“serving the community with ... · 2 2 3 3 4 4 click it or ticket summer time, hurricane season,...

“Serving the community with courtesy, professionalism and respect.” www.lafayettesheriff.com Message from Sheriff Michael W. Neustrom Inside this issue: Explorers Post 500 Seeking New Members Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Annual Report Available Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Aviation Unit Tipsy Taxi Information Are You OK Phone Reassurance System Registrations Crash Course Sheriff Michael W. Neustrom (cont’d on page 4) The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office has joined the hundreds of law enforcement agencies throughout the country that are utilizing the LeadsOnline program to recover stolen property. Have you ever wondered how Investigators navigate the mountains of paperwork, multiple store visits and leads to recover stolen items that may have been pawned?Well until last year, data was logged by pawn shops located in Lafayette Parish and then submitted to the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office for processing. One deputy was assigned the task of entering and maintaining all of the data from pawn shops in the City of Lafayette and surrounding towns. The database was then reviewed by investigators working property crimes. Information was entered as quickly as possible, but the turnaround time was not “live.” With the new Leads Online system, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office was able to reassign the Deputy previously entering data because the information is now entered online by the pawn shops. The delay time that previously occurred with the manual transfer of paperwork and then entering information into the law enforcement database has been eliminated. Information is only accessible by authorized law enforcement officials, but the information is “live” and includes information from pawn shops throughout the United States. During the initial testing phase for Leads Online, the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office received information about equipment that was stolen from a local construction site and being pawned in another area of the state. As a result of that lead, a suspect was arrested and the equipment was recovered. Further investigation led LPSO Detectives to link the same suspect to several additional construction site thefts that occurred in Lafayette Parish. A recent incident involved a report of a theft of a ring valued at over $4,000. The ring was immediately recovered when the suspect attempted to pawn the item. The first seven months of the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office utilizing the Leads Online system can be linked to the recovery of property valued at over $20,000. Captain Debbie Brasseaux, Criminal Investigations Commander, has been pleased with this new tool. “Our Investigators have been impressed with this Leads Online system. The “real time” data and nationwide connectivity are the most valuable items that the system provides.” Pawn Shop owners also like the new system. Many have stated that this system helps them to comply with their mandated reporting requirements. Most pawn shop customers are honest and are submitting their own property at pawn shops, but those that break the law are being caught. With Leads Online, more property crime cases are being solved quickly which allows more property to be recovered and returned to owners. Leads Online 2 2 3 3 4 4 CLICK IT OR TICKET Summer time, Hurricane Season, vacations, and school is out! Time to take a look at safety! Working together with several community partners we have developed a couple of new programs to improve safety. Our Crash Course program will be visiting all Lafayette Parish High Schools beginning in August 2007. This program is designed to educate young drivers about the dangers of underage drinking and impaired driving. Tipsy Taxi will provide a free taxi ride home (within Lafayette Parish) for citizens who have been drinking. Program information and vouchers have been distributed to bars and restaurants throughout the parish. If you would like more information about this program please call 236-5657 extension 31. Another hurricane season is upon us! Our Deputies have been working together with our public safety partners to prepare for this season. We remind you to have a plan for evacuating, including a communications plan to keep in touch with relatives and employees, before a storm is upon us. Take the time now to check to make sure your phone numbers of family members, insurance agents, doctors and other contacts are accurate and place that phone list in your file of items to take with you when evacuating. File the important papers together, and prepare your home for that possible storm. Don’t forget about your pets – have a plan! Congratulations to Detectives Alex Montgomery and Ron Harris who have recently received community awards for their hard work and dedication to public safety! Additional congratulations SPRING 2007 ISSUE

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Page 1: “Serving the community with ... · 2 2 3 3 4 4 CLICK IT OR TICKET Summer time, Hurricane Season, vacations, and school is out! Time to take a look at ... that speed until it is

“Serving the community with courtesy, professionalism and respect.”www.lafayettesheriff.com

Message from Sheriff Michael W. Neustrom

Inside this issue:Explorers Post 500Seeking New Members

Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’sAnnual Report Available

Lafayette Parish Sheriff ’sAviation Unit

Tipsy Taxi Information

Are You OK Phone Reassurance System Registrations

Crash Course

Sheriff Michael W. Neustrom

(cont’d on page 4)

TheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficehasjoinedthehundredsoflawenforcementagenciesthroughoutthecountrythatareutilizingtheLeadsOnlineprogramtorecoverstolenproperty. HaveyoueverwonderedhowInvestigatorsnavigatethemountainsofpaperwork,multiplestorevisitsandleadstorecoverstolenitemsthatmayhavebeenpawned?Welluntillastyear,datawasloggedbypawnshopslocatedinLafayetteParishandthensubmittedtotheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficeforprocessing.OnedeputywasassignedthetaskofenteringandmaintainingallofthedatafrompawnshopsintheCityofLafayetteandsurroundingtowns.Thedatabasewasthenreviewedbyinvestigatorsworkingpropertycrimes.Informationwasenteredasquicklyaspossible,buttheturnaroundtimewasnot“live.” With thenewLeadsOnlinesystem, theLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficewasable toreassign theDeputypreviouslyenteringdatabecausetheinformationisnowenteredonlinebythepawnshops.Thedelaytimethatpreviouslyoccurredwiththemanualtransferofpaperworkandthenenteringinformationintothelawenforcementdatabasehasbeeneliminated. Information isonlyaccessiblebyauthorized lawenforcementofficials,but theinformationis“live”andincludesinformationfrompawnshopsthroughouttheUnitedStates. DuringtheinitialtestingphaseforLeadsOnline,theLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficereceivedinformationaboutequipmentthatwasstolenfromalocalconstructionsiteandbeingpawnedinanotherareaofthestate.Asaresultof that lead,asuspectwasarrestedand theequipmentwasrecovered.Further investigation ledLPSODetectivestolinkthesamesuspecttoseveraladditionalconstructionsitetheftsthatoccurredinLafayetteParish. A recent incident involveda reportof a theftof a ringvaluedatover$4,000.The ringwas immediatelyrecoveredwhenthesuspectattemptedtopawntheitem.ThefirstsevenmonthsoftheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficeutilizingtheLeadsOnlinesystemcanbelinkedtotherecoveryofpropertyvaluedatover$20,000. CaptainDebbieBrasseaux,CriminalInvestigationsCommander,hasbeenpleasedwiththisnewtool.“OurInvestigatorshavebeenimpressedwiththisLeadsOnlinesystem.The“realtime”dataandnationwideconnectivityarethemostvaluableitemsthatthesystemprovides.” PawnShopownersalsolikethenewsystem.Manyhavestatedthatthissystemhelpsthemtocomplywiththeirmandatedreportingrequirements.Mostpawnshopcustomersarehonestandaresubmittingtheirownpropertyatpawnshops,butthosethatbreakthelawarebeingcaught.WithLeadsOnline,morepropertycrimecasesarebeingsolvedquicklywhichallowsmorepropertytoberecoveredandreturnedtoowners.

Leads Online









Summer time, HurricaneSeason, vacations, and schoolis out! Time to take a look atsafety! Working together withseveral communitypa r t ne r s we havedeveloped a coupleof new programs toimprove safety. OurCrash Course program willbevisiting allLafayetteParishHighSchoolsbeginninginAugust2007.Thisprogramisdesignedtoeducateyoungdrivers about thedangersofunderagedrinkingandimpaireddriving.

Tipsy Taxiwillprovideafreetaxi ridehome(withinLafayetteParish)forcitizenswhohavebeendrinking.Programinformationand

vouchershavebeendistributedtobars and restaurants

throughout the parish.If you would like more

information about thisprogram please call

236-5657extension31. Another hurricane seasonis upon us! Our Deputies havebeenworking togetherwithourpublic safetypartners topreparefor this season.We remind youto have a plan for evacuating,

includingacommunicationsplantokeepintouchwithrelativesandemployees,beforeastormisuponus.Takethetimenowtochecktomake sure your phone numbersof family members, insuranceagents,doctorsandothercontactsareaccurateandplacethatphonelist inyourfileof items to takewithyouwhenevacuating.Filethe important papers together,and prepare your home for thatpossible storm. Don’t forgetaboutyourpets–haveaplan! CongratulationstoDetectivesAlex Montgomery and RonHarriswhohaverecentlyreceived

communityawardsfortheirhardwork and dedication to publicsafety!Additionalcongratulations


Page 2: “Serving the community with ... · 2 2 3 3 4 4 CLICK IT OR TICKET Summer time, Hurricane Season, vacations, and school is out! Time to take a look at ... that speed until it is


Did you know?Emergency vehicles

always have the right of way! When an authorized emergency vehicle using audible or visual signals approaches you, it is important to recognize that the emergency vehicle has the right of way. You should yield the right of way and im-mediately drive to a position parallel to the right-hand edge or curb. Stay in that position until the emergency vehicle has passed. When driving on an interstate with two or more lanes traveling in the same direction as an emergency vehicle, slow down to a speed of 25mph and merge into the lane farthest from the emergency vehicle. Continue at 25mph until it is safe to proceed at the posted speed limit. When driving on a two-lane road, you should slow down to a speed of 25mph unless the posted speed limit is lower, and continue to operate at that speed until it is safe to resume driving at the posted speed limit. The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office and the LA Highway Safety Commission reminds drivers that it is important to give an emergency vehicle the right of way because that vehicle’s timing could mean life or death in an emergency situation.

Information reprinted from the Banner-Democrat in Lake Providence, LA with permission from the La Highway Safety Commission.

Shooting Range Available for Public Use

Detective Alex Montgomery received the Deputy of the Year Award from the Lafayette Advisory Committee on Crime Prevention. Detec-tive Montgomery is a Juvenile Investigator serving the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office for 22 years. L-R Detective Alex Montgomery & Major Art LeBreton.

The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office’s Explorer Unit is nowrecruitingnewmembers.Studentsranginginagefrom14–20yearswhoareinthe9thgradeoraboveareeligibletojointhisvolunteerunit.TheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficewillprovideauniformandtraining. Explorers assist the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office at localevents, helping with parking and other non enforcement duties,mostlyinamonitoringcapacity.Ifyouareinterestedinacareerinlawenforcement,oryouliketoassistyourcommunity–thisgroupisforyou! Applications for the Explorer Unit can be picked up at theLafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office 316West Main Street or theSheriff ’s Community Training Center 111 South StAntoineStreet.Applications will also be available on our website www.lafayettesheriff.com. For additional information please call236-3947.

Explorers Post 500 Seeking New Members

Detective Ron Harris recently received the Crimestoppers Deputy of the Year Award. Detective Harris has served the Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office for over 20 years, currently as an Investigator in the Property Crimes Department. Picture L-R Sgt Barry Shaw, Captain Debbie Brasseaux, Detective Harris, Sheriff Mike Neustrom, & Lt. Craig Stansbury.

The Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office ShootingRange is available for public use duringspecifiedperiods.AccesstotherangewillbelimitedtothosecitizenswhoqualifythroughLPSO’sregistrationprocess. Pleasecall337-236-5607foradditionalinformationorsendanemailtotraining@lafayettesheriff.com.

Congratulations to Deputy Scott Haydel Deputy’s Choice for Patrol Officer of the Year 2006!

Page 3: “Serving the community with ... · 2 2 3 3 4 4 CLICK IT OR TICKET Summer time, Hurricane Season, vacations, and school is out! Time to take a look at ... that speed until it is


Sheriff’s Office Annual Report Now Available

TheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOffice’s2006AnnualReportisnowavailable.Copieshavebeendistributedtoall city halls in Lafayette Parish and are also availableat all Lafayette Parish Sheriff’s Office facilities. Inaddition,theannualreportcanbeviewedonourwebsitewww.lafayettesheriff.com.

OneoftheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOffice’s“hiddentreasures”istheAviationUnit.TheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficeAviationUnitincludestheMauleMXT-7-180AaircraftandDeputieswhoserveasobserversandpilots.Ourpilotsareunpaidvolunteers–ReserveDeputieswhovolunteertheirtimeandspecialskillstohelpthecommunity. ArecentadditiontotheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOffice’sAviationUnitisaSkyPackremoteoperateddaylightandinfraredcamerasystem.ThisSkyPacksystemwaspurchasedwithregionalHomelandSecuritygrantfunds,whichareadministeredthroughtheLafayetteParishOfficeofHomelandSecurityandEmergencyPreparedness.

Deputy Marjoria Trailer has recently completed teaching the Junior Achieve-ment curriculum to Mrs. Jennifer Carpenter’s 1st grade class at JW Faulk Elementary School.

Aviation Unit Works to Keep Lafayette Parish Safe

AviationUnitoperations for theLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficeincludesearchand rescue, surveillance,aerialphotography, accidentinvestigations,trafficcontrolduringhurricaneevacuationsorotherhightraffic incidents, and crowd control during festivals and Mardi Gras.TheAviationUnitmustbeavailable to respondquickly toassist lawenforcementwithsearchesthatrequirerapidresponsesuchassearchesformissingchildrenorfugitives.Theunithasassistedwithmanycriticalincidents over the years and is also available to assist neighboringjurisdictionswhenrequested.LafayetteParishisveryluckytohavesuchavaluableresourceavailabletoassistwithkeepingourcommunitysafe!

Tipsy Taxi Now Available in Lafayette Parish

ThenewTipsyTaxiprogramisnowrollinginLafayetteParish.Participatingrestaurantsandbarsareequippedwithvouchers tooffera free taxi ridehome (withinLafayetteParish) tocustomerswhohavebeendrinkingandcannotsafelydrivehome. TheAcadianaareahashistoricallyexperiencedhighcrashratesandfatalities involvingimpaireddrivers.TipsyTaxiwasdevelopedbyagroupofcommunitypartnerswhoareworkingtogethertostopthispattern.Theideabehindtheprogramistoprovideafree,safealternativetoimpaireddriving. IfyouareaLafayetteParishrestaurantorbarthatwouldlike toparticipatein theTipsyTaxiprogram pleaseca l l 236-5657extension31. P lease ber e s p o n s i b l e –DesignateaDriverand use TipsyTaxi!

Page 4: “Serving the community with ... · 2 2 3 3 4 4 CLICK IT OR TICKET Summer time, Hurricane Season, vacations, and school is out! Time to take a look at ... that speed until it is






PAIDPermit No. 176Lafayette, LA


Sgt.DaleThomas leads runners from theLafayetteParishSheriff’sOffice, Lafayette Police Department, Lafayette City Marshal’s OfficeandtheULPoliceDepartmentastheybeginthetorchruntoHammond.LPSODeputiesjoiningSgtThomasincludedDeputyW.L.Davis,Deputy

2007 Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics

The Lafayette ParishS h e r i f f ’ s O f f i c e h a srecently upgraded its Are You Ok computer generatedTelephone ReassuranceSystem.ApplicationsarenowbeingacceptedfromLafayetteParish residents who wouldliketoparticipateinthisfreeprogram. This f ree service isdesigned to assist elderlymembers of the communitywholivealoneandwouldliketo receiveadailyphonecallto check to make sure theyareok.ParticipantsreceiveacalleachdayfromtheAre You

Ok computera t a p r e -determinedtime. If thec o m p u t e r

Register now for the Are You OKTelephone Reassurance System

MicahEugene,andDeputyReginald Taylor. Lawenforcementofficials fromtheentirecountryparticipatein torch runs each year toraisemoneyandawarenessforSpecialOlympics.

totheseDeputies:SuzanneEason,GeorgeCrowderandJudyKernwhoareourlatestDeputyoftheQuarterrecipients. La faye t t e Pa r i sh i s awonderfulplace!Weareworkinghard to provide high qualitypublic safety to make this thesafestplaceinLouisiana!

(cont’d from page 1)Sheriff’s Message

Crash Course Coming to School Crash CoursewillbecomingtoalllocalhighschoolsbeginninginAugust!TheLafayetteParishSheriff’sOfficeispresentingCrash Coursetolocalstudentsinanefforttoreduceunderagedrinkingandimpaireddriving.Crash CoursefundingpartnersincludetheJr.LeagueofLafayette,LafayetteParishSchoolSystem-SafeSchoolsHealthy Students, and the LA Highway Safety Commission’s

A c a d i a n aTransportationSafetyCoalition.For additionali n f o r m a t i o nand schedulingplease call Lt.RonRobicheauxat337-236-5657extension21.

calls and gets no answer, analarmsoundsatthecomputerterminal, alert ing LPSOCommunications personnelofapossibleemergency. IfyouwouldliketoregisterfortheAre You Okprogramorifyouhaveadditionalquestions,pleasecallDeputyPatFaulatourCommunityServicesUnit236-5657extension28.