, 10th, and 17th at 6 p.mDecember 3rd, 10th, and 17th at 6 p.m. in the sanctuary as we build the anticipation of . in the sanctuary as we build the anticipation of . in the sanctuary as we build the anticipation of Christmas remembrance. Christmas remembrance. Christmas remembrance. We are trying a new time at 6 p.m. this yearWe are trying a new time at 6 p.m. this yearWe are trying a new time at 6 p.m. this year, for greater convenience for members , for greater convenience for members , for greater convenience for members to attend the Worship Services. These services are intimate, candleto attend the Worship Services. These services are intimate, candleto attend the Worship Services. These services are intimate, candle---light gatherings intended to enlighten the light gatherings intended to enlighten the light gatherings intended to enlighten the mind and warm the soul. Plan to be with us as we gather in the chancel for worship and your favorite Advent mind and warm the soul. Plan to be with us as we gather in the chancel for worship and your favorite Advent mind and warm the soul. Plan to be with us as we gather in the chancel for worship and your favorite Advent

hymns and songs. Mark your calendars! hymns and songs. Mark your calendars! hymns and songs. Mark your calendars!

(“Wednesday Night Live” Bible Study breaks for December’s Advent Season.)(“Wednesday Night Live” Bible Study breaks for December’s Advent Season.)(“Wednesday Night Live” Bible Study breaks for December’s Advent Season.)

Page 4: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran


Adult Bible Classes and more... “Wednesday Night Live”

“Wednesday Night Live” Please join us for Bible class every Wednesday night in the conference room at 6 p.m.

You will not be forced to read, answer questions or do anything you don’t want to do. Join us as we grow in faith

through the study of God’s Word. We are studying the book of Romans, a book Martin Luther called “The Fifth

Gospel.” WNL will not meet in December during Advent and will reconvene in January.

“Prime Time”

“Prime Time” will meet on Thursday, November 13th at 11:00 a.m. in the Discovery Conference Room. (No

meeting on Thanksgiving Day, November 27th.) We are studying Isagogics, the historical and literary back-

ground of each book of the New Testament. Who wrote it, What were the conditions, When the Book was

written, Where was it penned and Why did God inspire it? The answers are in the study of God’s Word. “Prime Time” will break for the Advent Season and will reconvene in January. Remember to bring a sack lunch

and goodies will be provided. This is a Senior's Bible Study, but all ages are invited. Check it out!

New Time Capsule Buried in Cornerstone! On October 26th, Pilgrim celebrated Reformation Sunday in a very special and historic manner! We placed a “New

Time Capsule” into the Cornerstone, and also buried our “Old Time Capsule.” Dietmar Kruger had a special

stainless steel Time Capsule manufactured that fit into the Cornerstone. Our 2014 Time Capsule contained infor-

mation and photos from Pilgrim’s May 18, 2014 Centennial Celebration, Pilgrim Newsletters, letters from those

from across the country who wrote to Pilgrim regarding our May 18th Centennial Celebration, a Front Page of the

LA Times, letters from “Prime Time” members and other memorabilia. New members were also inducted into

membership at Pilgrim on Reformation Sunday. Michelle Montgomery sent some photos—see back page.

NO Thanksgiving Potluck This Year

Due to the Holiday Bazaar being held on Saturday, November 22nd, there will be no Thanksgiving Potluck this year.

Instead, we will plan a Special Fellowship on Sunday, November 23rd with Pumpkin Pie, or some other festive cui-

sine. Please plan to attend the Holiday Bazaar and see what the Vendors have to offer. In addition to having the op-

portunity to shop for hand made goods for gifts or for yourself, this is an opportunity to give guided tours of Pilgrim

and our Preschool.

Thanksgiving Day Service

Pilgrim’s Annual Thanksgiving Day Worship Service will be held on November 27th at 10 a.m. This special Worship

Service and message will set the tone for this day as we give thanks and praise to God! Pilgrim is one of the few

churches in the area to hold a Worship Service on Thanksgiving Day and this makes it even more special! Please plan

to attend.

Christmas Caroling December 7th!

“Here we Go a-Caroling!” Mark your calendars for Sunday, December 7th at 4 p.m. when we will meet at the

church, form carpools and go caroling to Pilgrim’s Senior members and our local “Good Shepherd Convalescent

Home.” We will then meet up for a Christmas Fellowship with food and refreshments. Sign up if you’d like to sing or

be sung to on our route. Details will be coming in December’s newsletter but mark your calendar NOW! This is a

wonderful way to give and share the Christmas Spirit! Don’t miss out!

Page 5: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran

November Bible Class Sunday morning Bible class is from 9:00—9:50 a.m. and is a great study before Worship. No one is ever forced

to read or answer questions. Please join us. You will be blessed.

Sunday Gospel Readings for November

November 2, 2014 Matthew 23:1–12 (Jesus warns against seeking human praise.)

November 9, 2014 Matthew 25:1–13 (Jesus teaches preparedness for His return.)

November 16, 2014 Matthew 25:14–30 (The parable of the talents.)

November 23, 2014 Matthew 25:31–46 (Come and inherit the kingdom prepared for you.)

November 30, 2014 Mark 11:1–10 (Jesus enters Jerusalem in triumph.)

(Thanksgiving Day Worship on November 27th begins at 10 a.m.)

Take home your bulletin and use it as a great source of prayer, songs, readings, and your reflections for the week.

Sunday School

Please bring your children to Sunday school! All children are encouraged to participate in the fun time of learning

and spiritual growth. Children will enjoy hearing about God’s love in Scripture through stories, crafts and games.

Invite a friend and let’s build up our Sunday School. Pilgrim member Sylvia Haberl is Pilgrim’s Sunday School Di-

rector and gifted teacher! Her daughter Annika, helps out as well. A letter was recently sent out encouraging fami-

lies to bring their children to Sunday School. Please join us! If you are interested in helping with our Little Pilgrims

please contact Sylvia Haberl by calling the Church Office. Sunday School meets at 9:00 a.m. in classroom #201.

Call the church office to sign your child up for Sunday School by calling (310)-829-4113.

(Jesus said) “ I tell you the Truth, unless you change and become like little children, (Jesus said) “ I tell you the Truth, unless you change and become like little children, (Jesus said) “ I tell you the Truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)you will never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)you will never enter into the Kingdom of Heaven.” (Matthew 18:3)

Calling all Members!! Please pick up the Sunday School pamphlet from the narthex and become familiar with this

special ministry. Take as many as you like and distribute them among family, friends and anyone else with children.

A new program is beginning! Let’s work together to support our Sunday School! Thank you!

Narthex Prayer Box

Prayer requests can be placed in the Church prayer box in the narthex. Please make use of this blessing and re-

member the power of prayer! Pastor Kilian is the only person who opens the box. Please mark the prayers for

private or public petition.

Flower Donations

Thank you to everyone who has signed up to donate flowers in honor or memory of a loved one or special event.

It is easy to donate the flowers. All you have to do is sign up on the Flower Chart in the narthex. The cost is

$50.00 and the flowers are yours to keep following the Worship Service. You can place a check designated for

the flowers in your offering envelope. Let the church office know when your birthday is so we can celebrate your

life! When signing up for the flowers, please place the reason you are donating the flowers, and print the name or

names of the persons you wish to honor or remember. This information is sometimes not included or is difficult

to read. Daylight Saving Time EndsDaylight Saving Time EndsDaylight Saving Time Ends

Set your clocks back an hour before you go to bed on November 1st so you get to church on time on Sunday, November 2nd.

( Daylight Saving Time begins November 2nd.) This is a good time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms.


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Privacy Reminder

Please remember that the names, addresses and

other personal information in the Pilgrim Directory is

for members of Pilgrim Lutheran Church. The Direc-

tory or any information regarding personal informa-

tion of our members is not to be given out to non-


Daylight Saving Time Ends Nov. 2nd

Please remember to set your clocks back on Saturday,

November First, before you go to bed so you will be

on time for church. Daylight Saving Time ends on

Sunday, November 2nd! This is also a good time to

change the batteries in your smoke alarms

Humor from Children

“Never smart off to a teachers whose eyes and ears

are twitching~ Andrew, age 9

“Wear a hat when feeding seagulls.” ~ Rocky, age 9

“Never ask for anything that costs more than $5.00

when your parents are doing taxes.”~ Carrol, age 9

“Never annoy a pregnant mom.”-~ Nicholas, age 11

“Don’t ever be too full for dessert.” -~Kelly, age 10

“When your dad is mad and asks you, ‘Do I look stu-

pid,’ don’t answer him.” ~Heather, age 16

“Never tell your mom her diet’s not working.” ~

Michael, age 14

“Don’t pick on your sister when she’s holding a base-

ball bat.” ~ Joel, age 12

“When you get a bad grade in school, show it to your

mom when she’s on the phone.” ~ Alyesha, age 13

“Never try to baptize a cat.” ~ Laura, age 3

“Never do pranks in a police station.” ~ Sam, age 10

‘Beware of cafeteria food when it looks like it is mov-

ing.” ~ Rob, age 10

“Never tell your little brother that you’re not going to

do what your mom told you to do.” ~ Hank, age 12

“Remember you’re never too old to hold your fa-

ther’s hand.~ Molly, age 11

“Listen to your brain. It has lots of information.” ~

Chelsea, age 7

Remember the two places you are always welcome—

church and grandma’s house.” ~ Joanne, age 11

“Forget the cake, go for the icing.” ~ Cynthia, age 8

“When you want something expensive, ask your grand-

parents.” ~ Matthew, age 12

Stay away from prunes.” Randy, age 9

“Never dare your little brother to paint the family

car.” ~ Phillip, age 13

December 2014 Newsletter Submis-

sion Deadline is November 15th. All

Board Chairs are strongly encouraged to submit an update

to inform members about current activities. Give all sub-

missions to Kathy Fjermedal in the Church office. Thank


LCMS Websites

Keep current on the activities and events of our Pa-

cific South District (PSD) Missouri Synod by going to

their website at [email protected]. You

can get a weekly newsletter and stay up to date. You

may also check out the Synod’s website at


Men’s Network

Check out www.lhmmen.com/studies.asp and see the

LHM’s Men’s Network Bible Studies. They also have

a fishing tournament site.

Lutheran Hour Ministries Looking for daily hope and encouragement? Pastor Ken

Klaus, Speaker emeritus of The Lutheran Hour, writes Daily

Devotions (available in both English and Spanish) that can be

sent directly to your email address. An audio version is

also available on the Web.


Visitor Gift Bags Red “Visitor gift bags” are available, located under the ta-

ble in the Narthex for all guests at Pilgrim. Ushers should

feel free to give them away to individuals and families. Each bag has “Pilgrim 100th Anniversary” information displayed

on its front and contains a DVD on Pilgrim’s history, a cof-

fee mug featuring Pilgrim’s stained glass windows, a fan,

Centennial Newsletter, and information on Pilgrim. Make

sure to give a warm welcome to our guests and visitors.

No “Rite-Aid” Parking

Let’s respect our neighbor's livelihood and reserve their

parking spaces for customers of “Rite-Aid.” Your car could

be towed at your own expense. “Rite-Aid” has hired a Secu-

rity Guard to ensure that their parking spaces are pro-

tected. Help Pilgrim be a good neighbor.

Church Office

The Church Office is open Tuesday through Friday 8 a.m.

to 4 p.m., and is available on Sundays (See Pastor Kilian.)

Let us know how we can help you. Make an appointment or

stop by to volunteer.

Page 7: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran


Greeters 10:00 a.m.

November 2, 2014 Lana Bennett

November 9, 2014 Lyndonia Spearson

November 16, 2014 Tamara Omwami

November 23, 2014 Ramona Feldmann

November 30, 2014 Bob Newlan


November 2, 2014 Kay Morr

November 9, 2014 Carolyn Barbian

November 16, 2014 Dave Kendle

November 23, 2014 Ken Ko Ren

November 30, 2014 Joe Lessard

Altar Guild

November 2, 2014 Sharon Dean

November 9, 2014 Sylvia Haberl

November 16, 2014 Letty Kilian

November 23, 2014 Jeannette Rhodes

November 30, 2014 Carolyn Eisenberg


November 2, 2014 Annika Haberl

November 9, 2014 Michael Haberl

November 16, 2014 Kendall Zeidner

November 23, 2014 Michael Haberl

November 30, 2014 Annika Haberl


November 2, 2014 Noriko Yang

November 9, 2014 Carolyn Eisenberg

November 16, 2014 Letty Kilian

November 23, 2014 Melissa Owen

November 30, 2014 Dietmar Kruger ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Flowers Given By

November 2, 2014 Flowers are given by Susan Zeidner in Honor of Simon Zeidner’s Birthday.

November 9, 2014 Flowers are given by Jane Brutsch in Memory of Walters Brutsch’s Birthday

November 16, 2014 By Joel & Mariana Shpall in Honor of their 13th Wedding Anniversary.

November 23, 2014 Flowers are given by Pilgrim in thanksgiving to God for His gifts!

November 30, 2014 Flowers are given by Pilgrim in anticipation of God’s gift of Jesus

If you donated flowers to the church this year, please make a payment to Pilgrim in the amount of

$50.00. Thank You!

“Each one of us should use whatever gift he has to serve others faithfully administering

God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Page 8: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran


Calendar at a Glance. All Worship Services at 10:00 A.M.

November 1 All Saints’ Day/ Daylight Saving Time Ends, set clocks back an hour

November 2 †All Saints' Sunday /Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost† / Holy Communion

November 4 Election Day (Christians are good citizens who vote.)

November 5 “Wednesday Night Live” at 6 p.m.

November 9 †Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost† / Holy Communion

November 10 Martin Luther’s Birthday, born in 1483.

November 11 Veteran’s Day

November 12 “Wednesday Night Live” at 6 p.m.

November 13 “Prime Time” at 11 a.m.

November 14 Pastor’s WINKLE (Circuit Meeting) at Pacific Palisades Lutheran Church

November 16 †Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost† / Holy Communion

November 19 “Wednesday Night Live” at 6 p.m.

November 22 “Holiday Bazaar 9 a.m. ~ 3 p.m.

November 23 † Last Sunday of the Church Year/ Holy Communion

November 26 NO “Wednesday Night Live”

November 27 † Thanksgiving Day Service at 10 a.m. / NO “Prime Time” Meeting

November 29 Advent Decorating Party 9 a.m. ~ 12 Noon

November 30 † First Sunday in Advent

December 3 Mid– Week Advent Services begin, Wednesdays at 6 p.m.

November 2014 Schedule

Basketball meets in the gym every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 11a.m. (No basketball on the 22nd)

“Wednesday Night Live!” at 6 p.m. (NO meeting on the 26th.)

“Prime Time” November 13th at 11 a.m. (NO Meeting on the 27th.)

Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class and Children's Sunday School meets from 9:00—9:50 a.m.

Thank You, God

Gratitude is perhaps the earliest worship. Before petitions and penitence, even in Eden, there must have been gratitude

for the simple joy of life and friendship with the Creator. Some of the best prayers are those that spring naturally from

a heart overflowing with gratitude for blessings received, sorrows comforted, and disasters averted. Church bulletins

sometimes picture the blessings of a bountiful harvest. Our most basic needs are food, shelter, and clothing. With these

we are to be content. We can have an abundance of resources, yet contentment often eludes us. Perhaps there are

spiritual necessities we lack and need to ask of God. Will not the Giver of all good things fulfill our longings by giving us

a stronger belief in our salvation and a surer confidence in His love? Jesus said that His Father is the very essence of

love, and who knows that better than Jesus, His Son? Our sins can’t overwhelm God’s own nature, which is to forgive

those who come in repentance. Especially on this day, let us be grateful not only for all He has given us but for who He

is and for making us His children.

Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due

to change. Taken from: Portals of Prayer, Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014.

Page 9: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran


Praise the Lord for Birthdays and Anniversaries

Birthdays in November Simon Zeidner November 1

Rebecca Scholze November 5

Pearl Roennau November 6

Dorothea Frederking November 9

Martin Luther November 10

Maria Sheek November 11

Mike Little November 13

Diane Rodney November 13

Mary Newman November 16

Kimshelley Lessard November 21

Anniversaries in November

Placing an Anniversary Celebration on Pilgrim’s Flower Chart in the Narthex is a great way to share your

anniversary with your Pilgrim Family!

Happy Birthday from Pilgrim! * Let the church office know when your birthday or anniversary is so that we can celebrate with you!

Pilgrim’s Newsletter Sponsors Pilgrim's beautiful newsletter, Pilgrim’s Progress, is made possible by the advertising revenue from our generous

sponsors listed on the back of the newsletter. All the sponsors are local, many are our neighbors, and their sup-

port makes it possible for C&M Publications to print our newsletter at no expense to Pilgrim. Please make a spe-

cial effort to patronize our sponsors when the opportunity comes up for their services. And, let them know you

discovered them through their advertising in Pilgrim’s newsletter!

The Pilgrim Facebook Fan Page!

If you’re on Facebook, do a search for “Pilgrim Lutheran Church at Santa Monica” and you’ll find it. Feel free to

leave a comment about our church. This will also be a good posting page for any announcements about your

boards, calendar events, etc. Don't post once and go away, post early and post often! Be sure to pass the word

to all Pilgrim members and friends!

Offering Envelopes Reminder When using your offering envelopes, please write your check number on the outside of the envelope. When

placing cash inside the envelope, please write the amount you are giving on the outside of the envelope. If you do

not fill in the amount, it is possible the bookkeeper will not be able to record your offering under your name.

Pilgrim’s Year 2015 Offering envelopes will soon be available. If you would like a personalized set of offering en-

velopes please let the Church Office know.

Page 10: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran


+Narthex Resources++Narthex Resources++Narthex Resources+

Help Yourself to - Newsletters, Christian Resource Directory, Prayer cards for families and children,

Lutheran ministries and much more!

Prayer Box - Place your prayer requests in this box. Only Pastor Kilian opens the box.

Monthly Newsletter - With dates and information on upcoming events along with other good informa-

tion. Please check out the Business section and support our sponsors.

Local Christian Business Directories - Are available with information on local businesses.

Help Brochures -These brochures cover many specific challenging life situations from dealing with can-

cer to surviving a difficult childhood, to overcoming addictions, and more.

LWML Table - Information about Pilgrim and District LWML activities– get involved!

LCMS Periodicals– Recent magazines, and more. Catch up on Your Church, District, and Synod.

Stewardship - Information on serving the church with your Time, Treasure, and Talent.

Information of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod - Doctrine, structure and organization to

support our ministries.

Pilgrim’s Preschool– Information and postcards to give to friends are included with a beautiful bro-

chure on our school ministry. See the photo album and find out what goes on in our preschool.

Pacifica Christian High School– PCH promotional material with information.

Portals of Prayer - Free devotional for October through December.

LHM Materials—Lutheran Hour Ministries has many great resources free of charge. Check it out!

Notices—for current functions and events

Luther’s Rose

Have you ever wondered how Luther’s Rose was formed and the thought that went into it?

“Luther’s Seal” or “Luther’s Rose” is arguably the single image that best explains the theology of Martin Luther and

the Reformation. In a 1530 letter to Lazarus Spengler, who helped design the seal, Luther writes, First, there is a

black cross in a heart that remains its natural color. This is to remind me that it is faith in the Crucified One that

saves us. Anyone who believes from the heart will be justified (Romans 10:10). It is a black cross, which mortifies

and causes pain, but it leaves the heart its natural color. It doesn’t destroy nature, that is to say, it does not kill us

but keeps us alive, for the just shall live by faith in the Crucified One (Romans 1:17). The heart should stand in the

middle of a white rose. This is to show that faith gives joy, comfort, and peace–it puts the believer into a white,

joyous rose. Faith does not give peace and joy like the world gives (John 14:27). This is why the rose must be

white, not red. White is the color of the spirits and angels (cf. Matthew 28:3; John 20:12). This rose should stand in

a sky-blue field, symbolizing that a joyful spirit and faith is a beginning of heavenly, future joy, which begins now, but

is grasped in hope, not yet fully revealed. Around the field of blue is a golden ring to symbolize that blessedness in

heaven lasts forever and has no end. Heavenly blessedness is exquisite, beyond all joy and better than any posses-

sions, just as gold is the most valuable and precious metal.

Taken from the As We Gather, section of the Reformation Sunday Bulletin, October 26, 2014.

(Luther’s Rose is on the Front Page of the Newsletter.)

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Preschool News

Preschool News:

Preschool children walked to the Pumpkin Patch on October 27th and had fun!

Preschool children sang in front of the Pacifica students and both the preschoolers and the High School

Students had a lot of fun.

Preschool children sang in front of the Congregation on October 19th, and our Preschool Teachers were

Inducted on that date.

The Preschool Staff is very appreciative of the volunteer help they have received from Ann Evelyn. She

has been a “Mystery Reader” on Friday mornings and the children enjoy her very much.

A new and much improved Preschool Website has been designed and will be up and running soon. New

Preschool stationery, business cards and pamphlets have also been designed.

Please sign up to be a “Prayer Partner” with a Preschool child. A Sign Up Sheet is in the Narthex. Please,

no gifts, just letters and prayers are requested.

Carolyn Barbian has been coming in on Wednesdays to give the children “Dance and Movement” lessons.

The children love these sessions! Thank you, Carolyn!

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Mission Statement

The mission of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is to assist each woman of The Lutheran Church-

Missouri Synod in affirming her relationship with the Triune God so that she is enabled to use her gifts in

ministry to the people of the world. Check out the information on the table in the narthex.

Planned Giving

Are there times when you’ve thought about making a charitable donation to Pilgrim but didn't know quite

how to go about it? Pick up a free “Planned Giving” brochure in the narthex with explanations about various

ways of giving, and “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!”

Congratulations to Michelle Montgomery!

Pilgrim Member and Preschool Board Chair Michelle Montgomery was chosen to be a contestant on the TV

show “The Price is Right.” Michelle did very well on the show and won a 65” big screen television set, a large Foosball table and a huge refrigerator! The timing was perfect as these prizes will go nicely in the home she

and her husband recently purchased. Michelle still says “Jesus and our Salvation is the Real Prize!”

Nativity Scene Set up

The Nativity Scenes will be set up at Mount Olive Church on 14th and Ocean Park Blvd. on Saturday, De-

cember 13th. Please come out and help us set up Pilgrim’s special booth. The City of Santa Monica has

refused to allow the Annual Nativity Scenes to be displayed along Ocean Avenue, as had been done in the

past for decades. Mount Olive has once again allowed the churches to use their property to keep the tradi-

tion going. Please call the Church Office or Carolyn Eisenberg if you will be able to help us. We will meet at

Pilgrim at 9 a.m. then go to Mount Olive. (We need to remove our Nativity Scene on January 2nd.)

Page 12: “Pilgrim’s Progress” · 2016-02-08 · Pilgrim Lutheran Church 1730 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica, California 90403 Rev. Nathan R. Kilian Pilgrim Lutheran Church The Lutheran


In Our Prayers. . . .

Prayers of Intercession

The people of the Philippines

Jeff Ward’s mother’s health

Scheffee Taylor’s family

Bill Spaeter for healing

Mary Newman for healing

Cyndy Later for heart issues

Derrick Pointer’s recovery

Dick Slert for healing

Mara Llamas for recovery

Beulah’s mother, for healing

Christopher McMillan-comfort

Bruce Newlan, knee replacement

Gloria Fuller (mental issues)

Mary Harper’s Parents

John Trifunov (neck)

Kyle Barnes (car accident)

Allen Griffith, health

Cornelia (Coma recovery)

Harold & his children

Mary Barake, nose bleeds

Diane, eye problems

Melissa & Aydan Garcia, for courage.

Louis Jorel-knee surgery

Billy Ray Richardson—back surgery

Karril Dean moving to Texas

Ebola Epidemic

End of terrorism

Calvin Blair, health

Adam Smith’s Grandmother, health

Norma Lauterbach, ankle injury


Lillian (Sharon Dean’s friend)- illness

Jim Riley’s continued healing

David Roche for health

Adolfo Font’s recovery from stroke

Martha Ehrhart struggling with M.S.

Alex Beaton for recovery

Rev. Jim Lareva’s health

Jane Brutsch’s health

Mary Ann’s health

Sharon Dean-Healing

Prayers of Praise & Thanks

For our Wonderful Country! God Bless the


Dietmar Kruger’s 100 Year Old Aunt!

Remember to pray the “Council Prayer” in support of Pilgrim's ministries. See the “Prayer Box” in the narthex. Join our "Prayer Chain"

and become a Prayer Warrior. You will get an email whenever special prayers are needed. Call the church office if you would like to

participate or if you have a request. Please help us in keeping this prayer list current.


Everett Batters

Dick & Lavon Slert

Eleanor Fellbaum

Edith Erbst

Prayers for Those Fight-

ing Cancer Susan Meyer

Rudolph Axford

Fernando Luna

Michelle Morrison

Neville Elliot

Adam Rose

Cindy Cidero

Bill Schaal

Monique Young

Steve Harrison (skin cancer)


Debbie Davis (lymphoma)

Susan Safahi

Ken Brocker

Jim Swelgin for myeloma

Kathy Haynes’ friend Terry

Dana Alwin, brain cancer

Susan Cogan

Ritch Hayne’s Cousin Richard

General Prayers

Protection for our troops

Jews for Jesus Ministry

Greater Evangelism

The Economy

Marriage difficulties


The ill and lonely.

LINC LA Urban Missionaries

(Rev. Dominic Rivkin)

Persecuted Christians

Help us keep prayers

current by updating the Church Office on Prayer Requests. Unless instructed otherwise names will be struck from the list and new requests added. Let us know the progress of those for whom we pray. The Prayer Request Box in the Narthex is available for use. Please use it! Only Pas-tor Kilian opens the Prayer Request Box.

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The First National Day of Thanksgiving

In the midst of the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln initiated the first annual National Day of Thanksgiving and Praise on October 3, 1863, issuing a formal Proclamation, passed by an Act of Congress: “…..No human counsel hath devised nor hath

any mortal hand worked out these great things. They are the gracious gifts of the Most High God, who, while dealing with us in anger for our sins, hath nevertheless remembered mercy. It has seemed to me fit and proper that they should be solemnly, rev-

erently, and gratefully acknowledged as with one heart and one voice by they whole American People. I do therefore invite my fellow citizens in every part of the United States, and also those who are at sea and those who are sojourning in foreign lands, to

set apart and observe the last Thursday of November next, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to our beneficent Father who dwelleth in the Heavens. And I recommend to them that while offering up the ascriptions justly due to Him for such singular

deliverances, and blessings, they do also, with humble penitence for our national perverseness and disobedience, commend to His tender care all those who have become widows, orphans, mourners, or suffers in the lamentable civil strife in which we are

unavoidably engaged, and fervently implore the interposition of the Almighty Hand to heal the wounds of the nation and to re-store it as soon as may be consistent with the Divine purposes to the full enjoyment of peace, harmony, tranquility, and Union.”

Abraham Lincoln, Taken from: In God We Still Trust, Edited by Dr. Richard G. Lee

Photos taken on Oct. 26th when we bur-

ied the “Old Time Capsule and the New

Time Capsule in the Cornerstone.

New Member

Induction. Welcome

to Pilgrim’s Family!