ap chapter 08 part 2

America Secedes from the Empire 1775-1783 American Pageant Chapter 08part two

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Page 1: AP Chapter 08 Part 2

America Secedes from the


American Pageant Chapter 08— part two

Page 2: AP Chapter 08 Part 2

The Colonial War Becomes a Wider War

„ American Revolution = multipower world war

„ France v. England 1778

„ Spain v. England 1779

„ Holland v. England 1779

„ Spanish + French fleets > British fleet

„ 1778-1783 France provided:

„ Guns, $, equipment, & ½ of regular forces

Marquis de Lafayette in the American Revolution

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The Colonial War Becomes a Wider War

„ Consequences:

„ British evacuate Philadelphia

„ Monmouth—battle indecisive but 1/3 of Hessians deserted

„ Washington hems in British in NY area

Marquis de Lafayette in the American Revolution

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Blow & Counterblow

„ 1780

„ Comte de Rochambeau arrives w/6000 French Troops

„ Benedict Arnold turns traitor for commission & £6,300

„ West Point

„ Plot discovered

„ George Washington “Who can we trust now?”

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Blow & Counterblow

„ Southern Campaign„ British focus—more Loyalists

„ 1778-1779—Georgia overrun

„ 1780--Charleston„ Big U.S. loss--5000 men & 400


„ 1780-81—King’s Mountain & Cowpens—U.S. Victory

„ 1781—Carolina Campaign„ Nathaniel Greene

„ Delay, stand, retreat

„ Exhausted CornwallisNathaniel Greene—The fighting Quaker with a limp, also knonw as one of Washington’s most trusted officers

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Land Frontier & Sea Frontier

„ British “hair buyers”—bounties for American scalps

„ Mohawk Chief Joseph Brant

„ Anglican convert

„ Stop American expansion west

„ 1779—American forces stopped

„ 1784—Iroquois forced to sign Treaty of Fort Stanwix

„ Ceded most of their land

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Land Frontier & Sea Frontier

„ 1778-1779

„ Illinois country

„ George Rogers Clark

„ “Surprise!”--seized British forts—Ohio river

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Land Frontier & Sea Frontier

„ Infant Navy

„ John Paul Jones

„ Destroyed British merchant ships

„ Privateers

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Yorktown & the Final Curtain

„ 1780-1781—Dark Period„ Inflation, bankrupt government, mutinous army

„ Yorktown:„ French Admiral de Grasse

„ French General Rochambeau

„ George Washington

„ British General Cornwallis„ Left VA for Yorktown

„ Cornered

„ Surrendered October 19, 1781

„ Fighting lasted another year

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Yorktown & the Final Curtain

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Peace at Paris

„ British„ Loses in India & West Indies

„ Lord North replaced by Whig ministry

„ Americans: „ Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, John Jay

„ Instructed—no peace w/o French

„ John Jay proceeds anyway

„ French:„ Wanted “weak” America

„ But relieved to get out of war & promises to Spanish

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Peace at Paris


„ Treaty of Paris 1783„ Independence recognized

„ Generous boundaries„ Trans-Appalachian area

„ Motive--keep U.S. away from French allies

„ Recommend to not take loyalist property

„ Pay debts to British creditors

„ (Last two—not followed through by Americans)

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A New Nation Legitimized