“your two breasts are like two fawns; which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · by eating...

“Your two breasts are like two fawns; Twins of a gazelle, Which feed among the lilies.” Song of Solomon 4:5 NKJV Arguably, a woman’s breasts are the most admired and revered portion of her anatomy. Women study other women and men fawn over women because of them. Hushed whispers discuss them. Blushed faces on men caught staring reveal the true nature of their thoughts. And why not? They are, as Solomon noted 2000 years ago, beautiful and admirable. Have you ever read this line from the Bible: “This stature of yours is like a palm tree, and your breasts like its clusters. I said, “I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of its branches.” Pretty steamy stuff, huh? So a woman’s breasts not only have an aesthetic appeal, but are the focus of admiration in a romantic sense as well. And they serve a great purpose. Ask any mother who has breast fed her child the bond created from such an endeavor. One of the biggest complaints I hear as a fitness professional is that many women want that post-nursing look and shape returned to their breasts. They want to look like they did before all of this began. And I can understand that. And what if you’ve never had a child, but are thinking you’d like the look of your beasts to improve. Can anything be done to enhance the look, shape, dimensions and size of the breast? My answer is two-fold: 1) Much of it depends upon how well a woman has taken care of her physique, and especially the breasts, to date. Genetic factors play a large role here as well. 2) In my years of experience, and for a large portion of the populace, I must truthfully answer…no. You see, the breast is a series of tissues that are akin to skin and fat. They are subject to the laws of nature and gravity. I know, sad but true.

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Page 1: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

“Your two breasts are like two fawns;

Twins of a gazelle,

Which feed among the lilies.”

Song of Solomon 4:5 NKJV

Arguably, a woman’s breasts are the most admired and revered portion of her anatomy.

Women study other women and men fawn over women because of them. Hushed

whispers discuss them. Blushed faces on men caught staring reveal the true nature of

their thoughts.

And why not? They are, as Solomon noted 2000 years ago, beautiful and admirable.

Have you ever read this line from the Bible: “This stature of yours is like a palm tree,

and your breasts like its clusters. I said, “I will go up to the palm tree, I will take hold of

its branches.”

Pretty steamy stuff, huh? So a woman’s breasts not only have an aesthetic appeal, but

are the focus of admiration in a romantic sense as well. And they serve a great purpose.

Ask any mother who has breast fed her child the bond created from such an endeavor.

One of the biggest complaints I hear as a fitness professional is that many women want

that post-nursing look and shape returned to their breasts. They want to look like they

did before all of this began. And I can understand that.

And what if you’ve never had a child, but are thinking you’d like the look of your beasts

to improve. Can anything be done to enhance the look, shape, dimensions and size of

the breast? My answer is two-fold: 1) Much of it depends upon how well a woman has

taken care of her physique, and especially the breasts, to date. Genetic factors play a

large role here as well. 2) In my years of experience, and for a large portion of the

populace, I must truthfully answer…no.

You see, the breast is a series of tissues that are akin to skin and fat. They are subject to

the laws of nature and gravity. I know, sad but true.

Page 2: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

However, the good news is that we can dramatically enhance and improve the look of

the chest and the region surrounding the breasts by simply augmenting the muscular

structure through resistance training as well as incorporating some postural

improvements. I’ll have a complete training program for you at the end of this section,

so let’s get started.

First Things First

Like so many other facets of appearance, a lowered body fat percentage makes the

overall body look more healthy, vibrant and attractive. Granted, a low body fat

percentage will tend to diminish the natural size of the breasts, however what remains

will look more spectacular by comparison with the rest of the physique.

Proper nutrition, also known as supportive eating, is the first key to such a state of

being. Simple rules are my philosophy, so here are 6:

1. Eat five to six times a day. Small meals work best.

2. Limit or eliminate your ingestion of sugars and processed foods.

3. Eat fruits and vegetables right through the day.

4. Drink more water and cut out liquid calories (beer, soda, etc.).

5. Focus on eating lean proteins at each meal throughout the day.

6. Save starch containing foods until after a workout or for breakfast.

“Come on, workout boy. That’s it?”

Yep, that’s it. Listen, I’ve said it before. I’m a ridiculously simple individual. My wife will

willingly back me up on this. When I was a computer tech, I had a sign on my desk that

read “K.I.S.S.!” It stands for “Keep It Simple, Stupid!” To me, these six steps scream


“But Steve, don’t I have to count calories?”

Page 3: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

No. Eating in this manner ensures a nutrient dense, verses calorie dense, overall

nutritional support system. In short, there’s more food in your food. Quality over

quantity. Quality in, quality out. I’m sure you know the clichés.

By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

the necessary fiber, vitamins, minerals, protein, carbohydrate and fat for a healthy, good

looking you. So don’t complicate it. K.I.S.S. it.

And Now, For Something Completely Different

The quickest and easiest way to enhance the look of your appearance, and especially

your breasts, is to do what your mother always told you to do: stand up straight.

Our world places our bodies in a great deal of strain in the sagittal plane. That means

that most of our lives are spent reaching or leaning forward. As I type this, I sit in a

chair, arms outstretched in front of me typing on my keyboard.

When we drive, we sit in a chair and reach for the steering wheel. When we open a door,

we extend our arms and reach in front. Sit and eat. Push a shopping cart. All day long in

this position creates a sort of “hunched over” looked, which tends to round our

shoulders and create excessive kyphosis, or rounding of our upper backs.

Here are 5 things we can do to counteract this onslaught against our posture:

1. Think about it.

2. Foam Roll.

3. Thoracic Spine Mobility.

4. Stretching.

5. Resistance Training.

Think About It

Page 4: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Here I’m talking about focus. Right now, right where you’re sitting or standing, before

you move, what is your posture like? Are you slumped forward? Shoulders rounded?

Head and neck extended? My guess is yes, at least to a small degree.

I’ll also wager that as I brought these things to your attention, you made corrections to

them because you thought about them, focused on them and made the proper

adjustments. Here is an example of poor posture and correct posture by my friend

Claudette Tamez. Notice how much accentuated and attractive her overall physique

looks simply by correcting her posture.

Poor Posture = Sad Good Posture = Sexy!

That’s the idea. Now do it all day long. Check yourself periodically. Let your mind’s eye

picture your posture in perfect form and then make your body meet the picture. Draw

your shoulder blades back and down. Elongate your spine and sit or stand tall. Breathe

diaphragmatically, pushing your belly button out rather than have your ribcage rise and

fall. This is solid posture and will enhance your look and attitude, and we all know how

important attitude is, right?

Foam Roll

If you don’t currently have one of these, you’re missing out. Seriously.

Page 5: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Self myofascial release, or “cheap massage” as I call it, is one of the best things you can

do to re-establish proper muscle tissue quality, which will in turn allow for more fluid

movement and posture.

And it’s very simple to use. Just lie on it and roll around. It may be painful at first, and

that’s a sign you need to use it more. It’s not supposed to be painful. It’s supposed to feel

good. The pain is a sign of poor posture, impingement, adhesions and “knots” that have

been left unattended and reinforced through time and poor posture. The foam roll will

help to correct them.

Foam Rolling is Great for Posture!

The foam roller is the easiest, safest way to begin to correct such issues. You’ll want the

full length, 3 foot model, like the one pictured above. Find a good quality, closed foam

cell model from a reputable manufacturer or supplier and get it and begin to use it. Most

all will come with instructions, and if it doesn’t simply do a YouTube search and you’ll

find loads of examples.

Thoracic Spine Mobility

The foam roll can be used to enhance thoracic spine mobility, but I prefer a simple yoga

mat. Thoracic spine mobility is a key in freedom of movement and from pain. Pain

makes us draw in and close off. When we have pain in the shoulder or neck region

because of a loss of T-spine mobility, we often slouch or hunch to guard and protect the


Page 6: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Using the yoga mat allows one to increase or decrease the size of the apparatus we will

use for this maneuver. As your mobility increases, you can progress to the foam roll.

Begin by rolling the matt into a “log” of sorts (see photo above) and lying crosswise on it,

placing the top of the mat against the back about an inch below the scapula, or shoulder

blades. You’re your knees bent, and hips on the floor, place your hands behind your

head with the elbows close together. Inhale and roll forward while remaining in contact

with the mat.

Begin slowly exhaling as you lay back, placing more and more weight on the mat and

arching over the mat. Your elbows should begin to flare outwardly. Do not overarch and

strain anything. Simply extend comfortably toward the floor and let gravity do its job. If

you have pain associated with this movement, do 2 things: 1) move slowly, and 2) go to

Page 7: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

the point of pain and not through the point of pain. As your body grows accustomed to

this exercise, the pain will diminish. If it doesn’t see a qualified specialist.

Do 5 to 6 of these patterns of movement, then slide your hips down the floor about 2

inches. The mat should move up your back and you should feel the most pressure just

slightly above the base of your scapula. Repeat this arching, elbows flaring procedure 5

to 6 times, then slide up once more so that the mat is now about ¾ up your scapula.

Doing this will not only allow you to stand taller and more erect, it will assist in moving

more fluidly and gracefully, which always enhances the look of a lady.


My number one rule of stretching is to stretch the muscle, not the joint or connective

tissue. Creating freedom of movement through the muscles is great. Creating laxity

(looseness) in the joints is not.

I prefer simple stretches, which can be held for 30 seconds to a minute. I’ll focus on 2

types: static stretches and eccentric quasi-isometrics (EQI’s).

Static stretching has been given kind of a bad rap of late, especially in the sports

performance arena. It has benefit and validity when used in the proper context, like I’m

going to show you here.

The Cabinet Stretch

Page 8: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

This stretch will not only allow for the shoulders to align properly, but will also re-

establish the proper curvature of the lumbar spine, which will assist the thoracic spine

with good posture.

Place your hands comfortably on a cabinet, bench, table or chair. Anything that is about

waist height to you is good. Step back a couple of feet, hinge at the hips and slowly drive

your ribcage to the floor, placing your weight on the heels. Keep your knees as straight

as you can. Hold this position and count to 30 slowly.

The Doorway or Corner Stretch

Stand in a doorway with your elbows on the frames. The elbow should be raised the

same height as the shoulders. Gently take a step forward until a stretch is felt in the

shoulder and chest. Hold for a 30 count. You can also use a corner, as indicated in the

second photo.

Page 9: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Doorway Stretch Corner Stretch

The 90-90 Psoas Stretch

It is amazing the amount of influence the hips have on the posture and alignment of the

shoulders. And because most of us sit way too much during the day, these muscles tend

to get very shortened and tight.

Place your right knee on the ground and the left foot out in front so that each knee forms

a perfect 90 degree angle. The toe of the rear foot should be digging into the ground.

Tall spine, squeeze the glute, feel the stretch!

Elongate your spine, driving the toe of the back leg into the ground and squeeze the

glute (butt cheek) on the left side. Do not drive the right knee forward. You should feel a

stretching sensation in the top front of the right thigh where your leg meets your torso.

Hold this position for 10 seconds and relax. Repeat 9 more times for a total of 10 and

then switch sides.

The Foam Roll EQI

Hopefully you have a 3 foot foam roll. If not, a bench will work as well.

Lie on it, face up, head supported on the roll or bench and place your arms out to your

sides, palms facing upward, so that you make a “T” position. Relax, breathe in through

the nose and out through the mouth slowly and hold this position for 2 minutes.

Page 10: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Lie back and RELAX!

These simple stretches will enhance the quality of the tissue (muscle, tendons,

ligaments, fascia) and allow for more proper posture. This will dramatically enhance the

look and overall appeal of the breasts and stature. I promise.

Resistance Training

The final aspect of breast enhancement will come from a properly executed and well

planned training program. Muscle is what lifts, separates and moves the human body.

Muscle enhances the look, tone and sensuality of most any portion of the physique. If we

want to look better and be more attractive, muscle will help us do just that.

Since we’ve spent so much time discussing and enhancing the posture, let’s perform

some exercises that will strengthen and support that work.

Band High Pulls

You’ll need a light band that you can attach to a sturdy and secure place. Hold the band

with both hands, palms facing each other, thumbs up. Begin by raising the arms to eye

level, then draw the shoulder blades down and pinching them back. Now, bring the

hands toward your ears and try to touch the top of your ear with the first knuckle of the

thumb. Bring the hands to the ears. DO NOT bring the head toward the hands. You’ll

strain your neck and look like a female Frankenstein for a few days if you do. This

constitutes one repetition.

Page 11: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Band High Pull Start Band High Pull Finish

Band Incline Chest Press

You’ll need a medium band for this exercise. You’ll progress to a larger band as you grow

in strength. We’ll do this exercise standing, so attach it to a sturdy connection about

chest height.

Facing away from the attachment point, grasp the band in the right hand and step

forward with the left foot. You’ll want to step far enough from the attachment point so as

to create tension, but not so far as to possibly break the band. Make sure your hips are

“square” (not angled) and bring the right hand to the shoulder.

Band Incline Chest Press Start Band Incline Chest Press Finish

Page 12: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Press the shoulder blade down and back, then forcefully drive the right hand in a

controlled punching motion out in front of you until the arm is extended. Your hand

should be slightly above eye level at the finish point. Hold for a beat, then bring the arm

back to the starting position in a 3 count. In other words, it should take you 3 seconds to

get from a fully arm extended position to the start position. This constitutes one


Push Ups

The push up is quite arguably the king of upper body exercises. When properly executed,

there is no better exercise to not only enhance the shape and appearance of the breasts,

but the arms and shoulders too. It will also do tremendous things for your mid-section

and core strength.

A proper push up is hard, so let’s start where you are. If you can do a push up from the

floor, do that. If you need to make it easier, decrease the angle and start moving your

body to a more inclined position. Whatever it takes to do the movement properly is the

most important thing. As your strength grows, so will you ability to do them closer to the

floor. But you must make doing them properly priority number one. O.K.?

Whatever angle in which you do them, the first most important key is hand placement.

Your hands should be in alignment with your chest muscles, or pectorals. Each hand

should be about 3 to 5 inches on either side of the pecs, aligned with them.

Page 13: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Beginner – Wall Push Up Intermediate – Incline Push Up

The elbows is the next key. In order to do a proper push up, the elbows should be tucked

in and close to the body. Anything else is asking for potential problems, like shoulder


The last thing is proper body alignment. You should have a straight line from the back of

the head, to the mid-shoulder area, to the highest point of the glutes, to the heels. Keep

this alignment throughout the movement.

Advanced Level Push Up – Finish

Advanced Level Push Up - Start

Page 14: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

To perform a push up, begin in an extended arm position in perfect push up form. Tight

abs, tight glutes. Slowly inhale through the nose as you lower the body to the floor. Be

sure to keep the body aligned so as not to reach for the floor with the head. As you reach

the floor, exhale forcefully, squeeze the muscles of the stomach and butt and press the

ground away from you, keeping proper alignment, until your arms are once again

extended. This constitutes one repetition.

Band Resisted Flyes

You’ll need two bands of equal strength and tension attached securely to a connection

about chest height. With your back to the attachment point, grasp one band in each

hand. Outstretch your arms, with your elbows slightly bent, thumbs up. Step forward

until you feel slight tension, exhale through your mouth then, moving with control

through the shoulders, try to clap your hands in front of you. Your hands should be at

eye level at the completion of the movement. Inhale slowly through the nose and return

to the outstretched arm position being cognizant to keep tension on the band always.

This constitutes one repetition.

Band Resisted Fly – Start Band Resisted Fly – Finish

Band Resisted Rows

You will use the same bands as you did for the Band Resisted Fly. To perform the

movement, you will now face the attachment with a band in each hand. Step back until

Page 15: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

you have adequate tension in the band. Your hands should be about shoulder height

with the arms outstretched in front of you, elbows slightly bent. Bend your knees slightly

and brace the stomach while tightening the glutes.

Exhale through the mouth while simultaneously drawing the shoulder blades down and

back, and then bring your hands to your ribcage, approximately to the lowest rib near

your side. Hold for a beat, then inhale through the nose and return to the start position

in a 3 count. This constitutes one repetition.

Band Resisted Row – Finish

You know have an assortment of exercises from which to draw. Now let’s put them to


The Program

This will be a 12 week program, broken into 4 week sessions. You will follow the protocol

for 4 weeks, then move to the next progression. In 12 short weeks, you’re gonna look

hotter than a July Texas sidewalk!

Begin each session with foam rolling for 5 minutes, then do a warm up, stretching the

upper body and moving the arms to warm the shoulders.

Weeks 1 thru 4, A & B Workout, Perform on M, W, F

Week One

Page 16: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Day 1 – Monday (Workout A)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

Push Ups 1 – 3 8 – 10 60 secs High Band Pulls 1 – 3 12 – 15 60 secs

Band Incline Chest Press

1 – 3 12 – 15 60 secs

Day 2 – Tuesday

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Doorway Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs

90-90 EQI 1 10 x 10 seconds per side

60 secs

*If you’re interested in dropping some body fat, perform some interval based cardio on

this day. 12 to 20 minutes worth should be good.

Day 3 – Wednesday (Workout B)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

Push Ups 1 – 3 8 – 10 60 secs Band Flyes 1 – 3 12 – 15 60 secs

Band Resisted Rows 1 – 3 12 – 15 60 secs

Day 4 – Thursday

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Foam Roll EQI 1 2 minutes 60 secs

90-90 EQI 1 10 x 10 seconds per side

60 secs

*Perform cardio for fat loss today if you wish.

Day 5 – Friday (Workout A)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

Push Ups 1 – 3 8 – 10 60 secs High Band Pulls 1 – 3 12 – 15 60 secs

Band Incline Chest 1 – 3 12 – 15 60 secs

Page 17: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of


Day 6 – Saturday

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Doorway Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Foam Roll EQI 1 2 minutes 60 secs

*Today is the day to perform your cardio if your goal is fat loss. 20 minutes of interval

based training would be awesome!

Day 7 – Sunday


Week Two

Perform just like Week One, except you would start the week (Monday) doing Workout

B. Day 2 would go just like before, the on Day 3 (Wednesday) you will perform Workout

A, and so on through the rest of the week.

On Week 3, you would then start with Workout A on Day 1, Workout B on Day 3, then

Workout A on Day 5.

Week 4 will look like Week 2 in terms of training progression. Workout B on Day One,

Workout A on Day 3, Workout B on Day 5.

Weeks 5 thru 8, A & B Workout, Perform on M, W, F

Week Five

Day 1 – Monday (Workout A)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

Push Ups 2 – 4 10 – 12 60 secs High Band Pulls 2 – 4 12 – 15 60 secs

Band Incline Chest 2 – 4 12 – 15 60 secs

Page 18: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Press Band Resisted Rows 2 – 4 12 - 15 60 secs

Day 2 – Tuesday

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Doorway Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs

90-90 EQI 1 10 x 10 seconds per side

60 secs

*If you’re interested in dropping some body fat, perform some interval based cardio on

this day. 12 to 20 minutes worth should be good.

Day 3 – Wednesday (Workout B)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

Push Ups 2 – 4 10 – 12 60 secs Band Flyes 2 – 4 12 – 15 60 secs

Band Resisted Rows 2 – 4 12 – 15 60 secs Band Incline Chest

Press 2 – 4 12 – 15 60 secs

Day 4 – Thursday

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Foam Roll EQI 1 2 minutes 60 secs

90-90 EQI 1 10 x 10 seconds per side

60 secs

*Perform cardio for fat loss today if you wish.

Day 5 – Friday (Workout A)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

Push Ups 2 – 4 10 – 12 60 secs High Band Pulls 2 – 4 12 – 15 60 secs

Band Incline Chest Press

2 – 4 12 – 15 60 secs

Band Resisted Rows 2 – 4 12 - 15 60 secs

Page 19: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Day 6 – Saturday

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Doorway Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Foam Roll EQI 1 2 minutes 60 secs

*Today is the day to perform your cardio if your goal is fat loss. 20 minutes of interval

based training would be awesome!

Day 7 – Sunday

On Weeks 9 through 12 we’re going to shake things up a bit. We’re going to incorporate

some superset training. In other words, we’re going to combine a couple of exercises to

get more work done in shorter time.

In the sessions below, you’ll see one exercise labeled as A1 and the next as A2. For this

particular sequence, you will perform exercise A1 for the required number of repetitions,

rest the required time, then perform exercise A2 for the required number of reps. After

you have rested the required length of time, you will then go back to exercise A1, and

follow this back and forth sequence until all sets and reps are completed.

Weeks 9 thru 12, A & B Workout, Perform on M, W, F

Week Five

Day 1 – Monday (Workout A)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

A1 - Push Ups 3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs A2 - High Band Pulls

3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs

B1 - Band Incline Chest Press

3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs

B2 - Band Resisted Rows

3 – 5 12 - 15 60 secs

Day 2 – Tuesday

Page 20: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Doorway Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs

90-90 EQI 1 10 x 10 seconds per side

60 secs

*If you’re interested in dropping some body fat, perform some interval based cardio on

this day. 12 to 20 minutes worth should be good.

Day 3 – Wednesday (Workout B)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

A1 - Push Ups 3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs A2 - Band Flyes 3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs B1 - Band Resisted Rows

3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs

B2 - Band Incline Chest Press

3 – 5 12 - 15 60 secs

Day 4 – Thursday

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Foam Roll EQI 1 2 minutes 60 secs

90-90 EQI 1 10 x 10 seconds per side

60 secs

*Perform cardio for fat loss today if you wish.

Day 5 – Friday (Workout A)

Exercise # of Sets Repetitions Rest Period

A1 - Push Ups 3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs A2 - High Band Pulls

3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs

B1 - Band Incline Chest Press

3 – 5 12 – 15 60 secs

B2 - Band Resisted Rows

3 – 5 12 - 15 60 secs

Day 6 – Saturday

Page 21: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Exercise # of Sets Hold Time Rest Period

Doorway Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Cabinet Stretch 1 30 seconds 60 secs Foam Roll EQI 1 2 minutes 60 secs

*Today is the day to perform your cardio if your goal is fat loss. 20 minutes of interval

based training would be awesome!

Day 7 – Sunday

And there you have it. Your 12 week beautiful breasts training program. Just a few quick

points and reminders:

1. Always, always, always use the most correct form you are capable. It makes no

sense to perform these exercises poorly and build on bad form. Good technique

leads to faster strength gains, shape and tone.

2. Increase the amount of resistance you use each time you train. It doesn’t have be

a lot, just a little more than you did the previous workout.

3. Stay focused and diligent. With time comes magic. Your body will change, but it

will take time. We do not go from infancy to adulthood in a matter of weeks or

months. It takes time.

4. Eat cleanly. Supportive nutrition is vital to all aspects of health, fitness and


5. Drink plenty of pure, clean water. Don’t go overboard, just drink. It’ll do wonders

for you.

Page 22: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

Steve Payne www.firestormfitcamps.com facebook.com/FirestormfitcampsSA www.aminuteofpayne.com

Page 23: “Your two breasts are like two fawns; Which feed among the lilies.” · 2012-05-14 · By eating in this manner you enjoy flavors, colors, consistencies, textures AND get all of

https://www.facebook.com/AMinuteOfPayne About Steve

Steve Payne is a 30 year veteran of the health, fitness and sports performance industry and has trained over two thousand people in that time. He is the owner

of Firestorm Fitcamps and a proud franchise member of the Fitness Revolution Nation. Steve is a husband of 14 years to Kennon Marie, father to Kristina and

Stephanie and grandfather to Christian and Conner, as well as a child to be born in early November 2012.