Æon descriptor user manual

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  • 8/12/2019 on Descriptor User Manual


    Aeon DescriptorGuideUser Manual (2.6.2)

    A guide for installation and General usage.

    Eduardo Jose Vindas Crdoba

    AeonGames & HP

    Eduardo Jose



    Digitally signed by Eduardo Jos

    Vindas Cordoba

    DN: o=Hewlett-Packard Compa

    ou=Employment Status - Empl

    ou=S/MIME, cn=Eduardo Jose

    Vindas Cordoba,

    [email protected]

    Date: 2014.01.22 13:19:59 -06'0

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    ContentsChecking Prerequisites for on Descriptor. ................................................................................................. 5

    Minimum specs ......................................................................................................................................... 5

    Checking Java Installation. ........................................................................................................................ 5

    Installing Java ........................................................................................................................................ 7

    Downloading and Installing on Descriptor............................................................................................... 11

    Installing: ................................................................................................................................................. 12

    (Optional) Make sure the Installer is digitally signed: ........................................................................ 12

    Running the installer: .......................................................................................................................... 13

    Running on Descriptor ............................................................................................................................. 16

    Updating the application ........................................................................................................................ 16

    Aeon Descriptor Main window ............................................................................................................... 17

    Application Menu. ........................................................................................................................... 17

    Tabs Menu ....................................................................................................................................... 17

    Actions Menu ................................................................................................................................... 18

    Category Values .................................................................................................................................. 18

    Preferences ......................................................................................................................................... 18

    Help ..................................................................................................................................................... 19

    Setting up on Descriptor .......................................................................................................................... 19

    CASES Setting Tab ................................................................................................................................... 20

    Main Case Type ................................................................................................................................... 20

    Detect Chat Fields: .............................................................................................................................. 20

    Show Warning ..................................................................................................................................... 20

    Bullet Character .................................................................................................................................. 20

    Category Excel File .............................................................................................................................. 20

    Database File ....................................................................................................................................... 20

    Dictionary Zip File ................................................................................................................................ 21

    Internet Browser Emulation Mode ..................................................................................................... 21

    Look and Feel Setting Tab ....................................................................................................................... 21

    Regex Settings ......................................................................................................................................... 22

    Updater Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 22

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    Idle Clock Settings ................................................................................................................................... 23

    Premier Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 24

    Telephony Module Settings .................................................................................................................... 24

    Advanced Settings ............................................................................................................................... 24

    Plugin ...................................................................................................................................................... 25

    PPM Groups Administration ................................................................................................................... 26

    Listening Calls .............................................................................................................................................. 27

    Using Cases Templates ................................................................................................................................ 28

    Using Templates ...................................................................................................................................... 28

    To Create a Tab ....................................................................................................................................... 28

    Chat Template ......................................................................................................................................... 28

    Category: ............................................................................................................................................. 28

    SR ID: ................................................................................................................................................... 28

    EU ID: ................................................................................................................................................... 28

    Solution field: ...................................................................................................................................... 29

    Agent troubleshooting steps:.............................................................................................................. 29

    Chat Log .............................................................................................................................................. 29

    EU LOCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 29

    VPN used ............................................................................................................................................. 29

    Additional information ........................................................................................................................ 29

    Create and Clear Buttons: ................................................................................................................... 29

    Phone Template ...................................................................................................................................... 29

    Category: ............................................................................................................................................. 30

    AHT: ..................................................................................................................................................... 30

    EU ID: ................................................................................................................................................... 30

    Solution field: ...................................................................................................................................... 30

    Agent troubleshooting steps:.............................................................................................................. 30

    EU LOCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 31

    VPN used ............................................................................................................................................. 31

    Additional information ........................................................................................................................ 31

    Create and Clear Buttons: ................................................................................................................... 31

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    Password Reset Template ....................................................................................................................... 32

    Hardware Template ................................................................................................................................ 33

    How to fill employee information ....................................................................................................... 33

    Hardware Information ........................................................................................................................ 35

    Issue Symptoms .................................................................................................................................. 36

    Notes ................................................................................................................................................... 36

    Chat Data............................................................................................................................................. 36

    Create and Clear Buttons: ................................................................................................................... 36

    MMS Template........................................................................................................................................ 37

    Voice Template ....................................................................................................................................... 38

    Text Template. ........................................................................................................................................ 38

    Directory Search Feature: ........................................................................................................................... 39

    Show all ................................................................................................................................................... 41

    Send To ................................................................................................................................................... 41

    Groups ..................................................................................................................................................... 41

    Review Closed Templates, Logging PPM data. ........................................................................................... 43

    Review the Cases. ................................................................................................................................... 43

    PPM data ................................................................................................................................................. 45

    Browser Tabs ............................................................................................................................................... 46

    HPSM Ticket Assistant ............................................................................................................................. 46

    Logging a Ticket ................................................................................................................................... 47

    Searching Ticket .................................................................................................................................. 49

    Ticket source: ...................................................................................................................................... 49

    Other Commands ................................................................................................................................ 49

    ATM browser: ......................................................................................................................................... 49

    BP & people Finder Browsers. ................................................................................................................ 50

    Problem Descriptions/solutions list and Editor .......................................................................................... 50

    How to Import a List from File ................................................................................................................ 53

    How to Export a List from File ................................................................................................................. 53

    Idle Clock ..................................................................................................................................................... 54

    Moving Tabs ................................................................................................................................................ 55

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    Troubleshooting .......................................................................................................................................... 56

    Unable to Start Browser Tabs. ................................................................................................................ 56

    More to be added later. .......................................................................................................................... 56

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    Checking Prerequisites for on Descriptor.

    To install the application please take note of the following details. We need a HP Windows COE

    computer, it is recommended to prior to the installation check we have java correctly installed

    Minimum specs

    The application is designed to work independent of the OS, however due the requirement to access the

    Browser the SWT library pack with the application, it will require a minimum of windows 7.

    As for 2014 the application is tested and works on Windows 7, 8, 8.1

    Security Tip: Install Java 7 Update 50 or later to avoid security vulnerably present on prior


    Checking Java Installation.

    Note: the installer will also check this requirement and will install Java for you, however this

    steps are helpful in case the installer is not able to install java automatically.

    Java 7 update 45 or later is required for the application to run correctly. To check if we have java

    correctly installed please start the command line Application:

    Letsgo to Start> then Select Run

    Under the Run Window type CMD

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    On the command line windows lets check if we have java and which version of java we have installed.

    On this window type javaversion

    If you see something similar to this:

    Means we have Java installed, java version is 1.7.0_45 (java 7 update 45) so we are good to go, please

    skip to the next section if so. (The application support java 7 update 45 upwards however a more

    current version is recommended due security vulnerabilities on early 7 version family.)

    Security Tip: Install Java 7 Update 50 or later to avoid security vulnerably present on prior


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    Installing Java

    If you did not got the Java information as example on this window:

    This means java is not installed at all or is incorrectly installed on the computer. To install Java We need

    to choose first which version we need to install

    First we need to check our Options. We need to check if our Environment is 64bit enabled.

    Lets visit the Computer properties:

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    If the computer tells us this Operative System is 64 bit we have 2 Options to install the Java, we can

    either install 64 bit java or 32 bit java, either option is good, however is suggested for performance to

    install 64 bit version.

    Downloading Java.

    Please visithttp://java.com/en/download/


    Then. Select the Option for

    All Java Downloads

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    There you will see options to download the Java Virtual Machine, make the selection under Version 7 on

    this example we will download the Windows Offline (64-bit)

    Installing Java:

    Run the installation File:

    Follow the installation instructions:

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    Once the installation is complete we can now check if the installation is complete we do the steps on theChecking Java Installation. Section this time will show the correct version:

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    Downloading and Installing on Descriptor

    To install this Application we need to make sure we have Java, at least Version 7 update 45 to avoid


    To install the Application please visits the SharePoint at:


    And select on the File list: AeonInstaller

    Lets run as soon as it downloads.

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    (Optional) Make sure the Installer is digitally signed:

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    Running the installer:

    Next. Accept the license agreement and select next

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    Leave the default options and hit next.

    Leave the default options and hit next

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    Hit next (or Install) and start the installation process.

    Wait for the installation process to complete

    And hit finish, now the application is installed

    The show Readme will open a link to this User Manual. It is recommended to read this guide

    before using the application.

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    Running on DescriptorTo run the application you can go to the Programs list within windows Start menu and search for Aeon

    Descriptor folder, or use the desktop shortcut.

    Updating the application

    When the application starts it will automatically review and search for updates:

    This process is mandatory, and automatically executed upon start. The application will compare its

    internal version vs., the versions available on the updates repository. If you have no access to the

    repository the application will be unable to update itself and eventually expire therefore will not work.

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    Aeon Descriptor Main window

    This is what we see when we open the application.

    Application Menu.

    New Case: creates a new case for the default Option selected on the settings, by defaultis set to Chat.

    Always on Top: set the window Always on top of any other window REGARDLESS ifothers are focused or begin used.

    Close on Descriptor: Closes the applicationTabs Menu

    Chat Case: Open a new Chat Template on a new Tab to be used for Log information. Phone Case: Open a new Phone Template on a new Tab to be used for Log information. Password Case: opens a new Password Template to be used to log specific information for

    Password cases.

    Hardware Case: Open a new Hardware Case. This template is longer and requires veryspecific information in order to log a case for these criteria.

    MMS Case: this template is designed for cases related the managed mobility scenarios. Andthis template will work with the LDAP server to determine if an employee has MMS service

    or not.

    Mobility Case: this template is similar to MMS but with fields specific for mobility cases. Voice Case: this case is designed to log information for call center request or issues with


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    Text Template: this option show any of the available templates but using only a Text field, itssimilar to say manual mode to fill the information. (DEPRECATED)

    Voice case: this template is a template to use for Voice or Callcenter cases. Directory Search: is an option that allow To search people information on the Enterprise


    Cases And PPM data: this option allows us to see the case we created using the application(in case we need them later or to review), also store times data so we can enter on PPM


    Browser Tabso HPSM ticket Assistant: this option opens a browser window that helps us to log

    information into the HPSM environment.

    o ATM browser: help us to access ATM software via this applicationo BPfinder Browser: this option allows us to access the BP tool, for external access


    o PPL Finder Browser: this option help us to access people finder Web application Plug-ins: this option shows Plugins for this application when and where applicable.

    Actions Menu

    Common Solution/Problems List editor: this option is a feature that allows us to create orEdit list of common Solution and Common Problems for our cases, allow us to add

    descriptions to be selected on the cases to ease the documentation.

    Open Categorys File: opens the Excel file that contains all the categorization we use. Change Tab Name: this feature allows us to change the Tab Name whenever allowed. Start Idle Clock: this feature is intended to track the time out of the main task such as lunch,

    Break or others.

    Log Case: if a case is open this option will request the Current tab to be logged into theapplication database.

    Clear Case: if the current tab is a template Tab, will clear the template. Check Spell: If the dictionary is installed, will start a check spell of the current template. Clear Browser Sessions: clear all the Sessions for the application internal browsers, therefore

    removing the cookies.

    Telephony module options (Warning this options should not be used unless the phonemodule is begin enable for the first time) this options allow to enable and reset the

    Telephony module that allows call information to be register.

    Category Values

    All options: copy the selected ticket Selected category value.o Example: if I have a chat template with the Office category selected and click on copy

    category will copy the office category value.


    Application Options: allow me to change options on the application such as the look and feel,

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    the default case template, the database location, and other advanced options.

    PPM Group Administration: this option allows me to alter the order and groups for PPM datamanagement. (Advanced.)


    Get Help, open a window to this guide. (WIP) Send Feedback/send Support Request: open a new mail with the address for the Process

    mailbox of the Support team of the application.

    View Change Log: shows a list of changes related to the Version. About: show the about window of the application. As well as environment variables such as the

    Version of Java and the version of the SWT module, and the application bitness (32 or 64)

    Setting up on Descriptor

    Navigate To Preferences Then Select Application Options

    Here we have multiple tabs, where we can change different settings; NOTE some of these settings are

    not intended to be changed unless specifically requested by the application admin or your manager:

    Lets review Cases Settings.

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    CASES Setting Tab

    Main Case Type

    On Cases Settings we can change the Main Case Type, Please Review and Select your default Case Type,

    this option will also help the assistant to choose the right Source For your HPSM cases.

    Detect Chat Fields:

    This option will allow the tool to sort out the chat when pasted to the Chat Field, meaning, when the

    chat is pasted on the Case it will detect the SRID data, User Data, User Employee ID and such.

    Show Warning

    This option will allow and show a warning when the cases are to begin closed and make sure you want

    to close a case tab. If this option is deactivated the next time you close a tab will be closed without any

    warning and losing any data inputted on the application.

    Bullet Character

    When you add a common solution a bullet character will be added on the field, you can change the

    character is added when selected.

    Category Excel File

    Show the location of the Categorization file and allow the location to be changed or use a different file.

    (NOTE the file still mandatory to be updated regardless the location)

    Database File

    This file is where your common solutions, and common problem descriptions, and also the cases created

    on the application are stored; in short all the information created using the application is stored on this

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    file. Here you can view the location, or change to use another Database file.

    Dictionary Zip File

    This file is an Open Office .org Compatible Dictionary, used to do the spell checking.

    Internet Browser Emulation Mode

    This feature is designed for the embedded browser on windows, this feature is implemented in order for

    the browser to know the emulation mode should be used to display a website. As HP intranet has

    several sites that only works with a particular set or version of Internet Explorer. The value on this field

    should be leave as default please avoid change it unless your manager or the application administrator

    has request such. Possible values are documented on theMicrosoft Web site.

    Look and Feel Setting Tab

    This option allows us to change the Look and Feel (how the application looks) and the theme of the

    application looks.

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    Regex Settings

    This settings are NOT to be changed, might damage the hold application.

    These settings allow to detect the location of some of the chat information key data, and also to detect

    the date format for the chat.

    Updater Settings

    These settings allow us to review the location of the repository, check if the application requires a

    different proxy other than the default options (disabled by default) and also allow us to see if there areupdates pending:

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    Idle Clock Settings

    This option allow us to review the idle clock predefined times and add new concepts to timers so when

    we start the idle clock the countdown shows a specific time when such concept is selected.:

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    Premier Settings

    This option allows setup the location and the files to search VP or premier users.

    Telephony Module Settings

    This settings will store the information for the Telephony module this feature is designed to listen for

    the Avaya calls, when an agent get a call if this options are set and the option is enabled the application

    will show a window with the Call information and the user basic information.

    The options are Agent Phone Extension: on this field the agent will input the extension assigned to

    her/his terminal.

    Enable Phone Listening: this option will enable or disable the feature.

    Jump to Tab: when a call is listen the application will automatically jump to the Avaya information tab.

    Advanced Settings

    When inputted the right password, additional options will be available to setup the application to the

    Avaya server and database server this settings are for the admin to change and then distribute.

    NOTE: password will never be loaded nor displayed. The fields are intended for setup only.

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    This option allow to install plugins to the tool (sub software or sub tools)

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    PPM Groups Administration

    This option is intended to be administrated by an advanced user or an administrator of the application.

    This option Allow to create/edit/delete PPMCategory Group.

    Since all tickets logged on the application are related to a category and so does the PPM groups we

    make the link between them here.

    So our PPM groups will contain categorys that are related to them.

    Lets see an example:

    Here we see EUSMessaging only contains Messaging category so when we log the PPM only the

    Messaging cases will be logged inside this groups when we log the PPM cases. (Please see Logging PPM

    Section of this guide for Further Reference)

    Lets say an example: PPM services name had changed as for 9/2/2012, so these groups are obsolete,

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    option for Messaging issues.

    Using Cases Templates

    Using Templates

    Please note most of this information will apply for Chat, Phone and WPE cases

    To Create a Tab

    On Application Select New Case, this will create the Main or default type of cases (Chat/phone or Text)

    Chat Template

    On Tabs Select Chat Case.

    This action will create a new Chat case; this case will have a clean template with not information on it.

    Here we will to fill the data as requested by each field.


    We select the combination of the category that best describes this case.

    SR ID:

    This field will contain the CHAT ID; this field can be automatically filled by pasting the full chat log as

    provided by the SR-Dash2 application.

    EU ID:

    This option we input the Employee Number, if none is provided we can use the button to search

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    the employee on the enterprise directory.

    Solution field:

    This field will contain the Solution for the case the step or list of PARTICULAR steps that CAUSED the

    issue to be solved.

    Agent troubleshooting steps:

    Here we add STEP BY STEP what was done in order to solve the issue, PLEASE NOTE do not provide

    irrelevant information on this place, do not use comments such as proving question asked, however

    DO provide the question and Answer.

    Steps done to solve the issue, and what changes where done are usefully data to add on this field.

    Chat Log

    Add the chat log or the chat data on this field.


    Here select the End user Location or WPE where applicable.

    VPN used

    Select this option if VPN is the way the user is contacting us.

    Additional information

    Here add any other information relevant to the case such as model of the computer, name of the after

    user, address or any other relevant data.

    Create and Clear Buttons:

    Create Button, compiles the data, save on the database. And sets the handle time. (also sets the data to

    be used on the HPSM assistant. )

    Clear Button, remove and clears the current template setting up for a new usage for a new case.

    Phone Template

    This template is very similar to the Chat template, of course it will lack of the option for SR ID and the

    chat log. Lets review:

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    We select the combination of the category that best describes this case.


    This field will automatically star the count for the time took on the ticket; the timer will start as soon a

    new employee id is input.

    EU ID:

    This option we input the Employee Number, if none is provided we can use the button to search

    the employee on the enterprise directory.

    Solution field:

    This field will contain the Solution for the case the step or list of PARTICULAR steps that CAUSED the

    issue to be solved.

    Agent troubleshooting steps:

    Here we add STEP BY STEP what was done in order to solve the issue, PLEASE NOTE do not provide

    irrelevant information on this place, do not use comments such as proving question asked, however

    DO provide the question and Answer.

    Steps done to solve the issue, and what changes where done are usefully data to add on this field.

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    Here select the End user Location or WPE where applicable.

    VPN used

    Select this option if VPN is the way the user is contacting us.

    Additional information

    Here add any other information relevant to the case such as model of the computer, name of the after

    user, address or any other relevant data.

    Create and Clear Buttons:

    Create Button, compiles the data, save on the database. And sets the handle time. (also sets the data to

    be used on the HPSM assistant. )

    Clear Button, remove and clears the current template setting up for a new usage for a new case.

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    Password Reset Template

    This template is designed to be used on password reset request. It will ask for the required information

    on regards of the password reset cases, is important to take note, that this template has fields for Chat,

    however if the default template is changed to chat, this fields will be skipped, and will show the Phone


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    This request is quite stay forward, so please review the template for more information.

    Hardware Template

    The hardware template is one of the most extensive ones, and is divided in several sections. We can

    navigate each section and hide or show them as we required.

    on this screenshot we see the basic

    hardware template, we can hide a section

    clicking on the Area name or the icon as

    well as we can make it appear again on the

    same way or the icon


    On this example we have hidden a Section,

    the Affected Employee Information Section.

    How to fill employee information

    On the affected employee information and the contact info we have a really useful option. We can use

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    the directory search on 2 ways for each field.

    Affected employee information.

    On the EU ID: field we will input the HP employee # once we enter it hit Enter.

    That will populate the employee information, Address, Name, phone #, email.

    This information is extracted from the Enterprise directory; please confirm with the user this is CURRENT


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    Contact Info

    Here we can do the same on this field however here we use the Email Field, enter the email address and

    hit enter:

    Another option we have is to use the search button, which allows using others parameters such email

    address, user account, etc

    (Affected Employee) here on Contact Info.

    Hardware Information

    This section we will add the information relevant to the hardware that is affected on this case.

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    Issue Symptoms

    Here you will be show with information that is required to determine the root cause, and what is

    damanged, for exmaple describe the issue is related a blue screen and what or how it happends.

    Provide the extact error message

    NotesA field to add additional notes

    Chat Data.

    Add the relevant data if the case is receive via chat.

    Create and Clear Buttons:

    Create Button, compiles the data, save on the database. And sets the handle time. (also sets the data to

    be used on the HPSM assistant. )

    Clear Button, remove and clears the current template setting up for a new usage for a new case.

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    MMS Template

    Similar to previous templates with more specific details to be added for this type of cases. Such as

    model, OS, version and carrier. Some of the information will be detected once an employee is provided.

    Such as the MMS account, the phone #. However the agent most also ensure this information is

    accurate, due as example the employee might have changed the phone# but is not updated on the

    Directory database.

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    Voice Template

    The information is required to be added is related to Voice Cases, such as the location and site of the call

    center and the affected phone #.

    Text Template.

    Here you will be ask to choose a template to be able to manually fill a template with the information. On

    the template. However this option is not recommended to be used. As information might not be able to

    be successfully sent to HPSM using the HPSM assistant.

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    Directory Search Feature:

    Search On directory option this option will allow us to search employee information, employee #,

    employee name, status and such.

    This is a screenshot of the Search Tab:

    Here we can see all the information it might show. But what is the parameter we can use?

    We can use the following Types of information:

    Employee ID Email

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    Domain\username Global ID Last Name, First name

    An example we can search using an email (note we do not need to select Email option, the search will

    detect the pattern)

    Hit search or enter:

    And here is the result; we can review the information of this employee. Note we have a button next to

    the manager ID ( ), we can use this to see the Manager Information

    We have 4 options on the button, this option have their use, the Show all allows us to review More

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    information that the one display on the window, for example lets say I want to know what are my

    secondary email address, Can we review here?, yes we can!, click on the show all info:

    Show all

    So as this example we can review others email address (secondary and such address):

    mail [email protected]

    mail [email protected]

    mail [email protected]

    Which one is the primary? The one under UID.

    Send To

    This option allow you to use the required information on a case, this allow us to get employee #, address

    and other information copy to the template we have open.


    This option will list all the Enterprise Directory Groups where the employee is MEMBER of. As example:

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    You can click on each entry to see who are the owner and a few details on regards of the group.

    Here we can check for example if the employee is invited, or is member of MMS subscription service.

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    Review Closed Templates, Logging PPM data.

    Important note: the cases are stored a maximum of 5 weeks. After 5 weeks has past, the next time a

    new case is created the cases older than 5 weeks will be removed.

    Review the Cases.

    To review cases, we will select from the drop down list a week, all cases are sorted by week.

    We select the week of the year and the application will show a list of cases created on such selected


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    Here we can see Brief information of each case, ID (SR ID) or internal App ID, description of the Case,

    Employee ID, AHT (Average Handle Time) Category, And last time the case was changed or Created.

    Now To open a archived ticket, select from the list the ticket to open, and double click it. The application

    will read the ticket data, and will be open on a template window:

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    PPM data

    On this option will show a distribution of time and Categories, according to the work hours

    Now you will note all of this option are show on buttons, when press the button will copy the

    information from the button to the clipboard, that allow the information to be copy to the PPM system.

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    Browser Tabs

    Browser tabs are tabs on the application that shows an ebbed window within this application, by default

    a Internet Explorer window, that will access the required application for the selected option, each

    option has its own attributes and usability.

    HPSM Ticket Assistant

    When we select this option the application will start a new tab with the ticket assistant.

    Once the application is begin connected we see it will request to log in, similar as we access with

    Internet Explorer, and in the same Fashion we can log either inputting the credentials or using a digital


    Once we log the application will load the HPSM window.

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    Logging a Ticket

    1. Make sure there is a new Ticket within the HPSM environment is open or open a new requestwithin the HPSM( when a new template is created the application will request a ticket to be


    2. Make sure the ticket is created or has been created, and therefore is completely filled and thecategory is correctly selected.

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    (Updated or Created)

    3. On the HPSM assistant click the button with icon in order to gather the data for theavailable tickets.

    this will fill the drop down list of tickets available within the HPSM

    4. Select a ticket to fill, and the ticket from which the information will be extracted

    5. Hit the button with the icon: this will fill the ticket information, with the information fromthe template we selected.

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    6. The information is now filled; it will require filling the employee data. Once done the ticket isready to be closed. (Note: make sure all information is correct before commit)

    Searching Ticket

    The HPSM assistant Can also be used to search tickets (Incidents or Interactions) use the Option to

    search tickets, if exist the information will be display otherwise will show a search window within the

    HPSM meaning the ticket does not exist or fail.

    Ticket source:

    For chat

    For Phone

    Other Commands

    Reload page

    Script Console (voids warranty!) only for advanced users.

    ATM browser:

    This option is visualization for a browser, showing the ATM application.

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    This section allows Back and forward navigation, and to change the ATM address.

    BP & people Finder Browsers.

    These two options are Visualizations to view those websites commonly used on our daily basis.

    Problem Descriptions/solutions list and Editor

    This option Works in order to create a list of solutions and problems descriptions, this will help to

    describe or provide steps on the Template.

    For example, a recurring issue such as OST file is damaged, and outlook does not update Mailbox, this

    is a recurrent issue and we can use the option to show this description and reuse several times.

    To use this option access thought

    Once the option is choose we can select an option on what we will be adding we can add either Problem

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    description or Solution step.

    So select a List type, if there is no categorys yet it will show a text field otherwise will show a drop down

    list of the available categorys to add steps.

    As we will be added a new group either fills the new group name or selects Add Group.

    On this example we will add a new group called outlook Problems:

    Then on the button we have a text area, for each line on this area a new step will be added so lets add 3

    outlook Issues.

    outlook Connection, due RPC over HTTP Settings outlook OST file Corrupted, unable to sync Outlook does not Sync Automatically

    And hit Add.

    Once added we can review on the drop down list:

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    Here we can alter order, edit the content, add more to this category, or remove.

    Once all are removing the category will also be removed.

    To apply this changes close the tab, and open a new case tab.

    The new options will appear on the problem description section.

    If we do not need to use them we can select the option: this option will show the text area,without adding a description, for solution list we can do the same way add the steps, we can select 1 or

    more via selection with Shift or Control Button Press and select the options we need. And then to add to

    the list uses the option for Select.

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    How to Import a List from File

    There are Times when this lists might be already created by a coworker, manager, or the developer, in

    order to help you out with List of Extremely common cases, that are No Doubt quite common, the tool

    provides a way to import this list from a File, in order to Add This options, instead of manually add them

    into the application. To Import A list you need to know and have access to the List file (.dat)

    To Import the file Open the Common Solution/Problems List Editor. And Select the Import Option

    You will be requested to select a File.

    Choose the File, one you select and accept the new file you will be ask if you are sure to import the fileand provide some information about the author:

    Select the option, if you accept the List will be added to the File Data (if you already have a list the data

    will be merged with the data you already have.)

    How to Export a List from File

    Similar to the Import, we might see that we have a good and very well defined list of Solutions well

    documented etc. and we want to share the list with our coworkers. We can do so by exporting the List

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    using the Export/save button (under the Common Solution/Problems List Editor) when we use this

    option we will be ask to provide a location to safe the file(Desktop by default), then it will ask to provide

    a Description or tittle for our file. After this, the file should be exported, ready to share among others.

    Idle ClockThe idle clock is an option that will enable us to track our time away from the main support task, will

    also help us to detect how long we have been on such task, or how long we have of time available for

    this task.

    To start the idle clock goes to:

    Once you select the option it will show the available options for countdown

    Undetermined means it will have no countdown

    Once the option is selected we hit OK, or select and the count will start, and the countdown will start as

    well if selected one

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    NOTE: is important to note once the countdown is done, the count will continue, until the clock is stop.

    Once we are done, click on Stop. The time run will be saved on the database, so it can be used later on

    the PPM data table.

    Moving TabsWe can move tabs, and sort on different places, just drag and drop the tabs, on the names:


    Move and drop

    NOTE: not all tabs can be moved, to different positions.

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    Unable to Start Browser Tabs.Unable to start the Browser

    In order to fix this issue a Patch is available at: Click Here

    For manual instructions:

    This error means you have the Wrong Library installed or the Wrong Java Virtual Machine (you have Java

    32 bits installed on 64 bit machine) and the library installed is 64 bit or you have 32 bit Library on Java


    To fix the issue, we need to review the library folder, usually installed on: C:\Program

    Files\AeonDescriptor. Access lib folder, here we will find 2 files that start with SWT.

    Possible names:




    To fix the issue rename the files (MAKE SURE THE APPLICATION IS CLOSED)

    Rename swt.jar to swtold.jar

    Rename either swt64.jar or swt32.jar to swt.jar

    More to be added later
