aonoc •s observer want ads...

^ay^y^WCTtywflw^ffi^iy } f*. M ' ^^BWiBig^ rAei: two •* ' LESISLATION Tfl t CUTW1J0ST, kmtofepimMats, ^^^p MP "P" rork city to guard the water supply there, Instead «f thenaUonalKuard, As- semblyman, ghlplacoff, Soeia'ist, was the oniy membffr of that body to volt in the aesattte. Tlie suternor Will ac( upon the proposition shortly. Another important bill bearing npoa the militia which is to lie acted upon soon by both hou^w is "that of As- semblyman F. h. W-ella, chairman at the assembly military committee, Th? measure has been favorably report>Hl THE MAfoSSHA OBSEBVBB, MASSENA, HSW YQJBK, TBPBSMY MARCH LOUISVILLE f them is that they may live to enjoy ] j many more years. /-*v forces of the state militia! It; increases "^ the fotees of the naval militia from Mr*. Mary J, Thompson as visiting Alfred Meyer unfunded their mar- — - — ' page recently taking everyone by sur- prise. Miss Waldr'off is the oldest dattgnter'of Mr/, and Mrs. James Wal- flroff and Mr, Meyer is a German by fci;irth, hat a natural! seel American who lias beer? here several Miss Mabel Augusta! Waldrmf and {Death of Patrick E. Ifeftnehan, Town's j < friends at Flackville, Frank; Hodge, of Massena, Was a called here last week, : James" JDoad and Walter F. Wilson attended: court at Canton la3t week. Key. W. H. Jago, of Madrid, jras a}** 26 * 1 ' raceni guest at Habere McDowell's., Mrs. Joseph Beliie spent Friday a from eemmittee and .provides for ^ M Z S t y T C JOTS™ eqnoltertta of 'the 'iaW and naval] ^ 5t [ «*•**»• D -,, a Br0WB a f d , fam ~ .„ A . *. <„ --.,.. „„..„, „.,..„„ T,.,™ Herbert Wolstenholtp assisted hia CHIMES i iUim WW ^^^^ SenwnfiW Jut Taxation Would tnm***. *&&?%*• f » e , Kf"ary twtf O^n.. c u „„* I imJ * «,» w,Lw wmmiasioala-sv pafeed last year, l»i«*n** F*** ami Umit ft* Number ggg^^ favorably reported by the mill- ttMintad—If Pa»»«d 3,100 Saloon* at Will B* Ctoied »nd i Numb«p tn AH •&»*«*» Deeraased. , ..,<IRp*eWCe*Won4»ofci^ Albaidyr, Feb. gT,—legislation to re- €«• 1 the-. Sign nrj&ee of food la the principal them*; ^$&txMfafo3tf-me^ turn :t& '•Jte*'.ieork state?* lawmaMng bodies.. Thin subject and-the excise:'Swsi paiamoBafe; bf Asaeinnlynkaa I: .iDttwure* leatwek af th4 B&nfflMi ti<W that tlie Ste«tat : «a3' £1U Isas IreeidlspeBed at JMfteipbljananf-Joseph M, Gallahas ©waocrattc leader of the lower liouse, t«ry commJttea w& wtii be debated, shortly,, tthe amendment proposed by Mx„ Welsh gives the. military ,tr«inin,g| :.camtolssion power' tfr classify aa J»cei*-i tag irafciiog bb$* who «ra bjBtng;gifaa jvpeattonai; iuSthicUon .or . who *r« Warning, professions. - ;*-. .,{,; v . - A measure of ; uhnsaaliimportaac« fc eflucattonal drcies'la that tntrodnced , tor HaUffiay;'' *MS "creates "the' Ifown shtp ; i^8t»m # •ptibtia J^eBadls. ^Bha bill provides that'nere^fte| in orfler eonsblidapng? two or m^re^ school idis" b w pweented a foods androarfcets toffll ^%^^^^M^^-^\ i St Hi hia party; beiie,T«fa>^^ttietforhtw tbe prappBal advanced by, the Wlc-'® *efektiT* committee ka4>|5fefcttcn;SaJibe* fo«s the legisiatnrjs. m bi& fomi. -• Aa- j»fciblynam oatjahan tMakV that the«f •w ^o many opportunities-for p^trD% age ia-iha Wicks camimlt^ee-pian.'aiiS' l a art iiacJcward iti making, that belief jiaia. ! 1 -ru-.,'-!-- -.-.". W«lrrt« #5^000,^00 SpwS-^sjiHtk 1 iff. jBtadei the plan devis^^iby (iss^B- of.t&e'jeJteeiajrajof: .each I "9fii© biff does "ttot Incte , _ . affected. to ifaeveo^ii; ha,TW« r % pop^tk#aa. vt ISK> -of t^kce. •'&i*'iSB^%TJng , t*tt"ain^' fifee*clioip{ diatricta niaiaiaintog a«|deailc depart- tfie-attfe' J* Jd»)liahjeft- ! §ylt*ift-'Wtt* v; Ott* ; . ««|y» |^aita ; #^-^6pd , .Ji!.i(r'»ill m ••&&'. mioMsmw m •i$c&8m i :$&. Bca^/iJaj^oaeA-igfn* 'iH|aaaa»',na«;ei» ^ a w a CMahaaand,«etJn^^ia.fcU, f maotaem^:"4*: th*'ittote' d^atsaent te tew introdueedf a 6onH;|sa|s t 'P?t $i^:«ftnUlNt an*;*!. If «w*«*4S,o0Clt!00 i s ' p r o v i i l t S r i i ^ t t*t#f# davoiedito t33e,acqnMMd»i'Coa ^traction and control of Jmn^BaJUpatr. \*t» in fthe Jta%^ W ^ Ujjfe; ; g ^ , ^ konda *re to stuj 1 ftr a, i ^ ^ s O f A . arwu* and to bear £& per cjent Intefesl 93J« jneasore furttjer proiidea; for aa^ «e««tolB« th^mtoflte pf teminai 1 «6t : kata antf appTyr&g fejft % # e y « p o & ja* ^taiaHW-daa*tl#|«te-4 *- Crecfc % » l o ftSfeflbflE^f '• yT% ' . " At)»emlJlypiaa CWlaftaa'Is. «*jB8ttow to lie bffi of the Wickscomsiittee-ia, tb*t it s left;, oatamaJi «$&4$%dt£a$k» lo 'projlpe terminaf; mM,«S#W" •«wt saaft 1» Borgej by tS%.<ft% Me , _^ says tot si fettfe&mr S a S ^ a i ala- 2Ef eettJjf & a » a ip xeduc^ £tfe.£gat a%^,, Htlj^r hrjswnlar gwre am^ttegBSrei ap« ' ^ g S l«Wriat^cin ta t t|ie sts.t^,p0^^^ex % ^^' botltlionaes, ! i' •( -Ke-f. sfad Jfas.!?*' E.-E<»e-W *** Ceitf&ig c6»gra;tu%tioa8 pvez )jix9 •*?». rivaLpf^%^,S'ebrt^^ ;- £6 s i ;"-.»•;' •Sfejf. 3|BeSiae2 '• .ffallea, ;«af. f <Jiaaa Mills',, a t ^ d e 4 •nj.iss fierfe SundaS'aSd .JWJM a^aejr'guest at J> P. Jpaudts.:' j <X S A* ipdta^ef,; inf JSaywandyiJIe; J, E. £i|er,kad ,Clwle*,r.F»lrbank4 of •C3taiM-Jt^*t*ara^^^^ttca4»y«''- •.: 'sS^|iaa3ri?S«fc •'©^rian, •*€•'. ?ofa- 5a»t7 Nbimal* *tt|, fesife- ®Uff^" : , ^ ^foriam -Mgn.achftpT, were aome- ever, ""••"- ^'^'i&.XSwfej. X8& aoit,d otoi|%srfe gaelrf* fif-Jwe Gny. WilsaOjf 2pjnpaaJ Jflseph l^eada tmSerM li&TSoS! J t calap»fi _.J6£«ft,., ( - r aateniBty"; ;She«6 weii, < ,*f fooiaajaiitf 3Barketa-T ' «uBai^er Diftoajs^aodaefc;«ot^a*.|S^k* w«e« 124^*, 3»at fletoartm^l, tea. ^®ft-, ^ ^ , , . ..T^ »,.-j&.^^' JEUbr«5 Tte v^htftlS l w ^ ^ of tftl, ""f**^ , ¥ itflfti|rpposed:,^ar, (P^Bart'i}qr^afe^ r yt*ffife&'!ha8 Aaeembiyjaan c^aaan, daSasiea, i to8fes.-I^Blatnr^ i a5aai^[: ^ 4N»eJii«aCh»ilise«ta(©e6a«fc««^ •» a^r3i^«eatu*eW; aniaf'i ,-aaie committee <j%taxa«iottief tiie) Soiisf ij^et'^ ."tlt^-ceisoffa^enf afiBnSi i-enate-naai introdnced one is$Wje^amst; •HrUfel»%tB f^tif&a ^wjsx^lsaa^ut Imporiatofe in$&mekhF1^$^m. v fif!£ •&!!{& W%$ .r^&#«^te{ «W * » coos- iinmit- thfttaje. anently "'4 am wcoa- to- J * scu&e^a^efipingTeMnges tn the excise] drugfeuslttesa" - to- $ e a: _ v 3anc f 4ffid 4 Baa JtojriEfteaa -file ttt&mtwi tagmimhS K «t#<ient« •f Sie Sambei- of Mfo&as itt M e s a f e ! catft» <t* to 'di^beea ^ ana increastpg, <of the. JicenaeB of i -dieted; 4», fDbejteaae-, | |hoae^^Mc'a•1eenlafii.' , ' -* : ' >5 '•••**• iwwjE&e&^-Y-' 1 •* ,,f ' -, ja dt;es i*e$nee» few.,OMi^Bia'mOQ&| Afl^piaai^iinea-oiBlow -ianabjtants theilBcpeased-firtoB tqf o ^ajpstt^jfatjnithat 4 £ fchens Ijetwlea' ^ « » f «l|f-$&»•'^^^^fflaWfeni j^tftr^e&e&lfatiaailaT^isteof <P«f pmafiBa®s3Bi«isi s f^;ftaWls^73Qat*a^a^to ^J#^WctfoBaa t < "t»T«a*f^^to>fI,C^isMpJfal^'*aa - M ^ s s e a dijeafiy be repassed ta pay $$& ,. JUl *ta«r :tapft&^(l.l^ejitti «pi . T f » } M I fiafhe^ p^OTddeg-esatfe «!l :' *»ttear tow^asiajid c;faas<noafi8i8S$^.ia3» l ••# toMtanfa tBera ahaflS-be fsaoe«-«a ©efc ' a l r ^ o ^ ^ d b i a ^ a e IftdHJ I «xt <ffldy x>ne license te-eseery- 500 -akFlaSuV aAdtiif; legls*" JnhaWJanta,, SCWs wia.je4Bce^»3ism»-| ' ' '• ' •••--•-"- - barflgtlljefensea I v ^ S P ^ S s S f e ^ t C B it eff keep 'tS"Of«ar fetes ad treatment ttigationthp djagievilfis ' J"M of -zxi6d> oda wnlch the iOf many ft l .-. tin ^l^^mlSi Ithat'-te'lifeibe It ma-fcea it juap^tejbletga* 3HB$ wholesale; dealera ^liSHpSPla". loons &y aisignmentjbf Uc^pa^sa>#e*' -enrlty. B?|iera/iis .£tecl a pro^i&S^lnW' town* tnay adept ^ l n d t ^ n ^ ^ p ^ i «&«s and may close; any«pi^fe:^i& •objeetioniable to a ccmnSa^a^i'^Mil *noffier provlstan fe Ktadajifociai^Itrtlia' tar on. iiftnor s a f e so f <pal| 'feffe^'*it- dealer 6as sold liquor fifteen tlniea the Toltaae of Vknsos^ri^4^^S^^-- per oeat of fee gross saJeJef?^ jNx^jS; ^ Sfayars; «f citiee may name^ a. eent>. passion af three disinter^alea"iSSJaesiq, wlio may i>e sampowe^e^jWitteau^erl- *y ta eay wlWafi. Hcenae s^SjaiMaadif The Ropkaway B a a ^ B f i i p ^ ^ . ^ A dwrcrment of tmusaii laipdrtanee has- beeaj tran)smitte4 to the legislaturfe fiy the .governor, whO' has: »eftt 1$ an • «anergency awssaga orging, the isioati- ©ata jaaaagd of f&a jnieaaure tot^- fluted by' Senator Blon B, Brown, Triflch grants to the state aununary power to aondemn, antf ael» land* at Far Rockaway far public defense pur- poses, Th* governor called attenBo* to ti»e fAct that Rbtinng but the ax- igency which jexiatad had cauaed hint to write the eniergency message The meesure was: promptly passed irhen the document from the axecutive chamber jwas received, The Bockawsy Beach bill baa been a matter for wide publicity and^diacua- skxn for the past two weeks. It waa said that ther* wai a joltar ia % An emergency deficiency aoorooria- tion WU carrying |l,3u0,000 is now be. ftjre,both houses for action. Qf th« uaoobt asked |8l?,06g.'338 is to be di Tided among the prisons, the hospital* and the charitable institutions of th« state and represents what tbes* insti tations must have t o . carry than tteoogh the fiscal year. It appear* tfeat since the eattnuitea were made tor the year Wld tb» prtesa of clothing f M , food and supplies of evary kind •*y» advanced mafceriaUy. T%« Emargsney Pofioc WbBa a* lagislatnra took op * a faal passage the bill providing for t Asrea of emergency pollca fop Ito* ^ai^di^p mm :a«^''%jfli : l>* a'bea*ldd bejtoiie, t$Ji^ ^sinniirlet.'Oij a^rlealfcute' food|;' aM-'Wa^ete^Wlir-iai '©te 3%kai ;%g»lat^ve/.';cMai affljt li^Mrli' pCaf^o^JdtKi» # WotiK appear] asad ceilala tegiajtatdisi are in doubC a^tto tts.paai sage wlthbut amendment- j It fe these] fore qialtet'liftely that't&e maaaare wffll be-ajteraot beforat a<?ee0e4[, >-.••' -, '^ru and efficient freatment may be evolved Vheto. liqaor ,tex licenses ai» ae*t is- „ aned, ^Wa will^iean tbmimet!? <a^faVe&ffiffi&tt, lt soi Jamestown amd Onebnfca," tnarlwdV reduction of Ute%ea*,4$ia es,- " -timated 'that Stbdafrl l&W$^^ L * m% * i * ^OOO-ioyms-mliUif affefifiilS ^fcnothe?: feature] of -%b#: Ec%l linlniane. fplm M: many, BEASHEE fAXLS fl years. After March 1 they 'Will live at the home of Tom Brmnom We -&£- t?n& oar best fishes for a. fiappy T*ed» ArHoa A. Tjtkatt wis taken w m - ra ^ fe ^ cem t j, e ma chuifi shops/of Leading Business' Man. j At his residence in Brasher Falls, I on Saturday, February £4, at X0,'.3f p.; m., occurred the death- of Patrick Edward Kehnehae.'isfter: .an.- illness of, many weeks, Mn born in Qsnabrpok,; Onti, April 1848. : . He Brasher ;.Falls; With, his parents, while yet; a' sftjiall ;| boy - and was educated,in tha. publjc scnools. He" served'three years as ap-" Kenneaan was -j 26, j f You Can, Always! | S*va itt f^'asf,'! Wm2o'.' per eeiit - t+t Jbe-:' LEViNE .STORK; ocaor= Just FollowtibGro#d Mk %or Casa (joup'jns Wnea Tracing at thfl LEVINS STOKE o pletaly by eur^e Friday evening xiSvis & Company, .then went:, to when.sixty relatives aid friends aa- j ^ j g : j y ^ fap, where he worlved- sembbJd at thfe -M TaJcott home,.j M ; journeyman':.;^machimst one year, birthday arid sTeeinghv. bad been - ao.^pr.-b&sett at Brasher Falls in 1$173 glood they had made $be famotK. birth- * a s a manufacturer of aEricultural ma-1 tended Thursday ^ and sold: it #gaod price.-. •'•'••:~\t f " -. f°P°> **#? ^ madejnei ramotK,I«B,^ as a manufacturer of agricultural ma Mr*. 3|yroh Be«ksted apemdliig a .:$*? «»*» ^ h f W d l e ^•eax^.of^tt-I^^nefy. ,H e ba| a foundry, machine wee» ! wife'ber daughter. -Mrk. Will S4 years. He iva* askel t»y<mt it ai- sb.bp, r aiid a wood working plant, to AlexsindeFandfamily. . . [. -- :" ^ a ^ ^ n M g r t b ? b ^ a ^ t . c o l o r ^ a timig;be was in partnership unfer * Farmei are: mucfc handlqapjped ; fal * s "-"?!«f « n , d gfj 61 a P? ( ^-.°? -!-' ^°: a - f the iirm qasie pf Uishaw & Kennehaia. gettlite up tbab?:annaal' ;! auip]y .ol 1 ? 1 * 8 ^ ¥*** *? e Tefwsmuents were In iS78,the piaat was entirely dps- ttcfe '..gK«a -"by -Hrv and Hra. ige sciiool opened •'.! t t ^ r a i a p / o f M&ise 1 ^^Jai8^^ :: ||o1Ja'-''8Befit6 | » '^ip>%SHofid8;;-. Tjel'BeJipe yettcow On' sidibg Jay<jf Utit' ; were reel' 'jam anis of 4t:thm Ito. A|fr6d S$eyer;aw ra- the 1ftj6.mas Branfien farm Myers aldruff. Snsb J o<J ^a'-tjte"'Hearsj'S !0j^itf4-#?&8fi#lSl" tbelr. wresfle Jfo Mm, "^lett4 pffc&ofedf%is broiJHer*8 to! B, G. Er#n'- and lajnuy- cut at ^od, i a &>ori .'The ator*'< iTfeiSni G. t^;|^lsse?8 Bifisa; Hazel Rtalobi We&M d*y.l- «'Ii '1/ Hj. S..Jftfe) dam; weTe uiicle'sj J ~ 'Mr: 'and .tie tbia m&ib'. sS-loa^repsespil- 'e trip. . family:'are BIOV- Mr.-Cfeier'will business^ [baling *-*••- ' glare, ha#| i here] $ived. f Bsssf mcvelj to atop. ^ return'jagani^ Tutted to mention to the r and fin-fib; snratic c ary 16 w3iic|j. e.par&|«a®e. ana ' Oleaciler and-ifc fs) Ii0 3&3 B!^J remaine eft Ear taaaia! :€^[^ 4vine i itvise, bare .F.|C I Has* ^raday r.feies! ank dele, Amoa @nbs«j Si ^ome at -Ostta- i^i m Mtt-|Sr%««sa| •eeilttijpo&l ijp 'fejcesiplB «a: tM L4$ft S?«.-1ier« Wi' '.;aj!i|l efil-'Sie-fJ M&"».'"' star' ' HEJJSBTA' : •;.-."•-••.•! - Mass Kate Cottar spent,WedJies4*y with friendain ISiassena. ••},. .Missea Grace and Gettrade, Kally wera'bomafjfoni St. JosephJal academy over the week end. Mr; and Mrs. H, A. Iia^try, of Ma-s lone, spant {-Sunday in town with, Mr. and Mr*. W» A. Nowland.! : Mils Kate Burns* of Sy**ens« t h the guest of her parents, tat. and Mrs. Walter Burns, *t this placa. Mrs. Joan Prashaw spent aeveral days last useek In Massena with her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Levi ISuenell, The Hogansburg young people pre- sented the|r }lay, 'Tbe Mistake of a Nighty at Halena i a l l Mflindayf even-< tog and everybody was pleased "Mtb It John Santimaw and Misa Orma White were married at Brasher Fall* Monday by Rev Fattier Crawley. Mr. Santimaw is a prosperous; farmer of our town and Mrs. SaniamaW bas been a successful teacher for the pant two year*. *iCb^b; many frienda extend beat wishes and congratulations. W&wjt jft* doctor presents bill, you and I eaa learn the diffaranca b«- twsen « colli aad ta« grip. with. rao-lmanii Tbura'daj' . , af-. Thursday with.' Eicaarda. n. and Walter: a, apenii the vte ffirmer/a^^areata, i'fr other! Relatives; •€6tfffl% anfl tkwm iisif&g' a, Beaste «u&., aland.; js^rvedjitha-ti."ajSras ol]i-:onien, each niuat i0ie>-#-p|eaa, ^heiit good.healtb andl prospefflty,would I a bis .for an- other year.. ^jcbael $b sets presented 3|i&. WfiOtij ,wjt{4--a' : »^o. ,of .money from w frieijda and Requested binv iji. V ptaf«Ha«e;#j^i>inforlt|kble" jockflig «iaJr;t(> reatjajbeiida tifft warm, *oay fire, after the labors of the day were - Yea; will riot, be led astra y. . They are' all tin the • way to ; THE jbl??,.", S T O R E , w&ere ; every;; dep'af£tQ|nt is filled , right wp with -?W-. gp-;ds you wapt arid at the PRICE" .VOU WANT TOiPA¥, which meaos at all times Goods of Equal Value with of any pthe^f store are: always sol^ for Less Money. STORE. If yoti carroot visit .as today at ,*t.he,n call us up, Phpre ii7-J,andget posted: on our prices, investigate. At le^st, it will cost y<ju nothing to 30EJ0C IQC3QEC aonoc 30C30I •S .The atar* d^rawmg is 1| mm id by for the Jdrivint rouiid far ive & dinneg « of Pots* •tJther'a. s a guest at of !ait week. ellengtlr went to ry returning Satur- and wife; were the " Mrs. O, J. Murray E^uf Pots- itearns and jp|ent Fxiaaj P. '& -, sahi \ht conven Stc cjbholm, will Marcl 10, 1917. relumed from ackson ThurBdlay. i) aon spent and wife attended at Sj ^acuse part * he.purcaas- troyed byiflre bnfc was immediately ire- built. Since the year 1893 Mr. Ee«- nehan was aple proprietor and as| a result of :hia tireless energy and 4a- Observer Want Ads Pay igrow, He.wfes an honorable and con-1 scientious man, a member of $xe For- j esters;, and a Knight Of Columbus. He f served as secretary of the Democrat- ic County Committee and aa chair- man of life town committee for many years. He represented bis party ffe- quently as a delegate to nominating conventions; and was a delegate to She startej.convention that nominatjed Governor iFlower. He also served las postmaster at Brasher * Falls. insiTiedU41e*earber 28, 1815; Annie"|J. B.utler, daughter of-John and £1 Butler. He ia survived by hisiwidi ana son George P., of WintbrOp, tfro 4aughters> Miss Marion, of yionkers, N. Y., and Misa Mabel E., where; at the family home in Brasher Fall also one brother, Bernard J. Ke: ban, and six sisters, Mrs. Hi ,-Andew, and Mrs. M. £M Haley, Maasena, Mrs. W; C Butler, of Brask- er F;alls, Miss Kate Kennehan, of Wdw visitors at her.,York, Mrs. George Hicke, Lake City, end Mra. Haley, of Brownville, JM., Y. death, of K Mr. a shadow pv;er. the whole co. Funeral services were . held at Patrick's church on Tuesday, Fel ary 27, at 10:30 a, m., Rev. F; Ctibwley officiating. Trouble ia about the, easiest thing you can.getfor nothing. f Saljoii,' M^fe." dam, and Mr. a near ,M«, .W*W««V d Mrs] Irving Mc- MasRcna People r. and] Mrs. Ray Gurldy,. of Pote-j of Syracuse. A BAf^GEROrS .TROUBLE , - ^Jefl How to Act 5 - | ' Tpme. , Kidney diseases are very dangeroup. I They come, ,qn, aifently* -gain -ground ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY SAYINGS BANK dgdentnurff, N . %. ' ^ You can do business witfi us fay mail as well as in person. Highest rate of interest paid on de- All deposits free from taxation. , Andrew Irving, President J«me» E. KeDy, Tr««saxer DT. G. C. Madill and Or R. H. Hutchiogf, yipe-IPretidenU Jo*. W. Fleming, Secretary Luccy <t Kellogg, Attprs«afs \ mm* rap|dly, gad' cause thousands ol. deat; "d l a v e ibeen pxeveniied >c|ool otiena KondaL March 6, PfPff ^tmeM in the (besii » anrfno- U i ( , ' Nature gives early warnings of kidm deabiainess trip disease-2ba<:kaehe, twinges of ,toiNoi^hI«awrehceiMondas. Fhen atooi^ Hfians ] Mr aoi Mra. Jjotaa Mou iaw visited an « urinary msoraera. If these ,a; ' * fessem. two days t 0 8 are.ta&eedM, fiiere is.grai j danger of dropsy Or fate! Srigb^a ~ it ease. Doan's Kidney Pills have e ed a reputatlon.lpr their effectiyani in kidney tSoublea, and are known an recommended the world over. Mag- sens. teatamojiy proves ia© merit Doaai'B. Kidney Pflja to our Teaaera. Mra. Emma Gooshaw, Pine Grow Masseaa, says: "I had constant, dull pains in my baolk -over my Mdne and t was m had shape. I gad saver] headaches and .dizpy spells. I had Door appetiie and kept petting worsi My fcfdneya acted too frequently am tbeTddney secretic(ns bothered me. taried a great deal of rnediein^ b finally used' Ooants Kidney Pills, realized from the first that Doan'i Kidney P^Jla were helping ma.ani contanped oise benefited me greafly-" Price othLat all dealers. Don* simply asfc fir a kidney remedy—ge: S osa/a Kidtey P0b—tbp asmet" rs. Gooshaw sad. Posfar-lmlbi Co., Proga., Buffalo, N. Y, jj&dge, Mra. Gei firs, j Mai days ;|a|t week daughter 'it Mr. and Norfolk; stent sisters|, Mr, ' en© r TJawsOj SmajU, tef Bnefher Plate, .ibis aunt, Mrs. L. W. Curtis >Md»Sf' 1 I •' «r. and Mrs. j George Sbiirlow vi3it- e&tS^e^A m Will i^reego at RscketsEi,ver irscently. Mrs.; Silas ]Gadboia, <f Jenkins spent Moiday .with •gesa. Thomas 57hite, of Sunday.with Mr. 'gess. V a ^ e r spisrA a few iith\ Nelson Phelix and sner Palls. Jppaoy, of few days (with Mr. Prashaw recently. Verjnon Clsjain visited John Larue and Mrs, at Plumblrook Sun ClarenceJ were called to Massena the* deatli' of 'fibeir aunt, J. Mousaw, ot -^etjeaeli fat i he r iUiitm on' fa* -fyejn:the Sajt ^iS;ner;4'iHovaa ©*«•-'*••* : to.tSsa l o m e of-Ml sott'-. ojt. : the aesdayof ^ist«i irSfdi&-M#s|ott;ia#|;i Mmfr'!oiar--'fl|i|t' 3ra*s.a*jtts |ccompanle4 by." Sraniqft TM^paoy- ?'jpt. C lake. Praabaw week by Lewis Schroon *' confer* visited A,!- TiMeh, of1 Potsdam, ,e pasl > weljk with < >ld neigh- ,..,.-,^ J • . u >: • • p. and Mrs. i 3. It Haxeltc n and eon ja"r.|and Mrsi. B . S . Tinner ?&r Eoraj-ae has hir«d fo r the Wmp&r«stem tolworlE f«> Robert Kir|ey. s , fe. i ^]&i|E..^,.|4ricolib, of Gan- , w M m v e J e e f visiting their son, :anCw^'retorn5d :home *Sai urday, . -'-Mb.'Hadden,-:!if Pbtsdairi,.! a visiting fciBN ^tighter, i|Crs. Frank Blanchard epublic Motor —__ _—. __ rjr 1— After a tboroagh 'itrvestigatton of the Moto;t Truok p^op : ositioa I have takea the agency Cor the Repapljic Track in St. Lawrence Co. and will keep a complete^ stock oa'l^id at all times. The Rep%r4ic Motor Track Qo. lac, has the largest factory fa the World abd will build :l|,ooo Motor Tracks in 1917, consisting of six different aodels, chassis and bodies tofitevery business. Nearly every business con. cern or farmer could use one of the tracks to gojojl advantage, FULLY GUARANTEED Just Take Notice of these Low Prices 1500 Load capacity &750,' with electric ligt ts, generator, full length top and windshield, bird or pneunj; tju: tires. 2oro Load cap. $1095.00 stake or exprt 3000 " 1275.00 chassis only 4600 " 1675.00 " " 7000 " I 2550-00 M " 10000 " Not advised " " These prices are f. p. b, Alma, Mich., and are v] be advanced in the near future, so if interests/ action is advisable. Write for. catalogue. F." A. SEAVER, Potsdam, | N. Y. body liable to imoii i '•.- > •}•• I " . 1- / ' V* ft f' J '.' S p 1 1 i < 1 1 < 1 t £ t C c c h c h h & h b P w rr tr ir m ai ei t> t: fi: a! bi at n th- f h is hfe fibnM iecentiy , i :a , -me^;^efe'l^ stteetfes.of .the Kings*,Baughters " will- be a "Good JJaya arid: jaister - Beaubi .remaining'! tinje" social: in' Simni6n > s Italll,; Satur- uhtfl.Suaday with their parents on -thftCouiity'lbad,* - .<'.'•••'•: : ;. J .••••;•. ; ".|5ii. : ^;;"|l -.HltchcocKf,. "frobi , '-thft Rajcket, 4*d' Mrs." S5ena» Smith,; front Massena, took dinner Sunday »t the home Of Carl Digaeaa. Mrs. Di£ne*n retained honie with her,mpther; tend the fujieral 'of Ira Hamilton on Monday.-!' ) . ;\',,' A ' The St. )Xxm&(^i River Power Company' have succeeded in break- ing a dbannel' through the ice i with dynamite! froin the ^ead of jlong Sault lalandi to iha .eajaai ktak«j thttt preventing. |he residents who l|ve at tb§ uppe|: end from iasing the! good road the^ had across the ice bridge. Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bell entertained aome of thefl- young friends on Thurs- day evening; each trying to appaar itt *catnme_hra'presenting Martha! and George Washington, , Prhtet foif the best costumes were awarded Miss Bertha Gibson and Samuel Browning, ST., after wihicb. dainty refe®»hJpen& were served. t . '' ' An eveht worthy of mention is that Mr, and Mra> Jerry Willson have beea spared to sea the 60th anniversary of their wedded: life. They are enjoying unusually good health and on that day they received many telephone,;tele- graph and written congratulations, beautiful flowers, presents end several piece* of gold. Our best wishes to day,evening> March-.'•-&•- Everybody -cdrdiaH^'ihvitea. ",,\ •-.'•'.;-;'";,',-:.\.^; •••• Mrs. Frank Boyce spent) with her sister, Mrs. Will Bqyce, 1. Misa Jennia Carroll has returned spending two weeks at home after <3ntar^o.-' , '.' . Mjp. and* Mrs. 1 Henry Atwiater.'.of. Massena, called on friends; on the; Kidge Sunday, , . , Mtw. Geraldine WiHsoa Clark: and- «on Glerm, of Canada west, a*e visit- ing her mother* IM^s. Minnie) W31son and family. ' Mrs. Harry Howard, of Rochester, Is homa helping care for her, toother, Mrs. James Finriegan, who very ill with heart trouble.. t Wttle Girl Had CronK* Kvery mother knpwa and fears croup. Mrs. R. M. Raney, R. P. D.,2, Stan- ford, Ky^ writes* "My little±fM had croup every few 1 nlghta, I began to give bar Foley**, Honey and Tar *nd that night she slept well, never cough- ed any, and the next day her bold waa gone." Relieve* ' coughs and eoTda. Contains co opiates. C L. Fjregoe. •••IHM— Mum '" The world may owe yoa a Bvfng, but ft hat no bosiat** to, «a|an yoa work and earn It. O R D TfE UNIVERSAL! CAR 32d,S17 !. ) Have been built and actually delivered to retail buyers since August 1, 1916. /These figures—320,8i7—represent the actual uumber of cars- manufactured -By-os since August istj 19,16, and delivered by our agents to retail buyeri' i This ttuusual fafl; aric winter denjat»d for Ebrd cars makes it necessary fpr us' to confine^^theldbtriibution of cars only to those agents who have orders for, immediate deiivery v to'retail customers, rathejr that to pertoit any ageut Rostock cars in iauticibatioa of later spring sales.' * . ;iVe are.issuing this nbttee to iuteading buyers that they may protect thettju selves against de^lay of disapppintmeat ia'securing Ford cars. If, therefore, '• ybtt are plaautr^g to parchase a Ford car, we advise you to .place your order ; and.take'"deliy1e%';nW. ;;}",V»; '.:-[ ',.,' r ,'."',<-'' ",'"'•-'" ",.-,''• I Irrimedtate orfeii will; have prompt 1 attention, , ' v \ Dalay iabayiu^atthis time nwy cause"you to w^itseveral months. ' \ Eater yourbrderMiVfor immediate/'-delivery; with our authorized Ford ageat listed below and dWyde disappointed later on. 3 l'•££ ' -' -fc^afM .- 'I R«aabo«t $ 1 « . Taurioj Cw fiSO, Coanelef »S0S Tow* Car IS95, Sedan *6^5,1. &b.Detroii; ^ JFord Motor Company fE. A. HORTON, Agent T Mawau, N. Y^ rit^S : &rKv ^«**"gy»igip.. jjiiJ^UigsMmi^^^^t i^gy^j

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Page 1: aonoc •S Observer Want Ads · ^ay^y^WCTtywflw^ffi^iy}f*.M' ^^BWiBig^ rAei: two •*LESISLATIO •' N Tfl t

^ a y ^ y ^ W C T t y w f l w ^ f f i ^ i y }f*.M' ^ ^ B W i B i g ^

rAei: two • * • '


C U T W 1 J 0 S T ,

km to fepim Mats,

^ ^ ^ p M P "P"

rork city to guard the water supply there, Instead «f thenaUonalKuard, As­semblyman, ghlplacoff, Soeia'ist, was the oniy membffr of that body to volt in the aesattte. Tlie suternor Will ac( upon the proposition shortly.

Another important bill bearing npoa the militia which is to lie acted upon soon by both hou^w is "that of As­semblyman F. h. W-ella, chairman at the assembly military committee, Th? measure has been favorably report>Hl


LOUISVILLE f them is that they may live to enjoy ] j many more years.

/ - *v forces of the state militia! It; increases "^ the fotees of the naval militia from

Mr*. Mary J, Thompson as visiting Alfred Meyer unfunded their mar-• • — - — ' page recently taking everyone by sur­

prise. Miss Waldr'off is the oldest dattgnter'of Mr/, and Mrs. James Wal-flroff and Mr, Meyer is a German by fci;irth, hat a natural! seel American

who lias beer? here several

Miss Mabel Augusta! Waldrmf and {Death of Patrick E. Ifeftnehan, Town's j <

friends at Flackville, Frank; Hodge, of Massena, Was a

called here last week, : James" JDoad and Walter F. Wilson

attended: court at Canton la3t week. Key. W. H. Jago, of Madrid, jras a } * * 2 6 * 1 '

raceni guest at Habere McDowell's., Mrs. Joseph Beliie spent Friday a from eemmittee and .provides for M Z S t y T C JOTS™

eqnoltertta of 'the 'iaW and nava l ]^ 5 t [ «*•**»• D - , , a B r 0 W B afd, fam~

.„A . *. <„ -- . , . . „„..„, „.,..„„ T,.,™ Herbert Wolstenholtp assisted hia

CHIMES i iUim WW ^ ^ ^ ^ SenwnfiW Jut Taxation Would tnm***. *&&?%*• f » e , Kf"ary twtf

O ^ n . . c u „„* I imJ* «,» w , L w wmmiasioala-sv pafeed last year, — l»i«*n** F*** ami Umit ft* Number ggg ^ favorably reported by the mill-ttMintad—If Pa»»«d 3,100 Saloon*


Will B* Ctoied »ndi Numb«p tn AH •&»*«*» Deeraased.

, ..,<IRp*eWCe*Won4»ofci^ Albaidyr, Feb. gT,—legislation to re-

€ « • 1 the-. Sign nrj&ee of food la the principal them*; ^$&txMfafo3tf-me^ turn :t& '•Jte*'.ieork state?* lawmaMng bodies.. Thin subject and-the excise:'Swsi paiamoBafe; bf Asaeinnlynkaa

I: .iDttwure* leatwek af th4 B&nfflMi ti<W that tlie Ste«tat:«a3' £1U Isas IreeidlspeBed a t

JMfteipbljananf-Joseph M, Gallahas ©waocrattc leader of the lower liouse,

t«ry commJttea w& wtii be debated, shortly,, tthe amendment proposed by Mx„ Welsh gives the. military ,tr«inin,g|

:.camtolssion power' tfr classify aa J»cei*-i tag irafciiog bb$* who «ra bjBtng;gifaa jvpeattonai; iuSthicUon .or . who *r« Warning, professions. - ;*-. .,{,; v . -

A measure of ;uhnsaaliimportaac« fc eflucattonal drcies'la that tntrodnced

, tor HaUffiay;'' *MS "creates "the' Ifown shtp; i^8t»m # •ptibtia J^eBadls. Bha bill provides that'nere^fte| i n orfler eonsblidapng? two or m re school idis"

b w pweented a foods androarfcets toffll ^ % ^ ^ ^ ^ M ^ ^ - ^ \ i S t

Hi hia party; beiie,T« fa> ^ttietforhtw tbe prappBal advanced by, the Wlc-'® *efektiT* committee ka4>|5fefcttcn;SaJibe* fo«s the legisiatnrjs. m bi& fomi. -• Aa-j»fciblynam oatjahan tMakV that the«f • w ^ o many opportunities-for p^trD% age ia-iha Wicks camimlt^ee-pian.'aiiS' la art iiacJcward iti making, that belief jiaia. ! 1 -ru-.,'-!-- -.-.".

W«lrrt« #5^000, 00 SpwS- sjiHtk1 iff. jBtadei the plan devis^^iby (iss^B-

of.t&e'jeJteeiajrajof: .each I "9fii© biff does "ttot Incte

, _ . affected. to ifaeveo^ii;

ha,TW«r% pop^tk#aa. vt ISK> -of t^kce. •'&i*'iSB^%TJng,t*tt"ain^' fifee*clioip{ diatricta niaiaiaintog a«|deailc depart-

• tfie-attfe' J* Jd»)liahjeft-!§ylt*ift-'Wtt* v;Ott*;

. ««|y» | ^ a i t a ; # ^ - ^ 6 p d , . J i ! . i ( r ' » i l l • m ••&&'. mioMsmw m •i$c&8mi:$&. Bca^/iJaj^oaeA-igfn* 'iH|aaaa»',na«;ei» ^ a w a CMahaaand,«etJn^^ia.fcU, f maotaem^:"4*: th*'ittote' d^atsaent

te tew introdueedf a 6onH;|sa|st'P?t $ i ^ : « f t n U l N t an*;*!.


«w*«*4S,o0Clt!00 i s ' p r o v i i l t S r i i ^ t t*t#f# davoiedito t33e,acqnMMd»i'Coa ^traction and control of Jmn^BaJUpatr. \*t» in fthe Jta%^ W ^ Ujjfe; ; g ^ ,

^ konda *re to stuj1 ftr a, i ^ ^ s O f A . arwu* and to bear £& per cjent Intefesl 93J« jneasore furttjer proiidea; for aa «e««tolB« th^mtoflte pf teminai1«6t: kata antf appTyr&g fejft % # e y « p o &

j a * ^taiaHW-daa*tl#|«te-4 *- Crecfc % » l o ftSfeflbflE^f '•yT%' . "

At)»emlJlypiaa CWlaftaa'Is. «*jB8ttow to l i e bffi of the Wickscomsiittee-ia, tb*t it s left;, oatamaJi «$&4$%dt£a$k» lo 'projlpe terminaf; m M , « S # W " •«wt saaft 1» Borgej by tS%.<ft% Me , _ ^ says tot si fettfe&mr S a S ^ a i ala- 2Ef eettJjf & a » a ip xeduc^ £tfe.£gat a % ^ , , Htlj^r hrjswnlar gwre am^ttegBSrei ap« ' ^ g S l«Wriat^cin tatt|ie sts.t^,p0^^^ex%^^'

botltlionaes, ! i '

•( -Ke-f. sfad Jfas.!?*' E.-E<»e-W *** Ceitf&ig c6»gra;tu%tioa8 pvez )jix9 •*?». rivaLpf^%^,S'ebrt^^;-£6si ;"-.»•;'

•Sfejf. 3|BeSiae2 '• .ffallea, • ;«af. f <Jiaaa Mills',, a t ^ d e 4 •nj.iss fierfe SundaS'aSd .JWJM a^aejr'guest a t J> P. Jpaudts.:' j

<XSA* ipdta^ef,; inf JSaywandyiJIe; J, E. £i|er,kad ,Clwle*,r.F»lrbank4 of •C3taiM-Jt^*t*ara^^^^ttca4»y«''-•.: 'sS^|iaa3ri?S«fc •'©^rian, •*€•'. ?ofa-5a»t7 Nbimal* *tt | , fesife- ®Uff^":, ^ ^foriam -Mgn.achftpT, were aome- ever,

""••"- ^'^'i&.XSwfej. X8& a o i t , d otoi|%srfe gaelrf* fif-Jwe Gny. WilsaOjf 2pjnpaaJ

Jflseph l^eada

tmSerM li&TSoS! Jtcalap»fi

_.J6£«ft,.,( - r „ „ aateniBty"; ;She«6 weii, <

,*f fooiaajaiitf 3Barketa-T ' t «

«uBai^er D i f t o a j s ^ a o d a e f c ; « o t ^ a * . | S ^ k * w « e «

124^*, 3»at fletoartm^l, tea. ^®ft-, ^ ^ , , . . . T ^ »,.-j&.^^' JEUbr«5 Tte v ^ h t f t l S l w ^ ^ of t f t l , ""f** , ¥ itflfti|rpposed:,^ar, (P^Bart'i}qr^afe^ryt*ffife&'!ha8

Aaeembiyjaan c^aaan, daSasiea, i to8fes.-I^Blatnr^ia5aai^[: ^ 4N»eJii«aCh»ilise«ta(©e6a«fc««^ •» a^r3i^«eatu*eW; aniaf'i

,-aaie committee <j%taxa«iottief tiie) S o i i s f i j^et '^ ."tlt^-ceisoffa^enf afiBnSi i-enate-naai introdnced one is$Wje^amst; •HrUfel»%tB f^tif&a ^wjsx^lsaa^ut Imporiatofe in$&mekhF1^$^m. v f i f ! £ •&!!{& W%$ .r^&#«^te{ «W * »




"'4 am wcoa-


J *

scu&e^a^efipingTeMnges tn the excise] drug feuslttesa"- to- $ e a: _v3ancf4ffid4Baa JtojriEfteaa -file ttt&mtwi tagmimhS K «t#<ient«

• f Sie Sambei- of Mfo&as itt M e s a f e ! catft» <t* to 'di^beea ^ ana a » increastpg, <of the. JicenaeB of i -dieted; 4», fDbejteaae-, | |hoae^^Mc'a•1eenlafii.', ' - * : ' > 5 '•••**• iwwjE&e&^-Y-'1 •* ,,f'

-, j a dt;es i*e$nee» few.,OMi^Bia'mOQ&| Afl^piaai^iinea-oiBlow -ianabjtants theilBcpeased-firtoB tqf o ^ajpstt^jfatjnithat

4 £ fchens Ijetwlea' ^ « » f « l | f - $ & » • ' ^ ^ ^ ^ f f l a W f e n i j^tftr^e&e&lfatiaailaT^isteof <P«f pmafiBa®s3Bi«isi

s f ^ ; f t a W l s ^ 7 3 Q a t * a ^ a ^ t o ^J#^WctfoBaat<

"t»T«a*f^^to>fI,C^isMpJfal^'*aa - M ^ s s e a dijeafiy be repassed ta pay $ $ & ,. JUl *ta«r :tapft&^(l.l^ejitti « p i .

Tf»}MI fiafhe^ p^OTddeg-esatfe «!l :' *»ttear tow^asiajid c;faas<noafi8i8S$^.ia3»l ••# toMtanfa tBera ahaflS-be fsaoe«-«a ©efc ' a l r ^ o ^ ^ d b i a ^ a e IftdHJ I « x t <ffldy x>ne license te-eseery- 500 -akFlaSuV aAdtiif; legls*" JnhaWJanta,, SCWs wia.je4Bce^»3ism»-| ' ' '• ' •••--•-"- -bar flgt lljefensea I v ^ S P ^ S s S f e ^ t C B

it eff keep 'tS"Of«ar fetes ad treatment

ttigationthp djagievilfis

' J"M

of -zxi6d>

oda wnlch

the iOf • many

ft l .-. tin

^l^^mlSi Ithat'-te'lifeibe

It ma-fcea it juap^tejbletga* 3HB$ wholesale; dealera ^liSHpSPla". loons &y aisignmentjbf Uc^pa^sa>#e*' -enrlty. B?|iera/iis .£tecl a pro^i&S^lnW' town* tnay adept ^ l n d t ^ n ^ ^ p ^ i «&«s and may close; any«pi^fe :^ i& •objeetioniable to a ccmnSa^a^i'^Mil *noffier provlstan fe Ktadajifociai^Itrtlia' tar on. iiftnor s a f e so f<pal| 'feffe '*it-dealer 6as sold liquor fifteen tlniea the Toltaae of W» Vknsos^ri^4^^S^^--per oeat of fee gross saJeJef?^ jNx^jS; ^

Sfayars; «f citiee may name^ a. eent>. passion af three disinter^alea"iSSJaesiq, wlio may i>e sampowe^e^jWitteau^erl-*y ta eay wlWafi. Hcenae s^SjaiMaadif

The Ropkaway Baa^Bf i ip^^ .^ A dwrcrment of tmusaii laipdrtanee

has- beeaj tran)smitte4 to the legislaturfe fiy the .governor, whO' has: »eftt 1$ an

• «anergency awssaga orging, the isioati-©ata jaaaagd of f&a jnieaaure tot^-fluted by' Senator Blon B, Brown, Triflch grants to the state aununary power to aondemn, antf ael» land* at Far Rockaway far public defense pur­poses, Th* governor called attenBo* to ti»e fAct that Rbtinng but the ax-igency which jexiatad had cauaed hint to write the eniergency message The meesure was: promptly passed irhen the document from the axecutive chamber jwas received,

The Bockawsy Beach bill baa been a matter for wide publicity and^diacua-skxn for the past two weeks. It waa said that ther* wai a joltar ia %

An emergency deficiency aoorooria-tion WU carrying |l,3u0,000 is now be. ftjre,both houses for action. Qf th« uaoobt asked |8l?,06g.'338 is to be di Tided among the prisons, the hospital* and the charitable institutions of th« state and represents what tbes* insti tations must have t o . carry than tteoogh the fiscal year. It appear* tfeat since the eattnuitea were made tor the year Wld tb» prtesa of clothing f M , food and supplies of evary kind •*y» advanced mafceriaUy.

T%« Emargsney Pofioc WbBa a* lagislatnra took op * a

faal passage the bill providing for t Asrea of emergency pollca fop Ito*

ai di p


:a« ''%jfli:l>* a'bea*ldd bejtoiie, t$Ji^ ^sinniirlet.'Oij a^rlealfcute' food|;' aM-'Wa^ete^Wlir-iai '©te 3%kai ;%g»lat ve/.';cMai affljt l i^Mrli ' pCaf^o^JdtKi» # WotiK appear] asad ceilala tegiajtatdisi are in doubC a^tto tts.paai sage wlthbut amendment- j It fe these] fore qialtet'liftely that't&e maaaare wffll be-ajteraot beforat a<?ee0e4[, >-.••' -, '^ru

and efficient freatment may be evolved

Vheto. liqaor ,tex licenses ai» ae*t is- „ aned, ^Wa will^iean tbmimet!? <a^faVe&ffiffi&tt,ltsoi

Jamestown amd Onebnfca," tnarlwdV reduction of Ute%ea*,4$ia es,-

" -timated 'that Stbdafrl l&W$^^L*m%*i* ^OOO-ioyms-mliUif affefifiilS

fcnothe?: feature] of -%b#:

Ec%l linlniane. fplm M:



years. After March 1 they 'Will live at the home of Tom Brmnom We -&£-t?n& oar best f ishes for a. fiappy T*ed»

ArHoa A. Tjtkatt wis taken w m - r a ^ f e ^ c e m t j , e machuifi shops/of

Leading Business' Man. j At his residence in Brasher Falls, I

on Saturday, February £4, at X0,'.3f p.; m., occurred the death- of Patrick Edward Kehnehae.'isfter: .an.- illness of, many weeks, Mn born in Qsnabrpok,; Onti, April 1848. :. He Brasher ;.Falls; With, his parents, while yet; a' sftjiall;| boy - and was educated,in tha. publjc scnools. He" served'three years as ap-"

Kenneaan was -j 26, j f

You Can, Always! | S*va itt

f^'asf,'! Wm2o'.' per eeiit

- t+t Jbe-: ' LEViNE .STORK;


Just Follow tib Gro#d

M k %or Casa

(joup'jns Wnea

Tracing • a t thfl



pletaly by e u r ^ e Friday evening xiSvis & Company, .then went:, to when.sixty relatives a i d friends aa- j ^ j g : j y ^ fap, where he worlved-sembbJd at thfe -M TaJcott home,.jM; journeyman':.;^machimst one year,

birthday arid sTeeinghv. bad been - ao.^pr.-b&sett at Brasher Falls in 1$173 glood they had made $be famotK. birth- * a s a manufacturer of aEricultural ma-1

tended Thursday ^ and sold: it #gaod price.-. •'•'••:~\t f • " -. f°P°> **#? ^ made jnei ramotK , I « B , ^ a s a manufacturer of agricultural ma

Mr*. 3|yroh Be«ksted i» apemdliig a .:$*? «»*» ^ h f W d l e ^•eax^.of^tt-I^^nefy. ,H e b a | a foundry, machine wee» ! wife'ber daughter. -Mrk. Will S4 years. He iva* askel t»y<mt i t ai- sb.bp,raiid a wood working plant, to AlexsindeFandfamily. . . [. -- :" ^ a ^ ^ n M g r t b ? b ^ a ^ t . c o l o r ^ a timig;be was in partnership unfer * Farmei are: mucfc handlqapjped; fal *s "-"?!«f «n,d g f j 6 1 a P?(^-.°? -!-' °: a - f the iirm qasie pf Uishaw & Kennehaia. gettlite up tbab?:annaal' ;!auip]y . o l 1 ? 1 * 8 ^ ¥*** *? e Tefwsmuents were In iS78,the piaat was entirely dps-

ttcfe '..gK«a -"by -Hrv and Hra.

ige sciiool opened •'.! tt^raiap/of M&ise1

^ Jai8 ^::||o1Ja'-''8Befit6 | » '^ip>%SHofid8;;-.

Tjel'BeJipe yettcow

O n '


Jay<jf Utit' ; were reel'

'jam anis of


I t o . A|fr6d S$eyer;aw ra­the 1ftj6.mas Branfien farm

Myers aldruff.

Snsb J

o<J ^a'-tjte"'Hearsj'S !0j^itf4-#?&8fi#lSl"

tbelr. wresfle Jfo Mm, " lett4

pffc&ofedf%is broiJHer*8 to! B, G. Er#n'- and lajnuy-

cut at ^ o d , i a &>ori

.'The ator*'<


G. t^;|^lsse?8 Bifisa; Hazel

Rtalobi We&M d*y.l- «'Ii '1/

Hj. S..Jftfe)

dam; weTe uiicle'sj J~

'Mr: 'and .tie


m&ib'. sS-loa^repsespil-'e trip. . family:'are BIOV-

Mr.-Cfeier'will business^ [baling *-*••- ' glare,

h a # |

i here] $ived.f



to atop.


return'jagani^ Tutted to mention

to the r and fin-fib; snratic c

ary 16 w3iic|j. e.par&|«a®e.

ana ' Oleaciler and-ifc fs) Ii0 3&3



eft Ear taaaia!

: € ^ [ ^ 4vine i

itvise, bare


I Has* raday

r.feies! ank

dele, Amoa @nbs«j Si ome at -Ostta-

i ^ i

m Mtt-|Sr%««sa| •eeilttijpo&l

i j p 'fejcesiplB «a:



S?«.-1ier« Wi'

'.;aj!i|l efil-'Sie-fJ M&"».'"'


' HEJJSBTA' : •;.-."•-••.•! - Mass Kate Cottar spent,WedJies4*y with friendain ISiassena. ••},.

.Missea Grace and Gettrade, Kally wera'bomafjfoni St. JosephJal academy over the week end. •

Mr; and Mrs. H, A. Iia^try, of Ma-s lone, spant {-Sunday in town with, Mr. and Mr*. W» A. Nowland.! : Mils Kate Burns* of Sy**ens«t h the guest of her parents, tat. and Mrs. Walter Burns, *t this placa.

Mrs. Joan Prashaw spent aeveral days last useek In Massena with her parents,.Mr. and Mrs. Levi ISuenell,

The Hogansburg young people pre­sented the|r }lay, 'Tbe Mistake of a Nighty at Halena ial l Mflindayf even-< tog and everybody was pleased "Mtb It

John Santimaw and Misa Orma White were married at Brasher Fall* Monday by Rev Fattier Crawley. Mr. Santimaw is a prosperous; farmer of our town and Mrs. SaniamaW bas been a successful teacher for the pant two year*. *iCb b; many frienda extend beat wishes and congratulations.

W&wjt jft* doctor presents H» bill, you and I eaa learn the diffaranca b«-twsen « colli aad ta« grip.




. , af-. Thursday with.'

Eicaarda. n. and Walter:

a, apenii the vte ffirmer/a^^areata,

• i'fr

other! Relatives; •€6tfffl% anfl tkwm iisif&g'

a , Beaste «u&.,


js^rvedjitha-ti."ajSras ol]i-:onien, each niuat i0ie>-#-p|eaa, ^heiit good.healtb andl prospefflty,would I a bis .for an­other year.. ^jcbael $b sets presented 3|i&. WfiOtij ,wjt{4--a':»^o. ,of .money from w frieijda and Requested binv iji. V ptaf«Ha«e;#j^i>inforlt|kble" jockflig «iaJr;t(> reat jajbeiida tifft warm, *oay fire, after the labors of the day were

- Yea; w i l l riot, be led astray. . They are' all tin the • way to

; T H E jbl??,.", S T O R E , w&ere; every;; dep'af£tQ|nt i s filled

, right wp with -?W-. gp-;ds you wapt arid at the PRICE" .VOU

W A N T T O i P A ¥ , wh ich meaos at all t imes Goods of Equal

Value with of any pthe^f store are: always sol^ for Less M o n e y .

S T O R E . If yoti carroot visit .as today at

,*t.he,n call us up, Phpre i i 7 - J , a n d g e t

posted: on our prices,

invest igate .

At le^st, it wil l cost y<ju nothing to

3 0 E J 0 C IQC3QEC aonoc 3 0 C 3 0 I •S

.The atar* d^rawmg is 1| mm id by for the

Jdrivint rouiid far

ive & dinneg

« of Pots* •tJther'a. s a guest at

of !ait week. ellengtlr went to

ry returning Satur-

and wife; were the " Mrs. O, J. Murray

E ^ u f Pots-

itearns and jp|ent Fxiaaj

P. '& -,

sahi \ht conven Stc cjbholm, will

Marcl 10, 1917. relumed from

ackson ThurBdlay. i) aon spent

and wife attended a t Sj acuse part * he.purcaas-

troyed byiflre bnfc was immediately ire-built. Since the year 1893 Mr. Ee«-nehan was aple proprietor and as| a result of :hia tireless energy and 4a-

Observer Want Ads Pay igrow, He.wfes an honorable and con-1 scientious man, a member of $xe For- j esters;, and a Knight Of Columbus. He f served as secretary of the Democrat­ic County Committee and aa chair­man of life town committee for many years. He represented bis party ffe-quently as a delegate to nominating conventions; and was a delegate to She startej.convention that nominatjed Governor iFlower. He also served las postmaster at Brasher * Falls. insiTiedU41e*earber 28, 1815; Annie"|J. B.utler, daughter of-John and £1 Butler. He ia survived by hisiwidi ana son George P., of WintbrOp, tfro 4aughters> Miss Marion, of yionkers, N. Y., and Misa Mabel E., where; at the family home in Brasher Fall also one brother, Bernard J. Ke: ban, and six sisters, Mrs. Hi ,-Andew, and Mrs. M. £M Haley, Maasena, Mrs. W; C Butler, of Brask-er F;alls, Miss Kate Kennehan, of Wdw

visitors at her.,York, Mrs. George Hicke, Lake City, end Mra. Haley, of Brownville, JM., Y. death, of KMr. a shadow pv;er. the whole co. Funeral services were . held at Patrick's church on Tuesday, Fel ary 27, at 10:30 a, m., Rev. F; Ctibwley officiating.

Trouble ia about the, easiest thing you can.getfor nothing. • f

Saljoii,' M fe." dam, and Mr.

a near ,M«,I£.W*W««V •

d Mrs] Irving Mc- MasRcna People r. and] Mrs. Ray

Gurldy,. of Pote-j of Syracuse.


, - ^Jefl How to Act 5 - | ' Tpme. , Kidney diseases are very dangeroup.

I They come, ,qn, aifently* -gain -ground

ST. LAWRENCE COUNTY SAYINGS BANK • dgdentnurff , N . %. '

^ You can do business witfi us fay mail as well as in person.

Highest rate of interest paid on de-

All deposits free from taxation. , Andrew Irving, President J«me» E. KeDy, Tr««saxer

DT. G. C. Madill and Or R. H. Hutchiogf, yipe-IPretidenU Jo*. W. Fleming, Secretary Luccy <t Kellogg, Attprs«afs



rap|dly, gad' cause thousands ol. deat; "d lave ibeen pxeveniied

>c |oo l otiena KondaL March 6, • PfPff ^ t m e M in the (besii » anrfno- U i ( , ' Nature gives early warnings of kidm

deabia iness trip disease-2ba<:kaehe, twinges of ,toiNoi^hI«awrehceiMondas. Fhen a t o o i ^ o» Hfians ]

Mr a o i Mra. Jjotaa Mou iaw visited a n « urinary msoraera. If these ,a; ' * fessem. two days t0™8 are.ta&eedM, fiiere is.grai

j danger of dropsy Or fate! Srigb^a ~ it ease. Doan's Kidney Pills have e

ed a reputatlon.lpr their effectiyani in kidney tSoublea, and are known an recommended the world over. Mag-sens. teatamojiy proves ia© merit Doaai'B. Kidney Pflja to our Teaaera.

Mra. Emma Gooshaw, Pine Grow Masseaa, says: "I had constant, dull pains in my baolk -over my Mdne and t was m had shape. I gad saver] headaches and .dizpy spells. I had Door appetiie and kept petting worsi My fcfdneya acted too frequently am tbeTddney secretic(ns bothered me. taried a great deal of rnediein^ b finally used' Ooants Kidney Pills, realized from the first that Doan'i Kidney P Jla were helping ma.ani contanped oise benefited me greafly-"

Price othLat all dealers. Don* simply asfc f i r a kidney remedy—ge:

Sosa/a Kidtey P0b—tbp asmet" rs. Gooshaw sad. Posfar-lmlbi

Co., Proga., Buffalo, N. Y,

jj&dge, Mra. Gei

firs, j Mai days ;|a|t week daughter 'it

Mr. and Norfolk; stent

sisters|, Mr, ' en©r TJawsOj

SmajU, tef Bnefher Plate, .ibis aunt, Mrs. L. W. Curtis >Md»Sf' 1 I •'

« r . and Mrs. j George Sbiirlow vi3it-e&tS^e^A m Will i^reego at RscketsEi,ver irscently.

Mrs.; Silas ]Gadboia, <f Jenkins spent Moiday .with •gesa. Thomas 57hite, of

Sunday.with Mr. 'gess.

Va^er spisrA a few iith\ Nelson Phelix and sner Palls.

Jppaoy, of few days (with Mr.

Prashaw recently. Verjnon Clsjain visited John Larue and Mrs, at Plumblrook Sun ClarenceJ

were called to Massena the* deatli' of 'fibeir aunt,

J. Mousaw, ot -^etjeaeli

fat i he riUiitm


fa* -fyejn:the Sajt

^iS;ner;4'iHovaa ©*«•-'*••* : to.tSsa lome of-Ml

sott'-. ojt.: the aesdayof ^ist«i irSfdi&-M#s|ott;ia#|;i

Mmfr'!oiar--'fl|i|t' 3ra*s.a*jtts |ccompanle4 by." Sraniqft

TM^paoy-?'jpt. C

l a k e .

Praabaw week by


Schroon *' confer*


A,!- TiMeh, of 1 Potsdam, ,e pasl > weljk with < >ld neigh-

, . . , . - , ^ J • . u >: • •

p. and Mrs. i 3. I t Haxeltc n and eon ja"r.|and Mrsi. B . S . Tinner

?&r Eoraj-ae has hir«d fo r the Wmp&r«stem tolworlE f«> Robert Kir|ey.s

, f e . i ^]&i |E . .^ , . | 4r i co l ib , of Gan-, w M m v e J e e f visiting their son,

:anCw^'retorn5d :home *Sai urday, . -'-Mb.'Hadden,-:!if Pbtsdairi,.! a visiting fciBN ^tighter, i|Crs. Frank Blanchard

epublic Motor —__ _—. __ rjr 1—

After a tboroagh 'itrvestigatton of the Moto;t Truok p^op:

ositioa I have takea the agency Cor the Repapljic Track in St. Lawrence Co. and will keep a complete^ stock oa'l^id at all times. The Rep%r4ic Motor Track Qo. lac , has the largest factory fa the World abd will build :l|,ooo Motor Tracks in 1917, consisting of six different aodels, chassis and bodies to fit every business. Nearly every business con. cern or farmer could use one of the tracks to gojojl advantage,


Just Take Notice of these Low Prices 1500 Load capaci ty &750,' wi th electric l igt ts , generator,

full length top and windshield, b i r d or pneunj; tju: t ires. 2oro Load cap. $1095.00 s take or exprt 3000 " 1275.00 chassis on ly 4600 " 1675.00 " " 7000 " I 2550-00 M "

10000 " Not advised " " These prices are f. p. b, Alma, Mich., and are v]

be advanced in the near future, so if interests/ action is advisable. Write for. catalogue.

F." A. SEAVER, Potsdam, | N. Y.


liable to imoii


' • . -



I " .

1 -/ • '



f' J '.' S






1 1

< 1 t £

t C


c h c h h & h

b P

w rr tr ir

m ai ei t> t:

fi: a! bi






is hfe fibnM iecentiy , i:a

,-me^;^efe'l^ stteetfes.of .the Kings*,Baughters " will- be a "Good

JJaya arid: jaister - Beaubi .remaining'! tinje" social: in' Simni6n>s Italll,; Satur-uhtfl.Suaday with their parents on -thftCouiity'lbad,* - .<'.'•••'•::;.J.••••;•. ; ".|5ii.:^;;"|l -.HltchcocKf,. "frobi,'-thft Rajcket, 4*d' Mrs." S5ena» Smith,; front Massena, took dinner Sunday »t the home Of Carl Digaeaa. Mrs. Di£ne*n retained honie with her,mpther;­tend the fujieral 'of Ira Hamilton on Monday.-!' ) . • ;\',,' A '

The St. )Xxm&(^i River Power Company' have succeeded in break­ing a dbannel' through the ice i with dynamite! froin the ^ead of j long Sault lalandi to iha .eajaai ktak«j thttt preventing. |he residents who l|ve at tb§ uppe|: end from iasing the! good road the^ had across the ice bridge.

Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Bell entertained aome of thefl- young friends on Thurs­day evening; each trying to appaar itt *catnme_hra'presenting Martha! and George Washington, , Prhtet foif the best costumes were awarded Miss Bertha Gibson and Samuel Browning, ST., after wihicb. dainty refe®»hJpen& were served. t . '' '

An eveht worthy of mention is that Mr, and Mra> Jerry Willson have beea spared to sea the 60th anniversary of their wedded: life. They are enjoying unusually good health and on that day they received many telephone,;tele­graph and written congratulations, beautiful flowers, presents end several piece* of gold. Our best wishes to

day,evening> March-.'•-&•- Everybody -cdrdiaH^'ihvitea. ",,\ •-.'•'.;-;'";, ',-:.\ .^; ••••

Mrs. Frank Boyce • spent) with her sister, Mrs. Will Bqyce, 1. Misa Jennia Carroll has returned

spending two weeks at home after <3ntar^o.-', '.' .

Mjp. and* Mrs.1 Henry Atwiater.'.of. Massena, called on friends; on the; Kidge Sunday, , . ,

Mtw. Geraldine WiHsoa Clark: and-«on Glerm, of Canada west, a*e visit­ing her mother* IM s. Minnie) W31son and family. ' •

Mrs. Harry Howard, of Rochester, Is homa helping care for her, toother, Mrs. James Finriegan, who i» very ill with heart trouble.. t

Wttle Girl Had CronK* Kvery mother knpwa and fears croup.

Mrs. R. M. Raney, R. P. D.,2, Stan­ford, Ky^ writes* "My little±fM had croup every few1 nlghta, I began t o give bar Foley**, Honey and Tar *nd that night she slept well, never cough­ed any, and the next day her bold waa gone." Relieve* ' coughs and eoTda. Contains co opiates. C L. Fjregoe.

• • • I H M — Mum '" " »

The world may owe yoa a Bvfng, but ft hat no bosiat** to, «a |an yoa work and earn It.


32d,S17 !. )

H a v e been bui l t and actual ly delivered to retail buyers s ince August 1, 1916. / T h e s e f igures—320,8i7—represent the actual uumber of cars- manufactured

-By-os since August istj 19,16, and delivered by our agents to retail buyeri' i This ttuusual fafl; aric winter denjat»d for Ebrd cars makes it necessary fpr us' to confine^ theldbtriibution of cars only to those agents who have orders for, immediate deiiveryvto'retail customers, rathejr that to pertoit any ageut Rostock cars in iauticibatioa of later spring sales.' * .

;iVe are.issuing this nbttee to iuteading buyers that they may protect thettju selves against de lay of disapppintmeat ia'securing Ford cars. If, therefore,

'• ybtt are plaautr^g to parchase a Ford car, we advise you to .place your order ;and.take'"deliy1e%';nW. ;;}",V»; '.:-[ ',.,'r ,'."',<-'' ",'"'•-'" ",.-,''• I Irrimedtate orfeii will; have prompt1 attention, , ' v \ Dalay iabayiu^atthis time nwy cause"you to w^itseveral months. ' \ Eater yourbrderMiVfor immediate/'-delivery; with our authorized Ford ageat listed below and dWyde disappointed later on. 3 l'•££ ' -' -fc afM

.- ' I

R«aabo«t $ 1 « . Taurioj Cw fiSO, Coanelef »S0S Tow* Car IS95, Sedan *6^5,1. &b.Detroii; ^ JFord Motor Company

fE. A . HORTON, Agent T M a w a u , N. Y^

rit^S :&rKv ^«**"gy»igip..

jjiiJ^UigsMmi^^^^t i^gy^j